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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dye/Semiconductor Interfaces : An Electron Spectroscopic Study of Systems for Solar Cell and Display Applications

Westermark, Karin January 2001 (has links)
The properties relevant for electron transfer processes between dye molecules and semiconductor substrates, titanium dioxide (TiO2) and zinc oxide (ZnO), have been studied by means of photoelectron spectroscopy, PES, near edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy, NEXAFS, and resonant photoemission, RPES. For dye-sensitized solar cells, the currently used dyes are ruthenium polypyridine complexes adsorbed to the semiconductor via carboxyl linker groups. A series of such complexes has been investigated, and the most efficient dye so far, cis-bis(4,4'-dicarboxy-2,2'-bipyridine)-bis(isothiocyanato)ruthenium(II), RuL'2(NCS)2, was studied in more detail. The results revealed a high content of thiocyanate orbitals in the highest occupied molecular orbital, HOMO, of this complex, which partly explains its efficiency in the solar cell. The thiocyanate ligands were found to be highly influenced by the substrate when the dye is adsorbed onto ZnO, which is not the case for the corresponding TiO2 system. A bridge bonding between TiO2 and the L' ligand was proposed, where the carboxyl groups are deprotonated and all oxygens interact with surface titanium ions. For ZnO, the results indicate a different bonding geometry, involving protonated carboxyl groups. For the display system a dye molecule, which shifts color upon electrochemical treatment, was adsorbed on TiO2 and studied in its reduced and oxidized states. The major electronic difference between the two states was shown to occur on the nitrogen atom. In addition, a reversible photoreduction process during the measurements was observed.

Preparation and analysis of crosslinked lignocellulosic fibers and cellulose nanowhiskers with poly(methyl-vinyl ether co maleic acid) â " polyethylene glycol to create novel water absorbing materials

Goetz, Lee Ann 13 November 2012 (has links)
The search for cellulosic based products as a viable alternative for petroleum-based products was the impetus for covalently crosslinking lignocellulosic fibers and nanocellulose whiskers with poly(methyl vinyl ether) co maleic acid (PMVEMA) - polyethylene glycol (PEG). The lignocellulosics used were ECF bleached softwood (pine) and ECF bleached birch kraft pulp. This thesis also tests the hypothesis that water absorption and retention can be improved by grafting PMVEMA-PEG to the surface of ECF bleached kraft pulp hardwood and softwood fibers via microwave initiated crosslinking. The crosslinking of the PMVEMA to hardwood and softwood kraft ECF bleached pulp fibers resulted in enhanced water absorbing pulp fibers where the PMVEMA is grafted onto the surface of the fibers. The crosslinking was initiated both thermally and via microwave irradiation and the water absorption and water retention was measured as the percent of grafted PMVEMA. This was the first application of microwave crosslinking of pulp fibers with the goal of creating water absorbing pulp fibers. Ultimately, the water absorption values ranged from 28.70 g water per g dry crosslinked pulp fiber (g/g) to 230.10 g/g and the water retention values ranged from 26% to 71% of the water retained that was absorbed by the crosslinked pulp fibers. The microwave initiated crosslinked fibers had comparable results to the thermally crosslinked fibers with a decreased reaction time, from 6.50 min (thermal) to 1 min 45 sec (microwave). Cellulose nanowhiskers, crystalline rods of cellulose, have been investigated due to their unique properties, such as nanoscale dimensions, low density, high surface area, mechanical strength, and surface morphology and available surface chemistry. Prior to this study, the crosslinking of cellulose whiskers with the matrix via solution casting of liquid suspensions of whiskers and matrix had not been explored. The hypothesis to be investigated was that incorporating cellulosic whiskers with the PMVEMA-PEG matrix and crosslinking the whiskers with the matrix would yield films that demonstrate unique properties when compared to prior work of crosslinking of PMVEMA-PEG to macroscopic ECF bleached kraft pulp fibers. Solution cast composites of cellulose nanowhiskers-PMVEMA-PEG were crosslinked at 135 °C for 6.5 min and analyzed for crosslinking, thermal stability, strength and mechanical properties, whisker dispersion, and water absorption and uptake rates. The whisker-composites demonstrated unique properties upon crosslinking the whiskers with PMVEMA-PEG, especially the elongation at break and tensile strength upon conditioning of the final materials at various relative humidities. In addition, the whiskers improved the thermal stability of the PMVEMA-PEG matrix. This is significant as methods of improving processing thermal stability are key to developing new materials that utilize cellulose whiskers, PMVEMA, and PEG. This thesis addresses the hypothesis that cellulose nanowhiskers that are crosslinked with a matrix can create new whisker-matrix composites that behave differently after crosslinking.

Synthesis of Nanoparticles and Nanostructured Materials by Self-Assembly

Varón Izquierdo, Miriam 31 May 2012 (has links)
L’aparició de noves propietats químiques i físiques dins l’escala nanomètrica és un dels motius principals que fa necessari l’estudi de nanopartícules de diferents metalls, del seus òxids i dels seus aliatges, pel disseny de les seves futures aplicabilitats. Aquesta tesi estudia dos blocs temàtics: i) la síntesi i ii) l’autoensamblatge de nanopartícules metàl·liques. En el primer bloc, s’estudien els aspectes més rellevants de la preparació de nanopartícules metàl·liques (constituïdes per un o dos metalls diferents) de mida i forma controlada. Es desenvolupa les síntesis de diferents partícules magnètiques, i s’obtenen dispersions col·loïdals de nanopartícules de cobalt (Co) i alguns del seus òxids, així com d’ or (Au), platí (Pt) i alguns dels seus aliatges. Les nanopartícules de Co estan rebent un interès creixent degut a les propietats magnètiques que presenta el material, la qual cosa les fa molt interessants per a un nombre elevat d’aplicacions tecnològiques. Però la sensibilitat del material en front l’oxidació (la qual produeix canvis en les seves propietats magnètiques) requereix que es faci un estudi profund d’aquests processos. En aquest treball, s’han sintetitzat nanopartícules de Co de diferents mides i s’han estudiat els paràmetres que afecten les seves propietats magnètiques. A més, s’han estudiat els processos d’oxidació de les nanopartícules de Co, que han generat tant nanopartícules core/shell (nucli/recobriment) Co/CoO com nanopartícules “hollow” (buides) d’òxid de Co. Les nanopartícules de Pt també són de gran interès degut a que presenten propietats òptiques i catalítiques úniques. Les seves propietats catalítiques depenen fortament dels seus àtoms superficials i, per tant, de la mida i de la forma de les nanopartícules. En aquesta tesi s’ha dut a terme la síntesi de nanopartícules de Pt de diferent mida i forma mitjançant el control de diferents paràmetres durant el procés sintètic (com la temperatura, els lligands i els temps de reacció). En particular, s’ha determinat la incorporació de traces metàl·liques durant la síntesis i el seu efecte en el control de la forma final de la nanopartícula. Finalment, l’or es un dels materials més estudiats en l’escala nanomètrica degut a les seves propietats òptiques i el seu caràcter inert, que fa que sigui un dels materials més utilitzats en aplicacions biològiques. Les propietats òptiques són especialment importants en materials amb “aspect ratios” (relació longitud/amplada). En aquesta tesi s’han sintetitzat Au “rods” (barres) de gran llargada utilitzant nanopartícules de Pt com a catalitzador de la reacció, i se n’ha explorat la llargada que poden aconseguir, relacionades amb les seves possibles aplicacions. En el segon bloc, s’estudia l’ús de les nanopartícules en la preparació de materials nanoestructurats mitjançant autoensamblatge. S’ha observat com depenent de la naturalesa i la forma de les nanopartícules, es creen diferents patrons. En particular, aquesta part es centra principalment en la utilització de nanopartícules de Co com a unitats de construcció de estructures autoensamblades, degut a les seves propietats magnètiques. S’ha estudiat l’autoensamblatge de nanopartícules de Co a sobre de diferents substrats d’interès tecnològic i les forces que intervenen en el procés. En particular, en destaquem: l’estudi de l’autoensamblatge de les partícules de Co sobre grafit i sobre substrats de silici. Finalment, s’ha estudiat la influència de les propietats en el procés d’autoensamblatge de nanopartícules de Co, així com l’estructura magnètica dels assemblats, mitjançant holografia electrònica i microscopia Lorentz. S’ha estudiat la variació de l’estructura magnètica dels diferents assemblats en funció de la seva mida total, i també en funció de la temperatura. L’estudi de les propietats individuals de les nanopartícules de Co dins l’assemblat és possible mitjançant les dues tècniques mencionades prèviament, i s’han observat els efectes col·lectius entre totes les partícules integrants de les estructures. Els resultats obtinguts indiquen que l’ordenació ferromagnètica dipolar és molt persistent en les estructures, fins i tot amb un elevat grau de desordre a la xarxa de partícules. / The emergence of new chemical and physical properties at the nanoscale is one of the main reasons that make necessary the study of nanoparticles of different metals, their oxides and alloys for different applications. In this thesis, two thematic blocks are studied: i) the synthesis and ii) the self- assembly of metallic nanoparticles. In the first block, the more relevant aspects in the preparation of metallic and bimetallic nanoparticles of controlled size and shape are studied. The syntheses of different metal nanoparticles are developed, and monodisperse colloidal suspensions of Co metal particles and some of their oxides, as well as Au, Pt and some alloy nanoparticles are obtained. Co particles are receiving much interest due to their magnetic properties of the material, which turn them interesting for a number of technological applications. On the other hand, the sensitivity of the material to oxidation (with a consequent change in its properties) makes necessary a deeper study of these processes. In this work, Co magnetic nanoparticles of different sizes have been synthesized and the parameters that affect the variation of their magnetic properties have been studied. Moreover, the oxidation processes of the Co nanoparticles have been also studied, generating both Co/CoO core/shell and CoO hollow nanoparticles. Pt nanoparticles are also a subject of interest due to their unique optical and catalytic properties. Their catalytic properties strongly depends on their surface atoms and, therefore, on the size and shape of the particles. During this thesis, different size and shape Pt nanoparticles have been synthesized by controlling different parameters during the synthetic process (i.e. temperature, surfactants, and reaction times). In particular, the incorporation of metal “traces” during the synthesis process, and their effect on the control of the shape are determined. Finally, Au is one of the most studied materials at the nanometer scale due to its optical properties and its inertness, making it one of the most used materials in biological applications. The optical properties are particularly important in materials with aspect ratios (length/width). In this thesis, the synthesis of extra long Au rods (bars) using Pt nanoparticles as the reaction catalyst have been synthesized, and the length that they can reach have been also explored for its potential applications (e.g. as connections between electrodes). In the second block, the use of nanoparticles for the preparation of nanostructured materials via self-assembly processes is studied. It is observed how, depending of both the nature and the shape of the nanoparticle, different patterns are created. In particular, this part focuses mainly on the use of Co nanoparticles as building block units for construction of self-assembled structures, due to their magnetic properties. The self-assembly of Co nanoparticles onto different substrates with technological interest and the forces involved in the process have been studied. Particularly, the works to be highlighted are the study of the self-assembly of Co on graphite and on silicon substrates due to dipolar interactions. Finally, the influence of the magnetic properties in the self-assembly process of Co nanoparticles, and the magnetic structure of the formed assemblies, are studied by electron holography and Lorentz microscopy. The variation of the magnetic structure of the different self-assembled structures has been studied as a function of both the assembly total size and the temperature. The study of the individual and collective behavior of the Co nanoparticles on the assembly is possible with these techniques, and collective effects among the whole NPs forming the structures have been observed. The obtained results showed that dipolar ferromagnetism order is extremely persistent even under a high degree of lattice disorder.

Pattern collapse in lithographic nanostructures: quantifying photoresist nanostructure behavior and novel methods for collapse mitigation

Yeh, Wei-Ming 09 April 2013 (has links)
The Microelectronics industry has continuously pushed the limit of critical dimensions to sub-20 nm. One of the challenges is pattern collapse, caused by unbalanced capillary forces during the final rinse and drying process. The use of surfactants offers a convenient method to reduce capillary forces but causes another deformation issue. This thesis work focuses on alternative approaches that are compatible with lithographic processes to mitigate pattern collapse. First, an e-beam lithography pattern with a series of varying line and space widths has been specifically designed in order to quantitatively study pattern collapse behavior. This pattern generates increasing stress in the pairs of resist lines as one moves across the pattern array and eventually a sufficiently small space value (critical space, S1c) is reached in each array such that the stress applied to the resist exceeds the critical stress (σc) required for pattern bending and subsequently feature deformation and collapse occurrs. The patterns we designed allow us to qualitatively and quantitatively study pattern collapse and obtain consistent, reproducible results. In the first part of the thesis work, a quick surface crosslink (called a reactive rinse) that involves the strengthening of the resist using crosslinking via carbodiimide chemistry while the resist structures are still in their wet state, has been developed and demonstrated. This technique provides efficient and significant improvement on the pattern collapse issue. In the second part of the thesis work, a triethoxysilane compound, vinyl ether silane (VE), has been successfully synthesized. It can be used to modify the silicon or silicon nitride substrates and form a covalent bond with the resist film instead of manipulating the surface energies using common HMDS. Compared to traditional Hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) vapor primed surfaces, the implementation of the VE adhesion promoter resulted in a significant improvement in the adhesion and resistance to adhesion based pattern collapse failure in small sub-60 nm resist features. In the third part of the thesis work, the effect of drying rates and drying methods has been systematically studied. SEM analysis and critical stress results showed that fast drying appear to reduce the resist collapse. The line pair orientations in each pattern array with respect to the wafer radius reveal an apparent effect of fluid flow and centrifugal forces on collapse. Finally, a comprehensive pattern collapse model that incorporates adhesion based pattern failure and elastoplastic deformation-based failure, and dimensionally dependent resist modulus properties has been developed. This model provides such an excellent prediction of the experimental data and supports the idea that this level of combined adhesion-failure and elastoplastic-failure based pattern collapse modeling, where one explicitly considers the dimensionally dependent mechanical properties of the resist can be quantitatively predictive and useful for understanding the pattern collapse behavior of polymeric nanostructures.

An investigation into bimetallic hollow nanoparticles in catalysis

Snyder, Brian 03 April 2013 (has links)
Nanocatalysis, catalysis using particles on the nanoscale, is an emerging field that has tremendous potential. Nanoparticles have different properties than bulk material and can be used in different roles. Macro sized precious metals, for example, are inert, but nanoparticles of them are becoming more widely used as catalysts. Understanding the manner in which these particles work is vital to improving their efficacy. This thesis focuses on two aspects of nanocatalysis. Chapter 1 begins with a brief introduction into nanotechnology and some of the areas in which nanoparticles are different than bulk particles. It then proceeds into an overview of catalysis and nanocatalysis more specifically. Focus is brought to the definitions of the different types of catalysis and how those definitions differ when applied to nanoparticles. Chapter 2 is in finding an inert support structure to more easily assist in recycling the nanoparticles. Polystyrene microspheres were studied and found to prevent platinum nanoparticles from aggregating in solution and possibly aid in recycling of the nanoparticles. These nanoparticles were used in catalysis, aiding in the reduction of 4-nitrophenol in the presence of sodium borohydride. While the rate decreased by a factor of ~ 7 when using the polystyrene, the activation energy of the reaction was unaltered, thus confirming the inactivity of the polystyrene in the reaction. In Chapter 3, nanocatalysis was studied by examining bimetallic hollow nanoparticles with specific attention to the effect of altering the ratios of the two metals. Ten different bimetallic nanocages were tested in an electron transfer reaction between hexacyanoferrate and thiosulfate. Five PtAg nanocages and five PdAg with varying metal ratios were prepared and studied. It was found that while silver cubes immediately precipitate out of solution when combined with thiosulfate, a small amount of either platinum or palladium allows the particles to remain in solution and function as a substantially more effective catalyst. However, as additional Pt was added the activation energy increased. To obtain a better understanding of the catalysis using bimetallic cages, the evolution of these cages was studied as the 2nd metal was added. Initially the particle edge length increased and then slowly decreased back to the size of the template cubes. The increase in edge length suggests of addition of material to the nanoparticles. This indicated the 2nd metal is on the outside of the cage, which was confirmed using UV-Vis spectroscopy and EDS mapping. By understanding how these bimetallic particles evolve, we may be able to manipulate these synthetic methods to more precisely design nanoparticles for catalysis.

Conductance through Nanometer-scale Metal-to-Graphite Contacts

Ogbazghi, Asmerom Yemane 15 April 2005 (has links)
The metal/graphite interface is interesting due to the typically large disparity in the characteristics of the electronic structure (e.g. Fermi wavelength and Fermi energy) and dimensionality (3D in the metal versus quasi-2D in graphite). The goal of this work is to determine how the contact conductance to graphite depends on the metal contact area for nanometer-scale contacts. From this we deduce the effect of electronic screening in the graphite. Three different metals were chosen for this work: Solid Cu and Al, and liquid Ga. Liquid Ga provided a unique opportunity to reduce the effect of mechanical interactions to near zero, while Cu and Al were chosen for their different electronic structures. At the interface between the metal and graphite, the large Fermi wavevector of Al should allow phase matching of Al states to those in graphite, while the Cu Fermi surface lies inside of all available graphite wavevector states.

Studies on Single Wall Carbon Nanotube and Polymer Composite Films and Fibers

Zhang, Xiefei 01 December 2004 (has links)
Single wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT) have been extensively studied over the last decade due to their excellent comprehensive properties for a variety of applications. This study is focused on the applications of SWNTs as reinforcement for polymer matrices. Due to van der Waal interactions, SWNTs form bundles of about 30 nm diameters. In order to take full advantage of the SWNT mechanical properties, SWNT must exfoliate or at least disperse in small diameter bundle size. Optical microscopy and SEM only give qualitative information of dispersion. Quantitative characterization through TEM or AFM can be time consuming in order to get statistical result. In this study, simple method is developed to quantitatively estimate the size of SWNT bundle in dispersion based on the geometry controlled electrical percolation behavior. The SWNTs can be dispersed /exfoliated via PVP wrapped SWNT aqueous dispersion assisted by surfactants such as sodium dodycel sulfate. PVA / SWNT composite films prepared through PVP wrapped SWNTs exhibit improved mechanical properties as well as the evidence of load transfer from the polymer matrix to the SWNT as monitored by the Raman spectroscopy. SWNT can also be well dispersed into PVA/DMSO/H2O solution. Gel spinning of PVA/SWNT composite fiber has been successfully carried out with improved mechanical properties. Functionalized tubes can be used to enhance SWNT dispersion and exfoliation. Oxidation in strong acids is one method used for functionalizing nanotubes. SWNTs have been functionalized in nitric acid. The structure and properties of films (buckypaper) processed from nitric acid functionalized tubes have been studied exhibiting high tensile strength and high electrical conductivity. Nitric acid treatment results in selective degradation of the small diameter tubes.

Novel ZnS Nanostructures: Synthesis, Growth Mechanism, and Applications

Moore, Daniel Frankel 27 October 2006 (has links)
Motivated by a desire to understand the basic concepts of one-dimensional nanostructure growth, the research described in this thesis aims at understanding the basic mechanisms controlling the synthesis and formation of a specific group of II-VI semiconducting nanostructures. In particular, this thesis examines one-dimensional nanostructures (such as nanobelts and nanowires) and different morphologies of ZnS that result from the interesting properties that the materials have at the nanoscale. In order to understand how to tune these properties in the nanostructure, it is necessary to have an understanding of the growth mechanism that dictates the morphology, structure, and rate of growth of the nanomaterial. It is necessary to understand what impact changes to the macroscopic setup in the experiment have on the nanoscopic scale of the nanomaterials. Having a larger understanding and exerting more precise control over the growth of nanomaterials will allow a higher level of selectivity, more control over dimensionality and the type of morphology, easier manipulation, and the simpler incorporation of these structures into a nanotechnological device. The main focus of the research was on CdSe and ZnS, with the bulk of the research being conducted on ZnS nanostructures. These materials were chosen for their potential for extensive research, their possible applications in optoelectronics, their potential to form the wurtzite crystal structure, and the potential generalization of results to other nanomaterials. The framework for the research is given first. Then a description of the experimental setup and a model for the growth of nanostructures is discussed. A brief overview of the synthesis of CdSe nanostructures is given and then a detailed analysis of the synthesis of specific ZnS one-dimensional morphologies is presented.

Nanostructured thin films for solid oxide fuel cells

Yoon, Jongsik 15 May 2009 (has links)
The goals of this work were to synthesize high performance perovskite based thin film solid oxide fuel cell (TF-SOFC) cathodes by pulsed laser deposition (PLD), to study the structural, electrical and electrochemical properties of these cathodes and to establish structure-property relations for these cathodes in order to further improve their properties and design new structures. Nanostructured cathode thin films with vertically-aligned nanopores (VANP) were processed using PLD. These VANP structures enhance the oxygen-gas phase diffusivity, thus improve the overall TF-SOFC performance. La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 (LSCO) and La0.4Sr0.6Co0.8Fe0.2O3 (LSCFO) were deposited on various substrates (YSZ, Si and pressed Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 (CGO) disks). Microstructures and properties of the nanostructured cathodes were characterized by transmission electron microscope (TEM), high resolution TEM (HRTEM), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements. A thin layer of vertically-aligned nanocomposite (VAN) structure was deposited in between the CGO electrolyte and the thin film LSCO cathode layer for TF-SOFCs. The VAN structure consists of the electrolyte and the cathode materials in the composition of (CGO) 0.5 (LSCO) 0.5. The self-assembled VAN nanostructures contain highly ordered alternating vertical columns formed through a one-step thin film deposition using a PLD technique. These VAN structures significantly increase the interface area between the electrolyte and the cathode as well as the area of active triple phase boundary (TPB), thus improving the overall TF-SOFC performance at low temperatures, as low as 400oC, demonstrated by EIS measurements. In addition, the binary VAN interlayer could act as the transition layer that improves the adhesion and relieves the thermal stress and lattice strain between the cathode and the electrolyte. The microstructural properties and growth mechanisms of CGO thin film prepared by PLD technique were investigated. Thin film CGO electrolytes with different grain sizes and crystal structures were prepared on single crystal YSZ substrates under different deposition conditions. The effect of the deposition conditions such as substrate temperature and laser ablation energy on the microstructural properties of these films are examined using XRD, TEM, SEM, and optical microscope. CGO thin film deposited above 500 ºC starts to show epitaxial growth on YSZ substrates. The present study suggests that substrate temperature significantly influences the microstructure of the films especially film grain size.

Thermochemical nanolithography fabrication and atomic force microscopy characterization of functional nanostructures

Wang, Debin 24 June 2010 (has links)
This thesis presents the development of a novel atomic force microscope (AFM) based nanofabrication technique termed as thermochemical nanolithography (TCNL). TCNL uses a resistively heated AFM cantilever to thermally activate chemical reactions on a surface with nanometer resolution. This technique can be used for fabrication of functional nanostructures that are appealing for various applications in nanofluidics, nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, and biosensing devices. This thesis research is focused on three main objectives. The first objective is to study the fundamentals of TCNL writing aspects. We have conducted a systematic study of the heat transfer mechanism using finite element analysis modeling, Raman spectroscopy, and local glass transition measurement. In addition, based on thermal kinetics analysis, we have identified several key factors to achieve high resolution fabrication of nanostructures during the TCNL writing process. The second objective is to demonstrate the use of TCNL on a variety of systems and thermochemical reactions. We show that TCNL can be employed to (1) modify the wettability of a polymer surface at the nanoscale, (2) fabricate nanoscale templates on polymer films for assembling nano-objects, such as proteins and DNA, (3) fabricate conjugated polymer semiconducting nanowires, and (4) reduce graphene oxide with nanometer resolution. The last objective is to characterize the TCNL nanostructures using AFM based methods, such as friction force microscopy, phase imaging, electric force microscopy, and conductive AFM. We show that they are useful for in situ characterization of nanostructures, which is particularly challenging for conventional macroscopic analytical tools, such as Raman spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy, and fluorescence microscopy.

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