Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nanostructures.""
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Desenvolvimento de dispositivos microfluídicos para análise de sistemas líquidos complexos / Development of microfluidic devices for analysis of complex liquid systemsDaikuzono, Cristiane Margarete 23 May 2017 (has links)
O objetivo principal desta tese foi desenvolver dispositivos microfluídicos do tipo língua eletrônica baseada em espectroscopia de impedância para análise de líquidos complexos. Dois tipos de língua eletrônica foram desenvolvidos. O primeiro com unidades sensoriais fabricadas com eletrodos interdigitados de ouro sobre vidro, selados com microcanal de PDMS, e recobertos com filmes automontados de polímeros condutores, materiais orgânicos e semicondutores. Essa língua eletrônica foi usada para diferenciar os sabores básicos, representados por soluções aquosas de NaCl (salgado), sacarose (doce), cafeína (amargo), HCl (azedo) e glutamato monosódico (umami), distinguir diferentes tipos de cafés, e detectar a presença de gliadina em soluções e alimentos. A distinção foi possível processando-se os dados de magnitude da capacitância com técnicas de projeção multidimensional IDMAP (Interactive Document Map) e análise de componentes principais (PCA). O segundo tipo de língua foi produzido com eletrodos interdigitados de carbono impressos sobre papel com canal hidrofílico e barreiras hidrofóbicas também impresso, modificado com hidrogel funcionalizado com ácido fenil-borônico (PBA) ou polilíquido iônico (PIL). Com dados de capacitância tratados com PCA e IDMAP, a língua foi usada para distinguir soluções dos açúcares glicose, frutose e sacarose, em diferentes concentrações, e diferentes marcas de suco de maçã. Nesta última língua, empregou-se a capacidade de intumescimento de hidrogéis contendo PBA na presença de açúcares, principalmente frutose, que também foi explorada na confecção de sensores com eletrodos de papel que puderam detectar concentrações baixas de glicose, próximas às encontrados no suor humano. Com a tecnologia de sensores em papel e microfluídica, podem-se conceber aplicações futuras, de baixo custo, em sensores na forma de emplastro para monitorar o nível de glicose no suor humano de maneira não invasiva e língua eletrônica para verificar a presença de glúten em alimentos. / The main aim of this thesis was to develop microfluidic devices of electronic tongue (e-tongue) type based on impedance spectroscopy to analyze complex liquids. Two types of e-tongue were developed. The first had sensing units fabricated with gold interdigitated electrodes onto glass with a microchannel sealed with PDMS and coated with layer-by-layer films of conducting polymers, organic and semiconductors. This e-tongue was used to distinguish the basic tastes, represented by aqueous solutions of NaCl (salty), sucrose (sweet), caffeine (bitter), HCl (sour) and monosodium glutamate (umami), to distinguish different types of coffees, and detect the presence of gliadin in solutions and food. The distinction was made possible by processing the capacitance data with the multidimensional projection techniques IDMAP (Interactive Document Map) and principal component analysis (PCA). The second type of e-tongue was produced with carbon interdigitated electrodes printed on paper with a hydrophilic channel with hydrophobic barriers, also printed, modified with functionalized hydrogel with phenylboronic acid (PBA) or poly(ionic liquid) (PIL). With capacitance data treated with PCA and IDMAP, the e-tongue was used to distinguish solutions at various concentrations of glucose, fructose and sucrose, in addition to different brands of apple juice. In this latter e-tongue, use was made of the ability of the hydrogel containing PBA to swell in the presence of sugars, mainly fructose, which was exploited in producing sensors with paper electrodes that could detect low concentrations of glucose, close to the values found in human sweat. With the technology of paper-based sensors and microfluidics, one may envisage future low cost applications, including patch sensors to monitor glucose in human sweat in a non-invasive manner and e-tongues to determine the presence of gluten in food.
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"Novos materiais magnéticos para imãs de alta performance" / New magnetic materials for high performance magnetsMurakami, Regina Keiko 19 September 2005 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi desenvolver novos materiais magnéticos para ímãs de alta performance. Duas classes de materiais foram estudadas: materiais a base de (Nd,Sm)5(Fe,MT)17, onde MT é um metal de transição, e materiais nanocristalinos a base de (Nd,Pr)FeB com adições de TiC. As ligas (Nd,Sm)5(Fe,MT)17 foram preparadas por fusão em forno de arco e posteriormente foram tratadas termicamente por longos períodos (no mínimo 30 dias). Tentamos melhorar as propriedades magnéticas por meio de substituições químicas (Ti, Co, Mn, etc.) e/ou por introdução intersticial de deutério ou nitrogênio. As amostras foram caracterizadas via análise termomagnética (TMA), magnetometria de baixas temperaturas, difração de raios X e de nêutrons, e espectroscopia Mössbauer. Os principais resultados foram: a) aumento de Tc de até 70 º C; b) localização dos átomos de deutério na redecristalina. Ligas de (Nd,Pr) com adição de TiC foram preparadas por fusão de arco, sendo processadas via "melt spinning" e passando por tratamentos térmicos variados. Os promissores resultados na literatura para Nd2Fe14B+TiC foram obtidos também para Pr2Fe14B + TiC, mas não para os sistemas compostos pela fase φ e Fe3B com TiC. Porém, bons resultados foram obtidos em sistemas compostos pelas fases φ e αFe, com aumento de até 30% nos valores de campo coercivo Hc e aumentos de até 15% de (BH)max. / The aim of the present work was to develop new improved magnetic materials suitable for permanent magnets. Two kinds of materials were studied: (Nd,Sm)5(Fe,MT)17 based materials, were MT is a transition metal and, (Nd,Pr)FeB nanocrystalline materials (exchange spring magnets) with TiC additions. The 5:17 alloys were melted in an arc melting furnace followed by a long annealing (at least 30 days). We tried to improve the magnetic properties by means of chemical substitutions (Ti, Co, Mn, etc.) and/or by addition of interstitial atoms of deuterium or nitrogen. The samples were characterized by means of thermomagnetic analysis (TMA), low temperature magnetometry, X ray and neutron diffraction, and Mössbauer spectroscopy. The main results were: a) increase of Tc temperature (up to 70 ºC) and; b) determination of interstitial sites for deuterium. (Nd,Pr)FeB alloys with TiC additions were melted in an arc melting furnace, being processed in a melt spinner system. After the samples were heat treated at different temperatures. The promissing literature results for Nd2Fe14B+TiC were also obtained for Pr2Fe14B + TiC, but not for systems composed by Pr2Fe14B and Fe3B phases with TiC additions. However, good results were obtained in systems composed by Pr2Fe14B and α-Fe with TiC additions, with 30% increase on coercive field values Hc, and 15% increase on (BH)max.
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Desenvolvimento de carreador lipídico nanoestruturado (CLN) como sistema de co-encapsulação de curcuminóides e timol para aplicação tópica / Development of nanostructured lipid carrier (NCL) as a co-encapsulation system of curcumin and thymol for topical applicationSouza, Patrícia Fernanda de 29 January 2018 (has links)
A pele desempenha um importante papel na homeostasia e é uma via muito utilizada na administração de fármacos. O envelhecimento compromete sua função protetora e contribui para o aparecimento de sintomas como a rugosidade, flacidez, secura, prurido, hiperpigmentação dificuldade de cicatrização e a incidência de melanomas. Os raios UV são a principal causa do envelhecimento devido à geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS) e peroxidação lipídica. Os danos causados pelos ROS podem ser mitigados pelo uso de antioxidantes tópicos como a curcumina e timol (TML). No entanto, a baixa permeabilidade e estabilidade são fatores limitantes para sua aplicação. Para superar esses desafios, ECUR e TML podem ser encapsulados em nanopartículas, como os carreadores lipídicos nanoestruturado (CLN). Assim, os objetivos desse projeto foi desenvolver um CLN estável com manteiga Illipê, óleo de calêndula e TPGS para co-encapsular ECUR e TML e incorporação em uma formulação tópica. O padrão analítico dos curcuminóides foi isolado de amostra comercial, identificado por LC-MS e RMN e a metodologia analítica para quantificação CUR e TML foi validada. Os CLNs foram produzidos por emulsão quente e sonicação e otimizados utilizando a ferramenta de DoE Box-Behnken. Foram caracterizados em relação às propriedades físicas, citotoxicidade em cálulas HaCaT e atividade antioxidante. O CLN otimizado apresentou tamanho em torno de 130 nm, índice de polidispersão abaixo de 0,200 e potencial zeta negativo. A eficiência de encapsulação foi acima de 97% tanto para TML quanto CUR. CLN com e sem ativos demonstrou baixo índice de recristalização e forma esférica caracterização por DSC e AFM e não foram citotóxicos para células HaCaT, mostrando viabilidade celular superior a 80% na concentração 1,48x1012 partículas/ml, correspondente a 0,8 ?g/ml de TML/CUR co-encapsulados. Além disso, TML/CUR livre e co-encapsulado mostrou alta atividade antioxidante em ensaios in vitro para inibição de xantina oxidade e auto-oxidação do pirrogalol, indicando sua potente capacidade de inibição da enzima superóxido dismutase mesmo quando encapsulados. O emulgel tópico foi desenvolvido e apresentou estabilidade física após a incorporação do CLN no teste de estabilidade acelerada. O perfil reológico do emulgel demonstrou característica plástica e reoplexa e se manteve estável com o tempo e sob as variações de temperatura de analise, indicando alta estabilidade física da formulação. O perfil de liberação de ECUR e TML indicou cinética de liberação correspondente ao modelo de Higuchi sem influência da co-encapsulação na liberação da CUR e com liberação mais lenta do TML encapsulado. Os dados de permeação sugerem que os ativos possam permear na pele. A extensão e a intensidade da permeabilidade dos ativos promovida pelo CLN determinarão a aplicabilidade da formulação que poderá ser interessante para o desenvolvimento de um produto cosmético, dermocosmético, ou mesmo para um medicamento transdérmico. Em conclusão, o CLN desenvolvido apresentou características físicas e biológicas interessantes para a aplicação tópica. / Skin plays an important role in homeostasis and it is an important route for drug delivery. Aging compromises its protective function and contributes to the appearance of symptoms such as roughness, sagging, dryness, pruritus, hyperpigmentation, scarring deficient and the incidence of melanomas. UV rays are the main cause of photo-aging due of ROS generation and lipid peroxidation. ROS damage can be mitigated by using topical antioxidants as curcumin and thymol. However, low permeability and physico-chemical stability are disadvantages for its clinical application. To overcome these challenges, ECUR and TML can be encapsulated in nanoparticles such as nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC). This project aimed to develop a stable NLC composed by Illipê butter, calendula oil and TPGS to co-encapsulate ECUR and TML, followed by the NLC incorporation into a cosmetic formulation. Curcuminoid\'s analytical standard was isolated from commercial sample, identified by LC-MS and NMR, and the analytical methodology for quantification CUR and TML was validated. NLCs were produced by sonication emulsification method and their development was designed by Box-Behnken DoE and characterized in relation to physical properties, HaCaT cell cytotoxicity and antioxidant activity. Optimized NLC with size around 130 nm, polydispersity index (PdI) below 0.200 and negative zeta potential was obtained. The encapsulation efficiency (EE%) was above 97% for both TML and CUR. Empty and co-encapsulated NLC showed in DSC and AFM characterization low recrystallization index and spherical shapes and were not cytotoxic for HaCaT cells, showing cell viability over 80% at the maximum concentration evaluated (1.48x1012 particles / ml, wich corresponds to 0.8 ?g / ml co-encapsulated TML / CUR). Furthermore, free and co-encapsulated TML / CUR showed high antioxidant activity in in vitro assays due inhibition of xanthine oxidation and pyrogallol autoxidation, indicating their potent superoxide dismutase inhibition even when co-encapsulated. The cosmetic emulgel was developed and physically stable after NLC incorporation in accelerated stability. Emulgel rheological profile showed a plastic and rheopexy characteristic, which remained storage stability. The rheological profile did not change due variations in the temperature analysis, indicating good formulation physical stability and cosmetic acceptability. The release profile of ECUR/TML release kinetics corresponded to the Higuchi model without influence of co-encapsulation with slower release of the encapsulated TML. Permeation data suggest that the active substances may permeate deep into skin. The actives permeability extent and intensity promoted by CLN will determine the applicability of the formulation that can be interest for the development of a cosmetic, dermocosmetic product or even for a transdermal drug. In conclusion, the developed CLN presented interesting physical and biological characteristics for topical application.
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Medidas do módulo elástico de filmes finos metálicos / Measurements Elastic Modulus Metallic Thin FilmsVaz, Alfredo Rodrigues 22 March 2004 (has links)
Neste trabalho determinamos o módulo elástico de filmes finos metálicos nanoestruturados. Os metais estudados, platina, ouro e paládio foram depositados utilizando a técnica de Metal Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition. Um novo método foi utilizado para as medidas de módulo elástico, no qual cantiléveres de microscopia de força atômica são uniformemente recobertos com os filmes finos metálicos. Medidas das frequências de ressonância dos cantiléveres foram realizadas antes e depois dos recobrimentos com os filmes. Usando a teoria de vibração de barras, determinamos os valores dos módulos elásticos desses filmes. Obtivemos valores que estão entre 7 e 12% menores do que os respectivos módulos elásticos dos metais na forma de bulk. Um modelo simples em conta o caráter nanoestruturado dos materiais. Caracterizações complementares foram realizadas como : microscopia de tunelamento, difração de raios X e RBS (Rutherfor Backscattering Spectrometry). / In this work we have determined the elastic moduli of nanostructured metallic thin films. The analyzed metals, platinum, gold and palladium, have been deposited using the technique Metal Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition. A new method was adopted to determine the elastic moduli, where cantilevers of atomic force microscopy were uniformly coated with thin films. The resonance frequencies of the cantilevers have been measured before and after the films coating. The elastic moduli were finally obtained using the vibration beam theory. The determined elastic constants are smaller than the respective bulk moduli: about 12% for Pt and Au and about 7% for Pd. A simple model is proposed to explain the softening of the elastic moduli taking into account the nanostructured character of the films. Additional characterizations have been done like: scanning tunneling microscopy, X-ray diffraction and RBS (Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry).
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Materiais nanoestruturados do tipo IV e III-V dopados com Mn / Nanostructured materials of type IV and III-V doped with Mn.Arantes Junior, Jeverson Teodoro 04 December 2007 (has links)
No presente trabalho, investigamos propriedades eletr^onicas, estruturais e de transporte de nanoestruturas do tipo IV e tipo III-V usando c´alculos de primeiros princ´?pios. (I) Como ponto de partida, verificamos sistematicamente a estabilidade do Mn substitucional nas camadas de Ge em uma heteroestrutura de Si/Ge. Estudamos a intera¸c~ao magn´etica Mn-Mn relativa a varia¸c~ao do par^ametro de rede do substrato, indicando uma mudan¸ca na diferen¸ca de energia entre as configura¸c~oes de alto e baixo spin. Para um substrato com par^ametro de rede igual ao do Si, esta diferen¸ca de energia favorece a configura¸c~ao de baixo spin, entretanto com o aumento do par^ametro de rede a configura¸c~ao com alto spin passa a ser a mais est´avel. (II) No estudo de nanofios de Ge, crescidos nas dire¸c~oes [110] e [111], verificamos a depend^encia do gap de energia em rela¸c~ao ao di^ametro do mesmo. Estudamos a reconstru ¸c~ao da superf´?cie (001) para alguns di^ametros de nanofios crescidos na dire¸c~ao [110]. Fizemos um estudo sistem´atico da dopagem de Mn em nanofios de Ge para verificar quais os s´?tios mais est´aveis para a impureza. Investigamos, tamb´em, o acoplamento magn´etico Mn-Mn ao longo da dire¸c~ao de crescimento do fio e radialmente ao mesmo, para diferentes dist^ancias entre os dopantes. (III) A observa¸c~ao de part´?culas de ouro na superf´?cie dos nanofios, vindas da gota de Au utilizada como catalizador no processo de crescimento dos fios, serviu como motiva¸c~ao para o estudo da energia de forma¸c~ao do mesmo em diferentes posi¸c~oes e concentra¸c~oes nos nanofios. Esses resultados possibilitaram-nos o entendimento de como o Au se difunde nos nanofios, se atrav´es da superf´?cie ou pelo interior do fio em situa¸c~oes com maiores e menores concentra¸c~oes do metal. (IV) Verificamos o comportamento da dopagem tipo-n e tipo-p nas propriedades de transporte eletr^onico para as impurezas na regi~ao central e na superf´?cie (001) de nanofios de Ge. Devido a import^ancia da superf´?cie em nanoestruturas, calculamos a varia¸c~ao da transmit^ancia eletr^onica na presen¸ca de liga¸c~oes incompletas conjuntamente com a adsor¸c~ao de uma mol´ecula de OH. (V) Investigamos como o confinamento qu^antico altera o comportamento de defeitos nativos tipo vac^ancias em nanofios de Si. Atrav´es da energia de forma¸c~ao para diferentes s´?tios n~ao equivalentes, verificamos um poss´?vel caminho de migra¸c~ao da vac^ancia para a superf´?cie (001). Calculamos o valor da barreira de migra¸c~ao das regi~oes centrais para a super´?cie (001) do nanofio assim como o valor do U-efetivo que no bulk ´e negativo. (VI) Finalmente, realizamos um estudo sistem´atico de nanofios de materiais III-V (InP e GaAs) e nanopart´?culas de InAs dopadas com Mn. Verificamos as posi¸c~oes de equil´?brio e a possibilidade de uma ordem magn´etica para as impurezas na nanoestrutura. Para as nanopart´?culas, `a medida que o sistema ´e confinado, ocorre uma maior localiza¸c~ao dos estados de buraco e consequentemente uma diminui¸c~ao na diferen¸ca de energia entre as configura¸c~oes com alto e baixo spin, favor´avel ao alto spin. Atrav´es da inser¸c~ao de \"buracos\"podemos aumentar essa diferen¸ca de energia. / In the present work, we investigate electronic, structural and transport properties of semiconductor nanostructures of type IV and III-V using first principles calculations. (I) As a starting point, we verify systematically the stability of substitutional Mn in Ge layers in Si/Ge heterostructures. We study the Mn-Mn magnetic interaction as a function of the lattice parameter of the substrate, and we find that the energy difference between the high and low spin configurations changes as the lattice parameter is modified. Using Si as a substrate, that energy difference favors the low spin configuration, whereas increasing the substrate lattice parameter the high spin configuration becomes more stable. (II) In the study of Ge nanowires, grown along the [110] and [111] directions, we investigate the variation of the energy gap as a function of the nanowire diameter. We study the (001) surface reconstruction for some nanowire diameters grown along the [110] direction. We did a systematic study of Mn doping in the Ge nanowires in order to verify which are the most stable substitutional sites. We also study the Mn-Mn magnetic coupling for their separation parallel to the growth direction as well as perpendicular to it. This study was performed for different distances between the impurities. (III) The gold particles observed in the top surface of the nanowires, a result of the Au droplet used as catalyst in the growth process, was the motivation of the study of the formation energy of Au isolated impurities in different positions and concentrations in the nanowires. These results make it possible to know if the Au atoms will move either along the surface or towards the bulk of the wire. (IV) We verify the behavior of the type-n and type-p doping in the electronic transmission properties for impurities positioned either in the central or in the (001) surface of Ge nanowires. Because of the importance of the surface in nanostructures, we calculate the changes in the electronic transmittance in the presence of a dangling bond and an OH molecule adsorbed in the surface. (V) We investigate how the quantum confinement modifies the behavior of the vacancy native defect in Si nanowires. From the formation energy difference for nonequivalent sites, we verify one possible pathway for the vacancy migration towards the (001) surface, and we calculate the migration barrier from the central region to the nanowire surface. We also calculate the effective-U, and find it to be negative in the bulk region. (VI) Finally, we also made a systematic study of nanowires of type III-V (InP and GaAs) as well as InAs nanoparticles doped with Mn. We study the equilibrium positions and the possibility of a magnetic order for the impurity in these nanostructures. For the nanoparticles, when the system is more confined the hole becomes more localized and, consequently, the energy difference between the high and low spin configuration still favors the high spin but becomes smaller. When we insert holes we can increase this energy difference.
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Preparação e caracterização de superfícies bifuncionais nanoestruturadas de Pt/Au obtidas via template para aplicação em sensores e biossensores / Preparation and Characterization of Bifunctional-Nanostructured Surfaces of Pt/Au Obtained Via Template for Application in Sensors and BiosensorsPereira, Paulo Augusto Raymundo 25 May 2016 (has links)
Superfícies híbridas nanoestruturadas Pt/Au com os depósitos de Au de 20, 50 e 100 nm de espessura foram obtidas pelo processo fotolitográfico. O molde utilizado foi um arranjo de microeletrodos interdigitados. As superfícies híbridas nanoestruturadas Pt/Au contendo 20, 50 e 100 nm de Au desenvolvidas foram caracterizadas por microscopia ótica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, microscopia de força atômica, voltametria cíclica e espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica. Então, aplicadas como sensores para detecção eletroquímica dos biomarcadores ácido ascórbico, ácido úrico, dopamina, hidroquinona e nitrito. Numa segunda etapa, as nanoestruturas de ouro foram recobertas com monocamada auto-organizada (self-assembled monolayers - SAM) de alcanotiol (cistamina, ácido mercaptoacético e 11-mercaptoundecanóico) visando a preparação da superfície para imobilização de biomoléculas, incluindo enzimas e anticorpos. A superfície híbrida bimetálica bifuncional nanoestruturada Pt/Au-SAM foi obtida realizando-se varreduras cíclicas em solução contendo 0,1 mol L-1 de H2SO4 em intervalos de varreduras de potenciais específicos para cada SAM, através deste procedimento foi possível remover a SAM somente da superfície da platina e mantendo sobre as nanoestruturas de ouro. A enzima glicose oxidase (Aspergillus niger) foi imobilizada por ligação covalente com auxílio de EDC/NHS e o ferroceno foi utilizado como mediador de elétrons. A caracterização eletroquímica foi feita em solução aquosa contendo 0,1 mol L-1 de ácido sulfúrico supra puro e em solução contendo 5,0 mmol da sonda redox ferrocianeto e ferricianeto de potássio utilizando-se a técnica de voltametria cíclica e espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica. O peróxido de hidrogênio formado como produto da reação da catálise enzimática foi determinado sobre a superfície da platina em solução contendo 0,1 mol L-1 de PBS. A constante cinética aparente de Michaelis-Menten (KMapp) e a constante catalítica kcat foram calculadas e comparadas com outros transdutores relatados na literatura. A terceira aplicação foi a utilização desta superfície híbrida como um imunossensor eletroquímico para detecção de cortisol salivar. O anticorpo Anti-cortisol foi imobilizado com auxílio de EDC/NHS a SAM. Esse dispositivo foi imerso em soluções contendo 3.1 x 10-15 - 1.5 x 10-3 mol L-1 de cortisol. A relação sinal-concentração foi obtida através da técnica de espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica observando-se a variação de transferência de carga com relação à variação de concentração de cortisol adsorvido ao dispositivo Pt/Au/SAM/Anticorpo-cortisol. Os limites de detcção obtidos foram 0,08, 207, 0,3, 11,1, 11,3, 0,2 × 10-6 e 9,3 × 10-13mol L-1 para glicose, ácido ascórbico, dopamina, hidroquinona, nitrito e ácido úrico, respectivamente. / Nanostructured hybrid surfaces Pt/Au containing 20, 50 and 100 nm of Au was obtained by the photolithographic process. The template used was an interdigitated microelectrodes array. The nanostructured hybrid surfaces Pt/Au containing 20, 50 and 100 nm of Au was characterized by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Then, applied as sensors for electrochemical detection of biomarkers ascorbic acid, uric acid, dopamine, hydroquinone and nitrite. In a second step, the gold nanostructures were coated with self-assembled monolayer (self-assembled monolayers - SAM) of alkanethiol (cystamine, mercaptoacetic acid and 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid) aiming at preparing the surface for biomolecule immobilization, including enzymes and antibodies. The bifunctional nanostructured hybrid surface Pt/Au-SAM was obtained by performing cyclic scans solution containing 0.1 mol L-1 H2SO4 at specific potential scans intervals for each SAM through this procedure was only possible to remove the SAM the platinum surface and holding on the gold nanostructures. The enzyme glucose oxidase (Aspergillus niger) was immobilized with EDC/NHS and ferrocene was used as an electron mediator. The electrochemical characterization was performed in an aqueous solution containing 0.1 mol L-1 of sulfuric acid and in a solution containing 5.0 mmol of potassium ferrocyanide and ferricyanide redox probe using cyclic voltammetry technique and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The hydrogen peroxide formed as a product of the enzyme-catalyzed reaction was measured on the surface of platinum solution containing 0.1 mol L-1 PBS. The apparent Michaelis-Menten kinetic constant (KMapp) and the catalytic constant kcat were calculated and compared with other transducers reported in the literature. The third application was the use of this hybrid surface and an electrochemical immunosensor for detecting salivary cortisol. Anti-cortisol antibody was immobilized at the SAM (mercaptocaetic acid) with EDC/NHS. This device was dipped in solutions containing 3.1 x 10-15 - 1.5 x 10-3 mol L-1 of cortisol. The signal-concentration relationship was obtained by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy technique of observing the variation in load transfer with respect to variation of cortisol concentration device adsorbed to Pt/Au/SAM/antibody-cortisol. The detection limit obtained were 0.08, 207, 0.3, 11.1, 11.3, 0.2 × 10-6 mol L-1 for glucose, ascorbic acid, dopamine, hydroquinone, nitrite, uric acid, respectively. Keywords: Nanostructured hybrid surface, sensors, biosensors, imunosensors, biomarkers, uric acid, ascorbic acid, dopamine, hydroquinone, glucose, cortisol.
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Improving the Mechanical Properties of Nano-HydroxyapatiteUnknown Date (has links)
Hydroxyapatite (HAp) is an ideal bioactive material that is used in orthopedics.
Chemical composition and crystal structure properties of HAp are similar to the natural
bone hence it promotes bone growth. However, its mechanical properties of synthetic
HAp are not sufficient for major load-bearing bone replacement.
The potential of improving the mechanical properties of synthetic hydroxyapatite
(HAp) by incorporating carboxyl functionalized single walled carbon nanotubes
(CfSWCNT) and polymerized ɛ-caprolactam (nylon) is studied. The fracture toughness,
tensile strength, Young’s modulus, stiffness and fracture energy were studied for a series
of HAp samples with CfSWCNT concentrations varying from 0 to 1.5 wt. % without, and
with nylon addition. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM),
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
were used to characterize the samples. The fracture toughness and tensile test was
performed under the standard protocol of ASTM D5045 and ASTM D638-02a respectively. Reproducible maximum values of (3.60 ± 0.3) MPa.m1/2 for fracture
toughness and 65.38 MPa for tensile strength were measured for samples containing 1 wt.
% CfSWCNT and nylon. The Young’s modulus, stiffness and fracture energy of the
samples are 10.65 GPa, 1482.12 N/mm, and 644 J/m2 respectively. These values are
comparable to those of the cortical bone. Further increase of the CfSWCNT content
results to a decreased fracture toughness and tensile strength and formation of a
secondary phase. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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A study of the effects of nanoparticle modification on the thermal, mechanical and hygrothermal performance of carbon/vinyl ester compoundsUnknown Date (has links)
Enhancement of mechanical, thermal and hygrothermal properties of carbon fiber/vinyl ester (CFVE) composites through nanoparticle reinforcement has been investigated. CFVE composites are becoming more and more attractive for marine applications due to two reasons : high specific strength and modulus of carbon fiber and low vulnerability of vinyl ester resin to sea water. However, the problem with this composite system is that the fiber matrix (F/M) interface is inherently weak. This leads to poor mechanical properties and fast ingress of water at the interface further deteriorating the properties. This investigation attempts to address these deficiencies by inclusion of nanoparticles in CFVE composites. Three routes of nanoparticle reinforcement have been considered : nanoparticle coating of the carbon fiber, dispersion of nanoparticles in the vinyl ester matrix, and nanoparticle modification of both the fiber and the matrix. Flexural, short beam shear and tensile testing was conducted after exposure to dry and wet environments. Differential scanning calorimetry and dynamic mechanical analysis were conducted as well. Mechanical and thermal tests show that single inclusion of nanoparticles on the fiber or in the matrix increases carbon/vinyl ester composite properties by 11-35%. However, when both fiber and matrix were modified with nanoparticles, there was a loss of properties. / by Felicia M. Powell. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2012. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2012. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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Studies of nanoparticle reinforced polymer coatings for trace gas detectionUnknown Date (has links)
With the goal of improving chemical detection methods for buried improvised explosive
devices (IED’s), the intention of this study is to show that functionalized nano-particles
improve the sensing properties of a polymer applied to gas sensors. The approach was
reinforcing the polymer, Nafion, with acid-functionalized carbon nanotubes (CNT’s).
Ammonia was chosen as the analyte for its similarity to IED byproducts without the
dangers of toxicity or explosion. Two sensor platforms were investigated: Quartz crystal
microbalances (QCM’s) and microcantilevers (MC’s). Preliminary evaluation of treated
QCM’s, via frequency analyzer, showed improvements in sensitivity and fast reversal of
adsorption; and suggested increased stability. Tests with coated MC’s also supported the
findings of QCM tests. Amplitude response of MC’s was on average 4 times greater
when the Nafion coating contained CNT’s. Quantitative QCM testing with gas-flow
meters showed that with CNT inclusion: the average number of moles adsorbed increased
by 35% (>1.2 times frequency response); sensitivity improved by 0.63 Hz/ppt on average; although the detection threshold decreased marginally; but reusability was
much better after extended exposures to concentrated ammonia. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2013.
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Vibration, buckling and impact of carbon nanotubesUnknown Date (has links)
Natural frequencies of the double and triple-walled carbon nanotubes are determined exactly and approximately for both types. Approximate solutions are found by using Bubnov-Galerkin and Petrov-Galerkin methods. For the first time explicit expressions are obtained for the natural frequencies of double and triple-walled carbon nanotubes for different combinations of boundary conditions. Comparison of the results with recent studies shows that the above methods constitute quick and effective alternative techniques to exact solution for studying the vibration properties of carbon nanotubes. The natural frequencies of the clamped-clamped double-walled carbon nanotubes are obtained; exact solution is provided and compared with the solution reported in the literature. In contrast to earlier investigation, an analytical criterion is derived to establish the behavior of the roots of the characteristic equation. Approximate Bubnov-Galerkin solution is also obtained to compare natural frequencies at the lower end of the spectrum. Simplified version of the Bresse-Timoshenko theory that incorporates the shear deformation and the rotary inertia is proposed for free vibration study of double-walled carbon nanotubes. It is demonstrated that the suggested set yields extremely accurate results for the lower spectrum of double-walled carbon nanotube. The natural frequencies of double-walled carbon nanotubes based on simplified versions of Donnell shell theory are also obtained. The buckling behavior of the double-walled carbon nanotubes under various boundary conditions is studied. First, the case of the simply supported double-walled carbon nanotubes at both ends is considered which is amenable to exact solution. / Then, approximate methods of Bubnov-Galerkin and Petrov-Galerkin are utilized to check the efficacy of these approximations for the simply supported double-walled carbon nanotubes. Once the extreme accuracy is demonstrated for simply supported conditions, the approximate techniques are applied to two other cases of the boundary conditions, namely to clamped-clamped and simply supported-clamped double-walled carbon nanotubes. For the first time in the literature approximate expression for the buckling loads are reported for these boundary conditions. The dynamic deflection of a single-walled carbon nanotube under impact loading is analyzed by following a recently study reported on the energy absorption capacity of carbon nanotubes under ballistic impact. / by Demetris Pentaras. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2009. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2009. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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