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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência de diferentes métodos de insensibilização pré-abate sobre parâmetros físicos, químicos e sensoriais da carne refrigerada e congelada de bijupirá (Rachycentron canadum) / Influence of different methods of pre-slaughter stunning on physical, chemical and sensory parameters of chilled and frozen cobia (Rachycentron canadum) meat

Vargas, Sheyla Cristina 20 March 2015 (has links)
A aquicultura no Brasil encontra-se numa fase de crescimento, principalmente com o cultivo intensivo de espécies de interesse comercial. Os peixes são abatidos por imersão em gelo e água, ou por asfixia em gelo, métodos que comprovadamente não causam a imediata perda de função cerebral e podem ter consequências prejudiciais à qualidade da carne. Desta forma, tornam-se necessários estudos que identifiquem a melhor forma de insensibilização para peixes, que proporcionem ao mesmo tempo menor sofrimento e maior qualidade da carne. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar influência da insensibilização pré abate por eletronarcose, narcose por CO2 e hipotermia sobre a qualidade da carne de bijupirá e estudar a estabilidade da carne sob o resfriamento e congelamento, mensurando as principais variáveis físico-químicas e sensoriais utilizadas tanto na indústria e na pesquisa. Para isso foram realizados dois experimentos, onde no primeiro noventa exemplares foram submetidos aos três tratamentos. Após a insensibilização os peixes foram abatidos por sangria e mantidos resfriados a 4ºC durante 21 dias. As amostras foram coletadas após a determinação da morte do animal (hora 0), 5 horas e aos 1, 7, 14 e 21 dias de armazenamento. Os dados foram submetidos à ANOVA e constatada diferença significativa (P<0,05), as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. Foram avaliados o índice de rigor, pH muscular, bases nitrogenadas voláteis (BNV), propriedades dielétricas, análise sensorial, degradação do ATP muscular. O tempo decorrido para a insensibilização dos animais foi bastante diferente (eletronarcose: 2 segundos; narcose CO2: 31 minutos; hipotermia: 17,5 minutos). A coloração das brânquias apresentou diferença significativa (P<0,05). Peixes insensibilizados por hipotermia apresentaram maior velocidade de degradação de adenosina trifosfato e maior velocidade de formação de hipoxantina, animais insensibilizados por eletronarcose apresentaram maior velocidade aumento de valor de K. No segundo experimento os peixes foram submetidos a cada um dos tratamentos, e quando constatado o estado de insensibilização aparente, precedia-se com o corte dos arcos branquiais, filetagem, congelamento ultrarrápido, embalagem e manutenção em freezer -18ºC por 180 dias. A cada 60 dias amostras foram coletadas para avaliação de perda de água por gotejamento, perda de água por cocção, oxidação lipídica, desnaturação proteica, pH muscular, contração do filé, cor e alteração dos ácidos graxos durante o congelamento. A intensidade de vermelho foi maior nos peixes insensibilizado por eletronarcose (P>0,05). Foi constatado que o congelamento ultrarrápido é capaz de mascarar as perdas de qualidade decorrentes do estresse pré-abate. Nenhum dos tratamentos foi capaz de interferir significativamente (P>0,05) na degradação destes ácidos. Para os índices de saudabilidade estudados, houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos tanto na relação n6/n3, peixes insensibilizados por eletronarcose apresentam melhores médias para índices trombogênico e aterogênico. Conclui-se que a eletronarcose pode ser uma boa opção para o abate de bijupirás, por causar insensibilização aparente rápida e com mínimo de sofrimento sem perda de qualidade da carne. / Aquaculture in Brazil is growing phase, particularly with the intensive cultivation of commercial species. The fish are killed by immersion in ice and water, or by asphyxiation in ice, proven methods that do not cause immediate loss of brain function and may have adverse consequences on meat quality. Thus it becomes necessary studies to identify the best way to fish stunning, which provide the same, less pain and better quality of the meat. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of pre slaughter by electro stunning, CO2 narcosis and hypothermia on the quality of cobia meat and study the stability of the meat in cooling and freezing, measuring the main physical and chemical variables and sensory used both in industry and research. For this two experiments were conducted, where the first ninety copies were submitted to three treatments. After stunning the fish were slaughtered by bleeding and kept refrigerated at 4°C for 21 days. Samples were collected after determination of the death of the animal (time 0), 5 hours and 1, 7, 14 and 21 days of storage. The data were submitted to ANOVA and found significant differences (P <0.05), means were compared by Tukey test. We evaluated the accuracy index, muscle pH, volatile nitrogenous bases (VBN), dielectric properties, sensory evaluation, muscle ATP degradation. The elapsed time for the stunning of animals was quite different (electronarcosis: 2 seconds; CO2 narcosis: 31 minutes; hypothermia: 17.5 minutes). The color of the gills showed a significant difference (P <0.05). Fish were stunned by hypothermia showed greater speed of adenosine triphosphate degradation of hypoxanthine and higher speed of training, animals were stunned by electro showed greater speed increasing value K. In the second experiment, fish were subjected to each treatment, and when the verified state of apparent stunning if preceded with cutting the gill arches, filleting, ultra-fast freezing, packaging and maintenance in freezer -18 ° C for 180 days. Every 60 days samples were collected for assessment of loss of water drip water loss by cooking, lipid oxidation, protein denaturation, muscle pH, fillet contraction, color and alteration of fatty acids during freezing. The red intensity was higher in fish numb by electro (P> 0.05). It was found that the ultrafast freezing is able to mask the quality losses associated with the pre-slaughter stress. none of the treatments were able to interfere significantly (P> 0.05) in the degradation of these acids. For the healthiness indices studied, there was a significant difference between treatments in both the relationship n6/n3, fish stunned by electro have better averages for thrombogenic and atherogenic index. It concludes that electro can be a good option for slaughtering bijupirás, to cause rapid apparent stunning and with minimal suffering no loss of meat quality.

Controles do desenvolvimento ovariano em abelhas africanizadas adultas, Apis mellifera Linné, 1758 (Hymenoptera, Apidae)

Berger, Bruno [UNESP] 31 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:30:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-08-31Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:01:10Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 berger_b_dr_rcla.pdf: 1800024 bytes, checksum: b803c12973aa74cd00fe939959c8d1f1 (MD5) / Os ovários das rainhas diferem dos de operárias de Apis mellifera quanto ao número e comprimento dos ovaríolos. Tanto o número, como o comprimento destes, é muito maior na rainha que nas operárias. No entanto, em ambos os casos os ovários são funcionais, isto é, capazes de produzir óvulos maduros. Apesar disso, operárias e rainhas diferem muito quanto à fertilidade e aos mecanismos controladores/estimuladores da vitelogênese, ou seja, da maturação dos óvulos. Em condições normais da colônia, nas rainhas a vitelogênese é desencadeada pelo acasalamento e nas operárias, pela ausência da rainha ou do recebimento de informações sobre sua presença na colônia. Passada a ocasião própria para o acasalamento no caso da rainha, e em idade avançada das operárias, os ovários entram em degeneração. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o de avaliar como se comporta o desenvolvimento do ovário em rainhas e operárias mantidas fora dos condicionamentos da colônia e o efeito do tratamento destas com CO2, prática corrente na apicultura. Para tanto, operárias e rainhas foram mantidas aprisionadas em caixas com candy e água durante 15 dias e seguida a seqüência de desenvolvimento de seus ovários. O efeito do não acasalamento na época própria e do tratamento com CO2 foi feito estudando a morfologia do desenvolvimento da ovogênese, usando TUNEL e reação de fosfatase acida para caracterizar possíveis alterações celulares. As células do filamento terminal apresentaram-se empilhadas em fila única. Na transição para o germário as células tornam-se piramidais com a base apoiada sobre a lâmina própria e o ápice voltado para o centro do ovaríolo. São encontradas células esféricas, provavelmente ovogônias. No germário estão presentes células somáticas e germinativas, sendo da linhagem germinativa, os cistoblastos, os cistócitos, os ovócitos e as futuras... / The ovaries of queens and workers of Apis mellifera differs in number and length of the ovarioles. Length and number of ovarioles are larger in queen than in workers. However, in both cases, the ovaries are functional, i.e., it is able of produce mature eggs. Despite of that, workers and queens differ very in fertility and mechanisms of controlling/inducing vitellogenesis. In colony conditions, queen’s vitellogenesis is triggered by the matting and in workers by the absence of the queen or of the receipt of information about its presence in the colony. After the age proper to mate or in workers advanced age, the ovaries enter in degeneration. The objective of the present work was the evaluating of the ovary development in queens and workers maintained caged outside of the colony conditionings and the effect of the narcosis with CO2, practice current in the beekeeping. Newly emerged queens and workers were caged with candy and water during 15 days. For the queens the effect of the mate delay and CO2 narcosis were studied using TUNEL and acid fosfatase reaction to evaluate cell damages. The cells of the terminal filament appear as rows of one single cell, with a rectangular shape, poor in organelles and with a big central nucleus. In the transition for the germarium the cells present a pyramidal form with their base widened resting on tunica propria and the apex directed to center of the ovariole. Below the region of transition to the germarium are spherical cells, probably the oogonia. In the germarium are found somatic (pre-follicular cells) and germinative (cystoblasts, the cystocists, the oocytes and the future nurse cells) cells. The queen’s ovaries develop normally until the mating age, 5 days old queens. About the 10 days, the virgin queen beginning to presents an ovariolar disorganization with big incidence of injured cells with characteristics of apoptosis and autofagic death... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Influência de diferentes métodos de insensibilização pré-abate sobre parâmetros físicos, químicos e sensoriais da carne refrigerada e congelada de bijupirá (Rachycentron canadum) / Influence of different methods of pre-slaughter stunning on physical, chemical and sensory parameters of chilled and frozen cobia (Rachycentron canadum) meat

Sheyla Cristina Vargas 20 March 2015 (has links)
A aquicultura no Brasil encontra-se numa fase de crescimento, principalmente com o cultivo intensivo de espécies de interesse comercial. Os peixes são abatidos por imersão em gelo e água, ou por asfixia em gelo, métodos que comprovadamente não causam a imediata perda de função cerebral e podem ter consequências prejudiciais à qualidade da carne. Desta forma, tornam-se necessários estudos que identifiquem a melhor forma de insensibilização para peixes, que proporcionem ao mesmo tempo menor sofrimento e maior qualidade da carne. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar influência da insensibilização pré abate por eletronarcose, narcose por CO2 e hipotermia sobre a qualidade da carne de bijupirá e estudar a estabilidade da carne sob o resfriamento e congelamento, mensurando as principais variáveis físico-químicas e sensoriais utilizadas tanto na indústria e na pesquisa. Para isso foram realizados dois experimentos, onde no primeiro noventa exemplares foram submetidos aos três tratamentos. Após a insensibilização os peixes foram abatidos por sangria e mantidos resfriados a 4ºC durante 21 dias. As amostras foram coletadas após a determinação da morte do animal (hora 0), 5 horas e aos 1, 7, 14 e 21 dias de armazenamento. Os dados foram submetidos à ANOVA e constatada diferença significativa (P<0,05), as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. Foram avaliados o índice de rigor, pH muscular, bases nitrogenadas voláteis (BNV), propriedades dielétricas, análise sensorial, degradação do ATP muscular. O tempo decorrido para a insensibilização dos animais foi bastante diferente (eletronarcose: 2 segundos; narcose CO2: 31 minutos; hipotermia: 17,5 minutos). A coloração das brânquias apresentou diferença significativa (P<0,05). Peixes insensibilizados por hipotermia apresentaram maior velocidade de degradação de adenosina trifosfato e maior velocidade de formação de hipoxantina, animais insensibilizados por eletronarcose apresentaram maior velocidade aumento de valor de K. No segundo experimento os peixes foram submetidos a cada um dos tratamentos, e quando constatado o estado de insensibilização aparente, precedia-se com o corte dos arcos branquiais, filetagem, congelamento ultrarrápido, embalagem e manutenção em freezer -18ºC por 180 dias. A cada 60 dias amostras foram coletadas para avaliação de perda de água por gotejamento, perda de água por cocção, oxidação lipídica, desnaturação proteica, pH muscular, contração do filé, cor e alteração dos ácidos graxos durante o congelamento. A intensidade de vermelho foi maior nos peixes insensibilizado por eletronarcose (P>0,05). Foi constatado que o congelamento ultrarrápido é capaz de mascarar as perdas de qualidade decorrentes do estresse pré-abate. Nenhum dos tratamentos foi capaz de interferir significativamente (P>0,05) na degradação destes ácidos. Para os índices de saudabilidade estudados, houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos tanto na relação n6/n3, peixes insensibilizados por eletronarcose apresentam melhores médias para índices trombogênico e aterogênico. Conclui-se que a eletronarcose pode ser uma boa opção para o abate de bijupirás, por causar insensibilização aparente rápida e com mínimo de sofrimento sem perda de qualidade da carne. / Aquaculture in Brazil is growing phase, particularly with the intensive cultivation of commercial species. The fish are killed by immersion in ice and water, or by asphyxiation in ice, proven methods that do not cause immediate loss of brain function and may have adverse consequences on meat quality. Thus it becomes necessary studies to identify the best way to fish stunning, which provide the same, less pain and better quality of the meat. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of pre slaughter by electro stunning, CO2 narcosis and hypothermia on the quality of cobia meat and study the stability of the meat in cooling and freezing, measuring the main physical and chemical variables and sensory used both in industry and research. For this two experiments were conducted, where the first ninety copies were submitted to three treatments. After stunning the fish were slaughtered by bleeding and kept refrigerated at 4°C for 21 days. Samples were collected after determination of the death of the animal (time 0), 5 hours and 1, 7, 14 and 21 days of storage. The data were submitted to ANOVA and found significant differences (P <0.05), means were compared by Tukey test. We evaluated the accuracy index, muscle pH, volatile nitrogenous bases (VBN), dielectric properties, sensory evaluation, muscle ATP degradation. The elapsed time for the stunning of animals was quite different (electronarcosis: 2 seconds; CO2 narcosis: 31 minutes; hypothermia: 17.5 minutes). The color of the gills showed a significant difference (P <0.05). Fish were stunned by hypothermia showed greater speed of adenosine triphosphate degradation of hypoxanthine and higher speed of training, animals were stunned by electro showed greater speed increasing value K. In the second experiment, fish were subjected to each treatment, and when the verified state of apparent stunning if preceded with cutting the gill arches, filleting, ultra-fast freezing, packaging and maintenance in freezer -18 ° C for 180 days. Every 60 days samples were collected for assessment of loss of water drip water loss by cooking, lipid oxidation, protein denaturation, muscle pH, fillet contraction, color and alteration of fatty acids during freezing. The red intensity was higher in fish numb by electro (P> 0.05). It was found that the ultrafast freezing is able to mask the quality losses associated with the pre-slaughter stress. none of the treatments were able to interfere significantly (P> 0.05) in the degradation of these acids. For the healthiness indices studied, there was a significant difference between treatments in both the relationship n6/n3, fish stunned by electro have better averages for thrombogenic and atherogenic index. It concludes that electro can be a good option for slaughtering bijupirás, to cause rapid apparent stunning and with minimal suffering no loss of meat quality.

Rôle de l'oxygène dans les phénomènes de narcose à l'azote / The role of oxygen in inert gas narcosis

Lafère, Pierre 12 September 2014 (has links)
Le plongeur subit de nombreuses contraintes issues du milieu dans lequel il évolue. La narcose à l’azote par ses effets sur la performance cognitive en fait partie. Elle est impliquée dans de nombreux accidents de plongée sous-marine. Il est donc nécessaire de développer un outil fiable pour évaluer la performance cognitive sous l’eau de manière quantitative, reproductible et indépendante de la subjectivité du plongeur. Ensuite, après validation de cet outil (fréquence critique de fusion du scintillement - CFFF) préciser le rôle des facteurs modulateurs de la narcose en particulier celui de l’oxygène. Nos investigations sont réalisées chez des volontaires sains sélectionnés spécifiquement pour obtenir une population homogène (genre, âge, BMI, condition physique et expérience en plongée). L’analyse de la performance cérébrale est réalisée au moyen de tests psychométriques, d’échelles visuelles analogique et de la CFFF dans différentes conditions (normobarie, plongées simulées et réelles à 30 mètres de profondeur pendant 20 minutes) et avec différents gaz (air et Nitrox 40%). L’effet propre de l’oxygène est appréhendé par l’utilisation de la spectroscopie proche de l’infrarouge (NIRS).Nos mesures confirment d’une part la dégradation progressive de la performance cognitive tant par les tests psychométriques que par la CFFF avec un bon degré de corrélation (Pearson de 0,86 à 0,93) entre eux et d’autre part l’incapacité du plongeur à s’auto- évaluer. L’évolution de la performance cognitive est caractérisée par une amélioration lors de l’arrivée en profondeur d’autant plus marquée que la quantité d’oxygène dans le mélange respiré est importante, suivie par une dégradation qui persiste au moins jusqu’à 30 minutes après le retour en surface, surtout en respiration d’air. L’utilisation de l’imagerie fonctionnelle cérébrale (NIRS) permet d’associer l’amélioration des performances cognitives à une activation cérébrale dépendante de l’oxygène. L’oxygène semble donc être un élément important de la modulation des symptômes de la narcose à l’azote. De manière très cohérente avec la théorie neurochimique de la narcose nous suggérons que l’effet net sur la performance cérébrale dépend d’une balance entre les effets activateurs de l’oxygène et les effets inhibiteurs de l’azote. / During a dive subjects undergo many environmental stressors. Nitrogen narcosis through its effects on cognitive performance is one of them. Narcosis is indeed involved in many scuba diving accidents. It is therefore mandatory to develop a quantitative, reliable, reproducible tool to evaluate underwater diver’s cognitive performance. This tool should not be dependent on diver’s subjectivity. Once this tool (critical flicker fusion frequency - CFFF) is validated, we could then clarify the role of narcosis modulating factors in particular that of oxygen.Our investigations were performed in healthy volunteers specifically selected in a large group of recreational diver to obtain a standard population (gender, age, BMI, fitness and experience in diving). Cerebral performance analysis is carried out using psychometric tests, visual analogic scale and CFFF in different conditions (normobaria, simulated and open-water dives to a depth of 30 meters of fresh or salt water for 20 minutes) and with different gases (air and EANx 40%). The specific effect of oxygen is apprehended by use of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS).On one hand, our measurements confirm the gradual deterioration of cognitive performance by both psychometric tests and CFFF, which share a good degree of correlation (Pearson from 0.86 to 0.93) and on the other hand diver’s inability to assess themselves.The evolution of cognitive performance is characterized by an improvement when arriving at depth followed by a progressive impairment that persists for at least 30 minutes after surfacing.The more oxygen in the breathing mixture, the better improvement in the early part of the dive and the less impairment in the following measurements are observed. Brain functional imaging (NIRS) allows us to pair the observed cognitive performance improvement with oxygen-dependent brain activation.It seems that Oxygen is an important modulator of the symptoms of nitrogen narcosis. In accordance with the neurochemical theory of narcosis we suggest that the net effect on cerebral performance depends on a balance between the activating effects of oxygen and the inhibitory effects of nitrogen.

Reaktive Toxizität von kleinen Heterozyklen, Carbonylen, Harnstoffderivaten und weiteren elektrophilen Organika sowie von Stoffgemischen im Ciliaten-Bioassay

Schramm, Franziska 04 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen der EU-Richtlinie REACH müssen industrierelevante Chemikalien bezüglich des Risikos für Mensch und Umwelt (neu) untersucht und bewertet werden, wobei die Anzahl an Tierversuchen zu minimieren ist und neue toxikologische Prüfmethoden, Bewertungsstrategien sowie alternative Testsysteme entwickelt und optimiert werden sollen. Ubiquitär vorkommende Testorganismen, welche ähnliche Eigenschaften und eine vergleichbare Sensitivität bezüglich äußerer Einflüsse wie komplexere Organismen (Fisch, Säugetier, Mensch) besitzen, sind hier besonders gefragt um die Belastung abzuschätzen und Trendaussagen über die Wirkung zu formulieren. Durch den Einsatz vieler dieser Testorganismen sowie durch die Ermittlung der chemischen Reaktivität und der Strukturmerkmale einer Verbindung kann ein globales Bild über die Wirkung erhalten werden. Ein Organismus, der diese Charakteristika aufweist, ist der eukaryotische Einzeller Tetrahymena pyriformis GL. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird zum einen die jeweilige Toxizität elektrophiler Substanzen unterschiedlicher Stoffklassen und Reaktions-mechanismen (α,β-ungesättigte Carbonyl- und Carboxylverbindungen, heterozyklische Drei- und Vierringe, α-halogenierte Carbonyle, Harnstoffe und Thioharnstoffe, aromatische Disulfide sowie aliphatische und aromatische Nitroverbindungen) nach den Expositionszeiten 24 h, 48 h und 72 h mit Hilfe eines etablierten Wachstumshemmtests (Müller, 2001) bestimmt und Struktur-Toxizitäts-Beziehungen bzw. Strukturalarme abgeleitet. Neben der methodischen Optimierung werden die substanzspezifischen Eigenschaften, Flüchtigkeit und Sorptionsfähigkeit, quantitativ erfasst und durch neu aufgestellten Modellgleichungen für jede Substanz ermittelt. Mit der Bestimmung der Toxizitätserhöhung, Te, welche auch als ein Maß für die Reaktivität angesehen werden kann, werden Organismen-spezifische Narkose-Basis-Geraden generiert, exzesstoxische Verbindungen identifiziert und Strukturalarme für die jeweiligen Stoffklassen aufgestellt. Zum anderen werden binäre Mischungen untersucht, welche aus den Einzelstoffen bestehen, deren Toxizität im ersten Abschnitt der Arbeit ermittelt wurden und bei denen theoretische Annahmen über die Reaktionsmechanismen bestehen. Dieser Abschnitt identifiziert, ob gleiche bzw. unähnliche primäre Wechselwirkungen zweier Substanzen mit den biologischen Targets vorliegen und welcher Mechanismus, der reaktive Mechanismus exzesstoxischer Substanzen oder die Wechselwirkungen mit Membran-Bestandteilen, dominierend ist. Für die Auswertung der Mischungsergebnisse werden die etablierten biometrischen Modelle Konzentrations-Additivität und Unabhängigen Wirkung verwendet. Es wird dargestellt, dass die Mischungstoxizitäten der binären Mischungen ähnlich wirkender Substanzen zwar relativ genau mithilfe beider Modelle berechnet werden, jedoch keine eindeutige Charakterisierung der Mechanismen möglich ist. Die Ergebnisse der untersuchten binären Mischungen unterschiedlich wirkender Substanzen zeigen dagegen, dass die Mischungstoxizitäten unähnlicher Substanzen relativ genau mithilfe des Modells der Unabhängigen Wirkung berechnet werden und eine Charakterisierung der Mechanismen möglich ist.

Reaktive Toxizität von kleinen Heterozyklen, Carbonylen, Harnstoffderivaten und weiteren elektrophilen Organika sowie von Stoffgemischen im Ciliaten-Bioassay

Schramm, Franziska 06 December 2012 (has links)
Im Rahmen der EU-Richtlinie REACH müssen industrierelevante Chemikalien bezüglich des Risikos für Mensch und Umwelt (neu) untersucht und bewertet werden, wobei die Anzahl an Tierversuchen zu minimieren ist und neue toxikologische Prüfmethoden, Bewertungsstrategien sowie alternative Testsysteme entwickelt und optimiert werden sollen. Ubiquitär vorkommende Testorganismen, welche ähnliche Eigenschaften und eine vergleichbare Sensitivität bezüglich äußerer Einflüsse wie komplexere Organismen (Fisch, Säugetier, Mensch) besitzen, sind hier besonders gefragt um die Belastung abzuschätzen und Trendaussagen über die Wirkung zu formulieren. Durch den Einsatz vieler dieser Testorganismen sowie durch die Ermittlung der chemischen Reaktivität und der Strukturmerkmale einer Verbindung kann ein globales Bild über die Wirkung erhalten werden. Ein Organismus, der diese Charakteristika aufweist, ist der eukaryotische Einzeller Tetrahymena pyriformis GL. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird zum einen die jeweilige Toxizität elektrophiler Substanzen unterschiedlicher Stoffklassen und Reaktions-mechanismen (α,β-ungesättigte Carbonyl- und Carboxylverbindungen, heterozyklische Drei- und Vierringe, α-halogenierte Carbonyle, Harnstoffe und Thioharnstoffe, aromatische Disulfide sowie aliphatische und aromatische Nitroverbindungen) nach den Expositionszeiten 24 h, 48 h und 72 h mit Hilfe eines etablierten Wachstumshemmtests (Müller, 2001) bestimmt und Struktur-Toxizitäts-Beziehungen bzw. Strukturalarme abgeleitet. Neben der methodischen Optimierung werden die substanzspezifischen Eigenschaften, Flüchtigkeit und Sorptionsfähigkeit, quantitativ erfasst und durch neu aufgestellten Modellgleichungen für jede Substanz ermittelt. Mit der Bestimmung der Toxizitätserhöhung, Te, welche auch als ein Maß für die Reaktivität angesehen werden kann, werden Organismen-spezifische Narkose-Basis-Geraden generiert, exzesstoxische Verbindungen identifiziert und Strukturalarme für die jeweiligen Stoffklassen aufgestellt. Zum anderen werden binäre Mischungen untersucht, welche aus den Einzelstoffen bestehen, deren Toxizität im ersten Abschnitt der Arbeit ermittelt wurden und bei denen theoretische Annahmen über die Reaktionsmechanismen bestehen. Dieser Abschnitt identifiziert, ob gleiche bzw. unähnliche primäre Wechselwirkungen zweier Substanzen mit den biologischen Targets vorliegen und welcher Mechanismus, der reaktive Mechanismus exzesstoxischer Substanzen oder die Wechselwirkungen mit Membran-Bestandteilen, dominierend ist. Für die Auswertung der Mischungsergebnisse werden die etablierten biometrischen Modelle Konzentrations-Additivität und Unabhängigen Wirkung verwendet. Es wird dargestellt, dass die Mischungstoxizitäten der binären Mischungen ähnlich wirkender Substanzen zwar relativ genau mithilfe beider Modelle berechnet werden, jedoch keine eindeutige Charakterisierung der Mechanismen möglich ist. Die Ergebnisse der untersuchten binären Mischungen unterschiedlich wirkender Substanzen zeigen dagegen, dass die Mischungstoxizitäten unähnlicher Substanzen relativ genau mithilfe des Modells der Unabhängigen Wirkung berechnet werden und eine Charakterisierung der Mechanismen möglich ist.

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