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Digital service erbjuden till användare med funktionsnedsättning på Armeniens national bibliotek : utmaningar och åtgärder. / Digital services to patrons with disabilities offered at the National Library of Armenia : challenges and measures taken.Khachatryan, Anna January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of the present qualitative study is to create knowledge about librarydigital services and their marketing to patrons with disabilities in Armenia, on theexample of the National Library of Armenia, as well as, to discover opinions of theNLA librarians and patrons with disabilities about the importance of library digitalservices to people with disabilities. Literature review and qualitative interviewing has been employed as methods to collect the empirical data. The results have been analyzed and discussed based on the library-marketing model of marketing research, marketing segmentation, marketing mix strategy and marketing evaluation suggested by Koontz & Gubbin (2010). It has been concluded, that 1) e-accessibility issomething new at the NLA and the NLA does not provide equally available knowledge, resources, services, facilities to patrons with disabilities, because of the following main challenges: lack of continuous funding and support from the state, lack of appropriate facilities and technologies, lack of qualified staff, and historicallyinherited library infrastructure impediments; 2) no library service marketing is conducted to patrons with disabilities at the NLA; 3) the opinions are that provisionwith such services is very important to people with disabilities, since they allow those people to gain access and use information in formats adopted to their various needs, and, of course, they become integrated into the modern society. The important role of a library as a non-discriminator and copyright protector in a developing country when delivering digital library services to patrons with disabilities has also been discovered. / Program: Masterprogram: Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap, Digitala bibliotek och informationstjänster
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Flygtrafikbuller i hemmiljö : En enkätundersökning om besvärsupplevelser och hälsa i relation till flygbuller för boende kring Linköping City Airport / Air Traffic Noise in the Home Environment : A survey of disturbances and self-reported health in relation to air traffic noise for residents around Linköping city airportLindeler, Sara January 2019 (has links)
Introduktion: Buller definieras som oönskat ljud. Uppfattningen av ett oönskat ljud är mycket individuellt. Det som anses vara oljud för en person, kan upplevas som icke-oljud för en annan person. Buller anses dock generellt som störande ljud och är vanligtvis något som varje individ stöter på under sin vardag som exempelvis på arbetsplatsen, skolan, eller i hemmet. Buller anses vara den miljöstörning som berör flest människor i Sverige. Det är ett växande problem och flygtrafik anses vara en av de mest genomgripande utomhusljudkällorna. Bullerproblem som är förknippade med flygtrafik är koncentrerade i områden nära flygplatser, vilket kan påverka flera tusentals boendes hälsa. Flygtrafikbuller har länge varit ett folkhälsoproblem och många människor som är bosatta i närheten av en flygplats har utvecklat ett antal negativa hälsoeffekter av flygtrafikbuller Syfte: Att undersöka hur boende som är bosatta nära flygplatsen Linköping City Airport upplever och påverkas av flygtrafikbuller. Metod: Studien har utförts som en enkätundersökning med en kvantitativ tvärsnittsdesign. Webbenkäten som har använts som mätinstrument har konstruerats för att besvara syftet. 292 vuxna individer (>18år), varav 158 män och 133 kvinnor, deltog i studien. Insamlad statistiska data har bearbetats och analyserats i SPSS. För att kunna besvara syftet har följande statistiska tester använts: chi2-test, spearmans-korrelationsanalys och logistisk regressionsanalys. Resultat och konklusion: Boende som är bosatta i Tannefors visade överlag positiva upplevelser till flygtrafiken och var positivt inställda till flygplatsen. De boende som upplevde störningar minst varje vecka vissa delar av året upplevde att flygtrafikbuller medför svårigheter att utföra olika aktiviteter. Kvinnor i den yngsta åldersgruppen upplevde flygtrafikbuller som mer störande jämfört med män. Män hade en mer negativ inställning till flygplatsen jämfört med kvinnor. Boende som rapporterade sämre hälsotillstånd, sömnproblem och användande av öronproppar eller något annat hörselskydd för att kunna sova bättre, sämre sömnkvalitet, trötthet, obehagskänslor, ledsenhet och nedstämdhet, osällskaplighet och att man föredrar att vara ifred, irritation och vresighet, stress, lock eller tinnitus i öronen meddelade också ett större besvär för flygtrafikbuller. / Introduction: Aircraft noise is an example of unwanted sound. The perception of unwanted sound is very individual. What is considered noise by one person may be perceived as non-noise by someone else. However, noise is generally regarded as disturbing noise and is usually something that each individual encounters in their daily life, such as in the workplace, at school, or at home. Noise is considered to be the form of environmental disruption that affects the most people in Sweden. It is a growing problem, and air traffic is considered to be one of the most pervasive outdoor sound sources. Noise problems associated with air traffic are concentrated in areas close to airports, which can affect the health of thousands of residents. Air traffic noise has long been a public health problem, and many people living near an airport have developed a number of negative health effects due to air traffic noise. Purpose: To study how residents living near Linköping City Airport experience and are affected by air traffic noise. Method: The study has been conducted as a questionnaire survey with a quantitative crosssectional design. The online survey that has been used as a measuring instrument has been designed to answer the purpose. 292 adult subjects (> 18 years), including 158 men and 133 women, participated in the study. Collected statistical data has been processed and analysed in SPSS. In order to answer the purpose, the following statistical tests have been used: chi2 test, Spearman’s correlation analysis and logistic regression analysis. Results and conclusion: Residents living in Tannefors generally had positive experiences from air traffic and were positive towards the airport. The residents who experienced disturbances at least every week during certain parts of the year felt that air traffic noise caused difficulties performing various activities. Women in the youngest age group experienced air traffic noise as more disturbing compared to men. Men had fewer negative attitudes towards the airport compared to women. Residents who reported poorer health conditions, sleep problems and the use of earplugs or other hearing protectors to be able to sleep better, poorer sleep quality, fatigue, discomfort, sadness and depressed mood, low morale, a desire to be left alone, irritation and grief, stress, clogged ear or tinnitus also started that air traffic noise was a major inconvenience.
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