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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A needs assessment of parents on how to raise an autistic child

Balfour, Lara Jane 30 November 2007 (has links)
The motivation of the study was to explore the problems of families in South Africa who struggle to manage their children with autism and to find out whether they were receiving appropriate assistance. This was done by assessing the needs of the parents of children with autism by means of semi-structured interviews. Through these interviews, the parents were given the opportunity to express what information or recommendations they would like to have available to them. How the parents view their experience, their feelings about these experiences, and the strategies and actions that they take in order to cope with raising their child with autism, is important information. The aim of the study was to explore the problems South African families have so that this may form the base of information supplied to professionals such as psychologists, social workers, and educators thereby assisting in improving service delivery to parents of children with autism. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Play Therapy)

Assessment meetings between care managers and persons living with dementia : Citizenship as practice / Behovsbedömningssamtal mellan biståndshandläggare och personer med demenssjukdom : Medborgarskap i praktiken

Österholm, Johannes H January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with encounters between persons living with dementia and care managers. Dementia often results in progressive care needs that must be met by different social care services. The person’s care needs are assessed in an assessment meeting where the person and their relatives meet with a care manager to negotiate needs and social care services. The assessment is conducted through one or several conversations where the person with dementia meets the care manager; relatives are often present in the meetings. Dementia is a syndrome that involves a cognitive decline and a decreased ability to communicate and interact with others. It may therefore be difficult for a person with dementia to take part in discussions about their care needs and social care services. 15 audio recorded meetings have been studied to explore and understand how persons with dementia use their remaining communicative, cognitive and linguistic resources to invoke, negotiate, and use their rights as citizens in the institutional context where their care needs are assessed. The analysis concerns the organization of talk as a joint activity; the production of social actors in talk-in-interaction; the relation to institutional features of discourse. This dissertation concludes that the practice of citizenship is situation based and varies depending on the participants present. Care managers can facilitate for persons with dementia to overcome communication problems by using different discursive strategies and to make it possible for them to participate or at least be included in the negotiation. Persons with dementia are positioned as less competent than other persons participating in the assessment meeting. This might have an impact on the participation of people with dementia in negotiations regarding their future care. Furthermore, stories told in assessment meetings often position the person as dependent on others, which could undermine the identity and sense of self of the person with dementia. / Den här avhandlingen berör möten mellan personer med demenssjukdom och biståndshandläggare. Demenssjukdomar medför ofta komplexa omsorgsbehov, vilka kan mötas med hjälp av olika stödinsatser. Personens omsorgsbehov bedöms i ett biståndshandläggningssamtal där personen och dennes anhöriga träffar en biståndshandläggare för att förhandla dennes behov och eventuella insatser. Konversation är centralt i dessa möten. Demenssjukdomar medför kognitiva nedsättningar och nedsatt förmåga att kommunicera och interagera med andra. Det kan därför vara svårt för personer med demenssjukdom att deltaga i diskussioner om behov och insatser. 15 ljudinspelade samtal har studerats för att förstå hur personer med demens använder sina kvarvarande kommunikativa, kognitiva och språkliga resurser för att åberopa, förhandla och använda sina rättigheter som medborgare i den institutionella kontext där deras omsorgsbehov bedöms. I samtalet medverkar personen med demens, handläggaren samt ofta någon familjemedlem. Analysen fokuserar på organiseringen av samtal som en gemensam aktivitet; hur sociala aktörer skapas i samtal; hur det institutionella samtalets särdrag påverkar konversationen. Sammanfattningsvis visar denna avhandling på att hur medborgarskap praktiseras är situationsbaserat och varierar beroende på vilka som deltar i mötet. Biståndshandläggare kan underlätta för personer med demenssjukdom att övervinna kommunikativa problem genom att använda olika samtalsstrategier och göra det möjlig för dem att delta eller att åtminstone inkluderas i förhandlingen angående olika stödinsatser. Personer med demenssjukdom positioneras ofta som mindre kompetenta än andra personer som deltar i behovsbedömningssamtal, vilket kan medföra konsekvenser på personens delaktighet i planerandet av framtida insatser. Berättelser i dessa samtal positionerar ofta personen med demenssjukdom som beroende av andra, vilket kan underminera deras identitet och uppfattning av sig själva.

A selected group of nurses' experience of termination of pregnancy support services at a health care facility in the Western Cape

Havemann-Serfontein, Anne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this pilot study was to do a needs analysis with a selected group of nurses with regard to the following three aspects: nurses' experiences of their involvement in termination of pregnancy (TOP) services, the effects of their involvement in TOP service provision on a personal, familial and career level, as well as their needs with regard to support. An important aspect of the needs analysis was to develop a questionnaire which can be used as basis for future research purposes. A qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual research design was applied in order to conduct this study. Participants were recruited from a health care facility in the Western Cape, v~ and the small sample group (seven out of a possible fifteen) consisted of a selected group of nurses who are currently involved in performing TOPs, as well as nurses involved in pre- and/or post-procedure care of patients. Each participant completed a self-administered biographical dataand semi-structured questionnaire, which was compiled specifically for the purpose of the pilot study. Specific guidelines according to previous research findings were incorporated. The results of the pilot study revealed that most of the participants experience some sort of cognitive, emotional and/or behavioural reaction before, during and after TOP procedures are performed. -Feelings of anxiety, sadness, anger, depression and guilt were reported in some cases, as well as moral-ethical conflicts. With regard to the effect on a personal, familial and career level, it was confirmed that the work has an effect on the majority of respondents' personal life and career to a certain extent, although family life did not seem te be affected significantly. The results conveyed that the majority of the nurses experienced that the impact of their work with TOPs seemed to be different from that of their other nursing duties. It was found that participating nurses are in need of some sort of support service, and that the practicality of the services which are currently provided, should be investigated further. Although the ability to generalise the results, was limited by the small research sample, valuable information was gained with regard to nurses' needs for support, as confirmed by other South African research findings. Suggestions for improvements in the questionnaire, as well as other further research possibilities, are provided. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie loodsstudie was om 'n behoeftebepaling te doen met 'n geselekteerde groep verpleegpersoneel met betrekking tot die volgende drie aspekte: verpleegpersoneel se ervaring van hul betrokkenheid by terminasie van swangerskap (TOP) dienste, die effek van hul betrokkenheid by TOP diensvoorsiening op 'n persoonlike, gesins- en beroepsvlak, sowel as hul behoeftes met betrekking tot ondersteuning. 'n Belangrike aspek van die behoeftebepaling was om 'n vraelys saam te stel wat as basis vir toekomstige navorsingsdoeleindes sou kon dien. 'n Kwalitatiewe, eksploratiewe, beskrywende en kontekstuele navorsingsontwerp is toegepas ten einde hierdie loodsstudie uit te voer. Deelnemers is gewerf by 'n gesondheidsorgfasiliteit in die Wes-Kaap en die klein steekproef (sewe uit 'n moontlike vyftien) het bestaan uit 'n geselekteerde groep verpleegpersoneel wat tans betrokke is by die uitvoering van terminasie van swangerskappe, sowel as verpleegsters wat betrokke is in pre- en/of post-prosedurele versorging van pasiente. Elke respondent het 'n selfgeadministreerde biografiese en semi-gestrulctureerde vraelys voltooi, wat spesifiek vir die doel van die loodsstudie saamgestel is. Spesifieke riglyne op grond van vorige navorsingsbevindinge is geinkorporeer. Die resultate van die loodsstudie het aan die lig gebring dat die meeste van die respondente een of ander kognitiewe, emosionele en/of gedragsreaksie ervaar voor, tydens en na die uitvoering van TOP prosedures. Gevoelens van angs, hartseer, woede, depressie en skuld is gerapporteer in sornmige gevalle, sowel as moreel-etiese konflikte. Wat betref die effek op 'n persoonlike, gesins- en beroepsvlak, is dit ook bevestig dat die werk 'n effek blyk te he op respondente se persoonlike en beroepslewe tot 'n sekere mate, alhoewel dit geblyk het dat gesinslewe nie beduidend bemvloed word nie. Dit het ook uit die resultate van die studie geblyk dat die meerderheid van verpleegsters die impak van hul werk met TOP as anders as die van hul ander verplegingstake ervaar. Daar is bevind dat deelnemende verpleegpersoneel 'n behoefte het aan een of ander tipe ondersteuningsdiens en dat die praktiese aspekte van die dienste wat tans voorsien word, verder ondersoek behoort te word. Alhoewel die veralgemeenbaarheid van die resultate deur die klein steekproef beperk word, is waardevolle inligting bekom met betrekking tot verpleegpersoneel se behoeftes aan ondersteuning, soos bevestig deur ander Suid-Afrikaanse navorsingsbevindinge. Aanbevelings vir verbeteringe aan die vraelys, sowel as verdere navorsingsmoontlikhede word gemaak.

Understanding epilepsy within historically black schools in the Western Cape

Lupondo, Yolanda 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych (Educational Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study was conducted within historically black schools in the Western Cape. According to (HSRP@historicsschools.org.za) historically Black schools are identified as schools which under the apartheid government were racially segregated schools, situated mainly in residential areas populated by people classified as black, for the exclusive use of people in this racial classification category. The purpose of this study was to explore educators', parents' and learner understands of epilepsy. This study uses an interpretive research framework to obtain in-depth data on educators', parents' and learner’s knowledge of epilepsy, reactions of educators towards learners with epilepsy, the effect of epilepsy on learning and the inclusion of learners with epilepsy in a regular class. The thematic content analysis was the method of analysis. Participants’ experiences with regard to epilepsy were reconstructed according to themes. Recurring themes were linked with the literature. This study found that educators, parents and learners had little idea what epilepsy entails and their beliefs were often moulded by inaccurate information. Educators have received little or no training to provide meaningful support for learners with epilepsy. Despite policy changes the needs of learners with epilepsy are not met in the classroom. Educators and parents insist that they need information, skills and clear guidelines regarding epilepsy. Research indicates that educators find it difficult to cope with the demands of these learners, and often experience frustration and failure. It could benefit the schools if a supporting programme is developed to provide practical and comprehensive guidelines to assist educators to support learners with epilepsy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsing is in histories swart skole in die Weskaap onderneem. HSRP@historicschools.org.za beskryf ‘histories swart skole’ as skole wat tydens die apartheid-regime op grond van ras gesegregeer was, hoofsaaklik binne residensiële areas wat bewoon is deur mense wat as swart geklassifiseer is, vir die eksklusiewe gebruik van mense van hierdie rasseklassifikasie. Die doel van hierdie navorsing is om opvoeders, ouers en leerders se begrip van epilepsie te ondersoek. ’n Interpretatiewe navorsingsraamwerk is gebruik om in-diepte gegewens rakende opvoeders, ouers en leerders se kennis van epilepsie, opvoeders se reaksie teenoor leerders met epilepsie, die uitwerking van epilepsie op leer, en die insluiting van leerders met epilepsie in gewone klasse, in te win. Die tematiese inhoudsanalise is gebruik as ondersoekmetode. Deelnemers aan die studie se ervaringe van epilepsie is volgens temas gerekonstrueer. Herhalende temas is met die literatuur oor die onderwerp verbind. Die navorsing het bevind dat opvoeders, ouers en leerders weinig benul het van wat epilepsie is, en dat hulle begrip daarvan dikwels deur onakkurate inligting gevorm is. Opvoeders ontvang weinig of geen opleiding om betekenisvolle ondersteuning aan leerders met epilepsie te gee. Ten spyte van beleidsveranderinge word daar nie aan die behoeftes van leerders met epilepsie in die klaskamer voldoen nie. Opvoeders en ouers hou vol dat hulle inligting, vaardighede en duidelike riglyne rakende epilepsie nodig het. Navorsing wys dat opvoeders dit moeilik vind om raad te weet met hierdie leerders se behoeftes, en dat hulle dikwels frustrasie ervaar en voel dat hulle misluk het in hulle pogings. Die ontwikkeling van ’n ondersteuningsprogram, wat praktiese en omvattende riglyne daarstel om opvoeders met die behoeftes van leerders met epilepsie te assisteer, kan tot die voordeel van skole wees.

Universally Designed Playground Needs Assessment for Flag Pole Hill in White Rock Lake Park, Dallas, Texas

Hasan, Hira 12 1900 (has links)
There is limited anthropological research on inclusive play and universally designed playgrounds and this study aims to make some contribution in this field. This was a qualitative research study guided by anthropological theory and methods, conducted for For the Love of the Lake (FTLOTL) Foundation. FTLOTL is a non-profit organization located in Dallas, Texas, dedicated to White Rock Lake Park's maintenance. In 2014, FTLOTL became of the view that the park's current playgrounds lacked accessibility for differently-abled children. Therefore, FTLOTL decided to undertake a renovation project of Flag Pole Hill playground to incorporate inclusiveness and diversity in the playground design. The overarching objective of this exploratory, ethnographic needs assessment was to provide insights for an inclusive playground using universal design for families with special needs children. Fourteen parents, each with at least one child having physical, social, or intellectual disabilities in the Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) Texas metroplex were interviewed. The interviews were semi structured, each lasting for about an hour and were digitally recorded. Later these audio recordings were transcribed verbatim and then coded using Dedoose. The coded data was synthesized into coherent themes and sub-themes and finally organized into formal research findings. Observations were made of existing universally designed as well as typical playgrounds in this region. All parents interviewed supported the playground initiative and gave suggestions for physical accessibility along with social inclusion. They expressed their frustrations and apprehensions about the usability of current playgrounds. They also shared their preferences for facilities, features, and equipment to support their children's physical and social needs as well as their own. There was a unanimous agreement that a universally designed playground would have recreational, therapeutic and emotional benefits for participants and would improve the quality of their family lives and build a more closely-knit community.

Health information needs for initial assessments of children-in-care

Thompson, Cori Denise 13 April 2017 (has links)
Children and youth in state or statutory care (children-in-care) are at a higher risk of not having their health needs met than the general pediatric population. A literature review found a paucity of evidence on the health information needed for initial assessments of children-in-care in health record information systems in Canada, particularly when compared with information collected in the comparator countries the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia. This qualitative research reviewed six forms currently used in British Columbia (BC) for assessing the health needs of children-in-care, and for planning future health care delivery for these children. The forms were reviewed with social workers, foster parents, and medical care providers to understand how the forms met their needs for health information for initial assessments when a child first enters care. One researcher conducted 31 interviews with 37 participants —a mixture of social workers, foster parents, and medical care providers allowed for source triangulation— in urban and rural communities using a 19-question, nonvalidated interview tool. NVivo-10 was used to inductively encode participant interviews relying on Pava’s 9-step, nonlinear sociotechnical systems approach to identify themes and concepts raised by the interviews. The researcher conducted an informal review of relevant Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) organization documents and method triangulated the results to the interview findings to identify similarities, differences, and gaps. Findings from these two analyses were compared with the literature review findings. The six forms were found to document most of the required information for typical children-in-care provided the forms were available to the care team and completed in full prior to the initial assessment. Additional forms were used for children-in-care with complex health needs. Key health information included parents’ relevant health and social information, prenatal and birth records, medical and social history of the child, immunization record, whether the child had experienced adverse childhood events, and anything that might remind the child of a stressful situation and cause the child an adverse mental or physical outcome. Complexity in acquiring the needed health information comes from a variety of circumstances. For example, the child may transition in and out of care, parents may be unavailable, and social workers, foster parents, and medical care providers may each change while the child is in care. To overcome information-sharing challenges and barriers, research participants recommended several improvements including funding changes to support medical care provider participation, an information-sharing framework, and electronic options such as a centralized child-in-care record with secure email capability. Introducing some practices from other jurisdictions, notably a senior medical advisor role and a medical assessment model, might help address process challenges when health information is missing during the initial medical assessment. These resources would help round out MCFD’s existing conceptual child-in-care health-care framework. Together these changes may support social workers, foster parents, and medical care providers to provide care to and plan for children-in-care. / Graduate / 0723 (Information Science), 0769 (Health Care Management), 0452 (Social Work) / cdthomps@uvic.ca

Ověření odhadu předpokladů pro zkrácení výkonu trestu / The verification of detected assumptions for the reduction of servis a sentence

Horynová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
This Diploma thesis engages in problematic of the identification of needs and evaluation of risks by offenders of crime acts in the standpoint of developing the prediction tool, which could be used as a common tool in a prison and justice profession. This thesis is divided into two parts - the theoretical one and the empirical one. In the first - theoretical - part I introduce the basic concept of the evaluation of risks and its utilization in current prediction tools. I also mention here a historical development of these tools and their dividing according to the usage of statistical or dynamical factors. After that I also shortly introduce these days most common used tools in other countries. Then I focus on the development of czech (czechoslovak) evaluation tools and their specifics. Last chapter of the theoretical part introduces SARPO project in the meaning of slight description of its history and showing main ideas. Data analysis is based on dataset from SARPO 1 research (2009), which had to verify SARPO 1 utility tool. Besides the presentation of results and characteristics of dataset I will verify the propriety of designed mathematical model for calculation of risk through first and also second validization essay. Part of the analysis is also suggestion of alternative model for prediction...

Avaliação da vulnerabilidade de famílias na atenção básica / Assessment of the vulnerability of families in primary health care

Silva, Tharsila Martins Rios da 13 October 2011 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objeto famílias em situação de vulnerabilidade ao adoecimento assistidas por equipes da Estratégia Saúde da Família na Atenção Básica. Seu objetivo foi identificar famílias em situação de vulnerabilidade em uma Unidade Básica da ESF do Distrito Federal. Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico, observacional, transversal, de abordagem quantitativa. Foram realizadas 320 visitas domiciliárias definidas por uma amostra aleatória das áreas de abrangência do Posto Urbano-1 em São Sebastião DF. Utilizou-se um questionário estruturado, elaborado a partir do Índice de Desenvolvimento da Família (IDF). Os resultados revelaram famílias constituídas, em média, por quatro integrantes, com predomínio do sexo feminino, idade média de 25 anos, situação conjugal de solteiro e escolaridade baixa. Do total de famílias entrevistadas, 71 (22,2%) estavam em situação de pobreza e 27 (8,4%), de extrema pobreza. O IDF geral das famílias foi aceitável (IDF geral = 0,77), já que 268 (83,7%) encontravam-se em situação aceitável, porém 47 (14,7%) estavam em situação de vulnerabilidade grave e 5 (1,6%), muito grave. As dimensões mais críticas foram: acesso ao conhecimento e acesso ao trabalho, com IDF de 0,60 e 0,64, respectivamente. Na dimensão ausência de vulnerabilidade, os componentes atenção e cuidados com crianças, adolescentes e jovens e presença do cônjuge foram os que apresentaram situação de vulnerabilidade muito grave e grave, com índices de 0,26 e 0,52, respectivamente. Na dimensão acesso ao conhecimento, o componente escolaridade apresentou situação de vulnerabilidade muito grave, com IDF de 0,32. Na dimensão acesso ao trabalho, os componentes disponibilidade de trabalho e remuneração foram classificados como vulnerabilidade grave, com índices de 0,62 e 0,51, respectivamente. Os componentes das dimensões disponibilidade de recursos e desenvolvimento infantil apresentaram situação aceitável. Na dimensão condições habitacionais, o componente que apresentou situação de vulnerabilidade grave foi o déficit habitacional, com IDF de 0,60. Os indicadores de necessidades das famílias em situação de vulnerabilidade muito grave e grave foram: presença de crianças, adolescentes ou jovens; presença do cônjuge; chefe de família do sexo masculino e viver na presença do cônjuge; presença de adultos com ensino fundamental (principalmente nas famílias em situação de vulnerabilidade muito grave), médio ou superior completos; presença de mais que a metade dos membros em idade ativa ocupados; presença de trabalhador há mais de seis meses no trabalho atual; presença de um ocupado no setor formal; presença de um trabalhador que recebia mais que um salário mínimo; renda familiar superior a linha da extrema pobreza (principalmente para as famílias em situação de vulnerabilidade muito grave) e pobreza; maior parte da renda familiar que não advém de transferências do governo; ausência de crianças de zero a seis anos fora da escola; ausência de mãe cujo filho tenha morrido; presença de até dois moradores por dormitório; e acesso a telefone e computador. O estudo permitiu identificar famílias em situação de vulnerabilidade e sinalizou a importância de maiores investimentos nas áreas de educação, trabalho e renda. Espera-se que seja útil para fomentar reflexão crítica dos profissionais de saúde da Atenção Básica quanto ao reconhecimento das famílias em situação de vulnerabilidade, bem como de suas necessidades de saúde. / The objects of this study are families in situations of vulnerability to illness that are assisted by Family Health teams in Primary Care. Its goal was to identify families in vulnerable situations in a Basic Health Care Unit of the Federal District (FD). It is an observational, epidemiological cross-sectional, of quantitative approach. Home visits were made to 320 families defined by a random sample of the areas covered by the Family Health Strategy in São Sebastião - FD. A structured questionnaire was used, drawn from the Family Development Index (FDI). The results showed that the families interviewed had an average of four members, predominantly female, 25 years old, single status and low education. Of the total families interviewed, 71 (22,2%) were in poverty and 27 (8,4%) in extreme poverty. Most of the FDI of the families was acceptable (0,77), as 268 (83,7%) were in an acceptable situation, but 47 (14,7%) were in a situation of severe vulnerability and 5 (1,6%), in very severe vulnerability. The most critical dimensions were: access to knowledge and access to work, with FDI of 0,60 and 0,64, respectively. In the dimension absence of vulnerability, the components attention and care of children, adolescents and youth and presence of spouse indicated very severe and severe situations of vulnerability, with rates of 0,26 and 0,52, respectively. In the dimension access to knowledge, the component education expressed a situation of very severe vulnerability, with FDI of 0,32. In the dimension access to work, the components work and revenue were classified in a situation of severe vulnerability, with rates of 0,62 and 0,51, respectively. The components of the dimensions availability of resources and child development showed an acceptable situation. In the scope of housing conditions, the component that showed a situation of severe vulnerability was housing shortage, with FDI of 0,60. The vulnerability indicators that expressed the needs of the families in vulnerable situations were: presence of children or teenagers, presence of spouse; male head of the family and live in the presence of spouse, presence of adults with primary education (especially families in a situation of very severe vulnerability), secondary or high education completed, presence of more than half of the members of working age employed, presence of workers for more than six months in a steady job, job in the formal sector, presence of a worker who was paid more than a minimum wage, family income above the extreme poverty line (especially families in a situation of very severe vulnerability) and poverty, most of the family income that does not come from government transfers, absence of children up to six years old out of school, absence of mother whose child has died, the presence of up to two residents per bedroom, and access to telephone and computer. The study allowed the identification of families in vulnerable situations and signaled the importance of better investments in the areas of education, employment and income. It is expected for it to be useful in promoting critical reflection of the health workers of the Primary Care with the knowledge about the families in vulnerable situations as well as their health needs.

Sistema de classificação de pacientes na especialidade enfermagem psiquiátrica: validação clínica / Patient system classification in psychiatric nursing: clinical validation

Martins, Paula Andrea Shinzato Ferreira 14 March 2007 (has links)
A escassez de publicações a respeito de dimensionamento de pessoal na enfermagem psiquiátrica motivou o desenvolvimento de um Instrumento para Classificar o Nível de Dependência na Enfermagem Psiquiátrica, etapa inicial para o estabelecimento do número ideal de profissionais na Equipe de Enfermagem da especialidade. Para tornar público um Sistema de Classificação de Pacientes, o pesquisador deve garantir a validade de conteúdo e do constructo, além da confiabilidade da ferramenta, permitindo à comunidade científica sua adoção como método, ou mesmo, como material de referência no desenvolvimento de novos modelos. Desta forma, o instrumento foi construído e teve seu conteúdo validado em estudo anterior. Assim, seus objetivos buscaram a validação clínica, por meio de testes de confiabilidade e validade do constructo, além da verificação de sua aplicabilidade na prática gerencial do enfermeiro. Duas amostras foram utilizadas, sendo n=40 pares de instrumentos preenchidos na Fase 1 da coleta de dados e n=100 instrumentos preenchidos na Fase 3 do estudo, tendo sido aplicados cinco diferentes critérios estatísticos, entre eles: o coeficiente Kappa e a correlação de Spearman. O Instrumento para Classificar o Nível de Dependência na Enfermagem Psiquiátrica foi considerado confiável com índices satisfatórios de concordância e o constructo foi validado, determinando o grau de dependência do paciente portador de transtornos mentais, internado aos cuidados da equipe de enfermagem psiquiátrica / The shortage of publications about personnel dimensioning in psychiatric nursing motivated the development of an instrument to Classify the Dependence Level in Psychiatric Nursing, initial stage to the establishment of an ideal number of professionals in the Nursing Crew of the specialty. In order to make public a Patient Classification System, the researcher must guarantee the validity of the content and of the construct, besides the reliability of the tool, allowing to the scientific community its adoption as a method, or even, as a reference material in the development of new models. Thus, the instrument was built and had its content validated in a previous study. Thus, its purposes aimed at the clinical validation by reliability and construct validity tests, besides the checking of its applicability in the managing practice of the nurse. Two samples were used, being n=40 pairs of instruments filled in Stage 1 of data collection and n= 100 instruments filled in Stage 3 of the study, five different statistical criteria were applied, among them, the Kappa coefficient and the Spearman correlation. The instrument to Classify the Dependence Level in Psychiatric Nursing was considered reliable with good indicators of agreement and the construct was validated, determining the degree of dependence of the patient bearing mental disorders, interned under the cares of the psychiatric nursing crew

Necessidades de saúde de mulheres em processo de amamentação / Health needs of women in breastfeeding process

Shimoda, Gilcéria Tochika 16 March 2009 (has links)
Considerando-se os benefícios do aleitamento, amplamente reconhecidos, e as baixas taxas de aleitamento materno exclusivo no Brasil e que a mulher é o elemento que decide os rumos da amamentação, buscou-se nesse estudo o levantamento de necessidades de saúde a partir do depoimento de mulheres sobre a sua experiência de amamentar, pois na visão do profissional de saúde, a assistência geralmente se baseia no atendimento das demandas que chegam ao serviço. Os objetivos traçados para este estudo foram: identificar as necessidades de saúde de mulheres atendidas em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde no município de São Paulo, no processo de aleitamento materno; relacionar as necessidades de saúde identificadas com o perfil socioeconômico, demográfico e obstétrico dessas mulheres; relacionar as necessidades de saúde identificadas com a situação de aleitamento materno dessas mulheres. Participaram do estudo 238 mulheres, que realizaram entrevistas semi-estruturadas sobre a sua experiência de amamentar. Os dados foram organizados segundo a proposta do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo, extraindo-se as expressões-chave e as ideias centrais dos depoimentos, que foram trabalhados em uma abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. As necessidades de saúde das mulheres para a manutenção do aleitamento materno, classificadas de acordo com a taxonomia de Matsumoto foram: Necessidade de boas condições de vida (ter uma boa alimentação; trabalhar ou estudar; ter tempo para si; ter sono e repouso adequados; ter boa saúde mental; ter boas condições para amamentar seu filho - ter boa produção de leite, ter apoio instrumental e/ou afetivo da família, ter ambiente adequado em casa para amamentar); Necessidade de ter acesso a todas as tecnologias de saúde que contribuam para melhorar e prolongar a vida (lidar com as intercorrências da amamentação, ter acesso aos serviços de saúde para seguimento após a alta); Necessidade de ter vínculo com um profissional ou equipe de saúde; Necessidade de autonomia e autocuidado na escolha do modo de andar a vida (ter orientação quanto ao aleitamento materno, no pré-natal e na internação; receber apoio instrumental e/ou afetivo do profissional; se sentir segura com relação à amamentação). As necessidades que apresentaram associação estatística significativa com a situação de aleitamento foram: ter uma boa alimentação, ter boa produção de leite, ter vínculo com um profissional ou equipe de saúde e se sentir segura com relação à amamentação. As variáveis socioeconômicas e demográficas que apresentaram associação estatística significante com algumas necessidades de saúde foram a escolaridade, renda familiar e idade da criança. Quanto às variáveis obstétricas, observou-se associação estatística significante com local do pré-natal, local do parto, tipo de parto, paridade, prematuridade da criança e peso da criança ao nascer. Com os resultados desse estudo pretende-se colaborar para melhorar a efetividade da proteção, promoção e apoio ao aleitamento materno, promovendo o atendimento das necessidades de saúde das nutrizes durante o processo de amamentação / Considering the benefits of breastfeeding, widely recognized, and the low rates of exclusive breastfeeding in Brazil and that the woman is the element who decides the course of breastfeeding, this study sought to survey the health needs from the testimony of women about their experience of breastfeeding, therefore on the vision of the health professional, the assistance generally is based on the attendance of the demands that come to the health service. The aims of this study were: to identify the health needs of women seen at a Basic Health Unit in the city of São Paulo, in their breastfeeding process; to relate the identified health needs with the social, economic, demographic and obstetric profile of these women; to relate the identified health needs with the breastfeeding situation of these women. Study participants were 238 women who underwent semi-structured interviews about their experience of breastfeeding. The data had been organized according to proposal of the Collective Subject Discourse, extracting the expression-keys and the central ideas of the depositions, which had been analyzed in a qualitative and quantitative methodological approach. The health needs of the women for the maintenance of the breastfeeding classified by the taxonomy of Matsumoto had been: Necessity of good conditions of life (to have good alimentation; to work or to study; to have time for itself; to have sleep and adequate rest; to have good mental health; to have good conditions to breastfeed the baby - to have good milk supply, to have instrumental and/or affective support of the family, to have environment adjusted at home to breastfeed); Necessity to have access to all the health technologies that contribute to improve and to draw out the life (to deal with the breastfeeding problems, to have access to the services of health for follow-up after discharge); Necessity to have bond with a professional or health team; Necessity of self-care and autonomy and in the choice in the way of walking the life (to have orientation about breastfeeding, in the prenatal appointments and in the maternity ward; to receive instrumental and/or affective support from the professional; to feel self-confident with regarding to breastfeeding). The necessities that had presented statistically significant association with the breastfeeding situation had been: to have good alimentation, to have good milk supply, to have bond with a professional or health team and to feel self-confident with regarding to breastfeeding. The social, economic and demographic variables that had presented a statistically significant association with some health needs had been the education level, familiar income and age of the child. Regarding obstetric variables, a statistically significant association was observed with place of prenatal, the place of birth, type of delivery, parity, premature child and child\'s weight at birth. With the results of this study it is intended to collaborate to improve the effectiveness of the protection, promotion and support to breastfeeding, promoting the attendance of the health needs of the lactating women during the breastfeeding process

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