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Neuropsychologické aspekty úvodních stádií neurodegenerativních onemocnění / Neuropsychological aspects of preclinical stages of neurodegenerative diseasesNikolai, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Neuropsychological aspects of preclinical stages of neurodegenerative diseases are an extensively studied topic in neuropsychological research. Neuropsychological assessment can be helpful for the estimation of conversion risk in individual cases. The focus of neuropsychological research shifted from the evaluation of dementia to mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or even to the detection of cognitive change before significant cognitive decline. In the theoretical part is presented a contemporary outline of preclinical stages of neurodegenerative diseases. The construct of MCI is the most studied topic in the prodromal stage of neurodegeneration and this part is dedicated to comprehensive analysis of MCI. The empirical research includes five studies on screening methods of cognitive abilities, memory and verbal fluency tests. We present normative and validity data in older adults and show their detection potential in MCI or preclinical stages of neurodegenerative diseases. Furthermore, we tried to show the detection potential of different memory measures in patients with MCI and estimate the relations between hippocampal atrophy and memory performance. Key words mild cognitive impairment, dementia syndrome, Alzheimer's Disease, neuropsychological assessment, diagnostic procedures
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Poruchy stability a chůze u extrapyramidových onemocnění / Balance and gait disorders in movement disordersHoskovcová, Martina January 2016 (has links)
Gait and balance disorders and the resulting falls are a substantial part of Parkinson's disease (PD) and other movement disorders. Especially in the late stage of PD more than 80 % of the patients fall. History of falls remains the best predictor of falls nonetheless, but it can not be used in falls prevention. Dopaminergic pharmacotherapy improves postural stability and gait in PD only in the early stage and the dopaminergic responsiveness of these symptoms decreases significantly during the disease progression. The impact of this medication on future falls risk remains still unclear. The connection between balance and gait disorders and cognitive impairment in PD is also not fully understood. The current state of knowledge about gait and balance disorders and cognitive impairment in PD is not satisfactory. Therefore the aims of the experimental part of this thesis were prospective monitoring of risk factors and predictors of falls, observation of the impact of dopaminergic medication on future falls risk and verifying the relationship between gait and balance disorders and cognitive impairment in PD. The fourth aim of the thesis was to specify the type and severity of gait and balance disorders in patients with essential tremor (ET). Although ET is one of the most common neurological disorders,...
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Dynamika hrudníku u pacientů s CHOPN, její ovlivnění pomocí POWERbreathe / Dynamics of thorax in patients with COPD, its influence through POWERbreatheChmelařová, Anna January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and its influence on the musculoskeletal system, lung transplantation and pulmonary rehabilitation. It discusses the role of POWERbreathe, a breathing training device, which is primarily used to strengthen the inspiratory muscles. The practical part was performed as a randomized control pilot study to assess the effect of POWERbreathe on the strength of the inspiratory muscles, the thorax dynamics and selected pulmonary function. The aim of the study is to determine the benefits of using the POWERbreathe for COPD patients during the pre-transplant period. In total, 18 patients with COPD IV. grade participated in the study (6 women and 12 men) with an average age of 59.8 ± 5.53 years. Probands were divided into two groups, only one of which used a POWERbreathe. Pulmonary functions (FEV1, VCin, FVC, PIF), muscle strength (SIndex), and chest dynamics (chest disturbances in the mezosternal and xiphosternal region with maximum inspiration and exhalation and respiratory amplitudes in these areas) were evaluated. The results did not show a significant inter-group difference in the strength of the inspiratory muscles. Within pulmonary function, this difference was evident in the FEV1 parameter and the chest dynamics increased...
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Komplexní péče o člověka s Alzheimerovou nemocí / Comprehensive care of person with Alzheimer's diseaseŘEHOŘOVÁ, Andrea January 2008 (has links)
The thesis deals with the comprehensive care for a person with Alzheimer`s disease. As the population gets old, also the number of people with Alzheimer{\crq}s disease has been growing. Pursuant the survey, approx. 5 % population in the age of 65 years suffers from the middle up to high degree of dementia; thereof the Alzheimer{\crq}s disease represents 50{--}60 %. Its frequency roughly doubles every five years. Alzheimer{\crq}s disease is approximately the fourth most frequent cause of all the death cases. The main goals is to find out the extent of knowledge of lay public about Alzheimer{\crq}s disease in the South Bohemian region. Hereby we mean the information about the care, possibilities of healing, symptoms and prevention of Alzheimer{\crq}s disease. In connection with these goals the H1 hypothesis was postulated: The lay public was informed of Alzheimer{\crq}s disease. For achieving the given goal, the method of questioning, the technology of the questionnaire was used. 280 questionnaires were distributed among the persons older than 18 years and they were returned in 86 %. In total, 241 questionnaires were filled in, thereof 230 were filled in correctly and also evaluated. As the most important questions for confirming or not confirming the hypothesis the author determined questions concerning the knowledge of the AD treatment, AD symptoms, knowledge of facilities, consulting centre as well as other activities for the people with AD, occurrence of AD and forms of treatment. It followed from the results that H1 hypothesis was not confirmed. Two partial targets were postulated for the given issue for the completeness sake. The first partial target was to describe the medically social issue of Alzheimer{\crq}s disease including its impact on all the spheres of the life of man: i.e. biological, psychological as well as social spheres. The second partial goal concerned the survey of services for persons with Alzheimer{\crq}s disease and their families in the South Bohemian Region. This thesis may be utilized in future as source of information about Alzheimer{\crq}s disease for the students of Faculty of Health and Social Studies in České Budějovice and for persons from the lay public who would like to learn more of Alzheimer{\crq}s disease.
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Kvalita života pacientů s roztroušenou sklerózou / Life quality of patients suffering from multiple sclerosisOHÁŇKOVÁ, Jana January 2008 (has links)
A multiple cerebrospinal sclerosis is one of the most frequent neurologic diseases affecting individuals in the productive age, more often women. The thesis aims to describe the life quality of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis. To detect whether due to the multiple sclerosis the qualities of life change. If this would be the case then the goal is to reveal which aspects the changes affect. Another objective was to establish whether the life quality of multiple sclerosis patients decreases depending on the period of time since the diagnosis was made, that is on the duration of the disease. The theoretical part of the thesis is dedicated to describing the disease in general, signs, symptoms, prognosis, and treatment. I also deal with defining the term of life quality and its clarification, I also discuss the social-legal problems of the disease. The practical part of the thesis implements both qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative method included a semi-standardized interview. The quantitative method incorporated interrogative research using a SF-36 questionnaire about the quality of life conditioned by health. The information detected from the semi-standardized interview (the qualitative part) served as the basis for defining hypotheses for the quantitative part of the thesis. The following hypotheses were defined: H1: ``The quality of life in patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis is lower than in the general population" and H2: "The quality of life in multiple sclerosis carriers decreases in correlation to the period of time since the diagnosis was made, that is on the duration of the disease.{\crqq} Chapter ``Results{\crqq} contains the established information.
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Psychologická intervence ve zdravotnických zařízeních / Psychological intervention at medical careJIRÁSKOVÁ, Marcela January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the psychological care and psychological guidance and their potentialities and availability for people or their close ones, who need help in period of diseases or disease effects. There is only psychiatrist-consultation care of psychic condition of patients in most of medical centres, but all diseases affect the psychic condition, even for patient´s close ones. Good psychic condition linked up with changed social condition is very important for successful cure. If the patients have low stress tolerance there is a risk, that every disease causes the hard life situation. Psychological care and cooperation with the doctor, medical staff, rehabilitation and social workers also as the communication competence can highly increase the quality of life of patients and their relatives.
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Výskyt profesionálních onemocnění v Jihočeském kraji / Occurrence of occupational disease in the South Bohemian regionKUČEROVÁ, Eva January 2010 (has links)
When evaluating effects of work on human health it should be remembered that health is a result of mutual effects of several factors. The factors include the general environment and the working environment, genetic factors and lifestyle. Further, the evaluation of a worker´s health condition should take into account his/her exposure outside work. I have selected the topic of the thesis: ``Occurrence of occupational disease in the South Bohemian region `` because I find occupational hygiene the most interesting sphere in the hygienic sector. The objective of my work was to map occupational diseases in the South Bohemian region and to determine the situation in occupational diseases in a selected period. The selected period was 2004 {--} 2008. At the beginning of the thesis I set two hypotheses. The first hypothesis stated that the number of occupational diseases in the South Bohemian region in 2004-2008 was not statistically significantly different from the national average. To test the hypothesis I used a statistical survey using the Student t-test. The second hypothesis stated that occupational diseases occurred most frequently in persons working in the sector of health and social care and veterinary activities. In the case of the first hypothesis the results have confirmed that the number of occupational diseases in the South Bohemian region does not exceed the national average, except in 2007, when the number of occupational diseases was different from the national average. Also the second hypothesis was confirmed (except in 2008, when the number of occupational diseases in the sector of metal structure manufacturing and metal-working products was slightly higher than in the sector of health and social care and veterinary activities). This thesis seeks to evaluate the trends of occurrence of occupational diseases, which may be used for development of preventive measures in this field, particularly by employers and occupational medicine professionals.
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Možnost nabídky ošetřovatelské péče pro nevyléčitelně nemocné / Option of nursing care for incurablesJANEČKOVÁ, Zuzana January 2010 (has links)
The paper subject covers Nurse Care Options for Incurables. A theoretical paper of the Diploma Thesis is something like a comprehensive summary of potential nurse care options for incurable people. Based on data gathered herein, I tried to create a schematic layout making the above options clearer. It forms the Annex No.1 to the paper. A practical part is prepared as a quality {--} quantity survey. I concentrated on the Czech Republic legislative and statistic data related to the subject as well as the informedness level of patients/clients and general nurse of nurse care options for incurable people. One of hypotheses related to the issue determined by me ( ``The nurse care options for incurable people in the Czech Republic meet their needs{\crq}q) was confirmed; other two options ( ``All nurse care options provided to incurable people are available to them{\crq}q and ``Incurable people are informed of the nurse care options available to them in the frame of their illness{\crq}q) were disproved. I determined three essential objectives in my paper: 1. Identify nurse care options for incurable people in the Czech Republic; 2. Determine the availability of the nurse care for incurable people in the Czech Republic; and 3. Find the informedness level of incurable people regarding potential use of nurse care suitable for them, that I met. My theoretical part defines nurse care options for incurable people in the Czech Republic; my quality and quantity survey resulted into a conclusion that the nurse care availability for incurable people in the Czech republic doesn not meet their needs, and the informedness level of incurable people of suitable nurse care availability to them is insufficient. The Diploma Thesis findings result into following recommendations: To continue in development of the palliative care and start to perceive it not only as care for oncology terminal ill people; aim to improvement in the informedness of incurable people of the nurse care options available to them (currently a social nurse, general nurse, as well also voluntary workes, in the future a case manager nurse {--} advisor), and promote development of community nursery in the Czech Republic.
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Monitoring intenzity varroázy a varroatolerance včely medonosné (\kur{Apis mellifera}) na Příbramsku / Varroamonitoring and varroatolerance of Honey bee (\kur{Apis mellifera}) in environs of the city PříbramBOUČKOVÁ, Šárka January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the research of the varroatosis disease. In the theoretical part of the thesis I describe the parasitic mite Varroa destructor and its way of infestation. The goal was to document any knowledge gathered on the subject so far and the possibilities of bee vaccination. The practical part of this work included Varroa destructor occurrence monitoring within single hives. The monitoring was carried out in three localities. Localities was called Nedrahovice, Rybník and Kvašťov. The goal was to identify singular hive tolerance to the mite in the various localities based on the strength of the parasitic mite attack. While the hives of the Rybník locality were found to be the most tolerant, the hives of the Nedrahovice locality were found to be the least tolerant of all.
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Podíl logopeda na komplexní péči o osoby se syndromem demence / Participation of the speech therapist on comprehensive care of people with the syndrome of dementiaZábranská, Nicola January 2016 (has links)
The dissertation deals with issues of the dementia syndrome and the speech therapy as a part of its therapy. It describes basic types of dementia, risk factors affecting its formation, diagnostics including the most famous diagnostic tests, the general treatment of dementia, and institutions, where the care for people with dementia could be realized. Subsequently it namely focuses on the speech intervention for this group of people. As a part of this dissertation a workbook with the plan for the treatment of impaired communication abilities in dementia was created. Tests were carried out with four individuals with dementia caused by Alzheimer's disease. The results, even evaluated just subjectively, show that this plan might be appropriate as a cornerstone of speech intervention for people with dementia, which in our country is not very broadly spread in our country. Keywords: dementia, cognitive abilities, speech therapy, Alzheimer's disease, communication, homes with special regime
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