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Chování k umírajícímu / Behaviour towards the dyingPuková, Hana January 2012 (has links)
Dead is a part of our human life. Even in the old days human was asking questions about himself: "Who am I? Where do I come from? Where do I go?" And last but not least understood his mortality. Dying is a part of life. It is a period for a human, when everything finishes. When is he really dead though? Is it really the moment when his heart beat and blood circulation stops and he stops breathing? Or is he dead for the others in the moment of his hard illness.The aim of the thesis is to point out an adequate behaviour to a dying human being.
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Chování k umírajícímu / Behaviour towards the dyingPuková, Hana January 2013 (has links)
Dead is a part of our human life. Even in the old days human was asking questions about himself: "Who am I? Where do I come from? Where do I go?" And last but not least understood his mortality. Dying is a part of life. It is a period for a human, when everything finishes. When is he really dead though? Is it really the moment when his heart beat and blood circulation stops and he stops breathing? Or is he dead for the others in the moment of his hard illness? A view of a patient trying to add Christian view, ie the possibility of seeking hope in a desperate situation that exceeds our life and dead. The aim of the thesis is to point out an adequate behaviour to a dying human being.
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Srovnání Montrealského kognitivního testu a Krátkého testu kognitivních funkcí pro screeningovou diagnostiku Alzheimerovy choroby / Comparison of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment and the Mini-Mental State Examination in screening diagnostics of Alzheimer's diseaseOrlíková, Hana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the neuropsychological diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. The aim is to evaluate the psychometric characteristics ofthe new Czech translation of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) by comparison with the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), a method widely used by doctors inscreening diagnostics of Alzheimer's disease. The theoretical part deals with the diagnostics of Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment. We describe international diagnostic criteria of cognitive disorders and provide an overview of the screening neuropsychological methods most commonly used by Czech specialists. We summarize the current psychometric and psychodiagnostic findings on these methods and focuse on description of MMSE and MoCA. In the empirical part we compare Czech version of MMSE and MoCA-CZ (the new Czech translation of the test). We examined 38 patients with Alzheimer's disease and 70 cognitively healthy seniors. The results show that MoCA-CZ is sufficiently valid and reliable screening method that accurately distinguishbetween healthy subjects and patiens with Alzheimer's disease. We believe that it can enrich screening tools that are available to Czech experts. Key words: Montreal Cognitive Assessment, Mini-Mental State Examination, Alzheimer's disease, psychodiagnostics,...
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Vztah subjektivně vnímaného narušení kognice a objektivního kognitivního výkonu / The relationship between subjective perception of cognitive impairment and objective neuropsychological performanceMarková, Hana January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the topic of Subjective memory complaints (SMC) in elderly population in relation to early diagnostics of Alzheimer's Disease (AD). The term of SMC describes patients with subjective perception of cognitive impairment which is not objectivized during a complex neuropsychological assessment. The character of their subjective complaints has not been thoroughly examined, despite their increased risk to develop cognitive impairment, most likely due to AD (Reisberg, et al., 2008). The aim of this cross-sectional study was to verify the clinical significance of the concept of SMC and to characterize subjective complaints in SMC in comparison to patients with cognitive deficit at the stage of amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) and in comparison to cognitively healthy elderly (HE). SMC and aMCI patients did not differ in the amount of subjective complaints, but SMC patients reported significantly more complaints compared to HE. The difference in the amount of complaints reported by the patients themselves and by their informants was found neither in aMCI, nor in SMC patients. There were identified questions which may distinguish between SMC and aMCI patients, and questions which may distinguish between SMC patients and HE; that means questions able to distinguish...
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Návrh skupinové logopedické terapie osob s Parkinsonovou nemocí / Proposal for group logopaedic therapy for people with Parkinson's diseaseKochová, Klára January 2014 (has links)
OF THE THESIS This Master's thesis is dedicated to providing a complete account and analysis of activities designed to tackle specific logopaedic difficulties associated with Parkinson's disease. The principal theoretical sections of this thesis are concerned with an in-depth overview of Parkinson's disease and hypokinetic dysarthia (a speech disorder associated with Parkinson's disease), the dynamics of working with a group of senior participants, the Parkinson Society, the place of logopaedic therapy in Society and of specific components of logopaedic therapy aimed at persons with Parkinson's disease. The practical section which follows then proposes and carefully outlines specific activities suitable for such therapy. Activities are classified by their objectives - areas they intend to exercise improve. Designs of two model lessons comprising a combination of the activities proposed in the preceding chapters are included in the final section of the thesis.
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Problematika neformální péče o osobu blízkou s Parkinsonovou nemocí z pohledu pečujících osob / The issue of informalcare for a close person with Parkinson's Diseasefrom the perspective of caregiversMašková, Monika January 2014 (has links)
Diploma project, the issue of informal care for a close person with Parkinson's disease from the perspective of caregivers is focused on the intensity of care and access to services that could help informal caregivers in the care of their loved ones.In the theoretical section of Parkinson's disease I am describing, its development and changes that the disease brings along. Then I followed with the care of relatives person and support from the social system - the state. In the practical part I have chosen for my research a survey, which was attended by only a small part of respondents from informal carers. Care of long-term sick family member is very difficult. Caregivers feel tired and exhausted, they report that their own health becomes wors. Care also affects cares professional life and there leisure time. Although half of the respondents are still able to find time for their hobbies. Some carers have no idea about the possibilities of helping services and just minimum of them use these services.
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Alternativní fyzioterapeutické postupy u Parkinsonovy nemoci / Alternative rehabilitation methods in therapy of Parkinson's diseaseTupá, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
TITLE Alternative rehabilitation methods in therapy of Parkinson's disease OBJECTIVE The aim of work is to assemble new findings relating the rehabilitation of people with Parkinson disease. Furthermore to elaborate these information in form of literature search to allow their use in common practice. METHODS Up till now there were accomplished many studies which dealt with less common ways of therapy, but didn't find use in common practice. In this work these studies will be presented (in form of literature search). This work will be divided into two parts, where the first will sum up the issue of Parkinson's disease and the second part will deal with the alternative methods. Into this part studies detecting effects of dance therapy, tai-chi, qigong, treadmill training and box on symptoms of Parkinson's disease were chosen. Besides that, in discussion I plan on mentioning conventional therapy (rehabilitation) in Parkinson's disease as well as some guidelines written up in the Czech Republic. KEY WORDS Parkinson's disease, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, dance, therapy, tai chi, taiji, treadmill, gait
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Komunikace duchovního s věřícími v krizových situacích / Communication between Clergy and Communicants in crisis situationsVacková, Lucie Isabela January 2011 (has links)
Summary: Komunikace duchovního s věřícími v krizových situacích Communication between Clergy and Communicants in crisis Lucie Isabela Vacková This thesis entitled Communication between Clergy and Communicants in crisis focuses on the work of hospital chaplains. At the beginning, there is a description of basic terms such as communication, priest and crisis. Furthermore, the thesis discusses the pastoral care with regard for the ill and dying ones. In particular chapters biblical and psychological view of illness, dying and death are introduced. In the Chapter Pastoral Care I describe the main goals of care, the history of charity in term of the Christian Church, the main method of pastoral care- conversation and the current situation in the area of care in hospitals in the Czech Republic. The research was conducted in hospital in Chrudim on the department of long-term care. The research`s objective was to determine how the patients percieve the pastoral care, what they expect from the pastoral care and whether they would personally use this care. Pastoral care in hospitals in the Czech Republic is still being shaped up. People often worry that a priest will try to persuade them to believe, if they use his services. Therefore, they are rather indifferent to this care, sometimes aggressively refusing. The...
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Aspekty pohybu ve vysokohorském prostředí, s důrazem na výškovou nemoc / Aspects of the movement in the alpine environment, with emphasis on altitude sicknessSzotkowská, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is focused on aspects of mountains activities as a ski touring, hiking and mountaineering. This field of sports are associated with the risk of altitude sickness. The thesis examines key parameters that contribute to the emergence of altitude sickness. The other examinees parameters are weather conditions, influence of high altitude, physical training and physiological manifestations of individual person. The aim of this thesis was find out which sports are the most affected by high altitude sickness. And what are the most common symptoms of altitude sickness. It was based on the literature and questionnaire.
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Terapie poruch hlasu / Therapy of Voice DisordersHoráková, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
TITLE: Therapy of voice disorders AUTHOR: Michaela Horáková DEPARTMENT: Department of special education SUPERVISOR: Mgr. Miroslava Kotvová ABSTRACT: This diploma thesis deals with the voice disorders and their treatment options. The character of the thesis is mostly theoretical and the thesis is divided into four general parts. The first one elaborates the anatomy and physiology of the vocal tract as a basis for understanding mechanisms of voice pathology development, the second one is devoted to voice disorders and their categorization, and the third part deals with their therapy, as the czech literature reflects it. The last part of this thesis is dedicated to voice disorders therapy in the United States with a practical focus on therapeutical program Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) widely used abroad during the treatment of voice disorders especially connected to Parkinson disease. The program is considered to be very effective and it is really popular outside of the Czech republic. LSVT is not well known in the Czech republic yet and there is actually only limited information devoted to this type of voice therapy. For this reason the thesis is based on analysis and comparison of the available foreign texts in order to inform the czech public about its theoretical basis, structure and system,...
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