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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recherche de partenaires protéiques du facteur de transcription HRT1 par la technique du double hybride: identification de BOIP, nouvel ADNc codant une protéine interagissant avec le domaine Orange de HRT1 / Searching of proteic partner of the transcription factor HRT1 by the two-hybrid system: identification of BOIP, new cDNA coding a protein interacting with the Orange domain of HRT1

Van Wayenbergh, Réginald 16 December 2004 (has links)
Un nouveau facteur de transcription, appartenant à la famille des protéines à domaine bHLH, a récemment été isolé dans notre laboratoire. Initialement appelé « clone bc8 » puis HRT1, ce facteur présentait des similitudes avec les protéines Hairy and Enhancer of split qui interviennent notamment dans le phénomène d’inhibition latérale lors de la formation du tissu neural. Des études d’hybridation in situ réalisées chez l'embryon de xénope ont suggéré un rôle important de XHRT1, la protéine HRT1 de xénope, dans le développement neural. Nous avons recherché les partenaires protéiques de XHRT1 par la technique du double-hybride afin de mieux comprendre son mécanisme d’action moléculaire dans la neurogenèse.<p>Tout d’abord nous avons construit les outils appropriés pour l’élaboration du travail, à savoir, les clones de levures exprimant les appâts spécifiques des domaines de la protéine étudiée et la création d’une banque d’ADNc du xénope au stade de la neurulation. Ensuite, trois criblages ont été réalisés. Dans le premier cas, nous avons recherché les partenaires des domaines bHLH et Orange (bHLH-O). Le domaine bHLH est en effet responsable de la dimérisation de ce type de protéine. Le domaine Orange qui suit le domaine bHLH, pourrait participer dans le choix du partenaire d’hétérodimérisation. Nous avons isolé deux facteurs de type bHLH-Orange apparentés à HRT1, XHairy1 et XHairy2b et confirmé leur interaction avec XHRT1. Les domaines impliqués dans ces interactions sont les bHLH-O pour les trois facteurs. Ce même criblage nous a permis d’isoler un nouvel ADNc qui code une protéine sans domaine apparent connu actuellement. Nous avons montré que cette protéine reconnaissait spécifiquement le domaine Orange de HRT1 mais pas celui des autres facteurs de type bHLH-O. Elle a été baptisée BOIP pour Bc8 Orange Interacting Protein. Le rôle physiologique de cette interaction n’a pu être démontré. Nous avons établi que la protéine BOIP pouvait aussi s’homodimériser. Nous avons aussi déterminé son profil d’expression chez le xénope et la souris. Son transcrit est hautement présent dans les testicules adultes. La protéine pourrait donc jouer un rôle important dans la spermatogenèse. Les deux autres criblages, utilisant les domaines situés dans la partie C-terminale de XHRT1, ont apporté des nouveaux partenaires potentiels, mais ces interactions n’ont pu être confirmées dans un système indépendant. <p>Enfin, en étudiant plus en détail les interactions entre XHRT1 et XHairy1 ou XHairy2b, nous avons mis à jour une possible fonction de spécificité dans le choix du partenaire dans la région C-terminale de HRT1. La formation de ces dimères pourrait jouer un rôle dans la formation du tube neural mais également dans d’autres différenciations tissulaires.<p> / Doctorat en sciences, Spécialisation biologie moléculaire / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Serotonin-Expressing Cells in the Corpus of the Stomach Originate from Bone Marrow: A Master’s Thesis

Johnston, Brian T. 27 August 2012 (has links)
Neurogenin 3 and its downstream target NeuroD are basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors which promote endocrine differentiation in the gastrointestinal tract. However, mice lacking Ngn3 still produce several hormones in the stomach. Lineage tracing mouse models demonstrated that a majority of hormone cells in the corpus region of the stomach did not express Ngn3 or NeuroD during differentiation. Serotonin and histamine cells were entirely NeuroD-independently derived, and serotonin cells were additionally entirely Ngn3-independently derived. In this study, we isolated serotonin and histamine cells from the gastric corpus of transgenic mice expressing the fluorescent marker CFP. Serotonin cells expressed multiple mast cell markers by RT-PCR, and were found to be nearly absent in a mast cell-deficient mouse model. Labeled bone marrow transplant mice showed all serotonin cells derived from bone marrow. Histamine-expressing ECL cells, while lacking NeuroD, did not appear to express granulocyte or mast cell markers by analytical flow cytometry and RT-PCR, and resemble other enteroendocrine cell populations. Mouse gastric corpus serotonin cells, but not antral serotonin cells, are bone marrow-derived mast cells.

Involvement of Collapsin Response Mediator Protein 2 in Posttraumatic Sprouting in Acquired Epilepsy

Wilson, Sarah Marie January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Posttraumatic epilepsy, the development of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) following traumatic brain injury, accounts for 20% of symptomatic epilepsy. Reorganization of mossy fibers within the hippocampus is a common pathological finding of TLE. Normal mossy fibers project into the CA3 region of the hippocampus where they form synapses with pyramidal cells. During TLE, mossy fibers are observed to innervate the inner molecular layer where they synapse onto the dendrites of other dentate granule cells, leading to the formation of recurrent excitatory circuits. To date, the molecular mechanisms contributing to mossy fiber sprouting are relatively unknown. Recent focus has centered on the involvement of tropomycin-related kinase receptor B (TrkB), which culminates in glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β) inactivation. As the neurite outgrowth promoting collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP2) is rendered inactive by GSK3β phosphorylation, events leading to inactivation of GSK3β should therefore increase CRMP2 activity. To determine the involvement of CRMP2 in mossy fiber sprouting, I developed a novel tool ((S)-LCM) for selectively targeting the ability of CRMP2 to enhance tubulin polymerization. Using (S)-LCM, it was demonstrated that increased neurite outgrowth following GSK3β inactivation is CRMP2 dependent. Importantly, TBI led to a decrease in GSK3β-phosphorylated CRMP2 within 24 hours which was secondary to the inactivation of GSK3β. The loss of GSK3β-phosphorylated CRMP2 was maintained even at 4 weeks post-injury, despite the transience of GSK3β-inactivation. Based on previous work, it was hypothesized that activity-dependent mechanisms may be responsible for the sustained loss of CRMP2 phosphorylation. Activity-dependent regulation of GSK3β-phosphorylated CRMP2 levels was observed that was attributed to a loss of priming by cyclin dependent kinase 5 (CDK5), which is required for subsequent phosphorylation by GSK3β. It was confirmed that the loss of GSK3β-phosphorylated CRMP2 at 4 weeks post-injury was likely due to decreased phosphorylation by CDK5. As TBI resulted in a sustained increase in CRMP2 activity, I attempted to prevent mossy fiber sprouting by targeting CRMP2 in vivo following TBI. While (S)-LCM treatment dramatically reduced mossy fiber sprouting following TBI, it did not differ significantly from vehicle-treated animals. Therefore, the necessity of CRMP2 in mossy fiber sprouting following TBI remains unknown.

MSK1 regulates homeostatic and experience-dependent synaptic plasticity

Corrêa, Sonia A.L., Hunter, C.J., Palygin, O., Wauters, S.C., Martin, K.J., McKenzie, C., McKelvey, K., Morris, R.G., Pankratov, Y., Arthur, J.S., Frenguelli, B.G. January 2012 (has links)
No / The ability of neurons to modulate synaptic strength underpins synaptic plasticity, learning and memory, and adaptation to sensory experience. Despite the importance of synaptic adaptation in directing, reinforcing, and revising the behavioral response to environmental influences, the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying synaptic adaptation are far from clear. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a prime initiator of structural and functional synaptic adaptation. However, the signaling cascade activated by BDNF to initiate these adaptive changes has not been elucidated. We have previously shown that BDNF activates mitogen- and stress-activated kinase 1 (MSK1), which regulates gene transcription via the phosphorylation of both CREB and histone H3. Using mice with a kinase-dead knock-in mutation of MSK1, we now show that MSK1 is necessary for the upregulation of synaptic strength in response to environmental enrichment in vivo. Furthermore, neurons from MSK1 kinase-dead mice failed to show scaling of synaptic transmission in response to activity deprivation in vitro, a deficit that could be rescued by reintroduction of wild-type MSK1. We also show that MSK1 forms part of a BDNF- and MAPK-dependent signaling cascade required for homeostatic synaptic scaling, which likely resides in the ability of MSK1 to regulate cell surface GluA1 expression via the induction of Arc/Arg3.1. These results demonstrate that MSK1 is an integral part of a signaling pathway that underlies the adaptive response to synaptic and environmental experience. MSK1 may thus act as a key homeostat in the activity- and experience-dependent regulation of synaptic strength.

A high-fat-diet-induced cognitive deficit in rats that is not prevented by improving insulin sensitivity with metformin

McNeilly, A.D., Williamson, Ritchie, Balfour, D.J., Stewart, C.A., Sutherland, C. January 2012 (has links)
No / AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: We previously demonstrated that animals fed a high-fat (HF) diet for 10 weeks developed insulin resistance and behavioural inflexibility. We hypothesised that intervention with metformin would diminish the HF-feeding-evoked cognitive deficit by improving insulin sensitivity. METHODS: Rats were trained in an operant-based matching and non-matching to position task (MTP/NMTP). Animals received an HF (45% of kJ as lard; n = 24), standard chow (SC; n = 16), HF + metformin (144 mg/kg in diet; n = 20) or SC + metformin (144 mg/kg in diet; n = 16) diet for 10 weeks before retesting. Body weight and plasma glucose, insulin and leptin were measured. Protein lysates from various brain areas were analysed for alterations in intracellular signalling or production of synaptic proteins. RESULTS: HF-fed animals developed insulin resistance and an impairment in switching task contingency from matching to non-matching paradigm. Metformin attenuated the insulin resistance and weight gain associated with HF feeding, but had no effect on performance in either MTP or NMTP tasks. No major alteration in proteins associated with insulin signalling or synaptic function was detected in response to HF diet in the hypothalamus, hippocampus, striatum or cortex. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Metformin prevented the metabolic but not cognitive alterations associated with HF feeding. The HF diet protocol did not change basal insulin signalling in the brain, suggesting that the brain did not develop insulin resistance. These findings indicate that HF diet has deleterious effects on neuronal function over and above those related to insulin resistance and suggest that weight loss may not be sufficient to reverse some damaging effects of poor diet.

Nerve guides manufactured from photocurable polymers to aid peripheral nerve repair

Pateman, C.J., Harding, A.J., Glen, A., Taylor, C.S., Christmas, C.R., Robinson, P.P., Rimmer, Stephen, Boissonade, F.M., Claeyssens, F., Haycock, J.W. 2015 February 1914 (has links)
Yes / The peripheral nervous system has a limited innate capacity for self-repair following injury, and surgical intervention is often required. For injuries greater than a few millimeters autografting is standard practice although it is associated with donor site morbidity and is limited in its availability. Because of this, nerve guidance conduits (NGCs) can be viewed as an advantageous alternative, but currently have limited efficacy for short and large injury gaps in comparison to autograft. Current commercially available NGC designs rely on existing regulatory approved materials and traditional production methods, limiting improvement of their design. The aim of this study was to establish a novel method for NGC manufacture using a custom built laser-based microstereolithography (muSL) setup that incorporated a 405 nm laser source to produce 3D constructs with approximately 50 mum resolution from a photocurable poly(ethylene glycol) resin. These were evaluated by SEM, in vitro neuronal, Schwann and dorsal root ganglion culture and in vivo using a thy-1-YFP-H mouse common fibular nerve injury model. NGCs with dimensions of 1 mm internal diameter x 5 mm length with a wall thickness of 250 mum were fabricated and capable of supporting re-innervation across a 3 mm injury gap after 21 days, with results close to that of an autograft control. The study provides a technology platform for the rapid microfabrication of biocompatible materials, a novel method for in vivo evaluation, and a benchmark for future development in more advanced NGC designs, biodegradable and larger device sizes, and longer-term implantation studies.

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