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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

SNAP-25 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, Brain Morphology and Intelligence in Children With Borderline Intellectual Functioning: A Mediation Analysis

Blasi, Valeria, Bolognesi, Elisabetta, Ricci, Cristian, Baglio, Gisella, Zanzottera, Milena, Canevini, Maria Paola, Walder, Mauro, Cabinio, Monia, Zanette, Michela, Baglio, Francesca, Clerici, Mario, Guerini, Franca Rosa 28 March 2023 (has links)
Borderline intellectual functioning (BIF) is a multifactorial condition in which both genetic and environmental factors are likely to contribute to the clinical outcome. Abnormal cortical development and lower IQ scores were shown to be correlated in BIF children, but the genetic components of this condition and their possible connection with intelligence and brain morphology have never been investigated in BIF. The synaptosomal-associated protein of 25 kD (SNAP-25) is involved in synaptic plasticity, neural maturation, and neurotransmission, affecting intellectual functioning. We investigated SNAP-25 polymorphisms in BIF and correlated such polymorphisms with intelligence and cortical thickness, using socioeconomic status and environmental stress as covariates as a good proxy of the variables that determine intellectual abilities. Thirty-three children with a diagnosis of BIF were enrolled in the study. SNAP-25 polymorphisms rs363050, rs363039, rs363043, rs3746544, and rs1051312 were analyzed by genotyping; cortical thickness was studied by MRI; intelligence was measured using the WISC-III/IV subscales; environmental stressors playing a role in neuropsychiatric development were considered as covariate factors. Results showed that BIF children carrying the rs363043(T) minor allele represented by (CT C TT) genotypes were characterized by lower performance Perceptual Reasoning Index and lower full-scale IQ scores (p = 0.04) compared to those carrying the (CC) genotype. This association was correlated with a reduced thickness of the left inferior parietal cortex (direct effect = 0.44) and of the left supramarginal gyrus (direct effect = 0.56). These results suggest a link between SNAP-25 polymorphism and intelligence with the mediation role of brain morphological features in children with BIF.

Bases cellulaires et moléculaires de l’apprentissage et de la mémorisation dans le bulbe olfactif de souris / Cellular and molecular bases of learning and memory in the mouse olfactory bulb

Busto, Germain 22 June 2009 (has links)
Durant ma thèse, j’ai étudié dans le bulbe olfactif (BO) de souris adulte, les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires impliqués dans l’apprentissage et de la mémorisation olfactive. Le BO est le premier relai central de l’information olfactive. A ce niveau, des phénomènes de plasticité locaux interviendraient dans la conservation d’une trace mnésique de l’apprentissage. J’ai tout d’abord évalué, dans la couche granulaire, les conséquences d’un apprentissage olfactif associatif sur l’expression de l’IEG Zif268 induite par une stimulation odorante. Les souris ayant une expérience préalable avec l’odorant ne présentent pas d’augmentation de l’expression de Zif268. Cependant, le patron d’expression cellulaire de Zif268 est modifié par l’apprentissage. J’ai ensuite isolé par microdissection laser, à partir des patrons d’expression de Zif268, les populations de cellules de la couche granulaire impliquées dans le traitement de l’odorant suite à l’apprentissage. Dans ces régions, l’étude de l’expression des gènes à large échelle m’a permis de mettre en évidence que la voie des neurotrophines était modulée dans la phase précoce de l’apprentissage alors que les acteurs de la LTP étaient modulés lors de la phase tardive. Enfin, j’ai montré que des souris inactivées pour zif268 présentaient des déficits d’acquisition et de consolidation de l’apprentissage olfactif ainsi que de discrimination d’odorants perceptivement proches. Ces résultats indiquent que l’acquisition par l’odorant d’une signification lors d’un apprentissage olfactif modifie son traitement dans le BO. D’autre part, des acteurs moléculaires potentiellement impliqués dans ces modifications cellulaires ont été identifiés. / My research was about cellular and molecular mechanisms implicated in olfactory learning and memory in the adult mouse olfactory bulb (OB). The OB is the first relay of olfactory information in the central nervous system. At this level, phenomenon of local plasticity could be involved in the conservation of a memory trace associated with learning process. First, I evaluated in the granule cell layer, the consequences of an olfactory associative learning on the IEG Zif268 odour-induced expression. Mice with a prior behavioural experience with the odour do not show increase in Zif268 expression. However, the specific odour-induced Zif268 expression pattern is modified by learning. Then, I isolated using laser capture microdissection activated cell populations of the granule cell layer, based on Zif268 expression patterns, after an olfactory associative learning. In those regions, I studied gene expression at a large scale. I found that neurotrophine pathway was modulated during the early phase of learning process whereas molecular actors of LTP are modulated during the consolidation phase. Finally, I showed that Zif268 knock-out mice exhibit associative learning and memory deficits. Those mice also present deficits to discriminate between closely related odorants. Those results indicate that acquisition by odorant of a behavioural meaning during olfactory learning modify odorant processing at the level of OB. Moreover we identified candidate genes that could be implicated in the cellular modifications.

Modulation du système glutamatergique pendant l’apprentissage moteur : une étude de spectroscopie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle

Proulx, Sébastien 12 1900 (has links)
La présente étude avait pour but d’explorer les modulations fonctionnelles putaminales du signal de spectroscopie par résonance magnétique (SRM) combiné du glutamate et de la glutamine (Glx), ainsi que de l’acide γ-aminobutyrique (GABA) en lien avec l’apprentissage d’une séquence motrice. Nous avons émis l’hypothèse que les concentrations de Glx seraient spécifiquement augmentées pendant et après la pratique d’une telle tâche, et ce comparativement à une condition d’exécution motrice simple conçue pour minimiser l’apprentissage. La tâche d’appuis séquentiels des doigts (« finger taping task ») utilisée est connue pour induire un apprentissage moteur évoluant en phases, avec une progression initialement rapide lors de la première session d’entraînement (phase rapide), puis lente lors de sessions subséquentes (phase lente). Cet apprentissage est également conçu comme dépendant de processus « on-line » (pendant la pratique) d’acquisition et « off-line » (entre les périodes de pratique) de consolidation de la trace mnésique de l’habilité motrice. Une grande quantité de données impliquent le système de neurotransmission glutamatergique, principalement par l’action de ses récepteurs N-Méthyl-D-aspartate (NMDAR) et métabotropiques (mGluR), dans une multitude de domaine de la mémoire. Quelques-unes de ces études suggèrent que cette relation s’applique aussi à des mémoires de type motrice ou dépendante du striatum. De plus, certains travaux chez l’animal montrent qu’une hausse des concentrations de glutamate et de glutamine peut être associée à l’acquisition et/ou consolidation d’une trace mnésique. Nos mesures de SRM à 3.0 Tesla, dont la qualité ne s’est avérée satisfaisante que pour le Glx, démontrent qu’une telle modulation des concentrations de Glx est effectivement détectable dans le putamen après la performance d’une tâche motrice. Elles ne nous permettent toutefois pas de dissocier cet effet putativement attribuable à la plasticité du putamen associée à l’apprentissage moteur de séquence, de celui de la simple activation neuronale causée par l’exécution motrice. L’interprétation de l’interaction non significative, montrant une plus grande modulation par la tâche motrice simple, mène cependant à l’hypothèse alternative que la plasticité glutamatergique détectée est potentiellement plus spécifique à la phase lente de l’apprentissage, suggérant qu’une seconde expérience ainsi orientée et utilisant une méthode de SRM plus sensible au Glx aurait donc de meilleures chances d’offrir des résultats concluants. / The present study explored motor learning-related functional changes in putaminal combined glutamate and glutamine (Glx) and γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) signal. It was hypothesized that Glx concentrations would specifically increase during and after learning of a sequential finger tapping task (sFTT), as compared to execution of a simple motor task designed to elicit minimal learning. Learning of sFTT is known to evolve in an initial fast progressing stage during the first practice session (fast learning stage), followed by a slower progression during later sessions (slow learning stage). It is also thought to depend on both on-line (during practice sessions) acquisition and off-line (between practice sessions) consolidation processes to create, transform and assure retention of a motor skill memory trace. A body of data implicates glutamatergic neurotransmission, especially through its N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDAR) and metabotropic (mGluR) receptors, in many memory systems, some of which apply to motor learning and striatal-dependant learning. Moreover, some animal studies suggest that Glx concentrations can be upregulated in relation to memory acquisition and/or consolidation. Our MRS acquisitions, of which the quality happened to be sufficient only for Glx quantification, allowed the detection of an augmentation in putaminal Glx occurring after motor task execution. However, our data could not ascribe this modulation specifically to motor learning related plastic changes, at the exclusion of simple neural activation related to motor execution. Nevertheless, the interpretation of the non-significant interaction, showing a larger Glx change in response to the simple motor task compared to sFTT, leads to the possibility that the detected glutamatergic plasticity may be specifically associated to the slow learning phase. We therefore suggest that testing this alternate hypothesis in a second experiment, using an MRS technique with more sensibility to Glx could yield more convincing results.

Régulation par l’apprentissage de la neurogenèse adulte dans le bulbe olfactif et rôle des nouveaux neurones / Regulation by learning of adult neurogenesis in the olfactory bulb and role of newborn neurons

Sultan, Sébastien 26 January 2010 (has links)
Le bulbe olfactif est le siège d’une neurogenèse adulte permanente. Le nombre de nouveaux neurones issus de cette neurogenèse adulte est modulé par l’apprentissage, ce qui suggère un rôle des néoneurones dans la mémoire olfactive. Au cours de ce travail, nous avons montré que l’apprentissage olfactif associatif recrute des nouveaux neurones granulaires dans des régions de la couche granulaire du bulbe olfactif spécifiques à l’odeur apprise. Nous avons également mis en évidence un lien entre la force de l’apprentissage olfactif, sa rétention et la modulation de la neurogenèse qui en résulte. En bloquant la neurogenèse bulbaire à l’aide d’un agent antimitotique nous avons montré que les nouveaux interneurones ne sont pas indispensables à l’acquisition d’une tâche olfactive associative, mais le sont pour sa rétention à long terme. Puis, en utilisant une approche comportementale, nous avons aboli l’association olfactive acquise lors d’un apprentissage et nous avons observé que les nouveaux neurones initialement sauvés dans le bulbe olfactif par cet apprentissage disparaissaient prématurément, confirmant ainsi leur rôle dans le support de la mémoire olfactive. Enfin, nous avons montré que suite à un apprentissage olfactif, une régulation locale de la mort cellulaire est mise en jeu qui pourrait être à l’origine de la sélection des néoneurones dans les régions traitant l’odeur apprise. Dans l’ensemble nos données indiquent un rôle crucial des neurones formés à l’âge adulte dans le bulbe olfactif dans la mémoire olfactive / Adult-born neurons are added to the mammalian olfactory bulb, and their number is modulated by learning suggesting that they could play a role in olfactory memory. In this work, we demonstrate that retrieval of an associative olfactory task recruits newborn neurons in odor-specific areas of the olfactory bulb and in a manner that depends on the strength of learning. By blocking neurogenesis during this olfactory task, we then demonstrate that acquisition is not dependent on neurogenesis while long-term retention of the task is abolished by neurogenesis blockade. In a second part, using an ecological approach, we show that behaviorally breaking a previously learned odor-reward association prematurely suppresses newborn neurons selected to survive during initial learning. Our results indicate that the newborn neurons saved by olfactory learning die when the odor looses its associative value, thus confirming that these newborn neurons support the memory trace. Finally, during and after learning, cell death and BrdU positive cells were mapped in the granule cell layer. We find that regions showing high BrdU-positive cell density exhibit the lowest rate of cell death indicating local regulation of cell death shaping the spatial distribution of newborn neurons in the granule cell layer of the olfactory bulb. Taken together, our findings reveal the crucial role of bulbar adult born neurons in olfactory memory

Avaliação e implementação de um sistema de estimulação elétrica neuro-muscular para reabilitação dos membros superiores de tetraplégicos / Evaluation and implementation of neuromuscular electrical stimulation system for the upper limbs rehabilitation of tetraplegics

Paolillo, Alessandra Rossi 06 July 2004 (has links)
Os objetivos desta pesquisa consistiram em contribuir para o projeto das órteses, realizar a análise cinemática do movimento de flexão/extensão do cotovelo, além de avaliar qualitativamente a independência na execução de atividades de vida diária e o ganho neurológico decorrente de um período de 6 meses de estimulação elétrica neuro-muscular (EENM). Participaram desta pesquisa oito tetraplégicos e um sujeito saudável. As órteses foram projetadas e os primeiros protótipos desenvolvidos. As avaliações cinemáticas foram realizadas durante dez tentativas do movimento de flexão/extensão do cotovelo em diferentes atividades. As avaliações qualitativas foram realizadas com os Protocolos ASIA e FIM. As órteses mostraram eficácia e funcionalidade. A avaliação cinemática mostrou que durante os movimentos com EENM houve repetibilidade, mudança no tipo de onda (de pico para retangular) e aumento do tempo de execução da atividade, comparado ao movimento voluntário. Com preensão de objeto e adição de cargas, houve alteração no padrão cinemático do movimento para a maioria dos pacientes, que indica insegurança em relação a preensão, fraqueza muscular, bem como, perturbação e incoordenação do movimento; em outros casos, houve aumento da amplitude de onda e predominância do tipo em rampa durante a EENM, o que possivelmente indica ação sinergista. Os resultados dos protocolos ASIA e FIM mostraram ganho neurológico e aumento no índice de independência funcional, para a maioria dos pacientes, decorrentes dos efeitos terapêuticos da EENM / The objectives of this research consisted of contributing for the orthosis project, to asses the knematics of the elbow flexion and extension, besides the qualitative evaluations of the independence to perform activities of daily living and neurological improvements due to a period of six months of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES). Eight tetraplegics and one healthy subject participated in this study. The orthosis was projected and the first prototypes were developed. The kinematic assessment consisted of ten trials of elbow flexion and extension in different activities. The qualitative evaluations were accomplished with the ASIA and FIM Protocols. The orthosis showed effectiveness and functionality. The kinematics analysis showed that during movements with NMES there was repeatability, change in the wave form (peak to rectangular) and increase in time of performed trials, compared to the voluntary movement. With prehension of object and addition of loads, there was alteration in the kinematics pattern of the movement for most of the patients, which indicates insecurity during the prehension, muscular weakness, as well as perturbation and movement incoordination. On the others cases, there were higher wave amplitudes and wave forms mostly in ramp during NMES, which possibly indicates synergist action. The results of the ASIA e FIM Protocols showed neurological improvements and also in the index of functional independence for most of the patients due to the therapeutic effects of NMES

Gene Expression in the Brains of Two Lines of Chicken Divergently Selected for High and Low Body Weight

Ka, Sojeong January 2009 (has links)
Artificial divergent selection of chickens for high and low body weight at 8 weeks of age has produced two lines: the high (HWS) and low (LWS) body weight chicken lines. In addition to the difference in body weight, the lines show extreme differences in feeding behaviour and body composition. The aim of this study was to uncover the genetic and molecular factors that contribute to and determine these differences, especially regarding body energy regulation and appetite. In papers I and II, genome-wide gene expression in a brain sample containing hypothalamus and in dissected hypothalamus was analysed using DNA microarray and qRT-PCR. We found that levels of differential expression were generally moderate, which was consistent with the idea that polygenic factors were involved in the establishment of the chicken lines. Genes associated with neural plasticity, lipid metabolism and body energy regulation were differentially expressed. This result indicated that the neural systems regulating feeding behaviour and body weight were altered in the chicken lines. However, genes that were involved in the central melanocortin system were not systematically differentially expressed. Interestingly, the biggest differences in expression between the lines found in endogenous retrovirus sequences of the ALV subgroup E. Thus, in paper III, we characterized the number of integrations, the expression of ALVE retroviral elements and their effects on body weight. A significant correlation between low body weight and high ALVE expression was observed in female F9 birds from an HWS x LWS advanced intercross line. This implied that ev-loci contributing to increased ALVE expression levels were genetically linked to loci influencing the low body weight of the pullets. In paper IV, the carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1b gene (CPT1B), which was highly differentially expressed in the hypothalami, was investigated. We mapped chicken CPT1B to the distal tip of chromosome 1p. The levels of CPT1B mRNA in the HWS line were higher in the hypothalamus and lower in muscle than in the LWS line. This pattern of differential expression indicates that this gene could contribute to the remarkable phenotypic differences between HWS and LWS chickens. However, comparison with quantitative trait loci data showed that the expression of CPT1B is a trans effect, rather than a direct causative locus. In conclusion, the data suggested that the long-term selection for body weight resulted in differential gene expression in the brains of the selected chicken lines. These results may have relevance for the poultry industry and will also contribute to increasing knowledge about human diseases such as obesity and anorexia.

Nicotine addiction phenotypes in a BAC transgenic mouse model overexpressing the CHRNA5/A3/B4 genomic cluster

Molas Casacuberta, Susanna, 1985- 22 June 2012 (has links)
The CHRNA5/A3/B4 genomic cluster encodes for the alpha5, alpha3 and beta4 subunits of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). Human genetic studies have revealed a significant association of variants in this genomic region with nicotine dependence. However, the mechanisms through which overexpression of these three subunits may influence smoking-related behaviours is not understood. To gain insight in the possible mechanisms, we used a BAC transgenic mouse model overexpressing this cluster containing the three genes together with their transcriptional regulatory elements. We found that overexpression of the cluster: i) increases sensitivity to the pharmacological effects of nicotine; ii) modifies particular cognitive domains associated to drug addiction and hippocampal neuronal complexity and synaptic plasticity; and iii) shifts the rewarding and aversive properties of nicotine and the manifestation of nicotine-withdrawal syndrome. Our study suggests that the genomic cluster CHRNA5/A3/B4 contributes to genetic vulnerability to nicotine addiction and promotes smoking-related behaviours possibly through hippocampal plasticity changes. / El cluster genòmic CHRNA5/A3/B4 codifica per les subunitats alfa5, alfa3 i beta4 dels receptors d’acetilcolina (nAChRs). Estudis de genètica humana han revelat que variants en aquesta regió genòmica estan significativament associats a la dependencia a nicotina. Malauradament, els mecanismes pels quals la sobreexpressió d’aquestes tres subunitats influencia comportaments relacionats amb el consum de tabac no són del tot coneguts. Per tal d’entendre els possibles mecanismes, hem utilitzat un model de ratolí transgènic que sobreexpressa aquest cluster amb els tres gens i les seus elements de regulació transcripcional. Hem trobat que la sobreexpressió del cluster: i) incrementa la sensibilitat als efectes farmacològics de la nicotina; ii) modifica determinats dominis cognitius associats a l’addicció a droges i la complexitat neuronal i plasticitat sinàpica de l’hipocamp; a més a més iii) canvia les propietats de recompensa i aversió de la nicotina i la manifestació del síndrome d’abstinència. El nostre estudi suggereix que el cluster genòmic CHRNA5/A3/B4 contribueix a la vulnerabilitat genètica a l’adicció a la nicotina i promou comportaments relacionats amb el consum de tabac possiblement a través de canvis de plasticitiat a l’hipocamp.

Modulation du système glutamatergique pendant l’apprentissage moteur : une étude de spectroscopie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle

Proulx, Sébastien 12 1900 (has links)
La présente étude avait pour but d’explorer les modulations fonctionnelles putaminales du signal de spectroscopie par résonance magnétique (SRM) combiné du glutamate et de la glutamine (Glx), ainsi que de l’acide γ-aminobutyrique (GABA) en lien avec l’apprentissage d’une séquence motrice. Nous avons émis l’hypothèse que les concentrations de Glx seraient spécifiquement augmentées pendant et après la pratique d’une telle tâche, et ce comparativement à une condition d’exécution motrice simple conçue pour minimiser l’apprentissage. La tâche d’appuis séquentiels des doigts (« finger taping task ») utilisée est connue pour induire un apprentissage moteur évoluant en phases, avec une progression initialement rapide lors de la première session d’entraînement (phase rapide), puis lente lors de sessions subséquentes (phase lente). Cet apprentissage est également conçu comme dépendant de processus « on-line » (pendant la pratique) d’acquisition et « off-line » (entre les périodes de pratique) de consolidation de la trace mnésique de l’habilité motrice. Une grande quantité de données impliquent le système de neurotransmission glutamatergique, principalement par l’action de ses récepteurs N-Méthyl-D-aspartate (NMDAR) et métabotropiques (mGluR), dans une multitude de domaine de la mémoire. Quelques-unes de ces études suggèrent que cette relation s’applique aussi à des mémoires de type motrice ou dépendante du striatum. De plus, certains travaux chez l’animal montrent qu’une hausse des concentrations de glutamate et de glutamine peut être associée à l’acquisition et/ou consolidation d’une trace mnésique. Nos mesures de SRM à 3.0 Tesla, dont la qualité ne s’est avérée satisfaisante que pour le Glx, démontrent qu’une telle modulation des concentrations de Glx est effectivement détectable dans le putamen après la performance d’une tâche motrice. Elles ne nous permettent toutefois pas de dissocier cet effet putativement attribuable à la plasticité du putamen associée à l’apprentissage moteur de séquence, de celui de la simple activation neuronale causée par l’exécution motrice. L’interprétation de l’interaction non significative, montrant une plus grande modulation par la tâche motrice simple, mène cependant à l’hypothèse alternative que la plasticité glutamatergique détectée est potentiellement plus spécifique à la phase lente de l’apprentissage, suggérant qu’une seconde expérience ainsi orientée et utilisant une méthode de SRM plus sensible au Glx aurait donc de meilleures chances d’offrir des résultats concluants. / The present study explored motor learning-related functional changes in putaminal combined glutamate and glutamine (Glx) and γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) signal. It was hypothesized that Glx concentrations would specifically increase during and after learning of a sequential finger tapping task (sFTT), as compared to execution of a simple motor task designed to elicit minimal learning. Learning of sFTT is known to evolve in an initial fast progressing stage during the first practice session (fast learning stage), followed by a slower progression during later sessions (slow learning stage). It is also thought to depend on both on-line (during practice sessions) acquisition and off-line (between practice sessions) consolidation processes to create, transform and assure retention of a motor skill memory trace. A body of data implicates glutamatergic neurotransmission, especially through its N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDAR) and metabotropic (mGluR) receptors, in many memory systems, some of which apply to motor learning and striatal-dependant learning. Moreover, some animal studies suggest that Glx concentrations can be upregulated in relation to memory acquisition and/or consolidation. Our MRS acquisitions, of which the quality happened to be sufficient only for Glx quantification, allowed the detection of an augmentation in putaminal Glx occurring after motor task execution. However, our data could not ascribe this modulation specifically to motor learning related plastic changes, at the exclusion of simple neural activation related to motor execution. Nevertheless, the interpretation of the non-significant interaction, showing a larger Glx change in response to the simple motor task compared to sFTT, leads to the possibility that the detected glutamatergic plasticity may be specifically associated to the slow learning phase. We therefore suggest that testing this alternate hypothesis in a second experiment, using an MRS technique with more sensibility to Glx could yield more convincing results.

Effect of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Neural Correlates of Fear Conditioning in Panic Disorder

Kircher, Tilo, Arolt, Volker, Jansen, Andreas, Pyka, Martin, Reinhardt, Isabelle, Kellermann, Thilo, Konrad, Carsten, Lüken, Ulrike, Gloster, Andrew T., Gerlach, Alexander L., Ströhle, Andreas, Wittmann, André, Pfleiderer, Bettina, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Straube, Benjamin 23 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Learning by conditioning is a key ability of animals and humans for acquiring novel behavior necessary for survival in a changing environment. Aberrant conditioning has been considered a crucial factor in the etiology and maintenance of panic disorder with agoraphobia (PD/A). Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective treatment for PD/A. However, the neural mechanisms underlying the effects of CBT on conditioning processes in PD/A are unknown. Methods: In a randomized, controlled, multicenter clinical trial in medication-free patients with PD/A who were treated with 12 sessions of manualized CBT, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used during fear conditioning before and after CBT. Quality-controlled fMRI data from 42 patients and 42 healthy subjects were obtained. Results: After CBT, patients compared to control subjects revealed reduced activation for the conditioned response (CS+ > CS–) in the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG). This activation reduction was correlated with reduction in agoraphobic symptoms from t1 to t2. Patients compared to control subjects also demonstrated increased connectivity between the IFG and regions of the “fear network” (amygdalae, insulae, anterior cingulate cortex) across time. Conclusions: This study demonstrates the link between cerebral correlates of cognitive (IFG) and emotional (“fear network”) processing during symptom improvement across time in PD/A. Further research along this line has promising potential to support the development and further optimization of targeted treatments.

Avaliação e implementação de um sistema de estimulação elétrica neuro-muscular para reabilitação dos membros superiores de tetraplégicos / Evaluation and implementation of neuromuscular electrical stimulation system for the upper limbs rehabilitation of tetraplegics

Alessandra Rossi Paolillo 06 July 2004 (has links)
Os objetivos desta pesquisa consistiram em contribuir para o projeto das órteses, realizar a análise cinemática do movimento de flexão/extensão do cotovelo, além de avaliar qualitativamente a independência na execução de atividades de vida diária e o ganho neurológico decorrente de um período de 6 meses de estimulação elétrica neuro-muscular (EENM). Participaram desta pesquisa oito tetraplégicos e um sujeito saudável. As órteses foram projetadas e os primeiros protótipos desenvolvidos. As avaliações cinemáticas foram realizadas durante dez tentativas do movimento de flexão/extensão do cotovelo em diferentes atividades. As avaliações qualitativas foram realizadas com os Protocolos ASIA e FIM. As órteses mostraram eficácia e funcionalidade. A avaliação cinemática mostrou que durante os movimentos com EENM houve repetibilidade, mudança no tipo de onda (de pico para retangular) e aumento do tempo de execução da atividade, comparado ao movimento voluntário. Com preensão de objeto e adição de cargas, houve alteração no padrão cinemático do movimento para a maioria dos pacientes, que indica insegurança em relação a preensão, fraqueza muscular, bem como, perturbação e incoordenação do movimento; em outros casos, houve aumento da amplitude de onda e predominância do tipo em rampa durante a EENM, o que possivelmente indica ação sinergista. Os resultados dos protocolos ASIA e FIM mostraram ganho neurológico e aumento no índice de independência funcional, para a maioria dos pacientes, decorrentes dos efeitos terapêuticos da EENM / The objectives of this research consisted of contributing for the orthosis project, to asses the knematics of the elbow flexion and extension, besides the qualitative evaluations of the independence to perform activities of daily living and neurological improvements due to a period of six months of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES). Eight tetraplegics and one healthy subject participated in this study. The orthosis was projected and the first prototypes were developed. The kinematic assessment consisted of ten trials of elbow flexion and extension in different activities. The qualitative evaluations were accomplished with the ASIA and FIM Protocols. The orthosis showed effectiveness and functionality. The kinematics analysis showed that during movements with NMES there was repeatability, change in the wave form (peak to rectangular) and increase in time of performed trials, compared to the voluntary movement. With prehension of object and addition of loads, there was alteration in the kinematics pattern of the movement for most of the patients, which indicates insecurity during the prehension, muscular weakness, as well as perturbation and movement incoordination. On the others cases, there were higher wave amplitudes and wave forms mostly in ramp during NMES, which possibly indicates synergist action. The results of the ASIA e FIM Protocols showed neurological improvements and also in the index of functional independence for most of the patients due to the therapeutic effects of NMES

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