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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Model Based Optimization of Spinal Cord Stimulation

Zhang, Tianhe January 2015 (has links)
<p>Chronic pain is a distressing, prevalent, and expensive condition that is not well understood and difficult to treat. Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) has emerged as a viable means of managing chronic pain when conventional therapies are ineffective, but the efficacy of SCS has improved little since its inception. The mechanisms underlying SCS, in particular the neuronal responses to SCS, are not well understood, and prior efforts to optimize SCS have focused on electrode design and spatial selectivity without considering how the temporal aspects of SCS (stimulation frequency, pattern) may affect neuronal responses to stimulation. The lack of a biophysical basis in prior attempts to optimize therapy may have contributed to the plateau in the clinical efficacy of SCS over time. This dissertation combines computational modeling and in vivo electrophysiological approaches to investigate the effects of SCS on sensory neuron activity in the dorsal horn and uses the insights gained from these experiments to design novel temporal patterns for SCS that may be more effective than conventional therapy.</p><p>To study the mechanisms underlying SCS, we constructed a biophysically-based network model of the dorsal horn circuit consisting of interconnected dorsal horn interneurons and a wide dynamic range (WDR) projection neuron and representations of both local and surround receptive field inhibition. We validated the network model by reproducing cellular and network responses relevant to pain processing including wind-up, A-fiber mediated inhibition, and surround receptive field inhibition. To quantify experimentally the responses of spinal sensory projection neurons to SCS, we recorded the responses of antidromically identified sensory neurons in the lumbar spinal cord during 1-150 Hz SCS in both healthy rats and neuropathic rats following chronic constriction injury (CCI). In a subset of rats, we additionally assessed the impact of GABAergic inhibition on spinal neuron responses to SCS by conducting SCS experiments following the intrathecal administration of bicuculline, a GABAA receptor antagonist, and CGP 35348, a GABAB receptor antagonist. Finally, we used the computational model to design non-regular temporal patterns capable of inhibiting sensory neuron activity more effectively than conventional SCS and at lower equivalent stimulation frequencies than clinical standard 50 Hz SCS, and we experimentally validated model predictions of the improved efficacy of select patterns against conventional SCS.</p><p>Computational modeling revealed that the response of spinal sensory neurons to SCS depends on the SCS frequency; SCS frequencies of 30-100 Hz maximally inhibited the model WDR neuron consistent with clinical reports, while frequencies under 30 Hz and over 100 Hz excited the model WDR neuron. SCS-mediated inhibition was also dependent on GABAergic inhibition in the spinal cord: reducing the influence GABAergic interneurons by weakening their inputs or their connections to the model WDR neuron reduced the range of optimal SCS frequencies and changed the frequency at which SCS had a maximal effect. Experimentally, we observed that the relationship between SCS frequency and projection neuron activity predicted by the Gate Control circuit described a subset of observed SCS-frequency dependent responses but was insufficient to account for the heterogeneous responses measured experimentally. In addition, intrathecal administration of bicuculline, a GABAA receptor antagonist, increased spontaneous and evoked activity in projection neurons, enhanced excitatory responses to SCS, and reduced inhibitory responses to SCS, consistent with model predictions. Finally, computational modeling of dual frequency SCS, implemented by delivering two distinct frequencies simultaneously to distinct fiber populations, revealed frequency pairs that were more effective at inhibiting sensory neuron activity than equivalent conventional SCS and at lower average frequencies than clinically employed 50 Hz SCS. Experimental assessments of the effect of dual frequency SCS on spinal sensory neurons confirmed model predictions of greater efficacy at lower equivalent stimulation frequencies and suggest the use of non-regular temporal patterns as a novel approach to optimizing SCS. The outcomes of this dissertation are an improved understanding of the mechanisms underlying SCS, computational and experimental tools with which to continue the development and improvement of SCS. The insights and knowledge gained from the work described in this dissertation may result in translational applications that significantly improve the therapeutic outcomes of SCS and the quality of life of individuals affected by chronic pain.</p> / Dissertation

Efeito modulatório dos receptores A1 e A2A sobre a neurotransmissão nitrérgica em culturas de células da região dorsomedial do bulbo de ratos normotensos e geneticamente hipertensos / Modulatory effect of A1 and A2A receptor on nitrergic neurotransmission in cell culture from the dorsomedial medulla oblongata of normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats

Costa, Maísa Aparecida 29 January 2014 (has links)
Adenosina e óxido nítrico, importantes neuromoduladores endógenos, atuam modulando finamente o controle neural cardiovascular no núcleo de trato solitário (NTS). Embora se tenha conhecimento sobre a relação entre adenosina e NO periférica e centralmente, em particular, no bulbo, os mecanismos pelos quais a adenosina interfere na dinâmica da neurotransmissão nitrérgica, ainda não são totalmente conhecidos. Logo, alterações na interação entre esses sistemas podem ser especialmente relevantes para indivíduos predispostos à hipertensão. Dessa forma, os objetivos do presente estudo foram estudar a interação entre o sistema adenosinérgico e nitrérgico em culturas de células da porção dorsomedial do bulbo de ratos normotenso Wistar Kyoto (WKY) e espontaneamente hipertensos (SHR). Para tal, utilizou-se técnicas para quantificação dos níveis de nitrito, PCR em tempo real e RNA de interferência. Foi observada uma redução e um aumento concentração-dependente nos níveis de nitrito e do mRNA da nNOS induzido pelos agonistas dos receptores A1(A1R) e A2A(A>sub>2AR), CPA e CGS21680, respectivamente. Os efeitos nos níveis de nitrito foram atenuados pela administração dos antagonistas seletivos dos A1R e A2AR, CPT e ZM241385. Knockdown dos A1R e A2AR mostraram que a redução da expressão desses receptores aumentaram e diminuíram os níveis de expressão da nNOS, respectivamente. Pré-tratamento com o inibidor não seletivo da nNOS, L-NAME, aboliu os níveis aumentados de nitrito desencadeados pelo CGS21680 em células de WKY e SHR. Por fim, é mostrado que a via cAMP-PKA está envolvida na sinalização que deflaga tantos os níveis reduzidos de nitrito, via A1R, quantos os níveis aumentados de nitrito, via A2AR, em culturas de WKY e SHR. Em síntese, nossos resultados destacam a influência da adenosina sobre a síntese de NO em culturas de células da porção dorsomedial do bulbo de ratos WKY e SHR. Pelo menos em parte, o perfil modulatório é diferenciado em ratos SHR / Adenosine and nitric oxide, important endogenous neuromodulators, act on the fine tuning regulation of neural cardiovascular control in the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS). Although the relationship between adenosine and NO peripheral and centrally, is well established, in particular, in the oblongata medulla, the mechanisms by which adenosine interferes in the dynamics of nitrergic neurotransmission, is not completely understood. Thus, changes in the interaction between these systems may be especially relevant for individuals predisposed to hypertension. The aim of this study was to evaluate the interaction between the adenosinergic and nitrergic systems in cell culture from the dorsomedial medulla oblongata of Wistar Kyoto (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). This purpose was performed the quantification of nitrite level, RT-PCR analysis and RNA interference. We observed a concentration-dependent decrease and increase of nitrite and nNOS mRNA levels in cultured cells of WKY and SHR rats induced by agonists of adenosine A1 (A1R) and A2A receptor (A2AR), CPA and CGS21680, respectively. These effects in nitrite level were attenuated by the administration of the A1R and A2AR selective antagonist, CPT and ZM241385. Furthermore, knockdown of A1R and A2AR showed an increase and decrease of nNOS mRNA levels, respectively. The pretreatment with nonselective inhibitor of NOS, L-NAME, abolished nitrite-increased levels triggered by CGS 21680 in WKY and SHR cells. Finally, it is shown that the cAMP-PKA pathway is involved in A1R and A2AR -mediated decrease and increase in nitrite levels in SHR and WKY cells. In summary, our results highlight the influence of adenosine on nitric oxide levels in cultured cells from dorsal medulla oblongata of WKY and SHR rats. In part, the modulatory profile is different in the SHR strain

Sistemas neuromodulatórios: implicações fisiopatológicas / Neuromodulatory systems: patophysiologic implications

Carrettiero, Daniel Carneiro 17 April 2008 (has links)
Esta tese está organizada basicamente em quatro capítulos. O Capítulo I aborda as linhas gerais do presente trabalho, onde o sistema nervoso é caracterizado por um mosaico de redes neurais altamente organizadas, as quais promovem o controle e a manutenção das atividades vitais do corpo humano. Redes neurais geneticamente enfraquecidas podem predispor os indivíduos a desenvolver diversas patologias. Moléculas neuromodulatórias podem atuar fortalecendo estas redes, colaborando com o controle destas doenças. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é estudar a ação de duas moléculas neuromodulatórias endógenas, a adenosina e a co-chaperona BAG-2, sobre redes neurais específicas associadas à hipertensão essencial e à doença de Azheimer, contribuindo, assim, para o melhor entendimento, controle e prevenção destas patologias. O Capítulo II analisa os possíveis efeitos da adenosina sobre o controle neural da pressão arterial associado à patologia da hipertensão essencial, especificamente no núcleo do trato solitário (NTS) de ratos normotensos (WKY) e espontaneamente hipertensos (SHR). O primeiro artigo científico do presente trabalho (Capítulo II) demonstra que os receptores A1 de adenosina, além de estarem distribuídos de forma heterogênea dentro do NTS estão aumentados em ratos hipertensos quando comparados a ratos normotensos. Esta diferença parece preceder o desenvolvimento da hipertensão nestes animais. O segundo artigo científico (Capítulo II) descreve que os receptores A1 de adenosina são capazes de aumentar tanto o número como a afinidade dos receptores alfa2-adrenérgicos dentro de núcleos específicos do NTS. Esta ação modulatória é diferenciada em ratos hipertensos quando comparados a ratos normotensos, sugerindo uma importante alteração associada à hipertensão nestes animais. No terceiro artigo científico (Capítulo II) foi observado que a ação modulatória desencadeada pelos receptores A1 de adenosina sobre os receptores alfa2-adrenérgicos é dependente de fosfolipase C (PLC) e parece, também, ser diferenciada em ratos hipertensos quando comparados a ratos normotensos. Neste contexto, os resultados destes três trabalhos sugerem que a ativação dos receptores A1 de adenosina, em certas condições, poderia estar sensibilizando sistemas hipotensores dentro de subnúcleos específicos do NTS através dos receptores alfa2-adrenérgicos utilizando fosfolipase C como mensageiro intracelular. Este mecanismo poderia estar associado ao desenvolvimento da hipertensão essencial. O Capítulo III analisa os possíveis efeitos da co-chaperona BAG-2 sobre a proteína Tau. Agregados desta proteína são uma das características histopatológicas marcantes encontradas no encéfalo de pacientes com mal de Alzheimer. Foi demonstrado no presente trabalho um elegante mecanismo de degradação da proteína Tau fosforilada, uma isoforma considerada tóxica para o ambiente intracelular, através da co-chaperona BAG-2. Esta molécula tem a capacidade de inibir a atividade da chaperona CHIP, uma ligase de ubiquitina, impossibilitando a ubiquitinação e conseqüente degradação da proteína Tau pela via proteossomo ubiquitina-dependente. Foi observado que a proteína BAG-2 se associa fisicamente à proteína Tau, alterando a via de degradação ubiquitina-dependente para uma via não muito usual, ubiquitina-independente. A supressão da proteína BAG-2 leva a um aumento nos níveis de Tau em neurônios e sua superexpressão, uma diminuição. Foi observado, também, que a supressão da proteína BAG-2 pode levar a formação de agregados filamentosos, sugerindo que o efeito modulatório da proteína BAG-2 poderia estar relacionado com a remoção dos agregados intracelulares encontrados em pacientes com a doença de Alzheimer. Concluindo, BAG-2 poderia ser um importante alvo farmacológico para o tratamento desta patologia. Por fim, o capítulo IV encerra o presente trabalho com considerações finais importantes para o estudo, prevenção e controle de patologias multifatoriais como a hipertensão essencial e a doença de Alzheimer. Este estudo sugere que a adenosina e a co-chaperona BAG-2 poderiam ser alvos farmacológicos interessantes, que em conjunto com outras subtâncias, poderiam colaborar com o fortalecimento de redes neurais geneticamente enfraquecidas as quais predispõem os indivíduos a desenvolver tais patologias / Adenosine has been shown to modulate cardiovascular control at the levels of the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS). This study shows the distribution and density of adenosine A1 receptor within the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) of Wistar Kyoto (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) rats from birth to adulthood (1,15,30 and 90 day-old). [3H]DPCPX was used as a ligant for in vitro autoradiography. The NTS shows heterogeneous distribution of adenosine A1 receptor in dorsomedial/dorsolateral, subpostremal and medial/intermediate subnuclei. Adenosine A1 receptor decrease in dorsomedial/dorsolateral according to rostral-caudal levels of 15, 30 and 90 day-old WKY and SHR rats. On the other hand, those receptors increase in subpostremal according to rostral-caudal levels of 30 and 90 days old WKY, and of 15, 30 and 90 day-old SHR. Furthermore, adenosine A1 receptors are increased in SHR as compared with WKY in dorsomedial/dorsolateral of 30 and 90 day-old rats and in subpostremal of 15, 30 and 90 day-old rats. Surprisingly, even in 15 days old SHR rats when hypertension is not yet apparent, [3H]DPCPX values were increased. Finally, adenosine A1 receptors increase from 1 to 30 day-old rats. Medial/intermediate did not show any changes in adenosine A1 receptors according rostral-caudal levels, age or strain. In summary, our result highlights the importance of A1 adenosine system regarding the neural control of blood pressure and the development of hypertension. Adenosine is known to modulate neuronal activity within the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS). The modulatory effect of adenosine A1 receptors on alpha2-adrenoceptors was evaluated by quantitative radioautography within NTS subnuclei and by neuronal culture using normotensive (WKY) and hypertensive (SHR) rats. Radioautography was used to perform saturation experiment in order to obtain alpha2-adrenoceptors binding parameters (Bmax, KD) in the presence of 3 concentrations of CPA, an adenosine A1 receptor agonist. Neuronal culture was performed to confirm radioautoraphic results. [3H]RX821002, an alpha2-adrenoceptor antagonist, was used as a ligand for both approaches. Dorsomedial/dorsolateral subnucleus of WKY showed an increase in Bmax values (21%) induced by 10nM of CPA. However, subpostremal subnucleus showed a decrease in KD, values (24%) induced by 10nM of CPA. SHR showed the same pattern of changes within the same nuclei as compared with WKY; however the modulatory effect of CPA was induced by 1nM (increased Bmax, 17%; decreased KD, 26%). Cell culture confirmed these results, since 10-[5M and 10[-7M of CPA promoted an increase in [[3[H]RX821002 binding of WKY (53%) and SHR cells (48%), respectively. DPCPX, an adenosine A1 receptor antagonist, was used to block the modulatory effect promoted by CPA on alpha2-adrenoceptors binding. In conclusion, our study show, for the first time, a specific cross talk between adenosine A1 receptors increasing the binding of alpha2-adrenoceptors within the NTS, which might be important to understand the complex autonomic response induced by adenosine within the NTS. In addition, changes in the interaction between receptors might be relevant to understand the development of hypertension. Adenosine acts at many sites to modulate neuronal activity. The nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) is known as a major brain site in cardiovascular control. Previous studies from our group have shown the adenosine A1 receptors increase the binding of alpha2-adrenoceptors within the NTS, suggesting the important role of adenosine in cardiovascular control. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the intracellular signaling responsible for such process using brainstem cell culture of Wistar (WR) rats by means of binding assay. 8 different concentration of CPA (10[-4 to 10[-11), an A1 adenosine agonist, were used to modulate [[3[H]RX821002 binding, an alpha2-adrenoceptor antagonist. DPCPX, an A1 adenosine antagonist, was used to block the modulatory effect of CPA on [3VH]RX821002 binding. 10-5M of CPA promote an increase in [[3H]RX821002 binding. The intracellular cascade involved in such modulatory process were evaluated using different intracellular signaling molecules inhibitors and two queletors [SQ22536, an adenylyl cyclase (AC) inhibitor, U-73122, an phospholipase C (PLC) inhibitor, Xestospongin C, an IP3 receptor inhibitor, Ro318220, an protein kinase calcium dependent (PKC), BAPTA, an intracellular calcium quelator, EGTA, an extracelular calcium quelator]. U-73122, Xestospongin C, Ro3326 and BAPTA were capable to inhibit the effect promoted by adenosine A1 receptor on [3H]RX821002 binding suggesting a modulation PLC, PKC, IP3 and Ca2+ dependent pathway. In conclusion, our study show, for the first time, that adenosine A1 receptor modulates the alpha2-adrenoceptors through a non-canonical phospholipase C dependent pathway. This result might be important to understand the adenosine role within the NTS in cardiovascular control. Tau inclusions are a prominent feature of many neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer\'s disease. Their presence suggests a failure in Tau degradation. The components of a Tau protein triage system consisting of CHIP/Hsc70 and other chaperones and co-chaperones have begun to emerge. However, the site of triage and the master regulatory elements have not yet been described. We have discovered an elegant mechanism of Tau degradation involving the co-chaperone BAG-2. BAG-2 binds to CHIP inhibiting its activity as an ubiquitine ligase preventing Tau ubiquitination. Tau bound to the microtubule and recruits BAG-2 where it clears Tau through an ubiquitin-independent proteossoma 20S dependent pathway. BAG-2 acts on Tau at precisely the site where it undergoes phosphorylation-dependent binding to the microtubule, more importantly, where it becomes vulnerable to misfolding and aggregation. Under conditions of proteasomal 26S blockade, Tau undergoes caspase mediated degradation. BAG-2 represents a critical point in clearing Tau that is prone to assembling into filaments. The suppression of BAG-2 leads to increased phosphorilated tau in neurons and its over-expression decreases phosphorilated tau.

Learning and adaptation in brain machine interfaces

Torene, Spencer Bradley 09 March 2017 (has links)
Balancing subject learning and decoder adaptation is central to increasing brain machine interface (BMI) performance. We addressed these complementary aspects in two studies: (1) a learning study, in which mice modulated “beta” band activity to control a 1D auditory cursor, and (2) an adaptive decoding study, in which a simple recurrent artificial neural network (RNN) decoded intended saccade targets of monkeys. In the learning study, three mice successfully increased beta band power following trial initiations, and specifically increased beta burst durations from 157 ms to 182 ms, likely contributing to performance. Though the task did not explicitly require specific movements, all three mice appeared to modulate beta activity via active motor control and had consistent vibrissal motor cortex multiunit activity and local field potential relationships with contralateral whisker pad electromyograms. The increased burst durations may therefore by a direct result of increased motor activity. These findings suggest that only a subset of beta rhythm phenomenology can be volitionally modulated (e.g. the tonic “hold” beta), therefore limiting the possible set of successful beta neuromodulation strategies. In the adaptive decoding study, RNNs decoded delay period activity in oculomotor and working memory regions while monkeys performed a delayed saccade task. Adaptive decoding sessions began with brain-controlled trials using pre-trained RNN models, in contrast to static decoding sessions in which 300-500 initial eye-controlled training trials were performed. Closed loop RNN decoding performance was lower than predicted by offline simulations. More consistent delay period activity and saccade paths across trials were associated with higher decoding performance. Despite the advantage of consistency, one monkey’s delay period activity patterns changed over the first week of adaptive decoding, and the other monkey’s saccades were more erratic during adaptive decoding than during static decoding sessions. It is possible that the altered session paradigm eliminating eye-controlled training trials led to either frustration or exploratory learning, causing the neural and behavioral changes. Considering neural control and decoder adaptation of BMIs in these studies, future work should improve the “two-learner” subject-decoder system by better modeling the interaction between underlying brain states (and possibly their modulation) and the neural signatures representing desired outcomes.

Excitação multifrequencial e aspectos de segurança para sonotrombólise transcraniana / Multifrequency excitation and safety for transcranial sonothrombolysis

Kamimura, Hermes Arytto Salles 29 January 2016 (has links)
A sonotrombólise pela combinação de ultrassom (US) e microbolhas com medicamento trombolítico tem indicado grande eficácia na quebra de coágulos in vitro, devido a efeitos de cavitação. Contudo, estudos in vivo sobre drug delivery demonstram que a cavitação de microbolhas é também capaz de abrir local e transientemente a barreira hematoencefálica (BHE) - estrutura de permeabilidade seletiva que protege o Sistema Nervoso Central. Um estudo clínico sobre sonotrombólise foi interrompido precocemente devido a evolução de casos de Acidente Vascular Cerebral isquêmicos para hemorrágicos associados a danos na BHE e formação de ondas estacionárias. Nesta tese, foram realizados estudos in vitro e in vivo sobre técnicas de US multifrequencial para trombólise. Além disso, verificou-se os limiares para a abertura da BHE e efeitos de neuromodulação ambos causados pelo ultrassom transcraniano. Foi demonstrado que o duplo feixe de US e a variação temporal de frequências (excitação codificada) são capazes de reduzir a formação de ondas estacionárias e gerar regiões focais mais confinadas do que feixes focalizados monofrequenciais. O duplo feixe foi incapaz de gerar ondas de baixa frequência para trombólise (menor ou igual a 1 Pa para feixes primários de 1,58 MPa). Exames histológicos e por imagens de ressonância magnética mostraram que a cavitação de microbolhas pode causar danos ao tecido cerebral para níveis de pressão de mesma ordem necessários para se observar efeito trombolítico. Além disso, foi observado que o US é capaz de disparar atividade neuronal causando respostas motoras e indícios de respostas associadas a modulação de atividades cognitivas. A focalização de feixes por excitação multifrequencial é um grande avanço para sonotrombólise. Contudo, a potencialização do efeito trombolítico do US por cavitação e medicamento é limitada devido a danos a BHE e critérios de exclusão do medicamento. / Sonothrombolysis by combining ultrasound (US) and microbubbles with thrombolytic drugs has been demonstrated capable of breaking blood clots in in vitro studies, due to cavitation effects. However, in vivo drug delivery studies have demonstrated that cavitation of microbubbles is also capable of opening locally and transiently the blood-brain barrier (BBB) - structure with selective permeability that protects the Central Nervous System. A sonothrombolysis clinical study was interrupted prematurely because of the occurrence of intracerebral hemorrhages after treatment associated with damages in the BBB and standing waves formation. In this dissertation, in vitro and in vivo studies evaluated techniques of multifrequency US for thrombolysis. Furthermore, the ultrasound pressure threshold to obtain the BBB opening and neuromodulation effects were explored during transcranial insonation. It has been demonstrated that the double US beam and the time variation of frequencies (coded excitation) are capable of reducing standing wave formation and generating more confined focus zones than monofrequency focused beams. The double US beam was not capable of generating low frequency waves for thrombolysis (less than or equal to 1 Pa obtained from primary beams with 1.58 MPa). Histological exams and magnetic resonance images demonstrated that microbubbles cavitation can damage the brain tissue with acoustic pressures of the same level necessary to observe thrombolytic effects. Furthermore, it was observed motor responses and other responses associated with cognitive activity triggered by US. The capability of multifrequency excitation in focusing US beams is an important advance for sonothrombolysis. However, the enhancement of fibrinolytic effect of US by microbubbles cavitation and with thrombolytic drugs is limited by associated damages to the BBB and by exclusion criteria for the use of the thrombolytic drugs.

Efeitos da estimulação magnética transcraniana para sintomas obsessivo-compulsivos em pacientes com esquizofrenia

Mendes Filho, Vauto Alves January 2016 (has links)
Em pacientes com esquizofrenia, sintomas obsessivo-compulsivos (SOC) são associados com taxas mais baixas de qualidade de vida e polifarmácia. Não há estudos controlados anteriores testando a eficácia da estimulação magnética transcraniana repetitiva (EMTr) para o tratamento de SOC nesta população. Este trabalho examinou os efeitos terapêuticos da EMTr aplicadas à Área Motora Suplementar (1 Hz, 20 min, 20 sessões) em SOC e sintomas gerais em pacientes com esquizofrenia ou transtorno esquizoafetivo, e se esta intervenção pode produzir alterações nos níveis plasmáticos do fator neurotrófico derivado do cérebro (BDNF). Inicialmente, foi realizado um relato de três casos, com o objetivo de fornecer uma evidência inicial de eficácia. Dois dos três pacientes que participaram apresentaram redução da Escala de Sintomas Obsessivo-Compulsivos de Yale-Brown (Y-BOCS), com retorno aos valores iniciais 4 semanas após o término do tratamento. Foi realizado então um estudo duplo-cego randomizado controlado por placebo para confirmação dos efeitos terapêuticos. EMTr ativa e placebo foram entregues para 12 pacientes (6 em cada grupo). Os escores da Escala de Sintomas Obsessivo-Compulsivos de Yale-Brown (Y-BOCS) e da Escala Breve de Avaliação Psiquiátrica (BPRS), bem como os níveis de BDNF, foram avaliados antes, depois, e 4 semanas após as intervenções. A EMTr não alterou significativamente os resultados após o tratamento e no follow-up (Y-BOCS: Χ2 = 3,172; p = 0,205; BPRS: X2 = 1.629; p = 0,443; BDNF: X2 = 2.930; p = 0,231). Parece haver uma tendência para a melhoria da pontuação BPRS 4 semanas após o tratamento no grupo ativo comparando com placebo (d de Cohen = 0,875, com 32,9% de poder estatístico). Não foram relatados efeitos colaterais. São necessários estudos futuros com amostras maiores. / In patients with schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS) are associated with lower rates of quality of life and polypharmacy. No previous controlled studies have tested the efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on the treatment of OCS in this population. The present study examined the therapeutic effects of rTMS applied to the supplementary motor area (1 Hz, 20 min, 20 sessions) on OCS and general symptoms in patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, and whether this intervention can produce changes in plasma levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Initially, there was a report of three cases with the aim of providing initial evidence of efficacy. Two patients showed a reduction on the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms Scale (Y-BOCS) scores, with return to baseline 4 weeks after completion of treatment. Then, a double-blind randomized controlled trial was conducted. Active and sham rTMS were delivered to 12 patients (6 on each group). Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) and Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) scores, as well as BDNF levels, were assessed before, after, and 4 weeks after treatment. rTMS did not significantly change the outcomes after treatment and on the follow-up (Y-BOCS: Wald’s Χ2=3.172; p=0.205; BPRS: X2=1.629; p=0.443; BDNF: X2=2.930; p=0.231). There seemed to be a trend towards improvement of BPRS scores 4 weeks after rTMS treatment comparing with sham (Cohen’s d=0.875, with 32.9% statistical power). No side effects were reported. Future studies with larger sample sizes are needed.

Effect of Social Status on the Behavior and Neurophysiology of Crayfish

Issa, Fadi Aziz 16 April 2008 (has links)
Adaptation to changing social conditions is important for many social animals. Here, the effects of social experience on the behavior and neurophysiology of the red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, were studied. Evidence is presented that shows juvenile crayfish interact and form social order, and their behavior patterns shift in accordance to social status. Dominant animals maintain a high level of aggressive behavior, while subordinates shift their behavior pattern from aggressive to submissive behavior. Adult male crayfish show similar behavior pattern during dominance formation. However, this work demonstrates that male crayfish adopt a unique strategy to signify the formation of a social order expressed in the form of pseudocopulation. Pseudocopulation between male crayfish signifies the acceptance of the social status and leads to the reduction of aggression of dominants and enhances the survival of subordinate animals. I investigated the long-term effects of social status on the behavioral and physiological responses of crayfish to unexpected sensory touch. I discovered that animals of different social experience display different orienting responses that correlate with in vivo electromyographic recordings from the legs’ depressor muscle. The status-dependent response patterns observed in vivo are retained in a reduced, in vitro, preparation that lacks descending input from the brain. The role of serotonin (5-HT) was investigated in mediating the motor output patterns of the depressor nerve. Putative serotonergic innervations of the depressor nerve were identified that originate from serotonergic neurons located in the first abdominal ganglion. Selective stimulation of the ipsilateral 5-HT neuron enhances the response of the depressor nerve to sensory stimulation. Application of 5-HT modestly increased the tonic firing activity of the depressor nerve in social isolates and subordinates but significantly decreased the activity in dominants. This work illustrates that the formation of a dominance relationship significantly and immediately alters the behavior of the participants. As the social relationship matures, the social experience that develops affects the underlying neurophysiology that mediates the behavior. It will be of great interest in future studies to identify not only the effects rather the mechanisms of how social experience induces physiological changes.

Apprentissage et contrôle cognitif : une théorie computationnelle de la fonction exécutive préfontale humaine

Collins, Anne 05 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Le contrôle cognitif est la capacité à réagir à des stimuli de manière adaptée au contexte présent ou aux indices passés, en tenant compte de nos buts internes. Le contrôle cognitif et l'apprentissage entretiennent des liens profonds et réciproques. D'un côté, le contrôle cognitif requiert que nous ayons appris un répertoire de comportements ainsi que leur valeur dans différentes conditions, afin de les utiliser à bon escient. D'un autre côté, l'apprentissage d'un répertoire de comportements nécessite du contrôle cognitif, notamment pour réguler l'équilibre entre exploration et exploitation, mais également pour généraliser, décider d'un switch, induire une structure dans un problème, etc.. . . Le contrôle cognitif et l'apprentissage sont donc indissociablement liés dans la flexibilité qui carac- térise la fonction exécutive préfrontale humaine. Cependant, ce lien est actuellement mal compris et peu de travaux de psychologie ou neurosciences cognitives intègrent ces deux aspects. De même, les modèles computationnels d'apprentissage ou de décision existants ne rendent pas compte de leur interaction. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous proposons une théorie mathématique reposant sur des mécanismes d'apprentissage par renforcement et d'inférence bayésienne, qui intègre l'apprentissage de répertoires de comportements (task-sets) dans un milieu incertain et le contrôle cognitif (task-switching) en présence ou en l'absence d'information contextuelle. Cette théorie permet de faire des prédictions spécifiques que nous avons testées dans le cadre de deux expériences comportementales. Celles-ci ont permis de valider les prédictions de la théorie et d'invalider d'autres modèles existants. De plus, la théorie proposée permet d'avancer un facteur explicatif des différences qualitatives de stratégies d'exploration observées entre différents individus. La théorie proposée caractérise de façon intrinsèque des notions essentielles telles que le comporte- ment par défaut, le switch et l'exploration. Elle permet de faire émerger naturellement un mécanisme de contrôle du compromis exploitation - exploration, ainsi que son facteur de pondération. Enfin, les résultats empiriques valident les prédictions et confirment les hypothèses du modèle. Celui-ci pourra être utilisé pour comprendre les computations effectuées par le cerveau dans des études d'imagerie fonctionnelle, avec le cortex préfrontal, les ganglions de la base et des neuromodulateurs (dopamine et norépinephrine) comme centres d'intérêt principaux.

Analyzing Non-Unique Parameters in a Cat Spinal Cord Motoneuron Model

Sowd, Matthew Michael 05 July 2006 (has links)
When modeling a neuron, modelers often focus on the values of parameters that produce a desired output. However, if these parameters are not unique, there could be a number of parameter sets that produce the same output. Thus, even though the values of the various maximum conductances, half activation voltages and so on differ, as a set they can produce the same spike height, firing rates, and so forth. To examine whether or not parameter sets are unique, a 3-compartment motoneuron model was created that has 15 target outputs and 59 parameters. Using parameter searches, over one hundred parameter sets were created for this model that produced the same output (within tolerances). Parameter values vary between parameter sets and indicate that the parameter values are not unique. In addition, some parameters are more tightly constrained than others. Principal component analysis is used to examine the dimensionality of the input and output spaces. However, neurons are more than static output generators. For example, a variety of neuromodulatory influences are known to shift parameter values to alter neuronal output. Thus the question arises as to whether this non-uniqueness extends from model outputs to the models sensitivities to its parameters. In this work, the non-unique parameter sets are further analyzed using sensitivity analyses and output correlations to show that these values vary significantly between these parameter sets. Therefore, each of these models will react to parameter variation differently. This work concludes that parameter sets are non-unique but have varying sensitivity analyses and output correlations. The ramifications of this are discussed for both modelers and neuroscientists.

Modulation of Neuronal Functions : the Role of SLC10A4 / SLC10A4-Mediated Modulation of Neuronal Functions

Patra, Kalicharan January 2014 (has links)
Mental health of a person depends on the correct functioning of the brain. The brain and the spinal cord contain many types of cells, of which one important type are called the neurons. Neurons are special in the way they connect to each other to form large networks. The chemicals called transmitters are packed at the nerve endings into tiny packets called vesicles and when a signal arrives these vesicles fuse immediately to the attached cell surface and release their contents. The role of the synaptic vesicular transporter proteins is to ensure proper packing of transmitter molecules that can be released upon stimulation. Vesicular packing is an important process. The carrier proteins involved in packing work in coordination to determine the amount and type of transmitters to be packed. Missing a carrier protein from the vesicles might lead to improper packing and inaccurate signaliing. These signaling molecules are known for their implications in many psychiatric and neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Schizophrenia, and attention deficit to name just a few.  How a vesicular transporter can affect the modulatory functions of aminergic neurons is the subject of this thesis. This thesis reports on the effects of the loss of a vesicular orphan transporter. Study I demonstrates the localization of this protein to monoaminergic and cholinergic terminals. It reports the effect of the loss of Slc10A4 on vesicular dopamine uptake, synaptic clearance of dopamine and hypersensitivity of animals to dopamine related psychostimulants. Study I also provides evidence for ATP as a possible ligand for SLC10A4 protein. Study II provides data on the clinical relevance of Slc10A4 in playing a protective role against vulnerability to epilepsy. It reports that loss of Slc10A4 renders the animals hypersensitive to cholinergic drugs. Study III provides a closer look at individual cholinergic synapses at neuromuscular junctions in mice lacking Slc10A4. The structural and electrophysiological properties of the NMJ are found compromised because of the loss of this vesicular protein. Taken together, this thesis presents a SV protein’s perspective of viewing at modulation of synaptic transmission.

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