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Československo, Mexiko a Střední Amerika 1945-1989 / Czechoslovakia, Mexico and Cental America 1945-1989Majlátová, Lucia January 2015 (has links)
The doctoral thesis Czechoslovakia, Mexico and Central America 1945-1989 analyses political, economic and cultural relations between that country of the called Iron Curtain and the Mesoamerican countries during the Cold War in the twentieth century. The research is based mainly on unpublished archival materials, mainly of Czech origin. It is also complemented by fewer materials obtained at the Central American countries' official archives. The wider context of international politics is primarily outlined in the introductory chapters, which aims, on one hand, to inform readers about the development of the Czechoslovak diplomacy and foreign policy and how it was influenced by the Soviet Union and, on the other hand, to describe the unstable political situation prevailing then in the Central American countries, which were also under the constant scrutiny of the United States of America. Thereafter, the analysis focuses on the Czechoslovak-Mexican relations, which is thematically divided into political, cultural and economic sections. A special chapter is dedicated to the activities of the Czechoslovak secret service in Mexico, as a country conveniently located near to the United States. Other chapters study the bilateral relations between Prague and the individual capitals of Central America. The work...
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Three Essays on Evaluating the Impact of Natural Resource Management ProgramsDe los Santos Montero, Luis Alberto 17 November 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Sponsors of War : State Support for Rebel Groups in Civil ConflictsKarlén, Niklas January 2017 (has links)
Many civil wars are illustrative of wider international tensions and connections that transcend state borders. States often intervene to influence the trajectory and outcome of civil conflicts by providing external support to warring parties. This assistance ranges from direct military intervention to the provision of weapons, training, funds, safe havens, intelligence, logistics and other critical resources. This dissertation contains four individual essays that each seeks to advance our knowledge of state support to rebel movements. The first essays (I and II) add to our understanding of how external state support influences conflict dynamics while the latter (III and IV) begin to unpack the political decision-making process behind decisions that alter the original support commitment. Essay I evaluates whether state support to rebels increases the probability of civil war negotiations being initiated. The findings question a widespread belief among policymakers that support can foster negotiations. Essay II explores if external support influences the risk of conflict recurrence. It finds that state support to rebels can increase the risk of conflict recurrence in the short-term while there is no equivalent effect of support provided to governments. Essay III is the first global analysis of support termination and it thereby opens up an entirely new research field. The results suggest that the causes related to the initiation of support and its termination are largely distinct while the transition from the Cold War and the absence of ethnic kinship ties offer some insights into when states are more likely to terminate support. Essay IV unpacks the political decision-making process of the United States’ support to the armed opposition in Nicaragua in the 1980s and in Syria in the 2010s. The results indicate that adverse feedback functions as a trigger for increasing previous commitments as long as policy failure can be attributed to external actors, while reduced support is often a result of attributing failure to the state sponsor’s own actions. Taken together, the essays make significant contributions to advance our understanding of biased third-party interventions, conflict recurrence, civil war negotiations, foreign policy decision-making and state sponsorship of terrorism.
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Public Health, Environment, and Development in Nicaragua and Latin America: A Post/neoliberal PerspectiveHartmann, Christopher David 08 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Communicating Complexity: A Complexity Science Approach to Communication for Social Change.Lacayo, Virginia 25 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Evaluating Community Dependence on Short-Term International Medical Clinics: A Cross-Sectional Study in Masatepe, NicaraguaAmbrose, Josh D. 16 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Llamadas para la liberación en los salmos de Ernesto CardenalSharper, Donna C. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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La integración y la volatilidad de los mercados agroalimentarios de América Latina y el CaribeArias Carballo, Diego 05 April 2016 (has links)
[EN] The world, and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) Region are going through a period of high International agrifood price volatility and an increase in the frequency and intensity of natural disasters due to changes in climate. In the context of increased integration of LAC into international agriculture markets, public action is required, in partnership with private sector, in order to avoid the impact of increased poverty and food insecurity of the most vulnerable families, while sector competitiveness increases in a region that each day is more important for global food production.
With that objective of analyzing the public policies and programs that contribute to a more integrated and less volatile agrifood sector in LAC, this research proposes multiple approaches to demonstrate that market integration can be accompanied by measures that support the reduction of the impact of increased market volatility and the effects of natural disasters. The demonstrated impacts of these agrifood price and production shocks on food security and poverty of rural families justify this research and intends to demonstrate that market integration can be accompanied of public policies that protect the most vulnerable rural families from the increased exposure to price volatility and natural disasters, maintaining a market approach.
The methodology adopted combines: (i) literature review; (ii) development of theoretical economic models of price transmission; (iii) empirical evaluation (with econometric models) of the impact of risk management policies and programs on poverty and welfare; (iv) market research and analysis of agriculture risk management tools such as insurance and commodity exchanges; and (v) rapid review of agriculture risk management public policies and programs. The research proposes an analysis of the level of integration of LAC agrifood markets and of the agriculture risk management public policies and programs for sector volatility reduction. The research begins with an analysis of agrifood price transmission from International to domestic markets, and then continues with analysis and evaluations of different public policies and programs in LAC that attempt at managing agriculture sector risks.
The results of the research show that: (i) the price elasticity (transmission) between International and domestic markets is a function of the elasticity of substitution of demand and supply, and of price adjustment costs; (ii) the development of agricultural Insurance and of price hedging, is very heterogeneous and depends in the ability to overcome institutional, financial, technical and operational barriers; (iii) improving coverage through increasing the quantity and availability of financial instruments such as futures and options for agrifood products, depends directly in the development of agriculture commodity exchanges in LAC, which in turn depend on public policies that support a favorable business climate for its development; (iv) to ensure a positive welfare impact on the low income families of a food price response program, the measures need to target the most needed families without distorting prices and local food markets; (v) climate contingency programs that compensate the income of small farmers based on a climate Insurance coverage have had a positive welfare impact, measures through moderate poverty reduction; and (vi) there is a need to work on the Integration and coordination of public policies and programs in order to have a larger impact on agriculture risk management. / [ES] El mundo, y la región de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC), están pasando por una época de alta volatilidad de los mercados internacionales de agroalimentos y de un aumento en la frecuencia e intensidad de desastres naturales debido a cambios en el clima. En el contexto de una mayor integración del sector agropecuario de ALC a los mercados internacionales de agroalimentos, se requieren acciones públicas, en concierto con el sector privado, para evitar el impacto de aumento de la pobreza y de la inseguridad alimentaria de las familias más vulnerables, al mismo tiempo que se aumenta la competitividad del sector en una región que cada vez es más importante en la producción global de alimentos.
Con este objetivo de analizar las políticas y programas públicos de ALC que contribuyen a un sector agroalimentario más integrado y menos volátil, la investigación ha planteado enfoques múltiples para demostrar que la integración de los mercados puede ir acompañada de medidas que ayuden a reducir el impacto de una mayor volatilidad de los mercados y de los efectos de desastres naturales. El impacto demostrado de estos shocks de precio y de producción de agroalimentos en la seguridad alimentaria y pobreza de las familias rurales, justifica esta investigación que pretende mostrar que la integración de los mercados puede ser acompañada de políticas públicas que protejan a las familias más vulnerables de esta mayor exposición a la volatilidad de precios y a desastres naturales, manteniendo una visión de mercado.
La metodología empleada combina: (i) la búsqueda bibliográfica, (ii) el desarrollo de modelos económicos teóricos de transmisión de precios, (iii) la evaluación empírica (con modelos econométricos) del impacto de políticas y programas de gestión de riesgo en la pobreza y el bienestar social, (iv) el levantamiento y análisis de información de mercados de instrumentos de gestión de riesgos agropecuarios como los seguros y las bolsas, y (v) la revisión integrada de políticas y programas públicos de gestión de riesgos agropecuarios. La investigación propone un análisis del nivel de integración de los mercados agroalimentarios de ALC y de las políticas y programas públicos de manejo de riesgos para reducir la volatilidad del sector. La investigación inicia con un análisis sobre la transmisión de los precios internacionales hacia los mercados domésticos de productos agroalimentarios, y luego sigue con el análisis y evaluación de diferentes políticas y programas públicos de ALC que apuntan al manejo de riesgos del sector agropecuario.
Los resultados de la investigación muestran que: (i) la elasticidad de transmisión de precios entre el mercado internacional y el doméstico es una función de la elasticidad de sustitución de la demanda y de la oferta, y de los costos de ajuste; (ii) el desarrollo de los seguros agropecuarios y de las coberturas de precio, es muy heterogéneo y depende de poder sobrepasar limitaciones de carácter institucional, financiero, técnico, y operacional; (iii) mejorar la cobertura a través de aumentar la cantidad y disponibilidad de instrumentos financieros para productos agroalimentarios, depende directamente del desarrollo de las bolsas agropecuarias de la Región, las cuales dependen de políticas públicas que pueden ayudar a crear un amigable clima de negocios para su desarrollo; (iv) para asegurar un impacto positivo en el bienestar de las familias de bajos ingresos de un programa de respuesta a la subida de los precios de alimentos, estas medidas deben enfocarse en las familias más necesitadas y sin crear distorsiones en los precios y mercados de alimentos locales; (v) programas de contingencia de eventos climáticos que compensan a pequeños agricultores en base a una cobertura de seguro climático han tenido un impacto positivo en el bienestar; y (vi) hay que trabajar en la integración y la coordinación de los programas y políticasexistentes / [CA] El món, i la regió d'Amèrica Llatina i el Carib (ALC), estan passant per una època d'alta volatilitat dels mercats internacionals de agroaliments i d'un augment en la freqüència i intensitat de desastres naturals a causa de canvis en el clima. En el context d'una major integració del sector agropecuari de ALC als mercats internacionals de agroaliments, es requereixen d'accions públiques, en concert amb el sector privat, per evitar l'impacte d'augment de pobresa i d'inseguretat alimentària de les famílies més vulnerables, al mateix temps que s'augmenta la competitivitat del sector en una regió que cada vegada és més important en la producció global d'aliments.
Amb aquest objectiu d'analitzar les polítiques i programes públics d'ALC que contribueixen a un sector agroalimentari més integrat i menys volàtil, la investigació ha plantejat enfocaments múltiples per demostrar que la integració dels mercats pot anar acompanyada de mesures que ajudin a reduir l'impacte de una major volatilitat dels mercats i dels efectes de desastres naturals. L'impacte demostrat d'aquests xocs de preu i de producció de agroaliments en la seguretat alimentària i pobresa de les famílies rurals, justifica aquesta investigació que pretén mostrar que la integració dels mercats pot ser acompanyada de polítiques públiques que protegeixin les famílies més vulnerables de aquesta major exposició a volatilitat de preus i desastres naturals, mantenint una visió de mercat.
La metodologia emprada combina: (i) la recerca bibliogràfica, (ii) el desenvolupament de models econòmics teòrics de transmissió de preus, (iii) l'avaluació empírica (amb models economètrics) l'impacte de polítiques i programes de gestió de risc en la pobresa i el benestar social, (iv) l'aixecament i anàlisi d'informació de mercats d'instruments de gestió de riscos agropecuaris com les assegurances i les bosses, i (v) la revisió ràpida de polítiques i programes públics de gestió de riscos agropecuaris. La investigació proposa una anàlisi del nivell d'integració dels mercats agroalimentaris de ALC i de les polítiques i programes públics de consum de risc per reduir la volatilitat del sector. La investigació s'inicia amb una anàlisi sobre la transmissió dels preus internacionals cap als mercats domèstics de productes agroalimentaris, i després segueix amb l'anàlisi i avaluació de diferents polítiques i programes públics d'ALC que apunten al maneig de riscos del sector agropecuari.
Els resultats de la investigació mostren que: (i) l'elasticitat de transmissió de preus entre el mercat internacional i el domèstic és una funció de l'elasticitat de substitució de la demanda i de l'oferta, i dels costos d'ajust; (ii) el desenvolupament de les assegurances agropecuaris i les cobertures de preu, és molt heterogeni i depenen de poder sobrepassar limitacions de caràcter institucional, financer, tècnic, i operacional; (iii) millorar la cobertura a través d'augmentar la quantitat i disponibilitat d'instruments financers com els futurs i opcions per a productes agroalimentaris, depèn directament del desenvolupament de les bosses agropecuàries de la Regió, les quals depenen de polítiques públiques que poden ajudar a crear un amigable clima de negocis per al seu desenvolupament; (iv) per assegurar un impacte positiu en el benestar de les famílies de baixos ingressos d'un programa de resposta a la pujada dels preus d'aliments, aquestes mesures han d'enfocar en les famílies més necessitades i sense crear distorsions en els preus i mercats de aliments locals; (v) programes de contingència d'esdeveniments climàtics que compensen a petits agricultors en base a una cobertura d'assegurança climàtic han tingut un impacte positiu en el benestar, mesurat a través de la reducció en la pobresa moderada; i (vi) cal treballar en la integració i la coordinació dels programes i polítiques públiques existents per tenir un major impacte en / Arias Carballo, D. (2016). La integración y la volatilidad de los mercados agroalimentarios de América Latina y el Caribe [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62196
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Intervention of the United States in Nicaragua since 1909Floyd, Louise 01 January 1927 (has links) (PDF)
The twentieth century is revealing a steady increase in the influence of the United States in the Caribbean region, both in politics and economic development. The arm of America has been gradually forcing out the European nations. Counting colonies and protectorates, the United States has under its supervision a greater Caribbean population than the population of the thirteen colonies at the time of the Declaration of Independence. In trade the United States is the best customer of Central America and the West Indies. The region is one of the chief sources of our raw-materials imports.
The majority of the citizens of the United Statesdo not recognize the importance of the Caribbean to us. They are unaware of the manner in which the United States is increasing its power and influence. It is a distinct shock to many to learn of our imperialistic policy.
The purpose of this paper is to trade one specific example of the intervention of the United States in the Caribbean. Nicaragua has been chosen largely because of recent troubles there and because it affords an excellent example of a virtual though unrecognized American protectorate.
The difficulties in the way of a careful study of the country are very great. Historical works are especially unsatisfactory. The colonial period is much more ably treated than the recent period. The most satisfactory book on the subject is "The Five Republics of Central America" by Dana G. Munro. The thread of this paper is largely taken from the material of this one book supplemented by other shorter accounts. A large part of the material is taken from government documents, magazine articles and pamphlets of the Pan-American Union. Much of the magazine material is difficult to use because of ignorance of the ulterior motives of the writers, but there is enough of value to reveal the broad tendencies of political development. The economic development is more obscure. Data concerning the condition of the country at the present time is almost totally lacking due to the unreliability of newspaper accounts. Diplomacy prevents the giving out of material by members of the Consular service.
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Expanding Fair Trade to Garment Production in Ciudad Sandino, NicaraguaEllersick, Linda J. 27 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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