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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution au développement des aimants supraconducteurs MgB2 R & W refroidis par conduction solide. / Contribution to the development of dry R & W MgB2 superconducting magnets

Pasquet, Raphael 08 January 2015 (has links)
Actuellement, l’immense majorité des aimants supraconducteurs, notamment d’IRM, sont refroidis par un bain d’hélium liquide à pression atmosphérique. Néanmoins, ce type de refroidissement est onéreux et impose des contraintes sécuritaires importantes pour les grands volumes. Pour ces raisons, le refroidissement des aimants supraconducteurs est souhaitable sans l’hélium liquide. L’utilisation de cryogénérateur permet de refroidir par conduction solide jusqu’à 4 K et ainsi supprimer l’hélium liquide. Néanmoins, les faibles puissances disponibles combiner aux difficultés de mise en œuvre de ce type de refroidissement rendent difficile l’utilisation dans ces conditions du NbTi. En revanche à 10 K, la puissance des cryogénérateurs augmente d’un facteur 10, mais l’utilisation d’un supraconducteur à haute température critique est alors nécessaire. Notre choix s’est porté sur les conducteurs MgB2 R & W qui ont l’avantage d’être relativement économique à mettre en œuvre, mais qui ont, en revanche, le défaut d’être sensible à la déformation. Il est donc nécessaire d’être soigneux lors de leurs bobinages pour ne pas dégrader leurs performances supraconductrices. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons développé un insert froid refroidis par conduction solide permettant de mesurer le courant critique des conducteurs MgB2 R & W ainsi que des maquettes. Pour ce faire, un nouveau type de contact thermique à base de nitrure d’aluminium a été développé. En complément, nous avons conçu deux maquettes d’aimant MgB2 R & W : un solénoïde et une double galette. Cette dernière a été fabriquée (grâce à une nouvelle méthode de bobinage brevetée) et testée avec succès. / Currently, the majority of superconducting magnets, including MRI, are cooled by a bath of liquid helium at atmospheric pressure. Nevertheless, this type of cooling is expensive and imposes significant security constraints for large volumes. For these reasons, the cooling of superconducting magnets is desirable without liquid helium. Cryocooler provides dry cooling to 4 K without any liquid helium. However, the power available is low and dry cooling is difficult. In these conditions, it is complicate to use NbTi with dry cooling. But if we increase the operating temperature to 10 K, the power of cryocooler increases by a factor of ten. Nevertheless in this case, it is necessary to use of a high critical temperature superconductor. We choose to use MgB2 R & W conductors because it is relatively low cost but it has the handicap to be sensible at mechanical stress. It is therefore necessary to be careful during their winding to not degrade their superconducting performance. As part of this thesis, we have developed a dry test facility to measure the critical current of MgB2 R & W conductors as well as mock-ups. To do this, a new type of thermal contact based on aluminum nitride has been developed. In addition to this development, we designed two MgB2 R & W magnet mock-ups: a solenoid and a double pancake. The double pancake was manufactured (with a new patented winding method) and it has been successfully tested.

鋸齒狀石墨烷奈米帶與其複合材料之電子結構計算 / Electronic structures of Zigzag Graphane nanoribbons and their composites

蔡松倪, Tsai, Sung Ni Unknown Date (has links)
碳(Carbon)為IV A族,每顆碳原子擁有四顆能夠鍵結的電子,碳的同素異形體有數種,最常見為石墨、鑽石、富勒烯(C_60)以及石墨烯(Graphene),每一種同素異形體所表現的物理性質也不同。其中我以石墨烯這種二維材料進行計算,石墨烯(Graphene)是一個非常良好的導體。但在其碳原子上下交互接上氫原子(Hydrogen)可形成石墨烷扶手椅型(Graphane chair)是一個絕緣體。另一類似結構的材料為氮化硼(Boron Nitride,簡稱BN),利用3A的硼原子(Boron)與5A的氮原子(Nitride)取代石墨烯中的碳原子形成六角形氮化硼。BN的能隙差很大,故也為不導電之絕緣體。   其中二維的石墨烯(Graphene)又可依特定方式裁切成一維鋸齒狀石墨烯奈米帶(1D zigzag Graphene nanoribbon)。另外若將石墨烷扶手椅型(Graphane chair)上面的氫原子(Hydrogen)拔除,考慮拔除氫原子的鏈狀(chain)的數目其導電性質與磁性將會發生變化。並將一維氮化硼(BN)連接一維鋸齒狀石墨烷奈米帶(1D zigzag Graphane nanoribbon),於石墨烷奈米帶邊界接上兩顆氫考慮其結合能,再拔去線狀(line)與鏈狀(chain)氫原子探討其能量大小與能帶性質。   最後將一維鋸齒狀石墨烷奈米帶(1D zigzag Graphane nanoribbon)被拔除氫鍊(chain)處加入第一類過度金屬(1st Transition metal),由於過度金屬擁有3d軌域之角動量,故進一步分析其磁性影響與能帶性質。以上計算皆使用Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP)計算。

Élaboration de couches minces par HiPIMS : propriétés structurales et aspects énergétiques / Tailoring Structural and Energy-related Properties of Thin Films Using HiPIMS

Cemin, Felipe 13 December 2018 (has links)
La pulvérisation cathodique magnétron pulsée à haute puissance (HiPIMS) est un procédé de dépôt de couches minces dans lequel le flux de dépôt est principalement composé d’ions du matériau pulvérisé. Ce type de décharge permet de contrôler l’énergie et la direction des espèces qui seront déposées, ce qui est favorable à la modification de la structure et des propriétés finales des couches. Malgré tous les travaux de recherches menés pour caractériser et comprendre les conditions de décharge HiPIMS, la nécessité de développer des couches minces utiles à la société reste toujours d’actualité. La finalité de ce travail est l’obtention de couches minces HiPIMS plus performantes que celles obtenues aujourd'hui en utilisant des techniques de dépôt classiques. Pour cela il est indispensable d'identifier et d'optimiser les paramètres de dépôt permettant de modifier à la fois la microstructure des couches, la contrainte résiduelle et les propriétés liées à l'énergie telles que la résistivité électrique et la bande interdite. Trois matériaux sont au cœur de ce travail : le cuivre, le dioxyde de titane et le nitrure de titane. Les études expérimentales ont montré que les paramètres les plus importants pour obtenir les propriétés souhaitées étaient la quantité et l’énergie cinétique des espèces ionisées irradiant la couche au cours de sa croissance. Par ailleurs, les paramètres de croissance optimale entre couches métalliques et couches composées diffèrent considérablement. / High power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) is a thin film deposition technique where the deposition flux is predominantly composed of ionized sputtered material. This enables control of energy and direction of the film-forming species and is thereby beneficial for tailoring the film structure and final properties. Although researchers world-wide have spent significant time and efforts characterizing and understanding the plasma process conditions in HiPIMS, research in new and improved HiPIMS-based thin film materials that find applications in areas of importance for society is still required. The goal of this work has been to identify and optimize the deposition parameters that allow tailoring the film microstructure, intrinsic stress and energy-related properties, such as electrical resistivity and optical band gap, to ultimately achieve superior HiPIMS coatings compared to what is achieved today using conventional deposition techniques. Three material systems constitute the core of the work: copper, titanium dioxide, and titanium nitride. From the work carried out it is concluded that the most important parameters affecting the film structure and properties are the amount as well as the kinetic energy of the ionized sputtered species irradiating the film during growth. These parameters differ substantially for optimum growth conditions of metallic and compound films.

Spectroscopy in fragile 2D materials : from Graphene Oxide to single molecules at hexagonal Boron Nitride / Spectroscopie de matériaux 2D fragiles : du graphène oxydé aux molécules isolées sur du nitrure de bore hexagonal

Tararan, Anna 02 December 2016 (has links)
La spectroscopie de perte d’énergie des électrons (EELS) et la cathodoluminescence (CL) dans un microscope électronique en transmission à balayage (STEM) sont des techniques puissantes pour l’étude des nanostructures isolées. Cependant, des électrons rapides peuvent endommager fortement des échantillons minces et fragiles, ce qui limite la résolution spatiale et l’intensité des signaux spectroscopiques. Pendant cette thèse, nous avons dépassé cette restriction par le développement de protocoles d’acquisition spécifiques pour l’étude de certains archétypes de nanosystèmes fragiles. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous avons caractérisé des flocons minces de graphène oxydé (GO) et GO réduit (RGO) par EELS dans le STEM. Grâce aux spécificités techniques de notre microscope et à la définition des conditions d’illumination optimales, nous avons dérivé des cartes du contenu d’oxygène dans le (R)GO à une résolution spatiale inédite. Aussi, par l’analyse des pics EELS de structure fine, nous avons révisé les modèles atomiques proposés dans la littérature. Des molécules isolées constituent une autre classe de nanomatériaux fortement sensibles à l’irradiation et aussi à l’environnement chimique et physique. Nous avons conduit des expériences de CL sur des molécules individuelles, grâce à un choix avisé du substrat. Le nitrure de bore hexagonal (h-BN) est un matériaux bidimensionnel chimiquement inerte, qui participe activement au processus de CL en absorbant l’énergie incidente. Le transfert de l’excitation aux molécules et l’utilisation d’une routine innovante d’acquisition par balayage aléatoire ont permis de réduire les effets d’illumination. Ensuite, l’intérêt porté aux propriétés optiques du h-BN ont inspiré l’étude de sa phase cubique (c-BN), qui a été peu caractérisé auparavant à cause d’impuretés dans les cristaux. Nous avons analysé des cristaux de c-BN de haute pureté par EELS, en identifiant une bande interdite d’énergie plus grande que précédemment rapportée et plus proche des calculs les plus récents. Dans des cristaux moins purs, nous avons identifié et analysé plusieurs émissions associées à des défauts, en termes d’énergie caractéristique, distribution spatiale et temps de vie, par CL et interférométrie en intensité de Hanbury-Brown et Twiss. / Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and cathodoluminescence(CL) in a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) are extremely powerful techniques for the study of individual nanostructures. Nevertheless, fast electrons damage extremely sensitive thin specimens, imposing strong limitations on the spatial resolution and the intensity of spectroscopic measurements. During this thesis we have overcome this restriction by developing material-specific acquisition protocols for the study of some archetypical fragile nanosystems. In the first part of this thesis we have characterized graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (RGO) thin flakes by EELS spectroscopy in the STEM. Thanks to the particular setup of our microscope and by experimentally defining the optimal illumination conditions, we have derived oxygen quantification maps of (R)GO at an unprecedented spatial resolution. On the basis also of EELS fine structures analysis, we have revised the existing proposed atomic models for these materials. Another class of exceedingly sensitive nanometric systems is represented by individual molecules, which are strongly affected by both illumination and chemical/physical environment. We have performed the first CL-STEM investigation on the luminescence of isolated molecules, thanks to a watchful choice of the substrate. Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) is a flat, chemically inert 2D material, that actively takes part in the CL process by absorbing the incident energy. Excitation transfer from h-BN to molecules and the use of an innovative random scan acquisition routine in the STEM have allowed to considerably lower illumination effects and improve CL intensity. Afterwards, the attractive optical properties of h-BN have led to the study of its cubic phase (c-BN), which has been up to now hindered by the poor quality of the crystals. By EELS in the STEM we have analysed c-BN crystals of the highest available purity, identifying a wider optical band-gap with respect to previous experimental studies and in better agreement with recent calculations. In commercial crystals, several defect-related emissions have been identified and analysed in terms of characteristic energy, spatial distribution and lifetime using CL and Hanbury-Brown and Twiss intensity interferometry.

Development of Radiation Hardened High Voltage Super-Junction Power MOSFET

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: In recent years, the Silicon Super-Junction (SJ) power metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET), has garnered significant interest from spacecraft designers. This is due to their high breakdown voltage and low specific on-state resistance characteristics. Most of the previous research work on power MOSFETS for space applications concentrated on improving the radiation tolerance of low to medium voltage (~ 300V) power MOSFETs. Therefore, understanding and improving the reliability of high voltage SJMOS for the harsh space radiation environment is an important endeavor.In this work, a 600V commercially available silicon planar gate SJMOS is used to study the SJ technology’s tolerance against total ionizing dose (TID) and destructive single event effects (SEE), such as, single event burnout (SEB) and single event gate rupture (SEGR). A technology computer aided design (TCAD) software tool is used to design the SJMOS and simulate its electrical characteristics. Electrical characterization of SJMOS devices showed substantial decrease in threshold voltage and increase in leakage current due to TID. Therefore, as a solution to improve the TID tolerance, metal-nitride-oxide-semiconductor (MNOS) capacitors with different oxide/nitride thickness combinations were fabricated and irradiated using a Co-60 gamma-source. Electrical characterization showed all samples with oxide/nitride stack gate insulators exhibited significantly higher tolerance to irradiation when compared to metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors. Heavy ion testing of the SJMOS showed the device failed due to SEB and SEGR at 10% of maximum rated bias values. In this work, a 600V SJMOS structure is designed that is tolerant to both SEB and SEGR. In a SJMOS with planar gate, reducing the neck width improves the tolerance to SEGR but significantly changes the device electrical characteristics. The trench gate SJ device design is shown to overcome this problem. A buffer layer and larger P+-plug are added to the trench gate SJ power transistor to improve SEB tolerance. Using TCAD simulations, the proposed trench gate structure and the tested planar gate SJMOS are compared. The simulation results showed that the SEB and SEGR hardness in the proposed structure has improved by a factor of 10 and passes at the device’s maximum rated bias value with improved electrical performance. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 2020

Study on Avalanche Breakdown in GaN / 窒化ガリウムのアバランシェ破壊に関する研究

Maeda, Takuya 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第22447号 / 工博第4708号 / 新制||工||1735(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科電子工学専攻 / (主査)教授 木本 恒暢, 教授 山田 啓文, 准教授 船戸 充 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

Polar-Plane-Free Faceted InGaN-LEDs toward Highly Radiative Polychromatic Emitters / 高効率多色発光素子に向けた極性面フリーなマルチファセットInGaN-LEDに関する研究

Matsuda, Yoshinobu 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第22449号 / 工博第4710号 / 新制||工||1736(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科電子工学専攻 / (主査)教授 川上 養一, 教授 野田 進, 教授 山田 啓文 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

Obrábění kalených ocelí / Machining of hardened steels

Veselý, Ondřej January 2021 (has links)
Diploma thesis on Machining hardened steels is focused on the analysis of longitudinal turning of hardened steel 14 109 by using a tool from PKNB in terms of measuring the force load using a dynamometer and then evaluating the surface quality. The theoretical part deals with the issue of turning technology, cutting materials and heat treatment of steel. In the practical part, the influence of cutting conditions on the resulting values was assessed during the experiment. Twelve samples with different combinations of cutting conditions were tested, then was selected a sample that met the criterion of combining minimum cutting forces values and surface quality. The experiment shows that force load values can be achieved twice less by combining cutting conditions with an appropriate combination.

Deformační, napjatostní a pevnostní analýza vysokotlaké složené nádoby využitím metody konečných prvků / Strain, stress and strength analysis of the high pressure compound vessel by finite element method

Koutský, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
Strength and strain analysis of high pressure compound vessel, which is used to produce superhard materials (for example synthetic diamond). This work was elaborated to compare the stresses and strains calculated by Prof. Jan Vrbka making use of the FEM program ‘Prokop’17 years ago with those gained with the contemporary FEM Ansys program. The vessel is loaded by internal pressure of size 6 GPa. The elastic-plastic material be-haviour is taken into account. Real value of friction between rings and non-uniform temperature field is included into the calculation. The process of assembling the compound vessel is simulated step by step.

Řezná keramika a její efektivní využití / Cutting ceramics and its effective use

Fialová, Kateřina January 2008 (has links)
The diploma work is focused on the ceramic tool materials and its effective use. The introductory part of the work contains the detail characteristic of the ceramic tool materials from the point of view of their dividing, physic-mechanical propertis, production methods and marking. The main part of the work is focused to judging of the ceramic portion at the production assortment of the top World producers of tool materials and to evaluation of cutting ability of the particular materials of these producers. The detail analysis of recommended cutting conditions, which is aimed to an effective use of the ceramic materials, had been worked up for this purpose. The technical economic analysis confirms, that the present effective aplications of ceramic are limited only for specific cases of machining cast irons, steels and alloys.

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