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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análisis de la relación entre los componentes de los boletines internos y el work engagement en la Fuerza de Ventas de una aseguradora peruana

Casas Haro, Analía Arellis, Fuentes Mariños, Maria Fernanda 16 March 2020 (has links)
En el escenario actual se presencian diversos cambios coyunturales, uno de ellos es el aumento de la competitividad, factor que incide directamente en el personal de la Fuerza de Ventas, colaboradores con una alta tasa de rotación y que no se encuentran dentro de una oficina permanentemente. Ante ello, las organizaciones deben ser creativas para lograr la retención de su personal, generando work engagement a través de herramientas organizacionales como la gestión de los canales internos, específicamente para la presente investigación, los boletines internos. Ante esto, la presente investigación tiene como pregunta de investigación analizar si existe o no relación entre la gestión de contenido, diseño y frecuencia de envíos de los boletines internos y el work engagement en la Fuerza de Ventas de una aseguradora peruana. Se encontró evidencias teóricas que indicaban la posible relación entre ambas variables, por lo que se planteó la siguiente hipótesis: la gestión de contenido, diseño y frecuencia de envíos de los boletines internos y el work engagement se relacionan en el caso de una aseguradora peruana. Para ello, se aplicó un diseño metodológico no experimental de tipo correlacional con un enfoque cuantitativo concluyente, utilizando el método de investigación de caso de estudio. Se obtuvo que ambas variables poseen diversas tendencias entre sí, concluyendo que algunas variables sí guardan relación directa fuerte, pero otras no; lo que demuestra que no existe relación entre las dos variables analizadas. / In the current scenario, there are several short-term changes, one of them is the increased competitiveness, factor that directly affects the Sales Force, employees with a high turnover rate and who are not permanently in an office. Given this, organizations must be creative to achieve the retention of their staff, generating work engagement through organizational tools such as the management of internal channels, specifically for this research, internal newsletters. Given this situation, this research aims to analyze whether or not there is a relationship between content management, design and frequency of publishment of internal newsletters and work engagement in the Sales Force of a Peruvian insurer. Theoretical evidence was found, that indicates the possible relationship between both variables, so the following hypotheses were raised: content management, design and frequency of publishment of internal newsletters and work engagement are related in the case of a Peruvian insurer. A non-experimental methodological design of a correlational type was applied, with a conclusive quantitative approach, using the case study research method. It was found that both variables have several tendencies among themselves, concluding that some variables do have a strong direct relationship, but others do not; which shows that there is no relationship between the two variables analyzed. / Tesis

The influence of explanations in recommender systems on user engagement

Rossel, Felix January 2020 (has links)
Recommender systems are without a doubt a staple of the modern internet. Services like Amazon, Netflix, YouTube and Spotify rely on them. What makes them so engaging that millions of users spent billions of hours on them every day? User engagement is widely accept as a core concept of user experience but we still don’t know what role the user interface plays into it. This thesis investigates the effect of explanations in recommender systems on the users engagement with a case study on BMW Financial Services Thailand’s recommender system. An experiment on Amazon Mechanical Turks with the User Engagement Scale and A/B testing with Google Analytics proved a significant influence of explanations on the users engagement.

Des enjeux psychiques de l'engagement et du militantisme dans un parti politique à l'adolescence et au début de l'âge adulte : approche psychodynamique et projective / Psychic issues of the engagement and the activism in political parties during adolescence and early adulthood : psychodynamic and projective approach

Chiarelli, Clémentine 23 November 2017 (has links)
Si les partis politiques sont des institutions bien souvent qualifiées aujourd'hui de « traditionnelles » et donc de « dépassées », elles continuent malgré tout à participer au vivre-ensemble et sont, aujourd'hui encore, les principales institutions qui concourent aux élections locales et nationales, leur objectif principal étant la conquête et l'exercice du pouvoir à différents échelons. Malgré la défiance que ces institutions provoquent, notamment chez les adolescents et jeunes adultes, certains d'entre eux continuent à s'engager et à militer, parfois avec intensité, dans les organisations de jeunesse des partis politiques. Notre thèse vise ainsi à mettre en lumière les enjeux psychiques de l'engagement dans un parti politique et du militantisme à l'adolescence et au début de l'âge adulte. Pour tenter de rendre compte de ces enjeux, deux questionnements ont guidé notre investigation. Premièrement : quelles sont les modalités du fonctionnement psychique d'adolescents et de jeunes adultes qui militent aujourd'hui en France dans un parti politique et quelles seraient les éventuelles caractéristiques psychiques communes à cette population ? Deuxièmement : quels serait le rôle et l'effet de l'engagement et du militantisme dans un parti politique vis-à-vis des processus psychiques mobilisés à l'adolescence et au début de l'âge adulte chez ces sujets ? Trente-six jeunes militants, âgés de 18 à 26 ans, ont ainsi accepté sur la période allant de janvier 2015 à juin 2016, de participer à cette étude. Les organisations politiques auxquelles ces jeunes militants ont adhéré représentent l'échiquier politique dans son entier, de l'extrême gauche à l'extrême droite. Pour tenter de répondre aux questions soulevées, une méthodologie composée à la fois d'entretiens individuels semi-directifs et de tests projectifs (Rorschach et TAT) a été mise en place. Alors que les tests projectifs permettent d'appréhender avec finesse les caractéristiques du fonctionnement psychique individuel des jeunes militants, les entretiens individuels apportent des indications précieuses sur leur histoire singulière et leur parcours militant. Les résultats montrent tout d'abord une hétérogénéité des ressources et des fragilités psychiques selon les militants, ce qui nous conduit à penser qu'il n'existe pas de profil(s) psychologique(s) spécifique(s) chez ces sujets. Cependant, nous retrouvons tout de même des caractéristiques communes chez des militants appartenant au Front National, ce qui nous a permis de faire l'hypothèse qu'il existe une résonance entre ces caractéristiques psychiques et les idées et idéaux prônés par ce parti politique. La question reste de savoir pourquoi nous ne retrouvons pas le même phénomène dans les autres partis politiques et chez les militants qui s'y engagent ; une piste de réflexion est proposée dans la thèse à ce propos. De plus, à l'issue de ce travail, nous pouvons dire que le parti politique peut constituer un support plus ou moins efficace pour aménager les conflits psychiques propres à l'adolescence et au devenir adulte. L'efficacité de ce support dépend-elle alors exclusivement des ressources et des fragilités psychiques qui préexistent chez les jeunes militants ? Il semblerait que non. Cette recherche nous a en effet appris que le cadre de l'organisation politique est loin d'être contingent par rapport au fonctionnement psychique individuel des militants. Il est ainsi important de tenir compte à la fois du fonctionnement psychique tel qu'il s'est construit dans l'histoire individuelle des militants et des contraintes organisationnelles auxquelles il se confrontent, pour évaluer dans quelle mesure cet engagement a un effet mutatif ou non, d'un point de vue psychique. / If political parties are often referred as "traditional" and therefore "outdated" institutions, they continue anyhow to participate in "living together" and are still the main institutions that compete in local and national elections. Their main target is the conquest and the exercise of power at all steps. Despite the mistrust in these institutions, especially among adolescents and young adults, some of them are still engaging and militating, sometimes intensely, in the party-political youth organizations of political parties. Our thesis aims to highlight psychic issues of the adolescents and young adults' involvement in political parties. In an attempt to take those stakes into account, two questions guided our research. Firstly, In France today, what are the psychic functioning modalities of adolescents and young adults who militate in a political party, what are their eventual common psychic characteristics? Secondly, regarding the psychic processes mobilized in adolescence and early adulthood for these subjects, what would be the function and effect of the engagement and militancy in a political party? Between January 2015 and June 2016, thirty-six young activists, aged between 18 and 26, agreed to participate in the research. Political organizations in which these young activists committed themselves represent the entire political spectrum, from the extreme left to the far right. In order to address the questions raised a methodology including both individual semi-structured interviews and projective tests (Rorschach and TAT) has been set up. While the projective tests enable us to apprehend shrewdly the characteristics of the young militants individual psychic functioning, individual interviews provide valuable insights of their personal story and their militant journey. First of all, the results show the heterogeneity of the psychic resources and fragilities according each militant, which leads us to believe that there is no specific psychological profile for this population. However, we find common characteristics among National Front activist, which conduct us to make the hypothesis of a resonance between these psychic characteristics and this political party's advocated ideas and ideals. A question remains: why don't we find the same phenomenon amongst the other political parties and related activists; in that regard, a reflection path is proposed in this thesis. Moreover, the findings of this study, allow us to state that a political party can provide a more or less effective support for the management of the psychic conflicts peculiar to the adolescence and to the adulthood. Does the effectiveness of this support exclusively depend the resources and psychic weaknesses preexisting in young activists? It would seem not. This research shows that the framework of political organization is far from contingent to the activists' individual psychic functioning. Thus, it is important to consider both the psychic functioning has been built through the individual history of the militants, and the organizational constraints they confront, in order to evaluate, from a psychic point of view, the extent to which this commitment has a mutative effect.

The Impact of Engagement Strategies on the Reduction of Patient Falls

Martin, Rosemary 01 January 2017 (has links)
Despite the availability of many fall prevention measures, many patients fall in U.S. hospitals each year. Experts view patient fall rates as the measure that can be most affected by a nurse-led, evidence-based intervention. The purpose of this quality improvement project was to implement and evaluate the impact of patient engagement strategies on patient compliance to fall prevention education and the reduction of falls. The quality improvement framework used for this project was the Iowa Model. Interventions for this project included patient engagement strategies including the teach-back (TB) method and video-based fall prevention education paired with the project site's existing fall prevention program. A prospective quantitative design was used to answer the practice-focused question of whether the implementation of a falls protocol incorporating patient engagement strategies improves patient compliance with the fall prevention plan of care and reduces patient falls. A total of 58 patients were included in this project, conducted from July to October 2017. The results showed a 75% reduction in the fall rate compared to the same three month period in 2016. This finding suggests that reinforcement of oral and written instruction through video education follow-up and the use of the TB method to assess patient understanding are effective measures to reduce patient falls and increase patient compliance to the fall prevention plan of care. These patient engagement strategies can be replicated by nurses in similar acute care settings. Adoption of such evidence-based changes in nursing practice may improve patient safety and decrease harm in hospital settings as implications for positive social change.

Zásnuby v katolické církvi aneb Smlouva o smlouvě budoucí / Engagement in the Catholic Church alias Letter of intent

Legnerová, Eva January 2022 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the relationship commitment in the context of engagement and the period until marriage of Roman Catholics, who celebrated the Catholic engagement ritual. It aims to describe the process of engagement of Catholic couples and the way in which they understand the engagement commitment. The theoretical part is divided into three chapters. The first chapter describes the personal, societal and ritual aspects of engagement. The second chapter explores the psychological notion of commitment and selected psychological theories of commitment. The third chapter captures the emphasis of the Roman Catholic Church on strengthening the couples' commitment in the period from engagement to the wedding ceremony. The time of engagement is a transitional period, during which a person needs to prepare to abandon their existing social position and accept a new one (from single life to the life of a husband/wife). The social environment, which the individual is a part of, comes into forefront during that time. The Catholics put stress on using this time to dutifully consider whether the engaged couple wants to accept the sacrament of marriage. It is important to note that there are attractive and repellent forces at work in each romantic relationship, which determine its quality and...

Miteinander stark!: Fach- und Anlaufstellen des freiwilligen Engagements in Sachsen

14 June 2023 (has links)
Mit dieser Broschüre möchten wir Ihnen einen Überblick über die Unterstützungsstrukturen des freiwilligen Engagements in Sachsen an die Hand geben. »Miteinander stark! Fach- und Anlaufstellen des freiwilligen Engagements in Sachsen« ist unsere erste Publikation. Sie ist zugleich Auftakt einer Reihe, die in den nächsten Jahren fortgeführt wird und sich mit verschiedenen Themen des ehrenamtlichen Engagements in Sachsen auseinandersetzt. In dieser Publikation stellen sich verschiedene Institutionen vor. Als Orientierungshilfe finden Sie auf den ersten beiden Seiten eine Karte des Freistaates mit den regionalen Anlaufstellen. So können Sie auf einen Blick die Akteure in Ihrem Landkreis bzw. Ihrer kreisfreien Stadt sehen. Darüber hinaus finden Sie unter der Rubrik Landesweit Institutionen, die im gesamten Freistaat tätig sind. Ergänzend haben wir unter Bundesweit zwei große und wichtige Akteure mit in die Broschüre aufgenommen, die bürgerschaftliches Engagement auf Bundesebene fördern.

Relationships Between Big Five Personality Traits and Three Dimensions of Employee Engagement

Tussey, Kelly N. 04 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Children's Perceptions of a District-Wide Physical Education Program

Watts, Tirza Ramona 15 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
It is important that physical educators, teacher educators, and researchers do all they can to understand and help promote positive attitudes among students, as attitudes toward physical education (PE) may influence students' physical activity intentions and behaviors. The purpose of this study was to identify children's perceptions of PE as it is delivered via a district-wide PE program. Specifically, the study examined the following: (a) student perceptions of enjoyment and usefulness of the PE program as it is systematically delivered in their district, (b) student likes and dislikes with respect to PE, and (c) student voice as expressed directly by the students. The study used a previously validated attitude questionnaire (N = 277) with fifth and sixth grade students (ages 10-13) and follow-up focus-group and individual interviews (n = 24) to identify student perceptions of PE. Results identified three main categories: (a) teacher engagement, (b) student engagement, and (c) the impact of PE on students. Findings show students in this study had positive attitudes toward PE. This was due to curriculum and teachers, both perceived as enjoyable and useful. The quality of the PE these students received was possible through the components of the district-wide PE program.

Patient and Family Engagement and Resource Production in Learning Health Networks

Dunn, Maureen 23 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Investigation of Inconcistencies in Climate Policy Engagement amongst Major Corportations

Torstensson, Johanna January 2018 (has links)
This report investigates inconsistencies in climate policy engagement of 16 major corporations in five industrial sectors and analyses which problem areas are significant in the inconsistency of their engagement. The purpose of this report was to scope the area of inconsistent climate policy engagement on behalf of the company GES International – Global Engagement Services, who offers advisory services in responsible investment. This report has been performed through a literature review and is partly based on a report on corporate carbon policy footprint by the independent organisation InfluenceMap.   All companies investigated in this report are to some extent supporting the climate agenda of the Paris Agreement, including limiting global warming to below two degrees. Nevertheless, 14 of the 16 companies are at the same time showing a negative climate policy engagement. The problem areas leading up to this inconsistency that have been detected in this report are; when companies are taking part in organisational relationships that are unsupportive of climate change mitigation strategies, when companies are against climate legislation, the unwillingness of companies to change their own industrial sector and companies showing mixed signals on the same policy topic.   The conclusions that can be drawn from this report is that there are substantial inconsistencies in the climate policy engagement of companies and it can be difficult to assess what the company’s true stance on climate engagement is. Some measures to improve on consistency is for companies to review their policy engagement and be transparent on what their actual stance climate engagement is, however this transition can take time. / Den här rapporten undersöker inkonsekvenser inom klimatpolicy engagemang hos 16 av världens största företag, inom fem olika sektorer, och analyser vilka problemområden som är betydande inom motsägande klimatengagemang hos företagen. Syftet med rapporten är att granska området kring inkonsekvent klimatpolicy engagemang på uppdrag av företaget GES International – Global Engagement Services, som erbjuder rådgivning inom hållbara investeringar. Rapporten har utförts genom en litteraturstudie som delvis är baserad på en rapport om företags påverkan på klimatet genom policys som är utgiven av den oberoende organisationen InfluenceMap.   Samtliga företag som undersöks i den här rapporten visar sig till viss del stödja klimatagendan i enlighet med Parisavtalet, vilket inkluderar en höjd global temperatur på max två grader. Trots detta visar sig 14 av de 16 företagen ha en distinkt negativ klimatpolicy engagemang som strider mot deras erkännande av Parisavtalet. De identifierade problem i den här rapporten som leder till motsägande klimatengagemang hos företagen är; när företagens organisatoriska relationer som arbetar strategiskt mot att förbättra klimatförändringar, när företagen strategiskt arbetar för att motverka lagstiftande om klimat, när företag är emot att inkludera sin egen sektor i klimatarbetet och när företagen visar olika åsikter inom samma ämne.   Slutsatsen som kan dras från den här rapporten är att det finns substantiella motsägelser i företagens klimatpolicy engagemang och det kan vara svårt att avgöra vilken som är den sanna inställningen hos företagen. För att för att göra företagens klimatengagemang mer konsekvent kan företagen till exempel granska sina egna engagemang och vara transparenta med vad deras egentliga inställning till klimatet är. Omställning till ett mer konsekvent klimatengagemang hos företagen kan ta lång tid.

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