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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hodnocení přístupů k analýze bezpečnostních rizik / Assessment of approaches to security risk analysis

Koudela, Radek January 2010 (has links)
Risk management is a process through which organizations are methodically devoted to the risks associated with their activities in order to get the biggest benefit from their business. It is also a rapidly developing field, where there is a variety of different approaches, methods, methodologies and standards in which may be little confusing. Therefore, this work offers a comprehensive and systematic view on the issue of risk analysis and management. Risk analysis is a cornerstone for effective security management of each company used for identification, description and quantification of risks, which should lead to acceptance of suitable measures for risk treatment. That is the reason why it requires a careful and methodical procedure described in this work. The main objective of this work is to analyse different approaches to risk analysis and management and thus highlight the importance of information security and protection of corporate assets. This approaches need to be understood as a different levels of detail of conducted risk analysis which will depend on initial maturity level (according to the CMM -- Capability Maturity Model) of information security process. The theoretical part of this thesis will explain relevant methodologies, techniques and procedure of risk analysis based on the ISO 27005 standard. From this part reader should learn what risk analysis is, what is it used for, how can it be carried out and what standards and methods can be used. The practical part will solve a real risk analysis project, which will demonstrate application of information obtained in the theoretical part.

Réécritures du mythe de Lilith dans La Jongleuse de Rachilde et Le Jardin des supplices d’Octave Mirbeau : reflets d’une féminité trouble

Denault, Marilou 08 1900 (has links)
De légendaires, les grandes figures féminines des mythes anciens sont devenues, au fil du XIXe siècle, emblématiques. Le mouvement s’amplifie vers la fin du siècle et l’imaginaire « féminin » se nourrit alors d’un discours social qui contribue à construire la féminité en termes de menace et de dépravation. Les figures mythiques prêteront leurs traits à celle de la femme fatale, devenue le symbole de la dégénérescence de la société française. Engrangeant dans son corps représenté tous les vices du siècle, la figure féminine nous est apparue éminemment révélatrice quant à la compréhension d’une époque. Or, la figure de la femme fatale s’avère fondamentalement ambivalente et Lilith, pouvant à la fois incarner l’amour et la destruction, affiche ce double visage de la féminité. Nous démontrons qu’il existe une relation étroite entre la profonde ambivalence du mythe de Lilith et les représentations de la femme fatale et pour ce faire, procédons à une analyse comparative de l’œuvre de Rachilde et Octave Mirbeau qui, dans La Jongleuse et Le Jardin des supplices, réécrivent le mythe de Lilith. De la comparaison des deux Lilith, ressortent deux représentations extrêmement contrastées de la femme fatale : alors que Rachilde dresse toute droite son héroïne dans son désir ascensionnel, Mirbeau construit une Clara toute en mollesse et assoiffée de chair. Par l’analyse des rapports qui s’articulent entre deux écritures, nous démontrons que la dualité inhérente au mythe de Lilith répond à l’instabilité d’une société aux prises avec de multiples angoisses en matière d’identité sexuelle. Cette comparaison nous amène aussi à nous interroger quant aux traces d’une certaine sexuation dans la voix littéraire. / Over the course of the nineteenth century the legendary female figures of ancient myth had become emblematic of the female sex. This association grew stronger toward the end of the century and the “feminine imaginary” fed itself on a social discourse that contributed to the construction of femininity in terms of menace and depravity. The mythical figures that lent their faces to representations of the femme fatale became symbols of the degeneration of French society. With all of the vices of the century gathered into her body, this female figure appears to us as eminently revealing as to the understanding of an era. However, the figure of the femme fatale is fundamentally ambivalent, and the mythical figure of Lilith, which can embody love as well as destruction, represents the two opposing aspects of nineteenth century representations of femininity. This study shows that there is a direct relationship between the profound ambivalence that characterizes the myth of Lilith and representations of the femme fatale. To this end, we undertake a comparative analysis of the works of Rachilde and Octave Mirbeau, who rewrite the myth of Lilith in The Juggler and The Torture Garden. Two extremely contrasting representations emerge from the comparison between the two “Liliths”: as Rachilde portrays her upstanding heroine’s desire to transcend her body, Mirbeau constructs his Clara as soft and mired in the body, thirsty for carnal pleasure. By examining the relationships that become apparent between these works, we demonstrate that the duality inherent in the myth of Lilith responds to the instability of a society grappling with multiple anxieties regarding sexual identity. This comparison, therefore, allows us to interrogate the traces of a specific mode of sexuation in the literary voice.

Analyse faciale avec dérivées Gaussiennes

Ruiz hernandez, John alexander 23 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse, nous explorons l'utilisation des dérivées Gaussiennes multi-échelles comme représentation initiale pour la détection, la reconnaissance et la classification des visages humains dans des images. Nous montrons qu'un algorithme rapide, $O(N)$, de construction d'une pyramide binomiale peut être utilisé pour extraire des dérivées Gaussiennes avec une réponse impulsionnelle identique à un facteur d'échelle $sqrt{2}$>. Nous montrons ensuite qu'un vecteur composé de ces dérivées à différentes échelles et à différents ordres en chaque pixel peut être utilisé comme base pour les algorithmes de détection, de classification et de reconnaissance lesquels atteignent ou dépassent les performances de l'état de l'art avec un coût de calcul réduit. De plus l'utilisation de coefficients entiers, avec une complexité de calcul et des exigences mémoires en $O(N)$ font qu'une telle approche est appropriée pour des applications temps réel embarquées sur des systèmes mobiles. Nous testons cette représentation en utilisant trois problèmes classiques d'analyse d'images faciales : détection de visages, reconnaissance de visages et estimation de l'âge. Pour la détection de visages, nous examinons les dérivées Gaussiennes multi-échelles comme une alternative aux ondelettes de Haar pour une utilisation dans la construction d'une cascade de classifieurs linéaires appris avec l'algorithme Adaboost, popularisé par Viola and Jones. Nous montrons que la représentation pyramidale peut être utilisée pour optimiser le processus de détection en adaptant la position des dérivées dans la cascade. Dans ces experiences nous sommes capables de montrer que nous pouvons obtenir des niveaux de performances de détection similaires (mesurés par des courbes ROC) avec une réduction importante du coût de calcul. Pour la reconnaissance de visages et l'estimation de l'âge, nous montrons que les dérivées Gaussiennes multi-échelles peuvent être utilisées pour calculer une représentation tensorielle qui conserve l'information faciale la plus importante. Nous montrons que combinée à l'Analyse Multilinéaire en Composantes Principales et à la méthode Kernel Discriminative Common Vectors (KDCV), cette représentation tensorielle peut mener à un algorithme qui est similaire aux techniques concurrentes pour la reconnaissance de visages avec un coût de calcul réduit. Pour l'estimation de l'âge à partir d'images faciales, nous montrons que notre représentation tensorielle utilisant les dérivées de Gaussiennes multi-échelles peut être utilisée avec une machine à vecteur de pertinence pour fournir une estimation de l'âge avec des niveaux de performances similaires aux méthodes de l'état de l'art.

Characterization of Impulse Noise and Hazard Analysis of Impulse Noise Induced Hearing Loss using AHAAH Modeling

Wu, Qing 01 August 2014 (has links)
Millions of people across the world are suffering from noise induced hearing loss (NIHL), especially under working conditions of either continuous Gaussian or non-Gaussian noise that might affect human's hearing function. Impulse noise is a typical non-Gaussian noise exposure in military and industry, and generates severe hearing loss problem. This study mainly focuses on characterization of impulse noise using digital signal analysis method and prediction of the auditory hazard of impulse noise induced hearing loss by the Auditory Hazard Assessment Algorithm for Humans (AHAAH) modeling. A digital noise exposure system has been developed to produce impulse noises with peak sound pressure level (SPL) up to 160 dB. The characterization of impulse noise generated by the system has been investigated and analyzed in both time and frequency domains. Furthermore, the effects of key parameters of impulse noise on auditory risk unit (ARU) are investigated using both simulated and experimental measured impulse noise signals in the AHAAH model. The results showed that the ARUs increased monotonically with the peak pressure (both P+ and P-) increasing. With increasing of the time duration, the ARUs increased first and then decreased, and the peak of ARUs appeared at about t = 0.2 ms (for both t+ and t-). In addition, the auditory hazard of experimental measured impulse noises signals demonstrated a monotonically increasing relationship between ARUs and system voltages.

In pursuit of a perfect system : Balancing usability and security in computer system development

Matras, Omolara January 2015 (has links)
Our society is dependent on information and the different technologies and artifacts that gives us access to it. However, the technologies we have come to depend on in different aspects of our lives are imperfect and during the past decade, these imperfections have been the target of identity thieves, cyber criminals and malicious persons within and outside the organization. These malicious persons often target networks of organizations such as hospitals, banks and other financial organizations. Access to these networks are often gained by sidestepping security mechanisms of computer-systems connected to the organization’s network. Often, the goal of computer-systems security mechanisms is to prevent or detect threats; or recover from an eventual attack. However, despite huge investments in IT-security infrastructure and Information security, over 95% of banks, hospitals and government agencies have at least 10 malicious infections bypass existing security mechanisms and enter their network without being detected. This has resulted in the loss of valuable information and substantial sums of money from banks and other organizations across the globe. From early research in this area, it has been discovered that the reason why security mechanisms fail is because it is often used incorrectly or not used at all.  Specifically, most users find the security mechanisms on their computers too complicated and they would rather not use it. Therefore, previous research have focused on making computer-systems security usable or simplifying security technology so that they are “less complicated” for all types users, instead of designing computers that are both usable and secure. The problem with this traditional approach is that security is treated as an “add-on” to a finished computer-system design. This study is an attempt to change the traditional approach by adjusting two phases of a computer-system design model to incorporate the collection of usability as well as security requirements. Guided by the exploratory case study research design, I gained new insights into a situation that has shocked security specialists and organizational actors alike. This study resulted in the creation of a methodology for designing usable and secure computer-systems. Although this method is in its rudimentary stage, it was tested using an online questionnaire. Data from the literature study was sorted using a synthesis matrix; and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Some prominent design and security models and methodologies discussed in this report include User-Centered System Design (UCSD), Appropriate and Effective Guidance for Information Security (AEGIS) and Octave Allegro. / Vårt samhälle är beroende av information och olika tekniker och artefakter som ger oss tillgång till den. Men tekniken vi förlitar oss på i olika aspekter av våra liv är ofullkomliga och under det senaste decenniet, har dessa brister varit föremål för identitetstjuvar, cyberbrottslingar och illvilliga personer inom och utanför organisationen. Dessa illvilliga personer riktar ofta sig till nätverk av organisationer såsom sjukhus, banker och andra finansiella organisationer. Tillgång till dessa nätverk uppnås genom att kringgå säkerhetsmekanismer av datorsystem anslutna till organisationens nätverk.   Målet med datorsystemsäkerhet är att förhindra eller upptäcka hot; eller återhämta sig från eventuella attacker. Trots stora investeringar i IT-säkerhet infrastruktur och informationssäkerhet, över 95 % av banker, sjukhus och myndigheter har minst 10 skadliga infektioner kringgå befintliga säkerhetsmekanismer och träda in i sitt nätverk utan att upptäckas. Detta har lett till förlust av värdefulla informationer och stora summor av pengar från banker och andra organisationer över hela världen. Från tidigare forskning inom detta område, har det visat sig att anledningen till att säkerhetsmekanismer misslyckas beror ofta på att den används på ett felaktigt sätt eller används inte alls. I synnerhet menar de flesta användare att säkerhetsmekanismer på sina datorer är alltför komplicerat. Därför har tidigare forskning fokuserat på att göra datorsystemsäkerhet användbar så att den är "mindre komplicerat" för alla typer av användare, i stället för att designa datorer som både är användbara och säkra. Problemet med detta traditionella synsätt är att säkerheten behandlas som ett "tillägg" till en färdig datorsystemdesign.   Denna studie är ett försök att ändra det traditionella synsättet genom att justera två faser av en datorsystemdesign modell för att integrera insamlingen av användbarhets- samt säkerhetskrav. Styrd av den explorativ fallstudie forskningsdesignen, fick jag nya insikter i en situation som har gäckat säkerhetsspecialister och organisatoriska aktörer. Denna studie resulterade i skapande av en designmetodik för användbara och säkra datorsystem. Även om denna metod är ännu i sin rudimentära fas, testades den med hjälp av en webbenkät. Data från litteraturstudien sorterades med hjälp av en syntesmatris; och analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Några framstående design- och säkerhetsmodeller samt metoder som diskuterades i denna uppsats inkludera Användarcentrerad System Design (UCSD), Ändamålsenligt och Effektivt Vägledning för Informationssäkerhet (AEGIS) och Octave Allegro.

Theodore Roosevelt on Labor Unions: A New Perspective

Livingston, Louis B. 01 January 2010 (has links)
Historical studies of Theodore Roosevelt's views about labor and labor unions are in conflict. This was also true of contemporary disagreements about the meaning of his labor rhetoric and actions. The uncertainties revolve around whether or not he was sincere in his support of working people and labor unions, whether his words and actions were political only or were based on a philosophical foundation, and why he did not propose comprehensive labor policies. Roosevelt historiography has addressed these questions without considering his stated admiration for Octave Thanet's writings about "labor problems." Octave Thanet was the pseudonym of Alice French, a popular fiction writer during Roosevelt's adult years. Roosevelt on several occasions praised her knowledge of factory conditions and discussions of labor problems, and he invited her to the White House. The thesis analyzes her labor stories, Roosevelt's comments about her labor writings, and their relevance to how he responded to the growth and tactics of organized labor. It also addresses the influence on Roosevelt of contemporary writing on labor unions by John Hay, Henry George, and Herbert Croly, as well as his relationship with labor leader Samuel Gompers. The thesis concludes that Roosevelt was sincere about improving the social and industrial conditions of workers, primarily through government action. It further concludes that his support of labor unions in principle was genuine, but was contingent on organized labor's repudiation of violence and attempts to justify violence; and that he opposed union boycotts and mandatory union membership as inimical to his vision of a classless society. The thesis additionally considers the extent to which Roosevelt's views were embodied in national labor legislation after his death.

Grund-, Sext-, Sext-, Grund- ...: Ein Vergleich von oktavregelähnlichen Systemen vor 1716

Winter, Judith 23 October 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Drawing Inspiration from Europe: A Three-Pronged Approach to Keyboard Pedagogy

Graybill, Roger 23 October 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Perspective gramscienne sur les rapports entre l’Église catholique canadienne et l’État colonial au tournant du XIXe siècle

Bouillet, Ilan 02 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire analyse la situation de l’Église catholique canadienne au tournant du XIXe siècle en adoptant un cadre théorique gramscien. À travers la trajectoire de trois évêques, nous démontrons que l’épiscopat réussit à pérenniser sa place comme maillon essentiel entre la population canadienne et l’État colonial. Un triple mouvement s’observe au sein de l’institution catholique. Les évêques cherchent à raffermir la structure de l’épiscopat grâce à une politique de contrôle social et de développement de la base numérique du clergé. Les Révolutions atlantiques faisant avancer les idées républicaines dans la province, un lien étroit va se former entre le gouvernement colonial et l’épiscopat afin de défendre la conception du monde monarchiste ; l’État et l’Église forment ce que le philosophe Antonio Gramsci nomme un « bloc idéologique ». La relation entre les deux institutions n’est pourtant pas sans conflictualité. Un bras de fer s’engage au sujet de la situation juridique de l’Église catholique. Certaines élites britanniques désirent renforcer le contrôle étatique sur un épiscopat considéré comme trop indépendant. L’enjeu des débats qui naissent en ce début de XIXe est de savoir qui contrôlera un appareil idéologique performant dans une colonie où l’écrasante majorité de la population est catholique. / This thesis analyses the situation of the catholic church of Canada at the turn of the 19th century using a Gramscian theoretical framework. Through the historical paths of three bishops, we demonstrate that the episcopacy maintained its position as an essential link between the Canadian population and the colonial state. We observe a threefold movement from within the catholic institution. The bishops intended to strengthen the structure of the episcopacy through social control and by increasing the numerical basis of the clergy. Republican ideas being promoted through the Atlantic revolutions, the colonial government and the episcopacy tightened their relationship in order to defend a monarchist conception of the world; the state and the church came to form what Antonio Gramsci calls an “ideological bloc”. The relationship between the two institutions was, however, not without conflict. A tug of war began over the judicial situation of the Catholic church. Some members of the British elite hoped to reinforce state control over the episcopacy which they considered as too independent. The issue at stake in the debates that arose at the start of the 19th century was to ascertain who would control the ideological apparatus in a colony where the majority of the population was Catholic

Konstruktion av dämpningsmekanism för att förhindra återtändning av ljusbåge i vakuumbrytare för högspänningsnät / Construction of high voltage vacuum-interrupter damping mechanism for prevention of arc restrike

Walfridsson, Erik, Fröst, Johannes January 2019 (has links)
Vakuumbrytare som utsätts för höga kortslutningsströmmar (kA) kan förstöras om den rörliga kontaktdelen i brytaren studsar tillbaka för långt efter att den har nått sitt ändläge. Detta p.g.a. att det sker en spänningskollaps mellan kontaktytorna så att en ny ljusbåge uppstår vilket bränner sönder kontaktytorna. En lämplig dämpningsmekanism för att försöka förhindra en återstuds av kontakten fordras. Hur detta kan utvärderas m.h.a. en matematisk modell som bygger på en differentialekvation framtagen ur krafterna som verkar på det mekaniska fjädersystemet, för att försöka uppskatta dämpningskoefficient behandlas i denna rapport. Resultatet visar att en oljedämpare med en slaglängd på max 8 mm är bäst lämpad som dämpare av det mekaniska systemet. Detta baseras på de slutsatser som dras av den matematiska modellen ihop med jämförelser av det verkliga rörelsebeteendet hos brytaren. / <p>Programvaran (skript för Matlab/GNU Octave) som utvecklades för detta projekt kan med fördel användas som bas av framtida studenter som eventuellt fortsätter att arbeta med samma ämne hos Hughes Power System AB. Framför allt gränssnittet för in- och utmatning kan återanvändas så att mer tid kan läggas på kärnfrågan. Detta förutsatt att läroverket ifråga godkänner ett sådant förfarande.</p>

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