Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nonsquamous cell carcinoma"" "subject:"andsquamous cell carcinoma""
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The development and characterization of animal models of squamous cell carcinoma: the roles of parathyroid hormone-related protein, transforming growth factor-Β, and the osteoclast in disease progressionTannehill-Gregg, Sarah 11 March 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Características sociodemográficas y epidemiológicas de pacientes con cáncer de piel diagnosticados en un Hospital Nivel III-1 de región Lambayeque 2016-2019Rufasto Ñañez, Claudia Estefany January 2024 (has links)
Objetivo: Identificar las características sociodemográficas y epidemiológicas del paciente con cáncer de piel diagnosticados en el servicio de anatomía patológica del Hospital Regional Lambayeque durante periodo enero del 2016 - diciembre del 2019. Métodos: La metodología empleada durante esta investigación estuvo basada en el diseño no experimental, descriptivo, de carácter retrospectivo, trasversal y observacional. Se incluyeron un total de 429 pacientes mayores de 18 años, diagnosticados con carcinoma cutáneo de tipo no melanoma (NPNM) y melanoma, mediante estudios anatomopatológicos de la lesión atendidos en Hospital Regional Lambayeque. La elección de la muestra fue mediante un muestreo no probabilístico de tipo censal, por la adaptabilidad al estudio. Resultados: De un total de 429 pacientes, 256(59,1%) tenían carcinoma basocelular (CBC), 146 (33,7%) carcinoma epidermoide (CsCC) y 31(7,2%) melanoma maligno cutáneo (MM). Siendo la edad promedio de aparición de 71 años en los NPNM y 62 años en el Melanoma Maligno Cutáneo, con predominio por el sexo femenino en el CBC y masculino en CsCC y MM. La ubicación anatómica más comprometida fue de la
cabeza en los NPNM y miembros inferiores en MM, los cuales fueron identificadas mayormente por el servicio de Dermatología, seguido por Cirugía de Cabeza y Cuello del hospital. Los años con mayor número de carcinomas cutáneos fueron el 2019 para CBC y 2018 para los dos restantes. Conclusiones: La población general presenta más riesgo de presentar carcinomas no melanómico y en menor número el melanoma maligno, el cual predomina en áreas fotoexpuestas del cuerpo. / Objective: To identify the sociodemographic and epidemiological characteristics of the patient with skin cancer diagnosed in the pathological anatomy service of the Lambayeque Regional Hospital during the period January 2016 - December 2019. Methods: The methodology used during this investigation was based on the non-experimental design, descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional and observational. A total of 429 patients over 18 years of age were included, diagnosed with non-melanoma skin carcinoma (NPNM) and melanoma, through anatomopathological studies of the lesion treated at Hospital Regional
Lambayeque. The selection of the sample was by means of a non-probabilistic sampling of the census type, due to the adaptability to the study. Results: Of a total of 429 patients, 256 (59.1%) had basal cell carcinoma (BCC), 146 (33.7%) squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and 31 (7.2%) cutaneous malignant melanoma (MM). Being the average age of appearance of 71 years in NPNM and 62 years in Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma, with a predominance of females in CBC and male in CsCC and MM. The most compromised anatomical location was the head in NPNM and lower limbs in MM, which were mostly identified by the Dermatology service, followed by Head and Neck Surgery at the hospital. The years with the highest number of skin carcinomas were 2019 for CBC and 2018 for the remaining two. Conclusions: The general population presents a higher risk of presenting non-melanoma carcinomas and a smaller number of malignant melanoma, which predominates in photo-exposed areas of the body.
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Metastasiertes Plattenepithelkarzinom auf einem Ulkus bei Graft-versus- Host-Disease nach allogener StammzelltransplantationHobelsberger, S., Meier, F., Beissert, S., Abraham, S. 16 May 2024 (has links)
Wir berichten über einen 48-jährigen multimorbiden Patienten, der vor 26 Jahren eine allogene Knochenmarktransplantation aufgrund einer chronischen myeloischen Leukämie erhielt; 24 Jahre lang litt der Patient an einer sklerodermiformen chronischen Graft-versus-Host-Disease (GVHD) der Haut und der Lunge mit partieller Lungenresektion und immunsuppressiver Therapie. An den Unterschenkeln entwickelten sich rezidivierende Ulzerationen an den von der kutanen GVHD betroffenen Stellen. Der Patient stellte sich mit einem größenprogredienten Ulkus mit Therapieresistenz in unserer Klinik vor. Histologisch konnte ein Plattenepithelkarzinom diagnostiziert werden. Die Magnetresonanztomographie zeigte eine Knochenbeteiligung und eine kutane In-Transit-Metastase, und die Computertomographie ergab eine Metastase im Os sacrum. Bevor die Therapie eingeleitet wurde, verstarb der Patient plötzlich an den Folgen seiner Vorerkrankungen. Die Entwicklung einer kutanen GVHD ist häufig bei Patienten mit allogener Stammzelltransplantation. Hierbei ist das Risiko für die Entwicklung von Plattenepithelkarzinomen erhöht. Patienten sollten unter engmaschiger dermatologischer Kontrolle stehen. Bei Verdacht auf ein Plattenepithelkarzinom bei vorbestehender GVHD sollte zeitnah eine bioptische Sicherung erfolgen, um das Risiko einer Metastasierung zu senken.
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Liquid Biopsy in non-small cell lung cancer: exosomes as a tool for the study of biomarkers.Duréndez Sáez, María Elena 31 March 2024 (has links)
[ES] A pesar de los nuevos avances en el tratamiento del cáncer de pulmón, su tasa de incidencia y mortalidad siguen en cabeza en todo mundo. Concretamente, el cáncer de pulmón no microcítico (CPNM) representa casi el 85% de todos los cánceres de pulmón, siendo su supervivencia a 5 años muy reducida. En base a dicho escenario, el objetivo principal de este trabajo es el de caracterizar de manera exhaustiva los exosomas secretados por las células del CPNM. Se sabe que estas microvesículas están involucradas en números procesos celulares, por lo que pueden contener gran cantidad de información acerca de las características moleculares del tumor. Para ello se han empleado cultivos primarios y líneas comerciales crecidas en diferentes condiciones, así como muestras de sangre periférica obtenida de los pacientes con CPNM. Un primer screening llevado a cabo en los exosomas secretados in vitro, ha permitido obtener un gran número de mRNAs y miRNAs relacionados con diferentes procesos biológicos y vías de señalización. Además, algunos genes como FDFT1 y SNAI1 han destacado por su sobreexpresión en exosomas procedentes de las células crecidas en formación de tumoresferas (modelos 3D), las cuales están enriquecidas en población de células madre tumorales. A su vez, otros marcadores presentes en el interior de estas microvesículas, se han mostrado relacionados con dos de los subtipos histológicos más frecuentes: adenocarcinoma (LUAD) y carcinoma escamoso (LUSC). Posteriormente, para validar los hallazgos obtenidos en exosomas, los marcadores más significativos fueron analizados in silico en una cohorte de muestras de tejido, compuesta por 661 pacientes con CPNM (TCGA database). Estos resultados han revelado una asociación entre la expresión del gen SNAI1 y la supervivencia de estos pacientes (OS y RFS p<0.05). Además, los genes XAGE1B, SEPP1 y TTF-1 (previamente determinados en exosomas), mantienen una relación significativa con el grupo de pacientes LUAD; mientras que CABYR, RIOK3 y CAPRIN1 se mantienen sobrexpresados en LUSC (Mann-Whitney test p<0.05). Estos marcadores también se han analizado en una cohorte de 186 pacientes con CPNM procedentes del Hospital General Universitario de Valencia, donde se corroboró la asociación de SNAI1 con la supervivencia de los pacientes en estadios tempranos (RFS en pacientes LUAD, p<0.05), así como la sobreexpresión de CABYR y RIOK3 en pacientes LUSC, y de XAGE1B y TTF-1 en LUAD. Por otra parte, el aislamiento de los exosomas presentes en la sangre periférica de pacientes en estadios avanzados, ha permitido identificar otros marcadores asociados a caracterísiticas clínico-patológicas relevantes. A su vez, el contenido de estas microvesículas ha sido empleado para la detección de mutaciones génicas ligadas al manejo clínico del CPNM. En resumen, los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo ponen de manifiesto el potencial de los exosomas como fuente de biomarcadores para el estudio de las diferentes etapas de desarrollo del CPNM. Estas microvesículas ofrecen una visión completa y en tiempo real, de las características de la enfermedad, pudiendo ser aisladas de forma repetida y mediante técnicas mínimamente invasivas. / [CA] A pesar dels avanços recents en el tractament del càncer de pulmó, les seues taxes d'incidència i mortalitat continuen sent altes a nivell mundial. Concretament, el càncer de pulmó de cèl·lules no petites (CPNM) representa gairebé el 85% de tots els càncers de pulmó, amb una taxa de supervivència a 5 anys molt limitada. Donat aquest escenari, l'objectiu principal d'aquest estudi és caracteritzar de manera exhaustiva els exosomes secretats per les cèl·lules de CPNM. Aquestes microvesícules estan involucrades en nombrosos processos tumorals i poden contenir una gran quantitat d'informació sobre les característiques moleculars de la malaltia. Per aconseguir-ho, es van utilitzar cultius primaris i línies cel·lulars (cultiu en diferents condicions), juntament amb mostres de sang perifèrica obtingudes de pacients amb CPNM. Un cribratge inicial en exosomes secrets in vitro va permetre identificar una quantitat significativa de mARNs i miARNs relacionats amb diversos processos biològics i vies de senyalització. A més, alguns gens com FDFT1 i SNAI1 van destacar per la seua sobreexpressió en exosomes derivats de cèl·lules crescuts en formació de tumorsferes (models 3D), que estan enriquides en poblacions de cèl·lules mare tumorals. A més, s'han trobat marcadors en aquestes microvesícules associats amb dos dels subtipus histològics més comuns: adenocarcinoma (LUAD) i carcinoma escamós (LUSC). Posteriorment, per validar els resultats obtinguts en exosomes, es van analitzar in silico els marcadors més significatius en una cohort de teixit de CPNM de la base de dades TCGA. Aquests resultats van revelar una associació entre l'expressió del gen SNAI1 i la supervivència dels pacients (OS i RFS, p <0,05). A més, l'expressió dels gens XAGE1B, SEPP1 i TTF-1 (prèviament identificats en exosomes) va mantenir una relació significativa amb el grup LUAD, mentre que CABYR, RIOK3 i CAPRIN1 van continuar sobreexpressats en els pacients de LUSC (prova de Mann-Whitney, p <0,05). Aquests marcadors també es van analitzar en una cohort de 186 pacients amb CPNM de l'Hospital General Universitari de València, on es va confirmar l'associació de l'expressió de SNAI1 i la supervivència dels pacients en estadi precoç (RFS en pacients de LUAD, p <0,05), així com la sobreexpressió de CABYR i RIOK3 en pacients de LUSC, i de XAGE1B i TTF-1 en LUAD. D'altra banda, els exosomes presents en mostres de sang de la cohort d'estadis avançats van permetre la identificació d'altres biomarcadors associats a característiques clíniques rellevants dels pacients. A més, la càrrega exosomàtica també es va utilitzar per detectar mutacions genètiques relacionades amb el tractament clínic del CPNM. En resum, els resultats obtinguts en aquesta tesi destaquen el potencial dels exosomes com a font de biomarcadors per a l'estudi de les diferents etapes del desenvolupament del CPNM. Aquestes microvesícules ofereixen una visió completa i en temps real de les característiques moleculars de la malaltia i poden ser obtingudes de manera repetida i amb una mínima invasió. / [EN] Despite recent advancements in lung cancer treatment, its incidence and mortality rates remain high worldwide. Specifically, non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for nearly 85% of all lung cancers, with a 5-year survival rate of 20%. Given this scenario, the primary objective of this study is to comprehensively characterize the exosomes secreted by NSCLC cells. These microvesicles are known to be involved in numerous tumoral processes, potentially containing a wealth of information about the molecular characteristics of the disease. To achieve this, primary cultures and cell lines, along with peripheral blood samples obtained from NSCLC patients were used. An initial screening in exosomes secreted in vitro allowed the identification of a significant number of mRNAs and miRNAs, related to various biological processes and signaling pathways. Moreover, some genes such as FDFT1 and SNAI1 stood out due to their overexpression in exosomes derived from cells grown in tumorspheres formation (3D models), which are enriched in cancer stem cell population. Additionally, markers found within these microvesicles were associated with two of the most common histological subtypes: adenocarcinoma (LUAD) and squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC). Subsequently, to validate the findings seen in exosomes, the most significant markers were analyzed in silico in an NSCLC tissue cohort from the TCGA database. These results revealed an association between the expression of SNAI1 and patient survival (OS and RFS, p<0.05). Furthermore, XAGE1B, SEPP1, and TTF-1 expression (previously identified in exosomes) maintained a significant relationship with the LUAD group, while CABYR, RIOK3, and CAPRIN1 remained overexpressed in LUSC patients (Mann-Whitney test, p<0.05). These markers were also analyzed in a cohort of 186 NSCLC patients from the University General Hospital of Valencia. The association of SNAI1 expression and the survival of early-stage patients (RFS in LUAD patients, p<0.05) was confirmed, as well as the overexpression of CABYR and RIOK3 in LUSC patients, and of XAGE1B and TTF-1 in LUAD. Furthermore, exosomes present in blood samples of the advanced-stage cohort, allowed the identification of other biomarkers associated with clinically relevant characteristics of the patients. Moreover, exosomal cargo was also used to detect gene mutations related to the clinical management of NSCLC. In summary, the results obtained in this thesis highlight the potential of exosomes as a source of biomarkers for the study of the different stages of NSCLC development. These microvesicles offer a comprehensive and real-time view of the disease's molecular features and can be obtained repeatedly and in a minimally invasive way. / Duréndez Sáez, ME. (2024). Liquid Biopsy in non-small cell lung cancer: exosomes as a tool for the study of biomarkers [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203438
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Phänotypische Untersuchungen zur prognostischen Bedeutung Proliferations- und Apoptose-assoziierter Faktoren sowie der Expression von Adhäsionsmolekülen in Plattenepithelkarzinomen der Mundhöhle und des OropharynxStoll, Christian 06 March 2001 (has links)
Tumorwachstum ist durch eine Störung des Gleichgewichts zwischen Zellproliferation und Apoptose charakterisiert. Sinn des ersten Teils dieser Untersuchungen war es, die Bedeutung von Proliferations- und Apoptose-assoziierten Faktoren in primären Plattenepithelkarzinomen der Mundhöhle und des Oropharynx bei 107 Patienten zu beurteilen. In neun Fällen wurden auch entsprechende Lymphknotenmetastasen untersucht. Für die Ermittlung der Apoptoseraten wurde eine durch terminale Transferase katalysierte enzymatische Markierung von DNA-Fragmenten verwendet. Die Parameter p53, p90MDM2, p21CIP, p16INK4a, Cyclin D1, pRB, BCL-2, BAX und das Proliferations-assoziierte Antigen Ki-67 wurden immunhistologisch bestimmt. Der Tumorsuppressor p53 war in den basalen Schichten des in den Tumorpräparaten miterfaßten Epithels abhängig vom Dysplasiegrad vermehrt nachweisbar (p / Tumour growth is characterized by an imbalance between cell proliferation and apoptosis. The aim of the first part of this study was to estimate the importance of proliferation- and apoptosis-associated factors in primary squamous cell carcinomas of the oral cavity and the oropharynx obtained from 107 patients. In nine cases also corresponding lymph node metastases were examined. DNA-fragments were marked enzymaticly catalysed by a terminal transferase reaction for the recognition of apoptosis. The parameters p53, p90MDM2, p21CIP, p16INK4a, cyclin D1, pRB, BCL-2, BAX, and the proliferation-associated antigen Ki-67 were determined immunohistochemically. The tumour suppressor p53 was mainly detectable in the basal cell layers of the epithelium included in the tumour specimens additionally depending on the grade of dysplasia (p
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Mutationsanalysen von K-ras und p53 bei Patienten mit Plattenepithelkarzinom des ÖsophagusHolper, Lisa 15 February 2006 (has links)
Apoptose und die beteiligten Apoptosegene spielen eine Rolle in der malignen Transformation von Tumoren. Fragestellung der vorliegenden retrospektiven Arbeit war die Analyse von Mutationen des Tumorsuppressorgens p53 und des Onkogens K-ras sowie die Suche nach prognostisch relevanten Faktoren, mit dem Ziel individueller therapeutischer Strategien, u.a. zur Überwindung der Therapieresistenz. Für die Analyse von p53 und K-ras wurden Tumorproben von 68 Patienten mit primärem Plattenepithelkarzinom des Ösophagus mittels SSCP-PCR auf p53 Mutationen untersucht. Mittels Immunhistochemie wurde die Expression des p53-Protein und mittels PCR und Oligonukleotid-Hybridisierungstest wurden K-ras Mutationen nachgewiesen. Bei der retrospektiven Analyse von 68 Ösophaguskarzinomen wurden sieben Mutationen in den Exons 5-8 des p53 Gens identifiziert (Exon 5, n = 3 (4.41%), Exon 7, n = 3 (4.41%), Exon 8, n = 1 (1.48%)). Immunhistochemisch wurde in 37 Tumoren (54,4%) hohe Expressionen von p53 mit zytosolischem und nukleärem Färbemuster gefunden. Bei der Mutationsanaylse von K-ras wurden in drei Tumoren Mutationen im Kodon 12 nachgewiesen. Die Korrelation dieser molekularen Befunde mit klinisch-pathologischen Parametern zeigte einen signifikanten Zusammenhang zwischen der Gesamtüberlebenszeit und dem Lymphknotenstatus, der UICC-Klassifikation sowie der AJCC-Klassifikation. Es wurden hingegen keine signifikanten Assoziationen zwischen p53 Mutationen, der p53 Protein Expression und K-ras Mutationen gefunden. Überexpression bzw. Mutation von p53 und K-ras zeigen keinen signifikanten Zusammenhang und sind somit unabhängige Ereignisse. In der Analyse der Plattenepithelkarzinome des Ösophagus wurden in 10,3% der Tumoren p53 Mutationen gefunden. Die theoretische Annahme, p53 Proteinakkumulation resultiere aufgrund von p53 Genmutationen, konnte nicht bestätigt werden. Analog zu anderen Studien, zeigte sich hier eine niedrige Frequenz von K-ras Mutationen in Plattenepithelkarzinomen des Ösophagus. / Apoptosis and the Apoptosisgens involved play a role in the malignant transformation of tumors. Question of the retrospective work was the analysis of mutations of the tumorsuppressorgen p53 and the onkogen k-ras, the search for prognostically relevant factors, with the goal of individual therapeutic strategies, among other things for the overcoming of therapy resistance. For the analysis of p53 and k-ras tumor samples by 68 patients with primary squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus by means of SSCP PCR on p53 mutations were examined. By means of immunhistochemistry the expression of the p53-protein and by means of PCR and oligonukleotide-hybridisation k-ras mutations were proven. With analysis of 68 carcinomas of the esophagus seven mutations in exon 5-8 of the p53 gene were identified retrospectively (exon 5, n = 3 (4.41%), exon 7, n = 3 (4.41%), exon 8, n = 1 (1.48%)). In 37 tumors (54,4%) high expressions by p53 with cytosolic and nuklear coloring sample one found immune histochemical. With the mutationanaylsis of k-ras in three tumors mutations in kodon 12 were proven. The correlation of these molecular findings with clinical-pathological parameters showed a significant connection between the total survival period and the lymph node status, the UICC-classification as well as the AJCC-classification. It was however no significant associations found between p53 mutations, the p53 protein expression and k-ras mutations. Overexpression and/or mutation of p53 and k-ras show no significant connection and are thus independent events. In the analysis of the squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus in 10,3% of the tumors p53 mutations were found. The theoretical acceptance, p53 protein accumulation results due to p53 genmutationen, could not not be confirmed. Similar to other studies, a low frequency of k-ras mutations in squamous cell carcinoma were showed.
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Comparison of optical coherence tomography and in vivo reflectance confocal microscopy with dermoscopy for the diagnosis and management of nonmelanoma skin cancer: A randomized controlled trialHobelsberger, Sarah, Steininger, Julian, Laske, Jörg, Berndt, Katja, Meier, Friedegund, Beissert, Stefan, Gellrich, Frank Friedrich 16 January 2025 (has links)
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) can yield improved diagnostic accuracy of nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) in comparison with dermoscopy alone.
The aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic performance of OCT and RCM together and individually with that of dermoscopy.
Patients with lesions suspicious for NMSC were randomized into two groups in a prospective, single-centre study. In the intervention group (IG), every lesion was examined with dermoscopy, OCT and RCM, while in the control group (CG), every lesion was examined with dermoscopy alone.
A total of 365 lesions of 250 patients (105 female, 145 male) were included in the study. A total of 208 basal cell carcinomas (BCCs), 65 squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) and 31 SCCs in situ were examined histologically. The IG involved significantly fewer biopsies than the CG (14 vs. 27, p = 0.029) and required fewer additional inpatient stays due to positive biopsy results (2 vs. 12, p = 0.001). For the diagnosis of BCC, diagnostic accuracy was 81% with dermoscopy, 84% with OCT, 83% with RCM and 85% with the combination of OCT and RCM (OCT/RCM). The diagnostic accuracy of OCT for BCC subtypes was as follows: superficial, 89%; nodular, 79%; sclerodermiform, 82%; and nodular-cystic BCC, 75%. For the diagnosis of SCC, diagnostic accuracy was 85% with dermoscopy, 87% with OCT, 89% with RCM and 87% with OCT/RCM. For the diagnosis of in situ SCC, diagnostic accuracy was 87% with dermoscopy, 89% with OCT, 89% with RCM and 91% with OCT/RCM.
Diagnostic accuracy increased with OCT and RCM and was even higher when both methods were used together. OCT and RCM could facilitate optimization of lesion management by reducing the number of punch biopsies and reducing additional inpatient stays due to positive biopsy results.
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Genotoxic effects of a novel form of Gold Nanoparticles loaded with Hesperidin on head and neck cancer lymphocytes compared to effects from healthy control lymphocytes and Squamous cell Carcinoma of Maxillary sinusFida, Mehwish January 2023 (has links)
The head and neck cancers (HNC) are a group of cancers that begin in the squamous cells that line the mucosal surfaces of the head and neck. Therefore, they are commonly known as squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Squamous cell carcinoma of the maxillary sinus (MC) is a rare type of HNC, and it is a very aggressive tumour. This cancer is typically diagnosed at a very advanced stage and most patients have a poor survival rate and prognosis. This study is based on the synthesis and applications of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) conjugated with hesperidin (Hsp) as a targeted drug delivery system. AuNPs are ideal for loading different drugs and delivering them to targets sites due to their stability, small size, substantial surface area, non-cytotoxic and inert nature. Hsp is a naturally occurring substance with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capabilities. The main aim of this research was to develop a highly efficient and safer method to deliver Hsp to the target sites. The Hsp with poor solubility and bioavailability render it only slightly absorbed, requiring a delivery system to reach its therapeutic target.
This study focused on the effects of 15μg/ml Hsp loaded on gold nanoparticles (Hsp-AuNPs) on 20 healthy individuals’ lymphocytes as compared to 20 HNC patients’ lymphocytes using the alkaline Comet assay. While enzyme-based Comet repair was performed on 5 healthy individuals’ lymphocytes as compared to 5 HNC patients’ lymphocytes. The Hsp-AuNPs reduced the DNA damage in HNC patients’ lymphocytes compared to the healthy lymphocytes (***p<0.001). Furthermore, the 15μg/ml of Hsp-AuNPs significantly reduced the oxidative stress caused by H2O2 and appeared to be effective in both groups using the Comet and Comet repair assay. Results from Comet and Comet repair assay were consistent. The human squamous cells of maxillary sinus (MC) were also treated with 5μg/ml of Hsp-AuNPs. The alkaline Comet assay results showed that Hsp-AuNPs induced DNA damage in MC cells (***p<0.001). Therefore, Hsp-AuNPs demonstrated the most substantial genotoxic effects and confirmed a possible anticancer agent. The Hsp was also used to treat lymphocytes from healthy individuals as compared to HNC patients’ lymphocytes they reduced the DNA damage, but they were less effective as compared to Hsp-AuNPs. Published data shows that using the AuNPs as a drug carrier has a more potent therapeutic effect against different diseases including cancer. Also, this study investigated the gene protective and genotoxic impact of bulk Hsp in Maxillary sinus carcinoma cells. The data obtained indicated that Hsp-AuNPs might possibly be effective for the treatment of MC and demonstrated the ability of Hsp-AuNPs to increase the DNA damage more than the bulk form of Hsp (***p<0.001). The outcomes of this study are consistent with the viewpoint that the Hsp-AuNPs might have a substantial role in cancer treatment, including MC. The concentration of 5μg/ml Hsp-AuNPs was used to treat the MC cells in Western blotting, and real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) was based on a preliminary test for the optimal dose. The data obtained indicated that Hsp-AuNPs might potentially be effective for the treatment of HNC and showed the ability of Hsp-AuNPs to reduce DNA damage more than the bulk form of Hsp. Hsp-AuNPs has also shown anti-cancer potential in the MC cells by up-regulating the expression of p53, p21, PPAR gamma, and Caspase 3, at mRNA and protein levels by up-regulating the p53, PPAR gamma, Caspase 3, and p21 to mediate apoptosis and DNA repair in MC cells. The findings of this study are consistent with the view that the Hsp-AuNPs could have a significant role in cancer treatment, including HNC and MC.
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O6-Methylguanine-DNA-Methyltransferase methylation: prevalence and predictive value in head and neck squamous cell carcinomaAbou Chacra, Zahi 12 1900 (has links)
Introduction: Le gène O6-méthylguanine-ADN méthyltransferase (MGMT) code pour
une enzyme spécifique réparatrice de l’ADN qui protège les cellules de la toxicité des
agents alkylants. Ainsi, l’activité du MGMT est un mécanisme majeur de résistance
aux agents alkylants. Il a été démontré qu’une diminution de l’expression du gène
MGMT par une hyperméthylation du promoteur résulte en une amélioration de la
survie chez les patients avec certains types de tumeurs qui sont traitées avec des
agents chimiothérapeuthique alkylants. Objectifs: Déterminer la prévalence de la
méthylation du gène MGMT chez des patients avec des cancers épidermoïdes
localement avancés de la sphère ORL traités avec chimioradiothérapie et évaluer
l’impact de cette méthylation sur la survie. Méthodes: Sur 428 patients consécutifs,
traités avec chimioradiothérapie à notre institution et suivis pour un période médiane
de 37 mois, 199 spécimens chirurgicaux paraffinés ont été récupérés. L’ADN était
extrait et modifié par le traitement au bisulfite. Une réaction en chaîne de la
polymérase, spécifique à la méthylation était entreprise pour évaluer l’état de
méthylation du promoteur du gène du MGMT. Les résultats de laboratoire étaient
corrélés avec la réponse clinique. L’analyse statistique était exécutée à l’aide du test
de Fisher pour les données catégoriques et à l’aide des courbes de Kaplan-Meier pour
les échecs au traitement. Résultats : Des 199 extraits d’ADN initiaux, 173 (87%)
étaient modifiés au bisulfite avec succès. Des ces spécimens modifiés, 71 (41%) ont
démontré une hyperméthylation du MGMT. Pour les cas de méthylation et nonméthylation
du MGMT, les caractéristiques des patients n’étaient pas
significativement différentes. Les taux de réponse étaient 71 et 73% (p=NS)
respectivement. Le contrôle locorégional était respectivement 87 et 77% (p=0.26), la
survie sans maladie était 80 et 60% (p=0.38), la survie sans métastase à distance était
92 et 78% (p=0.08) et la survie globale était 64 et 62% (p=0.99) à 3 ans.
Conclusions : L’état de méthylation du MGMT est fortement prévalent (41%) et
semble avoir un possible impact bénéfique sur la survie quand la chimioradiothérapie
est administrée aux patients avec des stades avancés de cancers tête et cou. / Background: The O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) gene encodes
a specific DNA repair enzyme that protects cells from toxicity of alkylating agents.
Thus, MGMT activity is a major mechanism of resistance to alkylating drugs. It has
been shown that decreased MGMT gene expression by promoter hypermethylation
results in improved survival in patients with certain types of tumors that are treated
with alkylating chemotherapeutic agents. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of
MGMT methylation in patients with locally advanced Head and Neck Squamous Cell
Carcinoma (HNSCC) treated with chemoradiation therapy and to evaluate the impact
of this methylation on survival. Methods: Out of 428 consecutive patients treated
with chemoradiation therapy at our institution and followed for a median of 37
months, 199 paraffin embedded biopsy or surgical specimens were retrieved. DNA
was extracted and subjected to bisulfite treatment. A methylation specific PCR
(MSP) was conducted to assess the methylation status of the MGMT gene promoter.
Laboratory data was correlated with clinical response. Statistical analysis was
performed using Fisher’s test for categorical data and Kaplan-Meier’s curves and logrank
statistics for failure times. Results: From the initial 199 DNA extracts, 173
(87%) were successfully modified with bisulfite. Out of these, 71 (41%)
demonstrated hypermethylation of MGMT. For MGMT methylated cases and nonmethylated
cases, patients characteristics were not significantly different. Response
rates were 71 and 73% (p=NS), respectively. Local control rate (LCR) was
respectively 87 and 77% (p=0.26), Disease-free survival (DFS) was 80 and 60%
(p=0.38), distant metastasis free survival (DMFS) was 92 and 78% (p=0.08) and
overall survival (OS) was 64 and 62% (p=0.99) at 3 years respectively. Conclusions:
MGMT methylation status is highly prevalent (41%) and seems to have a possible
beneficial impact on survival when chemoradiation therapy is given to patients with
advanced stage HNSCC.
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Μελέτη των Τ-ρυθμιστικών λεμφοκυττάρων στο in situ και διηθητικό καρκίνωμα εκ πλακώδους επιθηλίου του δέρματος και στην ακτινική υπερκεράτωσηΣτραβοδήμου, Αριστέα 13 May 2015 (has links)
Το καρκίνωμα εκ πλακώδους επιθηλίου ή πλακώδες καρκίνωμα (ΠΚ) του δέρματος είναι ο δεύτερος πιο συχνός καρκίνος του δέρματος και εμφανίζεται συνήθως σε έδαφος ακτινικής υπερκεράτωσης (ΑΚ). Τα νεοπλασματικά κύτταρα εκφράζουν μια ποικιλία αντιγόνων προσελκύοντας με αυτό τον τρόπο λεμφοκύτταρα, τα διηθούντα τον όγκο λεμφοκύτταρα (Tumor Ιnfiltrating Lymphocytes-TILs) στο μικροπεριβάλλον του όγκου. Με βάση το ανοσοφαινοτυπικό τους προφίλ η πλειοψηφία των TILs εκφράζει το μόριο CD3 και αφορά σε Τ-λεμφοκύτταρα. Αυτά με την σειρά τους διαχωρίζονται σε CD8+ Τ-κυτταροτοξικά λεμφοκύτταρα και CD4+ Τ-λεμφοκύτταρα. Η έκφραση του δείκτη CD25+ επιτρέπει τον διαχωρισμό των CD4+ λεμφοκυττάρων σε δύο επιπλέον υποομάδες, τα T-επικουρικά (CD4+/CD25-) και τα Τ-ρυθμιστικά (CD4+/CD25+) κύτταρα. Ο πιο αξιόπιστος δείκτης για την ανίχνευση των Τ-ρυθμιστικών κυττάρων (Tregs) θεωρείται ο Forkhead box P3 (Foxp3).
Ο αυξημένος αριθμός των TILs έχει συσχετισθεί με την πρόγνωση και τη θεραπευτική αντιμετώπιση σε μια ποικιλία νεοπλασμάτων, περιλαμβανομένων και καρκίνων του δέρματος όπως το μελάνωμα. Η μεθοδολογία αξιολόγησης της λεμφοκυτταρικής διήθησης, ωστόσο, δεν έχει ακόμα αποσαφηνισθεί και ποικίλλει στα διάφορα είδη νεοπλασμάτων.
Στα πλαίσια της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας η ανίχνευση των Τ-λεμφοκυττάρων έγινε με ανοσοϊστοχημική μέθοδο με τη χρήση των κατάλληλων αντισωμάτων (CD3, CD4, CD8, Foxp3). Η παρουσία των κυττάρων αξιολογήθηκε με τη χρήση φωτονικού μικροσκοπίου με δυο διαφορετικά ημιποσοτικά συστήματα βαθμολόγησης για όλους τους μελετηθέντες Τ-κυτταρικούς υποπληθυσμούς καθώς και με ένα τρίτο σύστημα ποσοτικής καταμέτρησης για τα Τregs. Σκοπός ήταν να γίνει σύγκριση των μεθόδων ώστε να βρεθεί η καταλληλότερη μεθοδολογία αξιολόγησης της λεμφοκυτταρικής διήθησης στο πλακώδες καρκίνωμα του δέρματος, να υπολογιστεί ο αριθμός των Tregs στις μελετούμενες οντότητες χρησιμοποιώντας το βέλτιστο σύστημα βαθμολόγησης και να αναζητηθούν διαφορές στην πυκνότητα των λεμφοκυτταρικών υποπληθυσμών μεταξύ των οντοτήτων, οι οποίες μπορεί να έχουν παθογενετική ή θεραπευτική κλινική σημασία. / Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin is the second most common skin cancer. It usually develops in a background of actinic keratosis (AK). Neoplastic cells express a variety of antigens, attracting lymphocytes in the tumor microenvironment (Tumor Ιnfiltrating Lymphocytes-TILs). Based on the immunophenotypic profile, the majority of TILs expresses the CD3 molecule, so they are T-lymphocytes. These in turn are divided into CD8+ cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and CD4+ T-lymphocytes. The expression of CD25 enables the separation of CD4+ lymphocytes in two further subgroups, the T-helper (CD4+/CD25-) and T-regulatory (CD4+/CD25+) cells. The most reliable marker for the detection of T-regulatory cells (Tregs) is considered to be the Forkhead box P3 (Foxp3).
The increased number of TILs is associated with prognosis and treatment in a variety of tumors, including skin cancers, such as melanoma. The evaluation methology of lymphocytic infiltration, however, is not yet clarified and varies in different types of tumors.
In the context of this thesis, the detection of T-lymphocytes was performed by immunohistochemistry using the appropriate antibodies (CD3, CD4, CD8, Foxp3). The presence of the cells was evaluated using light microscopy with two different semiquantitative scoring systems, for all the T-lymphocyte subpopulations, as well as with a third system of quantification of Tregs. The purpose was to compare the methods in order to find the most suitable methodology for the evaluation of the lymphocytic infiltration in squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, to evaluate the number of Tregs in the studied entities using the best method and examine for differences in the density of lymphocyte subpopulations.
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