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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Functional analysis of nucleolin-chromatin interaction in vivo / L'analyse fonctionnelle de l'interaction nucléoline-chromatine in vivo

Cong, Rong 25 July 2011 (has links)
La nucléoline, une des protéines non-ribosomique les plus abondantes du nucléole, semble être impliquée dans de nombreux aspects du métabolisme de l'ADN en plus de son rôle dans la régulation de la transcription par l'ARN polymérase I, la maturation du pré-ARNr et l’assemblage des ribosomes. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier l'interaction de la nucléoline avec la chromatine, et de déchiffrer la fonction de la nucléoline dans la régulation de l’expression génique. Il a été rapporté que la nucléoline est nécessaire pour la transcription des gènes codant pour l'ADN ribosomal in vivo, mais le mécanisme par lequel la nucléoline module la transcription d’ARN polymérase I (Pol I) est inconnue. Dans cette thèse, je montre que l’inhibition de l’expression de la nucléoline par siRNAconduit dans les gènes de l’ADNr à une augmentation de la marque hétérochromatine et une diminution des marques caractéristiques de l’euchromatine. La nucléoline est associée à des gènes ADNr non méthylés et ChIP-seq montrent un fort enrichissement de la nucléoline dans le promoteur et la région codante de l'ADNr. La nucléoline est capable d'interférer avec la liaison de TTF-1 sur le terminateur T0 proches du promoteur inhibant ainsi le recrutement du sous-unité NoRC TIP5 et HDAC1 et la création d'un état répressif hétérochromatine. Cette invasion de macroH2A1 dans le nucléole joue un rôle majeur dans l'inhibition de la transcription par la RNA Polymérase I en l'absence de la nucléoline. Ces résultats révèlent l'importance de la nucléoline pour le maintien de l'état euchromatien de l'ADNr et le rôle de macroH2A1 dans la régulation de la transcription de l'ADNr. / Besides the well-known role of the nucleolus in ribosome biogenesis, nucleoli play important roles in the regulation of many fundamental cellular processes, including cell cycle regulation, apoptosis, telomerase production, RNA processing and therefore it is not surprising that many nucleolar proteins appear to be multifunctional proteins. Nucleolin, one of the most abundant non-ribosomal proteins of the nucleolus, has been the focus of many studies since it was first described 35 years ago. It seems to be involved in many aspects of DNA metabolism, chromatin regulation and appeared to be a good pharmacological target for drug development in addition to its role in RNA polymerase I transcription and pre-ribosomal processing and assembly in pre-ribosomes. In eukaryotic cells, DNA is packed into nucleosomes to form chromatin in the nucleus. The cells develop a variety of strategies to overcome the nucleosomal barriers. These strategies include DNA methylation, histone post-translational modifications, incorporation of histone variants and ATP dependent chromatin remodeling. The aim of this thesis is to study the interaction of nucleolin with chromatin, and to decipher the mechanism of nucleolin in gene regulation. It was reported that nucleolin possesses a histone chaperone activity, helps the transcription through nucleosomes, and it is required for ribosomal DNA gene (rDNA) transcription in vivo, but the mechanism by which nucleolin modulates RNA polymerase I (Pol I) transcription is unknown. In the thesis it is shown that nucleolin knockdown results in an increase of the heterochromatin mark H3K9me2 and a decrease of H4K12Ac and H3K4me3 euchromatin histone marks in rDNA genes. Nucleolin is associated with unmethylated rDNA genes and ChIP-seq experiments identified a strong enrichment of nucleolin in the promoter and coding regions of rDNA. Nucleolin is able to interfere with the binding of TTF-1 on the promoter-proximal terminator T0 thus inhibiting the recruitment of the nucleolar remodeling complex (NoRC) subunit TIP5 and HDAC1 and the establishment of a repressive heterochromatin state. In addition, in absence of nucleolin or after inhibition of Pol I by actinomycin D, a strong relocalization of the histone variant macroH2A1 to the nucleolus and on the rDNA genes was observed. This invasion of macroH2A1 in the nucleolus plays a major role in the inhibition of Pol I transcription in absence of nucleolin, as knockdown of macroH2A1 eliminates the repressive effect of nucleolin depletion. These results reveal the importance of nucleolin for the maintenance of the euchromatin state of rDNA required for an efficient production of ribosomal RNAs and the role of macroH2A1 in rDNA transcription.

Studium mechanizmu regulace genové exprese na úrovni funkční organizace chromatinových domén. / Study of the mechanism of gene expression regulation at the level of functional organization of chromatin domains.

Hornáček, Matúš January 2018 (has links)
- 1 - ABSTRACT Nucleoli are formed on the basis of genes of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) clusters called Nucleolus Organizer Regions (NORs). The essential structural components of the nucleoli, Fibrillar Centers (FC) and Dense Fibrillar Components (DFC), together compose FC/DFC units. These units are centers of rDNA transcription by RNA polymerase I (pol I), as well as the early processing events, in which an essential role belongs to fibrillarin. Each FC/DFC unit probably corresponds to a single transcriptionally active gene. In our work we study changes of FC/DFC units in the course of cell cycle. Correlative light and electron microscopy analysis showed that the pol I and fibrillarin positive nucleolar beads correspond to individual FC/DFC units. In vivo observations showed that at early S phase, when transcriptionally active ribosomal genes were replicated, the number of the units in each cell increased by 60 to 80 %. During that period the units transiently lost pol I, but not fibrillarin. Then, until the end of interphase, number of the units did not change, and their duplication was completed only after the cell division, by mid G1 phase. This peculiar mode of reproduction suggests that a considerable subset of ribosomal genes remain transcriptionally silent from mid S phase to mitosis but become again active...

Nucleotide Excision Repair at the crossroad with transcription / La réparation par excision de nucléotides à la croisée des chemins avec la transcription

Cerutti, Elena 10 May 2019 (has links)
L’intégrité de l’ADN est continuellement remise en question par divers agents endogènes et exogènes (p. ex., la lumière ultraviolette, la fumée de cigarette, la pollution de l’environnement, les dommages oxydatifs, etc.) qui causent des lésions de l’ADN qui interfèrent avec les fonctions cellulaires correctes. Le mécanisme de réparation par excision de nucléotides (NER) supprime les adduits d’ADN déformantes l’hélice tels que les lésions induites par les UV et il existe dans deux sous voies distinctes selon l’endroit où les lésions de l’ADN sont situées dans le génome. L’une de ces sous voies est directement liée à la transcription de l’ADN (TCR) par l’ARN Polymérase 2 (ARNP2). Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous avons démontré qu’un mécanisme NER entièrement compétent est également nécessaire pour la réparation de l’ADN ribosomique (ADNr), transcrite par ARN Polymérase 1 (ARNP1) et représentant 60 % de la transcription cellulaire totale. De plus, nous avons identifié et clarifié le mécanisme de deux protéines responsables du repositionnement nucléolaire dépendant des UV de l’ARNP1 et de l’ADNr observé pendant la réparation. Dans la deuxième partie de ce travail, nous avons étudié la fonctionne moléculaire de la protéine XAB2 lors de la réparation NER et nous avons démontré son implication dans le processus TCR. De plus, nous avons également montré la présence de XAB2 dans un complexe d’épissage du pré-ARNm. Enfin, nous avons décrit l’impact de XAB2 sur la mobilité de l’ARNP2 lors des premières étapes de la réparation TCR, suggérant ainsi un rôle de XAB2 dans le processus de reconnaissance des lésions / The integrity of DNA is continuously challenged by a variety of endogenous and exogenous agents (e.g. ultraviolet light, cigarette smoke, environmental pollution, oxidative damage, etc.) that cause DNA lesions which interfere with proper cellular functions. Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER) mechanism removes helix-distorting DNA adducts such as UV-induced lesions and it exists in two distinct sub-pathways depending where DNA lesions are located within the genome. One of these sub pathways is directly linked to the DNA transcription by RNA Polymerase 2 (TCR). In the first part of this work, we demonstrated that a fully proficient NER mechanism is also necessary for repair of ribosomal DNA, transcribed by RNA polymerase 1 and accounting for the 60 % of the total cellular transcription. Furthermore, we identified and clarified the mechanism of two proteins responsible for the UV-dependent nucleolar repositioning of RNAP1 and rDNA observed during repair. In the second part of this work, we studied the molecular function of the XAB2 protein during NER repair and we demonstrated its involvement in the TCR process. In addition, we also shown the presence of XAB2 in a pre-mRNA splicing complex. Finally, we described the impact of XAB2 on RNAP2 mobility during the first steps of TCR repair, thus suggesting a role of XAB2 in the lesion recognition process

Etude du rôle de Condensine dans le contrôle de l'expression génique chez la levure <i>Schizosaccharomyces pombe</i> / Study of Condensin role in the regulation of gene expression in the fission yeast <i>Schizosaccharomyces pombe</i>

Hocquet, Clémence 28 September 2018 (has links)
Condensine est un complexe protéique organisateur du génome qui conduit l’assemblage des chromosomes et promeut leur transmission fidèle en anaphase. De nombreuses études ont rapporté des changements dans les niveaux des ARNs cellulaires quand Condensine est défaillante, suggérant un rôle pour Condensine dans la régulation de l’expression génique. Cependant, les mécanismes sous-jacents sont demeurés énigmatiques, et l’on ignore dans quelle mesure le rôle joué par Condensine dans l’expression génique est lié ou non à sa fonction dans l’organisation des chromosomes. Lors de ma thèse, j’ai étudié l’activité de Condensine dans la régulation de l’expression génique en utilisant la levure S. pombe comme organisme modèle. Contrairement à l’idée communément admise, mes résultats montrent que Condensine ne joue aucun rôle direct dans le maintien du transcriptome, ni en interphase, ni en mitose chez cette levure. En accord avec les études précédentes, j’observe des changements de niveau et de qualité des ARNs dans les cellules mutantes pour Condensine au sortir de la mitose ; des ARNs non codants et des ARNs aberrants, étendus en 3’, s’accumulent. En revanche, je démontre que ces changements sont la conséquence de défauts de transmission des chromosomes en anaphase. L’inactivation de Condensine cause la non-disjonction de l’ADN ribosomique et du nucléole, entrainant une déplétion de l’ARN-exosome des cellules filles, lesquelles accumulent alors des ARNs normalement dégradés par l’ARN-exosome. De façon cruciale, je montre qu’empêcher les anomalies de migration des chromosomes restaure une expression normale des gènes malgré l’inactivation de Condensine, démontrant que c’est l’instabilité chromosomique qui est source des changements d’expression génique observés quand Condensine est défaillante, et non le complexe Condensine en tant que tel. Ce travail remet en question le concept de régulation de l’expression génique par les complexes Condensine et appelle à la prudence lorsque l’on cherche à étudier les fonctions de ces complexes en dehors de la condensation de la chromatine en mitose. / Condensin is a genome organiser that shape chromosomes and promote their accurate transmission in anaphase. Several studies have related changes in RNA level when Condensin is defective, suggesting that the complex has also a role in gene expression. However, the mechanisms have remained enigmatic and we still don’t know to what extent it is related to its role in chromosome organization. During my thesis, I studied the role played by Condensin in the regulation of gene expression using S. pombe as a model system. In contrast to previous studies, my results provide compelling evidence that Condensin plays no direct role in the maintenance of the transcriptome, neither during interphase nor during mitosis in this yeast. Accordingly to previous studies, I observed changes in RNA level in cells mutated for Condensin; non coding and 3’ extended RNA accumulate. However, I showed that the changes in gene expression in post-mitotic fission yeast cells that result from Condensin inactivation are largely a consequence of chromosome missegregation during anaphase, which notably depletes the RNA-exosome from daughter cells. Crucially, preventing karyotype abnormalities in daughter cells restores a normal transcriptome despite Condensin inactivation. Thus, chromosome instability, rather than a direct role of Condensin in the transcription process, changes gene expression. This work challenges the concept of gene regulation by canonical Condensin complexes and ask for caution when studying Condensin role outside chromosome condensation in mitosis.

Estudo morfológico dos testículos com ênfase na análise da espermatogênese e ultraestrutura de espécies aquáticas de Heteroptera

Pereira, Luis Lênin Vicente [UNESP] 29 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-07-29Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:14:37Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 pereira_llv_me_sjrp.pdf: 1182871 bytes, checksum: 6053df49fe569dc60c6513fafdffaa9d (MD5) / No presente trabalho verificamos que os testículos possuem morfologias diferentes podendo ser arredondados, arredondados/espiralados ou alongados/espiralados. Com relação à morfometria das células em prófase I, B. micantulum e R. zela foram as que apresentaram as menores células, G. f. flavus foi a que apresentou maior tamanho e R. c. crassifemur e M. brasiliensis apresentaram tamanho intermediário. A avaliação da espermatogênese nos permitiu concluir que as características observadas são semelhantes às das outras espécies de Heteroptera, descritas na literatura, diferindo apenas com relação à morfologia dos testículos, o número de cromossomos e o sistema cromossômico do sexo. A análise das ultraestruturas observadas durante a espermatogênese de Gelastocoris flavus flavus e Martarega uruguayensis mostraram a presença de várias mitocôndrias pequenas e uniformemente distribuidas pelo citoplasma em células em profase I, de ambas espécies, que foram se unindo formando o complexo mitocondrial, que possui no seu interior as mitocôndrias enoveladas, posteriormente este complexo mitocondrial se divide em duas estruturas denominadas derivados mitocondriais, que se dispõem bilateralmente ao axonema. O axonema dessas espécies possui o padrão de 9+9+2. A formação do acrossomo inicia-se nos primeiros estágios da espermiogênese sendo composto de muitas vesículas acrossomais que se unem formando uma única estrutura, sendo observada regiões e algumas estruturas mais coradas em seu interior. Basicamente o processo de espermiogênese não diferiu entre as duas espécies analisadas / In this study, we found different morphologies for testes of the Heteroptera species Belostoma anurum, B. micantulum, Gelastocoris angulatus, G. flavus flavus, Rheumatobates crassifemur crassifemur, Buenoa amnigenus, B. unguis, Martarega brasiliensis, M. membranacea, M. uruguayensis, Rhagovelia tenuipes and R. zela. They can by round, round/spiral and elongated/spiral. The size of prophase I cells also varied, being the smallest ones detected in B. micantulum and R. zela, the largest in G. f. flavus, and the intermediate in R. c. crassifemur and M. brasiliensis. The analyses of spermatogenesis allowed us to conclude that, in the studied species, the features are similar to those of other previously described Heteroptera species, differing only as to the testicular morphology, the chromosome number, and the sex chromosome system. Ultrastructural analysis of the spermatogenesis showed several small mitochondrias evenly distributed throughout the cytoplasm, in cells at prophase I of G. f. flavus and M. uruguayensis. The small mitochondrias joined to form the mitochondrial complex. Later, this mitochondrial complex divided into two structures called mitochondrial derivatives, located bilaterally to the axoneme. The axoneme of these species showed the flagellar pattern 9+9+2. The acrosome started to be formed in the early stages of spermiogenesis, being composed of many acrosome vesicles that join to form a single structure. Some regions within this structure were more strongly stained. Basically the process of spermiogenesis did not differ between the species G. f. flavus and M. uruguayensis

Avaliação do potencial citotóxico, genotóxico e mutagênico das águas do Rio Preto na área de influência da região de São José do Rio Preto/SP. -

Maschio, Lucilene Regina. January 2009 (has links)
Resumo: Devido às crescentes expansões demográficas e industriais observadas nas últimas décadas, o meio ambiente tem recebido uma carga significativamente crescente de efluentes domésticos, industriais e agrícolas, causando impactos severos nos ecossistemas e um potencial comprometimento à saúde humana. Dentre os efluentes domésticos, podemos citar uma gama de poluentes, tais como químicos de diversas categorias, além de contaminações por agentes biológicos diversos. Já os efluentes industriais contêm poluentes orgânicos e/ou inorgânicos, dependendo da atividade industrial. Baseando-se nestes dados, este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar, por meio de ensaios biológicos com dois organismos-teste, a possível presença de contaminantes com potencial citotóxico, genotóxico e mutagênico, que são despejados ao longo do rio Preto, inclusive na Represa Municipal de São José do Rio Preto. O material biológico utilizado neste estudo constituiu-se de sementes de Allium cepa (cebola) e peixes da espécie Oreochromis niloticus (Tilápia). Coletas de águas foram realizadas, sazonalmente, nos meses de agosto de 2006 e 2007 (estação seca) e março de 2007 e 2008 (estação chuvosa), em seis pontos distintos: Ponto 1 (P1), 8 km antes do represamento; Ponto 2 (P2), 1 km antes do represamento; Ponto 3 (P3), local de despejo do esgoto; Ponto 4 (P4), margem oposta do despejo do esgoto; Ponto 5 (P5), saída do represamento; Ponto 6 (P6), 1 km após o represamento. Análises químicas foram realizadas para todas as coletas realizadas. Para a realização do estudo, 100 sementes de Allium cepa foram submetidas à germinação, em placa de Petri, em amostras de águas coletadas nos seis diferentes pontos do rio Preto, em água ultra pura (controle negativo) e em uma substância reconhecidamente aneugênica (Trifluralina - controle positivo), sempre à temperatura ambiente... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Due to increasing population and industrial expansion observed in recent decades, the environment has received a significant increased burden of domestic industrial and agricultural sewerage, which can cause severe impacts on ecosystems, and a potential damage to human health as well. A wide range of harmful pollutants can be found in domestic effluent, such as chemicals from various categories, in addition to contamination by various biological agents. On the other hand, industrial effluents contain organic and / or inorganic pollutants, depending on industrial activity. Based on these data, this study aimed to investigate, by means of biological tests with two test-organism, the possible presence of contaminants with cytotoxic, genotoxic and mutagenic potential, which are dumped along the Preto river, an important river that flows in the region of Sao Jose do Rio Preto/SP. The biological material used in this study consisted of seeds of Allium cepa (onion) and one specie of fish (Tilapia: Oreochromis niloticus). Water samples were taken seasonally in August 2006 and 2007 (dry season) and March 2007, and 2008 (rainy season), in six distinct sites: Site 1 (S1), 8 km before the damming, Site 2 (S2), 1 km before the damming, Site 3 (S3), place of sewerage discharge; Site 4 (S4), opposite margin of sewage discharge, Site 5 (S5), end of the damming; Site 6 (S6) 1 km after damming. Chemical analyses were performed for all collected samples. For the study, 100 seeds of A. cepa were submitted to germination in Petri dishes with samples water from six different sites of the Preto river, Ultra pure water (negative control), and with an aneugenic substance (Trifluralin - positive control). For most of collection points and periods studied, root meristems cells of A. cepa, exposed to water samples collected along the Preto river, showed no significant differences... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Orientador: Maria Aparecida Marin-Morales / Coorientador: Maria Tecília Vilela de Azeredo-Oliveira / Banca: Regina Teresa Rosim Monteiro / Banca: Carmem Silvia Fontanetti Christofoletti / Banca: Eduardo Alves de Almeida / Banca: Mary Massumi Itoyama / Doutor

Expressão imunoistoquímica da cicloxigenase-2 (Cox2) e quantificação das regiões organizadoras de nucléolos (NORs) nos diferentes padrões histológicos do osteossarcoma canino / Expression immunohistochemistry of the cyclo-oxygenase 2 (Cox2) and quantification of the nucleolus organizing region (NOR) in different histological patterns of a canine osteosarcoma

Bersano, Paulo Ricardo de Oliveira 13 December 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:47:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 2978289 bytes, checksum: f112ecf9ec496a2b307f3b0315fd882e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-12-13 / The purpose of this study was to assess the intensity of the cyclo-oxygenase 2 (Cox2), as well as the nucleolus organizing regions impregnated with silver (AgNORs) and mitosis figures in different canine oteosarcomas. The material used for the analysis was obtained from a retrospective study of approximately 10 years, of canine oteosarcomas recorded in the clinics routine at Federal University of Viçosa and at Federal University of Minas Gerais. The 78 cases of osteosarcomas recorded were histologically analysed and 6 cases of each group were classified as being osteoblastics, condroblastics, fibroblastics and combined cases. This material was submitted to both histochemistry and immunohistochemistry evaluation. Telangiectatic giant cell type and poorly differentiated osteosarcomas were not evaluated due to the small number of observed cases. The results presented statistical differences (p<0,05) for the Cox2 expressions and for the AgNORs proteins among the different osteosarcomas, however no difference was found for the mitosis figures counting. Considering all the evaluations, the osteoblastic osteosarcoma recorded in 53 % of the cases, presented the highest number of NORs and mitosis figures by field, and also it showed the highest number of positive cases with the higher immunomarked cells counting. The results suggest that the osteoblastic osteosarcoma is more aggressive than the other kinds of osteosarcoma evaluated in this study, but because of the lack of both information and standardized clinics data, it is not possible at this point, to connect these findings with the over life and tumor development, and not even to correlate the agressivity of the different kinds of canine osteosarcomas. / O propósito deste trabalho foi avaliar a intensidade da cicloxigenase 2 (Cox2), as Regiões Organizadoras de Nucléolos Impregnadas pela Prata (AgNORs) e as figuras de mitose por campo nos diferentes tipos de osteossarcomas canino, a partir de um estudo retrospectivo de pouco mais de 10 anos dos casos de osteossarcoma canino que surgiram na rotina da clínica de pequenos animais da Universidade Federal de Viçosa e da Escola de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. As 78 ocorrências encontradas foram classificadas histologicamente e 6 casos de cada grupo classificados como osteossarcomas osteoblásticos, condroblásticos, fibroblásticos e combinados (mistos) foram submetidos às avaliações histoquímicas e imunoistoquímicas do estudo. Os osteossarcomas teleangectásico, de células gigantes e pobremente diferenciados não foram avaliados em decorrência do pequeno número de casos encontrados. Os resultados mostraram diferenças estatística (p<0,05) nas expressões da Cox2 e nas proteínas AgNORs entre os diferentes osteossarcomas, no entanto, esta diferença não acorreu na contagem das figuras de mitoses. Em todas as avaliações, o osteossarcoma osteoblástico que surgiu com 53% dos casos, foi o que apresentou maior número de NORs, de figuras de mitoses por campo e de casos positivos com maior contagem de células imunomarcadas. Desta forma, pode-se sugerir que o osteossarcoma osteoblástico apresenta maior agressividade em relação aos demais tipos de osteossarcomas avaliados neste trabalho, porém, por falta de informações e padronização nos dados clínicos, não foi possível associar estes achados com a sobrevida e desenvolvimento tumoral, correlacionando-os com a agressividade dos diferentes tipos de osteossarcomas canino.

Visualisation des Arbres de Noël de Miller par immunoprécipitation de chromatine (ChIP) et mise en évidence d'un mécanisme de surveillance nucléolaire des ARN ribosomiques

Ruidant, Sabine 08 May 2008 (has links)
Les terminal balls qui constituent des complexes de maturation sont détectées<p>à l’extrémité 5’-terminale des transcrits ribosomiques naissants dans tous les organismes<p>eucaryotes inspectés à ce jour ;générant les images de référence en « arbres de Noël ».<p>La compaction séquentielle des « terminal balls », à présent également dénommées<p>« SSU-processome », reflète les étapes d’assemblage co-transcriptionnel des ribosomes.<p>Au cours de ma thèse, j’ai développé une stratégie expérimentale basée sur<p>l’immunoprécipitation de chromatine (ChIP) qui m’a permis de valider, et ce pour la<p>première fois, in vivo la structure des branches des arbres de Noël (en particulier un<p>rapprochement du « SSU-processome » à l’extrémité 5’- du gène encodant l’ARNr 25S).<p>Notre stratégie nous permet également d’aborder la composition moléculaire des « arbres<p>de Noël ».<p>La biogenèse du ribosome est un processus complexe et dynamique dont la<p>finalité est la synthèse et l’assemblage de 4 molécules d’ARN et de ~80 protéines<p>ribosomiques dans un processus qui requiert l’intervention transitoire et concertée de non<p>moins de 400 facteurs de maturation. D’une telle complexité a récemment émergé le<p>concept de l’existence de modules pré-assemblés autonomes de facteurs de maturation.<p>Dans le cas du « SSU-processome », les trois sous-complexes UTP-A, UTP-B, UTP-C<p>ont d’ores et déjà été décrits. L’existence de tels sous-complexes renforce la notion d’un<p>mécanisme d’assemblage hautement hiérarchisé. En effet, il s’est avéré que l’extrémité<p>5’- du transcrit naissant est initialement liée par le sous-complexe UTP-A dans une étape<p>qui est un pré-requis indispensable au recrutement et à l’assemblage des autres<p>composants du « SSU-processome ». Avec autant d’étapes distinctes dans le processus<p>d’assemblage, la possibilité d’erreur est conséquente, d’où l’importance de l’existence de<p>mécanismes de contrôles de qualité.<p>Toutes les protéines constituant le « SSU-processome » sont requises au clivage<p>des précurseurs d’ARN ribosomique. Préalablement à mon travail, les 7 sous-unités<p>protéiques du complexe UTP-A avaient, en outre, spécifiquement été impliquées dans la<p>synthèse de l’ARN, c’est-à-dire dans la fonction de l’ARN polymérase I. Ceci leur a<p>conféré leur seconde appellation de tUTP, pour transcription UTP, et offert les prémices<p>de l’existence d’une interface physique et fonctionnelle entre les machineries de synthèse<p>et de maturation des ARNr. Au cours de ma thèse, j’ai démontré qu’il n’en est rien. Une<p>inspection minutieuse m’a en effet révélé que les tUTP/UTP-A ne sont nullement<p>requises à la synthèse des ARN ribosomiques mais bien à leur stabilité. Cette observation<p>m’a mené à proposer que la cellule a développé au cours de l’évolution un mécanisme de<p>contrôle de qualité par lequel elle s’assure de l’intégrité des étapes initiales d’assemblage<p>(liaison du complexe UTP-A ). Mon postulat est qu’en l’absence de la liaison de ces<p>facteurs de maturation précoces, les ARN sont rapidement dégradés par un mécanisme<p>que nous avons dénommé « Death by Default (DBD) » par l’activité de surveillance<p>nucléolaire exercée par le complexe de polyadényaltion TRAMP et d’exoribonucléases<p>3’-5’ l’ Exosome. / Doctorat en sciences, Spécialisation biologie moléculaire / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Caracterização do ciclo nucleolar e da formação do corpo cromatóide na espermatogênese de alguns vertebrados /

Peruquetti, Rita Luiza. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Tercília Vilela de Azeredo Oliveira / Banca: Maria Luiza Silveira Mello / Banca: Reinaldo Azoubel / Banca: Carlos Alberto Vicentini / Banca: Eliana Morielle Versute / Resumo: O corpo cromatóide (CB) é uma organela citoplasmática que, aparentemente, possui um papel no estoque de RNA e proteínas para a diferenciação final dos espermatozóides. Existem algumas teorias que tentam explicar a origem do material que compõe essa organela. Uma dessas teorias, proposta por alguns autores, sugere que o CB se origine a partir de material nucleolar, que se fragmenta nas etapas iniciais da espermatogênese e, em seguida, migra para o citoplasma. O objetivo do presente estudo foi acompanhar o ciclo nucleolar por meio de análises citoquímicas - hematoxilina-eosina (HE); azul de toluidina (AT); variante da concentração crítica de eletrólitos (CEC); reação de Feulgen; impregnação por íons prata (AgNOR); citogenéticas - impregnação por íons prata (AgNOR), e análises ultra-estruturais - microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (MET), para verificar a relação da fragmentação do material nucleolar com a formação do corpo cromatóide (CB), em algumas espécies de vertebrados: Tilapia rendalli (Teleostei, Cichlidae); Dendropsophus minutus (Amphibia, Anura); Phrynops geoffroanus (Reptilia, Testudines) e coelho albino da raça Nova Zelândia - Oryctolagus cuniculus (Mammalia, Lagomorpha). Por meio das análises citoquímicas foi possível observar que ocorre uma fragmentação do material nucleolar no início da prófase I, em todas as espécies analisadas, e uma posterior reorganização do nucléolo no núcleo de espermátides iniciais, com uma área significantemente menor do que a área do nucléolo das espermatogônias. Três fenômenos podem contribuir para essa diferença significante entre as áreas nucleolar de espermatogônias e espermátides: a) Modificação no estado funcional da célula; b) Diminuição no número de RONs nas espermátides; c) Migração de material nucleolar fragmentado ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The chromatoid body (CB) is a cytoplasmic organelle that has a function related to RNA and protein accumulation and ⁄ or storage for later germ-cell differentiation. Many theories have been postulated in order to explain the origins of the CB material. One of the most accepted theory describes that it originates from a nucleolar material, where it was fragmented in the early spermatogenesis, and finally, this fragmented nucleolar material migrates to cytoplasm. The aims of the present study were: 1) monitoring the nucleolar material distribution by means of cytochemical techniques (hematoxylin-eosin (HE), toluidine blue (TB), modified Critical Electrolyte Concentration for detecting RNA (CEC), silver-ion impregnation (AgNOR) and Feulgen reaction), and by ultrastructural analysis (Transmission Electron Microscopy - TEM); and 2) comparing the nucleolar material distribution with the formation of CB in some vertebrate species: Tilapia rendalli (Teleostei, Cichlidae); Dendropsophus minutus (Amphibia, Anura); Phrynops geoffroanus (Reptilia, Testudines); and Oryctolagus cuniculus (Mammalia, Lagomorpha). For all analyzed species, the cytochemical techniques showed that the nucleolar fragmentation occurred during the beginning of prophase I, and the nucleolus reorganization occurred in the early spermatids nucleus. Statistical tests evidenced that area of the early spermatids nucleolus were smaller than the spermatogonia nucleolus area. Three phenomena can contribute for the statistical difference between the spermatogonia nucleolar area and the early spermatids nucleolar area: a) Modification of cell activity; b) Decrease of the number of NORs in the spermatids; c) Migration of the fragmented nucleolar material from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. This nucleolar material will participate in the CB formation process. The ultrastructural analysis showed an ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

CAF-1 p150 and Ki-67 Regulate Nuclear Structure Throughout the Human Cell Cycle

Matheson, Timothy D. 09 January 2017 (has links)
The three-dimensional organization of the human genome is non-random in interphase cells. Heterochromatin is highly clustered at the nuclear periphery, adjacent to nucleoli, and near centromeres. These localizations are reshuffled during mitosis when the chromosomes are condensed, nucleoli disassembled, and the nuclear envelope broken down. After cytokinesis, heterochromatin is re-localized to the domains described above. However, the mechanisms by which this localization is coordinated are not well understood. This dissertation will present evidence showing that both CAF-1 p150 and Ki-67 regulate nuclear structure throughout the human cell cycle. Chromatin Assembly Factor 1 (CAF-1) is a highly conserved three-subunit protein complex which deposits histones (H3/H4)2 heterotetramers onto replicating DNA during S-phase of the cell cycle. The N-terminal domain of the largest subunit of CAF-1 (p150N) is dispensable for histone deposition, and instead regulates the localization of specific loci (Nucleolar-Associated Domains, or “NADs”) and several proteins to the nucleolus during interphase. One of the proteins regulated by p150N is Ki-67, a protein widely used as a clinical marker of cellular proliferation. Depletion of Ki-67 decreases the association of NADs to the nucleolus in a manner similar to that of p150. Ki-67 is also a fundamental component of the perichromosomal layer (PCL), a sheath of proteins that surrounds all condensed chromosomes during mitosis. A subset of p150 localizes to the PCL during mitosis, and depletion of p150 disrupts Ki-67 localization to the PCL. This activity was mapped to the Sumoylation Interacting Motif (SIM) within p150N, which is also required for the localization of NADs and Ki-67 to the nucleolus during interphase. Together, these studies indicate that p150N coordinates the three-dimensional arrangement of both interphase and mitotic chromosomes via Ki-67.

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