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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cétacés et changements environnementaux : Développement et tests d'indicateurs d'état de conservation en vue d'établissement de stratégies de surveillance / Cetaceans and environmental changes : Development and test of conservation status indicators to establish monitoring strategies

Peltier, Hélène 20 December 2011 (has links)
Dans le cadre de nombreuses règlementations, l’établissement de stratégies de suivi des populations de cétacés est devenu un besoin prioritaire. Les principales caractéristiques d’une stratégie de suivi sont la signification écologique, la crédibilité statistique et le rapport qualité/coût élevé. La mise en place d’indicateurs permet de réduire les coûts de suivi, et propose un outil de communication entre scientifiques et gestionnaires. Un indicateur est une donnée vérifiable et mesurable qui renseigne sur plus qu’elle-même. La collecte des données d’échouages est peu coûteuse, mais l’absence de stratégie d’échantillonnage des populations en mer est une entrave à leur utilisation dans le cadre de stratégies de suivi. L’objectif de cette thèse est de développer des indicateurs des populations de cétacés à partir des données d’échouages. Quatre indicateurs ont été développés au cours de cette thèse. La part des cétacés échoués par rapport aux cétacés morts en mer a été estimée. Les séries temporelles d’échouages ont été affranchies des conditions de dérive, par l’établissement de l’hypothèse nulle (hypothèse d’uniformité spatiale et temporelle des cétacés morts en mer) et constitue l’anomalie d’échouage. La cartographie de la mortalité de cétacés a été réalisée, et détermine le nombre de dauphins morts en mer, indépendamment de leur probabilité de s’échouer. Enfin la distribution de mortalité observée par rapport à la distribution attendue des cétacés morts sous l’hypothèse nulle a été calculée. Elle permet d’identifier des zones de fortes mortalité ou abondance relative. Ces quatre indicateurs pourront être intégrés à différents plans de gestion, nationaux ou internationaux. / Under national and international regulations, the establishment of cetacean population monitoring strategies became a priority. Monitoring main expected characteristics are the ecological significance, the statistical credibility and the cost-effectiveness. The use of indicators reduces monitoring cost, and constitutes communication tool between scientists and policy-makers. Indicators are measurable and verifiable data, which inform on more than themselves. The collect of stranding data is cost-efficient, but the lack of sampling strategy remains a hindrance to their use in context of monitoring strategy. The aim of this study is to develop cetacean population indicators based on stranding data.Four indicators were developed during this work. The proportion of stranded cetaceans compared to dead cetaceans at sea was estimated. Stranding long term time series were freed from drift conditions by the construction of the null hypothesis (that is a hypothesis of spatial and temporal uniformity of dead cetaceans). It constituted the stranding anomaly. The cetacean mortality cartography estimated the number of dead cetaceans at sea, independently of the stranding probability. Finally, cetacean mortality anomaly was calculated as the difference between mortality areas of stranded cetaceans and theoretical distribution of dead cetaceans predicted to strand under the null hypothesis. This anomaly identified high mortality or high relative abundance areas. These indicators could be integrated to many national and international management strategies.

Organização acústica e microespacial de agregações reprodutivas de anfíbios anuros da Mata Atlântica: competição ou confusão? / Acoustic and micro-spatial organization of reproductive anurans aggregations from Atlantic forest: competition or confusion?

Forti, Lucas Rodriguez 21 June 2013 (has links)
A competição interespecífica pode representar uma força importante na determinação da distribuição e da abundância de organismos na natureza. Comunidades naturais compostas por espécies que utilizam o mesmo recurso de forma semelhante supostamente são estruturadas pela competição interespecífica. Tal força interativa no decorrer da evolução pode ter levado à diferenciação de nicho entre os competidores no passado, sendo esse fator relevante para explicar a coexistência de espécies ecologicamente similares. As comunidades reprodutivas de anuros tropicais são caracterizadas por alta diversidade e grande sobreposição espacial de espécies, por isso representam um ótimo modelo de estudo para avaliar o papel da competição em escala local. Nessas comunidades reprodutivas a alta densidade de machos de diferentes espécies em atividade de vocalização poderia causar problemas de comunicação intraespecífica por interferência acústica. Por essa razão, considerando a hipótese de que o ambiente acústico pudesse ser partilhado, os pesquisadores vêm avaliando, na grande maioria das vezes de forma empírica, estratégias que as espécies de anuros podem empregar para reduzir a competição por canais acústicos no interior da comunidade, como a separação espectral (uso de diferentes faixas de frequência) e a diferenciação de uso espacial e/ou temporal. Nesse contexto, no presente trabalho estudei agregações de anuros formadas em 16 ambientes reprodutivos de seis localidades de Mata Atlântica do estado de São Paulo, com o principal objetivo de testar, por meio de modelos nulos, se ocorre partilha de nicho acústico e espacial entre as espécies. Foram gravados os cantos de anúncio dos machos de cada espécie presente nos ambientes reprodutivos, e seus sítios de vocalização foram caracterizados quanto à natureza e altura do substrato. Os testes por modelos nulos não evidenciaram qualquer padrão, tanto na ocupação do ambiente acústico como na distribuição no gradiente vertical. A propriedade acústica temporal \"duração de canto\" não reduziu a sobreposição espectral das espécies no ambiente reprodutivo, e é possível que as fêmeas, da grande maioria das espécies, localizem seus parceiros em agregações heteroespecíficas com base na frequência dominante e não sofram prejuízo com a interferência acústica. Contudo, essa é uma hipótese que ainda deve ser testada dentro das agregações reprodutivas de anuros da Mata Atlântica. Os resultados, de maneira geral, corroboraram a ideia de que fatores abióticos, heterogeneidade ambiental e diversidade filogenética podem ser mais importantes para explicar a ocorrência de espécies nas ricas agregações de anuros na Mata Atlântica. / Interspecific competition may represent a relevant force determining the distribution and abundance of organisms in nature. Natural communities composed by species that use the same resource in a similar fashion are, supposedly, structured by interspecific competition. This interactive force in the course of evolution may have led to niche differentiation among competitors in the past, and this is a relevant factor to explain the coexistence of ecologically similar species in the same habitat. Reproductive aggregations of tropical frogs are characterized by high diversity and large spatial species overlap, therefore they represent an excellent model to evaluate the importance of competition on local scale. In these communities the high density of breeding males of different species in calling activity could cause a masking effect on intraspecific acoustic communication. Therefore, considering the hypothesis that the acoustic environment could be shared, researchers have been evaluating, in most cases empirically, strategies employed by frogs to reduce competition for acoustic channels within the community, as the spectral separation (using different frequency bands) and spatial and/or temporal segregation. In this context, this paper studied the formation of anuran reproductive aggregations in 16 aquatic breeding sites belonging to six localities in the Atlantic Forest in the state of São Paulo, with the main objective of testing, using null models, whether niche partitioning occurs between species, considering spectral and spatial occupancy. It were recorded the advertisement calls of males from each species present in breeding sites, and their calling sites were characterized by their nature and height of the calling substrate. Tests for null models showed absence of significant patterns both on acoustic domain and the distribution on vertical gradient. Call duration did not reduce the species spectral overlap in the breeding sites and it is possible that reproductive females locate their specific males in heterospecific aggregations based on dominant frequency and not suffer with masking effect on acoustic communication. However, this is a hypothesis that should be tested within the anuran breeding aggregations in the Atlantic forest. All results support the idea that other factors, such as abiotic conditions, environmental heterogeneity and phylogenetic diversity, may be more decisive to explain the occurrence of species in the rich aggregations of breeding frogs in the Atlantic forest.

On the multivariate analysis of animal networks

Mlynski, David January 2016 (has links)
From the individual to species level, it is common for animals to have connections with one another. These connections can exist in a variety of forms; from the social relationships within an animal society, to hybridisation between species. The structure of these connections in animal systems can be depicted using networks, often revealing non-trivial structure which can be biologically informative. Understanding the factors which drive the structure of animal networks can help us understand the costs and benefits of forming and maintaining relationships. Multivariate modelling provides a means to evaluate the relative contributions of a set of explanatory factors to a response variable. However, conventional modelling approaches use statistical tests which are unsuitable for the dependencies inherent in network and relational data. A solution to this problem is to use specialised models developed in the social sciences, which have a long history in modelling human social networks. Taking predictive multivariate models from the social sciences and applying them to animal networks is attractive given that current analytical approaches are predominantly descriptive. However, these models were developed for human social networks, where participants can self-identify relationships. In contrast, relationships between animals have to be inferred through observations of associations or interactions, which can introduce sampling bias and uncertainty to the data. Without appropriate care, these issues could lead us to make incorrect or overconfident conclusions about our data. In this thesis, we use an established network model, the multiple regression quadratic assignment procedure (MRQAP), and propose approaches to facilitate the application of this model in animal network studies. Through demonstrating these approaches on three animal systems, we make new biological findings and highlight the importance of considering data-sampling issues when analysing networks. Additionally, our approaches have wider applications to animal network studies where relationships are inferred through observing dyadic interactions.

Invalidation du gène codant pour la Heat shock protein 27 chez la souris : un modèle pour comprendre le rôle de ce bio-marqueur de la tendreté de la viande bovine / Invalidation of the HSPB1 in mice : a model to understand the role of this biomarker of meat tenderness

Kammoun, Malek 09 October 2013 (has links)
La recherche des marqueurs biologiques de la tendreté a fait l’objet de nombreux travaux chez les animaux producteurs de viande et en particulier les bovins. A l’issue de ces études, une expression différentielle de la protéine Hsp27 entre des groupes de tendreté extrême a été mise en évidence. Cette protéine est présente à un « carrefour » biologique de l’interactome lié à la tendreté. Comprendre les mécanismes d’action de la protéine Hsp27 dans la tendreté de la viande bovine est l'un des défis de recherche dans le domaine de la production de viande. Dans cette optique, mon travail de thèse (2010-2013) avait pour objectif d’analyser le rôle de Hsp27 dans le développement du muscle et son implication dans le déterminisme des caractéristiques des tissus liés à la qualité de la viande. La première étape de ce travail a consisté à produire un modèle de souris présentant une inactivation du gène de la protéine Hsp27 (KO HspB1) et d’analyser leur phénotype comparativement à des témoins. Les souris KO HspB1 sont viables, fertiles et ne présentent aucune anomalie majeure, mais ont un format plus petit que celui de leurs témoins. L’analyse de leurs caractéristiques musculaires par une technique immunohistoligique mise au point spécifiquement (Publication 1) n’a pas révélé de différences. Au niveau ultrastructural, l'observation du muscle des souris par microscopie électronique à transmission a révélé des différences ultrastructurales entre les deux génotypes à T0 post-mortem avec des écarts entre les myofibrilles très espacées chez les souris KO HspB1 et un appareil contractile musculaire moins organisé. Ces différences sont encore plus marquées à T72 heures post-mortem. Ainsi le phénotype musculaire fin des souris KO HspB1 est plus altéré (Publication 2). Une analyse bio-informatique a été réalisée dans l'objectif de compléter la liste des interacteurs de la protéine Hsp27 et des gènes cibles de l’invalidation d’HspB1 susceptibles de participer à des différences de structure du muscle et de la tendreté. Les partenaires ou cibles prédits de Hsp27 sont des protéines impliquées dans différentes fonctions, comme des Heat shock proteines, des régulateurs de l'apoptose, des facteurs de traduction, des protéines du cytosquelette et des antioxydants. Les abondances de 15 protéines ont été quantifiées par Western-bloting dans deux muscles (m. Soleus, m. Tibialis). Elles sont modifiées chez les souris dépourvues de Hsp27 principalement dans le muscle le plus oxydatif. Cette étude démontre l'existence de liens fonctionnels entre Hsp27 et ses cibles prédites qui pourraient participer au phénotype fin des souris (Publication 3). Pour compléter cette étude, une analyse protéomique du muscle Tibialis anterior a été menée en utilisant la technique d’électrophorèse bidimensionnelle couplée à la spectrométrie de masse. La comparaison des protéomes spécifiques de ces deux génotypes a permis de mettre en évidence des profils d’expression différents pour plusieurs protéines. Elle confirme l’effet muscle spécifique du KO et révèle un lien avec le métabolisme du calcium et des Hsps différentes de celles mises en évidence dans le muscle oxydatif (Publication 4). L'ensemble des données issues de cette étude réalisée dans une espèce modèle apporte des connaissances nouvelles susceptibles d’éclairer sur les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans l’établissement de la tendreté de la viande bovine. Elle suggère que le statut en Hsp, les processus apoptotiques et la protection contre le stress oxydatif contribuent à l'évolution de l'ultrastructure post-mortem des muscles et à la tendreté de la viande. Ces nouvelles connaissances seront validées ultérieurement sur muscle bovin. / Thanks to genomics, we have previously identified markers of beef tenderness, and computed a bioinformatic analysis that enabled us to build an interactome in which we found Hsp27 at a crucial node. Understanding the role of Hsp27 in the development of muscle and in the determinism of beef tenderness is one of the research challenges in meat production. In this context, my pHDthesis (2010-2013) aimed to analyze the role of Hsp27 in muscle development and its involvement in the determination of the characteristics related to the quality of the meat tissue. In this study, we generated mice devoid of Hsp27 protein by homologous recombination of the HspB1 gene as an animal model. The HspB1-/ - mice were viable and fertile, showing no apparent abnormality but a smaller than their control format. The muscle structure of animals was examined by optical microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The first approach, made by a developed immunohistochemical classification (Publication 1), did not reveal any differences in the characteristics of muscle fibers (contractile and metabolic type, shape, perimeter, cross-sectional area) but a trend for a higher proportion of small fibers. Different myosin heavy chains electrophoretic profiles were also observed in HspB1-/- mice. At the ultrastructural level, examination of the myofibrillar material showed destructured myofibrils and higher gaps between myofibrils in HspB1-/-, and a greater disintegration of myofibrils at 72h postmortem (Publication 2). We have used a network-based approach for understanding the contribution of Hsp27 to tenderness through the prediction of its interactors related to tenderness. We have revealed the direct interactors of Hsp27. The predicted partners of Hsp27 included proteins involved in different functions e.g. members of Hsp families, regulators of apoptosis, translation factors, cytoskeletal proteins and antioxidants. The abundances of 15 proteins were quantified by Western blotting in two muscles of HspB1-null mice and their controls. We observed changes in the amount of most of the Hsp27 predicted targets in mice devoid of Hsp27 mainly in the most oxidative muscle (Soleus. Our study demonstrates the functional links between Hsp27 and its predicted targets. It suggests that Hsp status, apoptotic processes and protection against oxidative stress are crucial for post-mortem muscle metabolism, subsequent proteolysis, and therefore for beef tenderness (Publication 3). To complete this study, we performed a proteomic analysis of m. Tibialis anterior (glycolytic muscle), using 2D gel electrophoresis, to detect changes in protein abundance subsequent to the invalidation of HspB1 gene. This study confirms the muscle specific effect of HspB1 invalidation and reveals a new list of Heat shock proteins different from those highlighted in oxidative muscle and relationships with calcium (Publication 4). All together, these results provided from a model species showed the very important role of Hsp27 for muscle ultrastructure and revealed its implication in different muscle biological pathways. This provided new elements for understanding the crucial role for Hsp27 in the modulation of the tenderizing process of muscle during meat ageing that will be further examined in beef.

Organização acústica e microespacial de agregações reprodutivas de anfíbios anuros da Mata Atlântica: competição ou confusão? / Acoustic and micro-spatial organization of reproductive anurans aggregations from Atlantic forest: competition or confusion?

Lucas Rodriguez Forti 21 June 2013 (has links)
A competição interespecífica pode representar uma força importante na determinação da distribuição e da abundância de organismos na natureza. Comunidades naturais compostas por espécies que utilizam o mesmo recurso de forma semelhante supostamente são estruturadas pela competição interespecífica. Tal força interativa no decorrer da evolução pode ter levado à diferenciação de nicho entre os competidores no passado, sendo esse fator relevante para explicar a coexistência de espécies ecologicamente similares. As comunidades reprodutivas de anuros tropicais são caracterizadas por alta diversidade e grande sobreposição espacial de espécies, por isso representam um ótimo modelo de estudo para avaliar o papel da competição em escala local. Nessas comunidades reprodutivas a alta densidade de machos de diferentes espécies em atividade de vocalização poderia causar problemas de comunicação intraespecífica por interferência acústica. Por essa razão, considerando a hipótese de que o ambiente acústico pudesse ser partilhado, os pesquisadores vêm avaliando, na grande maioria das vezes de forma empírica, estratégias que as espécies de anuros podem empregar para reduzir a competição por canais acústicos no interior da comunidade, como a separação espectral (uso de diferentes faixas de frequência) e a diferenciação de uso espacial e/ou temporal. Nesse contexto, no presente trabalho estudei agregações de anuros formadas em 16 ambientes reprodutivos de seis localidades de Mata Atlântica do estado de São Paulo, com o principal objetivo de testar, por meio de modelos nulos, se ocorre partilha de nicho acústico e espacial entre as espécies. Foram gravados os cantos de anúncio dos machos de cada espécie presente nos ambientes reprodutivos, e seus sítios de vocalização foram caracterizados quanto à natureza e altura do substrato. Os testes por modelos nulos não evidenciaram qualquer padrão, tanto na ocupação do ambiente acústico como na distribuição no gradiente vertical. A propriedade acústica temporal \"duração de canto\" não reduziu a sobreposição espectral das espécies no ambiente reprodutivo, e é possível que as fêmeas, da grande maioria das espécies, localizem seus parceiros em agregações heteroespecíficas com base na frequência dominante e não sofram prejuízo com a interferência acústica. Contudo, essa é uma hipótese que ainda deve ser testada dentro das agregações reprodutivas de anuros da Mata Atlântica. Os resultados, de maneira geral, corroboraram a ideia de que fatores abióticos, heterogeneidade ambiental e diversidade filogenética podem ser mais importantes para explicar a ocorrência de espécies nas ricas agregações de anuros na Mata Atlântica. / Interspecific competition may represent a relevant force determining the distribution and abundance of organisms in nature. Natural communities composed by species that use the same resource in a similar fashion are, supposedly, structured by interspecific competition. This interactive force in the course of evolution may have led to niche differentiation among competitors in the past, and this is a relevant factor to explain the coexistence of ecologically similar species in the same habitat. Reproductive aggregations of tropical frogs are characterized by high diversity and large spatial species overlap, therefore they represent an excellent model to evaluate the importance of competition on local scale. In these communities the high density of breeding males of different species in calling activity could cause a masking effect on intraspecific acoustic communication. Therefore, considering the hypothesis that the acoustic environment could be shared, researchers have been evaluating, in most cases empirically, strategies employed by frogs to reduce competition for acoustic channels within the community, as the spectral separation (using different frequency bands) and spatial and/or temporal segregation. In this context, this paper studied the formation of anuran reproductive aggregations in 16 aquatic breeding sites belonging to six localities in the Atlantic Forest in the state of São Paulo, with the main objective of testing, using null models, whether niche partitioning occurs between species, considering spectral and spatial occupancy. It were recorded the advertisement calls of males from each species present in breeding sites, and their calling sites were characterized by their nature and height of the calling substrate. Tests for null models showed absence of significant patterns both on acoustic domain and the distribution on vertical gradient. Call duration did not reduce the species spectral overlap in the breeding sites and it is possible that reproductive females locate their specific males in heterospecific aggregations based on dominant frequency and not suffer with masking effect on acoustic communication. However, this is a hypothesis that should be tested within the anuran breeding aggregations in the Atlantic forest. All results support the idea that other factors, such as abiotic conditions, environmental heterogeneity and phylogenetic diversity, may be more decisive to explain the occurrence of species in the rich aggregations of breeding frogs in the Atlantic forest.

Mass-balanced randomization : a significance measure for metabolic networks

Basler, Georg January 2012 (has links)
Complex networks have been successfully employed to represent different levels of biological systems, ranging from gene regulation to protein-protein interactions and metabolism. Network-based research has mainly focused on identifying unifying structural properties, including small average path length, large clustering coefficient, heavy-tail degree distribution, and hierarchical organization, viewed as requirements for efficient and robust system architectures. Existing studies estimate the significance of network properties using a generic randomization scheme - a Markov-chain switching algorithm - which generates unrealistic reactions in metabolic networks, as it does not account for the physical principles underlying metabolism. Therefore, it is unclear whether the properties identified with this generic approach are related to the functions of metabolic networks. Within this doctoral thesis, I have developed an algorithm for mass-balanced randomization of metabolic networks, which runs in polynomial time and samples networks almost uniformly at random. The properties of biological systems result from two fundamental origins: ubiquitous physical principles and a complex history of evolutionary pressure. The latter determines the cellular functions and abilities required for an organism’s survival. Consequently, the functionally important properties of biological systems result from evolutionary pressure. By employing randomization under physical constraints, the salient structural properties, i.e., the smallworld property, degree distributions, and biosynthetic capabilities of six metabolic networks from all kingdoms of life are shown to be independent of physical constraints, and thus likely to be related to evolution and functional organization of metabolism. This stands in stark contrast to the results obtained from the commonly applied switching algorithm. In addition, a novel network property is devised to quantify the importance of reactions by simulating the impact of their knockout. The relevance of the identified reactions is verified by the findings of existing experimental studies demonstrating the severity of the respective knockouts. The results suggest that the novel property may be used to determine the reactions important for viability of organisms. Next, the algorithm is employed to analyze the dependence between mass balance and thermodynamic properties of Escherichia coli metabolism. The thermodynamic landscape in the vicinity of the metabolic network reveals two regimes of randomized networks: those with thermodynamically favorable reactions, similar to the original network, and those with less favorable reactions. The results suggest that there is an intrinsic dependency between thermodynamic favorability and evolutionary optimization. The method is further extended to optimizing metabolic pathways by introducing novel chemically feasibly reactions. The results suggest that, in three organisms of biotechnological importance, introduction of the identified reactions may allow for optimizing their growth. The approach is general and allows identifying chemical reactions which modulate the performance with respect to any given objective function, such as the production of valuable compounds or the targeted suppression of pathway activity. These theoretical developments can find applications in metabolic engineering or disease treatment. The developed randomization method proposes a novel approach to measuring the significance of biological network properties, and establishes a connection between large-scale approaches and biological function. The results may provide important insights into the functional principles of metabolic networks, and open up new possibilities for their engineering. / In der Systembiologie und Bioinformatik wurden in den letzten Jahren immer komplexere Netzwerke zur Beschreibung verschiedener biologischer Prozesse, wie Genregulation, Protein-Interaktionen und Stoffwechsel (Metabolismus) rekonstruiert. Ein Hauptziel der Forschung besteht darin, die strukturellen Eigenschaften von Netzwerken für Vorhersagen über deren Funktion nutzbar zu machen, also eine Verbindung zwischen Netzwerkeigenschaften und Funktion herzustellen. Die netzwerkbasierte Forschung zielte bisher vor allem darauf ab, gemeinsame Eigenschaften von Netzwerken unterschiedlichen Ursprungs zu entdecken. Dazu zählen die durchschnittliche Länge von Verbindungen im Netzwerk, die Häufigkeit redundanter Verbindungen, oder die hierarchische Organisation der Netzwerke, welche als Voraussetzungen für effiziente Kommunikationswege und Robustheit angesehen werden. Dabei muss zunächst bestimmt werden, welche Eigenschaften für die Funktion eines Netzwerks von besonderer Bedeutung (Signifikanz) sind. Die bisherigen Studien verwenden dafür eine Methode zur Erzeugung von Zufallsnetzwerken, welche bei der Anwendung auf Stoffwechselnetzwerke unrealistische chemische Reaktionen erzeugt, da sie physikalische Prinzipien missachtet. Es ist daher fraglich, ob die Eigenschaften von Stoffwechselnetzwerken, welche mit dieser generischen Methode identifiziert werden, von Bedeutung für dessen biologische Funktion sind, und somit für aussagekräftige Vorhersagen in der Biologie verwendet werden können. In meiner Dissertation habe ich eine Methode zur Erzeugung von Zufallsnetzwerken entwickelt, welche physikalische Grundprinzipien berücksichtigt, und somit eine realistische Bewertung der Signifikanz von Netzwerkeigenschaften ermöglicht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen anhand der Stoffwechselnetzwerke von sechs Organismen, dass viele der meistuntersuchten Netzwerkeigenschaften, wie das Kleine-Welt-Phänomen und die Vorhersage der Biosynthese von Stoffwechselprodukten, von herausragender Bedeutung für deren biologische Funktion sind, und somit für Vorhersagen und Modellierung verwendet werden können. Die Methode ermöglicht die Identifikation von chemischen Reaktionen, welche wahrscheinlich von lebenswichtiger Bedeutung für den Organismus sind. Weiterhin erlaubt die Methode die Vorhersage von bisher unbekannten, aber physikalisch möglichen Reaktionen, welche spezifische Zellfunktionen, wie erhöhtes Wachstum in Mikroorganismen, ermöglichen könnten. Die Methode bietet einen neuartigen Ansatz zur Bestimmung der funktional relevanten Eigenschaften biologischer Netzwerke, und eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten für deren Manipulation.

Superoxide dismutase 1 and cataract

Olofsson, Eva January 2009 (has links)
Light and oxygen generate harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the lens, causing biochemical changes that gradually disarrange the lens fibres resulting in light scattering and loss of transparency. In the healthy eye, this chronic exposure to oxidative stress may lead to age-related cataract. However, there are also some conditions that accelerate cataract formation, such as diabetes mellitus, in which increased glucose levels may contribute to increased generation of ROS. The superoxide dismutases (SOD) participate in the defence against ROS by catalysing the dismutation of superoxide radicals. The main SOD isoenzyme in the lens is copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1). The aim of this thesis was to explore if this antioxidant enzyme is important for the protection against age-related and diabetes-induced cataract development. Lenses from wild-type mice and mice lacking SOD1 were incubated in high levels of glucose in vitro and their transparency and damage evaluated daily. Also, the impact of nitric oxide was studied by adding a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor. Furthermore, in vivo cataract formation in relation to the oxidative status of the lens was evaluated in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice as well as in non-diabetic mice of both genotypes. Finally, the spontaneous age-related cataract development was studied in both genotypes. In vitro, the SOD1 null lenses showed increased levels of superoxide radicals and developed dense nuclear lens opacities upon exposure to high levels of glucose. They also showed increased lens leakage of lactate dehydrogenase, reduced transport function across cell membranes, and increased water contents. However, the lens damage and cataract formation were eliminated when the synthesis of nitric oxide was inhibited. This indicates that both superoxide and nitric oxide have important roles in glucose-induced cataract development possibly through their reaction with each other which generates the highly reactive peroxynitrite. In vivo, both the SOD1 null and the wild-type mice showed cortical cataract changes after 8 weeks of diabetes, although the SOD1 null mice showed a more pronounced cataract formation than the wild-type mice in relation to the level of hyperglycaemia. As cataract formation was accentuated the lenses showed diminishing levels of glutathione but increasing amounts of protein carbonyls, suggesting a reduced lens antioxidant capacity as well as increased lens protein oxidation. Non-diabetic young (18 weeks of age) SOD1 null mice did not show any signs of cataract. At 1 year of age they had developed some cortical lens obscurity as compared to the wild-type mice which did not show equivalent changes until 2 years of age. The results presented in this thesis show that SOD1 null mice are more prone to develop diabetes-induced and age-related cataract than wild-type mice. The findings thus further endorse the importance of oxidative stress as a contributor to cataract development and indicate that both superoxide and nitric oxide may be damaging to the lens. I therefore conclude that the antioxidant enzyme SOD1 is important for the protection against cataract.

Das Konzept einer nachhaltigen Finanzpolitik aus heterodoxer Sicht. Ein Diskussionsbeitrag.

Heise, Arne January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
kein Abstract vorhanden / Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Series

Broad Scale Conservation: Protected Areas and Species Interactions

Joppa, Lucas N. January 2009 (has links)
<p>This dissertation consists of four chapters. The first three chapters examine protected areas (or parks) from multiple perspectives. Parks are the first, and often only, line of defense in efforts to conserve biodiversity. Understanding of their promise and problems is necessary to achieve conservation outcomes. Chapter One determines vegetation patterns in and around parks of differing management categories across the Amazon, Congo, South American Atlantic Coast, and West African forests. Within these forests, protected areas are the principle defense against forest loss and species extinctions. In the Amazon and Congo, parks are generally large and retain high levels of forest cover, as do their surroundings. In contrast, parks in the Atlantic Coast forest and West Africa show sharp boundaries in forest cover at their edges. This effective protection of forest cover is partially offset by their very small size: little area is deep inside park boundaries. Compared to West Africa, areas outside parks in the Atlantic Coast forest are unusually fragmented. </p><p>Chapter Two addresses a human dimension of protected areas. Given certain characteristics, parks areas may either attract or repel human settlement. Disproportionate increases in population growth near park boundaries may threaten their ability to conserve biodiversity. Using decadal population datasets, we analyze population growth across 45 countries and 304 parks. We find no evidence for population growth near parks to be greater than growth of rural areas in the same country. Furthermore, we argue that what growth does occur near parks likely results from a general expansion of nearby population centers. Parks may experience unusual population pressures near their edges; indeed, individual case studies provide examples. There is no evidence, however, of a general pattern of disproportionate population growth near their boundaries.</p><p>Chapter Three provides a review of common approaches to evaluating protection's impact on deforestation, identifies three hurdles to empirical evaluation, and notes that matching techniques from economic impact evaluation address those hurdles. The central hurdle derives from the fact that protected areas are distributed non-randomly across landscapes. Matching controls for landscape characteristics when inferring the impact of protection. Applications of matching have revealed considerably lower impact estimates of forest protection than produced by other methods. These results indicate the importance of variation across locations in how much impact protection could possibly have on rates of deforestation.</p><p>Chapter Four departs from the focus of protected areas and instead addresses a more theoretical aspect of community ecology. Ecological theories suggest that food webs might consist of groups of species forming blocks, compartments or guilds. Chapter Four considers ecological networks (subsets of complete food webs) involving species at adjacent trophic levels. Reciprocal specializations occur when (say) a pollinator (or group of pollinators) specializes on a particular flower species (or group of such species) and vice versa. We characterize the level of reciprocal specialization for various classes of networks. Our analyses include both antagonistic interactions (particularly parasitoids and their hosts), and mutualistic ones (such as insects and the flowers that they pollinate). We also examine whether trophic patterns might be palimpsests. That is, there might be reciprocal specialization within taxonomically related species within a network, but these might be obscured when these relationships are combined. Reciprocal specializations are rare in all these systems even when tested using the most conservative null model.</p> / Dissertation

A Novel Power Management Technique Applied in Non- Contact Vital Sign Detection System

Chen, Jhih-jie 31 January 2012 (has links)
This paper presents a novel power management analysis method to reduce the power consumption for the non-contact vital sign sensor. The sensor consisting of the class-E power amplifier (PA), low noise amplifier (LNA), single pole double through (SPDT) switch, and circularly polarized antenna (CPA) is integrated on the Flame Retardant Class 4 (FR-4) epoxy-glass laminate substrate. The appropriate pulse width and pulse period are determined to decrease the power consumption and accurately detect the human physiological signals (respiration and heartbeat). A simple direct down-conversion architecture with a tunable phase shifter is utilized to eliminate the null detection point and the direct current (DC) offset. The overall power consumption of the proposed sensor with the novel power management technique is only 40 % of the conventional system with the DC bias, which can be utilized for the green energy application.

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