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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da sensibilidade do modelo WRF às parametrizações de microfísica de nuvens e à assimilação de dados observados / Study of the sensitivity of the WRF model as cloud microphysics parametrizations and observed data assimilation

MARTINS, Rafael Castelo Guedes. 15 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Emanuel Varela Cardoso (emanuel.varela@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-08-15T19:02:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RAFAEL CASTELO GUEDES MARTINS – TESE (PPGMet) 2014.pdf: 3362803 bytes, checksum: 5a99c28e73f6a95fef76f82f96d2edc4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T19:02:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RAFAEL CASTELO GUEDES MARTINS – TESE (PPGMet) 2014.pdf: 3362803 bytes, checksum: 5a99c28e73f6a95fef76f82f96d2edc4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-12 / Um dos principais desafios atuais da modelagem numérica da atmosfera trata da previsão quantitativa da precipitação e do posicionamento das nuvens de chuva. Este trabalho tem com o principal objetivo avaliar o desempenho das arametrizações de microfísicas na modelagem regional com ênfase no papel da informação de grande escala e sua influência sobre as simulações, e no uso de dados observados de radiossondagens como forma de acrescentar informação à modelagem . Inicialmente, duas reanálises (NCEP2 e ERAI) foram estatisticamente comparadas com dados de PCDs do Estado do Ceará. Verificou - se qu e a ERAI apresentou maior semelhança com as observações, principalmente para as variáveis diretamente ligadas à convecção. Em seguida, a ERAI foi utilizada como forçamento de grande escala em simulações com o modelo WRF. Observou- se que o uso de microfísica detalhada não melhora necessariamente a previsão do modelo, caso não sejam utilizados dados observados no local de estudo. Por último, duas simulações de alta resolução foram realizadas. Uma forçada pela reanálise sem modificação e outra forçada pela reanálise modificada utilizando o método de análise objetiva do WRF, para incluir as séries temporais de radiossondagens coletadas durante campanha experimental do Projeto CHUVA, em Fortaleza- CE. As duas simulações foram comparadas com dados observados pelo radiômetro para o mesmo local e período das radiossondagens . Observou - se que a inclusão das observações de sondagens na modelagem possibilita melhor modelagem de um sistema convectivo ocorrido em abril de 2011, principalmente para as variáveis ligadas à convecção. Este trabalho aponta, utilizando análises comparativas e estatísticas, que a utilização de uma maior densidade de dados observacionais válidos no modelo pode melhorar de forma muito mais eficiente o resultado da modelagem, do que mesmo a utilização do downscaling dinâmico do dado de grande escala ou a utilização de esquemas de microfísica detalhada, que, em algumas situações, pode inclusive inserir mais erros nos sistema s modelados. / The quantitative prediction of precipitation and the positioning of the rain clouds is one of the main challenges of numerical modeling of the atmosphere in present days. This work aims to evaluate the performance of the microphysical parameterizations in regional modeling, with emphasis on the role of large- scale information and its influence on the simulations, and the use of observational data from radiosondes as a way to add information to modeling. Initially, two reanalysis (NCEP2 and ERAI) were statistically compared with data from PCDs from the Ceará State. It was found that the ERAI showed similarity to the observations, especially for variables directly linked to convection. Then, the ERAI is used as large scale forcing in simulations with the WRF model. It was observed that the use of detailed microphysics does not necessarily improve the model performance, if in situ data were not used. Finally, two high resolution simulations were performed. The first f orced by reanalysis without modification and other forced by reanalysis using the modified method of objective analysis of the WRF, to include the time series of radiosonde observations collected during the experimental campaign of the CHUVA Project in Fortaleza- CE. The two simulations were compared with data observed by the radiometer to the same place and period of the radiosonde. It was observed that the inclusion of radiosonde observations in to the model leads to a better simulation of a convective system that occurred in April 2011, mostly for the variables related to convection. Using comparative statistical analysis, t his work points that the use of a higher density of valid observational data in the model can improve much more efficiently the model results than the use of a dynamic downscal ing of large- scale data or the use of schemes with detailed microphysics, which in some circumstances may even introduce more errors into the modeled system s.

Etude expérimentale et développement numérique d'une modélisation des phénomènes physicochimiques dans un propulseur hybride spatial / Experimental study and numerical development of physical-chemical phenomena model in a hybrid rocket motor

Mangeot, Alexandre 19 December 2012 (has links)
La propulsion hybride utilise classiquement un comburant liquide (ou gazeux) injecté dans une chambre de combustion qui contient le carburant à l'état solide. La flamme de diffusion, qui apparait à la rencontre des deux flux de matière, est autoentretenue par la pyrolyse du carburant consécutive à l’apport de chaleur produite par la combustion. Afin d'améliorer les performances de ce type de propulsion, il est nécessaire de bien comprendre le couplage physicochimique des phénomènes. Le couple d'ergols polyéthylène/mélange gazeux dioxygène et diazote a été choisi pour cette étude. Les caractéristiques du polyéthylène ont été déterminées par des analyses physicochimiques, elles permettent de mettre en évidence un effet de la pression et de la nature de l'atmosphère sur la composition des produits de pyrolyse. Un banc d'essais de combustion avec une instrumentation a permis de caractériser le comportement du polyéthylène en situation réelle. Les données acquises ont été analysées afin d'obtenir des grandeurs physiques pertinentes à comparer avec des résultats de simulations. Pour effectuer des simulations de chambre de combustion de propulseur hybride, le développement d'un modèle numérique instationnaire et bidimensionnel a débuté. De nombreux cas test "académiques" sont présentés et ont confirmés la bonne implémentation des méthodes numériques de résolution et des équations physiques et chimiques. Cependant, lors des simulations de la chambre de combustion complète, une divergence de pression est apparue dont les causes ont été activement recherchées. / The hybrid space propulsion classically employs a liquid (or gaseous) oxidizer injected into the combustion chamber which contains the solid reducer. The diffusion flame, which appears at the confluence of the oxidizer and reducer mater fluxes, is auto-entertained by the fuel pyrolysis piloted by the heat which is provided to it by the combustion. In order to increase performances of this propulsion system, it is necessary to well understand the coupling effect of the physical and chemical phenomena. The propellants couple polyethylene/gaseous oxygen and nitrogen mixture has been chosen for this study. Properties of the polyethylene have been determined by several chemical analyses, showing that there are a pressure and atmosphere nature effects on the pyrolysis chemical composition. A test bench with instrumentation allowed to characterize the behavior of the polyethylene in real situation. Data acquired have been analyzed in order to obtain physical variables relevant for comparing the numerical simulations results. To undertake simulation of the combustion chamber of hybrid rocket, a new numerical model has been developed. Numerous "academic" test cases are presented and confirmed a good implementation of the numerical method and of the physical and chemical models. Nevertheless, during simulations of hybrid combustion chamber, a pressure divergence has appeared thus causes have been actively investigated.


Abbasi, Behrooz 01 May 2016 (has links)
TITLE: AN IMPROVED ROCK MASS BEHAVIOR NUMERICAL MODEL AND ITS APPLICATIONS TO LONGWALL COAL MINING The rock mass constitutive models should include elastic moduli, strength and stiffness of intact rock as well as those of joints and geometric properties of joints. The post-failure behavior of intact rock and joints must also be specified. A direct application of the above comments is in longwall coal mining where the coal as well as the immediate roof and floor strata may undergo controlled brittle failure and associated weakening in tension and shear based on post- failure characteristics of the rock mass. In addition to controlled failure and weakening of the rock mass ahead and over the longwall face, large scale caving and compaction of caved materials occur behind the longwall face. Itasca’s Cave-Hoek three dimensional constitutive model has the ability to model longwall mining process that involve the above mentioned mechanism of rock mass failure and compaction. However, its testing to date is limited. The overall goals of research are two-fold: 1) Develop numerical modeling approaches that consider the caving behavior of jointed rock masses in design and analysis, and 2) Apply these techniques in designing stable chain-pillars and set-up rooms for longwall coal mining. Specific objectives are to: 1) Develop an improved constitutive model for prediction of post-peak behavior of rock masses typical of longwall mining in Illinois, 2) Implement the improved model for predicting gob material behavior using FLAC3D numerical code (most commercial codes do not have a built in model for gob material) and its effects on load transfer into gate entries, 3) Identify mechanisms of instability in setup rooms, 4) Develop alternate 3- and 4-entry set-up room geometries using 3-D numerical analyses, 5) Implement and field demonstrate developed geometries, and 6) Monitor performance of implemented geometries through field monitoring. An alternative method to estimate the residual strength of a rock mass is developed. A yielded rock mass and a rock fill have several common characteristics including dilation behavior under low confinement and extensive crushing of contact points under high stress, which decrease dilation. The residual strength takes on an initial value in the immediate post-peak (corresponding to near-zero porosity) condition, then degrades to an ultimate residual strength that is lower as a result of bulking, a corresponding increase in porosity, and a drop in interlock under continued shear. The following comments summarize the key findings of this research: • The model for predicting rock fill material shear strength was used as a residual strength criterion. A relationship for estimating Hoek-Brown residual parameters as a function of equivalent roughness of rock fill particles and basic friction angle was used. • Macro-level measurements around setup rooms and gate entry development areas indicated that most of the observed ground control problems may be related to subsidence movements over the setup rooms area. • Mechanisms that may be responsible for poor ground conditions in setup rooms and adjoining gate entries were identified. Collected field data and numerical analyses results tend to support the identified mechanisms. • The integrated field monitoring and numerical modeling study here assisted the cooperating coal company to plan for additional supports in development entries impacted by the fault zone and in taking appropriate safety measures while the longwall face advanced toward the fault and crossed it.

Modélisation cinématique et stochastique des failles à partir de données éparses pour l’analyse des incertitudes structurales / Kinematic and stochastic fault modeling from sparse data for structural uncertainty analysis

Godefroy, Gabriel 29 March 2018 (has links)
Le manque et l’ambiguïté des observations géologiques ainsi que le choix des concepts utilisés pour leur interprétation ne permettent pas de représenter les structures géologiques avec certitude. Dans ces travaux de thèse, je m’intéresse à l’estimation des incertitudes associées à la représentation des structures faillées à partir de données éparses. Une première contribution de cette thèse est l’étude des incertitudes d’interprétation lors de l’association des observations pouvant appartenir à une même faille. Des règles numériques, traduisant les concepts et les connaissances utilisés pendant l’interprétation structurale (telles que les orientations et les dimensions des structures) assurent la reproductibilité de l’interprétation. Chaque scénario d’association est représenté par un métamodèle reposant sur la théorie des graphes. Je présente une méthode numérique d’interprétation multi-scénarios basée sur ce formalisme. Son utilisation montre que la dimension combinatoire du problème rend faible la probabilité de trouver la bonne association et que le choix des règles perturbent les associations obtenues. Une seconde contribution est l’intégration d’une distribution théorique du déplacement sur le plan de failles normales et isolées pour assurer la cohérence cinématique des modèles structuraux en trois dimensions. Je présente un opérateur cinématique pour déplacer numériquement les structures à proximité d’une faille non nécessairement plane. Le champ de déplacement est paramétré par deux profils décrivant l’évolution du rejet sur la surface de faille (TX et TZ), un profil d’atténuation dans la direction orthogonale à la surface de faille (TY) et une valeur de déplacement au centre de la faille (Dmax). Ces paramètres sont choisis à partir des observations structurales par optimisation numérique. L’utilisation de cet opérateur permet de valider des interprétations structurales et d’assurer la cohérence cinématique des modèles structuraux construits à partir de données éparses et/ou dans des contextes de déformation polyphasée. Les méthodologies présentées sont testées et discutées en utilisant deux jeux de données. Le premier est composé de neuf lignes sismiques 2D acquises au large du Maroc (marge d’Ifni) qui imagent un socle cristallin faillé. L’interprétation de ces données éparses est guidée par des connaissances dérivées de l’étude d’un affleurement proche. Cependant, l’association des observations appartenant à la même faille ainsi que la chronologie de la mise en place des structures restent fortement incertaines. Le second jeu de données utilisé est situé dans le bassin de Santos, au large du Brésil. Des failles normales y recoupent une série sédimentaire bien stratifiée. Elles sont imagées par un cube sismique de haute résolution. Des observations éparses synthétiques en sont extraites pour tester l’approche. La qualité des données sismiques 3D donne une bonne confiance dans le modèle de référence. Cela permet de tester les méthodes numériques et les règles géologiques développées dans cette thèse pour estimer les incertitudes structurales / The sparsity and the incompleteness of geological data sets lead geologists to use their prior knowledge while modeling the Earth. Uncertainties in the interpretation are an inherent part of geology. In this thesis, I focus on assessing uncertainties related to the modeling of faulted structures from sparse data. Structural uncertainties arise partly from the association of fault evidence explaining the same structure. This occurs especially while interpreting sparse data such as 2D seismic lines or limited outcrop observations. I propose a mathematical formalism to cast the problem of associating fault evidence into graph theory. Each possible scenario is represented by a graph. A combinatorial analysis shows that the number of scenarios is related to the Bell number and increases in a non-polynomial way. I formulate prior geological knowledge as numerical rules to reduce the number of scenarios and to make structural interpretation more objective. I present a stochastic numerical method to generate several interpretation scenarios. A sensitivity analysis, using synthetic data extracted from a reference model, shows that the choice of the interpretation rules strongly impacts the simulated associations. In a second contribution, I integrate a quantitative description of fault-related displacement while interpreting and building 3D subsurface models. I present a parametric fault operator that displaces structures closely surrounding a fault in accordance with a theoretical isolated normal fault model. The displacement field is described using the maximum displacement (Dmax), two profiles on the fault surface (TX and TZ), and a third profile representing the displacement attenuation in the normal direction to the fault surface. These parameters are determined by numerical optimization from the available structural observations. This kinematic fault operator ensures the kinematic consistency of structural models built from sparse data and/or in polyphasic deformation contexts. These two modeling methodologies are tested and discussed on two data sets. The first one contains nine seismic lines imaging a faulted and fractured basement in the Ifni Margin, offshore Morocco. The interpretation of these lines is guided by orientation measurements coming from a nearby onshore field analog. However, uncertainties remain on the association of observations and on the structure chronology. The second data set is located in the Santos Basin, offshore Brazil. A seismic cube exhibits normal faults within a layered sedimentary sequence. I build a reference structural model from this high quality seismic data. The kinematic and stochastic methodologies can be tested and discussed on synthetic sparse data extracted from this known reference model

Développement d'un modèle mécanique et numérique de morphogenèse de tissus épithéliaux / Numerical and mechanical modeling of epithelial tissues morphogenesis

Chélin, Yoann 13 December 2012 (has links)
L'étude des formes de la nature, de leur diversité, de leur reproductibilité ainsi que de leurs origines a toujours suscité un vif intérêt et, en particulier, la forme polygonale des cellules au sein des épithéliums monocouches, depuis leur observation par Hooke en 1665. Le travail de thèse exposé à travers ce mémoire vise une meilleure compréhension de la morphogenèse de ces tissus. Pour y parvenir, trois approches ont été combinées : la biologie expérimentale du développement, l'analyse biostatistique et, principalement ici, la modélisation biomécanique et numérique. L'hypothèse d'une influence des efforts mécaniques dans l'organisation des épithéliums monocouches en formation a conduit au développement d'un modèle bidimensionnel de cellules, basé sur la physique des milieux divisés et permettant une plasticité de forme ainsi qu'une capacité de libre auto-organisation. Les simulations de morphogenèse de tissus constitués de ces cellules ont alors, d'une part, été confrontées aux observations et, d'autre part, permis de faire varier des paramètres difficilement accessibles expérimentalement, principalement ceux régissant l'évolution cellulaire ainsi que les conditions aux limites. Les résultats issus de ces simulations ont ainsi permis de corroborer ceux provenant des expérimentations : les tissus non prolifératifs sont plus organisés que les prolifératifs et l'apoptose semble jouer un rôle stabilisateur de la morphogenèse des épithéliums prolifératifs. En outre, les études numériques montrent que l'organisation des tissus non prolifératifs semble décroître quand leur vitesse de développement augmente. Par ailleurs, les tissus paraissent plus organisés avec une division et une apoptose contrôlées par des critères mécaniques plutôt que lorsque le système prolifère suivant des critères aléatoires. En conclusion, ce travail de thèse montre l'importance des interactions mécaniques dans le processus de morphogenèse épithéliale et représente une première base prometteuse pour des études futures en ce domaine (étude tridimensionnelle, structuration du cytosquelette, tissus hyperprolifératifs, etc.). / The study of natural forms, their diversity, their reproducibility and their origin has always fascinated the scientists, and particularly the polygonal form of cells in monolayer epithelia, since their observation by Hooke in 1665. The present PhD work aims to better understand tissue morphogenesis. To do so, three approaches have been combined: experimental biology, biostatistical analysis and, mainly here, biomechanical and numerical modeling. The hypothesis of the influence of mechanical efforts on the organization of forming monolayer epithelia leads to the development of a 2D cell model based on the physics of divided media, that enables form plasticity and the ability of free auto-organization. The simulations of tissue morphogenesis composed by these cells have been compared to biological observations. Besides, this approach enables the variation of parameters hardly accessible by experiments, mainly those governing the cell evolution as well as boundary conditions. Thus, the results issued from these simulations corroborate experimental data: non-proliferative tissues appear more organized than proliferative ones and apoptosis seems to be a positive regulator in morphogenetic stability. Furthermore, numerical studies show that the organization of non-proliferative tissues seems to decrease as their development speeds increase. In addition, the tissues appear more organized if the proliferation is mechanically controlled than if it is randomly governed. To conclude, this PhD work shows the importance of mechanical interactions in epithelial morphogenesis and constitutes a first promising basis for further studies in this field (3D study, cytoskeleton structuration, hyperproliferative tissue, etc.).


ANDRÉIA BORGES DOS SANTOS 19 July 2018 (has links)
[pt] O estudo da ruptura de taludes em solos não saturados tem se tornado possível com o desenvolvimento de modelos que simplificam a elaboração da curva característica e estimam valores da resistência ao cisalhamento não saturada. Este trabalho utiliza dados de ensaios de campo e de laboratório para a realização de três simulações numéricas para o talude de corte localizado no Morro do Águia, em Salvador. O talude é de um perfil residual de solo siltoso oriundo de rocha metamórfica de gnaisse e migmatitos. A ruptura ocorreu aproximadamente dois anos após a execução de trabalhos de terraplenagem no período de construção da avenida Luís Eduardo Magalhães. A metodologia consistiu em levantar os dados disponíveis de ensaios realizados logo após a ruptura do talude, realizar ensaios complementares com o objetivo de obter dados de entrada para as simulações em três diferentes cenários. Foram realizados os seguintes ensaios: caracterização e análise mineralógica; curva de retenção; resistência ao cisalhamento por cisalhamento direto com as amostras inundadas, na umidade natural e com as amostras secas ar. Os cenários escolhidos para as simulações foram: análise de estabilidade considerando solo totalmente saturado em perfil de camada simples; análise de estabilidade acoplada com análise de fluxo com solo parcialmente saturado em camada simples e análise de estabilidade acoplada com análise de fluxo em solo parcialmente saturado em perfil de camada dupla. O estudo também estimou o ângulo (fi ao quadrado)b pela metodologia proposta por Vilar (2006). O resultado das simulações mostrou que o mecanismo de ruptura foi reproduzido quando se considerou o parâmetro não saturado (fi ao quadrado)b. O modelo simplificado, considerando o solo todo saturado, não reproduziu o mecanismo de ruptura. O (fi ao quadrado)b estimado pela metodologia de Vilar (2006) foi de 16 graus. O resultado das análises utilizando (fi ao quadrado)b = 16 graus não diferiu das análises utilizando (fi ao quadrado)b = 18 graus. O resultado das simulações mostrou que a ruptura ocorreu devido a infiltrações à montante do talude, em período de chuva de distribuição histórica atípica e período prolongado, que atingindo a profundidade do NA elevou a sua cota a zonas de instabilidade, causando a ruptura. / [en] The study of slope stability in unsaturated soils become possible with the development of models that simplify the construction of the characteristic curve and estimate values of unsaturated shear strength. This work presents the results of two stability analysis of a cut slope in Morro do Águia in Salvador, which had collapsed after construction of Luís Eduardo Magalhães Avenue. The slope is made of silty clay residual soil from metamorphic rocks originated by gneisses and migmatites. The methodology of analysis consists in collecting five undisturbed soil samples scattered in the area of study. Characterization and mineralogical analysis were performed; retention curve was constructed; and strength resistance by direct shear was determinate with samples in three conditions: flooded, in natural moisture and dried in air. The methodology of simplified estimation unsaturated shear strength (Vilar, 2006) was used to determinate (phi square)b. Computer simulations obtained from tests results were presented to three situations: first condition the safety factor was obtained considering stability analyses with saturated soil; second condition the soil was unsaturated and the groundwater flow consider rainwater during 86 days before rupture slope and afterwards was made the stability analysis; third condition the groundwater flow was modeled considering rainwater during 20 days afterwards was made the stability analysis. As a result of these analysis, the rupture mechanism that occurred at the time of the collapse is only reproduced by simulation when the parameter unsaturated (phi square)b is introduced, which occur at the second simulation. The value of (phi square)b obtained by Vilar methodology was 16 degrees.

Thermochemical Structure and Dynamics of Earth's Lowermost Mantle

January 2015 (has links)
abstract: Seismic observations have revealed two large low shear velocity provinces (LLSVPs) in the lowermost mantle beneath Pacific and Africa. One hypothesis for the origin of LLSVPs is that they are caused by accumulation of subducted oceanic crust on the core-mantle boundary (CMB). Here, I perform high resolution geodynamical calculations to test this hypothesis. The result shows that it is difficult for a thin (~ 6 km) subducted oceanic crust to accumulate on the CMB, and the major part of it is viscously stirred into the surrounding mantle. Another hypothesis for the origin of LLSVPs is that they are caused by thermochemical piles of more-primitive material which is remnant of Earth's early differentiation. In such case, a significant part of the subducted oceanic crust would enter the more-primitive reservoir, while other parts are either directly entrained into mantle plumes forming on top of the more-primitive reservoir or stirred into the background mantle. As a result, mantle plumes entrain a variable combination of compositional components including more-primitive material, old oceanic crust which first enters the more-primitive reservoir and is later entrained into mantle plumes with the more-primitive material, young oceanic crust which is directly entrained into mantle plumes without contacting the more-primitive reservoir, and depleted background mantle material. The result reconciles geochemical observation of multiple compositional components and varying ages of oceanic crust in the source of ocean-island basalts. Seismic studies have detected ultra-low velocity zones (ULVZs) in some localized regions on the CMB. Here, I present 3D thermochemical calculations to show that the distribution of ULVZs provides important information about their origin. ULVZs with a distinct composition tend to be located at the edges of LLSVPs, while ULVZs solely caused by partial melting tend to be located inboard from the edges of LLSVPs. This indicates that ULVZs at the edges of LLSVPs are best explained by distinct compositional heterogeneity, while ULVZs located insider of LLSVPs are better explained by partial melting. The results provide additional constraints for the origin of ULVZs. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Geological Sciences 2015

Geothermal Potential of Sub-Volcanic Intrusions in a Typical Caldera Setting / Geotermisk potential av magma-intrusioner i en calderavulkan

Gestsson, Einar Bessi January 2018 (has links)
Sub-volcanic intrusions can form an extensive network of sills, dikes and other intrusion types that make up a plumbing system beneath volcanoes. Such intrusions are the heat source for high-temperature geothermal systems in volcanic areas and therefore, it is of great importance to study them in relation to geothermal exploration and production. In this thesis a part of the plumbing system of Breiðuvík caldera, an eroded central volcano in northeastern Iceland, is studied. A set of magmatic intrusions showing a great range in size and shapes, is exposed in Leirfjall, a mountain composed of the eroded caldera infill of the Breiðuvík volcanic system. Data from these intrusions and their host rock is used as the foundation for numerical modeling using finite element method (FEM) constructed in this thesis. The numerical modeling assumes heat transfer in porous media including conduction and convection where fluid flow is governed by the Darcy‘s law. The aims of it is to compare the cooling times of different intrusions and the temperature distribution caused by intrusions of different sizes and shapes. To obtain input parameters for the numerical modeling, a thermometry study based on the mineral chemistry of the magmatic intrusions in Leirfjall is conducted and the thermal and physical properties of the sedimentary host rock are estimated, while literature values are used for basaltic lava and hyaloclastite host rocks for comparison. The results of the numerical modeling suggest that higher maximum values of increased temperature are reached above one thick intrusions compared to multiple thinner intrusions. When comparing dikes and sills, the dikes raise the maximum temperature of the host rock more than the sills, while the sills raise the average temperature above the intrusions more than dikes. Results of the estimated heat transfer from an arrangement of intrusions similar to what is observed in Leirfjall suggests that a significant increase in maximum increased temperature caused by the intrusions would be short-lived, while the average increase would still be constant over a longer time. Despite of the simplified structure of the numerical models it is the hope that they will provide inspiring data for further research and contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between the shallow magmatic intrusions and geothermal systems. / Vulkaner är en viktig energikälla i många länder runt om i världen. Geotermisk vätska och ånga av högtemperatur som finns i vulkanområden kan utnyttjas för bland annat elproduktion och fjärrvärme. Värmekällan till de geotermiska områdena är magma som ligger ytligt i jordskorpan. All magma når inte ytan i utbrott, utan stannar under vulkanen i form av magmaintrusioner. Intrusionerna av olika former och storlekar utgör ett nätverk som tillsammans utgör vulkanens magma transportsystem. I denna studie studeras en uppsättning av magmaintrusioner på nordöstra Island. Intrusionerna har en gång befunnit sig längre ner i jordskorpan under ett aktivt vulkanområde men exponeras nu vid ytan på grund av glacial erosion. Intrusionernas storlek och form varierar, men de flesta återfinns som gångar, både vertikala och horisontella. När en magmatintrusion bildas värms omkringliggande berggrund och grundvatten upp. Studiens fokus är att undersöka hur temperaturfördelningen i omgivningen skiljer sig vid en stor intrusion jämfört med flera mindre intrusioner med totalt samma volym. Även effekten från olika typer av berggrund runt intrusionerna studerades genom att jämföra temperaturfördelningen och kylningstiderna för intrusioner i tre vanliga bergarter. Numerisk modellering användades för att besvara dessa frågor. Bergarternas fysiska och termiska egenskaper krävdes som ingångsparametrar för den numeriska modelleringen. Parametrana uppskattades genom laboratorieexperiment och termometriberäkningar från fältprover. Värden från publicerat material användes också i modelleringen. Resultaten från den numeriska modelleringen antyder att högre maximivärden för temperaturen nås i berget över en stor, enskild intrusion jämfört med flera mindre intrusioner. När man jämför vertikala og horisontella gångar, ökar de vertikala gångarna berggrundens temperatur mer än de horisontella, medan medeltemperaturen ökar mer över horisontella gångar än i vertikala gångar. Trots den numeriska modellens förenklade struktur är förhoppningen att den nya datan kan inspirera vidare forskning, och bidra till en bättre förståelse om förhållandet mellan grunda magmaintrusioner och geotermiska system.

Simulação numérica do perfil de microssegregação na solidificação rápida de um sistema Ag-Cu

Trigueiro, Pollyana de Aragão 30 September 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-01T12:17:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2728849 bytes, checksum: 473329771da433558aad326b78ebbb89 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / A model was used to simulate solute distribution during rapid solidification of a system Ag-15%massCu with initial undercooling of 5 K, 10 K and 30 K. Boettinger et al (1987) measured the microsegregation profile in Ag-Cu alloys superficially treated with a focused electron beam (resolidification). In that work, they found an irregular variation for Cu concentration in cross sections of the resolidified microstructures. In some cases, the profile of concentration versus radius presented a W shape. Current models of microsegregation predict a monotonic variation the concentration depending on the cell radius, which are apparently not in accordance with the acquired measurements. The present study used a numeric model to evaluate the solidification of Ag-Cu alloy under same conditions to the Boettinger´s experiment. Numerical results are for a metallic spherical drop, initially liquid, cooled by convection. Solidification starts in the center of the droplet in a given undercooling. The algorithm used here is based on a model in volumetric average of the quantities and the balance equations in a representative elementary volume for treating a solid/liquid mixture. Inside the droplet transport of energy and mass are repurely diffusive processes of average quantities. The algorithm used permitted a global analysis of the phenomena occurring during the solidification process, as well as a local analysis of the quantities involved, which has been shown to be a prerequisite for the prediction of non-monotonic profiles of microsegregation, such as those measured in the experiment mentioned above. / Foi utilizado um modelo para simular a distribuição de soluto durante a solidificação rápida de um sistema Ag-15%Cu com superresfriamentos iniciais de 5 K, 10 K e 30 K. Boettinger et al (1987) mediram o perfil de microssegregação em ligas Ag-Cu tratadas superficialmente com um feixe de laser (resolidificação). Nesse trabalho, os autores constataram uma variação irregular para a concentração de cobre em seções transversais de células nas microestruturas resolidificadas. Em alguns casos um perfil de concentração ao longo do raio em forma de W foi medido. Os modelos de microssegregação atuais, em geral, preveem uma variação monotônica da concentração em função do raio da célula, o que aparentemente não está de acordo com as medições obtidas. No presente trabalho, foi usado um modelo numérico para avaliar a solidificação de uma liga Ag-Cu em condições análogas às do experimento de Boettinger. Os resultados numéricos são para uma gota metálica esférica, inicialmente líquida, resfriada por convecção. A solidificação tem início no centro da gota em um superresfriamento dado. O algoritmo usado foi desenvolvido previamente para um modelo baseado na tomada de médias volumétricas das grandezas e das equações de balanço descritivas em um volume elementar representativo para tratar com uma mistura sólido/líquido. No interior da gota, os transportes de energia e massa são processos puramente difusivos de grandezas médias. O algoritmo usado permite não apenas uma análise global dos fenômenos que ocorrem durante o processo de solidificação, mas também uma análise local das grandezas envolvidas, o que demonstrou ser condição necessária para a previsão dos perfis não monotônicos de microssegregação, tais como os medidos no experimento mencionado acima.

Análise numérica da distribuição de forças verticais em paredes de alvenaria estrutural / Numerical analysis of the distribution of vertical forces in masonry walls

Spozito, Raphael Saverio 09 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by RAPHAEL SAVERIO SPOZITO null (rspozito@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-16T17:16:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_RSS_Repositorio_R01.pdf: 8416445 bytes, checksum: 2215a4574c53c042840a83c52ddf3b45 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by LUIZA DE MENEZES ROMANETTO (luizamenezes@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-11-17T12:34:40Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 spozito_rs_me_ilha.pdf: 8416445 bytes, checksum: 2215a4574c53c042840a83c52ddf3b45 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-17T12:34:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 spozito_rs_me_ilha.pdf: 8416445 bytes, checksum: 2215a4574c53c042840a83c52ddf3b45 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11-09 / Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal a análise entre os modelos simplificados de paredes individuais (PI), grupos isolados de paredes (GIP), grupos de paredes com interação (GPCI) e simulações numéricas (elementos finitos) para determinação da distribuição dos esforços verticais na alvenaria estrutural. Para tal, inicialmente foi efetuado uma revisão bibliográfica para estudo do comportamento da distribuição dos esforços verticais nas paredes e suas interfaces de ligação além de conceitos de discretização da alvenaria estrutural em elementos finitos e os modelos simplificados de dimensionamento. A discretização do modelo em elementos finitos foi realizada utilizando o conceito de macromodelagem e as características dos materiais foram adotadas de acordo com as normas vigentes. Em relação aos grupos de paredes isolados, foi possível identificar um comportamento de uniformização das forças verticais de acordo com o número de pavimentos. Buscou-se também, uma caracterização da uniformização das forças verticais relacionadas com as medidas geométricas dos grupos de parede com interação. Dentre os valores obtidos pelo modelo simplificado de grupos de paredes com interação e a simulações numéricas, considerando o modelo arquitetônico adotado, verificou-se que as taxas de interação tendem a valores de 20%, além da identificação de alguns fenômenos que devem ser melhores investigados. / This work has the main objective of analyzing the simplified models of individual walls (IW), of isolated wall groups (IWG) and of interacting wall groups (IAWG) and also numerical simulations (finite element) to determine the distribution of the vertical forces in structural masonry. To do this, first, reviewed literature provided a study of the behavior of vertical forces distributed on the walls and their connection interfaces and also concepts for discretization of structural masonry for finite element analysis and simplified models. The concept of macro-modeling was used for model discretization into finite elements and characteristics of the materials were adopted in accordance with current regulations. In relation to the isolated wall groups, it was possible to identify behavior of uniformization of the vertical forces according to the number of floors. Characterization of the uniformization of vertical forces related to the geometric measurements of the interacting wall groups was also looked for. Among the values obtained by the simplified model of interacting wall groups and the numerical simulations for the architectural model adopted, the interaction rates tend to values of 20%. Some other phenomena were also identified that need to be investigated further.

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