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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Upscaling of water flow and mass transport in a tropical soil: numerical, laboratory and field studies

Almeida de Godoy, Vanessa 21 May 2018 (has links)
Los modelos numéricos son herramientas fundamentales para realizar predicciones de muchos problemas enfrentados por ingenieros geotécnicos y geoambientales. Sin embargo, para que estos modelos puedan realizar predicciones confiables, los parámetros de entrada del modelo deben ser estimados considerando el efecto escala. En este contexto, esta tesis se concentra en las reglas del cambio de escala de los parámetros de flujo y transporte de masa en un suelo tropical a través de estudios numéricos, de laboratorio y de campo. Esta está organizada en cuatro partes. Primero, la heterogeneidad, correlación y correlación cruzada entre los parámetros de transporte de solutos (dispersividad, ¿, y coeficiente de partición, Kd) y las propiedades del suelo fueron estudiadas en detalle. En esta parte fue verificado que la conductividad hidráulica (K) y los parámetros de transporte de solutos son altamente heterogéneos, mientras que las propiedades del suelo no lo son. La correlación espacial de ¿ y K con variables estadísticamente significativas fue estudiada. Este resultado probablemente podrá mejorar la estimación en casos de estudios de pequeña escala debido a que solo fue observada correlaciones de hasta 2,5 m. Este estudio fue un primer intento de evaluar la variación espacial en el coeficiente de correlación de los parámetros de transporte de un soluto reactivo y de un no reactivo, indicando las variables más relevantes y aquella que debería ser incluida en estudios futuros. En la segunda parte, el efecto escala en K, dispersividad y coeficiente de partición de potasio y clorito fue estudiado experimentalmente a través de experimentos de laboratorio y de campo. El objetivo de esta parte fue contribuir a la discusión sobre el efecto escala en K, ¿ y Kd, y entender como estos parámetros se comportan con el cambio de escala de medición. La dispersividad tiende a aumentar con la altura de la muestra de manera exponencial. El coeficiente de partición tiende a aumentar con la altura, el diámetro y el volumen de la muestra. Estas diferencias encontradas en los parámetros de acuerdo con la escala de medición deben ser considerados cuando estos valores sean usados posteriormente como datos de entrada de modelos numéricos; de otra manera, las respuestas pueden ser malinterpretadas. Tercero, análisis estocásticos tridimensionales de cambio de escala de la conductividad hidráulica fueron realizados usando los métodos de promedios simples y de Laplace con piel para una variedad de tamaños de bloques usando mediciones reales de K. En esta parte son demostrados los errores que pueden ser introducidos al usar métodos determinísticos de cambio de escala usando promedios simples de las mediciones de K sin llevar en consideración la correlación espacial. La aplicación muestra que la heterogeneidad de K puede ser incorporada en la práctica diaria del modelador geotécnico. Los aspectos que considerar durante un proceso de cambio de escala también son discutidos. Finalmente, la dependencia del exponente de la norma-p como función del tamaño del bloque fue analizada. En la última parte, una aplicación de cambio de escala estocástico del coeficiente de dispersión hidrodinámica D y del factor de retardo R fue realizada usando datos reales con el objetivo de reducir la falta de casos de investigación experimental de cambio de escala de parámetros de transporte de solutos reactivos. El cambio de escala de D fue realizado usando el método de macrodispersión. El método de promedio simple de norma-p fue usado para realizar el cambio de escala de R. Una buena propagación de incertidumbres fue alcanzada. Métodos simples de cambio de escala pueden ser introducidos en la práctica del modelaje usando programas comerciales de transporte y conseguir reproducir el transporte en escala gruesa, pero puede requerir correcciones con el objetivo de reducir el efecto de suavizado de la heterogeneidad causado por el / Numerical models are becoming fundamental tools to predict a range of complex problems faced by geotechnical and geo-environmental engineers. However, to render the model reliable for future predictions, the model input parameters must be determined with consideration of the scale effects. In this context, this thesis focuses on upscaling of water flow and mass transport in a tropical soil by means of numerical, laboratory and field studies. This thesis is organized in four parts. First, the heterogeneity, correlation and cross-correlation between solute transport parameters (dispersivity, ¿, and partition coefficient, Kd) and soil properties were studied in detail. In this part, it was verified that the hydraulic conductivity (K) and solute transport parameters are highly heterogeneous, while soil properties not. Spatial correlation of ¿, K, and statistically significant variables were studied, and it would probably improve the estimation only in a small-scale study, since the spatial correlation were only observed up to 2.5 m. This study was a first attempt to evaluate the spatial variation in the correlation coefficient of transport parameters of a reactive and a nonreactive solute, indicating the more relevant variables and the one that should be included in future studies. In the second part, scale effect on K, dispersivity and partition coefficient of potassium and chloride is studied experimentally by means of laboratory and field experiments. The purpose of was to contribute to the discussion about scale effects on K, ¿ and Kd and understanding how these parameters behave with the change in the scale of measurement. Results shows that K increases with scale, regardless of the method of measurement. Dispersivity trends to increases exponentially with the sample height. Partition coefficient, tend to increase with sample length, diameter and volume. These differences in the parameters according to the scale of measurement must be considered when these observations are later used as input to numerical models, otherwise the responses can be misrepresented. Third, stochastic analysis of three-dimensional hydraulic conductivity upscaling was performed using a simple average and the Laplacian-with-skin methods for a variety of block sizes using real K measurements. In this part it was demonstrated the errors that can be introduced by using a deterministic upscaling using simple averages of the measured K without accounting for the spatial correlation. The application shows that K heterogeneity can be incorporated in the daily practice of the geotechnical modeler. The aspects to consider when performing the upscaling were also discussed. Finally, the dependence of the exponent of the p-norm as a function of the block size was analyzed. In the last part, an application of stochastic upscaling of hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient (D) and retardation factor (R) was performed using real data aiming to reduce the lack in experimental upscaling of reactive solute transport research. Upscaling of D was done using macrodispersion method. Simple average method based on p-norm was used to perform R upscaling. A good propagation of the uncertainties was achieved. Simple upscaling methods can be incorporated to the modeling practice using commercial transport codes and properly reproduce de transport at coarse scale but may require corrections to reduce smoothing of the heterogeneity caused by the upscaling procedure. / Els models numèrics s'estan constituint en eines fonamentals per a realitzar prediccions d'una àmplia gamma de problemes enfrontats per enginyers geotècnics i geoambientales. No obstant açò, perquè aquests models puguen realitzar prediccions fiables, els paràmetres d'entrada del model han de considerar l'efecte escala. En aquest context, aquesta tesi es concentra en les regles del canvi d'escala dels paràmetres de flux i transport de massa en un sòl tropical a través d'estudis numèrics, de laboratori i de camp. Aquesta tesi està organitzada en quatre parts. Primer, l'heterogeneïtat, correlació i correlació creuada entre els paràmetres de transport de soluts (dispersivitat, ¿, i coeficient de partició, Kd) i les propietats del sòl van ser estudiades detalladament. En aquesta part va ser verificat que la conductivitat hidràulica (K) i els paràmetres de transport de soluts són altament heterogenis, mentre que les propietats del sòl no ho són. La correlació espacial de ¿ i K amb variables estadísticament significatives va ser estudiada. Aquest resultat probablement podrà millorar l'estimació en casos d'estudis de xicoteta escala a causa que solament va ser observada correlacions de fins a 2,5 m. Aquest estudi va ser un primer intent d'avaluar la variació espacial en el coeficient de correlació dels paràmetres de transport d'un solut reactiu i d'un no reactiu, indicant les variables més rellevants i aquelles que haurien de ser inclosas en estudis futurs. En la segona part, l'efecte escala en K, dispersivitat i coeficient de partició de potassi i clorito va ser estudiat experimentalment a través d'experiments de laboratori i de camp. L'objectiu d'aquesta part va ser contribuir a la discussió sobre l'efecte escala en K, ¿ i Kd, i entendre com aquests paràmetres es comporten amb el canvi d'escala de mesurament. La dispersivitat tendeix a augmentar amb l'altura de la mostra, és a dir, amb la longitud del transport, de manera exponencial. El coeficient de partició tendeix a augmentar amb l'altura, el diàmetre i el volum de la mostra. Aquestes diferències en els paràmetres d'acord amb l'escala de mesurament han de ser considerats quan aquests valors siguen usats posteriorment com a dades d'entrada de models numèrics; d'una altra manera, les respostes poden ser malament interpretades. Tercer, anàlisis estocàstiques tridimensionals de canvi d'escala de la conductivitat hidràulica van ser realitzats usant els mètodes de mitjanes simples i de Laplace amb pell per a una varietat de grandàries de blocs usant mesuraments reals de K. En aquesta part són demostrats els errors que poden ser introduïts en usar mètodes determinístics de canvi d'escala usant mitjanes simples dels mesuraments de K sense tindre en consideració la correlació espacial. L'aplicació mostra que l'heterogeneïtat de K pot ser incorporada en la pràctica diària del modelador geotècnic. Els aspectes a considerar durant un procés de canvi d'escala també són discutits. Finalment, la dependència de l'exponent de la norma-p com a funció de la grandària del bloc va ser analitzada. En l'última part, una aplicació de canvi d'escala estocàstic del coeficient de dispersió hidrodinámica D i del factor de retard R va ser realitzada usant dades reals amb l'objectiu de reduir la falta de casos de recerca experimental de canvi d'escala de paràmetres de transport de soluts reactius. El canvi d'escala de D va ser realitzat usant el mètode de macrodispersió. El mètode de mitjana simple de norma-p va ser usat per a realitzar el canvi d'escala de R. Una bona propagació d'incerteses va ser aconseguida. Mètodes simples de canvi d'escala poden ser introduïts en la pràctica de la modelació usant programes comercials de transport i aconseguir reproduir el transport en escala gruixuda, però pot requerir correccions amb l'objectiu de reduir l'efecte de suavitzat de l'heterogeneïtat causat pel procés de canvi d'escala. / Almeida De Godoy, V. (2018). Upscaling of water flow and mass transport in a tropical soil: numerical, laboratory and field studies [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/102405

Modeling of High Power Conversion Efficiency Thin Film Solar Cells

Khattak, Yousaf Hameed 01 April 2019 (has links)
[ES] Las energía solar fotovoltaica ha emergido como una fuente de energía nueva y sostenible, que es ecológica y rentable si la producción es a gran escala. En el escenario actual, los dispositivos fotovoltaicos económicos y de alta eficiencia de conversión sin que se degraden sus componentes están bien posicionados para la generación de electricidad. Las células solares basadas en silicio dominan este mercado desde hace muchos años. Para la fabricación y producción de células solares basadas en silicio, se requieren sofisticadas técnicas de fabricación que hacen que el panel solar sea costoso. Por otra parte estan las células solares de película delgada, las cuales, debido a la intensificación de las capacidades de fabricación están ganando importancia. La tecnología de película delgada es una de las tecnologías más rentables y eficientes para la fabricación de células solares, y es un tema de intensa investigación en la industria fotovoltaica. La tecnología de película delgada es más económica que otras tecnologías porque los dispositivos utilizan menos material y están basados en varios tipos de materiales semiconductores que absorben la luz. Entre estos materiales, las células solares de kesterita que utilizan CZTS, CZTSe y sus aleaciones CZTSSe pueden convertirse en el reemplazo óptimo a los absorbentes de calcopirita. Estos materiales presentan unas características ópticas y eléctricas sobresalientes y tienen un gap óptico directo con una banda prohibida que oscila entre 1,4\ eV\ y 1,5\ eV y un coeficiente de absorción, \alpha>{10}^4{cm}^{-1}. Estas características han propiciado que las kesteritas esten siendo muy investigadas por la comunidad fotovoltaica de películas delgadas. De acuerdo con el límite de Shockley-Queisser, la eficiencia de conversión para una célula solar basada en CZTS\ es alrededor del 28%. Esta eficiencia es teóricamente posible mediante el ajuste de la banda prohibida, pero aún así, todavia no se ha podido alcanzar experimentalmente, probablemente debido a la falta de comprensión de las características de los dispositivos.Para una mejor comprensión de las características de los dispositivos, la modelación numérica puede jugar un papel importante al perimitir estudiar diferentes estructuras de dispositivos que pueden ahorrar tiempo y costos a la comunidad científico-técnica. En este trabajo, se ha llevado a cabo una modelazación numérica para estimar y analizar el efecto de parámetros físicos como el espesor y la concentración de dopado de la capa absorbente, la capa tampón y las capas ventana, además de estudiar el efecto de la temperatura y el efecto de la potencia de iluminación del sol en el rendimiento del dispositivo. El análisis numérico de los dispositivos se realizó con el software de simulación denominado "Solar Cell Capacitance Simulator" (SCAPS-1D). Para ello se analizó una estructura simple p-n-n^+ usando molibdeno como contacto posterior y FTO como ventana óptica y contacto frontal y siguiendo la secuencia de materiales Mo/CZTS/CdS/ZnO/FTO. A través del análisis, se estudió el rendimiento de las células solares con la variación en el espesor del absorbente para encontrar el espesor óptimo de la capa absorbente. También se estudió el efecto de la concentración del dopado y de la función de trabajo del metal. Después de la visualización de una estructura de dispositivo básica en SCAPS-1D, se modelo una célula solar experimental basada en CZTS. Los resultados de las células solares CZTS diseñados experimentalmente se simularon por primera vez en el entorno SCAPS-1D. Los resultados simulados de SCAPS-1D se compararon con los resultados experimentales. Después de la optimización de los parámetros de la celda, se incrementó la eficiencia de conversión de un dispositivo optimizado y, a partir del modelado, se descubrió que el rendimiento del dispositivo mejora al aumentar el tiempo de vida de los porta / [CA] L'energia solar fotovoltaica ha emergit com una font d'energia nova i sostenible, que és ecològica i rendible si la producció és a gran escala. En l'escenari actual, els dispositius fotovoltaics econòmics i de gran eficiència de conversió estan ben posicionats per a la generació d'electricitat neta i sostenible. Les cèl·lules solars basades en silici dominen aquest mercat des de fa molts anys. Per a la fabricació i producció de cèl·lules solars basades en silici, es requereixen tècniques de fabricació sofisticades que fan que el panell solar sigui costós. Per altra banda estan les cel·les solars de capa fina, que estan guanyant importància a causa de l'intensificació de les capacitats de fabricació. La tecnologia de capa fina és una de les tecnologies més rentables i eficients per a la fabricació de cel solars, i és un tema d'intensa investigació en la fotovoltaica industrial. La tecnologia de capa fina és més econòmica que altres tecnologies perquè els dispositius utilitzen menys material i estan basats en diversos tipus de materials semiconductors que absorbeixen la llum. Entre aquests materials, les cèl·lules solars de kesterita que utilitzen CZTS, CZTSe i les seves aleacions CZTSSe poden convertir-se en el reemplaçament òptim als absorbents de calcopirita. Aquests materials presenten unes característiques òptiques i elèctriques sobresalientes i tenen un gap òptic directe amb una banda prohibida que oscil·la entre 1,4eV i 1,5eV i un coeficient d'absorció, \alpha>{10}^4{cm}^{-1}. Aquestes característiques han propiciat que les Les kesteritas estan sent molt investigades per la comunitat fotovoltaica de capes primes. D'acord amb el límit de Shockley-Queisser, l'eficiència de conversió per a una cel·la solar basada en CZTS és d'aproximadament 28%. Aquesta eficiència és teòricament possible a través de l'ajust de la banda prohibida, però tot i així, encara no s'ha pogut assolir experimentalment, probablement a causa de la incomprensió del funcionament dels dispositius. Per a una millor comprensió de les característiques i funcionament dels dispositius, la modelització numèrica pot jugar un paper important al permetre estudiar diferents estructures de sistemes que poden estalviar temps i costos a la comunitat científica-tècnica. En aquest treball, s'ha dut a terme una modelització numèrica per estimar i analitzar l'efecte de paràmetres físics com l'espessor i la concentració de dopatge de la capa absorbent, la capa tampó i la capa finestra, a més d'estudiar l'efecte de la temperatura i l'efecte de la potència d'il·luminació del sol en el rendiment del dispositiu. L'anàlisi numèrica dels dispositius es va realitzar amb el programari de simulació denominat "Solar Cell Capacitance Simulator" (SCAPS-1D). Per això es va analitzar una estructura senzilla p-n-n^+ utilitzant molibdé com contacte posterior i FTO com a finestra òptica i contacte frontal i seguint la seqüència de materials Mo/CZTS/CdS/ZnO/FTO. A través de l'anàlisi, es va estudiar el rendiment de les cel·les solars amb la variació en l'espessor de l'absorbent per trobar l'espessor òptim de la capa absorbent. També es va estudiar l'efecte de la concentració del dopatge i de la funció de treball del metall. Després de la visualització d'una estructura de dispositiu bàsic en SCAPS-1D, es model una cel·la solar experimental basada en CZTS. Els resultats de les cel·les solars CZTS dissenyats experimentalment es simularen per primera vegada en l'entorn SCAPS-1D. Els resultats simulats de SCAPS-1D es van comparar amb els resultats experimentals. Després de l'optimització dels paràmetres de la celda, es va incrementar l'eficiència de conversió d'un dispositiu optimitzat i, a partir del modelatge, es va descobrir que el rendiment del dispositiu es millora a l'augmentar la vida útil dels minoritaris, cosa que es aconsegueix amb la incorporació d'un camp elèctric a la superfície del con / [EN] The solar cell has emerged as a newer and a relatively sustainable energy source, that is eco-friendly and cost-effective if the production is on a larger scale. In the current scenario, the economic and high-power conversion efficiency photovoltaic devices without degradation of materials are designed for the generation of electricity. The silicon-based solar cells dominated the market for many years. For the manufacturing and production of silicon-based solar cells, sophisticated fabrication techniques are required that make the solar panel costly. Due to intensification in manufacturing capabilities, thin film solar cells are gaining significance. Thin film technology is one of the most cost-effective and efficient technologies for the manufacturing of solar cells, and it is an excellent subject of intense research in the photovoltaic industry. Thin film technology is economical than other technologies because devices have relatively less material and are based on various types of light absorbing semiconductor materials. Among these materials, kesterite solar cells utilizing CZTS, CZTSe and their alloys CZTSSe are emerging as the most auspicious replacement for the chalcopyrite absorbers. The outstanding electrical and optical features having direct optical band gap ranges among 1.4eV to 1.5eV and large absorption coefficient \alpha\ >{10}^4{cm}^{-1} of CZTS have made it very interesting in the thin film community. According to the Shockley-Queisser limit, the optimum conversion efficiency of around 28\ % is theoretically possible from a CZTS based solar cell by tuning the band gap, but still, it is not experimentally possible to achieve 28% conversion efficiency from a solar cell due to lack of understanding of device characteristics. For a better understanding of device characteristics, numerical modeling can play a significant role by modeling different device structures that can save time and cost of the research community. In this work, numerical modeling was carried out for estimating and analyzing the effect of physical parameters such as thickness and doping concentration of absorber, buffer and window layers, temperature effect and effect of illumination power of the sun on device performance. Device modeling had performed on the dedicated simulation software "Solar Cell Capacitance Simulator" (SCAPS-1D). To achieve this task first, a simple {p-n-n}^+ structure for Mo/CZTS/CdS/ZnO/FTO had been analyzed with molybdenum as back contact and FTO as a front contact. Through analysis, it had been found that solar cell performance was affected by variation in absorber thickness, doping concentration, and metal work function. After visualization of a basic device structure in SCAPS-1D, CZTS based experimental solar cell had been modeled. Experimentally designed CZTS solar cell results were first simulated in SCAPS-1D environment. The SCAPS-1D simulated results were then compared with experimental results. After optimization of cell parameters, the conversion efficiency of an optimized device was increased and from modeling, it had been found that device performance was improved by improving minority carrier lifetime and integration of back surface field at the back contact. Based on the results presented, it was found that recombination in a solar cell can greatly affect the performance of a solar cell. Therefore, a new structure (Back\ contact/CFTS/ZnS/Zn(O,S)/FTO) was modeled and analyzed in which interface recombination is reduced by optimizing the band gap of Zn(O,S) layer. Based on different device structure modeling, it was found that solar cell with structure CFTS/ZnS/Zn(O,S)/FTO can exhibit an efficiency of 26.11% with optimized physical parameters like absorber thickness layer of 4\mu m and acceptor concentration density of 2\times{10}^{18}\ {cm}^{-3}. The proposed results will give a valuable guideline for the feasible fabrication and designing of high-power conversion efficiency solar cells. / Khattak, YH. (2019). Modeling of High Power Conversion Efficiency Thin Film Solar Cells [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/118802

Numerical modeling of the Sakuma Dam reservoir sedimentation

Hanmaiahgari, P.R., Gompa, N.R., Pal, D., Pu, Jaan H. 16 January 2018 (has links)
Yes / The present study attempts to predict the reservoir sedimentation in 32 km region of the Tenryu River between the Hiraoka and Sakuma Dams in Japan. For numerical simulations of the reservoir sedimentation, the one-dimensional model of the Hydrologic Engineering Centre-River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) is used together with the inclusion of channel geometry, bed gradation curve, Exner-5 bed sorting mechanisms, fall velocity of the particle, and flow and sediment boundary conditions pertaining to modeling region. The modeling region of the Tenryu River is divided into 48 river stations with 47 reaches in the numerical simulations. The numerical model is calibrated using the available data for 48 years from 1957 to 2004. The formulae of sediment transport function, Manning’s roughness coefficient, computational increment and fall velocity have been identified for getting the best estimation of the Sakuma Dam reservoir sedimentation. Combination of obtained sensitive parameters and erodible limits of 2 m gave the best comparison with the measured bed profile. The computed results follow the trend of measured data with a small underestimation. Although Manning’s roughness coefficient has an effect on the sedimentation, no direct relation is found between the Manning’s roughness coefficient and reservoir sedimentation. It is found that the temperature of water has no effect on the reservoir sedimentation.

Evolution of the Geohydrologic Cycle During the Past 700 Million Years

Angel, Adam M. 20 April 2018 (has links)
Water is a primary driver of the physical, geochemical and biological evolution of the Earth. The near-surface hydrosphere (exosphere) includes the atmosphere, cryosphere (glacial and polar ice), the biosphere, surface water, groundwater, and the oceans. The amounts of water in these various reservoirs of the hydrologic cycle have likely varied significantly over the past 700 Ma, with the cryosphere and continental biosphere reservoirs likely showing the most dramatic variations relative to the modern. For example, 700 Ma, during snowball-Earth conditions, the planet may have been almost entirely enveloped in ice, whereas throughout much of the Phanerozoic, greenhouse conditions predominately prevailed and the Earth had a much smaller cryosphere. Similarly, before about 444 Ma and the proliferation of land plants, the continental biosphere reservoir would have effectively non-existent. However, today, plants play a critical role in storage and transfer of water within the hydrologic cycle. Because the amount of water in the exosphere is thought to have remained relatively constant during the past 700 Ma, variations in the amounts of water held by the in the various exogenic reservoirs exert concomitant effects on other reservoirs in the exosphere. We present a conceptual and numerical model that examines variations in the amount of water in the various reservoirs of the near-surface hydrologic cycle (exosphere) during the past 700 Ma and quantify variations in the rates of exchange of water between these reservoirs in deep time. Variations in the sizes of major reservoirs are primarily controlled by changes in global average temperature, and the movement of water between the atmosphere, surface water, and ocean reservoirs varies in concert with the waxing and waning of the cryosphere. We find that variations in the sizes of major reservoirs are primarily controlled by changes in global average temperature, and the flux of water between the atmosphere, surface water, and ocean reservoirs varies in concert with the waxing and waning of the cryosphere, with some fluxes decreasing to 0.0 kg/yr during snowball-Earth conditions. We find that the amount of water precipitated from the atmosphere to the cryosphere increases from greenhouse conditions to -10.5°C and decreases from -10.5°C to snowball-earth conditions, highlighting "tipping-point" behavior due to changes in temperature and cryosphere surface area. The amount of surface runoff to the oceans varies in proportion to the amount of water removed from the surface water reservoir and transferred into the continental biosphere. Variations in the movement of water between near-surface reservoirs that are driven by the waxing and waning of the cryosphere and emergence and growth of plant life thus have significant implications for the transfer of weathering products to the oceans and could contribute to short-term (<1 Ma) variations in seawater composition and isotopic signatures. / Ph. D. / Water drives the evolution of the planet, and the distribution of water throughout Earth’s atmosphere and surface has varied during the geologic past. The amounts of water in the atmosphere, polar ice, the biosphere, surface water, groundwater, and the oceans have changed during the past 700 million years, and the polar ice and biosphere reservoirs have undergone the most significant changes during that time. For example, at extremely cold conditions the planet may have been covered in ice, and during warmer conditions the planet may have been covered in little to no ice. Similarly, before 444 million years ago, the biosphere on Earth’s continental surface was almost non-existent. The evolution of land plants after 444 Ma resulted in an increase in the amount of water in the biosphere. Changes in the amounts of water in one reservoir of water over time will have effects on the other reservoirs of water in the water cycle. We produce a numerical model that examines changes in the sizes of water cycle reservoirs and the movement of water between those reservoirs during the past 700 million years. Variations in reservoir sizes are primarily controlled by changes in global average temperature, and the movement of water between the atmosphere, surface water, and ocean reservoirs varies with changes in the amount of polar ice on Earth. We find that total annual precipitation to polar ice increases from greenhouse temperatures to - 10.5°C and decreases from -10.5°C to cold snowball-earth temperatures due to changes in both temperature and the surface area of polar ice. The amount of surface runoff to the oceans varies in proportion to the amount of water removed from the surface water reservoir and transferred into the continental biosphere. Variations in the movement of water between reservoirs that are driven by the waxing and waning of polar ice and the growth of plant life have significant implications for the movement of dissolved material to the oceans and could contribute to short-term (<1 Ma) variations in seawater chemistry.

Numerical modeling and experimental investigation of laser-assisted machining of silicon nitride ceramics

Shen, Xinwei January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering / Shuting Lei / Laser-assisted machining (LAM) is a promising non-conventional machining technique for advanced ceramics. However, the fundamental machining mechanism which governs the LAM process is not well understood so far. Hence, the main objective of this study is to explore the machining mechanism and provide guidance for future LAM operations. In this study, laser-assisted milling (LAMill) of silicon nitride ceramics is focused. Experimental experience reveals that workpiece temperature in LAM of silicon nitride ceramics determines the surface quality of the machined workpiece. Thus, in order to know the thermal features of the workpiece in LAM, the laser-silicon nitride interaction mechanism is investigated via heating experiments. The trends of temperature affected by the key parameters (laser power, laser beam diameter, feed rate, and preheat time) are obtained through a parametric study. Experimental results show that high operating temperature leads to low cutting force, good surface finish, small edge chipping, and low residual stress. The temperature range for brittle-to-ductile transition should be avoided due to the rapid increase of fracture toughness. In order to know the temperature distribution at the cutting zone in the workpiece, a transient three-dimensional thermal model is developed using finite element analysis (FEA) and validated through experiments. Heat generation associated with machining is considered and demonstrated to have little impact on LAM. The model indicates that laser power is one critical parameter for successful operation of LAM. Feed and cutting speed can indirectly affect the operating temperatures. Furthermore, a machining model is established with the distinct element method (or discrete element method, DEM) to simulate the dynamic process of LAM. In the microstructural modeling of a β-type silicon nitride ceramic, clusters are used to simulate the rod-like grains of the silicon nitride ceramic and parallel bonds act as the intergranular glass phase between grains. The resulting temperature-dependent synthetic materials for LAM are calibrated through the numerical compression, bending and fracture toughness tests. The machining model is also validated through experiments in terms of cutting forces, chip size and depth of subsurface damage.

Influence of geometric and environmental parameters on air-cooled steam condenser performance

Joubert, Retief 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Air-cooled steam condensers (ACSCs) are used in the power generation industry to directly condense turbine exhaust steam in areas where cooling water is expensive or unavailable. Large axial flow fans force ambient air through A-frame heat exchanger bundles made up of a number of rows of finned tubes through which the steam is ducted and consequently condensed during the heat transfer process to the air. The heat rejection rate or performance of an ACSC is proportional to the air mass flow rate, determined by fan volumetric performance, and the temperature difference between the finned tubes and the air. The air flow through a 30 fan ACSC (termed the generic ACSC) operating under windy conditions is solved using the commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code FLUENT and the required data is extracted from the solution to calculate performance trends. It is found that fan performance is reduced due to a combination of factors. The first is additional upstream flow losses caused by separated flow occurring primarily at the leading edge of the ACSC and secondarily at the fan bellmouth inlets. The second factor leading to reduced fan performance is the presence of distorted flow conditions at the fan inlets. Hot plume air recirculation is responsible for decreased ACSC thermal performance due to increased fan inlet air temperatures. It is found that reduced fan performance is the greater contributor to reduced ACSC performance. The performance effects of varying two geometrical parameters of the generic ACSC, namely the fan platform height and the windwall height, are investigated under windy conditions. It is found that each parameter is linked to a specific mechanism of performance reduction with the fan platform height affecting fan performance and the windwall height affecting recirculation. The respective platform and windwall heights specified for the generic ACSC are found to provide acceptable performance results. To mitigate wind induced performance reductions a number of modification and additions to the ACSC are investigated. These primarily aim at improving fan performance and included the addition of walkways or skirts, the addition of wind screens beneath the fan platform, removing the bellmouth fan inlets, using different types of fans and increasing fan power. The addition of a periphery walkway and windscreens is considered to be the most practical methods of improving ACSC performance under windy conditions. The generic ACSC is modified to include both modifications and under high wind conditions the performance is found to increase measurably. The modifications also resulted in the ACSC performance being less sensitive to wind direction effects. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Lugverkoelde kondensators word in die kragopwekkings industrie gebruik om turbine uitlaatstoom te kondenseer, veral in gebiede waar verkoelingwater duur of onbeskikbaar is. Aksiaalvloei-waaiers forseer omgewingslug deur A-raam warmteuitruiler bondels wat bestaan uit verskeie rye vinbuise. Die uitlaatstoom vloei in die vinbuise en kondenseer as gevolg van die warmteoordrag na die lug. Die warmteoordragkapasiteit van die lugverkoelde stoom kondensator is eweredig aan die massavloei-tempo van die lug, wat bepaal word deur die waaierwerkverigting, en die temperatuur verskil tussen die vinbuise en die lug. Die lugvloei deur 'n 30 waaier lugverkoelde stoom kondensator (genoem die generiese lugverkoelde stoom kondensator) onderworpe aan winderige toestande word opgelos deur die gebruik van die kommersiële vloeidinamika-pakket, FLUENT. Die nodige data is onttrek uit die oplossing en werkverrigting neigings is bereken. Dit is gevind dat waaierwerkverigting verminder as gevolg van 'n kombinasie van faktore. Die eerste is bykomende vloeiverliese wat veroorsaak word deur vloeiwegbreking wat plaasvind primêr by die voorste rand van die lugverkoelde stoom kondensator asook by die klokvormige waaier-inlate. 'n Tweede faktor wat lei tot vermindere waaierwerkverigting is die teenwoordigheid van lugvloeiversteurings by die waaier-inlate. Hersirkulering van warm pluim lug is ook verantwoordelik vir verminderde lugverkoelde stoom kondensator werkverrigting. Daar word bevind dat die vermindering in waaierwerkverrigting die grootste bydraende faktor tot vermindere lugverkoelde stoom kondensator werkverrigting is. Die effek van verandering van twee geometriese lugverkoelde stoom kondensator parameters, naamlik die waaierplatformhoogte en die windwandhoogte is ondersoek onder winderige toestande. Daar word bevind dat elk van die parameters gekoppel is aan 'n spesifieke meganisme van vermindere lugverkoelde stoom kondensator verrigting: Die waaierplatformhoogte beïnvloed waaierverrigting terwyl die windwandhoogte hersirkulering beinvloed. Daar word ook bevind dat die onderskeie waaierplatform- and windwandhoogtes van die generiese lugverkoelde stoom kondensator, van so 'n aard is dat dit aanvaarbare werkverrigting tot gevolg het. Om verlaging in werksverrigting in winderige toestande te verminder is verskeie modifikasies en byvoegings tot die lugverkoelde stoom kondensator ondersoek wat primêr gemik is op verbetering in waaierwerkverigting. Die ondersoek dek die byvoeging van 'n loopvlak, die byvoeging van windskerms onder die waaierplatform, verwydering van die klokvormige waaier-inlate, die gebruik van verskillende waaiers en die verhoging van waaierdrywing. Daar was besluit dat die byvoeging van 'n loopvlak rondom die rand van die lugverkoelde stoom kondensator en die byvoeging van windskerms die mees praktiese manier was om die lugverkoelde stoom kondensator verigting te verbeter. Die generiese lugverkoelde stoom kondensator was aangepas om beide veranderings in te sluit en meetbare verbetering in werkrigting was verkry. Die veranderings het ook meegebring dat die lugverkoelde stoom kondensator minder sensitief is vir windrigting effekte.

A High Order Finite Difference Method for Simulating Earthquake Sequences in a Poroelastic Medium

Torberntsson, Kim, Stiernström, Vidar January 2016 (has links)
Induced seismicity (earthquakes caused by injection or extraction of fluids in Earth's subsurface) is a major, new hazard in the United States, the Netherlands, and other countries, with vast economic consequences if not properly managed. Addressing this problem requires development of predictive simulations of how fluid-saturated solids containing frictional faults respond to fluid injection/extraction. Here we present a numerical method for linear poroelasticity with rate-and-state friction faults. A numerical method for approximating the fully coupled linear poroelastic equations is derived using the summation-by-parts-simultaneous-approximation-term (SBP-SAT) framework. Well-posedness is shown for a set of physical boundary conditions in 1D and in 2D. The SBP-SAT technique is used to discretize the governing equations and show semi-discrete stability and the correctness of the implementation is verified by rigorous convergence tests using the method of manufactured solutions, which shows that the expected convergence rates are obtained for a problem with spatially variable material parameters. Mandel's problem and a line source problem are studied, where simulation results and convergence studies show satisfactory numerical properties. Furthermore, two problem setups involving fault dynamics and slip on faults triggered by fluid injection are studied, where the simulation results show that fluid injection can trigger earthquakes, having implications for induced seismicity. In addition, the results show that the scheme used for solving the fully coupled problem, captures dynamics that would not be seen in an uncoupled model. Future improvements involve imposing Dirichlet boundary conditions using a different technique, extending the scheme to handle curvilinear coordinates and three spatial dimensions, as well as improving the high-performance code and extending the study of the fault dynamics.

Development of a New 3-D Coal Mass Strength Criterion

He, Pengfei January 2016 (has links)
In this research, a novel, unique systematic procedure was implemented to investigate the influence of the fracture networks and confining stresses on the jointed coal mass strength (JCMS). Both a laboratory experimental scheme and a numerical modeling scheme were carried out at the 3-D level. The laboratory experiments were performed to achieve the following three goals. Firstly, the geomechanical properties for the intact coal and coal discontinuities were estimated through the laboratory geomechanical property tests. Secondly, naturally existing fracture networks in the cubic coal blocks were first detected by the industrial Computed Tomography (CT) scanning technique and then quantified by the fracture tensor based methodology. Thirdly, polyaxial tests were conducted on the same cubic coal blocks to obtain the JCMS values under different confining stresses. With respect to the numerical modeling, PFC^3D and 3DEC software packages were used to simulate the polyaxial compression tests for intact and jointed cubic coal blocks, respectively. From more than twenty intact rock strength criteria, nine criteria were selected for this research. The intact coal strength data bank obtained from PFC^3D modeling was used to evaluate the applicability of nine different intact rock strength criteria. A modified grid search (MGS) procedure is proposed and used to find the best fitting parameter values and calculate the coefficient of determination (R²) values for each criterion. These criteria are compared in detail using the following features: R² values, σ₁ - σ₂ plots for different σ₃, shapes on the deviatoric planes, linearity or nonlinearity on the meridian planes. The regression analysis and the MGS procedure were found to be equivalent in finding the best fitting parameter values for a certain intact rock strength criterion. Through the comparisons, the modified Wiebols-Cook and modified Lade criteria were found to provide the highest R² values and fit the intact coal strength data best on the σ₁ - σ₂ coordinate plane and meridian planes. Based on the appearances on the deviatoric plane, the nine intact rock strength criteria are categorized into three types: the single shear stress criteria, the octahedral shear stress criteria and the criteria incorporating the maximum principal shear stress and partial intermediate principal shear stress. The relative positions of the different criteria on two specific meridian planes are also discussed. The geometric model of the jointed coal block was first set up by incorporating the fracture network constructed from the CT scanning into the intact coal block using a modified fictitious joint procedure. The numerical parameter values of intact coal and coal discontinuities were then calibrated and validated through a trial and error procedure using the laboratory test results of some selected samples. Next the JCMS data bank was consummated by performing a four-phase numerical investigation on several jointed coal blocks having selected fracture networks and five additional artificial fracture networks under different confining stress combinations. Finally, a new empirical coal mass strength criterion was developed to estimate the JCMS values at the 3-D level. The developed new model is capable of capturing the scale effect and anisotropic strength behaviors. It can also be applied to rock masses having approximately orthogonal fracture systems or for masses where fracture system can be reduced to an equivalent orthogonal fracture system.The following new contributions were made in this dissertation to advance the existing state-of-art on the dissertation topic: (a) A new, unique methodology as shown in Fig. 1.1 incorporating the following aspects was used to develop a new 3-D coal mass strength criterion: a complete set of geomechanical property tests, fracture network detection and quantification, polyaxial compression tests, numerical decomposition techniques; (b) A new procedure was developed to construct the fracture network in the coal cubes starting from CT scans to perform numerical modeling using 3DEC. In this procedure, a modified fictitious joint framework was also proposed to extend the applicability of the original fictitious joint framework, which allows incorporating a large quantity of non-persistent joints with acceptable numerical calculation effort; (c) A new 3-D coal mass strength criterion was developed to incorporate the fracture network and 3-D confining stress system to capture the anisotropy and scale effect of coal mass strength. The proposed criterion not only includes the influence of the intermediate principal stress, which is ignored by some existing strength criteria, but also includes the intensity and orientation and size probability distributions of the fracture system explicitly by a fracture tensor based methodology, which is far more advanced than most of the current criteria that are based on rock mass classification systems having only scalar indices; (d) A modified grid search procedure was proposed and used to evaluate the applicability of nine different intact rock strength criteria. The best intact rock strength criteria applicable for the intact coal data obtained through PFC^3D modeling were found by performing the most detailed intact rock strength criteria evaluation incorporating σ₁ - σ₂ - σ₃ plots and behaviors on the deviatoric and meridian planes, which improves the understanding of the available intact rock strength criteria.

Stability Investigations of Tunnels in a Coal Mine in China Through 3D-Discontinuum Numerical Modeling and Field Deformation Monitoring Data

Shreedharan, Srisharan January 2016 (has links)
An imperative task for successful underground mining is to ensure the stability of underground structures, since it influences the safety, and in turn, the production capacity and economic performance of the mine. This is more so for deep excavations in soft rock which may be under significantly high stresses. In this thesis, stability studies on two tunnels, a horseshoe-shaped and an inverted arch-shaped tunnel, have been presented. The tunnels, running at a depth of 1325 m, are part of the Xiezhuang Coal Mine, in the Xinwen mining area, in China. Using the available information on stratigraphy, geological structures, in-situ stress measurements and geo-mechanical properties of intact rock and discontinuity interfaces, a three-dimensional numerical model has been built using the 3DEC 3-Dimensional Distinct Element Code to simulate the stress conditions around the tunnels. Based on available discontinuity geometry constraints, the rock mass has been modelled as a mixture of a discontinuum medium close to the tunnels and as an equivalent-continuum in the far field. Due to the unavailability of field measurements for rock mass mechanical parameters, the parameters have been estimated by incorporating the available intact rock mechanical properties and field deformation monitoring data into a strength reduction model calibration procedure. This back-analysis (calibration) has been carried out through a pseudo-time dependent support installation routine which incorporates the effect of time through a stress-relaxation mechanism. The results from the back-analysis indicate that the rock mass cohesion, tensile strength, uniaxial compressive strength, and elastic modulus values are about 35-45 % of the corresponding intact rock property values. Additionally, the importance of incorporating stress relaxation before support installation in numerical modeling has been illustrated, for the first time in literature, through the increased support factors of safety and reduced grout failures. The calibrated models have been analyzed for different supported and unsupported cases in an attempt to quantify the effect of supports in stabilizing the tunnels and to estimate the adequacy of the existing supports being used in the mine. A direct outcome is that the findings indicate that longer supports may be better suited for the existing geo-mining conditions around the tunnels since they have fractured zones that are larger than the supports currently in use at the mine. The effects of supports have been demonstrated using changes in deformations and yield zones around the tunnels, and changes in the average factors of safety and grout failures of the supports. The use of longer supports and floor bolting has provided greater stability for the rock masses around the tunnels. A comparison between the closure strains in the two differently shaped tunnels indicates that the inverted arch tunnel may be more efficient in reducing roof sag and floor heave for the existing geo-mining conditions. Additional analyses focusing on parametric sensitivity studies on the rock and joint mechanical properties show that the tunnel stability is highly sensitive to changes in cohesion and internal friction angle of the intact rock, and changes in joint basic friction angle. Tunnel stability is seen to not be very sensitive to changes in intact rock tensile strength and joint shear stiffness for the tunnels being studied. Finally, support optimization studies conducted by studying the effect of changing cable diameters and grout uniaxial compressive strengths on support factors of safety and grout failures show the trade-off that is necessary in selecting cable strength vis-à-vis grout strength. The results indicate that simply increasing either one of cable or grout strength parameters without considering their interactions and compatibilities could be detrimental to the stability of the support system.

Modeling flood-induced processes causing Russell lupin mortality in the braided Ahuriri River, New Zealand

Javernick, Luke Anthony January 2013 (has links)
The braided rivers and floodplains in the Upper Waitaki Basin (UWB) of the South Island of New Zealand are critical habitats for endangered and threatened fauna such as the black stilt. However, this habitat has degraded due to introduced predators, hydropower operations, and invasive weeds including Russell lupins. While conservation efforts have been made to restore these habitats, flood events may provide a natural mechanism for removal of invasive vegetation and re-creation of natural floodplain habitats. However, little is understood about the hydraulic effects of floods on vegetation and potential mortality in these dynamic systems. Therefore, this thesis analyzed the flood-induced processes that cause lupin mortality in a reach of the Ahuriri River in the UWB, and simulated various sized flood events to assess how and where these processes occurred. To determine the processes that cause lupin mortality, post-flood observations were utilized to develop the hypothesis that flood-induced drag, erosion, sediment deposition, inundation, and trauma were responsible. Field and laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate and quantify these individual processes, and results showed that drag, erosion, sediment deposition and inundation could cause lupin mortality. Utilizing these mortality processes, mortality thresholds of velocity, water depth, inundation duration, and morphologic changes were estimated through data analysis and evaluation of various empirical relationships. Delft3D was the numerical model used to simulate 2-dimensional flood hydraulics in the study-reach and was calibrated in three stages for hydraulics, vegetation, and morphology. Hydraulic calibration was achieved using the study-reach topography captured by Structure-from-Motion (SfM) and various hydraulic data (depth, velocity, and water extent from aerial photographs). Vegetation inclusion in Delft3D was possible utilizing a function called ‘trachytopes’, which represented vegetation roughness and flow resistance and was calibrated utilizing data from a lupin-altered flow conveyance experiment. Morphologic calibration was achieved by simulating an observed near-mean annual flood event (209 m3 s-1) and adjusting the model parameters until the simulated morphologic changes best represented the observed morphologic changes captured by pre- and post-flood SfM digital elevation models. Calibration results showed that hydraulics were well represented, vegetation inclusion often improved the simulated water inundation extent accuracy at high flows, but that local erosion and sediment deposition were difficult to replicate. Simulation of morphological change was expected to be limited due to simplistic bank erosion prediction methods. Nevertheless, the model was considered adequate since simulated total bank erosion was comparable to that observed and realistic river characteristics (riffles, pools, and channel width) were produced. Flood events ranging from the 2- to 500-year flood were simulated with the calibrated model, and lupin mortality was estimated using simulation results with the lupin mortality thresholds. Results showed that various degrees of lupin mortality occurred for the different flood events, but that the dominant mortality processes fluctuated between erosion, drag, and inundation. Sediment deposition-induced mortality was minimal, but was likely under-represented in the modeling due to poor model sediment deposition replication and possibly over-restrictive deposition mortality thresholds. The research presented in this thesis provided greater understanding of how natural flood events restore and preserve the floodplain habitats of the UWB and can be used to aid current and future braided river conservation and restoration efforts.

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