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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulação numérica de escoamentos bifásicos com o método ISPH / Two-fluid flow numerical simulation using ISPH method

Douglas Farias Cordeiro 05 November 2013 (has links)
O método ISPH (do inglês, Incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) é um método de aproximação livre de malha que, através de um conjunto finito de partículas e uma formulação completamente Lagrangeana, permite a solução de diversos tipos de escoamentos. Entretanto, sua aplicação para escoamentos bifásicos ainda é um desafio, principalmente no que refere-se à manutenabilidade da interface entre fluidos. Diante disso, nesta tese é apresentado o desenvolvimento de um código numérico baseado no método ISPH, sendo propostas duas técnicas de tratamento de interface. Para tanto é realizado um estudo a cerca do método, considerando diferentes metodologias, e analisando pontos específicos, tais como a solução do campo de pressões. São apresentados resultados que mostram a eficácia do método, tanto em escoamentos monofásicos, quanto em escoamentos multifásicos, onde, neste caso, são destacadas as melhorias obtidas através das técnicas de tratamento de interface propostas. Por fim, é realizado um estudo do comportamento de misturas bifásicas, com referência ao fenômeno da inversão de fase / Incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (ISPH) method is a meshless approximation that has been used to simulate several types of fluid flows, through a finite particle set and fully lagrangian formulation. The application of ISPH method in two-fluid flow simulations however, has presented many challenges, specially related to the presence of the interface between different fluids. Thus, we present in this study the development of a numerical code based on ISPH, introducing novel interface treatment techniques. A thorough study about this method is provided, considering different methodologies and analysing specific points such as the position of the interface and the obtained pressure field. Results have been presented to show the methods developed in this thesis efficiently simulate two-fluid flows, illustrating the improvements achieved by the proposed interface treatment techniques. Finally, a study of biphasic mixture behavior is carried out with reference to phase inversion phenomena

Transitions in Axisymmetric Turbulence / Transitions et Structures dans la Turbulence Axisymétrique

Qin, Zecong 19 September 2019 (has links)
La turbulence axisymétrique est un écoulement bidimensionnel trois-composantes. L’étude de ce type de turbulence est motivée par le fait que celle-ci représente la limite asymptotique des écoulements anisotropes, et qu’elle a été le sujet des investigations théoriques dans le passé. Dans ce manuscrit, la turbulence axisymétrique a étudié en géométrie fermée en utilisant des simulations numériques spectrales et pseudo-spectrales.Études antérieures concernant la génération des structures cohérentes, obtenues dans les écoulements en déclin libre, sont considérées ici dans le contexte des écoulements statistiquement stationnaires, où l’énergie est injectée soit par un forçage spectralement localisé ou par une rotation des disques en haut et en bas du cylindre. On montre que les structures observées sont conformes aux prédictions théoriques.Lorsqu’un protocole de forçage anisotrope est utilisé, une bifurcation est observée entre un état non-tourbillonnant (bidimensionnel deux-composantes, 2D2C) et un écoulement tourbillonnant turbulent (bidimensionnel trois-composante, 2D3C). Cette transition est modélisée à travers un système de deux équations différentielles ordinaires (ODE), et on montre que ce modèle retient la physique essentielle de cette transition. La transition de l’écoulement axisymétrique à un écoulement tridimensionnel (3D3C) est ensuite étudiée à l’aide d’une dimension non-entière, en introduisant de façon continue la variation azimutale dans le système. On montre que la limite 2D2C est singulière et qu’une petite variation azimutale permet une redistribution d’énergie sur les différentes composante énergétiques. Le modèle ODE est adapté pour ce système et on montre que pour l’écoulement considéré la corrélation pression-déformation est responsable d'un niveau approximativement proportionnel à la dimension non-entière. Des Simulations des Grandes Echelles sont réalisées pour évaluer la robustesse des observations à grands nombres de Reynolds. / Axisymmetric turbulence is a two-dimensional three-component flow. The investigation of this type of turbulence is motivated by the fact that it represents the asymptotic limit of anisotropic flows and since it has been the subject of theoretical investigations in the past. In the present manuscript such a flow is investigated in wall-bounded cylindrical geometry using spectral and pseudo-spectral numerical simulations.Previous results on the generation of coherent structures, obtained for freely decaying flow, are here assessed in the context of statistically steady flow, where the energy is supplied by either a spectrally localized forcing, or by moving top and bottom plates of the cylinder. It is shown that the observed structures are consistent with theoretical predictions.When an anisotropic forcing protocol is used, a bifurcation is observed from a non-swirling (two-dimensional two-component, 2D2C) flow to a swirling (two-dimensional three-component 2D3C) turbulent flow. This transition is modelled by a system of two ordinary differential equations (ODE), and it is shown that this model retains the essential physics of the transition.The transition of the axisymmetric flow to three-dimensional (3D3C) flow is then studied using non-integer dimension, by smoothly introducing azimuthal variation into the system. It is shown that the 2D2C limit is singular and that small azimuthal variation allows a redistribution of energy over the different energy components. The ODE model is adapted for this system and it is shown that for the considered flow the pressure-strain correlation is responsible for a swirl-level approximately proportional to the non-integer dimension. Large-Eddy Simulations are carried out to assess the robustness of the observations at higher Reynolds number.

Electric contacts subject to high currents : Fundamental processes and application to the interaction between lightning and aeronautic structures / Contacts électriques soumis à de forts courants : processus fondamentaux et application à l'interaction entre la foudre et des structures aéronautiques.

Layly, Jean-Baptiste 15 April 2019 (has links)
La foudre est un phénomène naturel aléatoire impactant un avion de transport civil en moyenne une fois toutes les 1500 heures de vol. Les forts courants et impulsionnels pouvant parcourir la structure d'un aéronef peuvent induire des contraintes physiques aux conséquences sérieuses en ce qui concerne la sûreté. En particulier, quand un assemblage est parcouru par un courant de type foudre, des champs électriques ainsi des densités d'effet Joule importants peuvent engendrer différents phénomènes de décharge. Le risque d'étincelage est particulièrement critique au niveau des réservoirs de carburant, et différentes technologies de protection et procédures de certification sont employées pour maitriser ce risque. Les résultats expérimentaux laissent penser que la formation de ces décharges est due aux résistances électriques localisées aux interfaces entre les différentes pièces des assemblages. Le but de cette thèse a été de modéliser les phénomènes qui se produisent à une échelle microscopique au niveau de telles résistances de contact soumises à de forts courants impulsionnels de type foudre. / Lightning is a natural hazardous event that strikes a civil aircraft on average once per 1500 hours of flight. The corresponding high and impulsive currents that may flow along the structure of the aircraft can generate physical constraints with major consequences regarding safety. In particular, when a fastened assembly is crossed by a lightning current, important electric fields and Joule power densities may give birth to a variety of discharge phenomena. The sparking risk is particularly critical in fuel tanks, and different lightning protection technologies and certification procedures are employed to face it. The ignition of discharges is believed to be mostly due to the local electrical resistance at the interfaces between the parts of the assemblies. The aim of this thesis was to model to phenomena that occur at a microscopic scale of such contact resistances subject to high and impulsive currents.

Influence de la rétroaction des étoiles sur la structure du milieu interstellaire à l'échelle galactique / Influence of stellar feedback on the structure of the interstellar medium at galactic scale

Iffrig, Olivier 15 September 2016 (has links)
La formation des étoiles, processus fondamental en astrophysique, résiste toujours à la compréhension. En effet, de nombreux phénomènes interagissent durant les différentes étapes, et ce sur une large gamme d’échelles. Il est donc primordial de comprendre la dynamique du milieu interstellaire, dans lequel les étoiles se forment. En particulier, il est maintenant bien établi que la structure du milieu interstellaire est fortement impactée par des processus de rétroaction de la part des étoiles qui s’y forment. D’une part cette rétroaction limite le taux de formation de nouvelles étoiles, et d’autre part elle est l’un des contributeurs à la morphologie et la dynamique des galaxies : taille du disque, éjection de matière, etc. Ce travail de thèse propose d’étudier numériquement la dynamique du milieu interstellaire, de manière à mettre en évidence l’impact des processus de rétroaction. Le processus principal qui sera étudié est les supernovae, figurant parmi les évènements les plus énergétiques dans le milieu interstellaire. Après l’étude et la modélisation en détail de l’explosion d’une unique supernova dans nuage moléculaire, un modèle numérique incluant formation d’étoiles et rétroaction par supernovae sera présenté et mis en œuvre dans des simulations d’un disque galactique stratifié à l’échelle du kiloparsec. Une extension de ce modèle pour tenir compte du rayonnement ionisant sera proposée. Il est effectivement possible de réguler la formation d’étoiles à l’aide de modèles de rétroaction par les supernovae, mais les résultats précis dépendent de manière significative des détails du schéma mis en œuvre. En utilisant la variante apparaissant comme la plus réaliste, des simulations à haute résolution du milieu interstellaire sont présentées et étudiées. En particulier, il est possible de mettre en évidence des propriétés de la turbulence compressible et magnétisée à l’échelle galactique : variation des spectres de puissance en fonction de l’altitude, alignement spontané de la vitesse et du champ magnétique, effet antagoniste de la rétroaction sur cet alignement et formation de structures. / Star formation, a fundamental process in astrophysics, remains only partially understood. Several processes are known to interact during all the steps over a large range of scales. It is therefore of highest importance to understand the dynamics of the interstellar medium, in which stars form. In particular, it is now well-known that the structure of the interstellar medium is strongly affected by feedback processes emanating from the stars that form in it. On the one hand this feedback limits the rate of formation of new stars, and on the other hand it is one of the main contributors to the shape and dynamics of galaxies: thickness of the disk, matter outflows, etc. This work aims to study numerically the dynamics of the interstellar medium, in order to highlight the impact of stellar feedback processes. The main process that will be studied is supernovae, being among the most energetic events in the interstellar medium. After the study and detailed modeling of the explosion of a single supernova inside a molecular cloud, a numerical model including star formation and supernova feedback will be presented and used in kiloparsec-scale simulations of a stratified galactic disk. An extension of this model will be suggested in order to take into account the ionizing radiation. It is indeed possible to regulate star formation with supernova feedback models, although the precise results strongly depend on the detailed scheme that is implemented. Using the most realistic-looking variant, high-resolution simulations are presented and studied. In particular, it is possible to extract properties of compressible and magnetized turbulence at the galactic scale: variation of the power spectra as a function of altitude, spontaneous alignment between velocity and magnetic field, antagonistic effect of stellar feedback onto this alignment, and structure formation.

Passive cooling of data centers : modeling and experimentation / Refroidissement passif des datas centers : modélisation et expérimentation

Nadjahi, Chayan 17 December 2018 (has links)
L'objectif de cette étude est de concevoir un système de refroidissement passif au sein d'un data center. La solution qui a été choisie est la boucle thermosiphon, combinant le free cooling et le refroidissement par changement de phase. Cette technologie offre de la simplicité et de la compacité. De plus, en l'associant avec des échangeurs de chaleur à micro-canaux, elle est capable d'absorber de grandes quantités de flux de chaleur avec un faible débit du réfrigérant. La boucle thermosiphon est composée d'un évaporateur à mini-canaux et à courants parallèles, d'un condenseur à air, d'un riser et d'un downcomer. Un prototype expérimental a été construit afin de caractériser les transferts de chaleur entre le réfrigérant et la chaleur créée. Des études expérimentales sont introduites. L'influence du taux de chargement et de la puissance électrique est détaillée et analysée. En parallèle, un modèle numérique a été développé pour prédire les caractéristiques du réfrigérant en fonction des paramètres géométriques et climatiques. Une comparaison avec les résultats expérimentaux est également effectuée. Enfin, la boucle thermosiphon est améliorée avec l'ajout d'un second évaporateur. Les tests sont effectués avec des puissances plus importantes. Une nouvelle conception d'une boucle thermosiphon et les limites du prototype sont présentées. / The objective of this study is to build a passive cooling system in a data center. The chosen solution is the loop thermosyphon, combining free cooling and two-phase cooling. This technology offers simplicity and compactness. Furthermore, by associating with micro-channels heat exchangers, it is able to remove higher heat fluxes while working with smaller mass flow rate of coolant. The thermosyphon is composed by mini-channel parallel-flow evaporator, an air condenser, a riser and a downcomer. The experimental setup has been built to characterize the heat transfer between the working fluid and the provided heat. An experimental study is introduced. The effect of the fill ratio and the input power is specified and analyzed. In parallel, a numerical model has been developed to predict the fluid properties in function of geometrical and climatic parameters. A comparison between experimental and numerical results is also carried out. Finally, the loop thermosyphon is upgraded with a second mini-channel parallel flow evaporator. Tests are conducted with huger heat flux. A new design of loop thermosyphon and the limits of the prototype are introduced.

Effectiveness of various types of mulching on soil moisture and temperature regimes under rainfed soybean cultivation / マルチングがダイズ天水栽培における土壌水分・温度環境に及ぼす効果

Mohammad, Abdul KADER 23 September 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第22782号 / 農博第2425号 / 新制||農||1081(附属図書館) / 学位論文||R2||N5302(農学部図書室) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科地域環境科学専攻 / (主査)教授 中村 公人, 教授 星野 敏, 教授 藤原 正幸 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Manganese Accumulation and its Control in Chlorinated Drinking Water Distribution System / 塩素処理された水道配水システムにおけるマンガンの蓄積性とその制御

Zhou, Xinyi 24 November 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第22841号 / 工博第4781号 / 新制||工||1748(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市環境工学専攻 / (主査)教授 伊藤 禎彦, 教授 米田 稔, 准教授 越後 信哉 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DGAM

Non-Equispaced Fast Fourier Transforms in Turbulence Simulation

Kulkarni, Aditya M. 27 October 2017 (has links)
Fourier pseudo-spectral method on equispaced grid is one of the approaches in turbulence simulation, to compute derivative of discrete data, using fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and gives low dispersion and dissipation errors. In many turbulent flows the dynamically important scales of motion are concentrated in certain regions which requires a coarser grid for higher accuracy. A coarser grid in other regions minimizes the memory requirement. This requires the use of Non-equispaced Fast Fourier Transform (NFFT) to compute the Fourier transform, by solving a system of linear equations. To achieve similar accuracy, the NFFT needs to return more Fourier coefficients than the number of non-equispaced gridpoints, making it an under-determined system. The minimum L2 norm solution of the system is refined using an iterative reconstruction algorithm, FOCUSS. The NFFT and FOCUSS algorithms yield accurate results with smaller test case of a Direct Numerical Simulation on a grid of 64 gridpoints in each dimension, using Taylor green initial condition. The computational speed for this case was found to be unacceptably slow and few methods to improve the performance have been discussed. The approach of NFFT and FOCUSS was tested on a line extracted from 3-dimensional turbulent flow field. Fourier transform of the extracted line, sampled on 1024 non-equispaced gridpoints, computed for 2048 coefficients and the corresponding numerical derivative are found to be inaccurate. It can be observed that the NFFT and FOCUSS approach works for sparse Fourier transform, but not for turbulent fields having a wideband Fourier transform.

Nonlinear Alfvén Wave Model for Solar/Stellar Chromosphere, Corona and Wind from the Sun to M Dwarfs / 非線形アルヴェン波モデルに基づく太陽・M型主系列星の彩層・コロナ・恒星風構造の体系的理解

Sakaue, Takahito 23 March 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第23011号 / 理博第4688号 / 新制||理||1672(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科物理学・宇宙物理学専攻 / (主査)准教授 浅井 歩, 教授 嶺重 慎, 教授 一本 潔 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Modeling Of Interfacial Instability, Conductivity And Particle Migration In Confined Flows

Daihui Lu (11730407) 03 December 2021 (has links)
<div><div>This thesis analyzed three fundamental fluid dynamics problems arising from multiphase flows that may be encountered in hydraulically fractured flow passages. During hydraulic fracturing (``fracking''), complex fluids laden with proppants are pumped into tight rock formations. Flow passages in these formation are naturally heterogeneous with geometric variations, which become even more pronounced due to fracking. Upon increasing the flow area (and, thus, the conductivity of the rock), crude oil, shale gas or other hydrocarbons can then flow out of the formation more easily. In this context, we encounter the following three fluid mechanical phenomena: fluid--fluid interfacial instabilities, flow-wise variation of the hydraulic conductivity, and particle migration in the pumped fluids. </div><div><br></div><div>First, we studied the (in)stability of the interface between two immiscible liquids in angled (tapered) Hele-Shaw cells, as model of a non-uniform flow passage. We derived an expression for the growth rate of perturbations to the flat interface and for the critical capillary number, as functions of the small gap gradient (taper). On this basis, we formulated a three-regime theory to describe the interface's stability. Specifically, we found a new regime in which the growth rate changes from negative to positive (converging cells), or from positive to negative (diverging cells), thus the interface's stability can change type at some location in the cell. We conducted three-dimensional OpenFOAM simulations of the Navier--Stokes equations, using the continuous surface force method, to validate the theory.</div><div><br></div><div>Next, we investigated the flow-wise variation of the hydraulic conductivity inside a non-uniformly shaped fracture with permeable walls. Using lubrication theory for viscous flow, in conjunction with the Beavers--Joseph--Saffman boundary condition at the permeable walls, we obtained an analytical expression for the velocity profile, conductivity, and wall permeation velocity. The new expression highlights the effects of geometric variation, </div><div>the permeability of the walls, </div><div>and the effect of flow inertia.</div><div>The theory was validated against OpenFOAM simulations of the Navier--Stokes equations subject to a tensorial slip boundary condition.</div><div><br></div><div>Finally, we extended the utility of phenomenological models for particle migration in shear flow using the physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) approach. We first verified the approach for solving the inverse problem of radial particle migration in a non-Brownian suspension in an annular Couette flow. Then, we applied this approach to both non-Brownian and Brownian suspensions in Poiseuille slot flow, for which a definitive calibration of the phenomenological migration model has been lacking. Using PINNs, we identified the unknown/empirical parameters in the physical model, showing that (unlike assumptions made in the literature) they depend on the bulk volume fraction and shear P\'eclet number. </div></div>

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