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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Predikce deformací svarových spojů pomocí počítačové simulace / Prediction of welding joint distortion by computer simulation.

Vaněk, Mojmír January 2012 (has links)
In this master’s thesis there are set down dependencies of distortion of T-joints on the size of heat input and welding speed. Dependencies were found for single- and double-fillet welds, for single- and multiple-pass welding. The computer simulations were carried out in programs Visual-Weld and SYSWELD. The size of the melted zones, stress fields, material structure and hardness of the weld specimens were specified. Simulation results were compared with experimentally detected values.

Svařování rotorových materiálů / Welding of turbine rotor materials.

Richter, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
Master’s thesis titled Welding of turbine rotor materials discusses evaluation of welding parameters by numerical simulation in software SYSWELD and Visual - WELD. Base material 23 CrMoNiWV 8-8 is welded by submerged arc welding technology. Used flux is F 26G and electrode is flux-cored wire TOPCORE 838 B. Material structures, hardness, values of residual stresses and distortion of weldment for this process are calculated by using the numerical analysis.

Segregace ve slitinách železa při odlévání těžkých odlitků / The Segregation in Ferrous Alloys when Casting Heavy Castings

Pernica, Vítězslav January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is dedicated to the field of manufacture of heavy steel castings with resulting properties which are influenced by long solidification time. During the long solidification time a segregation process of additives in the steel occurs which results in numerous metallurgical defects. The work was intended to observe the macrosegregation effects in the wall of a heavy experimental steel casting respectively a part of a real superheavy casting intended for cement furnaces (weight 210 t). The steel casting for the research was manufactured in the joint-stock company of VHM where such heavy castings are commonly produced for the market. The supplied piece of the steel casting was cut into the smaller pieces for the better examination. The examination resulted in information about the casting macrostructure and chemical heterogeneity of chosen elements in the casting wall. The heterogeneity of the chosen elements (C, Mn, Si, Cr, S, P) is clearly shown in the worked out visual concentration maps. Based on the experimental data the measured results of segregations were confronted with the results of segregation modelling with the use of the commercial simulation software ProCAST. It resulted in the conclusion that the prediction of segregations is not in accordance with the reality. Furthermore, the results from the experimental casting are shortly compared with previously manufactured castings of the same type and the results summarizing the found range of macrosegregations of the tested sample are interpreted in the work conclusion.

Contributions à la mécanique de la rupture des matériaux composites thermoplastiques à haute température : analyses expérimentales et numériques / Contributions to the fracture mechanics of thermoplastic composite materials at high temperature : experimental and numerical analyzes

Chabchoub, Manel 15 December 2017 (has links)
Ce travail vise à étudier le comportement à la rupture des composites tissés C/PPS à haute températureT > Tg/c/pps. Des analyses fractographiques et des observations microscopiques des faciès de rupture ont permis d'appréhender les mécanismes d'endommagement qui existent dans les stratifiés C/PPS à haute température (HT) en présence de fissure. Pour les stratifiés quasi-isotropes (comportement élastique fragile), plusieurs techniques ont été utilisées afin d'étudier la ténacité à l'initiation et à la propagation. En particulier, l'émission acoustique semble pertinente car elle permet de détecter l'initiation, la propagation de la fissure mais aussi de suivre l'évolution de l'endommagement. Pour les stratifiés à plis croisés (comportement ductile), une approche basée sur le calcul de l'intégrale J en utilisant la méthode de séparation de charge a été utilisée. Cette méthode a montré sa capacité à fournir les courbes J-R des composites à comportement très ductile à HT pour différents rapports longueur d'entaille initial sur la largeur de l'éprouvette a/W. Numériquement, un modèle viscoélastique spectral linéaire et un modèle viscoplastique de Norton généralisé ont été utilisés pour tenir compte du comportement dépendant du temps des composites C/PPS à HT. Pour évaluer précisément les paramètres de rupture dans les stratifiés à base TP, une étude sur le type de maillage et son raffinement a été réalisée. Enfin, en se basant sur le maillage sélectionné et en utilisant le code de calcul aux éléments finis Cast3m, la méthode Gθ a été appliquée afin de tester sa capacité à déterminer J pour différents niveaux de chargement. / The present work was aimed at investigating the fracture mechanics in woven-ply TP (PPS) based laminates at T > Tg/c/pps. A fractography analysis and microscopic observations of fracture surfaces were used to apprehend the damage mechanisms in C/PPS at high temperature (HT) in the presence of a crack. For quasi-isotropic laminates (elastic brittle behavior), several techniques were used to investigate the tenacity at initiation and propagation. In particular, the acoustic emission showed to be particularly relevant as it allows to detect the crack initiation, propagation but also to follow the evolution of the damage. For cross-ply laminates (ductile behavior), an approach based on the calculation of integral J using the load separation method was used. This method showed its capability to provide the J-R curves of composites with very ductile HT behavior for different crack length over specimen width ratios a/W. Numerically, a linear spectral viscoelastic model and a generalized Norton viscoplastic model were used to account for the time-dependent behavior of C/PPS composite laminates at HT. To precisely evaluate the fracture parameters in TP-based laminates, a study on the mesh type and its refinement was carried out. Finally, based on the selected mesh and using the finite element code Cast3m, the Gθ method was applied in order to test its capability to determine J for different loading levels.

An automated approach to derive and optimise reduced chemical mechanisms for turbulent combustion / Une approche automatisée pour la réduction et l'optimisation de schémas cinétiques appliqués à la combustion turbulente

Jaouen, Nicolas 21 March 2017 (has links)
La complexité de la chimie joue un rôle majeur dans la simulation numérique de la plupart des écoulements réactifs industriels. L'utilisation de schémas cinétiques chimiques détaillés avec les outils de simulation actuels reste toutefois trop coûteuse du fait des faibles pas de temps et d'espaces associés à la résolution d'une flamme, bien souvent inférieurs de plusieurs ordres de grandeur à ceux nécessaires pour capturer les effets de la turbulence. Une solution est proposée pour s'affranchir de cette limite. Un outil automatisé de réduction de schémas cinétiques est développé sur la base d'un ensemble de trajectoires de références construites dans l'espace des compositions pour être représentatives du système à simuler. Ces trajectoires sont calculées à partir de l'évolution de particules stochastiques soumises à différentes conditions de mélange, de réaction et d'évaporation dans le cas de combustible liquide. L'ensemble est couplé à un algorithme génétique pour l'optimisation des taux de réaction du schéma réduit, permettant ainsi une forte réduction du coût calcul. L'approche a été validée et utilisée pour la réduction de divers mécanismes réactionnels sur des applications académiques et industrielles, pour des hydrocarbures simples comme le méthane jusqu'à des hydrocarbures plus complexes, comme le kérosène en incluant une étape optimisée de regroupement des isomères. / Complex chemistry is an essential ingredient in advanced numerical simulation of combustion systems. However, introducing detailed chemistry in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) softwares is a non trivial task since the time and space resolutions necessary to capture and solve for a flame are very often smaller than the turbulent characteristic scales by several orders of magnitude. A solution based on the reduction of chemical mechanisms is proposed to tackle this issue. An automated reduction and optimisation strategy is suggested relying on the construction of reference trajectories computed with the evolution of stochastic particles that face mixing, evaporation and chemical reactions. The methodology, which offers strong reduction in CPU cost, is applied to the derivation of several mechanisms for canonical and industrial applications, for simple fuel such as methane up to more complex hydrocarbon fuels, as kerosene, including an optimised lumping procedure for isomers.

Vers une maîtrise de la réparation par le procédé CLAD de pièces aéronautiques en Inconel 738 LC : compréhension des mécanismes de fissuration et modélisations associées / Towards the control of the CLAD repair process for aeronautical parts in Inconel 738 LC : understanding of cracking phenomena and numerical modelling

Doghri, Anis 20 June 2019 (has links)
Les superalliages à base de nickel durcis par précipitation γ' et notamment l'Inconel 738 LC (IN738LC), sont des matériaux largement utilisés dans les parties chaudes de turbomoteurs d'avions et d'hélicoptères. Ces matériaux disposent d'excellentes propriétés mécaniques à haute température. Toutefois, des défauts ou des fissures peuvent apparaitre sur ces pièces, lors de leur élaboration par fonderie ou bien pendant leur durée en service, ce qui nécessite leur réparation. Cependant, les pièces constituées en IN738LC sont sujettes à de la fissuration au cours des procédés de réparation de type soudage. Il s'avère que le rechargement laser est une technique de fabrication additive prometteuse permettant de réparer des pièces abimées. Le présent travail consiste en l'étude de la réparabilité par projection de poudre de l'alliage IN738LC réputé non soudable. Cette étude comporte deux volets expérimentaux et numériques du rechargement de pièces en Inconel 738 LC au moyen du procédé CLAD. Pour cela, nous avons réalisé des essais de rechargement suivant plusieurs configurations illustrant les cas de réparations rencontrés industriellement. Deux mécanismes de fissuration distincts sont mis en évidence respectivement dans la zone affectée thermiquement du substrat et dans le dépôt. Une simulation multi-physique est également développée pour rendre compte des phénomènes thermiques, mécaniques et métallurgiques observés lors du rechargement laser. Ces simulations sont comparées à des mesures expérimentales pour validation. Enfin, ces outils de simulation sont utilisés afin de définir des critères numériques de risque de fissuration. En résumé, un préchauffage à haute température permet d'éliminer le risque de liquation et donc de fissures dans la ZAT ainsi que dans les dépôts, ce qui démontre qu'il est possible d'envisager une réparation sur cet alliage réputé non soudable. / Y' hardened nickel-based superalloys, such as Inconel 738 LC (IN738LC), are materials which are extensively used in hot sections parts of helicopter and aircraft engines. Those materials exhibit enhanced mechanical properties at high temperature. Nevertheless, cracking and several defects can occur on these parts during casting or during their service life. However, welding type repairing processes can lead to considerable cracking of IN738LC superalloy. It appears that laser cladding is a promising additive manufacturing technology which allows the repair of damaged parts. The present work main objective is aimed at investigating Inconel 738 LC repair by laser cladding. Both experimental and numerical aspects are studied for the repair of IN738LC by means of the CLAD process. Experimental laser clad deposits are produced under several configurations following industrial cases. Two distinct cracking mechanisms are identified in the heat-affected zone and within the deposit, respectively. A multi-physics simulation of laser cladding is developed in order to take into account thermal, mechanical and metallurgical phenomena. Simulation is compared to experimental measurements for validation. Finally, these numerical tools are used to define cracking risk criteria. In summary, a high preheating of the samples allows to suppress liquation and HAZ cracking, but also to obtain un-cracked deposit, which indicates that the repair of non-weldable alloys is possible.


Yu Wang (8114765) 12 December 2019 (has links)
<div> <p>The electric arc furnace (EAF) is one of the most widely-used steelmaking process recycling the scrap as the raw material. Electric arc furnace steelmaking is a material-dependent and energy-consuming process. The electricity is utilized as the main heat source to melt the scrap by the electric arc discharging from the graphite electrodes. Since the plasma arc weld has the very similar heat transfer mechanism and melting phenomenon comparing with the scrap melting in EAF process, the model development for the free-burning arc, the arc-metal heat transfer, and the metal melting will refer to the research of plasma arc weld field and start with a relatively small scale. In this study, a comprehensive computational dynamics (CFD) model was developed to predict the heat transfer from the electric arc to the metal anode, which is composed of the DC electric arc model, solidification and melting model, and the arc-metal heat transfer model. The validation of the CFD models has been conducted utilizing the experimental data and simulation results in other literature. The commercial software, ANSYS FLUENT<sup>®</sup>, was employed with the User-Defined Function scripts and the User-Defined Scalar to model the magnetic field, comprehensive flow field, and high temperature field. Furthermore, the parametric studies for the process of the anode melted by the plasma arc were performed to investigate the effects of the arc current and the initial anode temperature on the anode melting. The results reveal that the value of the arc current has a positive correlation with the arc temperature and velocity but has negative correlation with the penetration time of the anode. Meanwhile, with the increase of anode initial temperature, the metal penetrate time will decrease.</p> </div> <br>

Improvement of the Vibration Prediction of a Poppet Valve in a Cavitation State

Kumagai, Kento, Ryu, Shohei, Ota, Masanori, Maeno, Kazuo January 2016 (has links)
Poppet valves are popular components of hydraulic systems, but they sometimes induce vibration in these systems. In particular, the vibration phenomenon of a poppet valve in a cavitation state is a troublesome problem in hydraulic systems, because the dynamic effects of cavitation on the poppet valve are difficult to predict. In this research, we investigated the vibration phenomenon of the poppet valve in the cavitation state in a visualization experiment and numerical simulation. We found in numerical simulation that it is possible to predict the tendency of the vibration by assuming that the bulk modulus of hydraulic oil is affected by the ratio of cavitation bubbles mixed in the oil. Additionally, we proposed a simple method of estimating the quantity of cavitation bubbles through visualization experiments and image processing. We then improved the prediction accuracy of the poppet valve behavior by applying the bubble mixing ratio obtained using the method in the numerical simulation model. The described methods not only avoid the sensor effect on the flow field but also save the additional measurement cost, and they are easy to apply to hydraulics systems.

Numerical simulation of a liquid cyclotron target

Jahangiri, P., Ferguson, S., Doering, R., Buckley, K., Benard, F., Schaffer, P., Martinez, M., Hoehr, C. January 2015 (has links)
One of the most common PET isotopes, 18F, is mainly produced in liquid targets. The production yield depends linearly on the proton beam current used. However, for a fixed proton-beam energy increasing the current of the proton beam results in depositing increasing amounts of heat into the enclosed water target chamber and eventually in its failure. Hence, understanding the thermodynamics of a water target chamber could lead to a target optimization, removing the maximum amount of heat to balance the pressure, increasing the yield and guaranteeing the stability and durability of the system. Work in modeling the thermodynamic processes in a liquid target has also been per-formed by other groups [1-3] and others such as Steinbach [4] have performed analytical analyses of thermal behavior.

Computational Studies of Stabilization and Blow-off Mechanisms in Bluff-body Stabilized Lean Premixed Flames

Kim, Yu Jeong 03 1900 (has links)
A bluff-body has been employed as the flame stabilization scheme for many combustion devices such as gas turbines and aviation engines. Although the bluff-body flame holder has a key advantage of generating a hot gas recirculation zone behind it and assist in stable combustion, it also induces flow field and combustion instabilities such as unstable vortex shedding, which can adversely affect the flame stability and lead to blow-off. The understanding of the physical mechanism of flame stabilization and blow-off processes has been one of the critical subjects in premixed combustion systems under highly turbulent conditions. As considering this, the present dissertation presents insight of flame stabilization and blow-off mechanisms using several series of computational studies and detailed analysis using diagnostic approaches. Two-dimensional direct numerical simulations are conducted to examine flame/flow and blow-off dynamics in lean premixed hydrogen-air and syngas-air flames stabilized on a meso-scale bluff-body in a square channel. Several distinct effects on flame stabilization and blow-off dynamics are investigated, such as reduced confinement, hydrodynamic instability, flame time scale, and differential diffusion effects. For the analysis, a proper time scale analysis is attempted to characterize the flame blow-off mechanism, which turns out to be consistent with the classic blow-off theory of Zukoski and Marble. The combined approach of computational singular perturbation and tangential stretch rate is applied to examine chemical characteristics in blow-off dynamics. As an extension from Eulerian to Lagrangian viewpoint, Lagrangian particle tracking analysis of post-processing the pre-computed results is performed to examine the local characteristics during the critical transient event of local extinction and recovery.

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