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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Performance of Algebraic Multigrid for Parallelized Finite Element DNS/LES Solvers

Larson, Gregory James 22 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The implementation of a hybrid spectral/finite-element discretization on the unsteady, incompressible, Navier-Stokes equations with a semi-implicit time-stepping method, an explicit treatment of the advective terms, and an implicit treatment of the pressure and viscous terms leads to an algorithm capable of calculating 3D flows over complex 2D geometries. This also results in multiple Fourier mode linear systems which must be solved at every timestep, which naturally leads to two parallelization approaches: Fourier space partitioning, where each processor individually and simultaneously solves a linear system, and physical space partitioning, where all processors collectively solve each linear system, sequentially advancing through Fourier modes. These two parallelization approaches are compared based upon computational cost using multiple solvers: direct sparse LU, smoothed aggregation AMG, and single-level ILUT preconditioned GMRES; and on two supercomputers of different memory architecture(distributed and shared memory). This study revealed Fourier space partitioning outperforms physical space partitioning in all problems analyzed, and scales more efficiently as well. These differences were more dramatic on the distributed memory platform than the shared memory platform. Another study compares the previously mentioned solvers along with one additional solver, pointwise AMG, in Fourier space partitioning without parallelization to better understand computational scaling for problems with large meshes. It was found that the direct sparse LU solver performed well in terms of computational time, scaled linearly, but had very high memory usage which scaled in a super-linear manner. The single-level ILUT preconditioned GMRES solver required the least amount of memory, which also scaled linearly, but only had acceptable performance in terms of computational time for coarse meshes. Both AMG methods scaled linearly in both memory usage and time, and were comparable to the direct sparse LU solver in terms of computational time. The results of these studies are particularly useful for implementation of this algorithm on challenging and complex flows, especially direct numerical and large-eddy simulations. Reducing computational cost allows the analysis and understanding of more flows of practical interest.

Jet fragmentation in shaped charges / Strål-fragmentering inom riktad sprängverkan

Ericson, Joakim January 2022 (has links)
This master thesis treats the numerical simulation of shaped charge jets and its fragmentation process. Shaped charges is a method to concentrate the effect of an explosive charge and penetrate deeply into a target due to a the formation of a jet with great penetration capabilities. The jet's penetration capability is limited by the eventual axial breakup and an understanding of the fragmentation process is great importance.  A literature review on the existing methods for studying the fragmentation process is presented. A physical model and its governing equations are thereafter derived based on the review. A Lagrangian approach is used to model the jet and equations based on conservation laws coupled with a constitutive relationship yielding a system of nonlinear partial differential equations.  Moreover, an analysis of the well-posedness of a simplified problem is investigated and its derived conditions are consistent with the physically expected. The flight and initial breakup of the jet is then studied numerically by employing a method of lines. The implemented numerical model's stability is investigated empirically and the theoretically expected rate of convergence is confirmed. The theoretical conditions for well-posedness are also confirmed numerically.  The derived model and its implementation is tested for a real charge and its results are compared with and found consistent with more advanced simulations. Furthermore, the jets physical properties are also investigated and the existence of a critical wavelength is shown.  The resulting model and its implementation is capable of calculating position, velocity and geometry at fragmentation. It can also be used to investigate the calculated fragmentation's dependency on different parameters and constitutive equation. The numerical simulation can therefore be used to increase the understanding under which conditions the jet breakup and which material- and geometry properties that dominates the rate in the fragmentation process. Possible future use is also as the foundation of a tool that can be used to evaluate analytical models. / Detta masterexamensarbete behandlar numerisk simulering av riktad sprängverkans fragmenteringsprocess. Riktad sprängverkan är en metod för att koncentrera verkan från en sprängladdning och tränga in ett mål genom att en stråle med hög penetrationsförmåga bildas. Strålens penetrationsförmåga är begränsad av en förekommande axiell uppdelning, således är fragmentationsförloppet av stor betydelse.  En litteraturstudie om de existerande metoderna för att studera fragmenteringsförloppet presenteras. Utifrån studien erhålls en fysikalisk modell med korresponderande styrande ekvationer. En Lagrange formulering används för att modellera strålen och konserveringsekvationer i kombination med en konstitutiv ekvation leder till ett högre ordningens system av partiella differentialekvationer.  Vidare utförs en rättställdhetsanalys för ett förenklat problem och de härledda villkoren överensstämmer med det fysikaliskt väntade beteendet.  Strålens utsträckning och fragmentering simuleras sedan numeriskt genom att använda en semidiskretisering och lösa de uppkomna ordinära differentialekvationerna. Den numeriska lösningens stabilitet testas empiriskt och den teoretiska förväntade konvergensordningen bekräftas. De teoretiska rättställdhetsvillkoren testas även i den numeriska simuleringen och bekräftas.  Den härledda modellen och dess implementering testas även för en riktig laddning och resultaten jämförs och bedöms tillfredsställande med en mer avancerad simulering. Därtill undersöks hur stålens konstitutiva relation påverkar fragmenteringsprocessen och det påvisas även en kritisk våglängds existens. Den resulterande modellen och dess implementation kan beräkna strålens position, hastighet och geometri vid fragmentering. Vidare kan den användas för att för att undersöka hur olika parametrar samt konstitutiva ekvationers form påverkar den beräknade fragmenteringen. Eventuell framtida användning kan även vara grunden för ett verktyg som används för att undersöka analytiska metoder.  Ytterligare arbete inom fortsatt fragmentering skulle vara nödvändigt för en komplett formulering av fortsatt simulering och penetrationen av fragment.

Simulation of Time-Resolved Photoluminescence to Distinguish Bulk and Interface Recombination in Cd(Se,Te) Photovoltaic Devices

Fox, Jordan Ryan 29 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Investigation of the heat transfer of enhanced additively manufactured minichannel heat exchangers

Rastan, Hamidreza January 2019 (has links)
Mini-/microchannel components have received attention over the past few decades owing to their compactness and superior thermal performance. Microchannel heat sinks are typically manufactured through traditional manufacturing practices (milling and sawing, electrodischarge machining, and water jet cutting) by changing their components to work in microscale environments or microfabrication techniques (etching and lost wax molding), which have emerged from the semiconductor industry. An extrusion process is used to produce multiport minichannel-based heat exchangers (HXs). However, geometric manufacturing limitations can be considered as drawbacks for all of these techniques. For example, a complex out-of-plane geometry is extremely difficult to fabricate, if not impossible. Such imposed design constraints can be eliminated using additive manufacturing (AM), generally known as three-dimensional (3D) printing. AM is a new and growing technique that has received attention in recent years. The inherent design freedom that it provides to the designer can result in sophisticated geometries that are impossible to produce by traditional technologies and all for the redesign and optimization of existing models. The work presented in this thesis aims to investigate the thermal performance of enhanced minichannel HXs manufactured via metal 3D printing both numerically and experimentally. Rectangular winglet vortex generators (VGs) have been chosen as the thermal enhancement method embedded inside the flat tube. COMSOL Multiphysics, a commercial software package using a finite element method (FEM), has been used as a numerical tool. The influence of the geometric VG parameters on the heat transfer and flow friction characteristics was studied by solving a 3D conjugate heat transfer and laminar flow. The ranges of studied parameters utilized in simulation section were obtained from our previous interaction with various AM technologies including direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) and electron-beam melting (EBM). For the simulation setup, distilled water was chosen as the working fluid with temperaturedependent thermal properties. The minichannel HX was assumed to be made of AlSi10Mg with a hydraulic diameter of 2.86 mm. The minichannel was heated by a constant heat flux of 5 Wcm−2 , and the Reynolds number was varied from 230 to 950. A sensitivity analysis showed that the angle of attack, VG height, VG length, and longitudinal pitch have notable effects on the heat transfer and flow friction characteristics. In contrast, the VG thickness and the distance from the sidewalls do not have a significant influence on the HX performance over the studied range. On the basis of the simulation results, four different prototypes including a smooth channel as a reference were manufactured with AlSi10Mg via DMLS technology owing to the better surface roughness and greater design uniformity. A test rig was developed to test the prototypes. Owing to the experimental facility and working fluid (distilled water), the experiment was categorized as either a simultaneously developing flow or a hydrodynamically developed but thermally developing flow. The Reynolds number ranged from 175 to 1370, and the HX was tested with two different heat fluxes of 1.5 kWm−2 and 3 kWm−2 . The experimental results for the smooth channel were compared to widely accepted correlations in the literature. It was found that 79% of the experimental data were within a range of ±10% of the values from existing correlations developed for the thermal entry length. However, a formula developed for the simultaneously developing flow overpredicted the Nusselt number. Furthermore, the results for the enhanced channels showed that embedding VGs can considerably boost the thermal performance up to three times within the parameters of the printed parts. Finally, the thermal performance of the 3D-printed channel showed that AM is a promising solution for the development of minichannel HXs. The generation of 3D vortices caused by the presence of VGs ii can notably boost the thermal performance, thereby reducing the HX size for a given heat duty.

Coupling Of Hydrodynamic And Wave Models For Storm Tide Simulations: A Case Study For Hurricane Floyd (1999)

Funakoshi, Yuji 01 January 2006 (has links)
This dissertation presents the development of a two-dimensional St. Johns River model and the coupling of hydrodynamic and wave models for the simulation of storm tides. The hydrodynamic model employed for calculating tides and surges is ADCIRC-2DDI (ADvanced CIRCulation Model for Shelves, Coasts and Estuaries, Two-Dimensional Depth Integrated) developed by Luettich et al. (1992). The finite element based model solves the fully nonlinear shallow water equations in the generalized wave continuity form. Hydrodynamic applications are operated with the following forcings: 1) astronomical tides, 2) inflows from tributaries, 3) meteorological effects (winds and pressure), and 4) waves (wind-induced waves). The wave model applied for wind-induced wave simulation is the third-generation SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore), applicable to the estimation of wave parameters in coastal areas and estuaries. The SWAN model is governed by the wave action balance equation driven by wind, sea surface elevations and current conditions (Holthuijsen et al. 2004). The overall work is comprised of three major phases: 1) To develop a model domain that incorporates the entire East Coast of the United States, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, while honing in on the St. Johns River area; 2) To employ output from the SWAN model with the ADCIRC model and produce a uni-directional coupling of the two models in order to investigate the effects of the wave radiation stresses; 3) To couple the ADCIRC model with the SWAN model to describe the complete interactions of the two physical processes. Model calibration and comparisons are accomplished in three steps. First, astronomical tide simulation results are calibrated with historical NOS (National Ocean Service) tide data. Second, overland and riverine flows and meteorological effects are included, and computed river levels are compared with the historical NOS water level data. Finally, the storm tides generated by Hurricane Floyd are simulated and compared with historical data. This research results in a prototype for real-time simulation of tides and waves for flash flood and river-stage forecasting efforts of the NWS Forecasting Centers that border coastal areas. The following two main conclusions are reported: 1) regardless of whether one uses uni-coupling or coupling, wind-induced waves result in an approximately 10 – 15 % higher peak storm tide level than without any coupling; and 2) the wave-current interaction described by the coupling model results in decreasing peaks and increasing troughs in the storm tide hydrograph. Two main corollary conclusions are also drawn from a 122-day hindcast for the period spanning June 1 – October 1, 2005. First, wind forcing for the St. Johns River is equal to or greater than that of astronomic tides and generally supersedes the impact of inflows, while pressure variations have a minimal impact. Secondly, water levels inside the St. Johns River depend on the wind forcings in the deep ocean; however, if one applies an elevation hydrograph boundary condition from a large-scale domain model to a local-scale domain model the results are highly accurate.

Numerical Simulation Of Conventional Fuels And Biofuels Dispersion And Vaporization Process In Co-flow And Cross-flow Premixers

Gu, Xin 01 January 2012 (has links)
In order to follow increasingly strict regulation of pollutant emissions, a new concept of Lean Premixed pre-vaporized (LPP) combustion has been proposed for turbines. In LPP combustion, controlled atomization, dispersion and vaporization of different types of liquid fuel in the premixer are the key factors required to stabilize the combustion process and improve the efficiency. A numerical study is conducted for the fundamental understanding of the liquid fuel dispersion and vaporization process in pre-mixers using both cross-flow and co-flow injection methods. First, the vaporization model is validated by comparing the numerical data to existing experiments of single droplet vaporization under both low and high convective air temperatures. Next, the dispersion and vaporization process for biofuels and conventional fuels injected transversely into a typical simplified version of rectangular pre-mixer are simulated and results are analyzed with respect to vaporization performance, degree of mixedness and homogeneity. Finally, collision model has been incorporated to predict more realistic vaporization performance. Four fuels, Ethanol, Rapeseed Methyl Esters (RME), gasoline and jet-A have been investigated. For mono-disperse spray with no collision model, the droplet diameter reduction and surface temperature rise were found to be strongly dependent on the fuel properties. The diameter histogram near the pre-mixer exit showed a wide droplet diameter distribution for all the fuels. In general, pre-heating of the fuels before injection improved the vaporization performance. An improvement in the drag model with Stefan flow correction showed that a low speed injection and high cone angle improved performance. All fuels achieved complete vaporization under a iv spray cone angle of 140°. In general, it was found that cross-flow injection achieved better vaporization performance than co-flow injection. A correlation is derived for jet-A‟s total vaporization performance as a function of non-dimensional inlet air temperature and fuel/air momentum flux ratio. This is achieved by curve-fitting the simulated results for a broad range of inlet air temperatures and fuel/air momentum flux ratios. The collision model, based on no-time-counter method (NTC) proposed by Schmidt and Rutland, was implemented to replace O‟Rourke‟s collision algorithm to improve the results such that the unphysical numerical artifact in a Cartesian grid was removed and the results were found to be grid-independent. The dispersion and vaporization processes for liquid fuel sprays were simulated in a cylindrical pre-mixer using co-flow injection method. Results for jet-A and Rapeseed Methyl Esters (RME) showed acceptable grid independence. At relatively low spray cone angle and injection velocity, it was found that the collision effect on the average droplet size and the vaporization performance were very high due to relatively high coalescence rate induced by droplet collisions. It was also found that the vaporization performance and the level of homogeneity of fuel-air mixture could be significantly improved when the dispersion level is high, which can be achieved by increasing the spray cone angle and injection velocity. In order to compare the performance between co-flow and cross-flow injection methods, the fuels were injected at an angle of 40° with respect to the stream wise direction to avoid impacting on the wall. The cross-flow injection achieved similar vaporization performance as co-flow because a higher coalescence rate induced by droplet collisions cancelled off its higher heat transfer efficiency between two phases for cross-flow injections.

Lagrangian Particles in Turbulence and Complex Geometries

Noorani, Azad January 2014 (has links)
Wall-dominated turbulent dispersed multiphase flows occur in a variety of industrial, biological and environmental applications. The complex nature of the  arrier and the dispersed phase is elevated to a higher level introducing geometrical complexities such as curved walls. Realising such flows and particulate phases poses challenging problems both from computational and also physical point of view. The present thesis tries to address some of these issues Lagrangian computational frame. In the first step, turbulent flow in straight pipes is simulated by means ofdirect numerical simulation with a spectrally accurate code nek5000 to examine the Reynolds number effect on turbulent statistics. Adding the effect of the curvature to these canonical turbulent pipe flows generates Prandtl’s secondary motion of first kind. These configurations, as primary complex geometries in this study, are examined by means of statistical analysis to unfold the evolutionof turbulent characteristics from a straight pipe configuration. A fundamentally different Prandtl’s secondary motion of second kind is also put to test by means of adding the side-walls to a canonical turbulent channel flow and the evolution of various statistical quantities with varying the duct aspect ratios is discussed. After having obtained a characterisation of the turbulent flow in the geometries of bent pipes and ducts, the dispersion of small heavy particles is modelled in the bent pipe by means of point particles which are one-way coupled to the flow. For this purpose a parallel Lagrangian Particle Tracking (LPT) scheme is implemented in the spectral-element code nek5000. Its numerical accuracy, parallel scalability and general performance in realistic situations are scrutinised in various situations. Also, the resulting particle fields are analysed, showing that even a small degree of geometrical curvature has a profound impact on the particle concentration maps. For each of the aforementioned turbulent flow cases new and challenging questions have arisen to be addressed in the present and upcoming research works. Along with an improved understanding of the particle dispersion in the considered complex geometries, the current project is particularly intended to improve the numerical aspects of the current LPT module suitable for largescale computations. / <p>QC 20140226</p>

Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Hydrodynamic Loading of Tsunami-like Surges on Infrastructures

Liu, Shilong 15 December 2022 (has links)
Tsunamis have caused severe damage to coastal communities and associated infrastructure over the past decades. Thus, researchers deemed necessary to investigate and better understand the mechanisms loading associated with tsunami waves and the inundation caused by them. Over the past few years, researchers have demonstrated that the dam-break waves are hydrodynamically similar to the onshore propagation of tsunami inundation; hence, dam-break waves are now widely used to investigate tsunami impacts. Various studies related to dam-break waves have been conducted to investigate their characteristics: the kinematic behavior, including free surface profiles, wave height, wave front velocity, and dynamics including the impact pressure and associated force. Most dam-break experiments have been conducted on a horizontal bed, in a tank or a flume, while few studies had employed sloped surfaces. However, natural and artificial beaches usually have slopes ranging from 0-degrees to 20-degrees (or more). In this study, downstream slopes are considered to investigate the influence of slope effects on the kinematic behaviors and associated hydrodynamic loadings due to dam-break waves. The Volume of Fluid method (VOF) code of the OpenFOAM and the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) code of the DualSPHysics were applied to reproduce the results of physical tests and provide a comparison with the experimental results. First, existing boundary treatment methods in the SPH were studied and compared to a self-developed code in order to select the best performing method by checking the flow behaviors. In the second part of the thesis, experimental investigation of the impact of dam-break induced surges over a horizontal bed against a vertical wall was conducted by analysing the rapidly varying correlation between the wave height and the associated dynamic pressure. In the third part of this study, three different downstream slopes were added in the experimental setup to investigate the beach effects on the kinematics of dam-break flow, including the free surface profiles, wave height, wave front location and its velocity. In the last part, the impact dynamic pressure on the vertical straight wall from the horizontal and sloped cases were captured to investigate the slope effects on the hydrodynamic loading. The impact force integrated from the dynamic pressure was determined with a simplified calculation formula. In addition, the physical experiments were also reproduced by the numerical models of OpenFOAM and DualSPHysics to compare and investigate their accuracy and to analyze the differences between the physical tests and numerical simulations.

Droplet-resolved direct numerical simulation of fuel droplet evaporation

Jain, Abhishek January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Effects of Handrails on Vortex-Induced Vibration of Bridge Girder and Their Model Simplification for Evaluation of Wind-Resistant Performance / 橋梁桁部の渦励振応答に及ぼす高欄の影響と耐風性評価における高欄モデルの簡易化に関する研究

Yan, Yuxuan 24 November 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第24293号 / 工博第5066号 / 新制||工||1791(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科社会基盤工学専攻 / (主査)教授 八木 知己, 教授 KIM Chul-Woo, 教授 高橋 良和 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DGAM

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