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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lithospheric-Scale Stresses and Shear Localization Induced by Density-Driven Instabilities

Heinicke, Christiane January 2010 (has links)
The initiation of subduction requires the formation of lithospheric plates which mostly deform at their edges. Shear heating is a possible candidate for producing such localized deformation. In this thesis we employ a 2D model of the mantle with a visco-elasto-plastic rheology and enabled shear heating. We are able to create a shear heating instability both in a constant strain rate and a constant stress boundary condition setup. For the rst case, localized deformation in our specic setup is found for strain rates of 10-15 1/s and mantle temperatures of 1300°C. For constant stress boundaries, the conditions for a setup to localize are more restrictive. Mantle motion is induced by large cold and hot temperature perturbations. Lithospheric stresses scale with the size of these perturbations; maximum stresses are on the order of the yield stress (1 GPa). Adding topography or large inhomogeneities does not result in lithospheric-scale fracture in our model. However, localized deformation does occur for a restricted parameter choice presented in this thesis. The perturbation size has little effect on the occurrence of localization, but large perturbations shorten its onset time.

Numerical Modeling for the Prediction of Primary Blast Injury to the Lung

Greer, Alexander January 2006 (has links)
As explosive blasts continue to cause casualties in both civil and military environments, there is a need for increased understanding of the mechanisms of blast trauma at the organ level and a need for a more detailed predictive methodology. A fundamental understanding of blast injury will lead to the development of improved protective equipment and ultimately reduce the severity of injury. Models capable of predicting injury to varied blast loading will also reduce the emphasis on animal blast testing. To provide some historical context, this research was begun shortly after the U.S. led invasion of Iraq, and came to a close while there continues to be daily loss of life from blast injuries in the Middle East, as well as continued threats of terrorism throughout the world. In addition to industrial accidents, it is clear that blast injury is far more than just a military concern. Simplified finite element models of the human and sheep thoraces were created in order to provide practical and flexible models for the prediction of primary blast injury in simple and complex blast environments, and subsequently for the development of improved protective equipment. The models were created based on actual human and sheep geometries and published material properties. The fluid-structure interaction of the models compared well with experimental blast studies carried out during the course of the research, as shown by comparing actual and predicted overpressures in the free field and at the thorax. By comparing the models to published experimental data from simple blasts, trends in the results were verified and peak lung pressure was proposed as a trauma criterion. Local extent of injury in the lung is correlated to the peak pressure measured in each finite element, categorized as no injury (< 60 kPa), trace (60-100 kPa), slight (100-140 kPa), moderate (140-240 kPa) and severe (> 240 kPa). The calculation of the mean value of the peak lung pressures of all of the finite elements allows for an overall estimate of the injury level, with 35 kPa predicting threshold damage, 129 kPa for one percent lethality, and 186 kPa for fifty percent lethality. The simple blast results also compared well to the predictions of two previously validated mathematical models. Variation of predicted injury within a given loading severity was 15%, which is comparable to the model by Stuhmiller that had a variation of 20%. The model by Axelsson had very little variation (1.4%), but the differences between levels of severity were quite small, and often difficult to decipher. In addition to predicting consistent levels of injury, the finite element models were able to provide insight into the trauma mechanism, map the extent of injury through the lungs, and validate a local injury criterion. The models were then applied to predict injury under complex blast loading by subjecting the human finite element torso to a threshold level blast while located at varying distances from a wall or a corner. The results compared well to the validated mathematical models, showing a sharp increase in injury severity as the model approached the reflecting surface. When directly against the wall, the mean of the peak lung pressure values was 57 kPa, and in the corner, the mean value reached 69 kPa. Although these values did not reach the level representing one percent lethality, they do represent a significant increase in injury above threshold as a direct result of the surrounding geometry. Once again, the finite element models correctly showed injury trends and lung injury patterns reported in experiments. The models predicted the level of injury and were able to predict the time varying pattern of injury, which is something existing models cannot do. Having designed the models from physical principals, and having validated the models against published results, they can now be used in the continued development of protective equipment. Acknowledging that this model was the first iteration, the author believes that improvements in material properties, mesh refinement, and the investigation of other possible parameters for the prediction of injury will lead to substantial advances in the understanding of primary blast injury.

Colloid transport through basic oxygen furnace slag as permeable treatment media for pathogen removal

Stimson, Jesse 09 September 2008 (has links)
Basic oxygen furnace (BOF) slag media were studied through a series of laboratory, modeling and field studies as a potential treatment material for use in on site wastewater disposal systems. Microsphere enumeration methodology was examined in a factorial experiment to evaluate the minimum density and minimum number of microspheres that should be counted to ensure accurate and precise estimations of concentration. The results suggest that to minimize variability at least 350 microspheres should be counted and a microsphere density of 25-40 microspheres field-1 is necessary. A review of existing methodologies for high-titer bacteriophage production was conducted and an amalgamation of existing methodologies was chosen that reliably achieves elevated concentration and ensures a purified suspension. A combination of batch and column studies was conducted to evaluate the removal of the bacteriophage, PRD-1, and virus-sized fluorescent microspheres by BOF media, and to delineate the relative contributions of the two principle attenuation processes, inactivation and attachment. In the batch studies, substantial removal of PRD-1 does not occur in the pH 7.6 and 9.5 suspensions, but at pH 11.4, removal of the virus was 2.1 log C/C0 day-1 for the first two days, followed by 0.124 log C/C0 day-1 over the subsequent 10 days. Two column studies were conducted after 60 and 300 days of saturation with artificial groundwater at a flow rate of 1 pore volume day-1 using two BOF mixtures. After 300 days of column saturation, microsphere concentrations approached input levels, indicating a removal of 0.1-0.2 log C/C0 and suggesting attachment processes were negligible. PRD-1 removal was more pronounced (1.0-1.5 log C/C0). The reduction of PRD-1 is likely the result of a combination of virus inactivation at elevated pH (10.6-11.4), and attachment processes. Geochemical factors controlling microsphere attachment were compared between the two sets of experiments after 60 and 300 days of column saturation. Differences in attachment efficiency may be due to higher influent DOC concentration in the second experiment, conversion of amorphous iron phases to more crystalline forms over time, reductive dissolution of preferable attachment sites on iron phases, or precipitation of calcite. Hydrus-1D, a one-dimensional numerical model, was used to quantify transport processes, inactivation and attachment/detachment, occurring in the column experiments by model inversion. Fitted microsphere breakthrough closely matched observed data, whereas PRD-1 breakthrough with realistic parameter values does not closely match the peaked nature of the observed curves. The model achieved improved fits for microsphere and PRD-1 breakthrough when both strongly- and weakly-binding sites are represented. A unique set of parameter estimates could not be determined because of overparameterization of the inverse modeling for the experimental systems. An alternative latrine incorporating BOF slag media was constructed in a periurban community located near São Paulo, Brazil. Pathogen indicator removal is approximately 4-5 orders of magnitude in less than one meter of vertical transport through the BOF slag media. In a control latrine, constructed with similar hydraulic characteristics and inert materials, comparable reductions in pathogenic indicators were observed over three meters of vertical transport.

Monitoring Oil Reservoir Deformations by Measuring Ground Surface Movements

Atefi Monfared, Kamelia January 2009 (has links)
It has long been known that any activity that results in changes in subsurface pressure, such as hydrocarbon production or waste or water reinjection, also causes underground deformations and movement, which can be described in terms of volumetric changes. Such deformations induce surface movement, which has a significant environmental impact. Induced surface deformations are measurable as vertical displacements; horizontal displacements; and tilts, which are the gradient of the surface deformation. The initial component of this study is a numerical model developed in C++ to predict and calculate surface deformations based on assumed subsurface volumetric changes occurring in a reservoir. The model is based on the unidirectional expansion technique using equations from Okada’s theory of dislocations (Okada, 1985). A second numerical model calculates subsurface volumetric changes based on surface deformation measurements, commonly referred to as solving for the inverse case. The inverse case is an ill-posed problem because the input is comprised of measured values that contain error. A regularization technique was therefore developed to help solve the ill-posed problem. A variety of surface deformation data sets were analyzed in order to determine the surface deformation input data that would produce the best solution and the optimum reconstruction of the initial subsurface volumetric changes. Tilt measurements, although very small, were found to be much better input than vertical displacement data for finding the inverse solution. Even in an ideal case with 0 % error, tilts result in a smaller RMSE (about 12 % smaller in the case studied) and thus a better resolution. In realistic cases with error, adding only 0.55 % of the maximum random error in the surface displacement data affects the back-calculated results to a significant extent: the RMSE increased by more than 13 times in the case studied. However, in an identical case using tilt measurements as input, adding 20 % of the maximum surface tilt value as random error increased the RMSE by 7 times, and remodelling the initial distribution of the volumetric changes in the subsurface was still possible. The required area of observation can also be reduced if tilt measurements are used. The optimal input includes tilt measurements in both directions: dz/dx and dz/dy. iv With respect to the number of observation points chosen, when tilts are used with an error of 0 %, very good resolution is obtainable using only 0.4 % of the unknowns as the number of benchmarks. For example, using only 10 observation points for a reservoir with 2500 elements, or unknowns resulted in an acceptable reconstruction. With respect to the sensitivity of the inverse solution to the depth of the reservoir and to the geometry of the observation grid, the deeper the reservoir, the more ill-posed the problem. The geometry of the benchmarks also has a significant effect on the solution of the inverse problem.

Numerical modeling of machine-product interactions in solid and semi-solid manure handling and land application

Landry, Hubert 13 April 2005 (has links)
The general objective of the research effort reported in this thesis was to develop the knowledge required to optimize the design and operation of solid and semi-solid manure handling and land application equipment. Selected physical and rheological properties of manure products deemed to have an influence on the performances of manure handling and land application equipment were measured and general trends were identified among the measured properties. Relationships were also established between the measured properties and the type of manure as well as its total solids concentration. Field experiments were carried out to evaluate the effects of selected mechanical configurations, operating parameters and product properties on the discharge of manure spreaders. The influence of the type of conveying system (scraper conveyor and system of four augers) and the velocity at which it is operated, the geometry of the holding system and the position of a flow-control gate were all included in the analysis. The discharge rates of the machines as well as the specific energy required by the unloading operations were measured. A numerical modeling method called discrete element method (DEM) was used to create virtual manure, a numerical model of the real product. The measured physical and flow properties were used to develop and validate the virtual manure models. It was found that manure products could successfully be represented in a DE framework and that several parameters defining the contact constitutive model in the DEM had an influence on the behaviour of the virtual products. The DEM was then used to study machine-product interactions taking place in handling and land application equipment. Results from field experiments carried out using various land application equipment were used in the development and validation of the interaction models. The predicted flow rates and power requirements were in good agreement with measured data. The results obtained allowed for a better understanding of the flow of manure products in manure handling and land application equipment. It was found that the constitutive model used for the product influenced the results of the machine-product interactions models. A precision banded applicator under development at the University of Saskatchewan was also modeled. The discharge rate of this equipment is influenced by a number of parameters. The predicted mass distribution across the width of the banded applicator was well correlated to the experimental results. The models developed in this thesis have the potential to become powerful engineering tools for the design of improved machines for the handling and land application of solid and semi-solid manure.

Intraseasonal Variability: Processes, Predictability and Prospects for Prediction

Hoyos, Carlos D. 11 April 2006 (has links)
The intraseasonal Oscillation (ISO) is a very strong and coherent mode of variability observed in the Earths climate. Rainfall variability in the intraseasonal timescale is particularly strong in the Tropics and it directly interacts with the South Asian monsoon during boreal summer and with the Australian monsoon during winter. A detailed analysis of the horizontal and vertical structure of the ISO during both summer and winter is presented in this work considering the coupled ocean-atmosphere system. In addition, the role of the intraseasonal variability of the Southeast Asian monsoon is studied in detail. From the applications point of view, the intraseasonal time scale is arguably the most important period of variability. However, extended forecasting of intraseasonal activity has proven to be a difficult task for the state of the art numerical models. In order to improve the forecasts of the ISO activity over the Southeast Asian monsoon region, a physically based empirical scheme was designed. The scheme uses wavelet banding to separate the predictand and predictors into physically significant bands where linear regression followed by recombination of the bands is used to generate the forecast. Results of the empirical scheme suggest that isolating the evolution of the intraseasonal signal from higher frequency variability and noise improve the skill of the prediction. The hypothesis is that a similar phenomenon occurs in numerical models: The strong intraseasonal signal is eroded by high frequency errors due to the model parameterizations, especially in convection. To evaluate the hypothesis, a coupled ocean-atmosphere model was run in ensemble mode for 30 day periods initialized daily for 20 days before to 20 days after major intraseasonal oscillations, allowing the examination of the skill of the model relative to the phase of the oscillation. The results, which confirm the previous hypothesis, represent well the observations for about 7 days after which the magnitude of the errors is greater than the signal itself. An integration scheme was developed for the coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model in order to mimic the philosophy of the empirical scheme and use for 30-day forecasts. The propagation features associated to ISO activity are improved.

Role of Local Thermodynamic Coupling in the Life Cycle of the Intraseasonal Oscillation in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool

Agudelo, Paula A. 23 August 2007 (has links)
Intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs) are important elements of the tropical climate with time-scales of 20-80 day. The ISO is poorly simulated and predicted by numerical models. This work presents a joint diagnostic and modeling study of the ISO that examines the hypothesis that local coupling between the ocean and the atmosphere is essential to the existence and evolution of the ISO in the Indo-Pacific warm pool region. Low-level moistening during the transition phase preconditions the atmosphere for deep convection. The vertical structure of ISO from the ECMWF coupled model during different phases of the oscillation as well as the skill of the model in simulating the processes that occur during the transition phase were studied. The forecast skill of the vertical structure associated with the ISO is greater for winter than for summer events. Predictability of the convective period is poor when initialized before the transitional phase. When initialized within the transition period including lower tropospheric moistening, predictability increases substantially, although the model parameterizations appears to trigger convection quickly without allowing an adequate buildup of CAPE during the transition. The model tends to simulate a more stable atmosphere compared to data, limiting the production of deep convective events. Two different one-dimensional coupled models are used to analyze the role of local ocean-atmosphere coupling in generating ISO. The ocean component is a one-dimensional mixed layer model. In the first model the atmospheric component corresponds to the SCCM. Results suggest that convection in the model tends to be "overactive," inhibiting development of lower frequency oscillations in the atmosphere. In the second case, the atmospheric component is a semi-empirical model that allows reproducing the coupled ISO over long integration periods including only local mechanisms. In the semi-empirical scheme the rate of change of atmospheric variables is statistically related to changes in SST. The stable state of this model is a quasi-periodic oscillation with a time scale between 25 and 80 days that matches well the observed ISO. Results suggest that the period of the oscillation depends on the characteristics of the ocean mixed layer, with a higher frequency oscillation for a shallow mixed layer.

Numerical Modeling of Fracture Permeability Change in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Using a Fully Coupled Displacement Discontinuity Method.

Tao, Qingfeng 2010 May 1900 (has links)
Fractures are the main flow channels in naturally fractured reservoirs. Therefore the fracture permeability is a critical parameter to production optimization and reservoir management. Fluid pressure reduction caused by production induces an increase in effective stress in naturally fractured reservoirs. The change of effective stress induces fracture deformation and changes fracture aperture and permeability, which in turn influences the production. Coupled interactions exist in the fractured reservoir: (i) fluid pressure change induces matrix deformation and stress change; (ii) matrix deformation induces fluid volume change and fluid pressure change; (iii) fracture deformation induces the change of pore pressure and stress in the whole field (the influence disappears at infinity); (iv) the change of pore pressure and stress at any point has an influence on the fracture and induces fracture deformation. To model accurately the influence of pressure reduction on the fracture permeability change in naturally fractured reservoirs, all of these coupled processes need to be considered. Therefore, in this dissertation a fully coupled approach is developed to model the influence of production on fracture aperture and permeability by combining a finite difference method to solve the fluid flow in fractures, a fully coupled displacement discontinuity method to build the global relation of fracture deformation, and the Barton-Bandis model of fracture deformation to build the local relation of fracture deformation. The fully coupled approach is applied to simulate the fracture permeability change in naturally fracture reservoir under isotropic in situ stress conditions and high anisotropic in situ stress conditions, respectively. Under isotropic stress conditions, the fracture aperture and permeability decrease with pressure reduction caused by production, and the magnitude of the decrease is dependent on the initial effective in situ stress. Under highly anisotropic stress, the fracture permeability can be enhanced by production because of shear dilation. The enhancement of fracture permeability will benefit to the production of oil and gas.

Analytical Modeling of Wood Frame Shear Walls Subjected to Vertical Load

Nguyendinh, Hai 2011 May 1900 (has links)
A nonlinear automated parameter fitted analytical model that numerically predicts the load-displacement response of wood frame shear walls subjected to static monotonic loading with and without vertical load is presented. This analytical model referred to as Analytical Model of wood frame SHEar walls subjected to Vertical load (AMSHEV) is based on the kinematic behavior of wood frame shear walls and captures significant characteristics observed from experimental testing through appropriate modeling of three failure mechanisms that can occur within a shear wall under static monotonic load: 1) failure of sheathing-to-framing connectors, 2) failure of vertical studs, and 3) uplift of end studs from bottom sill. Previous models have not accounted for these failure mechanisms as well as the inclusion of vertical load, which has shown to reveal beneficial effects such as increasing the ultimate load capacity and limiting uplift of the wall as noted in experimental tests. Results from the proposed numerical model capture these effects within 7% error of experimental test data even when different magnitudes of vertical load are applied to predict the ultimate load capacity of wood frame shear walls.

Assessment Of Diffusive And Convective Mechanisms During Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Into Deep Saline Aquifers

Ozgur, Emre 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The analytical and numerical modeling of CO2 sequestration in deep saline aquifers having different properties was studied with diffusion and convection mechanisms. The complete dissolution of CO2 in the aquifer by diffusion took thousands, even millions of years. In diffusion dominated system, an aquifer with 100 m thickness saturated with CO2 after 10,000,000 years. It was much earlier in convective dominant system. In diffusion process, the dissolution of CO2 in aquifer increased with porosity increase / however, in convection dominant process dissolution of CO2 in aquifer decreased with porosity increase. The increase in permeability accelerated the dissolution of CO2 in aquifer significantly, which was due to increasing velocity. The dissolution process in the aquifer realized faster for the aquifers with lower dispersivity. The results of convective dominant mechanism in aquifers with 1md and 10 md permeability values were so close to that of diffusion dominated system. For the aquifer having permeability higher than 10 md, the convection mechanism began to dominate gradually and it became fully convection dominated system for 50 md and higher permeability values. These results were also verified with calculated Rayleigh number and mixing zone lengths. The mixing zone length increased with increase in porosity and time in diffusion dominated system. However, the mixing zone length decreased with increase in porosity and it increased with increase in dispersivity and permeability higher than 10 md in convection dominated system.

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