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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Humanist Approach to Understanding the Migration of Filipino Nurses to the United States

Yumol, Benjamin B. 16 January 2010 (has links)
The global nursing shortage created opportunities for registered nurses from less developed countries to improve their working and living conditions through migration to more progressive and affluent nations. In the Philippines, this phenomenon left the country devoid of the much needed health care professionals. In this research study, I described the lived experiences of eleven indigenous Filipino nurses who migrated to the United States. Through the phenomenology approach, I was able to probe into the meaning of the migration as the participants lived through it, approaching it from a humanist perspective and using Abraham Maslow's theory on the hierarchy of needs as the framework. The study was intended to illustrate how the economic, social, and political characteristics of both countries impacted the Filipino nurses' behavior and thought processes while in pursuit of personal goals. Ultimately, this study could be used as a guide in the development of employment and health care policies that are more responsive to the current state of the nursing profession.

Kommuniktionens betydelse mellan patient och sjuksköterska : En litteraturstudie

Jansson, Hanna January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Flertalet studier visar på hur sjuksköterskebristen är ett faktum världen över och att detta medför konsekvenser för kvaliteten på vården av patienten. Syfte: Syftet är att sammanställa kunskapsläget om kommunikation mellan patient och sjuksköterska påverkar patientsäkerheten och om sjuksköterskebristen har en inverkan på detta. Metod: En litteraturstudie utfördes för att besvara syftet. Artiklar söktes i databaserna Pubmed, Cinahl och Svemed och granskades sedan utifrån SBU´s kvalitetsmall. Artiklarna som bedömdes ha hög eller medelhög kvalitet användes i arbetet och de artiklar som bedömdes ha en låg kvalitet uteslöts från arbetet.Resultat: Resultatet visade att tung arbetsbelastning och tidsbrist bidrog till att kommunikationen med patienten inte prioriterades. Bristfällande kommunikation visade sig ha en direkt påverkan på patientsäkerheten då missförstånd uppstod, felaktiga diagnoser ställdes varpå patienten även i vissa fall fick fel behandling. Patienterna uppfattade sjuksköterskornas arbetsbelastning och kände sympati för dem samtidigt som många kände sig orättvist behandlade. Trots att många patienter berättade om bristfällande kommunikation samt en påverkad relation mellan sjuksköterskan och patienten var det emellertid några patienter som lyfte positiva möten och även möten som förstärkt patientens vilja att våga prata med sjuksköterskan om allting, inte enbart det medicinska. Slutsats: Resultatet visar på hur en bristfällig kommunikation kan leda till stora konsekvenser för patientsäkerheten. Ytterligare forskning och studier med fokus på patienternas synvinkel anses därav som en viktig aspekt för att visa på hur allvarsamt detta är. / Background: Several studies show how nursing shortage is a fact worldwide and that it implicates the quality of patient care.Aim: The aim is too gather information on wheter the communication between patient and nurse affects patient saftey and if nurse shortage has an impact on this.Method: A literature review was conducted. Articles were searched in the following three databases; Pubmed, Cinahl and Svemed and then reviewed based on SBU´s quality template. The articles that was estimated too a high or medium quality were included in the article and the articles whom were estimated too a low quality were omitted from the essay.Results: The results showed that heavy workload and lack of time contributed to unprioritizd communication with the patient. Defective communication was found to have a direct impact on patient safety when misunderstandings arose, incorrect diagnoses were made and in some cases, the patient received incorrect treatment. Patients perceived the workload of the nurses and felt sympathy for them while many felt unfairly treated. Although many patients talked about inadequate communication and an affected relationship between the nurse and the patient, nonetheless, there were some patients who raised positive meetings and also meetings that reinforced the patient's willingness to dare to talk to the nurse about everything, not just the medical aspects. Conclusion: The result shows what devastating consequences a lack of communication can contribute to. Further research and studies that focus on the patients view is considered an important aspect to show how serious it is.

Attractive Work : Nurses´ work in operating departments, and factors that make it attractive

Björn, Catrine January 2016 (has links)
Background: Previous studies show that nurse retention is one of the most effective strategies to counteract nursing shortages. Few studies have focused on the crucial resource of registered specialist nurses in operating departments. Aim: The overall aim of this thesis was to gain knowledge on registered specialist nurses’ and assistant nurses’ work in operating departments and on what factors they consider to be important for attractive work. Methods: In Study I, operating room nurses were interviewed regarding their perspective on their work. In Studies II and III, specialist registered nurses and assistant nurses at operating departments in a Swedish county council responded to the Attractive Work Questionnaire. Study IV is a case study with interviews, a review of organisational goal documents and data concerning the number of planned, acute and cancelled operations. Findings: The adaption of the Attractive Work Questionnaire for nurses in operating departments was satisfying. The most important factors for attractive work were: Relationship, Leadership and Status. The factors with the largest discrepancies between their important to work attractiveness and their rating at the nurses’ current work were: Salary, Organisation and Physical Work Environment. It was important for nurses to be able to prepare for and be in control of the different work tasks. However, the daily operating schedule guided the nurses’ work, and changes in the schedule, nurse shortages and the design of the premises constituted obstacles to their work. Conclusion: The Attractive Work Questionnaire provided specific information to management on what to focus on to make work attractive. The majority of the identified attractive factors are already known to be of importance in nurse retention; however, factors requiring more investigation are Equipment, Physical Work Environment and Location (of the workplace). Their work prerequisites did not enable the specialist and assistant nurses to reach what they saw as their daily goals. Regularly occurring activities, such as acute and cancelled operations, were interpreted as obstacles to reaching daily goals.

Faktorer som kan påverka sjuksköterskors varaktighet inom profession och arbetsplats - En litteraturöversikt / Factors that influence nurse´s duration in profession and workplace - A literature revie

Björlin, Magdalena, Lovén, Linnéa January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskebristen är ett växande problem samtidigt som vårdbehovet hos befolkningen ökar. I Sverige rapporterar endast en region en balanserad situation med tillgång på grundutbildade sjuksköterskor, vilket kan innebära framtida utmaningar i att bemöta efterfrågan på vård. Brist på sjuksköterskor har visat sig ha en negativ inverkan på vårdkvalitet samt patientsäkerhet, vilket gör det angeläget att behålla befintligt antal sjuksköterskor. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten är att beskriva faktorer som kan påverka sjuksköterskor att lämna respektive stanna kvar inom sin profession och arbetsplats inom hälso- och sjukvården. Metod: Litteraturöversiktens resultat har baserats på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar, varav nio kvalitativa och sex kvantitativa artiklar, publicerade under tidsperioden 2011 till 2021. Artiklarna söktes fram i databaserna CHINAL, PsycINFO och PubMed. Resultat: I resultatet presenteras två huvudkategorier. I kategorin Arbetsmiljö framkom det att stöd från kollegor och ledning påverkar sjuksköterskors varaktighet i sin anställning och att tillfredställelsen till arbetet ökar vid upprätthållande av god och säker vård. I kategorin Individuella faktorer framkom det att personlig och professionell utveckling är viktigt för att skapa trygghet och säkerhet i arbetsrollen. Det framkom också att det är viktigt att privatlivet inte ska påverkas av arbetet. Slutsats: Faktorerna som nämns i litteraturöversiktens resultat kan bidra till att öka möjligheten att skapa attraktivare arbetsplatser och förlänga sjuksköterskors varaktighet på arbetsplatsen. Det i sin tur kan resultera i ökad vårdkvalitet och patientsäkerhet samt även bevara professionens förtroende. / Background: The nurse shortage is a growing problem. Only one region in Sweden is reporting to have a balanced situation with access to educated nurses. The shortage of nurses has shown to have a negative effect on the quality of care and patient saftey, which makes it urgent to keep the existing number of nurses.Aim: The aim with the literature review is to describe factors which can influence nurses to leave or stay within the profession and workplace in health care.Method: The literature review is based on 15 research articles, published during the time-period 2011 to 2021. Databases that have been used is CHINAL, PsycINFO and PubMed.Results: In the result two main categories are presented. In the category Work environment it emerged that support from colleagues and management influences nurses' stay at the workplace and being satisfied at work contributes to maintain good and safe care. In the category Individual factors it emerged that personal and professional development are important to become comfortable and confident working as a nurse. It also emerged that it is important with recovery and that the personal life was not affected by work.Conclusion: The factors mentioned in the literature review result can contribute to increase the possibility to create more attractive workplaces, and thereby prolong nurses’ stay at the workplace. That in turn can result in improved quality of care and patient safety and thereby also keep the profession’s credibility.

Lived Experience of Post-licensure Nurses in a Perioperative Clinical Rotation

Stahley, Amy 01 January 2019 (has links)
A projected deficit in the perioperative workforce of 32,000 perioperative nurses retiring by 2024, creates an inability to meet the nursing needs of the United States population. The need for experienced perioperative nurses has been increasing while the availability of nurses with perioperative education has been decreasing. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the lived experience of post-licensure nurses who participated in a perioperative clinical rotation within their baccalaureate nursing program and did that experiential experience affect the recruitment and employment for perioperative nursing to halt the impending shortage. The integrations of Kolb’s experiential learning theory and Bandura’s theory of self-efficacy model was the framework that supported the study. Thirteen interviews were conducted using van Manen’s (1990) method for researching the lived experience. The two themes emerging from the data were value and attitude. Subthemes under value are gaining knowledge and skill set and a different type of nursing. Subthemes under attitude are (a) communication with the medical team and advocacy for families and patients. The experiential perioperative clinical rotation affected the study participants’ interest for working in the operating room (OR). Most had a highlighted interest in the specialty, and those participants’ not choosing the OR as their choice of employment expressed that the experience positively affected the type of nurse they are today. Experiential learning can build the fundamental knowledge necessary to understand the novice perioperative nurse’s role as a career choice.

Experiences influencing the academic performances of 1st year nursing students at the Western Cape College of Nursing, South Africa, during 2008

McLachlan, Maria Elizabeth January 2010 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / This is a qualitative study, the aim of which is to explore experiences influencing the academic performance of 1st Year nursing students at the Western Cape College of Nursing, South Africa, during 2008 when the College was confronted with unprecedented failure rates among 1st Year students. It describes the College's collaboration with a higher education institution and the changes that emanated from this collaboration. The influence of situational factors on 1st Year nursing students is explored. These include the legacy of the inequality of past learning opportunities, institutional factors which hamper students' sense of belonging, and the social and academic integration of students into their learning environment. The methodology used in the process of exploring these factors included focus group discussions with students and in-depth interviews with staff in order to explore their respective perceptions of the problem. From this it is hoped that the quality of human resources for health will be enhanced. / South Africa

Experiences influencing the academic performances of 1st year nursing students at the Western Cape College of Nursing, South Africa, during 2008

McLachlan, Maria Elizabeth January 2010 (has links)
<p>This is a qualitative study, the aim of which is to explore experiences influencing the<br /> academic performance of 1st Year nursing students at the Western Cape College of Nursing,<br /> South Africa, during 2008 when the College was confronted with unprecedented failure rates<br /> among 1st Year students. It describes the College‟s collaboration with a higher education<br /> institution and the changes that emanated from this collaboration. The influence of<br /> situational factors on 1st Year nursing students is explored. These include the legacy of the<br /> inequality of past learning opportunities, institutional factors which hamper students‟ sense of<br /> belonging, and the social and academic integration of students into their learning<br /> environment. The methodology used in the process of exploring these factors included focus<br /> group discussions with students and in-depth interviews with staff in order to explore their<br /> respective perceptions of the problem. From this it is hoped that the quality of human<br /> resources for health will be enhanced.</p>

Experiences influencing the academic performances of 1st year nursing students at the Western Cape College of Nursing, South Africa, during 2008

McLachlan, Maria Elizabeth January 2010 (has links)
<p>This is a qualitative study, the aim of which is to explore experiences influencing the<br /> academic performance of 1st Year nursing students at the Western Cape College of Nursing,<br /> South Africa, during 2008 when the College was confronted with unprecedented failure rates<br /> among 1st Year students. It describes the College‟s collaboration with a higher education<br /> institution and the changes that emanated from this collaboration. The influence of<br /> situational factors on 1st Year nursing students is explored. These include the legacy of the<br /> inequality of past learning opportunities, institutional factors which hamper students‟ sense of<br /> belonging, and the social and academic integration of students into their learning<br /> environment. The methodology used in the process of exploring these factors included focus<br /> group discussions with students and in-depth interviews with staff in order to explore their<br /> respective perceptions of the problem. From this it is hoped that the quality of human<br /> resources for health will be enhanced.</p>

Rozhodnutí o změně pracoviště u nelékařského zdravotnického personálu / Decision to leave workplace in non-medical healthcare workers

Picmausová, Ivana January 2020 (has links)
The fluctuation of nursing staff in the medical facilities is not just current problem in the Czech Republic. Aging population will present higher demand for number of nursing staff. It is assumed that the insufficient number of nursing staff will remain and even rise (also due to aging of the staff) if appropriate actions are not taken (Simoens et al., 2005). This thesis discusses the decision to migrate amongst the nursing staff - general nurses, practical nurses, midwives, and emergency paramedics within the medical facility. It analyses the reasons for changing their workplace. The investigation was executed using the questionnaire method. It was conducted in January and February of 2020 in the selected medical facility in the Czech Republic. Total of 701 questionnaires were distributed to all inpatient wards, outpatient departments and intensive care units. The investigation targeted nursing medical staff. A statistical analysis of the results was performed Mann-Whitney U test was used to monitor the differences for decision to migrate based on various characteristics and responses. Total of 415 completed questionnaires were analysed in this investigation. 61/415 (14.7 %) responders consider the change of workplace. The most common nursing staff members to consider the change were general...

Faktory ovlivňující fluktuaci sester v ČR / Factors influencing turnover of nurses in the Czech Republic

Sedešova, Julie January 2021 (has links)
Introduction: The shortage of nurses is a global problem of a multifactorial nature, to which demographic change in the world's population contributes greatly. In the future, a growing imbalance in the supply and demand of nursing staff can be expected, and according to WHO estimates (2015), the deficit of nurses and midwives will reach 7.6 million in 2030. The lack of nurses is largely due to their turnover, which is influenced by a number of interrelated factors and has a negative impact on the quality and safety of health care, the economy, health systems and the nurses themselves. The first step in solving this issue is to examine the causes of institutional and professional turnover of nurses and then create stabilization measures. Aim: Identify, characterize and analyse the factors that influenced the decision to change the current job position of general nurses with more than two years of experience. Methodology: Qualitative research was carried out through individual semi-structured interviews, phenomenological approach and method of purposeful selection was methodologically chosen. The research survey was attended by 14 general nurses from Prague hospitals aged 30 to 52 years. Data collection was terminated by reaching theoretical saturation. Data analysis was performed using open coding...

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