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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Arnau Bonachera, Alberto 31 July 2017 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / During the last 50 years, there has been an overall improvement of efficiency in all domestic species thanks to an improvement in productivity traits. However, during the last years, disorders associated to a loss of functionality of animals (such as poor fertility, health and longevity of reproductive females) with high productivity standards have been observed. In this scenario, interactions between genetics and nutrition are becoming relevant. The main hypothesis of the present thesis is that nutritional strategies adapted to the genetic type could help to modulate productivity and functionality of females in the long term. To evaluate this hypothesis, 203 rabbit females were used which gave birth a total of 758 litters. These females belonged to 3 genetic types that differed greatly on their breeding goals: H, maternal line characterised by hyper-prolificacy; LP, maternal line characterised by functional hyper-longevity; R, paternal line characterised by growth rate. Females were fed during 5 consecutive reproductive cycles with 2 iso-energetic and iso-protein diets differing in energy source: Animal fat enhancing milk yield (84 g of ether extract per kg of DM and 105 g of starch per kg of DM); Cereal starch promoting body reserves recovery (21 g of ether extract per kg of DM and 237 g of starch per kg of DM). This experiment generated a set of longitudinal data with particular structures of (co)variances among data which had to be taken into account. Several models differing in the way data structure is modelled were evaluated. We found that none of the tested models was the best in terms of goodness of fit to the data for all traits, but it seems that models in which (co)variance structure was modelled in blocks of (co)variances for each reproductive cycle could be the most recommendable because they presented an overall suitable statistic performance (in terms of parsimony and fitting) and biological interpretation. These models provided useful information to understand acquisition and allocation of individual animals. In this sense, it seems that we can modulate allocation between energy addressed to milk or to body reserves by changing energy source of diet, but altering normal homeostasis of animals. Respect to the strategies of genetic types, results of the present experiment seem to indicate that R females were characterized by greater adult weight and by a high dependence on the body reserves to cope with the reproductive requirements of the current reproductive cycle. They gave birth little but heavier kits, although it seems they could be more immature. When R females were fed with a diet promoting milk yield, they invested more on the current litter, whereas when fed with a diet promoting body reserves recovery, it seems that they invested more in recovering for future reproduction. On the contrary, females from the maternal lines were smaller and had numerous but lighter kits, but each genetic type used different strategies. H females were also high dependent on body reserves, but storing body reserves during lactation to cope with future reproduction. This strategy makes them more sensible to the energy source of the diet, triggering problems to ensure future reproduction when fed with a diet promoting body reserves recovery (low conception rate or higher mortality of females). LP females were characterised by an acquisition capacity better fitted to changing requirements, safeguarding body reserves. This strategy seems to be more generalist, allowing them to ensure high performance of the current litter without neglecting future reproduction and with less sensitivity to the diet. Therefore, to properly balance between productivity and functionality, results reported in the presented thesis suggest that apart from requirements, the way each genetic type acquire and allocate energy over its life trajectory should be considered when formulating diets for reproductive rabbit females. / En los últimos 50 años, ha habido mejora general de la productividad y en consecuencia de la eficiencia en todas las especies domésticas. Sin embargo, en los últimos an¿os se han observado trastornos asociados a una pérdida de funcionalidad en animales con altos estándares de productividad (como baja fertilidad, salud o longevidad de las hembras reproductivas). Las interacciones entre la genética y la nutricio'n son cada vez ma's relevantes. La principal hipótesis de la presente tesis es que estrategias nutricionales adaptadas al tipo genético podrían ayudar a modular entre productividad y funcionalidad de las hembras. Para evaluar esta hipótesis, se utilizaron 203 conejas que dieron lugar a un total de 758 lactaciones. Estas conejas pertenecían a 3 tipos genéticos que diferían ampliamente en sus objetivos de selección: H, línea materna caracterizada por hiper-prolificidad; LP, línea materna caracterizada por hiper-longevidad funcional; R, línea paterna caracterizada por la velocidad de crecimiento. Las conejas fueron alimentadas durante 5 ciclos reproductivos consecutivos con 2 dietas iso-energéticas e iso-proteicas que diferían en la fuente de energía: Grasa animal para fomentar la producción de la leche (84 g de extracto etéreo por kg MS y 105 g de almidón por kg MS); Almidón de cereal para promover la recuperación de las reservas del corporales (21 g de extracto etéreo por kg MS y 237 g de almidón por kg MS). El experimento genero' una base de datos con datos longitudinales con unas estructuras particulares de (co)varianzas entre los datos y que debían tenerse en cuenta. En este sentido, se evaluaron varios modelos que diferían en la forma en que se modelan la estructura de datos. Se encontró que ninguno de los modelos probados fue el mejor en términos de bondad de ajuste para todos los caracteres. Sin embargo, parece que los modelos en los que la estructura (co) varianza se modelo' en bloques de (co)varianzas para cada ciclo reproductivo podrían ser los ma's recomendables. Respecto al efecto de la fuente de energía de la dieta, parece que podemos modular la asignación entre la energía dirigida a la producción de leche o la ganancia de reservas corporales cambiando la fuente de energía de la dieta, pero alterando la homeostasis normal de los animales. Respecto a las estrategias de los tipos genéticos, los resultados del presente experimento parecen indicar que las hembras R se caracterizaron por un mayor peso adulto y por una alta dependencia de las reservas corporales para hacer frente a las necesidades reproductivas del ciclo reproductivo actual. Estas hembras parieron menos gazapos, pero ma's pesados. Cuando las hembras R fueron alimentadas con una dieta que promovía la producción de la leche, invirtieron ma's en la camada actual, mientras que cuando se les alimento' con una dieta que promovía la recuperación de las reservas corporales, invirtieron ma's en la recuperación para su futura reproducción. Por el contrario, las hembras de las líneas maternas fueron ma's pequen¿as y tuvieron ma's gazapos, pero ma's ligeros. No obstante, cada tipo genético utilizo' una estrategia diferente. Las hembras H también fueron muy dependientes de las reservas corporales, pero almacenando reservas corporales durante la lactación para hacer frente a la futura reproducción. Esta estrategia les hace sensibles a la fuente de energía de la dieta, desencadenando problemas para asegurar la reproducción futura cuando fueron alimentadas con una dieta que promueve la recuperación de las reservas corporales. Las hembras LP se caracterizaron por una capacidad de adquisición mejor adaptada a las necesidades cambiantes. Esta estrategia parece ser ma's generalista, lo que les permite asegurar un alto rendimiento de la camada actual sin descuidar la reproducción futura, salvaguardando las reservas corporales, y con menos sensibilidad a la dieta. / En els últims 50 anys, ha aportat una millora general de la productivitat i, en conseqüència, de l'eficiència en totes les espècies domèstiques. Al llarg dels últims anys s'han observat trastorns associats a una pèrdua de funcionalitat en animals amb estàndards elevats de productivitat (com baixa fertilitat, salut o longevitat de les femelles reproductives). Les interaccions entre la genètica i la nutrició són cada vegada més rellevants. La hipòtesi principal de la tesi proposa que les estratègies nutricionals adaptades al tipus genètic permeten modular la productivitat i funcionalitat de les femelles. Per avaluar esta hipòtesi es van utilitzar 203 conilles que proporcionaren un total de 758 lactacions. Estes conilles pertanyien a tres tipus genètics que diferien àmpliament en els seus objectius de selecció: H, línia materna caracteritzada per hiperprolificitat; LP, línia materna caracteritzada per hiperlongevitat funcional; R, línia paterna caracteritzada per velocitat de creixement. A les conilles se'ls va subministrar 2 dietes isoenergètiques i isoproteiques durant cinc cicles reproductius consecutius, els quals diferien en la font d'energia: Greix animal per fomentar la producció de llet (84 g d'extracte eteri per kg MS i 105 g de midó per kg MS); Midó de cereal per promoure la recuperació de les reserves del corporals (21 g d'extracte eteri per kg MS i 237 g de midó per kg MS). L'experiment va generar una base de dades amb dades longitudinals amb unes estructures particulars de covariàncies entre les dades que havien de tindre's en compte. Es van avaluar diversos models que diferien en la forma en què modelitzaven l'estructura de les dades. Es va trobar que cap dels models provats va ser millor en termes de bondat d'ajust per a tots els caràcters. No obstant això, pareix que els models en què l'estructura covariància es va modelar en blocs de covariàncies per a cada cicle reproductiu podrien ser els més recomanables. Estos models van proporcionar informació útil per a comprendre l'adquisició i assignació d'animals individuals. Respecte a la font d'energia de la dieta, pareix que podem modular l'assignació entre l'energia dirigida a la producció de llet o el guany de reserves corporals si canvia la font d'energia de la dieta, tanmateix l'homeòstasi normal dels animals es veu alterada. Des del punt de vista de les estratègies segons el tipus genètics, els resultats del present experiment pareixen indicar que les femelles R es van caracteritzar per tindre major pes adult i per una dependència elevada de les reserves corporals per a fer front a les necessitats reproductives del cicle reproductiu actual. Estes femelles van parir menys catxaps. Quan les femelles R van ser alimentades amb una dieta que promovia la producció de la llet, van invertir més en la ventrada actual, mentres que quan se'ls va alimentar amb una dieta que promovia la recuperació de les reserves corporals, van invertir més en la recuperació per al següent cicle reproductiu. Contràriament, les femelles de les línies maternes van ser més menudes i van tindre més catxaps, però més lleugers. No obstant això, cada tipus genètic va utilitzar una estratègia diferent. Les femelles H també van ser molt dependents de les reserves corporals, però emmagatzemaren reserves corporals durant la lactació per a fer front a pròxima reproducció. Esta estratègia les fa més sensibles a la font d'energia de la dieta, i conseqüentment, desencadena problemes per assegurar la reproducció propera quan es nodrixen amb una dieta que promou la recuperació de les reserves corporals (baixa taxa de concepció o major mortalitat de les femeelle). Les femelles LP es van caracteritzar per una capacitat d'adquisició de recursos millor adaptada a les necessitats canviants. Esta estratègia pareix més generalista, la qual cosa les permet assegurar un rendiment alt de la ventrada actual sense descuidar la reproducció fu / Arnau Bonachera, A. (2017). OPTIMIZATION OF RESOURCE ALLOCATION TO THE GENETIC TYPE IN REPRODUCTIVE RABBIT DOES [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/85980 / Compendio

Use of weaning diets in combined feeding of females and growing rabbits

Martínez Vallespín, Beatriz 23 December 2011 (has links)
The thesis sets out the design of new feeding strategies in the current context of rabbit production, marked by the high prevalence of Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy and the need of the systematical use of antibiotics as the only way to maintain the digestive health of growing rabbits, and, consequently, the economical viability of the farms. In this context, the study is focused in the use of weaning diets in combined feeding of rabbit does and litters. In the first experiment, eight weaning diet were tested; they were formulated in a factorial design 2Œ2Œ2 with the following factors: i) partial replacement of starch with acid detergent fibre, ii) partial replacement of starch with neutral detergent soluble fibre and iii) reduction in the crude protein content. The three strategies impaired milk yield and body condition of rabbit does and decreased litter weight at weaning; however, they decreased the post-weaning mortality of young rabbits, and those effects seem to be additive. In the second experiment, the effect of those strategies on caecal environment of growing rabbits was tested. The dietary changes modified the production of volatile fatty acids (which increased) and/or ammonial nitrogen (which decreased), creating a more favorable environment to maintain the stability of caecal microbial ecosystem and, consequently, the digestive health, which would explain the reduction of mortality observed in the previous experiment. In the third experiment, a factorial design 2Œ2 was carried out to compare two feeding systems (conventional or the one based in the use of a weaning diet in combined feeding formulating the most favorable feed to digestive health of young rabbits, according to the results obtained in the two previous studies) and two weaning ages (28 or 42 days) in the long term (5 cycles). The results showed once again the conflict of interests between rabbit does production and young rabbits health. In this context, the work has been focused in the use of weaning diets in combined feeding of rabbit does and litters. / Martínez Vallespín, B. (2011). Use of weaning diets in combined feeding of females and growing rabbits [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/14122

Environmental and genetic factors driving robustness in reproductive rabbit does

Savietto, Davi 30 April 2014 (has links)
Selection strategies to increase productive traits of farm animals have been effective and highly specialized breeds and strains were obtained. At the same time, the effort made to obtain extremely high producing animals was accompanied by undesired effects, such as a reduced ability to sustain production, reproduction and health; especially under constrained conditions. The perception that selection was degrading robustness, lead to selection strategies aiming to improve the ability of animals to perform in a wider range of environmental constrain. However, at the present moment, the physiological mechanisms allowing farm animals to perform well in a wide range of environments, while others succumb, have not been described. The present thesis intended to address this question by describing the evolution of traits related to fitness, survival and to the adaptability to environmental constraints. Two maternal rabbit lines differing in their ability to face the environmental constraints, i.e. a `specialist¿ and a `generalist¿ maternal rabbit line were available. Additionally, two generations (20 generations apart) of the specialized line were simultaneously available. During the first two consecutive reproductive cycles, female rabbits were simultaneously subjected to three environmental conditions differing in the intensity and in the physiological constrain imposed. Digestive capacity, the acquisition of resources and the partitioning of resources into different function (i.e. litter size, milk yield, growth, body reserves, etc.) was also assessed. Results showed a greater acquisition capacity of `generalist¿ females in constrained conditions with respect to `specialist¿ females. Moreover, the greater acquisition capacity was not accompanied by a reduction in the digestive efficiency, allowing the `generalist¿ females a relative greater acquisition of digestible energy. The maintenance of reproductive performance by having a greater acquisition capacity, together with the avoidance of making an intensive use of body reserves were both related to the capacity of `generalist¿ females to sustain reproduction in a wide range of environmental conditions. Twenty generations of selection exclusively for reproduction (specialized line), was not accompanied by a higher acquisition capacity, but by a change in the relative priority between the litter being nursed (actual) and the litter being gestate (future litter). In this sense, females from the actual generation of selection for litter size at weaning had a greater milk yield in the first week of lactation (period of great importance to kits survival), reducing it by the end of lactation. The present thesis also evidenced the importance of the environment where the animals are being selected in the evolution of the interplay between competing functions. / Savietto, D. (2014). Environmental and genetic factors driving robustness in reproductive rabbit does [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/37198 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales

Antigenicidad de piensos y materias primas proteicas en conejos

Cano Muñoz, José Luis 25 April 2016 (has links)
[EN] The massive intake of dietary antigens is one of the factors involved in the problems around the weaning of livestock species. This has been studied mainly in piglets and calves, which immune response to dietary antigens and their consequences varies depending on the origin of dietary protein, the use of protein raw materials of high antigenicity being in practice limited in the feeding of young animals. However, in rabbits, where digestive problems after weaning are particularly important, information in this regard is very scarce. The overall objective of this study was to determine if, like in other livestock species, immune reactions against the diet also occur in rabbits, by determining IgG immunoglobulin specific to dietary antigens in blood serum, and to compare the antigenicity of different feeds and protein raw materials. Three experiments were performed. In Experiment I, the method of obtaining dietary antigens by pepsin hydrolysis was developed and the presence of IgG antibodies against dietary antigens in rabbit blood serum was checked by Dot Immunoblotting. In Experiment II, an indirect ELISA to determine IgG against dietary antigens in blood serum was developed. In Experiment III, antigenicity of different protein raw materials was studied by measuring IgG against dietary antigens in blood serum by the indirect ELISA developed, as well as their effects on histomorphology and immunohistochemistry of the intestinal mucosa. With the developed methodology: 1) the presence of IgG antibodies against dietary antigens in blood serum of adult and strictly suckling rabbits has been detected, 2) differing IgG antibody response against dietary antigens in blood serum of growing rabbits has been found depending on the protein raw material included in the feed they had consumed, being significantly higher with sunflower meal, wheat gluten, pea and soybean meal than with alfalfa hay and, especially, with fishmeal and 3) no consistent relationship of the IgG antibody response against dietary antigens in blood serum with histomorphological (villus height, crypt depth and ratio between them) or immunohistochemical (T cell counts in the villi and proliferating cells counts in the crypts) traits of the jejunal mucosa nor growth rate could be established. / [ES] La llegada masiva de antígenos dietarios es uno de los factores que intervienen en la problemática que se desarrolla en el destete de los animales productivos. Este hecho ha sido estudiado sobre todo en lechones y terneros, donde se ha visto que la respuesta inmunitaria frente a los antígenos dietarios y sus consecuencias varían según el origen de la proteína de la dieta, recomendándose en la práctica limitar el uso de materias primas proteicas de alta antigenicidad en la alimentación de los animales jóvenes. Sin embargo, en conejos, donde la problemática digestiva tras el destete es particularmente importante, apenas se dispone de información a este respecto. El objetivo general del presente trabajo fue determinar si en conejos, al igual que ocurre en otras especies productivas, se producen reacciones inmunitarias frente a la dieta consumida, mediante la determinación en suero sanguíneo de inmunoglobulinas IgG específicas frente a antígenos dietarios, y comparar la antigenicidad de diferentes piensos y materias primas proteicas. Para ello se realizaron 3 experimentos. En el Experimento I se desarrolló el método de obtención de antígenos dietarios mediante hidrólisis pépsica y se comprobó mediante Dot Immunoblotting la presencia de anticuerpos IgG frente a antígenos dietarios en suero sanguíneo de conejos. En el Experimento II se desarrolló un ELISA indirecto para la determinación de IgG frente a antígenos dietarios en el suero sanguíneo. En el Experimento III se estudió la antigenicidad de diferentes materias primas proteicas determinando los anticuerpos IgG frente a los antígenos dietarios en suero sanguíneo mediante el ELISA indirecto desarrollado, así como los efectos de las mismas sobre la histomorfología e inmunohistoquímicos de la mucosa intestinal. Con la metodología desarrollada: 1) se ha detectado la presencia de anticuerpos IgG frente a antígenos dietarios en el suero sanguíneo de conejas adultas y de gazapos estrictamente lactantes, 2) se ha comprobado que la respuesta de anticuerpos IgG frente a antígenos dietarios en el suero sanguíneo de los gazapos de cebo depende de la materia prima proteica incluida en el pienso que han consumido durante dicho periodo, siendo sensiblemente mayor con harina de girasol, gluten de trigo, guisante y harina de soja que con heno de alfalfa y, sobre todo, que con harina de pescado y 3) no se ha podido establecer una relación consistente de la respuesta de anticuerpos IgG frente a antígenos dietarios en suero sanguíneo ni con los parámetros histomorfológicos (altura de vellosidades, profundidad de criptas y ratio entre ellas) o inmunohistoquímicos (recuentos de linfocitos T en las vellosidades y de células en división en las criptas) de la mucosa yeyunal ni con el crecimiento durante el cebo. / [CA] L'arribada massiva d'antígens dietaris és un dels factors que intervenen en la problemàtica que es desenvolupa en el deslletament dels animals productius. Aquest fet ha estat estudiat sobretot en garrins i vedells, on s'ha vist que la resposta immunitària enfront dels antígens dietaris i les seves conseqüències varien segons l'origen de la proteïna de la dieta, recomanant-se a la pràctica limitar l'ús de matèries primeres proteiques d'alta antigenicitat en l'alimentació dels animals joves. No obstant això, en conills, on la problemàtica digestiva després del deslletament és particularment important, es disposa de poca informació referent al tema. L'objectiu general del present treball va ser determinar si en conills, igual que ocorre en altres espècies productives, es produeixen reaccions immunitàries enfront de la dieta consumida, mitjançant la determinació en sèrum sanguini d'immunoglobulines IgG específiques enfront d'antígens dietaris, i comparar l'antigenicitat de diferents pinsos i matèries primeres proteiques. Per a això es van realitzar 3 experiments. En l'Experiment I es va desenvolupar el mètode d'obtenció d'antígens dietaris mitjançant hidròlisi pèpsica i es va comprovar mitjançant Dot Immunoblotting la presència d'anticossos IgG enfront d'antígens dietaris en sèrum sanguini de conills. En l'Experiment II es va desenvolupar un ELISA indirecte per a la determinació d'IgG enfront d'antígens dietaris en sèrum sanguini. En l'Experiment III es va estudiar l'antigenicitat de diferents matèries primeres proteiques determinant els anticossos IgG enfront dels antígens dietaris en sèrum sanguini mitjançant l'ELISA indirecte desenvolupat, així com els efectes de les mateixes sobre la histomorfologia i l'immunohistoquímica de la mucosa intestinal. Amb la metodologia desenvolupada: 1) s'ha detectat la presència d'anticossos IgG enfront d'antígens dietaris en el sèrum sanguini de conilles adultes i de llorigons estrictament lactants, 2) s'ha comprovat que la resposta d'anticossos IgG enfront d'antígens dietaris en el sèrum sanguini de conills d'engreixament depèn de la matèria primera proteica inclosa en el pinso que han consumit durant aquest període, sent sensiblement major amb farina de gira-sol, gluten de blat, pèsol i farina de soja que amb fenc d'alfals i, sobretot, que amb farina de peix i 3) no s'ha pogut establir una relació consistent de la resposta d'anticossos IgG enfront d'antígens dietaris en sèrum sanguini ni amb els paràmetres histomorfològics (alçada de vellositats, profunditat de criptes i ràtio entre elles) o immunohistoquímics (recomptes de limfòcits T en les vellositats i de cèl¿lules en divisió en les criptes) de la mucosa jejunal ni amb el creixement durant l'engreixament. / Cano Muñoz, JL. (2016). Antigenicidad de piensos y materias primas proteicas en conejos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62864

Utilização do farelo de algodão e do farelo integral de mandioca em dietas de frangos caipiras / Use of cottonseed meal and cassava meal in broiler hillbillies diets

HOLANDA, Marco Aurélio Carneiro de 17 March 2011 (has links)
Submitted by (edna.saturno@ufrpe.br) on 2017-05-17T12:59:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Marco Aurelio Carneiro de Holanda.pdf: 1100969 bytes, checksum: e05352a6d94ba68878dd0fb549310e45 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-17T12:59:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marco Aurelio Carneiro de Holanda.pdf: 1100969 bytes, checksum: e05352a6d94ba68878dd0fb549310e45 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This study aimed to evaluate the nutritional composition and energy of cottonseed meal and cassava meal and its inclusion in broiler hillbillies diets, to evaluate the performance and costs of feeding. The nutritional composition and apparent metabolizable energy (AME) were determined by laboratory analysis (dry matter, ash, crude fiber, ether extract, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, calcium, phosphorus and crude energy). The digestibility trial was conducted from 10 to 18 days old birds, each ingredient has its values of nutrient digestibility determined from five repetitions. The metabolizable energy values used for calculations of the diets were 1965 and 2951 kcal/kg of AME for cottonseed meal and cassava meal, respectively. Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance effect of replacing soybean meal protein by protein from cottonseed meal and the inclusion of cassava meal in broiler hillbillies diets. The experiments consisted of five treatments with five and six replicates in a randomized design. At the end of each phase were evaluated as survival rate, weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion. After the slaughter were performed to evaluate carcass traits and their parts (wings, back, chest, thigh, drumstick and abdominal fat), moreover of edible offal (heart, liver and gizzard). Was performed an economic evaluation to assess the viability of the use of ingredients tested on diets. The results were analyzed by analysis of variance and regression using the SAS (2001). Cottonseed meal and cassava meal can be used until the levels of 10.67 and 100% inclusion, respectively, for feeding broiler hillbillies lineage Label Rouge, without prejudice to the animal performance including yield carcass percentage of birds and economic gain. / Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a composição nutricional e energética do farelo de algodão e do farelo integral de mandioca e sua inclusão nas dietas de frangos caipiras, visando avaliar o desempenho e custos com a alimentação. A composição nutricional e a energia metabolizável aparente (EMA) foram determinadas através de análises laboratoriais (matéria seca, cinzas, fibra bruta, extrato etéreo, proteína bruta, fibra em detergente neutro, fibra em detergente ácido, cálcio, fósforo e energia bruta). O ensaio de digestibilidade foi realizado no período de 10 a 18 dias de idade das aves, cada ingrediente teve seus valores de digestibilidade dos nutrientes determinados através de cinco repetições. Os valores de energia metabolizável utilizados nos cálculos das rações foram de 1.965 e 2.951 kcal/kg de EMA para o farelo de algodão e farelo integral de raízes de mandioca respectivamente. Foram realizados dois experimentos de desempenho para avaliar o efeito da substituição da proteína do farelo de soja pela proteína do farelo de algodão e da inclusão do farelo integral de mandioca em rações de frangos caipiras. Os experimentos foram compostos por cinco tratamentos com cinco e seis repetições por tratamento, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Ao final de cada fase foram realizadas avaliações como: taxa de sobrevivência, ganho de peso, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar. Após o abate foi efetuada a avaliação das carcaças e de suas partes (asas, dorso, peito, coxa, sobrecoxa e gordura abdominal), além das vísceras comestíveis (coração, fígado e moela). Foi realizada uma avaliação econômica para calcular a viabilidade da utilização dos ingredientes testados nas dietas. Os resultados foram avaliados por análise de variância e regressão utilizando-se o programa computacional SAS (2001). O farelo de algodão e o farelo integral de mandioca podem ser utilizados até os níveis de 10,67 e 100% de inclusão, respectivamente, na alimentação de frangos de corte caipiras linhagem Label Rouge, sem prejuízo do desempenho zootécnico incluindo o rendimento percentual de carcaça das aves e ganho econômico.


Alagón Huallpa, Gilbert 21 March 2013 (has links)
La producción mundial de biocombustibles denominados bioetanol y biodiesel se ha incrementado en la última década, como alternativa a los combustibles fósiles. Brasil produce etanol a partir de la caña de azúcar, EEUU a partir de maíz, mientras que en Europa y Canadá, el insumo más utilizado es el grano de trigo. En España las principales plantas de biocombustible utilizan maíz, trigo y cebada, para obtener etanol, básicamente. Esta situación ha generado cambios importantes en el mercado mundial de granos, por un lado, encareciéndo el precio de las materias primas tradicionales y en consecuencia el coste de los piensos, y por otro lado, ofertando nuevas materias primas, tales como los denominados granos secos de destilería con solubles o DDGS (Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles), que pueden ser destinadas a la alimentación animal si son valoradas nutritivamente para las posibles especies animales de destino, entre las que podrían encontrarse los conejos. Dado que los insumos y los procesos de producción industrial de bioetanol presentan algunas variaciones, la calidad de los DDGS generados varía consecuentemente en su composición química y su valor nutritivo, pero estas posibles fuentes de variación han sido poco estudiadas. La cunicultura es una actividad productiva muy importante en Europa, especialmente en Francia, Italia, y España, cuyos costes de producción se han incrementado en especial en el rubro de la alimentación, que constituye entre el 50 a 70% del coste total, por las razones antes señaladas.Los DDGS se han incorporado en la dieta de vacuno, aves y cerdos, pero la información relativa a su utilización en conejos es muy escasa. En este contexto, parece necesario evaluar el potencial nutritivo y el comportamiento productivo de los DDGS en piensos de conejos. / Alagón Huallpa, G. (2013). USE OF BARLEY, WHEAT AND CORN DISTILLER'S DRIED GRAIN WITH SOLUBLES IN DIETS FOR GROWING RABBITS: NUTRITIVE VALUE, GROWTH PERFORMANCE AND MEAT QUALITY [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/27648

Zjištění názoru dětí staršího školního věku na zdraví, pohyb a sport ve městech s rozdílným počtem obyvatel. / Discovery of the opinion of older school aged children on health, movements and sport in the cities with a different number of population

Pádecký, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
Title: Discovery of the opinion of older school aged children on health, movements and sport in the cities with a different number of population. Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to find, the extent to which today's kids follow sport, if the parents support them in movements and also if are the differences between the development of children from smaller city in comparasion with the capital city, where are the possibilities of sport activities significantly different. This work will help us to determinate which effect has family, school, TV and other activities which kids prefer to do. This thesis works together with the bachelor thesis titled: Find of opinions of older school aged children on health, exercise and sport at the gymnasium in Susice. Methods: There are several methods used in this thesis. Content analysis is used for working with literature. Content synthesis is used for connecting and continuing of received knowledge. Also is used questionnaire research for collecting and gaining of datas which are supported of non - invasive method of measurement, which include anthropological measurement of body height and body weight. In the end of the work is used the method of comparison for evaluation of the results of the final datas. Results: Based on our questionnaire survey, we get the...

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