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Bedömningar av ungas rörelseförmåga : En idrottsvetenskaplig problematisering och valideringTidén, Anna January 2016 (has links)
The overall purpose of this thesis is to investigate, discuss and problematise different aspects of movement ability. The four sub-studies of the thesis deal with various issues concerning assessment of movement ability. First, the focus is on how the concept of physical literacy has influenced the steering document of the subject physical education and health (PEH) in Sweden. The question is: What kind of tensions and conflicts arise when different approaches and interpretations of movement ability are used in an educational context? Second, a structural validation is conducted of the NyTid test, an assessment tool developed to assess basic and complex movement skills at the ages of 12-16 years. The question is: Which categories of movement skills are identified through the validation of the NyTid test? Third, the study examines how ‘ability’ is conceptualised, configured and produced in movement tests and movement assessment tools. Finally, an investigation of how or whether an assessed low or high movement ability at the age of 15 matters for developing an interest in, or taste for, sport and physical activities nine years later, in young adulthood. Movement ability is studied from different perspectives, including a multidisciplinary sport science approach using mixed methods. The theoretical standpoint in the sociocultural analyses is inspired by Bourdieu’s theories and concepts of habitus, capital, field and doxa, which are used as analytical tools. Different theories relating to the evaluation of movement abilities as product- or process oriented assessment are also made use of. Movement abilities tests and assessment tools are also found to construct a specific and narrow form of physical capital strongly related to traditional sports. Accordingly, the social construction of movement ability through assessment tools is far from neutral and could affect how children see themselves and their sense of ‘ability’. Furthermore, the assumption that an acquired high level of movement ability plays a central role for being physically active is challenged in the thesis. Even though pupils at the age of 15 had a low level of assessed movement ability, it did not prevent them from acquiring a taste for sport and physical activity later in life. However, more studies on movement ability and the underlining mechanisms and factors for engaging in physical activities are necessary. / Forskningslinjen Utbildning
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De bortglömda stenarna : om byars äldre gränsmarkeringar och rågångar i Ekeberga socken / Forgotten stones : about hamlets´ older boundery markers and boundery lines in Ekeberga parishKusel, Holger January 2012 (has links)
This essay is about the hamlets´ older boundaries, i.e. boundary lines (“rågångar”) and boundary markers in the form of rocks, and an own survey of two hamlet boundaries in southeast Sweden. Many of the boundary rocks were subjected to unintentional damage or destruction that arose during forestry activities, the excavation of ditches, or road construction. Boundaries between hamlets sparsely populated areas were not clearly defined from the beginning, but were established initially in the form of boundary zones, that often consisted of wetlands, watercourses, or mountain heights. These areas were utilized collectively by neighbouring hamlets. The first boundary markers in the survey area appeared in the beginning of the Middle Ages, and were composed of natural rock formations, which were characterized by placing three loose stones on a large ground anchored stone. Unequivocally hamlet boundaries were first created by land surveyors during the 1800th century up until the early 1900th century. Following written instructions, land surveyors built specialized stone formations to serve as boundaries and placed them along a line at regular intervals, five stones in a row. The land surveyor recorded all of the boundary lines and drew an accompanying map of the area. My inventory showed that almost two thirds of all the boundary markers recorded by land surveyors were missing or damaged. The markers that remained were easily located with the help of GPS, because the distances between the boundary markers were consistent with the recorded values. / Uppsatsen handlar om byarnas äldre gränser (”rågångar”) och gränsmarkeringar i form av stenar samt en egen inventering av två bygränser i sydöstra Sverige. Många av gränsstenarna blir utsatta för omedveten skada eller förstörelse, som uppstår vid skogsavverkning, dikesgrävning eller vägbygge. Gränser mellan byar i de glest befolkade områdena var inte klar definierade från början, utan bildades först i form av gränszoner, som ofta bestod av våtmarker , vattendrag eller bergshöjder. Dessa områden nyttjades gemensamt av de angränsande byarna. De första gränsmarkeringarna i undersökningsområdet kom till i början av medeltiden och bestod av naturliga stenformationer, som kännetecknades genom att lägga tre lösa stenar på en stor jordfast sten. Entydiga bygränser skapades först av lantmätare på 1700-talet eller tidigt 1800-tal. De byggde efter föreskrivna instruktioner speciella stenformationer och satte längs den raka gränsen och med jämna mellanrum fem stenar i rad. Lantmätaren protokollerade alla gränsdragningar och ritade en tillhörande karta över området. Min inventering visade att nästan två tredjedelar av alla i lantmätarens protokoll angivna gränsmärken var försvunna eller skadade. De som fanns kvar var utan svårighet att lokalisera med hjälp av GPS, eftersom avståndet stämde väl överens med protokollets värden. / Der Aufsatz behandelt alte Dorfgrenzen ("rågångar") und Grenzmarkierungen i Form von Steinen und desweiteren eine eigene Betandsaufnahme von zwei Dorfgrenzen im südöstlichen Schweden (Småland). Viele Grenzsteine sind unabsichtlich Schädigung und Zerstörung ausgesetzt infolge Waldrohdung, Ziehung von Gräben oder Straßen- und Wegebau. Dorfgrenzen in dünn besiedelten Gebieten waren nicht von vornherein klar definiert, sondern Bildeten sich erst i Form von Grenzzonen, die oft aus Feuchtgebieten, Wasserläufen oder Berghöhen bestanden. Diese Gebiete wurden von den angrenzenden Dörfern gemeinsam genutzt. Die ersten Grenzmarkierungen im Untersuchungsgebiet entstanden zu Beginn des Mittelalters und bestanden aus natürlichen Steinformationen, die dadurch gekennzeichnet waren, dass drei Steine auf einen großen erdgebundenen Stein gelegt wurden. Eindeutige Dorfgrenzen wurden erst durch Landvermesser im 18. und frühen 19.Jahrhundert geschaffen. Sie legten fest vorgeschriebene Steinformationen an und setzten entlang gerader Grenzlinien und mit gleichmäßigem Abstand jeweils fünf Steine in einer Linie. Der Landesvermesser protokollierte alle Grenzziehungen und zeichnete eine zugehörige Karte über das Gebiet. Meine Bestandsaufnahme zeigte, dass fast zwei Drittel aller vom Landesvermesser im Protokoll angegebenen Grenzmarkierungen verschwunden oder beschädigt waren. Die verbliebenen Steine waren ohne Schwierigkeit mit einem GPS zu lokalisieren, da deren Abstände gut mit den Werten des Protokolls übereinstimmten.
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