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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rôle des composés de l’enveloppe bactérienne dans la vie libre et symbiotique des Bradyrhizobium / Role of bacterial envelope compounds during the free-living and symbiotic states of Bradyrhizobium strains

Busset-Tournier, Nicolas 26 October 2017 (has links)
Le genre Bradyrhizobium est le genre de rhizobia qui nodule la plus grande diversité d’espèces de légumineuses. Certaines de ces bactéries ont la particularité d’établir une symbiose fonctionnelle avec des légumineuses du genre Aeschynomene en utilisant un processus Nod-indépendant. De plus, au sein des nodules d’Aeschynomene, les Bradyrhizobium subissent une différenciation terminale en bactéroïde qui s’accompagne de modifications métaboliques et morphologiques drastiques. A la différence de la majorité des autres rhizobia, des hopanoïdes sont retrouvés au sein des membranes de l’ensemble des souches de Bradyrhizobium, dont certains, de façon inédite, liés à l’une des très longue chaîne d’acide gras (VLCFA) présentent sur le lipide A du LPS de ces bactéries. De plus, le LPS des Bradyrhizobium photosynthétiques possède un antigène-O également inédit et non-immunogénique. Le but de cette thèse était de déterminer si les particularités de la membrane externe des Bradyrhizobium pouvaient être impliquées dans la physiologie de ces bactéries ainsi que dans l’initiation et le maintien de la symbiose avec Aeschynomene. Les résultats obtenus ont mis en évidence que les hopanoïdes et plus particulièrement ceux liés au lipide A, ainsi que les VLCFAs permettent de rigidifier la membrane externe des Bradyrhizobium. Ces propriétés leur confèrent ainsi une plus grande résistance face aux conditions de stress, dont celles présentes au sein des nodules d’Aeschynomene, ce qui permet aux Bradyrhizobium de maintenir une symbiose efficiente avec ces plantes. Ces travaux ont ainsi permis d’avancer dans la connaissance de la voie de biosynthèse et du rôle du LPS atypique et des hopanoïdes des Bradyrhizobium et pourrait conduire à la production d’inocula plus résistants. / The Bradyrhizobium genus is the genus of rhizobia which nodulates the widest range of legume species. Some of these bacteria have the peculiarity of establishing a functional symbiosis with legumes of the genus Aeschynomene using a Nod-independent process. Moreover, within Aeschynomene nodules, the Bradyrhizobium strains undergo a terminal differentiation into bacteroids which is accompanied by drastic metabolic and morphological changes. Unlike the majority of other rhizobia, hopanoids are found in the membranes of all the Bradyrhizobium strains, some of which linked to one of the very long chain fatty acid (VLCFA) on the lipid A of these bacteria. In addition, LPS of photosynthetic Bradyrhizobium have an O-antigen that is also unique and non-immunogenic. The aim of this thesis was to determine whether the peculiarities of the external membrane of Bradyrhizobium strains could be implicated in the physiology of these bacteria as well as in the initiation and maintenance of the symbiosis with Aeschynomene. The obtained results showed that hopanoids and more particularly those linked to the lipid A, as well as the VLCFAs rigidify and stabilize the outer membrane of Bradyrhizobium strains. These properties give them greater resistance to stress conditions, including those present in Aeschynomene nodules, which allows the Bradyrhizobium to maintain an efficient symbiosis with these plants. This work allowed us to advance in the understanding of the biosynthesis and the role of the atypical LPS and the hopanoids produced by the Bradyrhizobium strains and could lead to the production of more resistant inocula.

Humans naturally acquire cross-specific anti-glycan antibodies

Rollenske, Tim 03 November 2017 (has links)
Bakterielle Glykanantigene sind hoch-divers in ihrer Komposition und Verbindung. Antikörper gegen Glykanantigene können vor bakteriellen Infektionen schützen und sind wichtig um die Homöostase zwischen dem Wirt und seinem Mikrobiom aufrecht zu halten. Typischerweise lösen Glykanantigene jedoch Antikörperantworten aus, die sich durch ein vermindertes B Zell-Gedächtnis und niedrig-affine Antikörper mit geringer Spezifität auszeichnen. In dieser Arbeit konnten, mithilfe von biotinylierten Lipopolysaccharide O-Antigenen des opportunistisch-pathogenen Bakteriums Klebsiella pneumoniae (Kp), O-Antigen-spezifische B Zellen innerhalb peripherer Gedächtnis- und intestinaler Effektor-B Zellen identifiziert werden. Durch Einzel-Zell Immunoglobulin-Sequenzierung und Klonierung bzw. rekombinanter Expression von Antikörpern dieser Zellen wird gezeigt, dass, unter natürlichen Umständen, affinitätsgereifte Antikörper gegen definierte Kp Glykanantigene erzeugt werden. Diese Antikörper binden nicht nur Kp O-Serotyp-spezifisch sondern auch spezifisch an strukturell ähnliche Kp O-Antigene und taxonomisch unterschiedliche Mikroorganismen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Menschen, bei natürlicher Besiedlung, kreuz-spezifische Antikörper gegen Glykanantigene erzeugen und deuten auf einen Mechanismus hin, wie das humorale Immunsystem auf die Glykandiversität des Mikrobioms reagieren und sich anpassen kann. Weiterhin könnten die hier identifizierten Antikörper nützlich für die Behandlung von nosokomiellen Kp Infektionen sein. / Bacterial glycan antigens are highly diverse in composition and linkage. Antibodies against glycan antigens can protect against bacterial infection and are important in maintaining homeostasis between the host and its microbiome. However, glycan antigens typically elicit B cell responses that have impaired long-term memory formation and are comprised of low-affine antibodies with low specificity. In this work, the use of biotinylated Lipopolysaccharide O-antigens of the opportunistic pathogen Klebsiella pneumonia allowed to identify anti-O-antigen B cells in the peripheral memory and intestinal effector B cell pool in healthy humans. Single B cell Immunoglobulin gene sequencing, antibody cloning, and recombinant expression reveal that, under natural circumstances, humans acquire affinity-matured antibodies against defined Kp glycan antigens. Despite their O-serotype-specificity, the antibodies bind to other structurally similar Kp O-serotypes and taxonomically distinct non-Kp microbes. The findings show that humans, under natural exposure, acquire affinity-matured cross-specific anti-glycan antibodies and provide a mechanistic way how the humoral immune system could adapt to the large microbial glycan diversity present in nature. Further, the antibodies identified in this work might be beneficial in treatment of nosocomial Kp infections.

Identification and characterization of a novel Salmonella gene product, STM0029, which contributes to the resistance to host antimicrobial peptide killing

Chen, Heng-Chang 11 January 2013 (has links)
Salmonella spp. sind fakultative intrazelluläre Pathogene, die gastrointestinale und systemische Erkrankungen in einem umfassenden Wirtsbereich, einschließlich Tier und Mensch, hervorrufen. Salmonella benötigt verschiedene Virulenzgene für die Infektion welche auf sogenannten Salmonella Pathogenitäts-Inseln (SPI) kodiert sind. Hinzu kommt, dass auch zahlreiche im Salmonella Genom verstreuten Gene an verschiedenen Aspekten von Virulenz und Pathogenese beteiligt sind. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde die Funktion eines zuvor nicht beschriebenen putativen transkriptionellen Regulators (STM0029) charakterisiert und definiert. Dieser scheint für die Abwehr von zellulären bakterizid wirkenden Verbindungen und das Überleben des Bakteriums innerhalb einer intrazellulären Nische von entscheidender Bedeutung zu sein. Die STM0029-deletierte Mutante wies eine gesteigerte Sensitivität gegenüber antimikrobiellen Peptiden und bakteriziden Verbindungen auf. Dazu zählten α-Defensin-1, β- Defensin-1, β-Defensin-2, LL-37 und Polymyxin B sowie Komponenten des Komplementsystems. Unerwartet war die Beobachtung, dass die Expression von STM0029 durch das PmrA/B Zwei Komponenten System reprimiert vorlag, während das PhoP/Q Zwei Komponenten System keinen Einfluss auf die Expression von STM0029 zu scheinen hat. Beide Komponent Systeme spielen bekanntlich eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Expressionsregulation von Genen die für das intrazelluläre Überleben von Salmonella wichtig sind. Bemerkenswert ist, dass ein Set von Genen welche an der Biosynthese und/oder der Modifikation für das LPS O-Antigen sowie des Peptidoglykans in der bakteriellen Zellwand beteiligt ist, im STM0029 Deletionshintergrund herab reguliert vorlag. Dieses Ergebnis deutet darauf hin, dass das STM0029 Genprodukt die Persistenz des Pathogen in Wirtszellen beeinflusst. Möglicherweise geschieht dies durch das Umgehen von wirtseigenen Abwehrmechanismen. / Salmonella spp. are facultative intracellular pathogens, which cause gastrointestinal and systemic diseases in a broad range of hosts including animals and humans. In addition to virulence genes clustered within pathogenicity islands, numerous additional genes scattered throughout the genome are also involved in various aspects of Salmoenlla virulence and pathogenesis. In this study, I identified a Salmonella putative transcriptional regulator encoded by a previously uncharacterized open reading frame designated STM0029. Deletion of STM0029 altered the expression of genes involved in both the resistance to host bactericidal challenges, and bacterial cell wall biosynthesis in S. Tyhpimurium. The ΔSTM0029 strain showed a defect in the resistance to host antimicrobial peptides, including α-defensin-1, β-defensin-1, β-defensin-2, LL-37, and polymyxin B as well as serum challenges compared to the wildtype. Unexpectedly, expression of STM0029 was found to be repressed by the PmrA/B two component system, but appeared to be independent of the PhoP/Q two component system, both of which are well-known regulatory systems involved in the regulation of expression of genes involved in Salmonella intracellular survival. Notably, the expression of a set of genes involved in bacterial LPS O-antigen and peptidoglycan biosyntheses and modifications showed decreases in the absence of STM0029. These experimental results indicate that the STM0029 gene product in S. Typhimurium contributes to resistance against host cell defense mechanisms, likely through regulation of genes involved in LPS O-antigen and peptidoglycan biosynthesis and modifications.

Structure Elucidations of Bacterial Polysaccharides using NMR Spectroscopy and Bioinformatics

Ståhle, Jonas January 2017 (has links)
Carbohydrates are ubiquitous components in nature involved in a range of tasks. They cover every cell and contribute both structural stability as well as identity. Lipopolysaccharides are the outermost exposed part of the bacterial cell wall and the primary target for host-pathogen recognition. Understanding the structure and biosynthesis of these polysaccharides is crucial to combat disease and develop new medicine. Structural determinations can be carried out using NMR spectroscopy, a powerful tool giving information on an atomistic scale. This thesis is focused on method development to study polysaccharide structures as well as application on bacterial lipopolysaccharides. The focus has been to incorporate a bioinformatics approach prior to analysis by NMR spectroscopy, and then computer assisted methods to aid in the subsequent analysis of the spectra. The third chapter deals with the recent developments of ECODAB, a tool that can help predict structural fragments in Escherichia coli O-antigens. It was migrated to a relational database and the aforementioned predictions can now be made automatically by ECODAB. The fourth chapter gives insight into the program CASPER, a computer program that helps with structure determination of oligo- and polysaccharides. An approach to determine substituent positions in polysaccharides was investigated. The underlying database was also expanded and the improved capabilities were demonstrated by determining O-antigenic structures that could not previously be solved. The fifth chapter is an application to O‑antigen structures of E. coli strains. This is done by a combination of NMR spectroscopy and bioinformatics to predict components as well as linkages prior to spectra analysis. In the first case, a full structure elucidation was performed on E. coli serogroup O63, and in the second case a demonstration of the bioinformatics approach is done to E. coli serogroup O93. In the sixth chapter, a new version of the CarbBuilder software is presented. This includes a more robust building algorithm that helps build sterically crowded polysaccharide structures, as well as a general expansion of possible components. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 5: Manuscript.</p>

The O-Antigen Capsule of Salmonella Typhimurium in Acute and Chronic Infection

Marshall, Joanna M. January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

The lipopolysaccharide of Haemophilus parainfluenzae

Young, Rosanna E. B. January 2011 (has links)
Haemophilus parainfluenzae (Hp) and H. influenzae (Hi) are closely related members of the Pasteurellaceae family and are common commensal bacteria of the human nasopharynx. Whilst Hi is frequently implicated in meningitis, otitis media and respiratory tract infections, reports of pathogenic behaviour by Hp are very rare. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a key component of the Gram negative cell wall, and its structure influences the ability of Haemophilus to interact with the host and evade immune clearance. A better understanding of the differences in LPS structure between Hi and Hp could help to ascertain which parts of the molecule are important for commensal and pathogenic behaviour. Hi LPS comprises lipid A, a conserved oligosaccharide inner core, and an oligosaccharide outer core that differs between strains. The latter is partly phase variable by the slipped strand mispairing during replication of DNA repeat tracts within several LPS biosynthesis genes. Very little was known about LPS in Hp so we investigated its biosynthesis and structure in a panel of 20 Hp carriage isolates. Using PCR, DNA sequencing and Southern analysis we demonstrated that Hp possesses homologues of the Hi lipid A and inner core LPS synthesis genes and a few of the genes for outer core synthesis; however, homologues of the Hi phase variable outer core genes were largely absent and did not contain repeat tracts. The results of immunoblotting and collaborative structural analysis were consistent with this data. Phosphocholine, a phase variable Hi LPS epitope that has been implicated in otitis media, was found to be absent in Hp LPS due to the lack of four genes required for its biosynthesis and incorporation. The introduction of these genes into Hp led to the phase variable addition of phosphocholine to the LPS, indicating that there is no fundamental reason why Hp could not use a similar mechanism of variation to Hi if it was advantageous to do so. SDS-PAGE data suggested the presence of O-antigens (repeated chains of sugars) in many of the Hp strains, an unusual feature for Haemophilus, and all of the strains were found to contain a potential O-antigen synthesis locus. Each locus encodes homologues of several glycosyltransferases in addition to either the Wzy polymerase- or ABC transporter-dependent mechanisms of O-antigen synthesis and transport. Comparisons of wild type and isogenic mutant strains showed that the O-antigen enhances resistance to complement-mediated killing and appears to affect adhesion to epithelial cells in vitro. Hp is a successful commensal organism but lacks the flexibility of adapting its LPS using repeat-mediated phase variation, potentially limiting its range of host niches.

Structural and Functional Characterization of O-Antigen Translocation and Polymerization in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1

Islam, Salim Timo 07 June 2013 (has links)
Heteropolymeric O antigen (O-Ag)-capped lipopolysaccharide is the principal constituent of the Gram-negative bacterial cell surface. It is assembled via the integral inner membrane (IM) Wzx/Wzy-dependent pathway. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Wzx translocates lipid-linked anionic O-Ag subunits from the cytoplasmic to the periplasmic leaflets of the IM, where Wzy polymerizes the subunits to lengths regulated by Wzz1/2. The Wzx and Wzy IM topologies were mapped using random C-terminal-truncation fusions to PhoALacZα, which displays PhoA/LacZ activity dependent upon its subcellular localization. Twelve transmembrane segments (TMS) containing charged residues were identified for Wzx. Fourteen TMS, two sizeable cytoplasmic loops (CL), and two large periplasmic loops (PL3 and PL5 of comparable size) were characterized for Wzy. Despite Wzy PL3–PL5 sequence homology, these loops were distinguished by respective cationic and anionic charge properties. Site-directed mutagenesis identified functionally-essential Arg residues in both loops. These results led to the proposition of a “catch-and-release” mechanism for Wzy function. The abovementioned Arg residues and intra-Wzy PL3–PL5 sequence homology were conserved among phylogenetically diverse Wzy homologues, indicating widespread potential for the proposed mechanism. Unexpectedly, Wzy CL6 mutations disrupted Wzz1-mediated regulation of shorter O-Ag chains, providing the first evidence for direct Wzy–Wzz interaction. Mutagenesis studies identified functionally-important charged and aromatic TMS residues localized to either the interior vestibule or TMS bundles in a 3D homology model constructed for Wzx. Substrate-binding or energy-coupling roles were proposed for these residues, respectively. The Wzx interior was found to be cationic, consistent with translocation of anionic O-Ag subunits. To test these hypotheses, Wzx was overexpressed, purified, and reconstituted in proteoliposomes loaded with I−. Common transport coupling ions were introduced to “open” the protein and allow detection of I− flux via reconstituted Wzx. Extraliposomal changes in H+ induced I− flux, while Na+ addition had no effect, suggesting H+-dependent Wzx gating. Putative energy-coupling residue mutants demonstrated defective H+-dependent halide flux. Wzx also mediated H+ uptake as detected through fluorescence shifts from proteoliposomes loaded with pH-sensitive dye. Consequently, Wzx was proposed to function via H+-coupled antiport. In summary, this research has contributed structural and functional knowledge leading to novel mechanistic understandings for O-Ag biosynthesis in bacteria. / Bookmarks within the document have been provided for ease of access to a particular section in the body of the thesis. Each entry in the Table of Contents, List of Tables, and List of Figures has been "linked" to its respective position and as such can be clicked for direct access to the entry. Similarly, each in-text Figure or Table reference has been "linked" to its respective figure/table for direct access to the entry. / 1.) Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship doctoral award, 2.) CIHR Michael Smith Foreign Study Award, 3.) Cystic Fibrosis Canada (CFC) doctoral studentship, 4.) University of Guelph Dean's Tri-Council Scholarship, 5.) Ontario Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology, 6.) Operating grants to Dr. Joseph S. Lam from CIHR (MOP-14687) and CFC

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