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Les mécanismes de l'intercompréhension entre interactants de langues/cultures différentes en contexte de clavardageBernier, Marie January 2005 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Autotelické prožívání při překovánání lanových překážek / Autotelic experiences in overcoming ropes coursesKverka, Václav January 2011 (has links)
Title: Autotelic experiences in overcoming ropes obstacles. Resource: The purpose of this study was to determine whether and to what extent people experience flow in overcoming ropes obstacles and how their flow is affected by their previous experiences from other sports. Methods: Polling had one hundred and fifty respondents who were regular visitors to the rope sling. Polling was carried out immediately after crossing the rope obstacles using a questionnaire-Flow Kurzskala (FCS). The data obtained were divided into individual files, depending on the hypotheses posed. Using the Student's distribution, it was determined if there is a statistically significant difference in mean values of the individual files and then the related hypothesis was accepted. Results: Carried out testing showed a statistically significant difference in the flow experience in the rope obstacles park in a group of adolescents and adults. Also showed a difference between sportsmen who are engaged in everyday life competition sports and sports oriented on performance, unlike sportsmen doing collective and individual sports where a statistically significant difference in mean values did not show. The assumption of achieving different values in flow of men and women was not proved, as well as the influence of previous...
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Patienten och den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskan : - förutsättningar och hinder för en vårdande relation i somatisk slutenvårdArons, Elin, Slagarp, My January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Genom en vårdande relation vinner sjuksköterskan patientens tillit. Skapandet av denna relation ser olika ut varje gång och kräver anpassning efter patient och situation. Syfte: Undersöka förutsättningar samt hinder för en vårdande relation mellan patienten och den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskan i somatisk slutenvård. Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ deskriptiv intervjustudie, med semi-strukturerade intervjuer som följde en intervjuguide. Åtta sjuksköterskor rekryterades via snöbollsurval. Datan analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Förutsättningarna för att en vårdande relation skulle skapas var bland annat att det fanns tillräckligt med tid, att sjuksköterskan hade en empatisk personlighet, ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt och att patienten hade intresse av att bygga en relation. Det som kunde förhindra den vårdande relationen var bristande kontinuitet, stressig miljö, bristande kommunikation, bristande förtroende från patienten eller om patienten var instabil eller kognitivt nedsatt. Slutsats: Brist på erfarenhet gjorde det svårt för sjuksköterskorna att skapa vårdande relationer. Då sjuksköterskorna upplevde att de hade stöd från kollegor minskade stressen, vilket gjorde det lättare att tidigare lära sig skapa vårdande relationer. Vidare forskning behövs för att undersöka vad för stöd nyutexaminerade behöver för att underlätta skapandet av vårdande relationer i början av sina yrkesliv. / Background: Nurses gains patients trust through caring relationships. The relation-building process is different each time and demand adjustments to the patient and the situation. Aim: To explore the preconditions and barriers to create caring relationships, among newly graduated nurses in somatic inpatient. Methods: The study is a qualitative descriptive interview study, with semi-structured interviews, following an interview guide. Eight nurses were recruited through snowball selection. Data was analysed with qualitative content analysis. Results: Conditions needed to create caring relationships were, among others, the access of time, that the nurse had an empathetic personality, a person-centered approach and that the patient had an interest in the relationship. Factors that challenged the caring relationship were lack of continuity, stressful environment, lack of communication, lack of trust from the patient or if the patient were instable or had a cognitive impairment. Conclusions: Lack of experience made it difficult to establish caring relationships. God support from colleges decreased stress among the nurses, which made it easier to create caring relationships. Further research of what kind of support that is needed among newly examined nurses to facilitate caring relationships is needed.
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Integrated project delivery: the obstacles of implementationFish, Amanda January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Architectural Engineering and Construction Science / Julia A. Keen / The purpose of this report is to provide information on Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) as a construction project delivery method and identify some of the obstacles that are limiting its implementation into the design and construction industry. This report includes a general overview of IPD and a comparison to traditional project delivery methods: Design-Bid-Build, Design-Build, and Construction Manager at Risk. The advantages of IPD and its possible positive impact on the industry is introduced followed by the three major obstacles that must be evaluated and resolved before this delivery method can begin to be embraced by the industry. The three major obstacles include: contracts, insurance, and IPD structure for facilitation. Each of these obstacles is explored in detail and solutions being successfully implemented by industry professionals are presented. Finally, conclusions about the future of IPD are presented along with future research that needs to be conducted for a better overall understanding of IPD.
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The Interacting Multiple Models Algorithm with State-Dependent Value AssignmentRastgoufard, Rastin 18 May 2012 (has links)
The value of a state is a measure of its worth, so that, for example, waypoints have high value and regions inside of obstacles have very small value. We propose two methods of incorporating world information as state-dependent modifications to the interacting multiple models (IMM) algorithm, and then we use a game's player-controlled trajectories as ground truths to compare the normal IMM algorithm to versions with our proposed modifications. The two methods involve modifying the model probabilities in the update step and modifying the transition probability matrix in the mixing step based on the assigned values of different target states. The state-dependent value assignment modifications are shown experimentally to perform better than the normal IMM algorithm in both estimating the target's current state and predicting the target's next state.
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Identifier les entraves à l’activité de problématisation en formation. : Quelle auto-évaluation pour se professionnaliser ?Goloubieff, Bruno 25 March 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche se situe dans le champ de la formation professionnelle aux métiers de la relation éducative. A l'origine, un constat portant sur les difficultés et les pièges rencontrés par ces professionnels en situation a motivé un questionnement sur les conditions de préparation à de tels métiers. Dès lors que la formation professionnelle associe deux visées contraires d'instruction et d'émancipation dans son projet, elle tente de faire problématiser les apprenants à partir des situations éducatives rencontrées pour construire les problèmes et produire des avancées. Or, dans une société où la résolution de problème domine, former à la problématisation ne va pas toujours de soi. Certains formés se heurtent à des entraves au cours de leur trajet de formation. Elles peuvent même donner lieu à des paradoxes. L'identification des entraves montre que tout formé navigue entre deux pôles contraires et qu'il est important que chacun effectue pour lui-même un travail d'auto-évaluation en formation afin de travailler ses implications et ainsi d'éviter les dérives de logique et la création de paradoxes. / This research concerns the training of professionals in education-related fields. At the outset, a report dealing with the difficulties and hurdles encountered by these professionals in the work-place led to an investigation into training methods for such occupations. Since professional training combines two opposing objectives , namely instruction and independence of expression of ideas, the aim of this research is to present students with problem situations encountered in real life in order to dissect the issues and find solutions. In a society where resolving problems prevails, training in the analysis of problems is not always evident. During their course, some trainees are faced with obstacles which may lead to paradoxes. Identification of these obstacles shows that each trainee navigates between two opposing poles, and as part of training it is important that each trainee carries out self-evaluation to understand the implication of their actions and thus avoid lapses in logic and the creation of paradoxes.
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Dynamics of densimetric plumes and fire plumes in ventilated tunnelsJiang, Lei 23 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif la caractérisation de la vitesse de ventilation critique dans un tunnel ventilé longitudinalement lorsque survient un incendie. La vitesse critique est définie comme la vitesse de ventilation minimale pour laquelle l’ensemble des fumées nocives est repoussé à l’aval de l’incendie. Les méthodes utilisées sont théoriques, expérimentales et numériques. Dans une première approche, l’incendie est modélisé par un rejet de fluide plus léger que l’air ambiant. Dans les expériences, il s’agit soit de l’air chaud, soit d’un mélange d’air et d’hélium ce qui permet d’étudier les effets dits non-Boussinesq, c’est à dire induits par une large différence de densité entre le rejet flottant et l’air ambiant. Une modélisation théorique simple est également donnée afin d’expliquer les variations de la vitesse de ventilation critique en fonction des conditions à la source du rejet (flux de flottabilité et géométrie). Un bon accord est observé entre les résultats expérimentaux et le modèle théorique aussi bien pour les rejets dits forces (jets) que pour les rejets dits flottants (panaches). Des simulations numériques ont été également menées afin de fournir une comparaison quantitative des vitesses critiques obtenues dans le cas d’un incendie modélisé par un panache et le cas d’un feu. L’apparition d’une vitesse dite ’super-critique’ observée dans la littérature dans le cas de feux a été étudiée. L’effet sur la vitesse critique d’un feu de puissance faible peut très largement être modélisé par l’effet d’un rejet de fluide léger au sol. En revanche, un feu de forte puissance nécessite une modélisation des flammes et donc de puissance thermique produite en volume dans une partie non négligeable du tunnel. La présence de flammes représente donc une source distribuée de flux de flottabilité au-dessus et en aval du lieu d’injection des gaz de combustion. En conséquence, dans cette situation, le foyer ne peut être modélisé par une simple condition aux limites au sol du tunnel. L’effet sur la vitesse critique d’une éventuelle inclinaison ou pente du tunnel a été également étudié. Une inclinaison du tunnel dans le sens de la ventilation induit une diminution de la vitesse critique par rapport à un tunnel horizontal alors que pour une inclinaison en sens contraire la vitesse critique est augmentée. Cependant, cet effet dépend des conditions à la source du rejet. Pour les rejets flottants, l’effet de la pente du tunnel est important tandis que la vitesse critique devient de moins en moins dépendante de la pente au fur et à mesure que le rejet devient force. Le modèle théorique développé pour un rejet dans un tunnel horizontal a été adapté au cas avec pente et un bon accord a de nouveau été établi entre les résultats expérimentaux et le modèle théorique. Enfin, pour un feu, les simulations numériques ont montré que la pente influence très peu la vitesse critique. Dans une dernière partie, l’effet de la présence de véhicules dans le tunnel a été investigue aussi bien expérimentalement qu’avec l’outil numérique. Les véhicules sont modélisés par des blocs parallélépipédiques de différentes tailles places en amont de la source de flottabilité ou le feu. Il a été montré que seul le bloc proche de la source modifiait la valeur de la vitesse de ventilation critique alors que les blocs plus éloignés avaient une influence négligeable. De même, la vitesse critique obtenue en présence de blocs se rapproche très rapidement de celle obtenue pour un tunnel sans véhicule lorsque la distance entre la source et le bloc le plus proche augmente. Le paramètre qui influence le plus la vitesse critique est la position relative du bloc et de la source. Lorsque le bloc protège directement la source en étant placé à son côté aussi bien longitudinalement que latéralement, l’air frais de la ventilation n’impacte pas directement le rejet et la vitesse critique est augmentée par rapport à la situation sans bloc. [...] / This thesis investigates experimentally, theoretically and numerically the critical ventilation velocity in longitudinal ventilated tunnels in case of a fire. The critical velocity is defined as the minimum ventilation velocity that confines the front of the backlayer of harmful buoyant gases downwind of the source of emission. The fire is first modeled by a release of light gas in ambient air. In the experiments, the light fluid is an air/helium mixture. A simple mathematical model, based on the classical plume study, is formulated to interpret the variations of the critical velocity as a function of the source conditions (momentum and buoyancy fluxes and geometry). A good agreement is observed between the experimental results and the theoretical predictions for both the momentum-driven and buoyancy-driven releases. In addition, the non-Boussinesq effects, i.e. related to large differences between the densities of the buoyant plume and the ambient fluid, could be suitably modeled. Subsequently, the difference between a buoyant plume and a fire is studied, by combining experiments and numerical simulations. The reason for the appearance of the so-called ‘super-critical’ velocity, a ventilation velocity that becomes independent of the heat release rate when it becomes large, is discussed. It is shown that small fires can be reliably modeled as buoyant densimetric plumes released at ground level. The dynamics induced by larger fires require instead the modeling of large flames and hence a volumetric source of heat and buoyancy within the tunnel. In the simulation of fires, when the heat release rate is increased, the volume of combustion also increases, but the critical velocity remains nearly constant, which validates the appearance of the ‘super-critical’ velocity. The effect of tunnel inclination on the critical velocity is then studied. The influence of slope (defined as negative when the entrance of fresh air is at a lower elevation than the source) on the movement of smoke is mainly related to the role of the component of buoyancy along the tunnel axis. A positive slope helps the formation of the backlayer, while a negative slope helps reaching the critical condition. However, this effect depends on the source condition. Our experiments and numerical simulations on densimetric plumes suggest that the dynamical condition at the source affects the critical velocity of a buoyant plume: when the buoyant plume is momentum-driven, the influence of slope is small; when the buoyant plume is buoyancy-driven, the influence of slope is large. This behavior can be well described by a theoretical model based on the previous model of the critical velocity in a horizontal tunnel. These results have been extended to the case of fires by conducting numerical simulations and there is again a good agreement between the observed results and the theoretical model. In particular, the ratio of the critical velocities obtained for an inclined and an horizontal tunnel is independent of the power of the fire. Finally, the effect of vehicular blockage on the critical velocity is studied experimentally and numerically. The vehicles are modeled by blocks of different sizes placed upstream of the buoyancy or fire source. It is shown that only the block close to the source affects the critical velocity, whereas the effect of other blocks of the same size located further upstream is negligible. As the fire-blockage distance becomes larger, the critical velocity changes and becomes close to the value in an empty tunnel. The relative position between the blocks and the fire source has large influence on the critical velocity. When the blocks are placed at the center laterally, the ventilation flow cannot reach the fire plume directly, a larger critical velocity is needed compared with that in a corresponding empty tunnel. [...]
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Estudo e aplicação do referencial bachelardiano de obstáculos epistemológicos no ensino de sistemas químicos oscilantes / Study and aplication of referential bachelardean to teaching oscillating chemical systemsMartins, André Luís 20 September 2013 (has links)
O estudo e observação de Sistemas Químicos Oscilantes vêm se destacando como importante campo de pesquisa da ciência química contemporânea. Tais sistemas têm como comportamento notório principal a variação periódica da concentração de um intermediário de reação química. Sua compreensão vem estimulando debates que transcendem o escopo químico e estabelecem relações com outras disciplinas científicas, e mais marcadamente, o estudo de sistemas complexos em geral. O ensino de sistemas químicos oscilantes, em específico, e de sistemas complexos, em geral, se apresenta na atualidade como desafio necessário e estimulante. Neste trabalho optou-se por tentar contribuir neste esforço, utilizando-se da noção de obstáculos epistemológicos inicialmente estabelecida pelo filósofo francês Gastón Bachelard. O conceito de obstáculos epistemológicos apresentou-se nas últimas décadas como importante ferramenta na abordagem das relações de ensino-aprendizagem de conceitos das ciências contemporâneas. Existem diferentes tipos de obstáculos epistemológicos, entre eles: experiência primeira, conhecimento geral, obstáculo verbal, conhecimento unitário e pragmático e obstáculo animista. Neste trabalho surge a proposta de utilizar a noção de obstáculo epistemológico voltada ao ensino de conceitos da complexidade pertinentes aos Sistemas Químicos Oscilantes. Foram analisadas as presenças de obstáculos epistemológicos em textos didáticos de ensino de sistemas químicos oscilantes. Os textos didáticos escolhidos foram artigos científicos da área de ensino de química voltados ao ensino de sistemas químicos oscilantes, livros didáticos usados em cursos de graduação e livros de divulgação científica. Foram analisados os conteúdos integrais de sete artigos científicos da área de ensino de química voltados ao tema reações químicas oscilantes. Foram também analisadas as seções referentes a reações químicas oscilantes de quatro livros didáticos utilizados em cursos de graduação da USP devotadas ao ensino de sistemas caóticos. Foram também analisadas as seções referentes a reações químicas oscilantes de quatro livros de divulgação científica que abordaram o tema sistemas químicos oscilantes. Foram encontrados grande número de obstáculos da experiência primeira e obstáculos animistas em livros didáticos e um grande número de obstáculos verbais em livros de divulgação científica. Todos os tipos de obstáculos epistemológicos listados foram identificados ao menos uma vez em algum dos textos. Demonstrou-se a viabilidade de aplicação do conceito de obstáculos epistemológicos em textos didáticos de ensino de sistemas químicos oscilantes. / The study and observation of Oscillating Chemical Systems have been highlighted as an important research field of chemical science contemporary. Such systems are notorious behavior as the main periodic variation of the concentration of an intermediate chemical reaction. Your understanding is stimulating debates that transcend the scope of chemical and establish relationships with other scientific disciplines, and most notably, the study of complex systems in general. The teaching of chemical oscillating systems, in particular, and complex systems in general, is presented nowadays as necessary and stimulating challenge. In this work it was decided to try to contribute in this effort, using the notion of epistemological obstacles initially established by the philosopher Gaston Bachelard. The concept of epistemological obstacle presented itself in recent decades as an important tool in addressing the relationships of teaching and learning of contemporary science concepts. There are different kinds of epistemological obstacles, among them: first experience, geral knowledge, verbal obstacle, pragmatic and unitary knowledge and animist obstacle . This work comes propose to use the notion of epistemological obstacle to teach the complexity of concepts relevant to oscillating chemical system .We analyzed the presence of epistemological obstacles in textbooks that have teaching oscillating chemical systems. The selected texts were scientific articles in the area of chemical education aimed at teaching oscillating chemical systems, books used in undergraduate and some popular science books. We analyzed the entire contents of seven papers in the area of chemical education geared to the theme oscillating chemical reactions. We also analyzed the sections pertaining to oscillating chemical reactions of four textbooks used in undergraduate courses devoted to teaching the chaotic systems at USP . We also analyzed the sections pertaining to oscillating chemical reactions of four popular science books that addressed the issue of oscillating chemical systems. We found many first experiences and animists obstacles in textbooks and a large number of verbal obstacles in popular science books. All kinds of epistemological obstacles identified were listed at least once at some of the texts. The results confirm the feasibility of applying the concept of epistemological obstacles in textbooks teaching oscillating chemical systems.
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A reinserção social na perspectiva de egressos de penitenciárias e profissionais das Centrais de Atenção ao Egresso e Família / The social reintegration in the perspective of egresses of penitentiaries and professionals of the \"Centrais de Atenção ao Egresso e Família\" (Centers of Attention to the Egresses and FamilyCastanho, Ana Carolina Ferreira 11 March 2019 (has links)
A reinserção social é um processo contínuo que pressupõe o anterior pertencimento de uma pessoa a uma sociedade, pessoa esta que, após privação dessa vida social, retornará ao seu convívio por meio de \"reeducação\", \"reintegração\" e \"ressocialização\". Entende-se que o processo de reinserção social do egresso do sistema penitenciário tem seu início desde o momento de aprisionamento e se estende no contexto de liberdade. Tal processo tem encontrado entraves em seu desenvolvimento, constatados no alto índice de reincidência prisional. O presente trabalho pretendeu compreender o processo de reinserção social, seus entraves e facilitadores na visão de egressos do sistema penitenciário e de técnicos das Centrais de Atenção ao Egresso e Família (CAEFs) da região noroeste do estado de São Paulo. O trabalho adotou o método de estudo qualitativo exploratório-descritivo de campo, realizado com 9 técnicos das CAEFs e 13 egressos do sistema prisional. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, nos meses de março, abril e maio de 2018 e analisados de acordo com a técnica de análise temática indutiva. A análise foi realizada sob o referencial teórico de Urie Bronfenbrenner (teoria bioecológica). Os resultados da análise temática indutiva dos egressos constituíram três categorias: 1) Os reveses da reinserção social no contexto de encarceramento na visão dos egressos; 2) Os reveses da reinserção social no contexto de liberdade na visão dos egressos; 3) Facilitadores da reinserção social na visão dos egressos. Os principais reveses em contexto de encarceramento apontados foram: abuso de poder, falta de estrutura física e humana, negligência, alianças negativas e efeitos do tempo no contexto de encarceramento. No contexto de liberdade, os reveses apontados foram: falta de direitos, de trabalho e rede social. Como facilitadores aparecem: família, religião e características pessoais. Os resultados da análise temática indutiva dos técnicos constituíram outras três categorias: 1) Os reveses da reinserção social no contexto de encarceramento na visão dos técnicos; 2) Os reveses da reinserção social no contexto de liberdade na visão dos técnicos; 3) Facilitadores da reinserção social na visão dos técnicos. Como principais achados no contexto de encarceramento, mencionaram-se os reveses: falta de recursos físicos, humanos e falta de projetos. No contexto de liberdade: A sociedade (macrossistema) produtora de violência estrutural e mantenedora do preconceito e estigma, falta de recursos físicos e humanos nos CAEFs para o desenvolvimento do trabalho. Como facilitadores, foram apontados a família e o CAEF, este como um lugar em desenvolvimento. Consideramos, a partir das análises, que o processo da reinserção social não pode ser compreendido apenas em uma perspectiva, ele é multifatorial. A reinserção não acontece apenas por um microssistema - trabalho, religião ou família. Estes são facilitadores, mas a reinserção social parte de uma mudança macrossistêmica, um guarda-chuva maior que resguarda todos os outros contextos em interação / Social reintegration is a continuous process that presupposes a person\'s previous belonging to a society, a person who, after being deprived of that social life, will return to his or her life through \"reeducation\", \"reintegration\" and \"resocialization\". It is understood that the process of social reinsertion of the egress from the penitentiary system has its beginning from the moment of imprisonment and extends in the context of freedom. This process has found obstacles in its development, verified in the high rate of prison recidivism. The present work aimed to understand the process of social reintegration, its obstacles and facilitators in the view of prisoners from the penitentiary system and technicians of the Centers of Attention to the Egress and Family (CAEF) in the northwest region of the state of São Paulo. The study adopted the qualitative exploratory-descriptive field study method, carried out with 9 technicians from CAEFs and 13 graduates from the prison system. The data were collected through a semistructured interview in the months of March, April and May of 2018 and analyzed according to the technique of thematic inductive analysis. The analysis was carried out under the theoretical reference of Urie Bronfenbrenner (bioecological theory). The results of the inductive thematic analysis of the egresses constituted three categories: 1) The setbacks of social reintegration in the context of imprisonment in the view of the egresses; 2) The setbacks of social reintegration in the context of freedom in the view of the egresses; 3) Facilitators of social reintegration in the view of the egresses. The main setbacks identified were: abuse of power, lack of physical and human structure, neglect, negative alliances and the effects of time in the context of incarceration. In the context of freedom, the setbacks were: lack of rights, work and social network. As facilitators appear: family, religion and personal characteristics. The results of the inductive thematic analysis of the technicians constituted three other categories: 1) The setbacks of social reintegration in the context of imprisonment in the view of technicians; 2) The setbacks of social reintegration in the context of freedom in the view of technicians; 3) Facilitators of social reintegration in the view of technicians. The main findings in the context of incarceration were the setbacks: lack of physical resources, human resources, and lack of projects. In the context of freedom: The society (macrosystem) that produces structural violence and maintains the prejudice and stigma, lack of physical and human resources in the CAEFs for the development of the work. As facilitators, the family and the CAEF were named as a place of development. We consider, from the analysis, that the process of social reintegration cannot be understood only in one perspective, it is multifactorial. Reinsertion does not happen only through a microsystem - work, religion or family. These are facilitators, but social reinsertion is part of a macrosystemic shift, a larger umbrella that shelters all other contexts in interaction
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Extrémní překážkové běhy: vliv překážek na finální čas v závodě Spartan Race / Obstacle course racing: the effect of obstacles on the total race time during a Spartan RaceKozmová, Monika January 2019 (has links)
Title: Obstacle course racing: the effect of obstacles on the total race time during a Spartan Race Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of 30-burpee punishment on subsequent running speed (SPD), heart rate (HR) following a missed obstacle, and the final race standings during a OCR race. Methods: In our thesis we used a method of analysis in an official Spartan Race in the Czech Republic. 11 male OCR competitors wore a GPS and HR monitor, from which HR and SPD were measured. Three specific obstacles were chosen where nearly all competitors did burpees (spear throw), half did burpees (traverse wall), and nearly none did burpees (monkey bars). The HR and SPD were measured during the entire race, and specifically noted when the competitors arrived at left the obstacle. Results: The average HR of the entire race was 166.45 ± 3.34 beats per minute. The average time spent at the successful obstacles without burpees was 23 ± 17 seconds, while the average time spent at the unsuccessful obstacles with burpees was 124 ± 11 seconds. The change in HR over the course of successful obstacles was 0.79 ± 3.69 beat per minute, while the change in HR during unsuccessful obstacles with burpees was -3.00 ± 6.70 beat per minute. Total time spent at each obstacle correlated with the final...
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