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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse des systèmes pétroliers de l'offshore algérien oriental : quantification, modélisation stratigraphique et thermique / Petroleum system analysis of the Eastern Algerian offshore : quantification, stratigraphic and thermal modeling

Arab, Mohamed 01 June 2016 (has links)
La marge algérienne est un domaine complexe, bordé au sud par les zones internes des Maghrébides (AlKaPeCa) qui chevauchent les zones externes telliennes vers le sud. La partie offshore de ce système constitue un bassin d‘arrière arc où s‘est déposée une série sédimentaire mio-pliocène reposant sur un substratum de nature et d‘origine variables spatialement. L'objectif de ce travail a consisté à analyser et modéliser le fonctionnement des systèmes pétroliers et à quantifier les volumes d‘hydrocarbures accumulés. Avant de procéder aux différentes modélisations numériques, stratigraphiques et thermiques, un modèle géologique conceptuel a été élaboré sur la base des données de géologie de terrain et de sismiques. La continuité terre- mer du socle kabyle a permis une extrapolation stratigraphique entre des formations oligo-miocènes en affleurement et les unités acoustiques définies dans le bassin offshore. L‘analyse tectonique dans les deux domaines a abouti à une évolution en trois phases : (1) syn-rift où le bassin a été ouvert en transtension à partir de l‘Oligocène supérieur-Aquitanien, (2) phase post-rift durant laquelle il y a eu le développement des bassins intra-arcs, la collision AlKaPeCa- Afrique et le magmatisme, (3) phase d‘inversion où la marge devient active essentiellement à partir du Quaternaire. En définissant l‘ensemble des éléments des systèmes pétroliers avec des incertitudes variables, la simulation du fonctionnement de ces derniers par modélisation de bassin 2D/3D a montré des possibilités d‘accumulation d‘huile et de gaz majoritairement près de la marge, entre 20 et 65 km de la côte avec un maximum de portée de 70 km dans le golfe de Bejaia. / The Algerian margin is a complex domain, limited to the south by the Maghrebian internal zones (AlKaPeCa) that overthrust the external Tellian zones southward. The offshore part of this system constitutes a back-arc basin, where a mio-pliocene sedimentary series were deposited over a substratum of laterally variable origin and nature. The goal of the present work consisted in analyzing and modelling the petroleum system at work and calculating hydrocarbon volumes. Before proceeding to different numerical basin, stratigraphic and thermal modelling, a conceptual geological model is required and was performed based on field geological studies and stratigraphic and structural interpretations of the seismic profiles. The extension of the continental crust beyond the foot of the margin, allows determining a chronostratigraphic model by extrapolation of the outcroping oligo-miocene formations onshore to the acoustic pre-messinian units defined in the offshore basin. Besides, a tectonic analysis in both onshore and offshore domains gave rise to three main steps of evolution: (1) syn-rift phase where the basin was opened by transtension since Late Oligocene- Aquitanian, (2) post-rift phase in which intra-arc basins were developed, AlKaPeCa and Africa docked and magmatism activity took place, (3) inversion phase where the margin became active mainly since Quaternary times. After defining the different petroleum system elements taking into account variable uncertainties, the 2D/3D petroleum system model depicts possibilities of oil and gas accumulations mainly close to the margin, between 20 to 65 km from the coastline to the north with a maximum range of 70 km in the Bejaia Gulf.

Oilfield produced water treatment with electrocoagulation

de Farias Lima, Flávia 27 September 2019 (has links)
Produced water is the largest waste product by volume in the oil industry and its treatment in onshore or offshore fields poses bigger and different challenges than what water engineers are used to encounter. Process to achieve reuse quality of this water is very expensive with many technical hurdles to overcome making the optimization of the treatment steps necessary. Electrocoagulation (EC) generates coagulants in-situ responsible for destabilizing oil droplets, suspended particles, and common pollutant in produced water. Furthermore, EC is a very efficient technology compared with traditional primary treatments used in the oil & gas industry and has several advantages such as: no hazardous chemical handling (which diminishes the risk of accident and logistic costs), high efficiency potential concerning boron removal, potential small footprint and less sludge generation. In this research, the treatment of produced water using EC was investigated in a practical manner for the oilfield to aim for a cleaner effluent for further processing and help to achieve a reuse quality. For this, an EC cell was designed using different parameters normally used in the literature to fit this scenario. After preliminary tests, the treatment time was set to 3 seconds. Response surface method (RSM) was employed to optimize the operating conditions for TOC removal on a broad quality of synthetic produced water while varying: salinity, initial oil concentration and initial pH. TOC was chosen to be the main response because of its importance in legislation and sensibility on the method. Furthermore, turbidity removal, change of pH value after EC in water with lack of buffer capacity, aluminum concentration and preliminary tests involving boron removal and influence of hydrogen carbonate were also studied. Real produced water was treated with EC to assess the optimum conditions obtained by the RSM showing the results were closely related. Finally, an estimation of volume required and operating cost for EC in the different types of produced water was made to assess how realistic it is for onshore and offshore applications.:ERKLÄRUNG DES PROMOVENDEN I ACKNOLEDGEMENT III ABSTRACT V TABLE OF CONTENT VII LIST OF FIGURES IX LIST OF TABLES X LIST OF EQUATIONS XII ABBREVIATIONS XIV 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. PRODUCED WATER 6 2.1 Characterization of Oilfield Produced Water 6 2.2 Produced Water Management 10 2.2.1 Discharge and Regulations 10 2.2.2 Efforts on Reuse 11 2.2.3 Cost 14 3. PRODUCED WATER TREATMENT 17 3.1 Most Common Primary Treatment 17 3.1.1 Hydrocyclones 17 3.1.2 Flotation unit 18 3.2 Further Water Treatment Technologies 19 3.2.1 Membrane Process 19 Microfiltration 19 Ultrafiltration 21 Nanofiltration 23 Reverse Osmosis 24 Forward osmosis 24 3.2.2 Electrodialysis 25 3.2.3 Biological treatment 28 Aerobic and anaerobic process 28 Combining membrane and bio-reactor 29 3.2.4 Oxidative process 30 Oxidation process 30 Anodic oxidation 32 3.2.5 Thermal technology 34 Evaporation 34 Eutectic freeze crystallization 35 3.2.6 Adsorption and ion-exchange 36 3.3 Electrocoagulation 39 3.3.1 Colloidal Stability Theory 39 3.3.2 Theory of Electrocoagulation 40 3.3.3 Mechanism of Abatement of Impurities 44 3.3.4 Operational parameters and efficiency 49 4. MATERIALS AND METHODS 51 4.1 Analytical Techniques and Synthetic Solutions 51 4.1.1 Analytical Techniques 51 4.1.2 Synthetic Produced Water 51 4.2 Design of Experiment and Models 54 4.3 Experimental Protocol for EC 56 4 .4 Development of the new Electrocoagulation cell 57 4.5 Real Produced water 58 5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 59 5.1 Designing EC Cell Process 59 5.1.1 Computational Fluid Dynamics for EC manufacturing 59 5.2 Preliminary Experiments 61 5.2.1 TOC Removal and Residence Time Determination 61 5.2.2 Aluminum Concentration 64 5.3 Models Quality and Range of Validity 66 5.3.1 TOC Removal 66 5.3.2 Turbidity Removal 69 5.3.3 Final pH value 71 5.3.4 Ionic Strength and Interpolation for Different Salinities 73 5.3.5 Partial Conclusions 76 5.4 Evolution of the Final pH Value 78 5.5 Operation Region for Effective Treatment of Produced Water with EC 80 5.5.1 Produced Water with Low Salinity 80 Organic Compounds Removal 80 Turbidity Removal 83 5.5.2 Produced Water with Medium Salinity 84 Organic Compounds Removal 84 Turbidity Removal 86 5.5.3 Produced Water with High Salinity 87 Organic Compounds Removal 87 5.6 Influence of Hydrogen Carbonate 90 5.7 Real Produced water 91 5.8 Boron Removal 93 5.9 Estimation of the Size for EC in Full scale 94 5.10 Produced Water with Very Low Salinity and EC 95 5.11 Estimation of Operation Cost 96 6. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 98 6.1 Conclusion 98 6.2 Recommendations for Future Work 101 Scale up on EC for upstream 101 Further processing and reuse 101 Online optimization for EC 101 Recommendations for any research related to upstream produced water 101 BIBLIOGRAPHY 102 APPENDIX A 117 APPENDIX B 120

Exposition au bruit dans une installation gazière

Segueni, Amel 12 1900 (has links)
L'étude vise à évaluer l'exposition professionnelle au bruit des travailleurs d'une plateforme gazière en Algérie et à mettre en évidence des déterminants influençant cette exposition. Des groupes d'exposition homogène (GEH) ont été constitués sur la base de ressemblances quant à l'exposition au bruit, aux titres d'emploi et aux lieux de travail. Deux stratégies d'échantillonnage ont été suivies, la première selon la norme internationale ISO 9612 : 2009 et la seconde selon la stratégie aléatoire de l'AIHA. Pour les deux approches, les niveaux de bruit (Lex, 8h, niveaux d'exposition au bruit pondéré (A) ajustés à une journée de travail de 8 heures) des opérateurs et des superviseurs étaient généralement > 85 dB(A) alors que pour les techniciens-tableau, les niveaux de bruit (Lex, 8h) étaient en tout temps < 85 dB(A). Pour les trois GEH du titre d'emploi des maintenanciers, il y a eu régulièrement des dépassements de la valeur de référence. Plusieurs travailleurs oeuvrant sur les plateformes gazières sont exposés à des niveaux importants de bruit et sont à risque de développer des problèmes auditifs. / The study aims to evaluate workers'noise exposure from an onshore gas platform in Algeria, and to emphasize the determinants influencing the exposure. Exposure groups were formed based on their work category and job location. Two sampling strategies were followed. The first was according to the international standard ISO 9612: 2009, and the second, according to the AIHA random strategy. For both strategies, the noise level (Lex, 8h, levels of exposure to noise ratio (A) for a working day of 8-hour) for operators and supervisors was usually > 85 dB(A) whereas the noise level for the technicians exposed in the distributed control system (DCS) was < 85 dB(A) at all times. The three HEG belonging to the maintenance technician group regularly exceeded the reference value of 85 dB(A). We concluded that employees working on the gas platform are exposed to significant noise level, and are at risk of developing hearing problems

Controle de sistema de mancais magnéticos ativos para um motor de indução linear tubular. / Control system applied to active magnetic bearings for a tubular linear induction motor.

Monaco, Leandro Henrique 08 October 2012 (has links)
Para aplicações de extração de petróleo de poços em terra foi desenvolvido pelo Laboratório de Eletromagnetismo Aplicado (LMAG) da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo um protótipo de motor de indução linear tubular (MILT), onde o movimento axial do secundário do motor aciona diretamente a bomba de extração situada no fundo do poço. Numa segunda etapa, foi prevista a substituição dos mancais mecânicos por dois mancais magnéticos ativos (AMBs), que permitem melhor movimentação e praticamente nenhum atrito, reduzindo o desgaste causado por impurezas contidas no petróleo extraído, e consequentemente os esforços de manutenção. Todavia, o protótipo atual possui apenas um mancal magnético, e o outro é mecânico. O presente trabalho apresenta a instalação do segundo mancal magnético ao protótipo do MILT, e propõe realizar o controle do sistema de mancais magnéticos para o MILT, tendo em vista um problema multivariável, onde as posições do secundário do motor em relação aos dois mancais são correlacionadas, bem como as ações de controle sobre os mesmos. O trabalho faz uma revisão do sistema atual com um AMB, abordando sua concepção física, modelagem e o controlador, e tal controlador é replicado para o segundo AMB. Um novo modelo é apresentado, considerando o comportamento multivariável dos dois AMBs, e um sistema de controle robusto multivariável é projetado, através da técnica LQG/LTR. Resultados de simulação do novo controlador são analisados e comparados com os resultados experimentais do controlador atual aplicado aos dois AMBs, e apresentam-se as conclusões. / For onshore oil extraction applications, a tubular linear induction motor (TLIM) prototype was developed by Applied Electromagnetism Laboratory (LMAG) of Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, on which the axial movement of the motor secondary drives the suction pump, placed in the down hole of the oil well. In a second step, it was planned to replace the mechanical bearings by two Active Magnetic Bearings (AMB), in order to have better movement and practically no friction, reducing damages caused by impurities in the oil, thus reducing maintenance effort. Nevertheless, the actual prototype has only one AMB, being the other one a mechanical bearing. This paper presents the installation of the second AMB onto TLIM prototype, and a proposal to implement the control algorithm for the TLIM magnetic bearing system, considering now a multivariable problem, where the position of the motor secondary for both AMB are related, as well as control efforts. The present work review the actual system with only one AMB, approaching its physical construction, mathematical model and applied control system; and this control system is applied to the second AMB. A new model is presented, considering the AMB system multivariable behavior, and a multivariable robust control system is then designed, using LQG/LTR approach. Simulation results for the new controller are analyzed and compared to experimental results from the actual controller applied to both AMB, and some conclusions are presented.

Investigating the feasibility and soil-structure integrity of onshore wind turbine systems in Kuwait

Almutairi, Badriya L. January 2017 (has links)
Wind energy technologies are considered to be among the most promising types of renewable energy sources, which have since attracted broad considerations through recent years due to the soaring oil prices and the growing concerns over climate change and energy security. In Kuwait, rapid industrialisation, population growth and increasing water desalination are resulting in high energy demand growth, increasing the concern of oil diminishing as a main source of energy and the climate change caused by CO2 emissions from fossil fuel based energy. These demands and challenges compelled governments to embark on a diversification strategy to meet growing energy demand and support continued economic growth. Kuwait looked for alternative forms of energy by assessing potential renewable energy resources, including wind and sun. Kuwait is attempting to use and invest in renewable energy due to the fluctuating price of oil, diminishing reserves, the rapid increase in population, the high consumption of electricity and the environment protection. In this research, wind energy will be investigated as an attractive source of energy in Kuwait.

Exposition au bruit dans une installation gazière

Segueni, Amel 12 1900 (has links)
L'étude vise à évaluer l'exposition professionnelle au bruit des travailleurs d'une plateforme gazière en Algérie et à mettre en évidence des déterminants influençant cette exposition. Des groupes d'exposition homogène (GEH) ont été constitués sur la base de ressemblances quant à l'exposition au bruit, aux titres d'emploi et aux lieux de travail. Deux stratégies d'échantillonnage ont été suivies, la première selon la norme internationale ISO 9612 : 2009 et la seconde selon la stratégie aléatoire de l'AIHA. Pour les deux approches, les niveaux de bruit (Lex, 8h, niveaux d'exposition au bruit pondéré (A) ajustés à une journée de travail de 8 heures) des opérateurs et des superviseurs étaient généralement > 85 dB(A) alors que pour les techniciens-tableau, les niveaux de bruit (Lex, 8h) étaient en tout temps < 85 dB(A). Pour les trois GEH du titre d'emploi des maintenanciers, il y a eu régulièrement des dépassements de la valeur de référence. Plusieurs travailleurs oeuvrant sur les plateformes gazières sont exposés à des niveaux importants de bruit et sont à risque de développer des problèmes auditifs. / The study aims to evaluate workers'noise exposure from an onshore gas platform in Algeria, and to emphasize the determinants influencing the exposure. Exposure groups were formed based on their work category and job location. Two sampling strategies were followed. The first was according to the international standard ISO 9612: 2009, and the second, according to the AIHA random strategy. For both strategies, the noise level (Lex, 8h, levels of exposure to noise ratio (A) for a working day of 8-hour) for operators and supervisors was usually > 85 dB(A) whereas the noise level for the technicians exposed in the distributed control system (DCS) was < 85 dB(A) at all times. The three HEG belonging to the maintenance technician group regularly exceeded the reference value of 85 dB(A). We concluded that employees working on the gas platform are exposed to significant noise level, and are at risk of developing hearing problems

Controle de sistema de mancais magnéticos ativos para um motor de indução linear tubular. / Control system applied to active magnetic bearings for a tubular linear induction motor.

Leandro Henrique Monaco 08 October 2012 (has links)
Para aplicações de extração de petróleo de poços em terra foi desenvolvido pelo Laboratório de Eletromagnetismo Aplicado (LMAG) da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo um protótipo de motor de indução linear tubular (MILT), onde o movimento axial do secundário do motor aciona diretamente a bomba de extração situada no fundo do poço. Numa segunda etapa, foi prevista a substituição dos mancais mecânicos por dois mancais magnéticos ativos (AMBs), que permitem melhor movimentação e praticamente nenhum atrito, reduzindo o desgaste causado por impurezas contidas no petróleo extraído, e consequentemente os esforços de manutenção. Todavia, o protótipo atual possui apenas um mancal magnético, e o outro é mecânico. O presente trabalho apresenta a instalação do segundo mancal magnético ao protótipo do MILT, e propõe realizar o controle do sistema de mancais magnéticos para o MILT, tendo em vista um problema multivariável, onde as posições do secundário do motor em relação aos dois mancais são correlacionadas, bem como as ações de controle sobre os mesmos. O trabalho faz uma revisão do sistema atual com um AMB, abordando sua concepção física, modelagem e o controlador, e tal controlador é replicado para o segundo AMB. Um novo modelo é apresentado, considerando o comportamento multivariável dos dois AMBs, e um sistema de controle robusto multivariável é projetado, através da técnica LQG/LTR. Resultados de simulação do novo controlador são analisados e comparados com os resultados experimentais do controlador atual aplicado aos dois AMBs, e apresentam-se as conclusões. / For onshore oil extraction applications, a tubular linear induction motor (TLIM) prototype was developed by Applied Electromagnetism Laboratory (LMAG) of Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, on which the axial movement of the motor secondary drives the suction pump, placed in the down hole of the oil well. In a second step, it was planned to replace the mechanical bearings by two Active Magnetic Bearings (AMB), in order to have better movement and practically no friction, reducing damages caused by impurities in the oil, thus reducing maintenance effort. Nevertheless, the actual prototype has only one AMB, being the other one a mechanical bearing. This paper presents the installation of the second AMB onto TLIM prototype, and a proposal to implement the control algorithm for the TLIM magnetic bearing system, considering now a multivariable problem, where the position of the motor secondary for both AMB are related, as well as control efforts. The present work review the actual system with only one AMB, approaching its physical construction, mathematical model and applied control system; and this control system is applied to the second AMB. A new model is presented, considering the AMB system multivariable behavior, and a multivariable robust control system is then designed, using LQG/LTR approach. Simulation results for the new controller are analyzed and compared to experimental results from the actual controller applied to both AMB, and some conclusions are presented.

Karsts côtiers et canyons sous marins de la marge provençale au Cénozoïque : contrôle géodynamique, eustatique, hydrologique et structural.

Tassy, Aurélie 20 December 2012 (has links)
La marge provençale, localisée au Nord-Ouest de la Méditerranée, constitue avec la marge du Golfe du Lion et la marge ligure, la bordure septentrionale du bassin Liguro-Provençal. L'objectif principal de ce travail est la reconstitution de l'histoire géodynamique, structurale et géomorphologique de la marge depuis le Tertiaire. Sa structure est principalement le résultat des phases tectoniques anté-miocènes. Sur la marge provençale la transition entre le plateau continental et le bassin est étroite et caractérisée par des pentes abruptes affectées par des phénomènes d'instabilité gravitaire dans l'axe du canyon sous-marin de Cassidaigne. A terre, la marge provençale est caractérisée par une compression pyrénéenne, des fossés oligocènes, et une sédimentation mésozoïque à cénozoïque essentiellement carbonatée propice à l'infiltration des eaux en profondeur. L'origine des cours d'eau de la région est essentiellement karstique, et les sources côtières de Port-Miou et Bestouan constituent des réseaux karstiques noyés développés sur plusieurs kilomètres dans le calcaire urgonien, au droit du canyon de Cassidaigne. Les travaux antérieurs suggèrent que l'absence de réseau fluviatile de surface en amont et la forme de reculée karstique de la tête du canyon de Cassidaigne sont le résultat d'une connexion karstique entre les sources côtières et le canyon, que la marge provençale n'ait pas été affectée par l'érosion messinienne et la transgression pliocène, que certains dépôts transgressifs marins miocènes sont situés à des altitudes anormalement élevées par rapport à leurs niveaux de dépôt théorique. / The Provence Margin is situated in the north-western Mediterranean and constitutes the northern edge of the Liguro-Provençal Basin with the margins of the Gulf of Lion and Ligurian sea. The main objectif of this thesis is the reconstruction of the geodynamic, structural and geomorphologic history of the margin since the Tertiary. This margin is mainly structured by ante-miocene tectonic events. On the Provence Margin, transition between the continental plate and the basin is narrow and characterized by abrupt slopes and associated gravitary instability within the axis of the Cassidaigne canyon. The Provence Margin is characterized by Pyrenean compression and Oligocene extension. The Mesozoïc-Cenozoïc sedimentary pile is dominated by carbonate rocks favorable to water circulation. The origin of the river system in the region is essentially karstic, and the coastal springs of Port-Miou and Bestouan correspond to drowned karstic network that develop along tens of kilometers within the Urgonian limestone, updip of the Cassidaigne Canyon. Previous work suggest (1) that the lack of updip river system and the karst pocket valley shape of the canyon head are the result of an active karstic connexion between the coastal springs and the canyon, (2) that the Provence Margin is not affected by the Messinian erosion and Pliocene transgression, and (3) that Miocene marine transgressions are preserved at higher altitudes than their theoretical level. These facts witness a recent tectonic deformation that is not well understood. This work is based on the integration of geology, geomorphology and hydrogeology with the aim to understand evolution and functioning of coastal karsts

Daov© ztrty z hazardn­ho prmyslu v ÄR / Tax loss resulted from the gambling industry in Czech Republic

Skldan, Simona January 2018 (has links)
Thesis deals with tax haven topic taking part in the gaming industry, international tax planning and tax losses related. In the theoretical section, definitions and anti-tax evasion strategies are introduced; and overview of particular countries solution with its features is outlined. The application section quantifies effect of these particular features on increase/decrease of tax residents count using statistical methods. Findings consist also of recommendations for tax code improvement and gaming law enhancements for Ministry of Finance in Czech Republic.

Eine deutschlandweite Potenzialanalyse für die Onshore-Windenergie mittels GIS einschließlich der Bewertung von Siedlungsdistanzenänderungen

Masurowski, Frank 11 July 2016 (has links)
Die Windenergie an Land (Onshore-Windenergie) ist neben der Photovoltaik eine der tragenden Säulen der Energiewende in Deutschland. Wie schon in der Vergangenheit wird auch zukünftig der Ausbau der Onshore-Windenergie, mit dem Ziel eine umweltgerechte und sichere Energieversorgung für zukünftige Generationen aufzubauen, durch die Politik massiv vorangetrieben. Für eine planvolle Umsetzung der Energiewende, insbesondere im Bereich der Windenergie, müssen Kenntnisse über den zur Verfügung stehenden Raum und der Wirkungsweise standortspezifischer Faktoren auf planungsrechtlicher Ebene vorhanden sein. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Region Deutschland auf das für dieWindenergie an Land nutzbare Flächenpotenzial analysiert, von diesem allgemein gültige Energiepotenziale abgeleitet und in einer Sensitivitätsanalyse die Einflüsse verschiedener Abstände zwischen den Windenergieanlagen und Siedlungsstrukturen auf das ermittelte Energiepotenzial untersucht. Des Weiteren wurden für die beobachteten Zusammenhänge zwischen den Distanz- und Energiepotenzialänderungen mathematische Formeln erstellt, mit deren Hilfe eine Energiepotenzialänderung in Abhängigkeit von spezifischen Siedlungsdistanzänderungen vorhersagbar sind. Die Analyse des Untersuchungsgebiets (USG) hinsichtlich des zur Verfügung stehenden Flächenpotenzials wurde anhand eines theoretischen Modells, welches die reale Landschaft mit ihren unterschiedlichen Landschaftstypen und Infrastrukturen widerspiegelt, umgesetzt. Auf Basis dieses Modells wurden so genannte „Basisflächen“ sowie für die Onshore-Windenergie nicht nutzbare Flächen (Tabu- oder Ausschlussflächen) identifiziert und mittels einer GIS-Software (Geographisches Informationssystem) verschnitten. Die Identifizierung der Ausschlussflächen erfolgte über regionalisierte beziehungsweise im gesamten USG geltende multifaktorielle Bestimmungen für die Platzierung von Windenergieanlagen (WEA). Zur Gewährleistung einer einheitlichen Konsistenz wurden die verschiedenen Regelungen, welche aus den unterschiedlichsten Quellen stammen, vereinheitlicht, vereinfacht und in einem so genannten „Regelkatalog“ festgeschrieben. Die Berechnung des im USG maximal möglichen Energiepotenzials erfolgte durch eine Referenzanlage, welche im USG räumlich verteilt platziert wurde. Die Energiepotenziale (Leistungs- und Ertragspotenzial) leiten sich dabei aus der Kombination der räumlichen Lage der WEA, den technischen Leistungsspezifikationen der Referenzanlage und dem regionalem Windangebot ab. Eine wesentliche Grundvoraussetzung für die Berechnung der Energiepotenziale lag in der im Vorfeld durchzuführenden Windenergieanlagenallokation auf den Potenzialflächen begründet. Zu diesem Zweck wurde die integrierte Systemlösung „MAXPLACE“ entwickelt. Mit dieser ist es möglich, WEA unter Berücksichtigung von anlagenspezifischen, wirtschaftlichen und sicherheitstechnischen Aspekten in einzelnen oder zusammenhängenden Untersuchungsregionen zu platzieren. Im Gegensatz zu bereits bestehenden Systemlösungen (Allokationsalgorithmen) aus anderen Windenergie-Potenzialanalysen zeichnet sich die integrierte Systemlösung „MAXPLACE“ durch eine sehr gute Effizienz, ein breites Anwendungsspektrum sowie eine einfache Handhabung aus. Der Mindestabstand zwischen den WEA und den Siedlungsstrukturen stellt den größten Restriktionsfaktor für das ermittelte Energiepotenzial dar. Zur Bestimmung der Einflussnahme von Siedlungsdistanzänderungen auf das Energiepotenzial wurde mit Hilfe des erstellten Landschaftsmodells eine Sensitivitätsanalyse durchgeführt. In dieser wurden die vorherrschenden Landschafts- und Infrastrukturen analysiert und daraus standortbeschreibende Parameter abgeleitet. Neben der konkreten Benennung der Energiepotenzialänderungen, wurden für das gesamte USG mathematische Abstraktionen der beobachteten Zusammenhänge in Form von Regressionsformeln ermittelt. Diese Formeln ermöglichen es, ohne die in dieser Arbeit beschriebene aufwendige Methodik nachzuvollziehen, mit nur wenigen Parametern die Auswirkungen einer Siedlungsdistanzänderung auf das Energiepotenzial innerhalb des Untersuchungsgebiets zu berechnen.

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