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The effects of 'going local' during the planning process for onshore wind power developmentVerelzen, Wessel January 2021 (has links)
In 2015 a Written Ministerial Statement (WMS) expanded the Localism Act in England which effectively gave neighbourhoods the power to decide on onshore wind power development in their area. By doing so, the planning process for such development ‘went local’. Literature on the effects of ‘going local’ during the planning process for onshore wind power development is conflicting. On the one hand, the involvement of local communities can lead to a higher level of trust and hence a higher success rate of development processes. On the other hand, it appears that people are often reluctant to accept wind power develompent in their own area even though they are in favour of the technology in general. This thesis explores the effects of ‘going local’, in the form of the WMS of 2015 in England, on onshore wind power development by investigating the local and neighbourhood plans, as well as the planning applications, in the administrative County of Cornwall with the help of qualitative document analysis and a thematic analysis framework provided by Braun & Clarke (2006). The results show that currently 4 out of the 213 Parish and Town Councils in the ceremonial county of Cornwall truly comply with the WMS, which means that onshore wind power development will only be possible in these areas. The development in these and all the other neighbourhoods is limited to small-scale clusters of turbines. In addition to this, the results show that there are four over-arching aspects that play a role in the decision-making process of neighbourhoods: i) benefits for the neighbourhood, ii) negative impacts on the neighbourhood area, iii) socio-political attitude, and iv) conditions set by the neighbourhoods or local authorities. The results show that, with the current planning policy framework in England, onshore wind power development will be limited to a significant extent in terms of size and possible locations. The conflicting literature on ‘going local’ reappears in the planning documents and a broad range of factors plays a role for all the neighbourhoods. The given weighting to the different factors is what determines a neighbourhood’s stance on onshore wind power development.
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The German wind energy market and its developers – a study of sourcing models, success factors and challengesBeckius, Daniel, Magnusson, David January 2013 (has links)
Wind power is a fast-growing industry (GWEC, 2013) and already accounts for seven percent of the total electricity consumption in the EU. The largest market in the EU, and the third largest in the world, is Germany, with an installed base of 31 GW onshore. This master‟s thesis has examined the German onshore wind power market from a developer perspective, through a market study based on existing literature and semi-structured interviews with industry experts, a case study of a developer competing in the market and a survey, with the aim of investigating the sourcing models used as well as the success factors and challenges the developers are facing. The study has found that Germany is a large, growing market with a generous feed-in tariff based support scheme, offering low-risk investments in wind power. However, there are many challenges for wind power developers, such as limited availability of designated areas for wind power development, non-uniform regulations, fierce competition and acceptance issues. The authors believe that the future growth of the German onshore market will come from repowering and that having local contacts and credibility offer distinct advantages in the highly competitive arena.
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Technology and Volume Uncertainty in a Tradable Green Certificate System : Lessons from the Swedish-Norwegian system / Teknologi- och volymosäkerhet i ett elcertifikatsystem : En studie av det svensk- norska elcertifikatsystemetLÖWING, WILHELM, BERG, HENRIK January 2015 (has links)
The global emission of greenhouse gases is perceived as one of the most prominent threats to the world today and a socio-technological transformation (STT) of the energy industry is considered essential for long term sustainability. Organisations’ decisions to participate in the diffusion of electricity generation from renewable energy sources (RES-E) are deemed essential for achieving the transformation. Governments have therefore introduced support systems promoting RES-E, and since 2003 a radable green certificate (TGC) system has been used to support increased diffusion. However, there are a number of uncertainties regarding investments in onshore wind power which may, or may not demotivate investors to take further part in the diffusion of the technology. Understanding the magnitude and impact of uncertainties is of interest as they can act as barriers for achieving STT. This thesis contributes to the understanding of uncertainties in the Swedish-Norwegian TGC system by exploring two groups of uncertainties; technology uncertainty and volume uncertainty. Evaluation of the technology and volume uncertainty in the Swedish-Norwegian TGC system has been performed by statistically investigating the relationship between technological development of onshore wind power and the certificate price, as well as the accumulated surplus of certificates and the certificate price. The surplus of certificates accumulated on the Swedish-Norwegian TGC market has also been tracked to its source of origin. In addition, the financial results of previous onshore wind power investments have been estimated. The results have been validated by interviews with Swedish wind power investors. The results indicate that both the technology development of onshore wind power in Sweden and the accumulated surplus on the market have impacted the price of certificates, and thus also the profitability of investors in the system. The technology development of onshore wind power has been difficult to forecast, resulting in a considerable technology uncertainty perceived by investors. Regarding volume uncertainty, of the total accumulated surplus of certificates at the end of 2014, 70 % can be derived from forecast errors of quota obliged electricity production by the Swedish Energy Agency. In addition, there is a possible relationship between lower costs of onshore wind power and the accumulated surplus of certificates on the Swedish-Norwegian TGC market. The major implication of these uncertainties is that previous investors choose to delay or refrain from further onshore wind power investments. If actors choose not to participate in further diffusion of the technology, this could potentially harm the STT of the energy industry in Sweden. Introduction of long term contracts, more frequent quota adjustments and a record of RES-E investment decisions could potentially reduce the uncertainties perceived by investors. / De globala utsläppen av växthusgaser anses av många vara samtidens stora utmaning och en socioteknisk omställning av energisektorn framhålls som en nödvändighet för en hållbar framtidsutveckling. Elproducenters deltagande i utbyggnad och utveckling av förnyelsebar elproduktion förespråkas som en viktig del av denna omställning. I led med den politiska agendan har flertalet stödsystem utvecklats vars mål är att stödja utbyggnaden av förnyelsebar elproduktion. I Sverige introducerades 2003 ett stödsystem med gröna elcertifikat vars mål är att främja utbyggnaden av förnyelsebar elproduktion i landet. Stödsystemet till trots är investeringar i landbaserad vindkraft i Sverige fortfarande associerat med stor osäkerhet i form av teknologins och marknadens framtida utveckling. Dessa osäkerheter kan hämma fortsatt utbredning av förnyelsebar elproduktion vilket kan leda till fördröjning eller stagnation av den nödvändiga omställningen mot en hållbar energisektor. Denna examensuppsats bidrar med kunskap kring de osäkerheter som råder inom det svensk-norska certifikatsystemet genom att undersöka två huvudsakliga osäkerheter; teknikutveckling samt överskott av certifikat på marknaden. Osäkerheten kring teknologins utveckling har undersökts genom att statistiskt utforska ett möjligt samband mellan teknologins kostnadsutveckling och marknadspriset av elcertifikat. Volymosäkerheten på marknaden har undersökts på ett liknande sätt där ett möjligt samband mellan överskottet av elcertifikat och marknadspriset av elcertifikat har utforskats statistiskt. Vilka faktorer som bidrar till överskottet av elcertifikat på markanden och från vilka källor dagens ackumulerade överskott härstammar har identifierats. Vidare har lönsamheten för tidigare investeringar i landbaserad vindkraft i Sverige uppskattats och analyserats. Resultaten antyder att såväl teknikutveckling som överskott av elcertifikat har haft en etydande påverkan på marknadspriset av elcertifikat. Detta har i sin tur påverkat lönsamheten för investerare i systemet. Teknikutvecklingen har varit svår att förutse vilket resulterat i att investerare upplever stor osäkerhet kring framtida lönsamhet. Vidare visar resultaten att 70 % av det totala överskottet av elcertifikat på marknaden vid slutet av 2014 har sitt ursprung i Energimyndighetens felaktiga prognoser av kvotpliktig elanvändning. Det är även troligt att det finns ett samband mellan teknikutvecklingen och det överskott av elcertifikat på som genererats på marknaden. Innebörden av de två analyserade osäkerheterna är att investerare potentiellt fördröjer eller helt avstår från fortsatta investeringar. Detta är problematiskt då det kan hämma utbredningen av förnyelsebar lproduktion och verka som ett hinder för omställningen mot en mer hållbar energisektor i Sverige. Genom att introducera långtidskontrakt för handel med elcertifikat, mer frekventa kvotjusteringar samt etablera ett register över investeringsbeslut kan den osäkerhet som investerare i systemet upplever idag minskas.
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Aplikace 3D průmyslové geodézie při výrobě modulů pro podmořskou těžbu ropy / Application of 3D Industry Surveying during the Manufacturing of Structures for Subsea Oil and Gas ProductionBaier, David January 2012 (has links)
The thesis suppose to introduce the dimenisonal control surveyor’s role during manufacturing of the oil subsea structures, which are utilized for subsea pipeline systems assembly. The thesis contain the theory of oil production from the seabed, resources utilized for those purposes and describe the manufacturing process of the subsea equipment. The main focus of the work is in describing the methods (more detailed) applied during dimensional control, along with method of surveying, calculations and result presentations. The essential part is showing data processing of one representative structure, which the author processed himself during his particiaption on the project.
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The film archive as a polyphonic network – a montage on the Mediateca Onshore projectCésar, Filipa, Hering, Tobias 30 June 2023 (has links)
It’s not easy to describe the Mediateca Onshore project as it is growing over the years, uniting an ever-wider variety of initiatives and sub-projects: It is a work in process in which numerous actors have participated since its inception.
Here, text passages from the website and two previously published texts by Filipa César and Tobias Hering form a kind of montage. Montage, in the sense of a multiplicity of voices bringing together the various text forms and perspectives of the authors and other participating actors, seems a most appropriate way to present the project and reflect its character.
Filipa César and Tobias Hering are key players in and co-founders of Mediateca Onshore. Tobias Hering’s text “Before ʹSix Years Afterʹ. Notes on the re-emergence of a film archive in Guinea Bissau” (first published in 2012, republished with annotations in 2014), which frames the montage, is based on conversations with Filipa César. On that level, but not only, it is connected to César’s “A Grin Without Marker” (2016) the other text used in the montage.
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Turbine Performance Analysis in Wake and Wake-Free Conditions Using Nacelle Mounted Lidar at a Wind Farm in SwedenFijołek, Izabela January 2022 (has links)
The need for optimizing wind farms’ production and maximizing the profitability of projects necessitates power performance analysis. Nowadays, the use of remote sensing devices for this purpose becomes more and more popular due to many advantages this technology has over traditional met masts. The main objective of this study is to assess the performance of a wind turbine in wake and wake-free conditions through measurements performed with a nacelle mounted lidar. The analysis is based on the data obtained during a Power Curve Measurement campaign performed on an onshore wind farm in Sweden. The power production and power curves are compared for a range of wind direction sectors in order to assess turbine performance in different wake conditions. Surprisingly low power output is observed in wake-free sectors [180°, 240°) and [240°, 300°), whereas production in wake wind directions [300°, 360°) is relatively high. The main reason for this is the wind speed distribution, however the terrain complexity and roughness should also be considered as possible factors. Generally, the wind speed distribution seems to have more influence on the results than the wake conditions. Moreover, the correlation between the met mast and lidar datasets is investigated in the study. The results indicate a good agreement between the wind speed measurement from the two devices, however, a poor correlation is found for turbulence intensity and wind shear exponent. Additionally, the influence of turbulence intensity and wind shear on the power production was analyzed. Generally, the results were in line with the reviewed literature: at low and moderate wind speeds the power production was higher for higher TI values, while the opposite was observed for higher wind speeds, where the higher TI resulted in lower production. As for the wind shear, a pattern is observed for moderate wind speeds, where the higher wind shear resulted in lower power production.
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The regulation of gas exploration, production and management : a life cycle analysis / Carmen HenningHenning, Carmen January 2014 (has links)
Gas exploration and production at sea and on land is a recent phenomenon in South Africa. The reason for the sudden interest in gas exploration and production on land is that it may prove to be a solution to the need for cleaner forms of energy and provides the possibility for South Africa to move away from coal-based energy. In order to achieve this transition while keeping economic development intact, South Africa is in need of a “greener” option. Gas is considered the most environmentally friendly fossil fuel and therefore provides South Africa with this much needed “greener” option. The uncertainty about the nature and extent of the environmental impacts regarding gas exploration and production suggests that an efficient and effective energy and environmental law and policy framework is still needed to regulate onshore and offshore gas exploration and production during all phases of its life cycle. It furthermore requires of the authorities that they establish and enhance environmental protection and sustainability during all gas exploration and production operations in order to ensure that the environmental impacts that may occur during such operations are addressed in a holistic and integrated manner. This study focuses on conventional gas.
South Africa’s energy and environmental law and policy framework that regulates gas exploration does not cover the entire life cycle of onshore and offshore gas activities. It is of paramount importance that the current fragmentation in the country’s existing energy and environmental regulatory framework be addressed and that a sufficient environmental governance regime, as envisaged in this study, is established. This will enable the administering agents to actively promote and maintain the welfare of the people, the ecosystems, the essential ecological processes and the biodiversity of South Africa, while promoting the utilisation of living natural resources on a sustainable basis to the benefit of all South Africans, present and future, as pledged in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. / LLM (Environmental Law and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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The regulation of gas exploration, production and management : a life cycle analysis / Carmen HenningHenning, Carmen January 2014 (has links)
Gas exploration and production at sea and on land is a recent phenomenon in South Africa. The reason for the sudden interest in gas exploration and production on land is that it may prove to be a solution to the need for cleaner forms of energy and provides the possibility for South Africa to move away from coal-based energy. In order to achieve this transition while keeping economic development intact, South Africa is in need of a “greener” option. Gas is considered the most environmentally friendly fossil fuel and therefore provides South Africa with this much needed “greener” option. The uncertainty about the nature and extent of the environmental impacts regarding gas exploration and production suggests that an efficient and effective energy and environmental law and policy framework is still needed to regulate onshore and offshore gas exploration and production during all phases of its life cycle. It furthermore requires of the authorities that they establish and enhance environmental protection and sustainability during all gas exploration and production operations in order to ensure that the environmental impacts that may occur during such operations are addressed in a holistic and integrated manner. This study focuses on conventional gas.
South Africa’s energy and environmental law and policy framework that regulates gas exploration does not cover the entire life cycle of onshore and offshore gas activities. It is of paramount importance that the current fragmentation in the country’s existing energy and environmental regulatory framework be addressed and that a sufficient environmental governance regime, as envisaged in this study, is established. This will enable the administering agents to actively promote and maintain the welfare of the people, the ecosystems, the essential ecological processes and the biodiversity of South Africa, while promoting the utilisation of living natural resources on a sustainable basis to the benefit of all South Africans, present and future, as pledged in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. / LLM (Environmental Law and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Analyse structurale (terre-mer) de l’Est de la Crimée : conséquences sur l’évolution tectonique de la marge nord de la Mer Noire orientale / Structural analysis of the Eastern Crimean mountains (onland-offshore) : consequence of the tectonic evolution of the northern margin of the eastern Black SeaKorniyenko Sheremet, Yevgeniya 13 July 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse concerne l’étude de la structure géologique de la Crimée orientale et de son prolongement en mer, le fossé Sorokin, dans le but de reconstruire l'évolution tectonique de la marge, inversée, au nord de la Mer Noire Orientale. Ces recherches ont été initiées car l’âge Trias supérieur-Jurassique inférieur des roches les plus anciennes, de type flysch, seraient en fait Albien (Crétacé inférieur) soit 60 à 110 millions d'années plus jeune. Force d'observations sur le terrain, de datations micropaléontologiques, d’une analyse structurale, avec une recherche des paléo-champs de contraintes, d'une analyse de profils de sismiques réflexion de la marge, notre étude permets de réactualiser et de clarifier la géologie de la Crimée orientale. Les principaux résultats de cette thèse sont les suivants : 1) grâce à nos nouvelles datations, les sédiments turbiditiques du Crétacé inférieur ont une plus grande répartition géographique; 2) deux formations de flysch ont été identifiées, l’une du Crétacé inférieur et l’autre du Trias supérieur-Jurassique Moyen (Groupe Tauric); 3) une carte structurale de la Crimée orientale a été réalisée qui permet de mettre en évidence une phase d'extension durant le Crétacé et deux phases compressives durant le Cénozoïque ; 4) ces deux phases compressives (Paléocène-Eocène inférieur et Oligocène-Pliocène moyen) sont confirmées par l’interprétations de 8 profils sismiques en mer qui ont été corrélés avec un forage (Subbotina 403) ; 5) la réalisation de deux transects Terre-Mer permettent de comprendre les structures liées à l'inversion de la marge ; 6) l'analyse des paléo-champs de contraintes révèle plusieurs régimes tectoniques liées aux développement des structures tectoniques; 8) finalement cette thèse propose un vision nouvelle de l'évolution tectonique de la marge nord de la mer Noire orientale, qui subit une inversion depuis le Paléocène, en présentant des cartes de reconstitutions de son évolution depuis le Trias supérieur. / This study is focused on the main structural features of the Eastern Crimean Mountains (CM) and of their closest offshore, with a purpose to derive and reconstruct the tectonic evolution of the northern inverted margin of the Eastern Black Sea. This study was inspired because the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic age of the oldest exposed flysch-like rocks (so-called Tauric Group) “was” defined as 60 to 110 my younger, namely as the Albian (Middle Cretaceous).The aim of this thesis was to obtain by field observations, new dating of rocks, structural analysis, stress-field analysis and seismic interpretation allowing reconsidering the geology of the CM. The main findings of the thesis are: (1) the Lower Cretaceous sediments have a much wider spatial distribution in the Eastern CM; (2) the presence of two flysch units of different age: the youngest flysch unit of the Early Cretaceous age and the oldest, the Tauric Gp and Middle-Jurassic flysch; (3) the structural analysis in the Eastern CM resulted in new structural geological map of the Eastern CM and showed the evidence of extensional tectonics during the Cretaceous and of compressional structures during the Cenozoic; (4) two-stage compression: 1) during the Paleocene-Early Eocene and 2) during the Oligocene-Middle Pliocene were confirmed by interpretation of seismic lines offshore, correlated with the “Subbotina-403” well; (5) both geological and geophysical data in the on-and- off shore transects evidence connection of structures in the northern inverted Black Sea margin; (6) the paleostress analysis of the brittle fault-slip data allow distinguishing of several tectonic regimes responsible for the developments of main tectonic structures of the study area; (8) finally, this thesis presents a new vision of the tectonic evolution of the northern inverted part of the Eastern Black Sea illustrated with paleotectonic maps providing the reconstruction for each main stage of its geological history since the Late Triassic.
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Maintenance scheduling in the electricity industry : a particular focus on a problem rising in the onshore wind industry / Planification de la maintenance d’équipements de production d’électricité : une attention particulière portée sur un problème de l’industrie éolienne terrestreFroger, Aurélien 14 December 2016 (has links)
L’optimisation de la planification de la maintenance des équipements de production d’électricité est une question importante pour éviter des temps d’arrêt inutiles et des coûts opérationnels excessifs. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une classification multidimensionnelle des études de Recherche Opérationnelle portant sur ce sujet. Le secteur des énergies renouvelables étant en pleine expansion, nous présentons et discutons ensuite d’un problème de maintenance de parcs éoliens terrestres. Le problème est traité sur un horizon à court terme et l’objectif est de construire un planning de maintenance qui maximise le revenu lié à production d’électricité des éoliennes tout en prenant en compte des prévisions de vent et en gérant l’affectation de techniciens. Nous présentons plusieurs modélisations du problème basées sur la programmation linéaire. Nous décrivons aussi une recherche à grands voisinages basée sur la programmation par contraintes.Cette méthode heuristique donne des résultats probants.Nous résolvons ensuite le problème avec une approche exacte basée sur une décomposition du problème. Dans cette méthode, nous construisons successivement des plannings de maintenance optimisés et rejetons, à l’aide de coupes spécifiques, ceux pour lesquels la disponibilité des techniciens est insuffisante. Les résultats suggèrent que cette méthode est la mieux adaptée pour ce problème. Enfin, pour prendre en compte l’incertitude inhérente à la prévision de vitesses de vent, nous proposons une approche robuste dans laquelle nous prenons des décisions garantissant la réalisabilité du planning de maintenance et le meilleur revenu pour les pires scénarios de vent. / Efficiently scheduling maintenance operations of generating units is key to prevent unnecessary downtime and excessive operational costs. In this work, we first present a multidimensional classification of the body of work dealing with the optimization of the maintenance scheduling in the operations research literature. Motivated by the recent emergence of the renewable energy sector as an Environmental priority to produce low-carbon power electricity, we introduce and discuss a challenging Maintenance scheduling problem rising in the onshore wind industry. Addressing the problem on a short-term horizon, the objective is to find a maintenance plan that maximizes the revenue generated by the electricity production of the turbines while taking into account wind predictions, multiple task execution modes, and technician-to-task assignment constraints. We start by presenting several integer linear Programming formulations of the problem. We then describe a constraint programming-based large neighborhood search which proves to be an efficient heuristic solution method. We then design an exact branch-and-check approach based on a decomposition of the problem. In this method, we successively build maintenance plans while discarding – using problem-specific cuts – those that cannot be performed by the technicians. The results suggest that this method is the best suited to the problem. To tackle the Inherent uncertainty on the wind speed, we also propose a robust approach in which we aim to take risk-averse decisions regarding the revenue associated with the maintenance plan and its feasibility.
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