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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Building the Invisible: Bridging the Gap Between Past and Future in Chinese Architecture

Guo, Diane D. 18 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Lens Epithelial Cell Migrational Model: Understanding Motile Behaviour During Posterior Capsule Opacification on Natural and Synthetic Substrates

Marshall, Meghan 12 1900 (has links)
Cataract surgery is currently the most common surgical procedure done in the world. However, within 5 years, approximately half of these patients will develop posterior capsule opacification (PCO). In cataract surgery, the biological lens is replaced with an intraocular lens (IOL). PCO is caused by migration and transformation of residual lens epithelial cells (LEC) that remain in the capsule following the surgery. LECs which have migrated to the posterior capsule within the first month of surgery are thought to be the major contributors to PCO since after this time, the capsule completely seals. A mathematical model has been developed in order to better understand the process of LEC migration during PCO. The model addresses the impact of substrate and substrate modification as well as the presence and absence of the growth factors transforming growth factor beta (TGF(beta)) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF2). It was developed from a first order rate of decay model taken from process control. If the cell speed is divided by the distance travelled by the cell up to the point of posterior capsule breach, the time for the LECs to breach the capsule posterior can be calculated. The model was tested with literature data and was able to predict the effects of cell speed on the presence of various extracellular matrix components and growth factors. It was determined that potentially modification with fibronectin may be useful for the prevention of PCO Preliminary experimental validation of the model was performed by modifying silicone substrates with various extracellular matrix derived peptides. Results demonstrate that peptide modified surfaces may be more resistant to EMT by increasing cell adhesion and decreasing cell migration. Therefore, this LEC migrational model will be a useful tool in the development of superior IOLs and materials. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)

Propriétés radiatives des plasmas de fusion. Emissivité et opacité dans des structures atomiques complexes / Radiative properties of fusion plasmas. Emissivity and opacity in complex atomic structures

Mondet, Guillaume 20 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’étude de l’émissivité et de l’opacité dans les plasmas de fusion inertielle (FCI), et des processus atomiques dans les plasmas de fusion magnétique (FCM).En FCI, nous avons étudié les spectres d’émissivité du hohlraum de l’approche indirecte et d’opacité des dopants de l’ablateur. Leur connaissance permet d’améliorer la compression de la cible de D-T et ainsi favoriser les réactions de fusion. Nous avons caractérisé les spectres lié-lié de l’or, du carbone et du germanium au moyen de méthodes détaillées (code PPP) mais qui s’avèrent coûteuses en temps de calculs et limitées quand le nombre de niveaux/ions augmente. Pour optimiser le temps de calcul sans perdre en précision, une méthode hybride détaillée/statistique (code SCO-RCG) a fait l’objet de comparaison/validation avec le code PPP sur des cas tests. Cette approche a ensuite été appliquée au calcul de l’opacité totale (lié-lié, lié-libre, libre-libre) pour tous les états d’ionisation du germanium et du silicium. Les spectres obtenus sont ensuite comparés dans une large gamme d’énergies en vue d’optimiser la compression de la cible.En FCM, à partir d’expériences effectuées sur les tokamaks Tore Supra (CEA Cadarache) et ASDEX Upgrade (Max Planck Institut, Garching), nous nous proposons de développer une nouvelle base de données de physique atomique (sections efficaces, taux des processus,…) à l’aide du code HULLAC pour analyser des coefficients de transport. Le but de cette étude est la sensibilité aux données atomiques de la reconstruction des coefficients de transport par le code ITC. Pour le cas de l’argon, les sections efficaces de quelques processus sont présentées et les coefficients de taux sont comparés à ceux provenant du consortium ADAS. / The thesis is devoted on the study of emissivity and opacity in inertial confinement fusion plasmas (ICF), and on atomic processes in magnetic fusion plasmas (MCF).In ICF, we have studied the emissivity of the hohlraum and the opacity of ablator’s dopants in the indirect drive scheme. The knowledge of these quantities allows the improvement of the target compression and, as a consequence, the fusion reactions. We have characterized the bound-bound spectrum of gold, carbon and germanium with detailed line calculation (PPP code). Such calculations are time consuming and thus restricted to small numbers of levels/ions. To optimize the time calculation without lack of precision, a hybrid approach statistical/detailed (SCO-RCG code) was compared with the PPP code for test cases. Then the hybrid approach was applied to total opacity calculations (bound-bound, bound-free and free-free transitions) for each ionization state of germanium and silicon. The spectra are compared in a large temperature range in order to optimize the target compression.In MCF, from experiences carried out on Tore Supra (CEA Cadarache) and ASDEX Upgrade (Max Planck Institut, Garching) tokomak, we have provided new atomic data (cross sections, rates of processes) with the HULLAC code in order to analyze the transport coefficients. The aim of this study is the sensitivity of atomic data on the reconstruction of transport coefficients by the ITC code. For the argon case, the cross sections of some processes are presented and the rate coefficients are compared to those of ADAS consortium.

despactários no Diverso - Grande sertão: veredas e a poética da Relação / Without covenant in diverse Grande Sertão: veredas an poetics of the relantionship

Groke, Henrique de Toledo 01 April 2011 (has links)
Trata-se aqui de uma aproximação entre João Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967), escritor brasileiro, e Édouard Glissant (1928-2011), filósofo, romancista, poeta e crítico martinicano. Os textos escolhidos para tal aproximação foram o Grande sertão: veredas (1956) e a produção ensaística de Glissant de modo geral. Pretendi identificar e analisar ressonâncias entre a escrita de ambos. Consideraram-se primeiramente as extrapolações de seus gêneros originais, ficção e ensaio, e como muitas vezes procediam paralelamente no trabalho da linguagem e sua implicação política, isto é, a relação entre ética e estética. Longe de formalismos, os autores entendem a expressão como intimamente ligada ao seu conteúdo e assim assumem a opacidade da linguagem, potencializando seu aspecto poético e retirando-a de práticas automatizadas ou instrumentais. Investigou-se principalmente: (1) a partir de Deleuze e Guattari, a concepção rizomática do texto e suas linhas de fuga; (2) a situação narrativa em Grande sertão: veredas; e (3) a partir da noção de opacidade de Glissant, sua realização como procedimento estético na contaminação do tratamento do espaço ficcionalizado. / This text aims at showing how an approach between the Brazilian writer João Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967) and the philosopher, novelist, poet and martiniquais literary critic Édouard Glissant (1928-2011) is possible. The texts chosen for such a reading were Grande sertão: veredas (1956) and Glissants essay production as a whole. Using those texts as a springboard, we intended to identify and analyze resonances between their writing procedures. First, it was considered their distancing from their original fictional and essayist genres. After that, our attention was drawn to the similar way in which they utilize language and understand its political implications that is the relationship between aesthetics and ethics. Far from being mere formalists, the authors seem to believe that there is an intimate relationship between expression and its content. This leads them to assume the opacity of language, bringing to the fore its poetical aspect and removing it from automatized or instrumental practices. Our efforts were concentrated on investigating: (1) the notion, drawn from Deleuze and Guattari, of rhizomatic text and its escape lines; (2) the narrative situation in Grande sertão: veredas; and (3) Glissants opacity notion and its accomplishment as an aesthetic procedure especially in the way fictional space is treated

Influência do envelhecimento artificial acelerada sobre a estabilidade de cor, opacidade e densidade das ligações cruzadas de compósitos odontológicos armazenados em diferentes ambientes e tempos de armazenagem / Influence of artificial accelerated aging on color stability, opacity and cross-link density of dental composites stored in different environment and over different times

Mundim, Fabrício Mariano 09 November 2007 (has links)
A evolução sofrida pelas resinas compostas, aliada à sua característica de restaurar a aparência natural dos dentes em relação à cor e opacidade, torna esses materiais uma das principais escolhas entre os materiais restauradores usados na odontologia. A estabilidade de cor e a opacidade assumem um papel crucial no sucesso do tratamento restaurador estético, pois a alteração destas características pode indicar a substituição das restaurações estéticas. Essas propriedades estão relacionadas ao grau de conversão desses materiais no momento da polimerização. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do envelhecimento artificial acelerado sobre a estabilidade de cor, opacidade e densidade das ligações cruzadas de compósitos armazenados por 30 e 90 dias em ambientes diferentes (temperatura ambiente/geladeira). Foram utilizados 5 compósitos odontológicos em duas tonalidades: claras e escuras. As embalagens dos compósitos foram mantidas em temperatura ambiente (+/- 25ºC) e em geladeira (+/- 8ºC), sendo armazenados nestes ambientes por 30 e 90 dias, para posterior confecção dos corpos-de-prova (12 mm de diâmetro / 2 mm de espessura). Sobre essas amostras, foram realizadas as leituras da alteração de cor ( E), opacidade (OP), e densidade das ligações cruzadas, previamente e posteriormente a realização do procedimento de envelhecimento artificial acelerado. Após análise estatística (2-way ANOVA - Tukey - nível de significância em p<0.05), observou-se que compósitos QuiXfil Universal, Tetric EvoCeram C3 e SR Adoro A2, apresentaram valores para alteração de cor clinicamente inaceitável ( E 3,3). Quanto à opacidade, as resinas diretas, de tonalidades claras apresentaram menor opacidade que as tonalidades escuras enquanto que a resina indireta apresentou maior opacidade para a tonalidade clara que a escura. Quanto à densidade de ligações cruzadas, o envelhecimento artificial acelerado produziu um aumento na densidade de ligações cruzadas das resinas diretas. Concluiu-se que não houve um comportamento homogêneo dos materiais, em relação às propriedades estudadas, em função do tempo e ambiente de armazenagem sugerindo que a ação do envelhecimento é primordial e mais relevante para a alteração dos materiais ao longo do tempo. / The evolution of composite resins, allied to their characteristic of restoring the natural appearance of teeth regarding color and opacity, makes them one of the main materials of choice among the restorative materials used in dentistry. Color and opacity stability assume a crucial role in a successful aesthetic restoration treatment, since changes in these characteristics may indicate the replacement of aesthetic restorations. These properties are associated with these materials\' degree of conversion at the moment of polymerization. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of artificial accelerated aging on color stability, opacity, and density of cross-links in composites stored for 30 and 90 days in different environments (room temperature/refrigerator). Five dental composites were used, with two shades: light and dark. Composite packages were kept in room temperature (+/- 25ºC) and in a refrigerator (+/- 8ºC), for 30 and 90 days, for posterior specimen fabrication (12 mm in diameter / 2 mm thick). Specimens were subjected to readings for color change ( E), opacity (OP), and cross-link density, before and after artificial accelerated aging. Statistical analysis (2-way ANOVA - Tukey - level of significance at p<0.05), revealed that QuiXfil Universal, Tetric EvoCeram C3, and SR Adoro A2 composites presented clinically unacceptable color changes ( E 3.3). Regarding opacity, light shade direct resins presented less opacity compared to dark shades, whereas light shade indirect resins presented more opacity than dark ones. As to cross-link density, artificial accelerated aging increased crosslink density in direct resins. It is concluded that the materials did not behave homogenously, in terms of the studied properties, under the effects of storage time and environment. This suggests that the effects of aging are imperative and more relevant to material changes over time.

Influência do envelhecimento artificial acelerada sobre a estabilidade de cor, opacidade e densidade das ligações cruzadas de compósitos odontológicos armazenados em diferentes ambientes e tempos de armazenagem / Influence of artificial accelerated aging on color stability, opacity and cross-link density of dental composites stored in different environment and over different times

Fabrício Mariano Mundim 09 November 2007 (has links)
A evolução sofrida pelas resinas compostas, aliada à sua característica de restaurar a aparência natural dos dentes em relação à cor e opacidade, torna esses materiais uma das principais escolhas entre os materiais restauradores usados na odontologia. A estabilidade de cor e a opacidade assumem um papel crucial no sucesso do tratamento restaurador estético, pois a alteração destas características pode indicar a substituição das restaurações estéticas. Essas propriedades estão relacionadas ao grau de conversão desses materiais no momento da polimerização. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do envelhecimento artificial acelerado sobre a estabilidade de cor, opacidade e densidade das ligações cruzadas de compósitos armazenados por 30 e 90 dias em ambientes diferentes (temperatura ambiente/geladeira). Foram utilizados 5 compósitos odontológicos em duas tonalidades: claras e escuras. As embalagens dos compósitos foram mantidas em temperatura ambiente (+/- 25ºC) e em geladeira (+/- 8ºC), sendo armazenados nestes ambientes por 30 e 90 dias, para posterior confecção dos corpos-de-prova (12 mm de diâmetro / 2 mm de espessura). Sobre essas amostras, foram realizadas as leituras da alteração de cor ( E), opacidade (OP), e densidade das ligações cruzadas, previamente e posteriormente a realização do procedimento de envelhecimento artificial acelerado. Após análise estatística (2-way ANOVA - Tukey - nível de significância em p<0.05), observou-se que compósitos QuiXfil Universal, Tetric EvoCeram C3 e SR Adoro A2, apresentaram valores para alteração de cor clinicamente inaceitável ( E 3,3). Quanto à opacidade, as resinas diretas, de tonalidades claras apresentaram menor opacidade que as tonalidades escuras enquanto que a resina indireta apresentou maior opacidade para a tonalidade clara que a escura. Quanto à densidade de ligações cruzadas, o envelhecimento artificial acelerado produziu um aumento na densidade de ligações cruzadas das resinas diretas. Concluiu-se que não houve um comportamento homogêneo dos materiais, em relação às propriedades estudadas, em função do tempo e ambiente de armazenagem sugerindo que a ação do envelhecimento é primordial e mais relevante para a alteração dos materiais ao longo do tempo. / The evolution of composite resins, allied to their characteristic of restoring the natural appearance of teeth regarding color and opacity, makes them one of the main materials of choice among the restorative materials used in dentistry. Color and opacity stability assume a crucial role in a successful aesthetic restoration treatment, since changes in these characteristics may indicate the replacement of aesthetic restorations. These properties are associated with these materials\' degree of conversion at the moment of polymerization. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of artificial accelerated aging on color stability, opacity, and density of cross-links in composites stored for 30 and 90 days in different environments (room temperature/refrigerator). Five dental composites were used, with two shades: light and dark. Composite packages were kept in room temperature (+/- 25ºC) and in a refrigerator (+/- 8ºC), for 30 and 90 days, for posterior specimen fabrication (12 mm in diameter / 2 mm thick). Specimens were subjected to readings for color change ( E), opacity (OP), and cross-link density, before and after artificial accelerated aging. Statistical analysis (2-way ANOVA - Tukey - level of significance at p<0.05), revealed that QuiXfil Universal, Tetric EvoCeram C3, and SR Adoro A2 composites presented clinically unacceptable color changes ( E 3.3). Regarding opacity, light shade direct resins presented less opacity compared to dark shades, whereas light shade indirect resins presented more opacity than dark ones. As to cross-link density, artificial accelerated aging increased crosslink density in direct resins. It is concluded that the materials did not behave homogenously, in terms of the studied properties, under the effects of storage time and environment. This suggests that the effects of aging are imperative and more relevant to material changes over time.

Transparência e opacidade nas línguas indígenas da família Naduhup /

Paula, Danytiele Cristina Fernandes de January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Erotilde Goreti Pezatti / Resumo: A proposta principal deste trabalho foi investigar as relações de transparência e opacidade nas línguas indígenas da família Naduhup por meio de distintos fenômenos, como aposição, referência cruzada, acordo oracional etc., tomados como parâmetros para o estudo da transparência sob o aparato teórico da Gramática Discursivo-Funcional, desenvolvida por Hengeveld e Mackenzie (2008). Dessa forma, não apenas se assume uma perspectiva funcional, mas também uma nova abordagem desse fenômeno a partir do escopo da Gramática Discursivo-Funcional, que, graças à sua organização descendente de camadas, permite a definição da transparência considerando o alinhamento entre e dentro dos níveis de análise da teoria, o que representa uma inovação do conceito – tradicionalmente concebido como a relação entre forma e significado. A hipótese fundamental do trabalho é a de que as línguas de uma mesma família compartilham traços transparentes e/ou opacos de tal modo que se pode definir as características linguísticas fundamentais de uma família com base nesse compartilhamento. Desse modo, o objetivo geral consiste em averiguar como ocorre o compartilhamento dos traços de transparência/opacidade nas línguas da família Naduhup. Para tanto, utilizamos como corpus de análise quatro línguas indígenas – dâw, hup, yuhup e nadëb – descritas em gramáticas e teses constituindo uma amostra representativa da família Naduhup. As análises das línguas foram realizadas a partir dos critérios de opacidade definidos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The main purpose of this research was to investigate the relations of transparency and opacity in the Naduhup family's native languages through different phenomena, such as apposition, cross-reference, clause agreement, etc., taken as parameters for the study of transparency under the grammar theoretical apparatus of Functional Discourse Grammar, developed by Hengeveld and Mackenzie (2008). Thus, not only is a functional perspective assumed, but also a new approach to this phenomenon from the scope of Functional Discourse Grammar, which, thanks to its descending layer organization, allows the definition of transparency considering the alignment between and within the levels of theory analysis, which represents a concept innovation - traditionally conceived as the relationship between form and meaning. The fundamental hypothesis of the paper is that the languages of the same family share transparent and/or opaque features such that the fundamental linguistic characteristics of a family can be defined based on this sharing. Thus, the overall objective is to ascertain how sharing of transparency/opacity traces occurs in the Naduhup family languages. For this, we used as corpus of analysis four indigenous languages - dâw, hup, yuhup and nadëb - described in grammars and theses constituting a representative sample of the Naduhup family. Language analyzes were performed using the opacity criteria defined in Hengeveld (2011), Leufkens (2015) and Hengeveld and Leufkens (2018), in ord... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Optical Response From Paper : Angle-dependent Light Scattering Measurements, Modelling, and Analysis

Granberg, Hjalmar January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

The centimeter- and millimeter-wavelength ammonia absorption spectra under jovian conditions

Devaraj, Kiruthika 13 October 2011 (has links)
Accurate knowledge of the centimeter- and millimeter-wavelength absorptivity of ammonia is necessary for the interpretation of the emission spectra of the jovian planets. The objective of this research has been to advance the understanding of the centimeter- and millimeter-wavelength opacity spectra of ammonia under jovian conditions using a combination of laboratory measurements and theoretical formulations. As part of this research, over 1000 laboratory measurements of the 2-4 mm-wavelength properties of ammonia under simulated upper and middle tropospheric conditions of the jovian planets, and approximately 1200 laboratory measurements of the 5-20 cm-wavelength properties of ammonia under simulated deep tropospheric conditions of the jovian planets have been performed. Using these and pre-existing measurements, a consistent mathematical formalism has been developed to reconcile the centimeter- and millimeter-wavelength opacity spectra of ammonia. This formalism can be used to estimate the opacity of ammonia in a hydrogen/helium atmosphere in the centimeter-wavelength range at pressures up to 100 bar and temperatures in the 200 to 500 K range and in the millimeter-wavelength range at pressures up to 3 bar and temperatures in the 200 to 300 K range. In addition, a preliminary investigation of the influence of water vapor on the centimeter-wavelength ammonia absorptivity spectra has been conducted. This work addresses the areas of high-sensitivity centimeter- and millimeter-wavelength laboratory measurements, and planetary science, and contributes to the body of knowledge that provides clues into the origin of our solar system. The laboratory measurements and the model developed as part of this doctoral research work can be used for interpreting the emission spectra of jovian atmospheres obtained from ground-based and spacecraft-based observations. The results of the high-pressure ammonia opacity measurements will also be used to support the interpretation of the microwave radiometer (MWR) measurements on board the NASA Juno spacecraft at Jupiter.

Optical Response From Paper : Angle-dependent Light Scattering Measurements, Modelling, and Analysis

Granberg, Hjalmar January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

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