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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quels espaces publics pour la santé? : une méta-revue de la littérature scientifique

Braën, Caroline 12 1900 (has links)
Contexte : Les espaces publics, tels que les parcs, les espaces verts et bleus, sont cités comme des infrastructures favorisant l'activité physique, la santé mentale et le bien-être. Cependant, les caractéristiques précises des espaces publics qui sont significativement associées à la santé ne sont pas clairement identifiées. Cette recherche vise à fournir une mise à jour rigoureuse des connaissances scientifiques sur les associations entre les caractéristiques des espaces publics et la santé physique et mentale. Méthode : Nous avons réalisé une méta-revue afin de synthétiser, comparer et contraster les données probantes issues de recensions systématiques, en tenant compte de la qualité méthodologique des recensions incluses à l'aide de l’outils AMSTAR. 2977 références ont été identifiées par la recherche bibliographique dans 6 bases de données. Deux examinatrices ont indépendamment effectué la sélection des études et un total de 15 recensions systématiques sont incluses dans la méta-revue (représentant 213 études primaires). Résultats : quand les espaces publics sont considérés de manière générale, sans spécifier leur type ou leurs caractéristiques, les données probantes sur leur relation avec la santé physique et mentale sont peu concluantes. Cependant, lorsque les caractéristiques des espaces sont spécifiées, les associations sont davantage significatives. Ces dernières soutiennent une relation favorable ou à tendance favorable entre : 1) La quantité d'espaces verts (présence dans le quartier de végétation, de biodiversité, d’espaces verts calmes, sereins et naturels) et la santé mentale / bien-être chez les adultes. 2) La proximité des parcs et la présence de certains équipements (ex. terrains de jeux, sentiers) et l'activité physique dans les parcs chez les enfants et les adolescents, mais pas avec l'activité physique mesurée globalement. 3) Les espaces bleus (comme les zones côtières) et l'activité physique, la santé mentale et le statut pondéral. Les données sont peu concluantes quant à la proximité des parcs, la densité et la qualité des espaces publics associés à la santé physique et mentale. Les résultats concernant l'activité physique semblent indiquer que les associations positives décrivent davantage un contexte pour l'activité physique qu'un impact possible de l'accès aux espaces publics sur la quantité d'activité physique globale. Les associations positives ont également tendance à être spécifiques aux groupes d’âge pour la plupart des indicateurs. Conclusion: il est prouvé que certaines caractéristiques spécifiques des espaces publics sont associées à une meilleure santé. Cette méta-revue fournit des outils aux professionnels de la planification et du design urbain sur la façon de concevoir les espaces publics pour promouvoir la santé physique et mentale. / Background: Public open spaces (POS), such as parks, green and blue spaces, are cited as infrastructures to promote physical activity, mental health and well-being. However, precise characteristics of POS significantly associated to health are not clearly identified. This research aims to provide a rigorous update of scientific knowledge on associations between characteristics of POS, and physical and mental health indicators. Method: We undertaken an umbrella review to synthetize, compare and contrast evidence from systematic reviews, taking into account the methodological quality of included reviews using an adapted AMSTAR scale. Research in 6 databases returned 2977 citations. Two reviewers independently completed study selection resulting in 15 included systematic reviews (representing 213 primary studies). Results: The evidence of a favorable relationship between broadly defined or unspecified POS and physical and mental health is inconclusive. However, when characteristics of POS are specified, evidence for relationships is clearer. There is a favorable trend or a consistent favorable relationship between: 1) quantity of greenspaces (spaces with vegetal elements and biodiversity in the neighborhood, calm, serein and natural greenspaces) and mental health/wellbeing in adults. 2) proximity to parks and the presence of certain amenities (e.g. adventurous playgrounds) and park-based physical activity in children and adolescent, but not with overall physical activity. 3) blue spaces (such as coastal areas) and physical activity, mental health and weight status. There are some inconsistencies for parks proximity, density and quality of POS association with physical and mental health indicators. Results regarding physical activity seem to mean that studies with positive associations mostly describe a context for physical activity more than a possible impact of POS access on overall physical activity. Positive associations also tend to be age specific for most of indicators. Conclusion: There is evidence that some specific characteristics of POS are associated with better health. This umbrella review provides useful tools to urban planning and design practitioners on how to design POS to promote physical and mental health.

Escuela Superior de Artes Visuales en los Olivos / Superior School of Visual Arts

Sánchez Enriquez, Yoselim 25 August 2021 (has links)
Esta tesis propone crear una Escuela Superior de Artes Visuales para jóvenes artistas, donde el espacio de aprendizaje los motive a desarrollar sus habilidades artísticas, promoviendo el arte y la cultura. Es por este motivo que el proyecto mediante los recorridos, texturas e ingreso de la luz crea espacios con agradable confort para un artista y su imaginación. Al mismo tiempo, se plantea un parque que actúa como foyer del proyecto, un espacio donde se realizaran actividades culturales y artísticas, contribuyendo al espacio público y la conexión social. Además, el parque funciona como un colchón ante las avenidas congestionadas que rodean el proyecto. La incorporación de áreas verdes, jardines, recorrido espacial, texturas e ingreso de la luz permiten al usuario a sentirse libre de expresar sus ideas y realizarlas. / This thesis proposes to create a Superior School of Visual Arts for young artists, where the learning space motivates them to develop their artistic skills, promoting art and culture. It is for this reason that the project by means of the routes, textures and entrance of the light creates spaces with pleasant comfort for an artist and his imagination. At the same time, there is a park that acts as a foyer of the project, a space where cultural and artistic activities are carried out, contributing to public space and social connection. In addition, the park functions as a mattress against the congested avenues surrounding the project. The incorporation of green areas, gardens, spatial routes, textures and the entrance of light allow the user to feel free to express their ideas and make them come true. / Tesis

Urban alleyways: a potential open space asset

Brightwell, Kim M. January 1986 (has links)
This study set out with the premise that many urban alleys have the potential to become city open space assets. The project was designed to develop a process by which alley characteristics may be evaluated for their effect on alley open space potential. The alleys of Old Town Alexandria, Virginia were the inspiration for this study. Old Town is an 18th century city which was established as a settlement on the Potomac River in 1749. For nearly 100 years it flourished as a seaport town. As the town grew, property owners created alleys through the blocks providing rear access to their homes and businesses. The alleys bustled with activity, and became a circulation subsystem to the street and sidewalk circulation. This paper follows the process used to discover alley open space potential in Old Town. However, it is not the findings for Old Town that are most important. It is the process which is the true result of this study. This process can be used as a model by any city or town where there is a desire to better use alley spaces. The four tasks which were found to be important in discovering this open space potential are outlined below. Task One: Evolution of Alley Spaces The purpose of this task is to understand the part the alleys play in the city's circulation system. To know the history of their development and the way they have been used in the past is to learn what makes them important and distinct from other circulation systems in the city. Task Two: Evaluate the Alley Paths The elements that create the"floor, ceiling, and walls" of the alley paths are defined and evaluated for their potentially positive or negative impact on the alley as it is refurbished for pedestrian open space use. Task Three: Alley Potential Use Task three looks at the way different land uses use their alleys. Knowing present alley use allows the development of an alley typology from which decisions concerning potential use can be made. Task Four: Design Proposals Finally, the first three tasks are brought together in the form of design proposals. The proposals become a pallet with which to refurbish the alleys in a way that is sensitive to their history, their character, and their particular open space potential. The project teaches that all urban alleyways are not the same. Each has its own story, and its own particular combination of characteristics. In knowing the alleys as individual, their design as viable open spaces becomes more imaginative. / Master of Landscape Architecture

Study of the domestic open spaces in low-rise dwelling units in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Bahammam, Omar Salem 05 September 2009 (has links)
In the last four decades, Saudi Arabia has undergone rapid urban development. One consequence of this is the emergence of the villa-type dwelling unit as a standard contemporary house design. The domestic open space of each unit is the space surrounding the form of the house. This contemporary domestic open space has failed to meet the basic cultural need for privacy and the demands of the local climate. The aim of this study is to describe the need for privacy as a determining cultural aspect, and climatic comfort in the contemporary domestic open space within the existing cultural and environmental context. The study analyzes the traditional domestic open space to provide clues to direct and improve the existing situation. Design options or guidelines based on the analysis of the contemporary and traditional domestic open spaces are proposed to improve the domestic open space within the villa house pattern. / Master of Landscape Architecture

Perceptions of Landscape Services Provided by Urban Green Infraestructure. The Case Study of a Campus Open Space

Tudorie, Carla Ana-Maria 11 July 2024 (has links)
[ES] La infraestructura verde urbana ha surgido como un instrumento de excelencia del campus, que puede mejorar la calidad de las funciones y servicios suministrados, y fortalecer las relaciones entre el campus y la comunidad universitaria, y entre el campus y la ciudad. Los miembros de la comunidad universitaria interactúan a menudo con el paisaje del campus y experimentan un cierto nivel de satisfacción con los beneficios derivados de la gestión de los espacios abiertos. En la literatura, estos beneficios se conocen como servicios del paisaje. El perfil del usuario y los parámetros físicos del espacio juegan un papel crucial en la determinación de las funciones y servicios percibidos, lo que se refleja en la preferencia y en el uso del espacio por parte del público. Esta tesis contribuye al conocimiento de las relaciones entre las personas y su entorno exterior cercano en el contexto del paisaje del campus universitario de la Universitat Politècnica de València. El objetivo del estudio es evaluar la funcionalidad de la infraestructura verde urbana en el entorno del campus. Además, la tesis tiene como objetivo comprender cómo la percepción y la satisfacción están mediadas por el perfil de los miembros de la comunidad universitaria, y cómo se relacionan los servicios con la satisfacción. Esta investigación examina si las tipologías actuales de los espacios abiertos del campus satisfacen las preferencias de los miembros de la comunidad universitaria. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, se ha diseñado una encuesta online. Se ha construido un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para identificar las relaciones entre la oferta percibida de servicios del paisaje, el perfil de los encuestados y la satisfacción. Se han realizado regresiones lineales y análisis de rutas para analizar las preferencias de los encuestados por los espacios abiertos y explorar las relaciones entre los servicios del paisaje. Los resultados revelan que los encuestados perciben los espacios abiertos del campus principalmente por sus beneficios como proporcionar un espacio para relajarse, socializar con amigos y transitar. La edad, el género, la rama de conocimiento, la frecuencia de uso y la preferencia por el espacio abierto son factores que influyen en la calidad percibida de los servicios de paisaje. Los miembros de la comunidad universitaria prefieren usar espacios abiertos más grandes que se encuentren cerca de las áreas comunes y que brindan fácil acceso a los servicios e instalaciones del campus. Las características que principalmente condicionan la preferencia del espacio son la topografía variada del espacio, la diversidad de árboles y el mobiliario urbano bien equipado. Este trabajo contribuye al conocimiento sobre cómo las variables psicosociales, como la preferencia, la percepción y el uso, se pueden aplicar de manera efectiva en la planificación y el diseño de espacios abiertos. Además, los resultados son útiles no solo para las universidades, sino también para todos los elementos de la infraestructura verde urbana que aún no tienen un diseño de paisaje multifuncional y se están adaptando a las necesidades de sus usuarios. / [CA] La infraestructura verda urbana ha sorgit com un instrument d'excel·lència del campus, que desitja millorar la qualitat de les funcions i serveis subministrats, i enfortir les relacions entre el campus i la comunitat universitària, i entre el campus i la ciutat. Els membres de la comunitat universitària interactuen sovint amb el paisatge del campus i experimenten un cert nivell de satisfacció amb els beneficis que brinda la gestió dels espais oberts. En la literatura, aquests beneficis es coneixen com a serveis del paisatge. El perfil del públic i els paràmetres físics de l'espai juguen un paper crucial en la determinació de les funcions i serveis subministrats percebuts, la qual cosa es reflecteix en la preferència i en l'ús de l'espai per part del públic. Aquesta tesi contribueix al coneixement de les relacions entre les persones i el seu entorn exterior pròxim en el context del paisatge del campus universitari de la Universitat Politècnica de València. L'objectiu de l'estudi és avaluar la funcionalitat de la infraestructura verda urbana a l'entorn del campus. A més, la tesi té com a objectiu comprendre com la percepció i la satisfacció estan mediades pel perfil dels membres de la comunitat universitària, i com es relacionen els serveis amb la satisfacció. Aquesta investigació examina si les tipologies actuals dels espais oberts del campus satisfan les preferències dels membres de la comunitat universitària. Per a dur a terme aquesta investigació, s'ha dissenyat una enquesta en línia. S'ha construït un model d'equacions estructurals per a identificar les relacions entre l'oferta percebuda de serveis del paisatge, el perfil dels enquestats i la satisfacció. S'han realitzat regressions lineals i anàlisis de rutes per a analitzar les preferències dels enquestats pels espais oberts i explorar les relacions entre els serveis del paisatge. Els resultats revelen que els enquestats perceben els espais oberts del campus principalment pels seus beneficis com proporcionar un espai per a relaxar-se, socialitzar amb amics i passar. L'edat, el gènere, la branca de coneixement, la freqüència d'ús i la preferència per l'espai obert són factors que influeixen en la qualitat percebuda dels serveis de paisatge. Els membres de la comunitat universitària prefereixen usar espais oberts més grans que es troben prop de les àrees comunes i que brinden fàcil accés als serveis i instal·lacions del campus. Les característiques rellevants per a la preferència de l'espai són la topografia variada de l'espai, la diversitat d'arbres i el mobiliari urbà ben equipat. Aquesta investigació contribueix al coneixement sobre com les variables psicosocials, com la preferència, la percepció i l'ús, es poden aplicar de manera efectiva en la planificació i el disseny d'espais oberts. A més, els resultats són útils no sols per a les universitats, sinó també per a tots els elements de la infraestructura verda urbana que encara no tenen un disseny de paisatge multifuncional i s'estan adaptant a les necessitats dels seus usuaris. / [EN] Urban green infrastructure has emerged as a campus excellency instrument, which is desired to improve the quality of provided functions and services, and strengthen the relationships between campus and university community, and between campus and city. The university community members often interact with the campus landscape and experience a certain level of satisfaction with the benefits provided by the management of open space. In the literature, these benefits are known as landscape services. The public¿s profile and space physical parameters play a crucial role in determining the functions and perceived supplied services, which echoes in the public¿s preference and use of space. This thesis contributes to the knowledge of the relationships between people and their close outdoor environment in the context of the university campus landscape of Universitat Politècnica de València. The aim of the study is to assess the functionality of urban green infrastructure within the campus setting. Furthermore, the thesis aims to understand how perceptions and satisfaction are mediated by the university community profile, and how services and satisfaction are related. This research examines whether the current typologies of campus open spaces meet the preferences of university community members. To conduct this research, an online survey has been designed. A structural equation model has been built to identify the relationships between the perceived supply of landscape services, respondents¿ profile and satisfaction. Linear regression and path analysis have been conducted to analyse respondents' preferences for open space and explore the relationships among landscape services. Results highlight that respondents perceive campus open spaces mainly for its benefits such as providing a space for relaxation, socialising with friends and passing through. Age, gender, branch of knowledge, frequency of use and preference for open space are factors influencing the perceived quality of landscape services. University community members prefer using larger open spaces that are placed close to common areas and provide easy access to campus services and facilities. When it comes to preference, varied space topography, diversity of trees and well-equipped urban furniture, are relevant features. This research contributes to the knowledge on how psychosocial variables such as preference, perceptions and use, can be effectively applied in open space planning and design. Moreover, the results are helpful not only for universities, but also for all elements of urban green infrastructure that have yet to have a multifunctional landscape design and are adapting to the needs of their users. / I am grateful for the support of the Universitat Politècnica de València and the European Commission through the funding provided for the H2020 GrowGreen Project / Tudorie, CA. (2024). Perceptions of Landscape Services Provided by Urban Green Infraestructure. The Case Study of a Campus Open Space [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/206193

Forma e arborização em cânions urbanos: tendências de estresse térmico para o pedestre em cenários futuros de Umuarama/PR / Form and afforestation in urban canyons: trends of pedestrian thermal stress in future scenarios of Umuarama-PR

Lima, Diana Carla Rodrigues 07 November 2017 (has links)
A evolução da forma urbana adequada ao seu contexto climático é determinante para a qualidade ambiental dos espaços abertos. Porém, em diversas cidades o crescimento urbano acelerado ocorre quase sem nenhum controle ou planejamento. Esse descontrole é apontado como causa de prejuízos ao ambiente natural e construído, entre eles, o desconforto térmico nos espaços abertos. No Brasil, o Plano Diretor é o instrumento dos governos municipais que regula o desenho urbano; no entanto, nota-se um distanciamento entre os aspectos ambientais e a formulação dos planos e leis municipais. A cidade de Umuarama, no noroeste do Paraná, tem assistido a um intenso crescimento urbano, porém, ainda há na cidade uma flexibilidade para a gestão da forma urbana. Atualmente, está em fase de aprovação o novo Plano Diretor Municipal, que propõe a ampliação da área urbana onde é permitida a verticalização, e o Plano Municipal de Arborização Urbana, que busca promover o controle e o aumento da arborização urbana. Face ao proposto pelos planos, essa pesquisa tem como objetivo principal verificar as tendências de estresse térmico no nível do pedestre em futuros cenários de cânions urbanos na área central de Umuarama. O cânion urbano, referente ao espaço conformado pela via e edifícios adjacentes, foi adotado como objeto de estudo por se constituir na menor unidade microclimática urbana e no principal espaço aberto de uso público. A metodologia aplicada se baseia em levantamento de dados em campo; simulação de diferentes cenários de configuração urbana através de modelagem microclimática com o programa ENVI-met, para situação de verão e inverno; e aplicação do índice de conforto térmico Temperatura Fisiológica Equivalente - PET. Os resultados demonstraram que diferentes combinações dos parâmetros da forma urbana, especificamente, da geometria do cânion urbano e arborização presente no seu interior, resultam em tendências diversas de estresse térmico para o pedestre. Os maiores níveis de estresse térmico no nível do pedestre foram observados no período diurno, em situação de verão; esses níveis tendem a ser menores com o aumento da relação H/W e da arborização no interior dos cânions urbanos. Além disso, verificou-se menor amplitude térmica em cânions com maior cobertura verde. Em cânions urbanos com orientação N-S, o aumento da cobertura verde no interior do cânion urbano foi mais importante para a redução do índice PET do que em cânions com orientação L-O; por outro lado, nesses cânions com orientação L-O, o aumento da relação H/W foi mais representativo para minimizar o PET. A compreensão do comportamento do PET nos diversos cenários demonstrou que novas configurações da forma urbana são compatíveis com a qualidade ambiental dos espaços abertos desde que aplicadas estratégias do desenho urbano climaticamente orientado. Ao final, com base nos resultados, foram traçadas recomendações relacionadas à geometria e cobertura verde das vias urbanas a favor do conforto térmico dos usuários desses espaços. / The appropriate evolution of urban form for your climate context is determinant to open spaces environmental quality. However, it is observed that in several cities the accelerated urban growth occurs almost without any control or planning. This lack of control is pointed as the cause of damage to the built and natural environment, including the thermal discomfort in open spaces. In Brazil, the Master Plan is the instrument of the municipal governments that regulates the urban design; however, there is a gap between environmental aspects and the formulation of plans and municipal laws. The city of Umuarama in the Northwest of Paraná, has seen an intense urban growth, however, there is still a flexibility to the management of urban form. Actually, the new municipal Master Plan is in the aproval phase, it proposes the expansion of the urban area where verticalization is permitted, and the municipal urban afforestation plan, that seeks to promote and control the increase of urban afforestation. In view of proposed plans, this research has as main objective to verify the trends of thermal stress in the pedestrian\'s level in future scenarios of urban canyons in the central area of Umuarama. The urban canyon, referring to the space formed by the via and adjacent buildings, was adopted as object of study because it is the smallest unit microclimatic and the main urban open space for public use. The methodology applied is based on in loco data collection; simulation of different scenarios of urban setting through microclimatic modeling with the ENVI-met program, for summer and winter condition; and application of thermal comfort index Physiological Equivalent Temperature - PET. The results showed that different combinations of the urban form parameters, specifically, the urban canyon geometry and afforestation present in your interior, result in various trends of thermal stress to the pedestrian. The highest levels of thermal stress in the pedestrian level were observed during the day, in summer; these levels trend to be smaller with increasing H/W ratio and afforestation in urban canyons. In addition, there has been less thermal amplitude in canyons with more green coverage. In urban canyons with N-S orientation, increasing the green coverage inside the urban canyon was more important for the reduction of the PET index than in the canyons with L-O orientation; on the other hand, in those canyons with L-O orientation, increasing the H/W ratio was more representative to minimize the PET. Understanding PET behavior in different scenarios demonstrated that new urban form settings are compatible with the open spaces environmental quality since applied urban design strategies climatically guided. In the end, based on the results, were delineated recommendations related urban streets geometry and green coverage in favour of thermal comfort of the users of these spaces.

Parque linear ?guas do Camandocaia em Amparo - SP: agentes e processos na cria??o, apropria??o e qualifica??o dos espa?os p?blicos

Marconi, Eduardo Salgado 28 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2018-08-21T12:43:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 EDUARDO SALGADO MARCONI.pdf: 8399511 bytes, checksum: 5254ee57caeef5dd92072e40664fb5ab (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T12:43:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EDUARDO SALGADO MARCONI.pdf: 8399511 bytes, checksum: 5254ee57caeef5dd92072e40664fb5ab (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-06-28 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / The urban planning tool Parque Linear has been identified in Brazil as a sustainable measure of use and occupation of urban areas of valley bottom in the environmental, social, economic and cultural spheres. This work proposes to carry out an analysis of how the process of urban requalification took place in the municipality of Amparo, in the State of S?o Paulo, having as object of study the Linear Park ?guas do Camandocaia. It is intended to raise the trajectory, the scope and limits of the urban interventions implemented along the Camandocaia River. In its first part, it proposes to present, through periodization - via bibliographical research and analysis of historical documents - the historical process of urban evolution and its influence on issues related to the theme. In the second part, it points out interferences as the basis of the transformations in the new urban design from legal and political dimensions. In the third part, the presentation of the object itself in the technical aspects of the urban and architectural projects, the financial resources raised until the bidding processes, the execution of the works along the river. The fourth part deals with the concepts related to the production of public spaces and the sphere of public life as fundamental supports for the improvement of the quality of urban life. In the fifth and last part, in the correlation of the quality attributes of several authors for the analysis of the spatial quality of the Linear Park. / O instrumento urban?stico Parque Linear tem sido apontado, no Brasil, como medida sustent?vel de uso e ocupa??o das ?reas urbanas de fundo de vale nos ?mbitos ambiental, social, econ?mico e cultural. Este trabalho prop?e realizar uma an?lise de como se deu o processo de requalifica??o urbana no munic?pio de Amparo, no Estado de S?o Paulo, tendo como objeto de estudo o Parque Linear ?guas do Camandocaia. Pretende-se levantar a trajet?ria, os alcances e limites das interven??es urbanas implementadas ao longo do rio Camandocaia. Em sua primeira parte, prop?e apresentar por meio da periodiza??o ? via pesquisas bibliogr?ficas e an?lise de documentos hist?ricos ? o processo hist?rico da evolu??o urbana e sua influ?ncia em quest?es relacionadas ao tema. Na segunda parte, aponta inger?ncias como base das transforma??es no novo desenho urbano a partir de dimens?es legais e pol?ticas. Consta, na terceira parte, a apresenta??o do objeto em si nas quest?es de ordem t?cnica dos projetos urban?stico e arquitet?nico, dos recursos financeiros captados at? os processos licitat?rios, da execu??o das obras ao longo do rio. A quarta parte aborda os conceitos vinculados ? produ??o dos espa?os livres p?blicos e da esfera de vida p?blica como suportes fundamentais ao incremento da qualidade de vida urbana. A quinta parte apresenta a correla??o dos atributos de qualidade segundo diversos autores para a an?lise da qualidade espacial do Parque Linear.

Sistema de Espa?os Livres P?blicos no Munic?pio de Hortol?ndia / Public open spaces system in the Hortol?ndia City

Camargo, Patricia Reis Caldeira de 24 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:22:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PATRICIA REIS CALDEIRA DE CAMARGO-1.pdf: 17872960 bytes, checksum: 7ae35f99900a82f6ba4bfddceadd10ad (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-24 / This study sought to understand the Public Open Spaces system in the Hortol?ndia City, checking the quantity, quality and distribution of open public spaces offered by the government. The study of the open space system is related to the development of the public sphere, which facilitates the integration of citizens and encourages the appropriation of space which we live. Hortol?ndia is a municipality that is part of the Metropolitan Region of Campinas, was emancipated in 1991 and brings some weaknesses to be overcome and the challenge of its population internally enjoying their socioeconomic dynamics. The study covers the period from 1947 to 2010. The method chosen to carry out this work is a survey of the spaces owned by the municipality which is thus formed through the division of land and check how they are structured, their uses and especially if they are free building. Compilations of data from this survey and analysis were presented in data sheets. The management review of the public on these spaces allowed us to observe the good results, conflicts, obstacles and possible guidelines for this system, thus completing the survey. / Este trabalho procurou compreender o Sistema de Espa?os Livres P?blicos no Munic?pio de Hortol?ndia, averiguando a quantidade, a qualidade e a distribui??o dos Espa?os Livres P?blicos ofertados pelo poder p?blico. O estudo do Sistema de Espa?os Livres est? relacionado ao desenvolvimento da esfera p?blica, a qual favorece a integra??o dos cidad?os e fomenta a apropria??o do espa?o que se vive. Hortol?ndia ? um munic?pio que faz parte da Regi?o Metropolitana de Campinas, foi emancipado em 1991 e traz consigo algumas defici?ncias a serem superadas e o desafio de ter sua popula??o usufruindo internamente de sua din?mica socioecon?mica. O estudo abrange o per?odo de 1947 ao ano de 2010. O m?todo escolhido para realiza??o deste trabalho consiste no levantamento dos espa?os de propriedade do munic?pio que assim se constitu?ram atrav?s do parcelamento do solo e na verifica??o de como estes se encontram estruturados, seus usos e principalmente se est?o livres de edifica??o. As compila??es de dados deste levantamento e da an?lise foram apresentadas em fichas t?cnicas. A an?lise de gest?o do poder p?blico sobre estes espa?os permitiu observar os bons resultados, os conflitos, os entraves e as poss?veis diretrizes para este sistema, concluindo assim a pesquisa.

Saneamento e paisagem: um potencial de transformação nas periferias / Sanitation and landscape: a potential transformation in the suburbs.

Benício, Tais Teresinha D\'Aquino 03 June 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa busca uma interface entre os projetos de saneamento básico que implementam obras de abastecimento de água, esgoto e drenagem de águas urbanas em bairros da periferia de São Paulo, com o campo conceitual e propositivo do estudo da Paisagem urbana, não apenas considerando as configurações espaciais como também a percepção dos sentimentos manifestos pelos sujeitos moradores, através da memória, da afetividade e do pertencimento ao respectivo bairro de moradia. Partindo da capacidade dos projetos de saneamento de qualificarem ambientalmente áreas degradadas, foi estruturada uma pesquisa que evidenciasse a relação dos moradores com o ressurgimento de elementos da relação cidade e natureza. Fica demonstrada a capacidade dos Espaços Livres Públicos, remanescentes ou criados pelos projetos de saneamento urbano, de favorecerem essa mediação entre os processos antrópicos, os culturais e os biofísicos naturais, sustentando a formação e a qualificação da paisagem urbana nas periferias das grandes cidades. Ao considerar o pressuposto de que a percepção da paisagem tem a ver com o sujeito e com seu modo de estar no mundo, os estudos de campo foram orientados por uma pesquisa qualitativa, relacionada a observações da dinâmica local; percebendo, caminhando ou fotografando fenômenos correlatos, proporcionando uma convivência com o cotidiano do bairro. Na abertura de diálogos e discernimento de revelações de seus moradores, crianças e adultos, evidenciaram-se atitudes compassivas com a degradação ambiental, as quais demonstraram a necessidade de uma abordagem pedagógica sensível, que transmita informações claras e objetivas acerca dos limites da relação, no meio urbano,entre homem e natureza. Os resultados da qualificação ambiental dos projetos de saneamento básico, associados a práticas educativas de percepção da Paisagem do bairro, favoreceram a necessária visão intersubjetiva da relação entre morador e cidade. / This research presents an interface between basic sanitation projects that implement water supply works, sewage and drainage urban water in neighborhoods on the outskirts of São Paulo, considering the conceptual and propositional framework of urban landscape; not only the spatial configuration as well as the residents\' feelings perception through their memory, affection and belonging to their housing neighborhood. Based on the capability of sanitation projects in qualify environmentally degraded areas, the research demonstrated the residents relationship with the resurgence of elements of the city-nature connection. This indicates the ability of the Public Open Spaces, remaining or created by urban sanitation projects, in facilitating the mediation between human, cultural and biophysical processes; supporting the conformation and qualification of the urban landscape on the outskirts of large cities. Considering the assumption that the landscape perception is related with the subject and their way of being in the world, field surveys were guided by a qualitative research associated to observations of the local dynamics; seeing, walking or shooting related phenomena, providing a local everyday familiarity. The disclosure of residents\' dialogues and discernment from children and adults set fourth that compassionate attitudes to environmental degradation; which evidence the need for significant pedagogical approach, to convey clear and objective information about the limits of human-nature relationship in urban environments.. The results of the environmental qualification of sanitation projects related to educational practices of local landscape perception fomented the inter-subjective view of the residents-city relationship.

Consolida??o de tecidos urbanos em Campinas: simultaneidades e condicionantes

Parahyba, Natalia Loureiro 04 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2016-12-16T16:49:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Natalia Loureiro Parahyba.pdf: 12255792 bytes, checksum: 6fc3bc7df2080feb13dc36f0c1efa45b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-16T16:49:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Natalia Loureiro Parahyba.pdf: 12255792 bytes, checksum: 6fc3bc7df2080feb13dc36f0c1efa45b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-04 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The growth of Campinas between the late twentieth century and early twenty-first, was supported by the formation of fragmented urban tissues, distant and poorly connected to each other and to the central region. This research investigates the existing conditions of the present urban settings, in particular some city clippings, focusing on urban dynamics found in the open spaces system (SEL), alongside with the process of use and occupation of the urban land and its possible socio environmental impacts. To develop this work clippings were chosen in different contexts of formation of the territory as well as a diverse socioeconomic and cultural reality, each one presenting its own urban growth milestone which characterized by: a) the peripheral zone composed by industries and low-income population; b) by the installation of large scale commercial initiatives and c) housing demand of high standard - Residencial Cosmos/Jardim Florence I, Parque Dom Pedro Shopping e Alphaville I (Rod. Campinas ? Mogi-Mirim) respectively. Using the urban morphology as a reading method of these process and the open spaces system (SEL) as protagonist of analysis, was adopted as a research method a study of the history and urban growth for each crop selected identifying: a) the different agents involved; b) management plans; c) socioeconomic and cultural contexts and d) the functional, aesthetic and environmental aspects of public and private open spaces. As a result it was possible to identify dialectical processes in the formation of the urban landscape identifying in the different morphological types their potential, barriers and conflicts. / O crescimento de Campinas entre o final do s?culo XX e o in?cio do XXI, esteve apoiado na forma??o de tecidos urbanos fragmentados, distantes e mal conectados entre si e da regi?o central. A presente pesquisa investiga as condicionantes existentes dessas atuais configura??es urbanas, em recortes espec?ficos da cidade, tendo como foco as din?micas urbanas encontradas no sistema de espa?os livres (SEL), junto aos processos de uso e ocupa??o do solo urbano e seus poss?veis impactos s?cio ambientais. Para o desenvolvimento desse trabalho foram escolhidos recortes em diferentes contextos de forma??o do territ?rio, de realidades socioecon?micas e culturais diversificadas, apresentando cada um deles o marco de crescimento urbano caracterizado: a) pela periferiza??o de ind?strias e popula??o de baixa renda; b) pela instala??o de empreendimento comercial de grande porte e c) pela demanda habitacional de alto padr?o ? regi?es do Residencial Cosmos/Jardim Florence I, Parque Dom Pedro Shopping e Alphaville I (Rod. Campinas ? Mogi-Mirim) respectivamente. Tendo a morfologia urbana como leitura dos processos e o Sistema de Espa?os Livres como protagonista da an?lise, foi adotado, como m?todo de pesquisa, para cada recorte selecionado um estudo do hist?rico de crescimento urbano, identificando: a) os diferentes agentes envolvidos; b) os planos de gest?o; c) contextos socioecon?micos e culturais e d) os aspectos funcionais, est?ticos e ambientais dos espa?os livres p?blicos e privados. Como resultado foi poss?vel identificar processos dial?ticos na constitui??o da paisagem urbana identificando nos diferentes tipos morfol?gicos suas potencialidades, entraves e conflitos.

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