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Thermal comfort conditions and perception by staff and patients in a Swedish health care center : A measurement and survey field study for summer conditionsHasan, Md Mahmudul January 2020 (has links)
A challenging aspect of modern global development is to provide desired thermal environment for building occupants with optimum consideration of energy and occupants health and satisfaction, both physically and psychologically. The variation of activity level, health condition, needs, clothing habit and staying time of different categories of occupants in hospitals makes it critical where comfort level should be optimized. Now-a-days, tremendous changing on climate makes even more challenging to maintain optimum level of indoor thermal environment at low energy cost. Thermal comfort can be assessed by the well-established PMV- PPD model, and studies on the correlation with AMV ratings from the occupants can help to understand the exact scenario of the thermal comfort. Therefore, this research aims to estimate the thermal comfort level of healthcare occupants, compare PMV-PPD values with AMV for different categories of occupants, and analyze optimum operative temperature for energy savings. A combination of objective measurements and a field study with a semi-structured interview on comfort perception, following ISO-7726, 7730, 8996, 9920, 10551 and ASHARE- 55 regulations, were conducted, where a total number of 56 occupants, including 35 patients, 5 visitors and 16 medical staffs were participated from a health care center of a hospital in Stockholm, Sweden. The data was collected during the summertime. Based on studied thermal environment, both PMV (-1.59 to 1.01) and AMV range (-2 to 1) considering gender, indicated health care center of studied hospital toward slightly cold, where occupants wanted warmer indoor environment. Patients more than 60 years were most sensitive on thermal comfort and overall patients were more sensitive for warm indoor climate than medical staff due to health condition and age. But male respondents were less sensitive than female. PMV and AMV with optimum operative temperature provides the clear idea about optimum thermal environment for the hospitals occupant. Identifying an optimum thermal environment could be a sustainable solution if and only if energy can be reduced.
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Návrh zařízení pro měření a hodnocení tepelného stavu prostředí / Device Proposal for Measurement and Evaluation of Environmental Thermal StateJanečka, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with evaluation of the environmental thermal state in closed rooms with people inside the room. The achievement of thermal comfort is related to thermal balance of human body. People are producing heat during their work, which has to be carried away from the body to surrounding area by radiation, convection, conduction, respiration and evaporation. The intensity of heat removal is influenced by environmental parameters, especially by air temperature, mean radiant temperature, air velocity and humidity. Personal factors as energy expenditure of human body and clothing resistance are influencing the intensity of heat removal as well. People are able to influence the thermal comfort by their behaviour in given environment, appropriate clothing and regulation of basic environmental parameters. CSN EN ISO 7730 standard states that environmental parameters should be estimated or measured. The operative temperature is than evaluated from collected data. This operative temperature is defined as the temperature of black enclosed area where the human body will be by convection and radiation sharing the same amount of heat as in real inconsistent environment. Nowadays on the market there is no cheap solution for sensor which is able to evaluate the operating temperature and could be used in buildings. There are a lot of professional sensors which have very high accuracy, but are very expensive. Therefore are mainly used only for research or for single and exceptional measurement of environmental thermal state in rooms. The thesis is therefore focused on proposal of suitable (compact) operative temperature sensor assembled according to valid regulations and standards. Emphasis is placed mainly on the sensor price together with guarantee of sufficient accuracy. The proposed sensor is providing information to control system which is than able to adjust the parameters of environment using appropriate way based on relevant requirements. Here is some space for energy savings due to possible continuous measurement and evaluation of environmental thermal state in different rooms. Therefore, during continuous measurement no unnecessary rooms overheating in winter as well as unreasonable cooling in summer should occur. This research and solution is than reflected in reduction of energy consumption used for building operation and subsequently reduction of the pollutants production. This issue is being watched with increasing interest. Another advantage is that whole system is able to work autonomously without human intervention. People no longer have to continuously adjust air temperature because the control system is able to evaluate the most appropriate adjustments based on objective data obtained from the sensor. The thesis includes subsequent verification of proposed sensor as well as the definition of sensor technical parameters including analysis of measurement uncertainties.
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Návrh zařízení pro měření a hodnocení tepelného stavu prostředí / Device Proposal for Measurement and Evaluation of Environmental Thermal StateJanečka, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with evaluation of the environmental thermal state in closed rooms with people inside the room. The achievement of thermal comfort is related to thermal balance of human body. People are producing heat during their work, which has to be carried away from the body to surrounding area by radiation, convection, conduction, respiration and evaporation. The intensity of heat removal is influenced by environmental parameters, especially by air temperature, mean radiant temperature, air velocity and humidity. Personal factors as energy expenditure of human body and clothing resistance are influencing the intensity of heat removal as well. People are able to influence the thermal comfort by their behaviour in given environment, appropriate clothing and regulation of basic environmental parameters. CSN EN ISO 7730 standard states that environmental parameters should be estimated or measured. The operative temperature is than evaluated from collected data. This operative temperature is defined as the temperature of black enclosed area where the human body will be by convection and radiation sharing the same amount of heat as in real inconsistent environment. Nowadays on the market there is no cheap solution for sensor which is able to evaluate the operating temperature and could be used in buildings. There are a lot of professional sensors which have very high accuracy, but are very expensive. Therefore are mainly used only for research or for single and exceptional measurement of environmental thermal state in rooms. The thesis is therefore focused on proposal of suitable (compact) operative temperature sensor assembled according to valid regulations and standards. Emphasis is placed mainly on the sensor price together with guarantee of sufficient accuracy. The proposed sensor is providing information to control system which is than able to adjust the parameters of environment using appropriate way based on relevant requirements. Here is some space for energy savings due to possible continuous measurement and evaluation of environmental thermal state in different rooms. Therefore, during continuous measurement no unnecessary rooms overheating in winter as well as unreasonable cooling in summer should occur. This research and solution is than reflected in reduction of energy consumption used for building operation and subsequently reduction of the pollutants production. This issue is being watched with increasing interest. Another advantage is that whole system is able to work autonomously without human intervention. People no longer have to continuously adjust air temperature because the control system is able to evaluate the most appropriate adjustments based on objective data obtained from the sensor. The thesis includes subsequent verification of proposed sensor as well as the definition of sensor technical parameters including analysis of measurement uncertainties.
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INOMHUSKLIMATETS OLIKA FAKTORERS PÅVERKAN PÅ MÄNNISKANS VÄLBEFINNANDE : - En jämförelse mellan två förskolors inomhusklimat / HE IMPACT OF VARIOUS FACTORS OF INDOOR CLIMATE ON HUMAN WELLBEING : - A comparison between two preschool’s indoor climateGustavsson, Jenny, Högstedt, Oscar January 2024 (has links)
Människor spenderar idag över 90% av sin tid inomhus och inomhusklimatet spelar därför en viktig roll i personers hälsa och välbefinnande, större ju yngre personerna är. Syftet med den här rapporten har varit att undersöka och jämföra inomhusklimatet på två förskolor i Hallsbergs kommun, förskolan Äppellunden och Kompassen, med följande frågeställningar: - Hur upplevs förskolan Kompassens inomhusklimat i förhållande till mätningar av inomhusklimatet? - Hur upplevs förskolan Äppellundens inomhusklimat i förhållande till mätningar av inomhusklimatet? - Hur förhåller sig de två förskolornas upplevda inomhusklimat och mätningar av inomhusklimatet, vad gäller operativ temperatur, luftkvalitet, lufthastighet och fukt? Studien har pågått under en begränsad tid och har endast studerat rummen i förskolorna som barnen vistas i kontinuerligt. Studien tar inte i beaktning faktorer såsom ljud, ljus och lukt. Inomhusklimatet har studerats genom en enkät som skickats ut till alla pedagoger på de två förskolorna samt kompletterats med egna mätningar på luftkvalité och temperatur. De två förskolorna är i grunden väldigt olika. Äppellunden är en nybyggd förskola från 2019, medan Kompassen är en industrilokal från 1981 som år 2014 byggdes om till förskola. Inomhusklimatet påverkas av många olika faktorer som alla måste samverka. Här innefattas bland annat ventilationen, vars huvudsakliga funktion är att föra bort förorenad luft och tillföra ny luft. Inomhusklimatet ska även ha en behaglig temperatur, där kraven ställs utifrån den operativa temperaturen. Det ska heller inte vara varken för fuktig eller för torr luft inomhus och människan ska inte uppleva drag. För samtliga faktorer finns krav eller rekommendationer som bör följas för att upprätta ett bra inomhusklimat. Tidigare har bland annat projektet BETSI samt undersökningen ELIB utfört landsomfattande studier på inomhusklimatet. För att undersöka hur inomhusklimatet upplevs på förskolorna skickades en enkät om inomhusklimatet ut till pedagogerna. På samma förskolor mättes medelstrålningstemperaturen, lufttemperaturen, den relativa fuktigheten samt koldioxidhalten. Detta skedde i ett rum per avdelning och på fyra punkter i vardera rum. Även den operativa temperaturen beräknades. Över lag visade mätningarna att förskolorna har ett bra inomhusklimat, dock har de en torr inomhusluft. Tidigare undersökningar har visat att torr luft oftare blir ett större problem i stora hus. Detta gällde dock en studie om flerbostadshus, men vissa paralleller till förskolorna kan fortfarande dras. Från enkäten utlästes att pedagogerna främst hade problem med en varierande rumstemperatur på Äppellunden. Detta kan bero på att Äppellunden har ett ventilationssystem med ett varierande luftflöde. Kompassen besvärades främst av torr luft, en varierande rumstemperatur samt känslan av en instängd luft. Samtliga mätningar som utförts uppfyllde kraven och rekommendationerna som finns från myndigheter med undantag från en mätning på Kompassen. / People today spend more than 90% of their time indoors, making the indoor climate an important and significant part of their health and well-being, especially for younger people. The purpose of this report is to investigate and compare the indoor climate of two preschools in Hallsbergs Municipality, Äppellunden and Kompassen, with the following questions: - How is the indoor climate of Preschool Kompassen perceived in relation to measurements of the indoor climate? - How is the indoor climate of Preschool Äppellunden perceived in relation to measurements of the indoor climate? - How do the perceived indoor climate and measurements of indoor climate compare between the two preschools regarding operative temperature, air quality, air velocity and humidity? The study was conducted over a limited period and only examined the rooms in the preschool where the children are continuously present. The study does not consider factors such as noise, light, and smell. The indoor climate was studied through a survey sent to all educators at the two preschools and complemented by independent measurements of air quality and temperature. The two preschools are fundamentally very different Äppellunden is a newly built preschool from 2019, while Kompassen is an industrial building from 1981 that was converted to a preschool in 2014. Indoor climate is influenced by many different factors that all need to work together. This includes ventilation, whose main function is to remove polluted air and bring in fresh air. The indoor climate should also have a comfortable temperature, with requirements based on the operative temperature. The indoor air should not be too humid or too dry indoors, and people should not feel drafts. For all factors, there are requirements or guidelines that should be followed to establish a good indoor climate. Projects like BETSI and the ELIB survey have previously conducted nationwide studies on indoor climate. To investigate how the indoor climate is perceived at the preschools, a survey about the indoor climate was sent to the educators. In the same preschools, measurements of mean radiant temperature, air temperature, relative humidity, and carbon dioxide levels were taken, and the operative temperature calculated. This was done in one room per department and at four points in each room. Overall, the measurements showed that the preschools have a good indoor climate; however, they both have dry indoor air. Previous studies have shown that dry air often becomes a larger problem in big buildings. This was a study on multi-family houses, but some parallels to the preschools can still be drawn. From the survey, it was found that the educators mainly had problems with a varying room temperature at Äppellunden. This may be due to Äppellunden having a ventilation system with varying air flow. Kompassen mainly suffered from dry air, varying room temperature, and a feeling of stale air. All measurements performed met the requirements and recommendations from authorities, except for one measurement at Kompassen.
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Compact Sensors for Evaluation the Thermal Comfort / Compact Sensors for Evaluation the Thermal ComfortKazkaz, Mohammad January 2017 (has links)
Teplota vzduchu je nejčastěji používaná k posouzení tepelného stavu vnitřního prostředí. Avšak teplota vzduchu sama o sobě, je v mnoha případech pro toto posouzení nedostatečná. Hlavním cílem disertační práce je vyhodnotit tepelný stav vnitřního prostředí a specifikovat parametry, které na něj mají vliv. Teplota vzduchu, střední radiantní teplota, rychlost vzduchu a vlhkost vzduchu jsou čtyři základní parametry, které určují tepelný stav vnitřního prostředí. Vzhledem k tomu, že tepelný stav prostředí závisí na mnoha aspektech, byly odvozeny veličiny, které zahrnují kombinovaný účinek několika nebo všech těchto parametrů k určení tepelného stavu prostředí. Jedná se např. o efektivní teplotu, teplotu kulového teploměru, operativní teplotu, ekvivalentní teplotu, PMV a PPD indexy... aj. V dnešní době existuje spousta vysoce přesných senzorů, které mohou zhodnotit tepelný stav vnitřního prostředí. Z důvodu jejich vysoké ceny jsou používané převážně pro účely výzkumu. Předkládaná práce se převážně soustředí na vývoj kompaktního deskového senzoru pro vyhodnocení tepelného stavu vnitřního prostředí. Zaměřuje se hlavně na nízkou cenu senzoru společně s dostatečnou přesností. K dosažení cíle této práce jsou provedeny následující postupy: • Analýza environmentálních faktorů ovlivňujících tepelný stav prostředí. • Studium dopadu teploty vzduchu, střední radiantní teploty a rychlosti proudění vzduchu na tepelné indexy: teplotu kulového teploměru a operativní teplotu. • Teoretické porovnání teploty kulového teploměru a operativní teploty. • Navržení, rozvoj a konstrukce nového deskového senzoru pro posouzení tepelného stavu vnitřního prostředí. • Navržení a konstrukce testovací komory pro porovnávání senzorů tepelného stavu prostředí. • Kalibrace zkonstruovaného senzoru měřením fyzikálních veličin charakterizujících tepelný stav prostředí. • Testy směrové závislosti vyvinutého deskového senzoru a porovnání s kulovým teploměrem v testovací komoře. • Srovnání teoretických řešení s provedenými měřeními v testovací komoře. Výsledkem této práce je vlastní teoretické srovnání teploty kulového teploměru a operativní teploty ve vybraném rozsahu teploty vzduchu, střední radiantní teploty a rychlosti vzduchu pro možnost hodnocení tepelného stavu vnitřního prostředí pomocí kulového teploměru. Hlavním výstupem je však navržení a zhotovení jednoduchého deskového senzoru, který by byl dostatečně přesný pro měření tepelného stavu prostředí. V rámci disertace byla postavena také testovací komora a bylo provedeno testování vyvinutého senzoru pomocí měřicího systému INNOVA.
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Energetická certifikace systémů větrání a klimatizace v budovách / Energy valuation of systems of ventilation and air-conditioningPíšová, Petra Unknown Date (has links)
The main theme of dissertation theses is systems of ventilation and air-condition used in buildings. Work consists of analyse of this systems and parameters of indoor clime whose are affected by them. It summarizes demands on the process of calculation the energy efficiency of the building services by actual legislative. On one chosen type of building is done the energy simulation of implemented systems of ventilation and air-condition by energy efficiency and their specific need of energy.
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