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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organisationale Fähigkeiten des öffentlichen Sektors : zur Übertragbarkeit der Capability Based View auf die Öffentliche Verwaltung / Organizational capabilties in the public sector : In how far is the capability based view a fruitful approach to public administration?

Kramer, Ansgar January 2012 (has links)
Die Arbeit geht der Frage nach inwiefern die Capability Based View (CBV) einen Erklärungsbeitrag für die Verwaltungsforschung leisten kann. Dazu unterzieht sie die CBV einer kritischen Betrachtung und benennt die wichtigsten Merkmale dieses – nach wie vor unscharfen – Konzepts mit Bezug zum öffentlichen Sektor. Sie zeigt Parallelen von Ansätzen und Ergebnissen der Verwaltungsforschung zur CBV auf und stellt ihre generelle Verwendbarkeit in diesem Kontext fest. Ebenso diagnostiziert sie jedoch signifikanten Verbesserungsbedarf hinsichtlich der Klarheit des Konzepts. Eine Fokussierung auf den öffentlichen Sektor verspricht eher eine Konsolidierung und Weiterentwicklung der CBV als deren Erforschung im Privatsektor, da das multidimensionale und mehrstufige Verständnis von Performance im öffentlichen Sektor deutlich besser zur Wirkungslogik der CBV passt. Die Arbeit schließt mit einer Forschungsagenda, welche die wichtigsten Fragen zur Weiterentwicklung aufzeigt, und dem Appell für mehr qualitative empirische Forschung in diesem neuen Feld des Public Managements. / The paper explores the explanatory potential of the Capability Based View (CBV) for research on public administrations. It does so by re-examining the – up till now – rather vague concept and sharpening it with a focus on the public sector. Parallels are drawn between the central propositions of the CBV and findings in public administration research. The focus lies on the link between capabilities and performance. Here, special attention is paid to the nexus between capabilities and performance, which originally fueled the interest in the CBV. It is concluded that the CBV is generally a fruitful approach for public administration research, yet with significant shortcomings in respect to its consolidation and clarity. The explanatory power of the CBV could actually be enhanced by applying it to the public sector: the multidimensional and -level understanding of performance in public sector organizations seems to match the propositions of the CBV far better than the one commonly used to evaluate performance in the private sector. The paper concludes with a research agenda summarizing the most important questions and a call for more qualitative empirical research in this emerging field within public management.

Organizational resources, industry membership, and firm performance: the role of capability formation and use in value creation for IPO-stage new ventures

Holcomb, Timothy R. 02 June 2009 (has links)
A widely held belief is that resource constraints and industry conditions pose severe threats to the performance of entrepreneurial firms. While previous research links resources controlled by these firms to different performance outcomes, extant research on organizational performance often assumes away contextual differences in the allocation of scarce resources by firms to develop and leverage different organizational capabilities. Further, no research has explored the performance implications of resource use, especially for new ventures. The purpose of this study is to bring capabilities to the foreground in the examination of organizational performance for new ventures following an initial public offering (IPO). Building from resource-based theory and contingency theory, I examine the indirect (through capability formation and use) effects that occur within the ‘black box’ between resources and performance for a sample of entrepreneurial firms undertaking an IPO. New theory is offered to explain the formation and performance outcomes of two configurations of organizational capabilities: market-managing capabilities and market-creating capabilities. Human capital is considered, bringing agency into theory explaining capability formation and use. Further, I consider how underlying routines allow resources to be managed for greater value across different industries—conditions that make resources valuable in some contexts and not in others. I find that resource endowments at IPO affect the formation and use of organizational capabilities and that this relationship varies across different industry contexts. Further, I find support for the indirect effect of resources on performance outcomes through capability formation and use. More specifically, I find that adjustments to the configuration of organizational capabilities affect performance prospects over time. Results confirm that capability configurations compete for scarce resources, necessitating tradeoffs in allocation decisions between them. I also find that industry conditions moderate this relationship. By employing an integrative, multidisciplinary approach, this dissertation extends research on the performance effects of resource endowments and capability formation and use for entrepreneurial firms. Further, it contributes to growing research on IPO firms in strategic management and entrepreneurship, especially theoretical and empirical research examining the different firm and industry conditions that affect organizational performance during the period following a firm’s transition into the public arena.

Managing offshoring of complex products : Strategy and capabilities

Edoff, Petra January 2014 (has links)
Offshoring is a hot topic in the industrial and academic community over the last few years, evolving from a focus on manufacturing to product development and R&D. Offshoring refers to the process of sourcing and coordinating tasks across national borders and can include both in-house and outsourced activities performed by a supplier. There is a lot of research guiding the decision of what, where and how to offshore, but research on how to implement offshoring strategies is rare. The purpose of this dissertation is to contribute to the knowledge on how companies deal with offshoring in practice, relating to strategy, planning and routines. It discusses what type of capabilities that is needed to gain the benefits of offshoring implementations. The research builds on case studies from two multinational companies offshoring product development from Sweden to captive and offshore development centres in India and China through a series of interviews, review of business documentation and other types of active engagements over time. This research highlights how the development and implementation of offshoring can be better understood by focusing on the middle management in the organization and how they relate to the top management directives when implementing an offshoring strategy.  The thesis contributes to existing theory by explaining offshoring as a process, situated in a certain context and time. It defines key routines and capabilities needed to facilitate offshoring of complex product systems. Including context, timing and sequence when analysing offshoring help explain why some organizations fail to implement offshoring initiatives. The companies had an iterative learning process to deal with offshoring, and inclusion of all levels in an organization was highlighted as a key success factor for the implementation of offshoring. The results extend current understanding of offshoring of complex products to Asia and provide useful guidelines for managers on the key issues they need to consider. / Effective outsourcing/offshoring of research, development and engineering

Mode of Entry into Foreign Markets : a Study of Antecedents and Performance Associations

Pehrsson, Tobias January 2014 (has links)
Export is an important strategy for firms to grow, yet researchers tend to ignore how firms can exploit and develop their resource-based capabilities to improve export performance. Building on the Organizational Capability (OC) perspective, this study develops a novel approach on ways to improve export performance. Cross-sectional empirical data regarding Swedish firms were collected and analyzed in a number of ways, including application of multi-variate techniques. The study identifies associations between mode of entering a foreign market and the firm’s level of market orientation (MO) capabilities and entrepreneurial orientation (EO) capabilities. Entry modes include wholly-owned subsidiaries and collaborations with other firms. Also, the study shows that the associations are contingent on the institutional distance between the home market and the host market. Problems due to endogeneity are avoided as an association is established between a mode that is aligned with the capabilities and performance. The study found that firms possessing extensive MO and EO capabilities select a wholly-owned subsidiary. The analysis also shows that the institutional distance between Sweden and the export market moderates this association; greater distance favors collaboration with local partners. Moreover, aligning the selection of entry mode with firm-level MO and EO capabilities and institutional distance yields higher post-entry performance.

Regional institutions and organizational capabilities : an analysis of the solar PV industry in Jiangsu and Shandong Regions in China

Wang, Yue January 2015 (has links)
Studying organizational capabilities from the perspective of national institutions has been widely adopted in high tech industries in developed countries, but scarcely in developing countries. This research applies this framework into China to study the solar PV industry, but at the regional level. The solar PV industry in China has strongly developed in the global market in recent years, having been the biggest solar PV producer since 2007. However, there are contrast regional differences in the solar PV industry development between Jiangsu and Shandong. The solar PV producers in Jiangsu have stronger organizational capabilities to perform well compared to those in Shandong. Thus this research adopts the framework to explore the influence of regional institutions (the role of regional government, financial systems, inter-firm relations and education and labor systems) in building organizational capabilities (R&D capabilities in technology, capabilities in finance, managerial coordination and human resources) in solar PV industry in Jiangsu and Shandong regions. Comparative case studies are adopted in my research and the research has investigated six solar PV companies and several associated organizations. It is concluded that different regional institutions have different influences (to promote or hinder) in building organizational capabilities in the solar PV industry. Compared to Shandong, the regional institutions in Jiangsu can help solar PV companies to build organizational capabilities. The research findings indicate the importance of regional institutions in China.

Capacidades organizacionais para a inovação frugal / Organizational capabilities for frugal innovation

Silva, Itiel Moraes da 03 May 2018 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, novos tipos de inovação surgiram nos mercados emergentes. Dentre eles, o conceito de inovação frugal vem chamando atenção de acadêmicos e profissionais por sua proposta de valor. A inovação frugal vem sendo considerada uma nova fonte de inovações, porém poucos trabalhos acadêmicos discutem o assunto de forma robusta. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal averiguar a associação entre determinadas capacidades organizações que auxiliam no desenvolvimento da inovação frugal. Antes dessa associação, foi necessário demostrar como o conceito de inovação frugal pode ser mensurado. Neste estudo a inovação frugal é um construto endógeno de segunda ordem que manifesta o novo por menos medido reflexivamente, pela: inovação em custo, inovação sustentável, inovação aberta e inovação em produto. As capacidades organizacionais, são os construtos exógenos definidas em termos de: capacidade de produção, capacidade tecnológica, capacidade de capital humano e capacidade de marketing. Alguma dessas capacidades, foram consideradas como sendo de primeira e segunda ordem. Com o intuito de verificar a relação entre os construtos definidos, os procedimentos metodológicos adotados nesta pesquisa podem ser classificados como do tipo formal, descritivo e associativo, positivista e de natureza quantitativa. Para coleta dos dados, método de pesquisa adotado foi o survey classificado como interseccional. A amostra coletada é composta por 257 empresas brasileiras de diferentes setores e tamanhos. O processo de análise da amostra e consistência dos dados coletados consistiu do uso de técnicas estatísticas de análise univariada e multivariada. O uso de Análise de Equações Estruturais pelo método dos mínimos quadrados parciais (Partial Least Square - PLS) mostrou-se mais adequada para estimação dos parâmetros do modelo. Os resultados empíricos demonstraram que inovação frugal é uma estratégia que combina eficiência em custos e inovação. A inovação frugal pode contribuir para uma gestão mais adequada dos recursos ambientais não renováveis quando orientada para sustentabilidade. A análise dos resultados, demonstrou que das oito hipóteses levantadas, apenas duas hipóteses não foram suportadas. As capacidades de capital humano e marketing de primeira ordem não foram associadas a formação da inovação frugal. As demais capacidades utilizadas na pesquisa se mostraram associadas ao modelo proposto. / In recent years, new types of innovation have emerged in emerging markets. Among them, the concept of frugal innovation has attracted the attention of academics and professionals for its value proposition. Frugal innovation has been considered a new source of innovation, but few scholarly papers discuss the subject in a robust way. This research aims to ascertain the association between certain organizational capabilities that help in the development of the frugal innovation. Prior to this association, it was necessary to demonstrate how the concept of frugal innovation can be measured. In this study, frugal innovation is an endogenous construct of the second order, which manifests the new with fewer resources, reflexively measured by: innovation in cost, sustainable innovation, open innovation and product innovation. Organizational capabilities are the exogenous constructs defined in terms of: production capability, technological capability, human capital capability and marketing capability. These capabilities were considered to be first and second order. To verify the relationship between the defined constructs, the methodological procedures adopted in this research can be classified as formal, descriptive and associative, positivistic and quantitative in nature. For the data collection, the survey method adopted was the survey classified as intersectional. The data were collected is composed of 257 Brazilian companies of different sectors and sizes. The process of sample analysis and consistency of data collected consisted of the use of statistical techniques of univariate and multivariate analysis. The use of Structural Equation Analysis using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method was more adequate for estimation of model parameters. The results have shown that frugal innovation is a strategy that combines cost efficiency and innovation. Frugal innovation can contribute to a better management of non-renewable environmental resources when oriented towards sustainability. The analysis of the results, showed that of the eight hypotheses raised, only two hypotheses were not supported. Human capital and first-order marketing capabilities were not associated with the formation of frugal innovation. The other capabilities used in the research were shown to be associated to the proposed model.

Análisis del Comportamiento Exportador de la Empresa Española desde el Enfoque de los Recursos y Capacidades

Monreal Pérez, Joaquín 23 October 2009 (has links)
Este trabajo, con base en la teoría de los recursos y capacidades, analiza el comportamiento exportador de la empresa española. Con este fin, se estudian las capacidades organizacionales de 1115 empresas exportadoras del sector manufacturero. Los resultados del análisis empírico muestran que el control directivo de las operaciones de exportación, la tecnología de fabricación, la calidad del producto y la adaptación del producto son capacidades que influyen positivamente en la actividad exportadora de la empresa. El alto poder explicativo del modelo planteado nos lleva a concluir la gran importancia estratégica de las capacidades organizacionales a la hora de determinar el desempeño exportador de la empresa. / This paper, based on the resources and capabilities theory, analyzes the export behavior of the Spanish firm. To this end, the organizational capabilities of 1115 manufacturing exporters are studied. The empirical results show that several capabilities -the export operations management control, the manufacturing technology, the product quality and the product adaptation- positively influence the export behavior of the firm. The high explanatory power of the raised model takes us to conclude the great strategic importance of the organizational capabilities when determining the export performance of the firm.

Capacidades organizacionais para a inovação frugal / Organizational capabilities for frugal innovation

Itiel Moraes da Silva 03 May 2018 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, novos tipos de inovação surgiram nos mercados emergentes. Dentre eles, o conceito de inovação frugal vem chamando atenção de acadêmicos e profissionais por sua proposta de valor. A inovação frugal vem sendo considerada uma nova fonte de inovações, porém poucos trabalhos acadêmicos discutem o assunto de forma robusta. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal averiguar a associação entre determinadas capacidades organizações que auxiliam no desenvolvimento da inovação frugal. Antes dessa associação, foi necessário demostrar como o conceito de inovação frugal pode ser mensurado. Neste estudo a inovação frugal é um construto endógeno de segunda ordem que manifesta o novo por menos medido reflexivamente, pela: inovação em custo, inovação sustentável, inovação aberta e inovação em produto. As capacidades organizacionais, são os construtos exógenos definidas em termos de: capacidade de produção, capacidade tecnológica, capacidade de capital humano e capacidade de marketing. Alguma dessas capacidades, foram consideradas como sendo de primeira e segunda ordem. Com o intuito de verificar a relação entre os construtos definidos, os procedimentos metodológicos adotados nesta pesquisa podem ser classificados como do tipo formal, descritivo e associativo, positivista e de natureza quantitativa. Para coleta dos dados, método de pesquisa adotado foi o survey classificado como interseccional. A amostra coletada é composta por 257 empresas brasileiras de diferentes setores e tamanhos. O processo de análise da amostra e consistência dos dados coletados consistiu do uso de técnicas estatísticas de análise univariada e multivariada. O uso de Análise de Equações Estruturais pelo método dos mínimos quadrados parciais (Partial Least Square - PLS) mostrou-se mais adequada para estimação dos parâmetros do modelo. Os resultados empíricos demonstraram que inovação frugal é uma estratégia que combina eficiência em custos e inovação. A inovação frugal pode contribuir para uma gestão mais adequada dos recursos ambientais não renováveis quando orientada para sustentabilidade. A análise dos resultados, demonstrou que das oito hipóteses levantadas, apenas duas hipóteses não foram suportadas. As capacidades de capital humano e marketing de primeira ordem não foram associadas a formação da inovação frugal. As demais capacidades utilizadas na pesquisa se mostraram associadas ao modelo proposto. / In recent years, new types of innovation have emerged in emerging markets. Among them, the concept of frugal innovation has attracted the attention of academics and professionals for its value proposition. Frugal innovation has been considered a new source of innovation, but few scholarly papers discuss the subject in a robust way. This research aims to ascertain the association between certain organizational capabilities that help in the development of the frugal innovation. Prior to this association, it was necessary to demonstrate how the concept of frugal innovation can be measured. In this study, frugal innovation is an endogenous construct of the second order, which manifests the new with fewer resources, reflexively measured by: innovation in cost, sustainable innovation, open innovation and product innovation. Organizational capabilities are the exogenous constructs defined in terms of: production capability, technological capability, human capital capability and marketing capability. These capabilities were considered to be first and second order. To verify the relationship between the defined constructs, the methodological procedures adopted in this research can be classified as formal, descriptive and associative, positivistic and quantitative in nature. For the data collection, the survey method adopted was the survey classified as intersectional. The data were collected is composed of 257 Brazilian companies of different sectors and sizes. The process of sample analysis and consistency of data collected consisted of the use of statistical techniques of univariate and multivariate analysis. The use of Structural Equation Analysis using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method was more adequate for estimation of model parameters. The results have shown that frugal innovation is a strategy that combines cost efficiency and innovation. Frugal innovation can contribute to a better management of non-renewable environmental resources when oriented towards sustainability. The analysis of the results, showed that of the eight hypotheses raised, only two hypotheses were not supported. Human capital and first-order marketing capabilities were not associated with the formation of frugal innovation. The other capabilities used in the research were shown to be associated to the proposed model.

Building Big Data Analytics as a Strategic Capability in Industrial Firms:Firm Level Capabilities and Project Level Practices

Alexander, Dijo T. 29 January 2019 (has links)
No description available.


Little, Duane Kirk January 2019 (has links)
According to the United States Government’s Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS), in 2016 the Government awarded contracts worth over $472 billion. While the majority of these contracts were for products, the Government spends an average of over $76 billion per year on professional services. Roughly 28 percent of these funds go to small businesses, as classified by the Small Business Administration. Supporting Government contractors, several firms provide nearly complete market information on Federal Business (FedBiz) contract opportunities through Data as a Service (DaaS) offerings. Such services create a unique environment where nearly complete information about upcoming opportunities is available to anyone for a price. Businesses need to understand the value of such data services and ask questions about how best to use them. This gives businesses a very unique information resource in a very unique market and should cause firms to adapt by developing new and different ways to become more profitable. The goal of this research is to provide conceptual insights into the impact of FedBiz DaaS on the Government marketplace itself and on the resource mix of Government contractors. The results of this research show that businesses that adopt FedBiz DaaS increase revenue and win more contracts. Implementation of FedBiz DaaS resources leads to an improved Competitive Position for a company; changes to staffing, roles, and processes for a company’s Organizational Capabilities; and changes to the Competitive Intensity of the overall marketplace. / Business Administration/Strategic Management

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