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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bioprospecção de biomoléculas isoladas de fungos endofíticos de Combretum leprosum do bioma Caatinga / Bioprospection of biomolecule isolated from endophytic fungal of Combretum leprosum from Caatinga biome

Suikinai Nobre Santos 03 September 2012 (has links)
Os micro-organismos que habitam o interior das plantas (endofíticos ou endófitos) tornaram-se foco de interesse por estarem envolvidos na produção de compostos químicos como enzimas, alcalóides, antibióticos, anticancerígenas e diferentes metabólitos. Os ecossistemas de regiões tropicais tem sido alvo de busca de compostos naturais por causa da riqueza de espécies e nichos ecológicos presentes nestas comunidades. O objetivo deste trabalho o isolamento, identificação e a bioprospecção de fungos endofíticos obtidos de Combretum leprosum e a detecção nos extratos de planta e micro-organismos da presença do composto combretastatin (CA4). Folhas, galhos, frutos e raízes de C. leprosum foram coletados de cinco estados dentro da zona de semiárido brasileiro: Bahia, Piauí, Ceará, Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte. Partes das amostras foram triturados e submetidos à maceração primeiramente em diclorometano, seguidos de tetrahidrofurano e acetona de acordo com Pettit et al.(1987) para possível extração da CA4. Além disso, para avaliação in vitro da atividade citotóxica e antimicrobiana foram realizadas extrações em acetato de etila, clorofórmio e metanol. Foram detectados a possível presença da CA4 em todos os órgãos das plantas extraídos com tetrahidrofurano e as maiores concentrações foram observadas nas folhas. A atividade antitumoral dos extratos vegetais apresentaram as maiores inibições contra carcinoma (ovário IC50 10µg/mL-1, rim IC50 8,7µg/mL-1 e mama IC50 14,1µg/mL-1) e glioma.IC50 13,5µg/mL-1. A outra parte das amostras (folhas, caules e raízes) foram desinfetadas, fragmentadas e colocadas em meios de cultivo (Martin, BDA, Agar água) por 60 dias, 28°C. Foram isolados 405 fungos endofíticos e 159 apresentaram atividade contra fitopatogênicos, 72% para Rhizoctonia solani e 28% para Pythium aphanidermatum. As vinte e três linhagens que apresentaram as melhores atividades antifitopatogênicas foram submetidas a crescimento em Czapec em cultura estacionaria, por 30 dias, a 28°C, os respectivos metabólitos foram obtidos em múltiplo (3.0 e 11.0) e avaliados a atividade antimicrobiana contra bactérias patogênicas e fungos. Quatro linhagens foram selecionadas, identificadas pelo sequenciamento da região 18S, CFE177 como Fusarium oxysporum, CFE03 como Hypocrea koningii, linhagem CFE108 como Aspesgillus oryzae e CFE391 como Fusarium solani e avaliadas in vitro pelos testes biológicos: atividade antitumoral, antioxidante e antimicobactéria. Os compostos produzidos por A. oryzae CFE108 apresentaram potencial para bioprospecção, e de acordo com as atividade citotóxicas as maiores ações foram contra as linhagens linfoma histiocística (J744), mieloma murino (B16F10) e baixa citotóxidade para carcinoma de bexiga (ECV304) e leucemia eritroblástica humana (k562) na concentração de 1mg/mL-1. Foram isolados dois compostos: SS-XL-32-01 identificado como bis-(2-etilhexil) ftalato (DEHP) e SS-XL-20-1 identificado como fenol, 2.2 metilenobis[6-(1,1-dimetiletil)-4- etil], ambos com atividade anticâncer para células HeLa com percentual de ate 98% e 71%, de morte, respectivamente. Alem disso, a modificação através da reação de metilação do composto SS-XL-32-1 resultou na quebra do anel aromático, formação de 4 subprodutos e perda da atividade, sendo um indicativo do sitio ativo da molécula responsável pela atividade observada. Portanto, fungos endofíticos de 18 plantas do semiárido brasileiro podem ser considerados fonte de bioprospecção para novas moléculas bioativas com atividade antitumoral. / The micro-organisms that reside in the aerial tissues and roots of plants (endophytic or endophyte) became the focus of interest for being involved in the chemical production such as enzymes, alkaloids, antibiotics, anticancer and different metabolites. The ecosystems of tropical region have been targeted search of natural compounds because of the richness of species and ecological niches present in these communities. The aim of this work was the isolation, identification and bioprospection for endophytic fungi from Combretum leprosum and detection in extracts of the plant and micro-organisms for the presence of the combretastatin (CA4). Leaves, stems, fruits and roots of C. leprosum were collected from five states within the semi-arid zone of Brazil: Bahia, Piaui, Ceara, Paraiba, Rio Grande do Norte. Part of the samples were crushed and subjected to maceration in dichloromethane, followed by tetrahydrofuran and acetone according to Pettit et al. (1987) for extracting the possible CA4. Moreover, for in vitro evaluation of the cytotoxic and antimicrobial activity extractions were carried out in ethyl acetate, chloroform and methanol. Were detected the possible presence of CA4 all plant organs extracted with tetrahydrofuran and the highest concentrations were observed on the leaves. The antitumor activity of plant extracts showed the highest inhibition against carcinoma (ovary IC50 10µg/mL-1, kidney IC50 8.7 µg/mL-1 and breast IC50 14.1 µg/mL-1) glioma IC50 and 13.5 mg-/mL-1. The other part of the samples (leaves, stems and roots) were disinfected, fragmented and placed in culture media (Martin, PDA, water agar) for 60 days, 28°C. 405 Endophytic fungi were isolated and 159 showed activity against phytopathogenic, 72% for Rhizoctonia solani and 28% for Pythium aphanidermatum. Twenty-three strains that showed good activities antiphytopathogenic, were grow on medium Czapec in static culture, for 30 days at 28°C, the respective metabolites were obtained in multiples pH (3.0 and 11.0) and evaluated the antimicrobial activity against pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Four strains were selected, identified by sequencing the 18S region, CFE177 as Fusarium oxysporum, CFE03 as Hypocrea koningii, strain CFE108 as Aspesgillus oryzae and CFE391 Fusarium solani, and evaluated by in vitro biological tests: antitumor, antioxidant and antimicobactérium activity. The compounds produced by A. oryzae CFE108 had biological potential and in accordance with the cytotoxic activity, showed the highest activities against lymphoma lines (J744), murine myeloma (B16F10) and low cytotoxicity for carcinoma of the bladder (ECV304) and leukemia erythroblastic human (K562) in 1mg/mL-1 concentration. Two compounds were isolated: SS-XL-32- 01 identified as bis-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), and SS-XL-20-1 as phenol 2.2methylenobis [6-(1,1-dimethylethyl) - 4-ethyl], both with anticancer activity for HeLa cells with a percentage of up to 98% and 71%, of death, respectively. In addition, modified by methylation reaction of the compound SS-XL-32-1 resulted in the breaking of the aromatic ring and result in formation of four product and loss of activity being indicative of the active site of the molecule can be the aromatic ring. Therefore, endophytic fungi in semiarid Brazil plant can be considered a source of bioprospection for new bioactive molecules with anticancer activity.

Functional Analysis of the MAP kinase Mps1 pathway and its downstream targets in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae / Analyse fonctionnelle de la voie MAP kinase Mps1 et ses cibles chez le champignon Magnaporthe oryzae

Grund, Elisabeth 02 June 2015 (has links)
Nous avons étudié la voie MAPK Mps1/Slt2 du champignon pathogène du riz Magnaporthe Oryzae. Chez la levure, Slt2 active les facteurs de transcription Rlm1, Swi4 et Swi6. Nous avons identifié le gène orthologue de ScSWI4 chez M. oryzae et étudié les rôles de Mps1, Rlm1, Swi4 et Swi6 en comparant les phénotypes de leurs mutants nuls. Δmps1, Δswi4, Δswi6 ont le même défaut de mélanisation, tandis que Δmps1 et Δrlm1 sont déficients pour la sporulation. L'absence d'hyphes aériens et d'hydrophobicité du mycélium sont des phénotypes spécifiques de Δmps1, tandis qu'une réduction de croissance est associée spécifiquement à Δswi4 et Δswi6. Aucun de ces mutants ne présente une hypersensibilité aux enzymes de dégradation de la paroi (EDPs) et aux inhibiteurs de la paroi (aculeacine A, nikkomycin Z, calcofluor white : CFW). La pathogénie de Δswi4 est réduite, tandis que celle de Δswi6 est similaire à la souche sauvage. Δmps1 et Δrlm1 sont non pathogènes. La transcriptomique comparative de la souche sauvage, Δmps1, Δrlm1 et Δswi4 montre qu'il n'existe qu'un petit nombre de gènes sur- ou sous- exprimés chez ces mutants, le nombre maximal étant observée entre Δmps1 et Δswi4. Le gène AGS1 encodant l'alpha-1, 3-glucane synthase, une cible supposée de Mps1, n'est ni sur- ni sous-exprimé chez ces mutants. La souche sauvage et Δmps1 ont la même sensibilité aux EDPs et au CFW à pH6. Cependant, à pH5, la souche sauvage devient résistante aux EDPs et au CFW à pH6. Cependant, à pH5, la souche sauvage devient résistante aux EDPs et au CFW, tandis que Δmps1 perd cette résistance, suggérant qu'elle nécessite Mps1. Notre étude montre que la voie MAPK Mps1 joue un rôle important dans plusieurs processus biologiques de M. oryzae et précise quels sont les cibles / We have studied the Mps1/Slt2 MAPK signalling pathway in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. In yeast, Slt2 activates the transcription factors Rlm1, Swi4 and Swi6. We have identified the M. oryzae gene orthologous to ScSWI4 and studied the roles of Mps1, Rlm1, Swi4 and Swi6 in M. oryzae by comparing the phenotypes of their null mutants. Δmps1, Δswi4, Δswi6 displayed the same defects in melanisation, while Δmps1 and Δrlm1 are defective in sporulation. Loss of aerial hyphae formation and mycelium hydrophobicity are phenotypes specific of Δmps1, while reduced growth is a specific phenotype of Δswi4 and Δswi6. None of these mutants displayed an increased sensitivity against cell wall degrading enzymes (CWDEs) and cell wall inhibitors (aculeacine A, nikkomycin Z, calcofluor white : CFW). Pathogenicity was reduced in Δswi4, while Δswi6 was as pathogenic as WT. Δmps1 and Δrlm1 were non-pathogenic. Comparative transcriptomic of WT, Δmps1, Δrlm1 and Δswi4 highlighted only a limited number of genes up- and down-regulated in these mutants, with the largest number observed between Δmps1 and Δswi4. The alpha-1,3-glucan synthase encoding gene AGS1, a suggested Mps1 target, was not up- nor down-regulated in these mutants. WT and Δmps1 have a similar sensitivity to CWDE and CFW at pH6. However, at pH5, WT displays a resistance to CWDEs and CFW, while Δmps1 loses this pH5 induced resistance, suggesting it requires the Mps1 pathway. This work shows that Mps1 MAPK pathway has an important role in different M. oryzae biological processes and provides new insights on its transcriptional targets

Étude des bases moléculaires de la reconnaissance de l’effecteur fongique AVR-Pia par le récepteur immunitaire du riz RGA5 / Study of the molecular basis of recognition of the fungal effector AVR-Pia by the rice immune receptor RGA5

Ortiz, Diana 07 November 2016 (has links)
Les maladies des plantes causées par les champignons sont un problème majeur en agriculture. Pour les contrôler, les gènes de résistance (R) qui permettent de développer des variétés de plantes résistantes sont des éléments clés. La majorité des gènes R codent pour des protéines NLRs caractérisées par la présence d'un domaine de liaison aux nucléotides (NB-ARC) et un domaine de répétitions riches en leucines (LRR). Ces protéines agissent comme des récepteurs immunitaires intracellulaires et reconnaissent des facteurs de virulence des agents pathogènes appelés effecteurs. Les champignons phytopathogènes possèdent de vastes répertoires d'effecteurs qui contiennent centaines de protéines sécrétés, de petites tailles et sans similarités de séquence entre elles.La première question abordée dans ma thèse concerne l’origine de l'immense diversité des effecteurs fongiques. Une analyse structurale a identifié une famille d’effecteurs de séquences différentes mais qui possèdent une structure conservée. Cette famille a été appelée MAX-effectors (Magnaporthe Avrs and ToxB like) et elle est particulièrement importante chez Magnaporthe oryzae, l'agent causal de la pyriculariose du riz. Par des analyses d'expression, j'ai confirmé que la majorité des effecteurs MAX de M. oryzae sont spécifiquement exprimés durant la phase précoce de l'infection, suggérant une fonction importante durant la colonisation de la plante. Les effecteurs MAX constituent la première famille d'effecteurs fongiques définis par leur structure. Cette étude apporte donc de nouvelles pistes pour l'identification d'effecteurs chez les champignons et contribue à une meilleure compréhension de l'évolution des effecteurs. En effet, le scénario observé chez les effecteurs MAX suggère que beaucoup d’effecteurs fongiques appartiennent à un nombre restreint de familles d'effecteurs définies par leur structure. La seconde question que j’ai abordée durant ma thèse est le mécanisme moléculaire de la reconnaissance des effecteurs par les NLRs. J'ai abordé cette question en étudiant la reconnaissance de l'effecteur AVR-Pia par le couple de NLRs RGA4/RGA5. Des travaux précédents ont montré que RGA5 agit comme récepteur et se lie directement à AVR-Pia tandis que RGA4 agit comme élément de signalisation constitutivement actif, qui, en absence de l’agent pathogène, est réprimé par RGA5. Un domaine de RGA5, normalement absent chez les protéines NLR et similaire à la chaperonne du cuivre ATX1 (domaine RATX1), interagit physiquement avec AVR-Pia. Il a été suggéré que ce domaine RATX1 puisse agir comme un leurre de la cible de virulence d’AVR-Pia. Ce leurre, intégré dans la structure de RGA5, permettrait de « piéger » l’effecteur par interaction directe et jouerait donc un rôle crucial dans sa reconnaissance spécifique. Grâce à une analyse structurale détaillée d’AVR-Pia j’ai pu confirmer le rôle central de l'interaction AVR-Pia-RATX1 dans la reconnaissance de cet effecteur ce qui conforte le modèle du « leurre intégré ». De plus, j’ai caractérisé la surface d'interaction avec laquelle AVR-Pia lie le domaine RATX1. De plus, j'ai détecté des interactions entre AVR-Pia et d'autres parties de RGA5, indépendantes du domaine RATX1, notamment les domaines NB-ARC et LRR. Ceci a permis de développer un modèle qui explique comment la liaison d’un effecteur à un récepteur NLR comportant un leurre intégré par différentes interactions indépendantes conduit à une reconnaissance très sensible et spécifique qui est peu affectée par des mutations ponctuelles de l’effecteur. En résumé, cette étude a produit des connaissances nouvelles sur la fonction des récepteurs des plantes de type NLRs et sur leur capacité à reconnaitre des effecteurs. Ceci contribue à une meilleure compréhension du système immunitaire des plantes, ce qui est un élément important pour l’obtention de cultures durablement résistantes aux maladies / Plant diseases caused by fungi constitute a worldwide threat to food security and disease resistance (R) genes that allow to breed resistant crops are key elements for efficient disease control. The vast majority of R genes code for NLR multi domain proteins characterized by nucleotide-binding and leucine-rich repeat domains and acting as intracellular immune receptors for pathogen-secreted virulence factors termed effectors. Phytopathogenic fungi possess huge effector repertoires that are dominated by hundreds of sequence-unrelated small secreted proteins. The first question I addressed in my PhD thesis is: how is the tremendous diversity of fungal effectors generated? A structural analysis had identified the family of sequence-unrelated but structurally conserved MAX-effectors (Magnaporthe Avrs and ToxB like) that has expanded specifically in Magnaporthe oryzae the causal agent of rice blast disease. By expression analysis, I confirmed that the majority of M. oryzae MAX-effectors are expressed specifically during early infection suggesting important functions during host colonization. MAX effectors are the first structurally defined family of effectors in fungi and this study gives therefore news clues for the identification of candidate effectors in fungi and constitutes a crucial step towards a better understanding of effector evolution. In fact, the scenario observed for MAX-effectors leads to the hypothesis that the enormous number of sequence-unrelated fungal effectors belong in fact to a restricted set of structurally conserved effector families.The second question I investigated in my PhD thesis is: what are the molecular mechanisms of effector recognition by NLR immune receptors? I addressed this question by studying recognition of the M. oryzae effector AVR-Pia by the rice NLR pair RGA4/RGA5. Previous work has shown that RGA5 acts as a receptor that binds directly to AVR-Pia while RGA4 acts as a constitutively active signaling protein that is, in the absence of pathogen, repressed by RGA5. This functional interaction involves formation of an RGA4/RGA5 receptor complex. By protein-protein interaction studies, I showed that complex formation involves interactions between the RA4 and RGA5 NB-ARC and LRR domains, in addition to previously identified interactions between the coiled-coil domains. AVR-Pia recognition seems not to induce dissociation of the RGA4/RGA5 complex but a ternary RGA4/RGA5/AVR-Pia complex could also not be detected consistently. How effector recognition is translated into receptor complex activation remains therefore to be elucidated in more detail in the future. Previous work has shown that a domain of RGA5 normally not present in NLRs and related to the copper chaperone ATX1 (RATX1 domain) interacts physically with AVR-Pia and may be crucial for effector recognition. The RATX1 domain was hypothesized to mimic the true host targets of AVR-Pia leading to the development of the ‘integrated decoy’ model that states that unconventional domains in NLRs act as decoys in the recognition of effector proteins. By detailed structure-informed analysis of AVR-Pia, I could confirm the pivotal role of the AVR-Pia-RATX1 interaction for effector recognition lending important support to the integrated decoy model. In addition, I could precisely characterize the interaction surface with which AVR-Pia binds to the RGA5 RATX1 domain. Finally, I detected interactions of AVR-Pia with other parts of RGA5, in particular the NB-ARC and the LRR domains. Based on these results, I developed a model that explains how such binding to several independent sites in NLRs leads to high overall affinity and robust effector recognition that is resilient to effector mutations. Taken together, this study provides important novel insight into NLR function and effector recognition and contributes by this to a better understanding of plant immunity which is crucial for generating durable disease resistance in crops.

In planta characterization of Magnaporthe oryzae biotrophy-associated secreted (BAS) proteins and key secretion components

Giraldo, Martha Cecilia January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Plant Pathology / Barbara S. Valent / Rice blast caused by the ascomycetous fungus Magnaporthe oryzae remains a threat to global sustainable agriculture and food security. This pathogen infects staple cereal crops such as rice, wheat, barley and millets, as well as turf grasses, in a distinct way among fungal plant pathogens, which we described in the first chapter. In addition to economical importance, rice blast is a model pathosystem for difficult-to-study biotrophic fungi and fungal-plant interactions. We are studying proteins that fungi secrete inside living cells to block plant defenses and control host cell processes; these proteins are called effectors. To date mechanisms for secretion and delivery of effectors inside host cells during disease establishment remain unknown. This step is critical to ensure the successful infection. So far, the only commonality found among all unique small-secreted blast effector proteins is their accumulation in a novel in planta structure called the biotrophic-interfacial complex (BIC). Identifying effectors and understanding how they function inside rice cells are important for attaining durable disease control. In the second chapter, we presented one approach to address this challenge. We characterized four candidate effector genes that were highly expressed specifically during the rice cell invasion. Using transgenic fungi that secrete fluorescently-labeled versions of each protein allowed me to follow them during invasion in vivo by live cell imaging. These candidates show distinct secretion patterns suggesting a spatially-segregated secretion mechanism for effectors. Results revealed a BIC-located strong candidate cytoplasmic blast effector, two putative cell-to-cell movement proteins and a putative extrainvasive hyphal membrane (EIHM)-matrix protein, which has become a valuable tool for assessing successful infection sites. In the third chapter, we test if normal secretion components of filamentous fungi are involved in accumulation of effectors into BICs. We report localization studies with M. oryzae orthologs of conserved secretion machinery components to investigate secretion mechanisms for effectors showing preferential BIC accumulation and for non-BIC proteins such as BAS4. Especially bright fluorescence adjacent to BICs from Mlc1p (Myosin Light Chain, a Spitzenkörper marker), from Snc1p (a secretory vesicle marker), and from Yup1p (a putative t-SNARE endosomal protein) suggest secretion actively occurs in the BIC-associated cells. Localization of Spa2p (a polarisome marker), as a distinct spot at the tips of the bulbous invasive hyphae (IH) in planta, suggests the existence of two secretion complexes after the fungus switches growth from the polarized filamentous primary hyphae to bulbous IH. In the final chapter on future perspectives, we present some strategies towards the molecular understanding of the M. oryzae secretion mechanism during biotrophic invasion, which will lead to novel strategies for disease control.

The role of cellular morphogenesis in the pathogenicity of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae

Dagdas, Yasin Fatih January 2013 (has links)
Appressorium-mediated plant infection is a common strategy used by many plant pathogenic fungi. Understanding the underlying genetic network that controls cellular differentiation of appressorium is therefore pivotal to design durable resistance strategies for these devastating pathogens. This thesis describes four published studies, which investigate the role of septin GTPases in infection and the role of secretion during plant tissue invasion by the rice blast pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae. Appressorium development involves a series of morphogenetic changes that are tightly regulated by cell cycle checkpoints. Entry into mitosis allows differentiation of an appressorium, while penetration peg emergence appears to require progression through subsequent cell cycle checkpoints and cytokinesis. The studies presented here show that symmetry-breaking events that occur during appressorium differentiation are mediated by scaffold proteins, named septins. Septin GTPases recruit actomyosin ring components during septation and define the site of cytokinesis. They also recruit a toroidal cortical F-actin network to the appressorium pore that provides cortical rigidity to facilitate plant infection. Septins act as diffusion barriers for proteins that mediate membrane curvature necessary for penetration peg formation. Repolarization of the F-actin cytoskeleton at the appressorium pore is essential for plant penetration and is controlled by cell polarity regulators, such as Cdc42 and Chm1. Septin-mediated plant infection is regulated by NADPH oxidase (Nox) dependent generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The Nox2/NoxR complex is essential for septin organization at the appressorium pore. Septins are therefore key determinants of appressorium repolarization. I also report an investigation of fungal secretory processes during tissue invasion and present evidence that distinct pathways are involved in effector secretion by Magnaporthe oryzae. A BrefeldinA-sensitive pathway is necessary for secretion of apoplastic effectors, such as Bas4 and Slp1, while a BrefeldinA-insensitive pathway is necessary for secretion of effectors destined for delivery to rice cells.


Starnes, John H 01 January 2013 (has links)
The filamentous ascomycete fungus Magnaporthe oryzae is a pathogen of over 50 genera of grasses. Two important diseases it can cause are gray leaf spot in Lolium perenne (perennial ryegrass) and blast in Oryza sativa (rice). The telomeres of M. oryzae isolates causing gray leaf spot are highly variable, and can spontaneously change during fungal culture. In this dissertation, it is shown that a rice-infecting isolate is much more stable at the telomeres than an isolate from gray leaf spot. To determine the molecular basis of telomere instability several gray leaf spot isolates telomeres were cloned, which revealed two non-LTR retrotransposons inserted into the telomere repeats. The elements have been termed Magnaporthe oryzae Telomeric Retrotransposons (MoTeRs). These elements do not have poly-A tails common to many other non-LTR retrotransposons, but instead have telomere like sequences at their 5’ end that allow them to insert into telomeres. Intact copies of MoTeRs were restricted to the telomeres of isolates causing gray leaf spot. Surveys for the presence of these elements in M. oryzae showed they were present in several host-specialized forms including gray leaf spot isolates, but were largely absent in the rice blast isolates. The absence of MoTeRs in rice blast isolates, which are relatively stable by comparison, suggested that the telomere instability in gray leaf spot isolates could be due to MoTeRs. Analyzing spontaneous alterations in telomere restriction fragment profiles of asexual progeny revealed that MoTeRs were involved. Expansion and contraction of MoTeR arrays were observed and account for some telomere restriction profile changes. New telomere formation in asexual progeny followed by MoTeR addition was also observed. Based on this evidence, MoTeRs are largely responsible for the high variability of telomere restriction profiles observed in GLS isolates.

Population structure of Magnaporthe oryzae from different geographic regions and interaction transcriptomes with rice genotypes at high temperature / Genomic studies on rice-rice blast fungus interaction in different climatic scenarios

Onaga, Geoffrey 09 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Nitric oxide : a chemical effector of pathogenesis in Magnaporthe oryzae

Johnson, Jasper R. P. January 2011 (has links)
Research detailed in this thesis investigated the generation of Nitric Oxide (NO) and its role in the pathogenesis of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Two putative nitric oxide synthase genes and single copy nitrate and nitrite reductase genes were cloned as potential sources of NO in M. oryzae. Single and double gene disrupted mutants were generated and their phenotypes assessed. Detection of NO is problematic. Herein, a fluorescent plate reader assay was developed, exploiting the NO sensitive dye DAR-4M AM and the NO scavenger PTIO, to compare wildtype NO generation with the mutant strains. All strains were assessed for infection-related development on an artificial surface inductive to appressorium formation and maturation in the wildtype strain. Appressorium formation in the presence of PTIO and the NO donor DETANONOate was recorded for all strains on this surface. The pathogenicity of the wildtype and mutant strains were assessed, in terms of their ability to infect rice and barley plants. Finally, the capacity of each strain to metabolise nitrogen was evaluated to confirm the disruption of the nitrate and nitrite reductase genes. Collectively, the data demonstrate that the plate reader assay provides robust evidence for the generation of NO in M. oryzae. However, none of the various mutant strains showed a reduction in NO emission during germling morphogenesis. However, they exhibited significantly different infection-related development on an inductive artificial surface as compared with the wildtype strain. Moreover, exogenous application of PTIO to the wildtype strain provided evidence for NO and its involvement in germination and appressorium development. No significant differences in the infection of rice and barley leaves were observed between the wildtype and mutant strains, indicating their disrupted genes are dispensable for pathogenesis. The nitrate and nitrite reductase genes were found to be essential for nitrate assimilation. In summary, this work provides the most robust evidence for the generation of NO in fungi to-date, but the molecular mechanism underpinning the generation of NO in M. oryzae remains elusive.

Detoxification and nutritional enhancement of soy meal via microbial bioprocessing

Chen, Liyan January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Grain Science and Industry / Praveen V. Vadlani / Soy meal (SM) is the main protein source for monogastric animals. Anti-nutritional factors in SM limited its usage for young monogastric animals. Aspergillus was investigated to degrade these factors and to enhance its nutritional value via solid state fermentation. Galacto-oligosaccharides were totally degraded from the initial 9.48 mmol/100 g, and trypsin inhibitor decreased from 10.7 TIU/mg to a non-detectable level after 36 hr fermentation. Structural polysaccharides decreased by 59% (w/w) and the degree of hydrolysis of SM protein increased from 0.9% to 7% (w/w) through the 7 d fermentation. Fermentation also modified nutritional factors. Protein content increased from 50.47% (w/w) to 58.93% (w/w) after 36 hr fermentation. Amino acid profile was significantly enhanced. Two - stage temperature-induced fermentation protocol was developed to increase the degradation rate of phytic acid by A. oryzae (ATCC 9362) and by A. ficuum (ATCC 66876). The first stage maximized phytase production with fermentation parameters obtained by central composite design. The second stage achieved maximum enzymatic degradation with parameters obtained by studying the phytase temperature characteristics. While using A. oryzae, 57% of phytic acid in SM was degraded by the two stage protocol compared to 39% degradation from single stage fermentation. For A. ficuum, the two-stage temperature fermentation protocol achieved a 98% degradation level of phytic acid degradation compared with the single stage process. Two-stage temperature-induced co-fermentation of A. oryzae and A. ficuum was investigated to simultaneously degrade phytic acid and soy protein with high efficiency. Co-fermentation of A. oryzae and A. ficuum resulted in higher phytic acid degradation than A. oryzae fermentation and superior protein hydrolysis compared to A. ficuum fermentation. Sterilization distorted the results of fermentation effect on soy allergens and soy protein degradation. Virginiamycin is a kind of bacterisin. It was added to A. oryzae solid state fermentation, to exclude the necessity of SM sterilization. Nonsterile, solid state fermentation using A. oryzae and virginiamycin showed the complete degradation of α and α’ subunits of β-conglycinin and decreased immunoreactivity of soy protein. The modified SM after microbial bioprocessing created an innovative product with enhanced characteristics with potential wider applications for feed industry.

Texture analysis of a fungal fermented product as a meat substitute / Texturanalys av en svampfermenterad produkt som ett köttsubstitut

Börjesson, Julia, Meddings, Kerstin January 2019 (has links)
Jordens befolkning förväntas ha överstigit 9 miljarder till 2050, vilket leder till en ökning av matbehov med 70%. Ungefär en tredjedel av all producerad mat slängs idag, speciellt grönsaker, bröd och annan mat med kort hållbarhetsdatum. Det är väldigt viktigt att hitta sätt att minska och återanvända avfallet om miljöpåverkan ska kunna minskas. Brödrester är en stor del av Sveriges totala matavfall och använt spannmål (BSG) står för den största delen av biprodukter från bryggningsindustrin. De kan tillsammans användas som substrat för att fermentera en svampburgare som är rik på näring och protein. Denna studien syftar till att bestämma vilken filamentös svamp, N. intermedia eller R. oryzae, som ger de bästa resultaten med avseende på konsistens, proteininnehåll, smak och utseende. Detta gjordes genom textur- och proteinanalys på svampburgarna. Ingen av svamparna utmärkte sig med märkvärt bättre resultat gällande konsistensen, men resultaten för studien hade en del osäkerheter i resultatet på grund av otillräcklig tillväxt. Med avseende på smak var N. intermedia att föredra, då den hade en sötare och mer behaglig smak. Vad gäller utseende så ser båda burgarna väldigt aptitliga ut, och de anses ha stor potential som köttsubstitut, men vidare forskning inom området krävs. / Earth’s population is expected to have exceeded 9 billion people by 2050, leading to a 70% increase in food demand. Today, approximately one quarter to one third of all food produced goes to waste, especially vegetables, bread and other foods with short shelf life. Finding ways to reduce and reuse the waste is very important if the impact on the environment is to be decreased. Stale bread accounts for a large part of Sweden’s total food waste and brewers spent grain (BSG) is the brewing industry’s major by-product. Combined, they can be used as a substrate to produce a fungal fermented burger, rich in nutrients and protein. This study aims to determine which fungus, N. intermedia and R. oryzae, provides the best results regarding texture, protein content, taste and appearance. This was done by performing texture analysis and protein analysis on the fermented burgers. None of the fungi showed significantly better results than the other regarding texture. However, the results from this study have a few uncertainties due to lack of growth. The fungus that was preferred when considering taste was N. intermedia, which had a sweeter and more pleasant taste in general. Regarding the appearance of the fermented burgers, they are very different but they both are equally as appealing to the eye. The fermented burgers show great potential as meat substitute, but extended research is required.

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