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Treatment of Arsenic Contaminated Groundwater using Oxidation and Membrane FiltrationMoore, Kenneth January 2005 (has links)
Arsenic is a known carcinogen, causing cancers of the skin, lungs, bladder and kidney. Current research suggests that drinking water is the most common pathway for long-term low dose exposure. Arsenic contaminated drinking water has caused serious health problems in many countries including: India, Bangladesh, Argentina, Chile, Taiwan, the United States and Canada.
Nanofiltration (NF) is a promising technology for arsenic removal since it requires less energy than traditional reverse osmosis membranes. Several studies have shown that nanofiltration is capable of removing the oxidized form of arsenic [As(V)] while the reduced form of arsenic [As(III)] is poorly removed. To exploit this difference it has been suggested that a pretreatment step which oxidizes the As(III) to As(V) would improve the performance of membrane filtration, but this has never been demonstrated.
The research had three objectives: The first was to investigate the ability of NF membranes to treat arsenic contaminated groundwater and evaluate the influence of the membrane type and operating conditions. Secondly, the effectiveness of a solid phase oxidizing media (MnO2) to oxidize arsenite to arsenate was investigated. Lastly, the MnO2 was combined with NF membrane filtration to determine the benefit, if any, of oxidizing the arsenic prior to membrane filtration.
A pilot membrane system was installed to treat a naturally contaminated groundwater in Virden, Manitoba, Canada. The groundwater in Virden contains between 38 and 44 µg/L of arsenic, primarily made up of As(III), with little particulate arsenic.
In the first experiment three Filmtec® membranes were investigated: NF270, NF90 and XLE. Under all conditions tested the NF90 and NF270 membranes provided insufficient treatment of Virden's groundwater to meet Canada's recommended Interim Maximum Acceptable Concentration (IMAC) of 25 µg/L. The XLE membrane provided better arsenic removal and under the conditions of 25 Lmh flux and 70% recovery produced treated water with a total arsenic concentration of 21 µg/L. The XLE membrane is therefore able to sufficiently treat Virden's ground water. However treatment with the XLE membrane alone is insufficient to meet the USEPA's regulation of 10 µg/L or Canada's proposed Maximum Allowable Concentration (MAC) of 5 µg/L.
The effects of recovery and flux on total arsenic passage are consistent with accepted membrane theory. Increasing the flux increases the flow of pure water through the membrane; decreasing the overall passage of arsenic. Increasing the recovery increases the bulk concentration of arsenic, which leads to higher arsenic passage.
The second experiment investigated the arsenic oxidation capabilities of manganese dioxide (MnO2) and the rate at which the oxidation occurs. The feed water contained primarily As(III), however, when filtered by MnO2 at an Empty Bed Contact Time (EBCT) of only 1 minute, the dominant form of arsenic was the oxidized form [As(V)]. At an EBCT of 2 minutes the oxidation was nearly complete with the majority of the arsenic in the As(V) form. Little arsenic was removed by the MnO2 filter.
The third and final experiment investigated the benefit, if any, to combining the membrane filtration and MnO2 treatment investigated in the first and second experiments. The effect of MnO2 pretreatment was dramatic. In Experiment I, the NF270 and NF90 membranes were unable to remove any arsenic while the XLE removed, at best, approximately 50% of the arsenic. Once pretreated with MnO2 the passage of arsenic through all of the membranes dropped to less than 4 µg/L, corresponding to approximately 91% to 98% removal.
The dramatic improvement in arsenic removal can be attributed to charge. All three membranes are negatively charged. Through a charge exclusion effect the rejection of negatively charged ions is enhanced. During the first experiment, As(III) (which is neutrally charged) was the dominant form of arsenic, and was uninfluenced by the negative charge of the membrane. Once oxidized to As(V), the arsenic had a charge of -2, and was electrostatically repelled by the membrane. This greatly improved the arsenic rejection characteristics of the membrane.
Nanofiltration alone is not a suitable technology to remove arsenic contaminated waters where As(III) is the dominant species. When combined with MnO2 pre-oxidation, the arsenic rejection performance of nanofiltration is dramatically improved.
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Assessing Innovative Technologies for Nitrate Removal from Drinking WaterShams, Shoeleh 21 January 2010 (has links)
Several health problems may be caused by excess nitrate in drinking water, the most important of which being methemoglobinemia, a potentially fatal disorder, in infants under six months of age.
Many different parts of the world have been facing the problem of nitrate contaminated surface and groundwaters due in large part to excessive use of nitrate-based chemical fertilizers. In the Region of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada some groundwater sources have nitrate concentrations approaching the Health Canada and Ontario Ministry of the Environment maximum acceptable concentration (MAC) of 10 mg NO3--N/L.
Finding a practical and economical way to reduce nitrate concentrations in representative groundwater in the Region of Waterloo was the overall objective of this research. To achieve this goal, nitrate removal technologies including biological denitrification, ion exchange (IX), reverse osmosis (RO), electrodialysis (ED), and chemical denitrification were reviewed and compared. IX and RO were found to be the most promising technologies for nitrate removal. They have also been approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) as Best Available Technologies (BAT).
To investigate the feasibility of IX and RO for nitrate removal from representative groundwater in the Region of Waterloo, bench-scale experiments were conducted and compared. These technologies could be considered for application at full- or point-of-use (POU)-scale. Decision support assistance for the selection of the appropriate technology for different technical and economical conditions is provided as an outcome of this work.
Two nitrate-selective ion exchange resins (Dowex™ NSR-1 and Purolite® A-520E), two non-selective resins (Purolite® A-300E and Amberlite® IRA400 Cl), and a commercially-available RO POU device (Culligan® Aqua-Cleer® model RO30), which included a particle filter and a carbon block, were tested with deionized water and real groundwater.*
IX results confirmed that production time before resin exhaustion was influenced by operating conditions, specifically bed depth as would be expected. It was also confirmed that the presence of competing anions (sulfate, chloride) and alkalinity adversely affected performance, with sulfate being the main competitor for nitrate removal. The extent of these effects was quantified for the conditions tested. At the end of the runs, the non-selective resins were prone to potential nitrate displacement and release into product water and are therefore not recommended. The nitrate-selective resins did not release previously adsorbed nitrate as their capacity became exhausted. Purolite® A-520E was identified as the best alternative amongst the four resins for removing nitrate from the representative groundwater source.
The RO unit removed roughly 80% of the nitrate from groundwater. Background ions didn’t appear to compete with each other for removal by RO units, so RO might be a more appropriate technology than IX for nitrate removal from waters with high concentrations of sulfate or TDS. Since RO removes other background ions as well as nitrate, the product water of RO is low in alkalinity and can potentially be corrosive, if water from a small full-scale system is pumped through a communal distribution system. Post-treatment including pH adjustment, addition of caustic soda, and/or corrosion inhibitors may be required.
While the carbon block did not play a substantial role with respect to removal of nitrate in the groundwater tested, a potential issue was identified when running RO systems without the carbon block. In deionized water (and presumably in very low alkalinity real waters) it was noted that RO nitrate removal efficiency dropped substantially as the alkalinity of the influent water approached zero.
With respect to the scale of application of IX and RO devices, IX can be applied at full-scale without requiring large amounts of space. However, if feed water contains high concentrations of sulfate or TDS, nitrate leakage happens sooner and regeneration would be needed at more frequent intervals. Also, chloride concentrations in IX product water might exceed aesthetic objectives (AO) and should be monitored in cases of high feed water TDS. POU IX devices are not recommended when feed water nitrate concentration is high due to potential nitrate leakage into the product water when the resin is nearing exhaustion which increases public health risk. Issues associated with RO application at full-scale are high energy demand, low recovery, high costs, need of pre-treatment (fouling control), and post-treatment (corrosion control). On the other hand, POU RO devices may be acceptable since low recovery is of less importance in a household system, and product water corrosivity is less relevant. POU RO devices are preferable to POU IX units due to their lower risk of nitrate leakage into treated water.
* Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
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Preparation and characterization of disulfonated polysulfone films and polyamide thin film composite membranes for desalinationXie, Wei, 1982- 30 January 2012 (has links)
The current reverse osmosis desalination membrane market is dominated by aromatic polyamide thin film composite (TFC) membranes. However, these polyamide membranes suffer from poor resistance to continual exposure to oxidizing agents such as chlorine in desalination applications. To overcome these problems, we have synthesized and characterized a new generation of materials, disulfonated poly(arylene ether sulfone) (BPS) random copolymer, for desalination membranes. A key technical feature of these new materials is their high tolerance to chlorine in feed water and their excellent reproducibility in synthesis.
In this study, water and sodium chloride solubility, diffusivity and permeability in BPS copolymers were measured for both acid and salt form samples at sulfonation levels from 20 to 40 mol percent. The hydrophilicity of these materials, based on water uptake, increased significantly as sulfonation level increased. The water and salt diffusivity and permeability were correlated with water uptake, consistent with expectations from free volume theory. In addition, a tradeoff was observed between water/salt solubility, diffusivity, and permeability selectivity and water solubility, diffusivity and permeability, respectively.
The influence of cation form and degree of sulfonation on free volume, as probed via positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS), was determined in BPS random copolymers in both the dry and hydrated states. PALS-based free volume data for hydrated polymers were correlated with water and salt transport properties. The influence of processing history on transport properties of BPS films was also studied. Potassium form BPS films having a 32 mol% sulfonation level were acidified using solid state and solution routes. Additionally, several films were subjected to various thermal treatments in the solid state. The influence of acidification, thermal treatment, and counter-ion form on transport properties was investigated.
Finally, the influence of synthesis methods of polyamide TFC membranes from m-phenylenediamine (MPD) and trimesoyl chloride (TMC) via interfacial polymerization on transport properties is reported. Then, a disulfonated diamine monomer (S-BAPS) was used instead of MPD to prepare TFC membranes. The resulting membranes exhibited reduced chlorine tolerance than those prepared from MPD. However, introduction of S-BAPS to the MPD/TMC polymerization system increased the fouling resistance of the resulting polyamide TFC membranes. / text
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Organic Carbon Reduction in Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) Plants, Jeddah, Saudi ArabiaAlshahri, Abdullah 12 1900 (has links)
Desalination is considered to be a major source of usable water in the Middle East, especially the Gulf countries which lack fresh water resources. A key and sometimes the only solution to produce high quality water in these countries is through the use of seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination technology. Membrane fouling is an economic and operational defect that impacts the performance of SWRO desalination technology. To limit this fouling phenomenon, it is important to implement the appropriate type of intake and pre-treatment system design.
In this study, two types of systems were investigated, a vertical well system and a surface-water intake at a 9m depth. The purpose of this investigation is to study the impact of the different intake systems and pre-treatment stages in minimizing the concentrations of algae, bacteria, natural organic matter (NOM) and transparent exopolymer particles (TEP), in the feed water prior to pre-treatment, through the pre-treatment stages, and in the product water and concentrate.
Water samples were collected from the surface seawater, the intakes (wells for site A, 9 m depth open ocean intake at site B), after the media filter, after the cartridge filter, and from the permeate and reject streams. The measured parameters included physical parameters, algae, bacteria, total organic carbon (TOC), fractions of dissolved NOM, particulate and colloidal TEP.
The results of this study prove that the natural filtration and biological treatment of the seawater which occur in the aquifer matrix are very effective in improving the raw water quality to a significant degree. The results demonstrated that algae and biopolymers were 100% removed, the bacterial concentrations were significantly removed and roughly 50% or greater of TOC concentrations was eliminated by the aquifer matrix at site A. The aquifer feeding the vertical wells reduced TEP concentrations, but to differing degree.
There is a slight decrease in the concentrations of, algae, bacteria, TOC, NOM, and TEP in the feed water at 9 m depth compared to the surface seawater at site B. The pre-treatment was of significant effectiveness and the improvements in reducing the membrane fouling potential were quite high and strong at this site. Investigation of the permeate stream showed some breakthrough of bacteria which is of concern because it may indicate a problem within the membrane system (e.g., broken seal and perforation). The aquifer feeding the wells in the subsurface system plays a main role in the improvement of water quality, so the pre-treatment seems less effective in site A plant. This proves that the subsurface intake is better than open ocean intake in terms of providing better raw water quality and ultimately reducing membrane biofouling.
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Alternative Technologies for Inland DesalinationCorral, Andrea F. January 2014 (has links)
Water scarcity is one of the biggest issues we have to face as population and water consumption levels increase despite a fixed supply of renewable fresh water. Meeting the challenges that water scarcity poses to food production, ecosystem health, and political and social stability will require new approaches to using and managing water. Desalination already plays an essential role in water management. It constitutes a secure source of safe drinking water supply once demand management measures are fully implemented. Overcoming problems related to brine minimization and disposal is key to sustainable, efficient inland water desalination. The main focus of this was the investigation of technical limits and improvements for application in inland desalination. The first part of the dissertation covers the study of Membrane Distillation (MD) for desalination of water. The second part provides a broad perspective of Reverse Osmosis (RO), pretreatments -comparison of slow sand filtration and microfiltration-, post-mortem study of membranes to determining fouling and scaling causes, and RO brine minimization via Vibratory Shear Enhance Processing (VSEP®) for use in RO brine minimization. The study of Vacuum Membrane Distillation in a hollow fiber membrane was studied. Experimental work is supported by an original mathematical model to expose the physics of VMD and support predictions that extend VMD results beyond these generated in the laboratory. The advantages and disadvantages of each pretreatment, including their effects the effect on the performance of RO, a post-mortem membrane study and an economic analysis. The post-mortem study of membranes used during Yuma Desalting Plant operation. This work was used to identify the best pretreatment and more suitable membrane to treat saline water in the lower Colorado River. The work performed during the brine minimization study using VSEP®. This study included experimental data and an extensive economic analysis comparing Ion Exchange (IX) as pretreatment and VSEP® as post-treatment for RO.
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Biodegradation of cellulose acetate reverse osmosis membranesBell, Pamela Elizabeth January 1981 (has links)
No description available.
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A functional beverage, designed to be cardio-protective, was formulated, using a blend of juices of cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon L), blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton.), apple (Malus domestica L.), ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) and selected cardio-protective ingredients. Membrane filtration enhanced the antioxidant properties of the fruit juices. Ultrasound-assisted water extract of ginger showed potential antioxidant activities. The selected fruit juice combination, 50% blueberry; 12.5% cranberry; and 37.5% apple, showed higher consumer acceptability. Incorporation of functional ingredients at 10% RDI and 2% (v/v) ginger extract did not affect the sensory properties of the beverage. Phenolic concentration, FRAP value, and % LDL oxidation inhibition of the formulation were 1024 mg GAE/L, 3114 mg TE/L and 45%, respectively. Diet supplementation with the formulation resulted in lower serum and liver lipid levels in spontaneously hypotensive rats. Blood pressure was reduced by the formulation after two but not four weeks supplementation.
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Removal of heavy metals from water by reverse osmosis.Brown, Howard David. January 1973 (has links)
No description available.
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Management model to optimise the use of reverse osmosis brine to backwash ultra-filtration systems at Medupi power station / Frederik Jacobus FourieFourie, Frederik Jacobus January 2014 (has links)
According to the Department of Water Affairs (DWAF, 2004 p.15), South Africa’s water
resources are scarce and extremely limited and much of this precious resource is utilised and
consumed in our industries. Treatment and re-use of effluent generated is, in some cases,
preferred over use of alternate water resources (Du Plessis, 2008 p.3).
The volume of effluent generated in treatment processes like ultra-filtration (UF) and reverse
osmosis (RO) units is determined by the feed water quality, with high water loss through effluent
generation at poor feed water quality. Current UF and RO applications require an increased UF
production capacity due to the use of UF filtrate for periodic backwashing of the UF membrane
units. This results in loss of water and decreases overall recovery.
The need therefore exists to increase the overall recovery of product water from the raw water
stream by reducing the amount of effluent generated. This would be possible to achieve by
using RO brine to backwash the UF unit.
The study was conducted to provide a modelling tool, assisting management to optimise the
use of RO brine as backwash water on the UF system at the Medupi power station. The
secondary objective of this study was the development of a modelling tool that can be used for
other projects, new or existing, as a measure and indication of the usability of RO brine as
backwash water on UF systems.
By successfully applying this newly developed model, the viability of utilising the RO brine as
backwash water for the UF was investigated. This modification would lead to utilizing smaller UF
units than previously envisioned, which in turn leads to reducing capital cost with 11.07% and
operating expenditure with 9.98% at the Medupi power station. This also has a positive
environmental impact by reducing the amount of raw water used monthly by 10.34% (108 000
m3/month). / MIng (Development and Management Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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The current water quality situation at clinics in the Limpopo Province and subsequent management suggestions / Jan Hendrik StanderStander, Jan Hendrik January 2010 (has links)
South Africa's water resources are, in global terms, scarce and extremely limited (DWAF, 2004).
Groundwater is a valuable source of potable water in South Africa. It was found that most of the health
facilities in the Limpopo Province depend on groundwater as sole source of potable water.
Groundwater quality is to a great extent influenced by the dominant land use in the vicinity of an
aquifer. It is therefore important to carefully manage possible pollution sources of anthropogenic origin.
This may be seen as pro–active water quality management that may result in significant saving on water
This aim of this study is to obtain a regional view of the water quality situation at clinics and other health
facilities in the Limpopo Province. It was found that the general water quality at health facilities in the
Province is questionable. It is of concern to note that 56% of health facilities use water that is
unacceptable for human consumption.
Water quality may be managed by introducing appropriate treatment options to treat the water to ideal
water quality standards. This dissertation explores some treatment options used at health facilities in
the Province. The efficiency of these treatment systems is also investigated. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Geography and Environmental Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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