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La gestion du risque de contrepartie en matière des dérivés de gré à gré : approche juridique / The management of counterparty risk in OTC derivatives : legal approachBrouillou, Guerric 28 November 2018 (has links)
Au lendemain de la crise financière de 2008, les autorités se sont emparées de la question du risque de contrepartie associé aux produits dérivés de gré à gré. Les dix années qui se sont écoulées depuis permettent de dresser le bilan de l’efficacité du cadre règlementaire alors mis en place. Cette étude s’attache à cartographier les différents éléments qui composent ou alimentent le risque de contrepartie en matière de dérivés de gré à gré et analyse l’efficacité des diverses techniques déployées pour le gérer. Les outils de gestion utilisés en matière de dérivés de gré à gré afin d’atténuer le risque de contrepartie reposent sur une pluralité de mécanismes juridiques (légaux ou contractuels). Si certains sont à la libre disposition des parties, d’autres leur sont imposés par la règlementation. Tous ces instruments participent – seuls ou conjointement – à atténuer réellement le risque de contrepartie. Mais chacun d’eux ne traite néanmoins qu’un aspect particulier de ce risque et aucun ne permet de l’annihiler totalement. Certaines situations viennent même parfois perturber l’efficacité des outils de gestion du risque de contrepartie et anéantissent leurs effets bénéfiques. On comprend in fine que la gestion efficace du risque de contrepartie suppose le respect de trois étapes : l’identification des risques attachés à chaque opération en présence doit précéder l’élaboration des outils de gestion en vue de leur atténuation, laquelle suppose enfin la prévention du risque d’inefficacité des outils utilisés. Dans tous les cas, la gestion du risque de contrepartie en matière de dérivés de gré à gré s’avère non seulement imparfaite mais aussi éminemment fragile. / Ln the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, the authorities tackled the issue of counterparty risk associated with OTC derivatives. The ten years that have passed since then allow us an opportunity to take stock of the effectiveness of the regulatory framework then put in place. This study aims to map the different elements that make up or feed the counterparty risk in OTC derivatives and analyzes the effectiveness of the various techniques deployed to manage it. The management tools used in OTC derivatives to mitigate counterparty risk rely on a variety of legal mechanisms. If some are at the free disposal of the parties, others are imposed by the regulations. All these instruments participate -alone or jointly-in actually mitigating the counterparty risk. But each of them only deals with a particular aspect of this risk and none of them can completely neutralise it. Some situations even sometimes disrupt the effectiveness of counterparty risk management tools and negate their beneficial effects. Ultimately, it is understood that the effective management of counterparty risk requires three stages: the identification of the risks attached to each operation, followed by the development of relevant management tools with a view to the mitigation of such risks, and finally steps to avoid the risk of inefficiency of the tools used. ln any case, counterparty risk management in OTC derivatives is not only imperfect but also eminently fragile.
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Competition, regulation and integration in international financial marketsNystedt, Jens January 2004 (has links)
Chapter I - Derivative Market Competition: OTC Markets Versus Organized Derivative Exchanges Recent regulatory initiatives in the United States have again raised the issue of a ''level regulatory and supervisory playing field'' and the degree of competition globally between over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives and organized derivative exchange (ODE) markets. This chapter models some important aspects of how an ODE market interrelates with the OTC markets. It analyzes various ways in which an ODE market can respond to competition from the OTC markets and considers whether ODE markets would actually benefit from a more level playing field. Among other factors, such as different transaction costs, different abilities to mitigate credit risk play a significant role in determining the degree of competition between the two types of markets. This implies that a potentially important service ODE markets can provide OTC market participants is to extend clearing services to them. Such services would allow the OTC markets to focus more on providing less competitive contracts/innovations and instead customize their contracts to specific investors’ risk preferences and needs. Chapter II – Crisis Resolution and Private Sector Adaptation Efforts at crisis resolution that succeed in reducing potential inefficiencies and instability in the international financial system are in the interest of both the private and the public sector. Unlike in the domestic context, in the international context, in the absence of clearly established rules of the game, the approaches adopted toward crisis resolution, and the extent to which they are interpreted by market participants as setting a precedent, can have profound implications for the nature and structure of international capital flows. The key conclusion of this chapter is that recent experiences with payment suspensions and bond restructurings are limited as guides to determining the future success or failures of these initiatives, as the private sector most likely has adapted in order to minimize any unwanted public sector involvement. Chapter III - European Equity Market Integration: Cyclical or Structural? Reviewing the empirical evidence of equity market integration in the European Union, the chapter finds a significant increase in the importance of global sector factors for a number of industries. Unlike most past studies, which only covered developments during the bull market of the late nineties, the results presented in this chapter suggest that the degree of Euroland equity market integration has declined gradually following the bursting of the TMT bubble. This seems to suggest that the findings of previous studies that Euroland equity markets were nearly fully financially integrated is worth revisiting. There are, however, several good reasons to believe that the structural factors driving European equity market integration have yet to play themselves out fully. Institutional investors both outside the Euroland area and within have substantial untapped capacity to take on Euroland exposures and invest additionally in Euroland equities. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2004
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La stabilité financière face au risque de contagion / Financial Stability towards Contagion RiskAudige, Henri 12 June 2014 (has links)
Moins d’un siècle après la crise de 1929, la crise des subprimes marque un tournant décisif dans l’histoire financière mondiale, se distinguant des crises précédentes par son intensité et sa dimension globale. Dans un contexte d’interactions accrues entre pays développés et émergents, la stabilité financière constitue un enjeu décisif face au risque de contagion sur les marchés financiers. Dans le premier chapitre de cette thèse, nous nous intéressons au changement de paradigme réglementaire observé sur les marchés de dérivés après la crise des subprimes et aux enjeux en termes de stabilité financière d’une refonte de la réglementation sur ces marchés. Dans un second chapitre, nous mettons en exergue les phénomènes de contagion observés sur le marché de la dette durant la crise de la dette souveraine, et revenons sur l'impact des programmes de soutien mis en place par la BCE dans un contexte de forte contagion sur ce marché en 2010. Finalement dans un troisième, nous examinons l’impact de la politique monétaire américaine sur les flux capitaux vers les fonds obligataires spécialisés sur les économies émergentes en 2013. / Less than a century after the 1929 crisis, the subprime crisis was a turning point in world financial history, differing from previous crises by its intensity and global dimension. In a context of increased interactions between developed and emerging countries, financial stability became a critical issue given rising contagion risks on financial markets. In the first chapter of this thesis, we focus on the regulatory paradigm shift observed in the derivatives markets after the subprime crisis and resulting challenges on the back of a reshaping of the global financial regulation. In the second chapter, we highlight the contagion phenomena observed on debt markets during the euro area sovereign debt crisis, and observe the impact of support programs implemented by the ECB in 2010. Finally, in a third chapter, we examine the impact of U.S. monetary policy on capital flows to bond funds specialized in emerging economies in 2013.
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Vliv regulace na OTC deriváty G-SIBs v USA v letech 2010-2015 / Effect of regulation on OTC derivatives in G-SIBS in the USA in 2010-2015Zajíčková, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
Institutions from the G-SIBs category have been under greater scrutiny not just by regulatory authorities since the beginning of the financial crisis in 2008. Insufficient regulation in OTC derivatives combined with moral hazard expressed in the highly speculative behaviour by G-SIBs were major factors contributing to the development of the financial crisis. The regulatory bodies in the USA responded to the situation by adopting the Dodd-Frank ACT with the aim to introduce additional rules for the market with OTC derivatives and regulate the activities of G-SIBs significantly. The paper analyses selected indicators related to the OTC derivative exposure and the overall financial condition of the selected G-SIBs. The thesis analyses the development of the monitored indicators following the implementation of the DFA to confirm that the risk arising from speculative derivative deals by G-SIBs was reduced, the financial condition of the selected institutions was strengthened, and the systemic risk was thus suppressed during the period 2010-2015.
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FINANČNÍ DERIVÁTY JAKO PROSTŘEDEK ŘÍZENÍ RIZIK V MEZINÁRODNÍM OBCHODĚ / Financial derivatives as a tool of risk management in international tradeVránová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The field of financial derivatives is rather complicated and usually not familiar to general public. Financial derivatives are used for three different reasons: arbitrage, speculation and hedging. This paper focuses mainly on the last one - hedging. The goal of the thesis is to clarify the heart of the matter, to explain the reasons why derivatives exist and to systemize their individual types and classification. It compares basic types of derivatives and summarizes their advantages and disadvantages and possible practical usage of them. Apart from companies as final users, the paper remembers also external subjects, such as clearing. It explains the terms of risk and uncertainty and goes into their identification, the risk management and its hedging. It also analyzes the current situation on OTC (over the counter) market and brings output from interviews with experts and consultants about their experience from working with their clients dealing with derivatives. The thesis also covers information about recently passed law called European Market Infrastructure Regulation, which is closely connected with working with financial derivatives. Furthermore, it includes a case study of L'Oréal Company, describing procedures and principles, based on which the Company deals with derivatives, and analyzing problems which L'Oréal has to face.
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Credit Value Adjustment: The Aspects of Pricing Counterparty Credit Risk on Interest Rate Swaps / Kreditvärdighetsjustering: Prissättning av motpartsrisk för en ränteswapHellander, Martin January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, the pricing of counterparty credit risk on an OTC plain vanilla interest rate swap is investigated. Counterparty credit risk can be defined as the risk that a counterparty in a financial contract might not be able or willing to fulfil their obligations. This risk has to be taken into account in the valuation of an OTC derivative. The market price of the counterparty credit risk is known as the Credit Value Adjustment (CVA). In a bilateral contract, such as a swap, the party’s own creditworthiness also has to be taken into account, leading to another adjustment known as the Debit Value Adjustment (DVA). Since 2013, the international accounting standards (IFRS) states that these adjustments have to be done in order to reflect the fair value of an OTC derivative. A short background and the derivation of CVA and DVA is presented, including related topics like various risk mitigation techniques, hedging of CVA, regulations etc.. Four different pricing frameworks are compared, two more sophisticated frameworks and two approximative approaches. The most complex framework includes an interest rate model in form of the LIBOR Market Model and a credit model in form of the Cox-Ingersoll- Ross model. In this framework, the impact of dependencies between credit and market risk factors (leading to wrong-way/right-way risk) and the dependence between the default time of different parties are investigated. / I den här uppsatsen har prissättning av motpartsrisk för en OTC ränteswap undersökts. Motpartsrisk kan definieras som risken att en motpart i ett finansiellt kontrakt inte har möjlighet eller viljan att fullfölja sin del av kontraktet. Motpartsrisken måste tas med I värderingen av ett OTC-derivat. Marknadspriset på motpartrisken är känt som Credit Value Adjustment (CVA). I ett bilateralt kontrakt, t.ex. som en swap, måste även den egna kreditvärdighet tas med i värderingen, vilket leder till en justering som är känd som Debit Value Adjustment (DVA). Sedan 2013 skall, enligt den internationella redovisningsstandarden (IFRS), dessa prisjusteringar göras vid redovisningen av värdet för ett OTC derivat. En kort bakgrund samt härledningen av CVA och DVA ar presenterade tillsammans med relaterade ämnen. Fyra olika metoder för att beräkna CVA har jämförts, två mer sofistikerade metoder och två approximativa metoder. I den mest avancerade metoden används en räntemodell i form av LIBOR Market Model samt en kreditmodell i form av en Cox-Ingersoll-Ross modell. I den här metoden undersöks även påverkan av CVA då det existerar beroenden mellan marknads
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店頭衍生性商品交易集中結算之研究─以美國2010金融改革法案為中心 / A study on the central clearing of over-the-counter derivatives –emphasis on the U.S. financial reform act 2010鄭琇霙 Unknown Date (has links)
對於上述豁免規定,本文認為基於集中結算制度本身運作之前提,為結算之衍生性商品必須有一定之流動性及標準化,加上採行集中結算可能會增加之避險成本,因此美國改革法案中之例外為妥協後之結果。上述例外存在之本身,以及相關主管機關所提行政規則修正草案中存在之缺失,皆增加了藉以規避集中結算制度之可能性,而成為美國改革法案集中結算制度之潛在漏洞,無法防範店頭衍生性交易再度賈禍。觀察過去美國幾次重大金融改革,皆是在金融危機後大幅加強對市場之管制,然管制之必要性卻須待多年運行後才能獲致理性檢驗之機會。此次集中結算制度之改革然結果如何,仍需待實際於市場實施後才能準確評價。 / Because of financial innovation, the trading volume of derivatives increases and the market participants get varied. Derivatives, that were developed to hedge or mitigate risk, become one of the tools to speculate. According to statistics, the total nominal value of derivatives traded in the over-the-counter (OTC) market is much higher than that traded in the exchange. Because of the low market transparency, the lack of powerful risk mitigating mechanism and the high correlation among major market participants, default of one counterparty may cause systemic risk.
After the global financial market meltdown in 2008, countries devoted attention to the causes of the financial crisis, especially to the OTC derivatives. To reduce the risk identified in the OTC derivatives market, trading on the exchange or electronic trading platform, central clearing and information disclosure are some measures to be implemented. The Dodd-Frank Act was the earliest reform act passed by the U.S. among these countries. Although central clearing is the major component of the act, there are also several exemptions of it. For example, non-standard derivatives, foreign exchange swaps, foreign exchange forwards and derivatives traded by end-user are exempted from central clearing requirement.
To be central cleared, the OTC derivatives must be standardized and with certain liquidity. Once central cleared, companies would be unable to use customized derivatives to mitigate commercial risk and the cost of hedge would probability increases. These are some reasons mentioned to support the central clearing exemption. However, the existence of these exemptions may become the inherent loopholes of the act. This article would first introduce the central clearing exemptions and evaluate the possible effect these exemptions might cause.
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跨國破產事件之爭議問題探討—以店頭衍生性金融交易市場及其案例為探討中心 / A study on legal issues regarding cross-border insolvency cases : focus on over-the-counter derivatives markets and the relevant cases張家欣, Chang, Chia-hsin Unknown Date (has links)
第六章探討跨國破產事件處理方式之程序面議題。先敘明跨國破產立法所採行的基礎原則理論,包含普及原則、屬地原則、修正式普及原則、現代化屬地原則;同時簡要介紹相關跨國破產法制。繼而說明金融穩定理事會 (FSB)相關建議,以及觀察近期國際金融實務發展。之後,綜結第四章至第六章之內容,按跨國破產事件之實體面議題與程序面議題,對於涉及店頭衍生性金融交易之跨國破產事件,說明本文在相關立法論或處理合作模式層面上所採取之立場。最末,分析本文第二章案例之程序處理問題。
最後,第七章就本論文探討範圍以及第二章所提出之問題,進行總結論,並試行對我國金融市場參與者提出相關建議。 / Abstract
Due to globalization of financial markets, it is hard for market participants to avoid the impact arises from cross-border insolvency events. With the trend of financial innovation, non-traditional financial instruments become an important role in financial markets, and it’s necessary to understand the treatment of these instruments under insolvency law systems. This thesis discusses specific legal issues with regard to cross-border insolvency events in over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives financial markets with focus on the relevant cases selected, including the special treatment of OTC derivatives under insolvency law systems and the potential procedures or coordinate ways to deal with the cases.
Based on and reference to research of academic papers and court decisions, this thesis discusses issues through legal analysis supplemented with views of financial practice. The relevant parts are also discussed under Taiwan’s law system. This thesis proceeds in 7 chapters briefly described as follows.
Chapter 1 explains the objective, purpose, and fundamental structure together with the method used of this thesis. Assumptions and Confines of this thesis are also described in this chapter. Given diversity and complexity of cross-border insolvency events, Chapter 2 attempts to present actual cases for discussion in order to providing the scope and focuses of this thesis. Key finding of the presented cases includes substantive legal issues of insolvency laws applied to OTC derivatives transactions and procedural legal issues of dealing with cross-border insolvency events. Matters aforementioned will be addressed in further chapters.
Chapter 3 describes the basic understanding of OTC derivatives and the legal elements of participants’ transaction contracts in market practice. This chapter also describes the concepts of “the single agreement approach” and “close-out netting provisions”. As academic opinions and practical views mentioned, close-out netting provisions encompass the functions of eliminating the risk of “cherry-picking” by a liquidator in the insolvency proceeding, minimizing counterparty credit risk by calculating exposures on a net basis, promoting the possibility of re-hedging transactions, applying lower capital requirements by regulators to refer to netted transactions for bank industry, and reducing systemic risk in the financial system. Insolvency law systems which allow the effectiveness of close-out netting provisions heavily rationalize the legislation as being founded on preventing the threat of systemic risk. While some academic papers argue that the rationalization on the basis of reducing systemic risk is unconvincing or unnecessary for reasons. Chapter 3 primarily concerns the connections between OTC derivatives contracts and insolvency law systems, in the dimension of substantive legal issues. What addressed in this chapter is highly connected with the subsequent chapters.
Chapter 4 describes the general principles of insolvency laws at first, and then observes the exclusions of OTC derivatives transactions under insolvency law systems of U.S., UK, EU, Japan and Taiwan respectively, focusing on issues respecting of validity and enforceability of close-out netting provisions. Compared with Chapter 3 which describes the functions of close-out netting stated by advocators, this chapter illustrates challenges or arguments posed by academic papers with different views. Reference to the relevant academic opinions, this thesis considers that the effectiveness of close-out netting provisions shall, at least, be subject to restrictions to a reasonable extent, such as temporary stays on early termination rights as well as on enforcement rights of security interests, application of the bail-in tool in SIFIs’ resolution procedures, and each party’s good faith. The aforesaid views are also proposed to be referenced by Taiwan’s law regime in the future. In the end of this chapter, it analyzes the cases presented in Chapter 2 within the scope of substantive issues of insolvency laws, and concludes that both U.S. bankruptcy court’s ruling and UK courts’ decisions on the flip clause embedded in CDO instruments are correct respectively pursuant to their own insolvency laws and public policies. In addition, this thesis is in the opinion that the flip clause shall be effective under Taiwan’s current insolvency law system.
Chapter 5 will first describe the international guidelines suggested by G20 after 2007-2009 financial crisis. It will then go on to introduce the financial regulatory reforms adopted by U.S. and EU following G20’s guidelines, including the mandatory requirements for trading on the regulated platforms, clearing through a central counterparty (CCP), reporting to a trade repository (TR), and exchanging margins for non-centrally cleared OTC derivative transactions. Besides, the concept of substituted compliance is briefly explained herein for implementing the regulatory regimes to cross-border activities. Chapter 5 also observes the connections between the aforesaid regulatory reforms and cross-border insolvency events. Under the structure of this thesis, substantive legal issues in Chapter 4 and procedural legal issues in Chapter 6 are bridged by Chapter 5. While Chapter 6 emphasizes on ex post measures to handle cross-border insolvency events, this Chapter 5 considers ex ante measures that monitor and supervise OTC derivatives markets and that also have been expected to promote ex post measures in case.
Chapter 6 addresses the procedural aspects while dealing with cross-border insolvency cases. First, the theoretical principles for cross-border insolvency law are explained, including universality, territoriality, modified universality and modern territoriality. It herein also introduces legislative regimes in relation to UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency and some jurisdictions’ international insolvency laws. Second, it turns to suggestions made by FSB. Third, the recent international trend in market practice is observed. Then, section 4 of this Chapter proposes framework of regulatory aspects and cooperation arrangements to process cross-border insolvency events, comprehensively in the substantive and the procedural dimensions. Lastly, it analyzes the cases presented in Chapter 2 within the scope of procedural issues of insolvency laws.
Chapter 7 summaries conclusions on this thesis and on issues raised in Chapter 2. This final Chapter also tries to provide suggestions to our financial market participants in Taiwan.
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Efficient Monte Carlo Simulation for Counterparty Credit Risk Modeling / Effektiv Monte Carlo-simulering för modellering av motpartskreditriskJohansson, Sam January 2019 (has links)
In this paper, Monte Carlo simulation for CCR (Counterparty Credit Risk) modeling is investigated. A jump-diffusion model, Bates' model, is used to describe the price process of an asset, and the counterparty default probability is described by a stochastic intensity model with constant intensity. In combination with Monte Carlo simulation, the variance reduction technique importance sampling is used in an attempt to make the simulations more efficient. Importance sampling is used for simulation of both the asset price and, for CVA (Credit Valuation Adjustment) estimation, the default time. CVA is simulated for both European and Bermudan options. It is shown that a significant variance reduction can be achieved by utilizing importance sampling for asset price simulations. It is also shown that a significant variance reduction for CVA simulation can be achieved for counterparties with small default probabilities by employing importance sampling for the default times. This holds for both European and Bermudan options. Furthermore, the regression based method least squares Monte Carlo is used to estimate the price of a Bermudan option, resulting in CVA estimates that lie within an interval of feasible values. Finally, some topics of further research are suggested. / I denna rapport undersöks Monte Carlo-simuleringar för motpartskreditrisk. En jump-diffusion-modell, Bates modell, används för att beskriva prisprocessen hos en tillgång, och sannolikheten att motparten drabbas av insolvens beskrivs av en stokastisk intensitetsmodell med konstant intensitet. Tillsammans med Monte Carlo-simuleringar används variansreduktionstekinken importance sampling i ett försök att effektivisera simuleringarna. Importance sampling används för simulering av både tillgångens pris och, för estimering av CVA (Credit Valuation Adjustment), tidpunkten för insolvens. CVA simuleras för både europeiska optioner och Bermuda-optioner. Det visas att en signifikant variansreduktion kan uppnås genom att använda importance sampling för simuleringen av tillgångens pris. Det visas även att en signifikant variansreduktion för CVA-simulering kan uppnås för motparter med små sannolikheter att drabbas av insolvens genom att använda importance sampling för simulering av tidpunkter för insolvens. Detta gäller både europeiska optioner och Bermuda-optioner. Vidare, används regressionsmetoden least squares Monte Carlo för att estimera priset av en Bermuda-option, vilket resulterar i CVA-estimat som ligger inom ett intervall av rimliga värden. Slutligen föreslås några ämnen för ytterligare forskning.
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