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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La situation des arméniens ottomans d'Anatolie Orientale vue à travers les correspondances des missionnaires du American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions

Gagnon, Guillaume January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire a pour objectif d'examiner l'impact des réformes ottomanes (1839-1876) sur la communauté arménienne d'Anatolie orientale. Plus spécifiquement, nous voulions voir si ces réformes, dans cette région, eurent un impact sur la condition de cette communauté, sur les relations qu'elle entretenait avec l'autorité ottomane, sur celles existant en son sein et, finalement, sur la relation existant entre elle et la communauté turque ottomane qui l'entourait. Trois hypothèses principales sous-tendaient ce travail. Nous pensions premièrement que les réformes ottomanes auraient une incidence beaucoup plus faible en Anatolie orientale que dans la capitale de l'Empire ottoman, Constantinople. Nous pensions deuxièmement que ces réformes n'auraient pas d'impact significatif sur la condition générale des Arméniens de cette région, ainsi que sur l'ordre traditionnel sur lequel cette communauté reposait. Troisièmement, nous pensions que les réformes auraient engendré des tensions entre Arméniens et Turcs ottomans d'Anatolie orientale en raison de l'emphase de celles-ci, surtout à partir de 1856, sur l'amélioration de la condition des Chrétiens de l'Empire. Pour vérifier ces hypothèses, nous avons utilisé comme source principale une partie des archives du American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM), laquelle contient des documents et correspondances de missionnaires de cette organisation ayant oeuvré auprès des Arméniens ottomans au courant du 19e siècle. Suite à l'étude de cette source, les conclusions principales ressortant de ce travail sont les suivantes. Les réformes eurent en effet une résonance bien moins grande auprès des Arméniens d'Anatolie orientale qu'auprès de ceux résidant dans la capitale de l'Empire. De plus, ces réformes n'ont pas eu d'impact significatif sur la condition des Arméniens de cette région. Leur véritable impact s'observe plutôt dans l'émergence de la communauté arménienne protestante qui fera face à une vive opposition de l'élite arménienne grégorienne. Finalement, les sources utilisées dans le cadre de ce texte ne nous ont pas permis de vérifier la troisième hypothèse, les missionnaires du ABCFM ne se prononçant pas sur les relations entre les majorités arménienne et turque ottomane d'Anatolie orientale. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Réformes ottomanes, Tanzimâts, Arméniens, Empire ottoman, ABCFM, Missionnaires.

New Custom for the Old Village Interpreting History through Turkish Village Web-Sites

Sabancioglu, Musemma 27 May 2011 (has links)
It is estimated that there are 35.000 villages in Turkey, and a great number of them have their own unofficial web-sites created as a result of individual efforts. The individuals who prepare these web-sites try to connect with the world via the internet, and represent their past with limited information. Pages on these web-sites that are titled "our history" or "our short history" provide some unique historical, cultural, and anthropological information about the villager's life in rural area. This thesis examines amateur historians' methods of reinterpretation in the past, and as such explore Turkish local history from a new point of view.

Essays in Institutional Economics

Lustig, Scott Jordan January 2011 (has links)
<p>This dissertation is a collection of three chapters all pertaining to institutional economics. In short, the eld of institutional economics is an outgrowth of public economics, in the sense that in many cases he key institutions that frame economic decisionmaking are the product of public policy. However this is not exclusive. Institutional economics' key contribution is the acknowledgement that cultural and social institutions --- often developed organically over the course of centuries --- can play as signicant a role in individuals' economic choices as governmental policy. In the pages that follow, we will address the economic impact of cultural and political institutions in three contexts: Judicial decisionmaking in Islamic courts, the effects</p><p>of negative health shocks on retirement savings, and the tradeoff between retirement savings and investment in durable goods.</p> / Dissertation

Lloyd George And The Dissolution Of The Ottoman Empire

Cilingir, Sedat 01 January 2000 (has links) (PDF)
David Lloyd George, who was the Prime Minister during the period of 1916-1922, served in the British Parliament almost half-century. This thesis focuses on his foreign policy concerning the Ottoman Empire during his Premiership. Lloyd George intruded himself into almost every aspect of the &lsquo / Turkish Question&rsquo / during and after the World War I, and was at the &lsquo / centre&rsquo / in determining the fate of the Ottoman Empire. Although, the effect of &lsquo / forces&rsquo / of economics and social elements have replaced the &lsquo / Great Man&rsquo / theory of history, as it is in this case, Lloyd George&rsquo / s role in the dissolution of the Empire can not be truly abandoned. In the episode of &lsquo / building&rsquo / a new Europe and the dissolution of the Empire, Lloyd George worked closely with other actors such as / Clemenceau, Wilson and on domestic platform, Balfour, Curzon and Churchill who all shared the very similar views. Lloyd George, starting from a modest and humble Welsh background, made his way in politics to the top, through his ability and persistent determination and earned rightfully to be remembered as the &lsquo / man who won the war&rsquo / and as the founder of modern welfare state. His determination to &lsquo / finish&rsquo / the Ottoman Empire is often attributed to his devotion to Greece rather than to his personality and imperialistic approach / on the other hand, the British State&rsquo / s role in decision making process in this issue is overlooked. This study, attempts to establish the roles of Lloyd George and the British State during the attempts for the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, and exemplifies the formation and implementation of the policies towards the Ottoman Empire, an end carried out whether due to Lloyd George or otherwise. This study traces in detail the evolution of Lloyd George&rsquo / s and the British State&rsquo / s policies in regard to the Ottoman Empire, and is based primarily on original research conducted in private and governmental documentary collections in England.

The Implementation Of The Ottoman Land Code Of 1858 In Eastern Anatolia

Gozel, Oya 01 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The nineteenth century was an era that great centralization and codification attempts were realized in the Ottoman Empire. One of these attempts was the Ottoman Land Code of 1858, which put various land regulations throughout the empire into a standard code. But this standard Code gave different results when applied to different regions which had their own characteristic features. Eastern Anatolia, which had an autonomous position since its incorporation to the Ottoman Empire, was also in the scope of the Land Code. The object of this study is to examine the implementation of the Land Code of 1858 in eastern Anatolia and the impacts of this implementation process in the region. Indeed, the general situation of the region greatly disaffected the implementation of the Code in eastern Anatolia. Because of the dominant disorder within the region and problems of the state in these lands, the Land Code could not be properly implemented in eastern Anatolia. The Land Code and the title deeds, which were distributed in accordance with the Code, were so important that they became the base of later ownership claims. Therefore, the implementation of the Code had deep and long lasting effects on the land patterns and social relations in the region. In this respect, this study will evaluate the implementation process of the Land Code throughout eastern Anatolia and the socio-economic transformation of the region as a result of this process.

The Role Of The Young Ottomans In The Transformation Of Mentality In The Ottoman Empire

Kaplan, Ferhat 01 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The main topic of this study is determining the role of the Young Ottomans in mentality transformation in the Ottoman Empire from the traditional one to a modern one. Their proposals aim to change three patterns of the Ottoman state and society. The relation between state and the individual is the first issue. They tried to create an Ottoman citizenry, enhanced with freedom and political rights, from a reaya. In the second step they imagined a modern society. Their proposals, which imply a secular system, aim to secure the people from the yoke of the tradition and some religious bonds. Nationalism is also important for the abolition of the traditional stratification of the Ottoman society. As a last point, the individual, himself, is tried to be changed into an active, enthusiastic, this-worldly, and rational being. However what is interesting is that while their main concern had been the survival of the Ottoman Empire and the Islamic order, their proposals had the potential to undermine these very institutions. This study will try to find the traces of these contradictions and the beginning of a mental transformation.

An Analysis Of Architect Sinan&#039 / s Late Period Mosques

Katipoglu, Ceren 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis focuses on the late period mosques of architect Sinan in terms of their structural systems, the relation with their environment, and the identities of their patrons. The links amongst the role of the patron, his or her status in the state, materials used in the mosques, location choice and the spatial distribution of the mosques are researched on the bases of these six late period mosques of Sinan. In this perspective, the social background of the Ottoman Empire in the sixteenth century is the first focal point of the thesis. The relations between the decadence of the institutions, the political conditions of the Ottoman Empire and the architectural production during the last quarter of the sixteenth century are examined in the second chapter of this thesis. In the third chapter these six late period mosques as the sampling case are described in detail and evaluated in terms of their bearing systems, construction materials, the site features and the relation with their patrons. Though, being one of the favorite subjects in the Ottoman architectural history, there are many research and interpretations on Sinan&amp / #8217 / s architectural style, works on late period mosques are limited and not specifically focused. In the fourth chapter of the study these limited interpretations are brought together and evaluated in the light of the background information supplied in the previous chapter of the thesis. In this framework, the aim of this study is not only to assess the late period works of Sinan as a tool to trace his architectural process, but also to unveil the relations with the identities of the patrons and locational and structural features of the mosques.

Representation Of The Ottoman Orient In Eighteenth Century English Literature

Baktir, Hasan 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis studies the representation of the Ottoman Orient in Eighteenth Century English Literature. The thesis argues that a comprehensive understanding of the representation of the Ottoman Orient in 18th century English literature requires a new perspective / thus investigates different aspects of the interaction between the Ottoman Orient and 18th century Europe. Said&#039 / s Orientalism discusses how European writers created a separate discourse to represent the Orient. The present thesis does not completely reject Said&#039 / s arguement / rather it argues that there was also a negotiating tendency which did not make radical distinction between the East and the West. Relying on 18th century pseudo-oriental letters, oriental tales and oriental travelogues the study tries to indicate that representation of the Ottoman Orient in 18th century English literature was different from the earlier centuries because developig critical and liberal spirit established a negotiation between the two worlds. The negotiation of the two worlds has been studied as a significant theme of the pseudo-oriental letters, oriental tales and oriental travelogues. The present study tried to indicate how the critical and inquisitive spirit of the age of Enlightenment interanimated Oreiental and European cultures.

The 19th Century Olive Oil Industry In Ayvalik And Its Impact On The Settlement Pattern

Terzi, Esra 01 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Ayvalik which is located on the Aegean coast of the West Anatolia made its main breakthrough in the 19th century and owe this development to olive oil production which was the main economic input of the settlement since the establishment of Ayvalik. Ayvalik was within the hinterland of izmir which was gained importance as a regional trade centre in the 19th century. Thus, Ayvalik found the way to improve its trade relations in an international level and eventually increase its olive oil production volume due to the growing demands. The new form of olive oil production / factories, developed together with the traditional house and workshop productions in the last quarter of the 19th century in Ayvalik. These three forms of production made up the second significant usage within the Ayvalik after the residential areas. The two or more floored, large volumed buildings were especially located on the shore, near to the port and trade facilities, on a flat terrain and became the most dominant and attractive buildings of the settlement. Besides the impressive industrial buildings, olive oil production itself effected the settlement pattern of Ayvalik. The main transportation axes were formed accordingly to the relationship between raw material areas and production places. The olive oil production also has an effect on the physical development direction of the settlement. The areas influenced from the negative effects of the production i.e., smell and dust were not chosen for development. The development of industrial buildings also blocked the physical relationship between the residential areas and sea. The industrial buildings such as factories, workshops and warehouses along the coast line reflect the industrial character of Ayvalik in the settlement&rsquo / s silhouette.

Travel, Civilization And The East: Ottoman Travellers

Palabiyik, Mustafa Serdar 01 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyzes the Ottoman travellers&rsquo / perception of &ldquo / the East&rdquo / in the late Ottoman Empire. In doing that, it links the Ottoman intellectual debates on the concept of civilization to their perceptions on the non-European lands and peoples. It mainly argues that the Ottoman intellectuals&rsquo / attempt to create a synthesis between the material elements of Western civilization and their own morality resulted in a perception of the East different from the Western perceptions. While the Western perceptions envisage a monolithic, unchanging and static East, the Ottoman perceptions vary in accordance with the temporal and spatial setting as well as with the intellectual inclinations of the travellers. Hence, this thesis contributes to the literature by fulfilling the gap about the Ottoman perceptions of the concepts of civilization and the East, by questioning the limits of existing literature on the Ottoman perception of the East which defines it as Orientalist/colonialist, by attracting attention to the use of Ottoman travel literature in understanding the Ottoman identity and their perception of the world, and, finally, by underlining the importance of the Ottoman perceptions of civilization and the East in understanding the historical roots of the &ldquo / identity question&rdquo / in Turkey.

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