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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Machine Learning for Power Demand, Availability and Outage Forecasting for a Microgrid in Tezpur University-India

Thumpala, Veera Venkata Satya Surya Anil Babu January 2021 (has links)
A sudden extreme change in the weather can result in significant impact onthe life system in the present-day scenario. A well-planned prediction for damage during extreme weather conditions can have minimal impact on the grid components and efficient response and recovery models. With technology advancements and innovation in smart grid technologies we can now have accesses to uninterrupted power supply with smart utilization of energy and reduce CO2 emissions. Artificial Intelligence plays a vital role insolving present day power issues. Large amounts of data and rapid usage of computational power has accelerated to use machine learning models topredict and forecast the energy demand. Hence this study aims to determine how machine learning will improve the microgrid operation at Tezpur University. The main application areas studied in this thesis are identified as demand and load forecasting, simulating Photovoltaic (PV)production in a Microgrid and power outages. This thesis is aimed to develop and compare different ML algorithms to test validate and predict the PV production, energy demand and power outages.

Beslutstödssystem for investeringar och underhåll i eldistributionssystem

Lindell, Joakim January 2009 (has links)
I detta examensarbete har en tillförlitlighetsmetod tagits fram som väger samman kostnadspåverkande faktorer för investeringar och underhåll i eldistributionssystem med kostnader förknippade med avbrott. Syftet med metoden är att möjliggöra för nätplanerare och projektörer att jämföra olika investeringsalternativ för att kunna kostnadseffektivisera investeringarna i eldistributionssystem. Med tillförlitlighetsanalys kan den förväntade avbrottstiden i systemets uttagspunkter beräknas. Kopplas en kostnad till den förväntade avbrottstiden i uttagspunkterna kan den förväntade avbrottskostnaden för distributionssystemet beräknas.   Syftet med simuleringarna har varit att undersöka om det går att minimera den totala kostnaden, investeringskostnader samt förväntade avbrottskostnad, genom slumpvisa investeringar i systemets ledningssektioner. Simuleringarna har genomförts på ett fiktivt mindre system. Systemet möjliggör analys av resultaten, men är ändå tillräckligt komplext för att påvisa problematik som kan uppstå. Simuleringarna visar att den framtagna metoden är robust och fungerar på önskat vis. Det visade sig också att simuleringstiden, även med ett stort antal slumpvisa investeringstillfällen, är kort vilket gör att modellen även kan användas för mer komplexa nät. / This MSc project develops a method that combines factors that affect the investment and maintenance costs in electrical power systems with costs associated with outage. This gives the system planner an opportunity to compare different alternatives for investments to receive a low total cost. Using system reliability analysis the outage time for the load points in the system can be decided. If the expected outage time is associated with a cost, it is possible to calculate the expected outage cost for the system.   The purpose of the simulations has been to examine if it is possible to minimize the total cost by doing randomized investments on power lines in the system. The simulations are carried out on a fictional, small system. Because of the specific design, it is easy to analyze results but also complex enough to show problems that can occur in the system. The simulations show that the model is robust and the expected results were accomplished. The simulations also showed that, even for a large amount of events, the time for the simulation is short. This shows that the model is suitable also for larger systems.

GPS-oscillation-robust Localization and Visionaided Odometry Estimation / GPS-oscillation-robust lokalisering och visionsstödd odometri uppskattning

CHEN, HONGYI January 2019 (has links)
GPS/IMU integrated systems are commonly used for vehicle navigation. The algorithm for this coupled system is normally based on Kalman filter. However, oscillated GPS measurements in the urban environment can lead to localization divergence easily. Moreover, heading estimation may be sensitive to magnetic interference if it relies on IMU with integrated magnetometer. This report tries to solve the localization problem on GPS oscillation and outage, based on adaptive extended Kalman filter(AEKF). In terms of the heading estimation, stereo visual odometry(VO) is fused to overcome the effect by magnetic disturbance. Vision-aided AEKF based algorithm is tested in the cases of both good GPS condition and GPS oscillation with magnetic interference. Under the situations considered, the algorithm is verified to outperform conventional extended Kalman filter(CEKF) and unscented Kalman filter(UKF) in position estimation by 53.74% and 40.09% respectively, and decrease the drifting of heading estimation. / GPS/IMU integrerade system används ofta för navigering av fordon. Algoritmen för detta kopplade system är normalt baserat på ett Kalmanfilter. Ett problem med systemet är att oscillerade GPS mätningar i stadsmiljöer enkelt kan leda till en lokaliseringsdivergens. Dessutom kan riktningsuppskattningen vara känslig för magnetiska störningar om den är beroende av en IMU med integrerad magnetometer. Rapporten försöker lösa lokaliseringsproblemet som skapas av GPS-oscillationer och avbrott med hjälp av ett adaptivt förlängt Kalmanfilter (AEKF). När det gäller riktningsuppskattningen används stereovisuell odometri (VO) för att försvaga effekten av magnetiska störningar genom sensorfusion. En Visionsstödd AEKF-baserad algoritm testas i fall med både goda GPS omständigheter och med oscillationer i GPS mätningar med magnetiska störningar. Under de fallen som är aktuella är algoritmen verifierad för att överträffa det konventionella utökade Kalmanfilteret (CEKF) och ”Unscented Kalman filter” (UKF) när det kommer till positionsuppskattning med 53,74% respektive 40,09% samt minska fel i riktningsuppskattningen.

Beam Discovery and Tracking for Mobile MIMO

Abdelrazek, Mohamed Naguib Hussein January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

A Generalized Accelerated Failure Time Model to Predict Restoration Time from Power Outages

Jamal, Tasnuba Binte 01 January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Major disasters such as wildfire, tornado, hurricane, tropical storm, flooding cause disruptions in infrastructure systems such as power outage, disruption to water supply system, wastewater management, telecommunication failures, and transportation facilities. Disruptions in electricity infrastructures have negative impacts on sectors throughout a region, including education, medical services, financial, and recreation sectors. In this study, we introduce a novel approach to investigate the factors which can be associated with longer restoration time of power service after a hurricane. Considering restoration time as the dependent variable and utilizing a comprehensive set of county-level data, we have estimated a Generalized Accelerated Failure Time (GAFT) model that accounts for spatial dependence among observations for time to event data. The model fit improved by 12% after considering the effects of spatial correlation in time to event data. Using GAFT model and Hurricane Irma's impact on Florida as a case study, we examined: (1) differences in electric power outages and restoration rates among different types of power companies: investor-owned power companies, rural and municipal cooperatives; (2) the relationship between the duration of power outage and power system variables; (3) the relationship between the duration of power outage and socioeconomic attributes. The findings of this study indicate that counties with a higher percentage of customers served by investor-owned electric companies and lower median household income, faced power outage for a longer time. This paper identifies the key factors to predict restoration time of hurricane-induced power outages, allowing disaster management agencies to adopt strategies required for restoration process.

Integration av BESS för förstärkt elnätsstabilitet på Ekerö / Integration of BESS for enhanced electricity grid stability in Ekerö

Ahmad, Mohemmad January 2024 (has links)
Denna rapport undersöker implementeringen av batterienergilagringssystem (BESS) som en strategisk åtgärd för att hantera de återkommande instabiliteterna i elnätet i Ekerö kommun. Den lokala elkraftsinfrastrukturen drabbas ofta av frekventa och långvariga avbrott, huvudsakligen på grund av sitt beroende av sårbara luftledningar. Integrationen av BESS erbjuder en dubbel fördel: förbättrad nätstabilitet och tillhandahållande av nödvändiga stödtjänster under perioder med hög efterfrågan. Studien inleds med en analys av de nuvarande förhållandena i Ekerös elnät, där de ekonomiska och operativa utmaningarna med den befintliga infrastrukturen belyses. Luftledningarna är särskilt utsatta för miljöpåfrestningar, vilket resulterar i betydande tjänsteavbrott som påverkar både hushåll och kommersiella konsumenter. De ekonomiska konsekvenserna är betydligt viktiga, inte bara på grund av de direkta kostnaderna för reparationer, utan också på grund av de ersättningar som krävs enligt regulatoriska standarder vid tjänstefel. Som en lösning på dessa utmaningar föreslås en strategisk placering av BESS-enheter i kommunen. Dessa system kan lagra överskottsenergi som genereras under perioder med låg efterfrågan, såsom nattetid eller under perioder med låg belastning, och frigöra den under perioder med hög efterfrågan eller när nätet inte kan möta belastningskraven. Denna kapacitet bidrar inte bara till reservkraft och stabilisering av elnätet, utan säkerställer även en mer effektiv användning av genererad energi, vilket minskar spill och potentiellt sänker elkostnaderna för kommunen. För att besvara frågeställningarna kring den optimala kapaciteten och placeringen av BESS har HOMER Pro använts. HOMER Pro är en mjukvara för optimering av mikronät. Med HOMER Pro har olika scenarier simulerats för att hitta den mest effektiva lösningen baserat på Ekerös specifika energibehov och nätförhållanden. Simuleringarna har resulterat i en rekommendation om att implementera en total kapacitet av cirka 52 MWh batterilagring vid samtliga nätstationer för att tillgodose kommunens energibehov under avbrott och hög belastning. Vidare beskriver rapporten de tekniska specifikationerna och de operativa mekanismerna för BESS, inklusive de batterityper som övervägs (t.ex. litiumjon, bly-syra), deras förväntade livslängd, kapacitet och effektivitet. Den undersöker också potentiella platser för installation, bedömer deras inverkan på den övergripande nätstabiliteten och de logistiska övervägandena vid distribution och underhåll av dessa system. Slutligen förespråkar rapporten antagandet av BESS i Ekerö som ett kritiskt steg mot en mer motståndskraftig och ekonomiskt hållbar energiinfrastruktur. Genom att minska effekterna av strömavbrott och optimera användningen av elektrisk energi kan BESS avsevärt förbättra servicenivån för Ekerös invånare och företag, och sätta en standard för andra kommuner med liknande utmaningar. / This report investigates the implementation of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) as a strategic measure to address the recurring electrical grid instabilities in the municipality of Ekerö. The local power infrastructure frequently experiences outages due to its reliance on vulnerable overhead power lines. The integration of BESS offers dual benefits: improved grid stability and the provision of essential support services during periods of high demand. The study begins with an analysis of the current conditions of the electrical grid of Ekerö, highlighting the economic and operational challenges posed by the existing infrastructure. Overhead lines are particularly susceptible to weather conditions, which lead to significant service interruptions that impact both residential and commercial consumers. The economic implications are substantial, not only due to direct repair costs but also due to compensations required by regulatory standards for service failures. In response to these challenges, the report proposes the strategic placement of BESS units throughout the municipality. These systems can store excess energy generated during periods of low demand, such as nighttime or off-peak hours, and release it during periods of high demand or when the grid cannot meet the load requirements. This capability not only stabilizes the grid but also ensures more efficient use of generated power, reducing wastage and potentially lowering electricity costs for the municipality. To address questions regarding the optimal capacity and placement of BESS, the report utilizes HOMER Pro software for microgrid optimization. Various scenarios were simulated using HOMER Pro to determine the most effective solution based on Ekerö’s specific energy needs and grid conditions. The simulations resulted in a recommendation to implement a total capacity of approximately 52 MWh of battery storage across all substations to meet the municipality’s energy needs during outages and periods of high demand. Furthermore, the report details the technical specifications and operational mechanisms of BESS, including the types of batteries considered (e.g., lithium-ion, lead-acid), their expected lifespan, capacity, and efficiency levels. It also examines potential installation sites, assessing their impact on overall grid stability and the logistical considerations involved in deploying and maintaining these systems. In conclusion, the report advocates for the adoption of BESS in Ekerö as a critical step towards a more resilient and economically sustainable energy framework. By mitigating the impact of power outages and optimizing the use of electrical energy, BESS can significantly enhance the quality of service provided to Ekerö’s residents and businesses, setting a precedent for other municipalities facing similar challenges.

Telemetrie a dispečerské řízení mřížové sítě nízkého napětí / Telemetry and Dispatch Control of Low Voltage Grid

Gála, Michal January 2019 (has links)
The contents of this thesis are the introduction to mesh grids, the method of dispatch control of these grids and the description of technology used in mesh grids distribution nodes in the city of Brno. This thesis also describes low voltage switchgears used in these types of grids. The development of dispatch control in ECD company is also mentioned. The development describes the grid dispatch control methods prior to implementing the OMS system and the changes which followed after the implementation. The process improvements of the new system resulting from this thesis can be found in this thesis as well. The improvements are incorporated in the OMS system and are used for more efficient dispatch control of the low voltage mesh grids. There is a more detailed analysis of the mesh grid Brno – Bohunice in the practical part of this thesis. The practical part contains analyses of mesh grids stabilized conditions measurements and analyses of mesh grids fault conditions measurements. The analyses assess the power load in transformers, minimal and maximal phase current and maximal power load at the time they were observed. The analysis of the measured data is accompanied by the assessment of differences in current phase measurements and differences in voltage phase and combined measurements. The result, based on the analysis and collection of the data, is a proposition of adding switchgears for the support of the dispatch control of the mesh grid Brno – Bohunice. In the summary of the thesis there is a comparison of the result of the factual and theoretical analysis. An experimental model of the mesh grid Brno – Bohunice was created in PS CAD software as a part of the theoretical analysis.

Protetor de redes inteligente e relé digital com tecnologia nacional integrando proteção, controle, telecomando e monitoramento viabilizando smart grid e geração distribuída a partir dos sistemas de distribuição subterrâneos nas grandes metrópoles / Inteligent Network Protectror with Digital Relay integrating Protection, Control and Monitoring enabling Smart Grid and Distributed Generation in Large Cities with underground Distribution Systems

Silva, Humberto de Alencar Pizza da 28 April 2011 (has links)
A importância das novas tecnologias de informação, automação, monitoramento e sistemas eletrônicos inteligentes têm aumentado significativamente nos últimos anos. Essas tecnologias desempenham um papel fundamental na sociedade moderna e contribuem de forma decisiva para a resolução de importantes desafios para uma sociedade que quer ser mais próspera, internacionalmente competitiva, saudável, segura e sustentável. Como eixo de \"inovação\", essas tecnologias são fatores importantes para todos os setores produtivos da economia. O motor destas tecnologias, entretanto, é a energia, particularmente a eletricidade. Assim, em uma sociedade cujo estilo de vida é fortemente dependente dela, desenvolver tecnologias que permitam não somente a geração, mas também a distribuição de energia de forma barata e limpa e que garantam seu fornecimento ao longo do tempo com a máxima eficiência é uma questão prioritária. Os sistemas baseados em redes inteligentes (do inglês: Smart Grid) vêm, justamente, atender a esses requisitos, representando o que há de mais moderno no setor elétrico, com aumento e diversificação de fontes de geração distribuída na forma de pequenos geradores, maior interação consumidor-distribuidor de energia, integração de diferentes fontes de geração renováveis (ex.: solar, eólica etc.). O cenário energético nacional está avançando de forma muito rápida. Nas distribuidoras, o foco claramente está na redução de perdas comerciais e de custos operacionais, principalmente por meio da modernização dos ativos e da crescente instalação de dispositivos eletrônicos inteligentes nos clientes de baixa tensão (ex.: medidores eletrônicos, dispositivos eletrônicos inteligentes para monitoramento e diagnóstico, relés digitais etc.). Esta tese de doutorado apresenta uma solução com tecnologia nacional que disponibiliza todos os benefícios do Smart Grid através dos equipamentos mais importantes e estratégicos presentes na topologia das Redes de Distribuição Subterrânea Secundária Trifásica: os Protetores de Redes. A partir do centro nevrálgico das Redes de Distribuição Subterrâneas (RDS), cuja topologia está presente nos centros de alta concentração de carga das principais metrópoles do Brasil, a solução desenvolvida pode viabilizar técnica e economicamente a modernização da automação da RDS, com tecnologia nacional de baixo custo, proporcionando igualmente a incorporação dos avanços do Smart Grid e da Geração Distribuída. Este salto tecnológico significaria para as distribuidoras de energia elétrica entre outros benefícios: Melhor controle do processo para uma melhor otimização da rede, desde integração das intermitentes fontes renováveis até uma interação mais dinâmica com os consumidores; Maior flexibilidade às concessionárias em relação ao uso da energia para atingir o grande objetivo social de redução do efeito estufa e otimização do consumo de energia reduzindo perdas e desperdícios; No curto prazo, os benefícios diretos da melhoria do gerenciamento da indisponibilidade, gerenciamento otimizado dos ativos e do capital, melhoria no planejamento, processos e serviços de fornecimento e usos finais de energia, aumento de eficiência de manutenção, redução de perdas técnicas e comerciais, otimização do investimento na compra de novos protetores com menores custos podendo superar a demanda reprimida pelos altos custos de alternativas importadas. / The importance of new technologies in the field of, automation, monitoring, information technology and electronic systems have increased significantly in recent years. These technologies play a basic role in the modern society and contribute of decisive way for the resolution of important challenges for a society that is in search of a more prosperous life, internationally competitive, healthful, safe and sustainable. As a key of \"innovation\", these technologies are key factors for all the productive sectors of the economy in the society. The fuel for the engine of these technologies, however, is the energy, particularly the electricity. Thus, in a society whose life style is strongly dependent of electricity, to develop technologies that not only allow the generation, but also the distribution of energy in a cheap and clean way and which could guarantee its supply throughout the time with the maximum efficiency is a priority issue. The systems based on intelligent networks fully meet these requirements, representing what there is of most modern in the electric sector. The Brazilian energy scenario is quickly changing over the recent years toward modernization, with more distributed generation, in the form of smaller generators, more customer interaction, the integration of more variable resources such as wind and solar, and more renewables overall. For the Power Utilities, especially in the Distribution Sector, the focus is clearly in the reduction of commercial losses and operational costs, mainly by means of the modernization of the assets and an increase in the installation of intelligent electronic devices at consumers side (e.g.: electronic energy meters, intelligent electronic devices for condition monitoring, digital relays etc.). This work presents a solution developed based on Brazilian technology that incorporates all the benefits of smart grid to the most important equipment that is present in the topology of the Low-Voltage Secondary Network Distribution System: the Network Protector. From the neuralgic center of these Low-Voltage Secondary Network Systems, which topology is used in the most important cities in Brazil, which has a high load concentration, the solution presented here make it feasible technically and economically the use of smart grid topology profiting from its great benefits such as: Allow utilities to better optimize the grid to support a number of public policies, from intermittent renewable integration to more dynamic interfaces with customers; Offer utilities more flexibility relative to how they use energy toward the greater societal objectives of reducing greenhouse gases and energy consumption. In the short and mid term, a smarter grid offers utilities operational benefits (outage management, improved processes, maintenance and workforce efficiency, reduced losses, etc.) as well as benefits associated with improved asset management (system planning, better capital asset utilization, etc.), lower investment to acquire new Network Protectors.

Relay-Assisted Free-Space Optical Communications

Safari, Majid 04 January 2011 (has links)
The atmospheric lightwave propagation is considerably influenced by the random variations in the refractive index of air pockets due to turbulence. This undesired effect significantly degrades the performance of free-space optical (FSO) communication systems. Interestingly, the severity of such random degradations is highly related to the range of atmospheric propagation. In this thesis, we introduce relay-assisted FSO communications as a very promising technique to combat the degradation effects of atmospheric turbulence. Considering different configurations of the relays, we quantify the outage behavior of the relay-assisted system and identify the optimum relaying scheme. We further optimize the performance of the relay-assisted FSO system subject to some power constraints and provide optimal power control strategies for different scenarios under consideration. Moreover, an application of FSO relaying technique in quantum communications is investigated. The results demonstrate impressive performance improvements for the proposed relay-assisted FSO systems with respect to the conventional direct transmission whether applied in a classical or a quantum communication channel.

Performance evaluation and enhancement for AF two-way relaying in the presence of channel estimation error

Wang, Chenyuan 30 April 2012 (has links)
Cooperative relaying is a promising diversity achieving technique to provide reliable transmission, high throughput and extensive coverage for wireless networks in a variety of applications. Two-way relaying is a spectrally efficient protocol, providing one solution to overcome the half-duplex loss in one-way relay channels. Moreover, incorporating the multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) technology can further improve the spectral efficiency and diversity gain. A lot of related work has been performed on the two-way relay network (TWRN), but most of them assume perfect channel state information (CSI). In a realistic scenario, however, the channel is estimated and the estimation error exists. So in this thesis, we explicitly take into account the CSI error, and investigate its impact on the performance of amplify-and-forward (AF) TWRN where either multiple distributed single-antenna relays or a single multiple-antenna relay station is exploited. For the distributed relay network, we consider imperfect self-interference cancellation at both sources that exchange information with the help of multiple relays, and maximal ratio combining (MRC) is then applied to improve the decision statistics under imperfect signal detection. The system performance degradation in terms of outage probability and average bit-error rate (BER) are analyzed, as well as their asymptotic trend. To further improve the spectral efficiency while maintain the spatial diversity, we utilize the maximum minimum (Max-Min) relay selection (RS), and examine the impact of imperfect CSI on this single RS scheme. To mitigate the negative effect of imperfect CSI, we resort to adaptive power allocation (PA) by minimizing either the outage probability or the average BER, which can be cast as a Geometric Programming (GP) problem. Numerical results verify the correctness of our analysis and show that the adaptive PA scheme outperforms the equal PA scheme under the aggregated effect of imperfect CSI. When employing a single MIMO relay, the problem of robust MIMO relay design has been dealt with by considering the fact that only imperfect CSI is available. We design the MIMO relay based upon the CSI estimates, where the estimation errors are included to attain the robust design under the worst-case philosophy. The optimization problem corresponding to the robust MIMO relay design is shown to be nonconvex. This motivates the pursuit of semidefinite relaxation (SDR) coupled with the randomization technique to obtain computationally efficient high-quality approximate solutions. Numerical simulations compare the proposed MIMO relay with the existing nonrobust method, and therefore validate its robustness against the channel uncertainty. / Graduate

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