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Exploring Faculty Responses to Student PlagiarismMcCorkle, Sarah 02 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis and overlapping demyelinating disorder in a 20-year old female with borderline personality disorder: proposal of a diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm for autoimmune encephalitis in psychiatric patients “case report”Weiss, David, Kertzscher, Lisa, Degering, Magdalena, Wozniak, David, Kluge, Michael 18 February 2022 (has links)
Background: Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis (NMDAR-E) is an autoimmune encephalitis (AE) mainly affecting young females. It typically presents with isolated psychiatric symptoms (e.g. depressed mood) at first and neurological abnormalities (e.g. seizures, movement disorders) only develop later. Thus, there is a high risk of overlooking NMDAR-E in patients with preexisting psychiatric illness due to symptom overlap in the prodromal period of the disease when treatment is most effective. Although rare, concomitant or sequential development of a demyelinating disorder is increasingly recognized as an associated disease entity (overlap syndrome), with immediate diagnostic and therapeutic implications.
Case presentation: We report a patient with a borderline personality disorder (BPD), which developed NMDAR-E and an overlapping demyelinating disorder with anti-Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) -IgG positivity. The initial clinical presentation with predominantly affective symptoms (e.g. mood lability, anxiety, depressed mood) lead us to suspect an exacerbation of the BPD at first. However, acute changes in premorbid behavior, newly developed psychotic symptoms and memory deficits lead us to the correct diagnosis of an AE, which was further complicated by the development of a demyelinating disorder. As a result of impaired illness awareness and psychosis, diagnostic and treatment was difficult to carry out. The symptoms completely remitted after treatment with methylprednisolone 1 g daily for 5 days and 5 cycles of plasma exchange.
Conclusions: Continuous awareness for neuropsychiatric clinical warning signs in patients with a pre-diagnosed psychiatric disorder is important for a timely diagnosis. Therefore, we believe that the diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm provided here, for the first time specifically addressing patients with preexisting psychiatric illness and integrating overlap syndromes, can be a useful tool. Moreover, in order to timely perform diagnostics and treatment, judicial approval should be obtained rapidly.
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The Feasibility of an Upper Extremity Poststroke NeuroprosthesisMakowski, Nathaniel Steven 23 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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<p>Firstly, select a nozzle and get all its parameters like spray angle, mass flow rate, dipersion angle and nozzle diameter. Create a domain in which 2 nozzles can fit, as shown in thesis. Divide the domain in 2 zones and perform fine mesh on the top surface of solid surface where spray will heat. Write a function for slab temperature variation and give it as the solid part input. Use DPM model, to create injectors inside the domain and solve.</p>
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Navigating Overlaps: State Motivations and the Evolving Relationship Between the European Union and NATO : A Case Study of Finland and SwedenHjälsten, John January 2023 (has links)
The EU has for a long time been moving towards taking more responsibility for its own security through the creation of programmes such as the Common Defence and Security Policy (CSDP) and the European Defence Fund. Increased uncertainty regarding security has caused many states to reconsider their defence arrangements, especially internationally. NATO, the long-established security provider in the transatlantic region, and the EU are seeing a greater functional overlap, which comes with a number of drawbacks. NATO is also concerned with a potential decrease in United States engagement in European security, which can ultimately lead to a so-called discontinuity challenge among the European States. Finland and Sweden have recently abandoned their military non-alignment for membership in NATO. This begs the question of why these states join NATO when they are already part of the EU’s CSDP and how these two states view the functional relationship between the EU and NATO. The study shows that both Finland and Sweden see the EU and NATO as having complementary roles and that cooperation between them should only be increased. Both organizations are seen as necessary for European security. Two of the main motivations for joining NATO are the increased aggression from Russia as well as being a way to improve relations with the US and maintain US engagement in European security. / <p></p><p></p>
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Modelling of additive manufacturing deposition for aerospace applications : A cross sectional bead geometry model validated for directed energy deposition using titanium blown powderWulff, Christopher January 2024 (has links)
In an effort to make the aerospace industry more sustainable, GKN Aerospace is heavily investing both time and money into additive manufacturing technologies. A challenging aspect with additive manufacturing is finding a set of process parameters that produces high quality parts and components to a standard that the aerospace industry demands. To aid the process development, turning to simulations is a great alternative and with the prospect of adding to the tools available, the work of this thesis has been focused on developing a mathematical model of the cross sectional deposition geometry. Through a literature study, an initial approach to developing such a model, as well as gaps in knowledge was established. Validation data was gathered by laser scanning additively manufactured builds. A model based on a fourth degree polynomial was developed. The fourth degree polynomial model was validated with the laser scan data using the mean squared error value and coefficient of determination as a quantifiable method of determining the goodness of fit. It was found to be an improvement over the common parabolic model found in the literature based on a second degree polynomial. The improved model manages to capture a wide variety of contact angles and the overlap region better follows the smooth transition between beads.
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Transport électronique et Verres de SpinsPaulin, Guillaume 22 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The results reported in this thesis contribute to the understanding of disordered systems, to mesoscopic physics on the one hand, and to the physics of spin glasses on the other hand. The first part of this thesis studies numerically coherent electronic transport in a non magnetic metal accurately doped with frozen magnetic impurities (a low temperature spin glass). Thanks to a recursive code that calculates the two terminal conductance of the system, we study in detail the metallic regime of conduction (large conductance) as well as the insulating regime (small conductance). In both regimes, we highlight a universal behavior of the system. Moreover, a study of correlations between the conductance of different spin configurations of impurities allows us to link these correlations with correlations between spin configurations. This study opens the route for the first experimental determination of the overlap via transport measurements. A second part of this thesis deals with the study of the mean field Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model, which describes the low temperature phase of an Ising spin glass. We are interested here in the generalization of this model to quantum spins (i.e including the possibility to flip by quantum tunneling) of this classical model that was well studied during the past thirty years. We deduce analytically motion equations at the semi-classical level, for which the influence of quantum tunneling is weak, and we compare them with the classical case. We finally solve numerically these equations using a pseudo-spectral method.
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Constances et spécificités des dysfonctionnements interactionnels dans le genre "débat politique télévisé" : une application au débat de l'entre-deux tours de l'élection présidentielle de 2007 / Turn-taking dysfunctions in TV political debates : an analysis of the second-round debate of the 2007 French presidential electionSandré, Marion 26 November 2010 (has links)
Ce travail s’inscrit en sciences du langage, dans le champ de l’analyse du discours, et utilise les outils de l’analyse conversationnelle et interactionnelle. L’objectif est de montrer la corrélation entre l’objet d’étude – le dysfonctionnement interactionnel – et le genre du discours – le débat politique télévisé. Le corpus choisi est le débat de l’entredeuxtours de l’élection présidentielle de 2007, entre Ségolène Royal et Nicolas Sarkozy. La transcription intégrale de cette interaction permet de recenser l’ensemble des dysfonctionnements et de les classer. Il existe ainsi deux types de dysfonctionnement : les ratés du système des tours (interruption, chevauchement, silence prolongé entre deuxtours) et la non-pertinence de l'enchaînement (échange tronqué, seconde partie de paire non pertinente). Chacun de ces dysfonctionnements est étudié en fonction des visées auxquelles il obéit (coopérer, polémique, gérer l’interaction…), et par rapport à la stratégie globale à laquelle il participe. L’analyse précise de chaque catégorie de dysfonctionnement interactionnel permet de montrer les constantes et les spécificités de ces phénomènes discursifs. En outre, cette analyse porte sur la relation interpersonnelle et mobilise les notions de face et d’ethos, l’image des candidats locuteurs s’élaborantaussi au travers de ces dysfonctionnements. Plus largement, le but de cette étude est d’esquisser une cartographie des dysfonctionnements interactionnels pouvant servir de modèle à d’autres analyses. Les études futures pourront porter sur d’autres débats ou d’autres genres du discours, afin de mener une étude comparative, en utilisant les outils mis en évidence dans ce travail. / The second-round debate of presidential elections has been a significant event in French politics since 1974. The final TV debate of 2007, during which presidential candidates Ségolène Royal and Nicolas Sarkozy confronted each other, constitutes the corpus of the present study. The analysis focuses on turn-taking dysfunctions : interruption, overlapand problematic sequence. The aim of this study is to understand the function of these discursive devices in this TV political debate. First, the detailed transcription shows many turn-taking dysfunctions. Second, the analysis of the data reveals different types of interruption (intentional or not, with or without simultaneous speech, isolated or with others interruptions), different types of overlap (when two speakers begin together, when the current speaker continues speaking after the overlap or when he lets the next speaker talk) and different types of problematic sequence (when the next speaker does not answer at all or does not answer well to the first speaker). Third, each type is precisely examined. The discourse analysis demonstrates how the debater uses them to defend himself or to criticize the other person. Furthermore, as turn-taking dysfunctions are conversational insults, the discourse surrounding them is analysed as a way to save face and to build the discursive ethos. The results of this study may help the field of linguistics to understand the discursive strategies of politicians. More generally, it presents a model to analyse every type of turn-taking dysfunction. Future research might focus on other TV political debates and other discursive genres (interviews, TV programmes with politicians) so as to carry out a comparative analysis.
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Ereignisorientierte Routenwahl in spontan gestörten Stadtstraßennetzen zur Anwendung eines selbstorganisierten StörfallmanagementsRausch, Markus 12 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Mobilität von Personen und Gütern, insbesondere in Städten, ist der Motor einer Volkswirtschaft. Dieser Motor kommt jedoch ins Stottern, wenn Staubildung im Stadtstraßennetzwerk einsetzt. Eine unvermeidbare Ursache von Staubildung stellen Verkehrsstörfälle dar, die schlimmstenfalls zu Gridlocks führen können. In der Folge werden hohe Kosten für Verkehr, Wirtschaft und Umwelt verursacht. Mit welchen Gegenmaßnahmen kann die Staubildung im Netzwerk effektiv bewältigt werden? Wie können entsprechende Gegenmaßnahmen realistisch noch vor einem praktischen Einsatz bewertet werden? Ausgehend von diesen Fragestellungen, widmet sich diese Dissertation der Entwicklung eines ereignisorientierten Routenwahlmodells für den Stadtstraßenverkehr und eines selbstorganisierten Störfallmanagements als Gegenmaßnahme zur Reduzierung negativer Auswirkungen der Staubildung.
Zur Modellierung des Routenwahlverhaltens in ereignisreichen Stadtstraßennetzen wird das ereignisorientierte Routenwahlmodell entwickelt. Der Ausgangspunkt des Modells ist die diskrete Wahltheorie. Entscheidungsprozesse einzelner Autofahrer werden vor und während der Fahrt direkt simuliert. Der Entscheidungsprozess ist dabei maßgeblich von Beobachtungen lokaler Verkehrsbedingungen geprägt. Somit wird nachgebildet, dass Autofahrer flexibel auf unvorhergesehene Ereignisse durch Routenwechsel reagieren können. Auf diese Weise ist eine realistische Simulation des Routenwahlverhaltens von Autofahrern in der Stadt möglich. Das ereignisorientierte Routenwahlmodell ist zudem generisch formuliert. Es lässt sich zur Bewertung von Gegenmaßnahmen für störfallbedingte Staubildung einsetzen und bedient darüber hinaus ein breites Anwendungsspektrum.
Der zweite Beitrag dieser Dissertation ist ein selbstorganisiertes Konzept für ein Störfallmanagement in Stadtstraßennetzen als Gegenmaßnahme zur Staubildung. Es vereint zwei lokal wirkende Prinzipien, deren Ausgangspunkte die Lichtsignalanlagen im Stadtnetzwerk sind. Mit verlängerten Rotzeiten werden Fahrzeuge an einer Kreuzung an der Einfahrt in einen Straßenabschnitt gehindert, wenn ein vorgesehener Rückstaubereich ausgeschöpft ist, da andernfalls Blockaden auf den Kreuzungen entstehen. Gleichzeitig werden noch freie Richtungen an der Kreuzung durch verlängerte Grünzeiten attraktiver gestaltet, um Autofahrer zum Umfahren der Staubildung zu motivieren. Die Anwendung der lokalen Wirkungsprinzipien stellt sich vollständig selbstorganisiert, d.h. ohne Vorgabe eines Planers, mit dem Ausmaß der Staubildung im Netzwerk ein. Simulationsstudien in zwei unterschiedlich komplexen Netzwerken haben die Machbarkeit des selbstorganisierten Störfallmanagements nachgewiesen. Gegenüber einem gewöhnlichen Netzwerk konnte für alle untersuchten Störfälle die Akkumulation zusätzlicher Fahrzeuge im Netzwerk während des Störfalls signifikant reduziert werden. / The mobility of people and goods, especially in urban areas, is of significant importance for national economies. However, recurrent congestion in urban road networks, caused by increased traffic demand, considerably restrains mobility on a daily basis. Another significant source of congestion are traffic incidents which even might lead to gridlock situations. Congestion raises high costs for traffic, economy and environment. Which countermeasures should be applied for an effective management of urban congestion? How can appropriate countermeasures be realistically evaluated? Based on these questions, this thesis is devoted to the development of an event-oriented route choice model for urban road traffic and a self-organized incident management strategy as an effective countermeasure for urban congestion.
The first contribution of this thesis is an event-oriented route choice model for urban road networks. It is based on discrete choice theory and models decision-making processes of individual motorists before and during their journey. A key aspect of the proposed model is the motorist's ability to observe local traffic conditions. These observations are then included in the decision process. In this way, it can be modeled that motorists respond to unforeseen events by route revisions. This allows a realistic simulation of the route choice behavior of motorists in naturally eventful urban road networks. Furthermore, the event-oriented route choice model is flexibly formulated. It can be used for the evaluation of countermeasures for incident-related congestion and, moreover, allows a wide range of applications.
The second contribution of this thesis is a self-organized concept of an incident management strategy in urban road networks as a countermeasure for urban congestion. It combines two locally acting principles on the basis of traffic lights in an urban road network. The inflow of vehicles into a road segment is regulated with restricted or skipped green times as soon as an allocated queuing capacity is depleted. Otherwise, blockages would result on the intersection. At the same time, yet free alternative directions are served with regular or even extended green times and, thus, might become more attractive to the driver than the original congested direction. The application of these local principles is realized in a completely self-organized manner, thereby scaling directly with the extent of congestion in the urban road network. Simulation studies in two networks with different complexity have proven the feasibility of the self-organized incident management. Compared to an ordinary network, the extents of additional vehicles due to investigated incidents were significantly reduced.
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Quantifying biodiversity trends in time and spaceStudeny, Angelika C. January 2012 (has links)
The global loss of biodiversity calls for robust large-scale diversity assessment. Biological diversity is a multi-faceted concept; defined as the “variety of life”, answering questions such as “How much is there?” or more precisely “Have we succeeded in reducing the rate of its decline?” is not straightforward. While various aspects of biodiversity give rise to numerous ways of quantification, we focus on temporal (and spatial) trends and their changes in species diversity. Traditional diversity indices summarise information contained in the species abundance distribution, i.e. each species' proportional contribution to total abundance. Estimated from data, these indices can be biased if variation in detection probability is ignored. We discuss differences between diversity indices and demonstrate possible adjustments for detectability. Additionally, most indices focus on the most abundant species in ecological communities. We introduce a new set of diversity measures, based on a family of goodness-of-fit statistics. A function of a free parameter, this family allows us to vary the sensitivity of these measures to dominance and rarity of species. Their performance is studied by assessing temporal trends in diversity for five communities of British breeding birds based on 14 years of survey data, where they are applied alongside the current headline index, a geometric mean of relative abundances. Revealing the contributions of both rare and common species to biodiversity trends, these "goodness-of-fit" measures provide novel insights into how ecological communities change over time. Biodiversity is not only subject to temporal changes, but it also varies across space. We take first steps towards estimating spatial diversity trends. Finally, processes maintaining biodiversity act locally, at specific spatial scales. Contrary to abundance-based summary statistics, spatial characteristics of ecological communities may distinguish these processes. We suggest a generalisation to a spatial summary, the cross-pair overlap distribution, to render it more flexible to spatial scale.
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