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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A influência dos ciclos políticos e da ideologia político-partidária na qualidade informacional dos resultados das sociedades de economia mista / The influence of political cycles and party-political ideology on the informational quality of the results of semi-state societies

Carlos Alberto Kuhl 04 May 2017 (has links)
A Sociedade de Economia Mista (SEM) é um tipo societário sui generis que não tem merecido atenção especial nos estudos, principalmente nos que são relacionados com a Ciência Contábil. A particularidade de possuir aspectos públicos e particulares, função econômica e social e de estar intimamente atrelada aos aspectos políticos e partidários, pode aduzir que essas sociedades não necessitam apresentar níveis de qualidade da informação contábil compatíveis com os outros tipos societários, porém esse fato não pode prosperar, pois as SEM estão inseridas dentro do contexto empresarial brasileiro e devem evidenciar informações contábeis com qualidade e transparência, em conformidade com as melhores práticas contábeis. Entretanto a influência pública não pode ser dissociada deste tipo societário, especialmente pelo fato de que as SEM são consideradas como intermediárias para a execução de políticas sociais que, implementadas e/ou potencializadas em períodos eleitorais, alteram os seus resultados e os seus reflexos podem não ser evidenciados de forma adequada aos usuários externos. Nesse contexto, o objetivo desta tese é analisar se a qualidade da informação contábil evidenciada pelas SEM sofre influência dos períodos eleitorais, das ideologias político-partidárias e da forma com que o capital é constituído (aberto ou fechado), bem como, qual o nível de comparação com as Sociedades Anônimas Privadas. Para a consecução dos objetivos, foram avaliadas 141 Sociedades de Economia Mista durante o período de 1995 a 2014 em três constructos de qualidade da informação contábil (suavização dos resultados, persistência dos resultados e conservadorismo condicional), através de regressões em dados em painel (desbalanceado), regressões em corte transversal e teste Qui-Quadrado de Pearson, com a finalidade de evidenciar os resultados desses constructos, sob o enfoque de dois conceitos de lucro: Lucro Líquido (LL) e Lucro Operacional (LO). Os resultados indicam que a qualidade da informação contábil das SEM é alterada em anos eleitorais, apresentando redução do nível de Persistência (LL e LO) e aumento no Conservadorismo (LL). Em relação à ideologia político-partidária do órgão governamental controlador da SEM, os resultados demonstram que a esquerda apresenta maior nível de Suavização (LL) e a direita apresenta níveis de Conservadorismo (LL) e de Persistência (LL/LO) maiores; quando analisados apenas os anos eleitorais, não existe diferença entre as ideologias. Na análise entre as SEM de Capital Aberto e Fechado aufere-se que as Fechadas possuem maior Suavização (LL), menor Persistência (LO) e menor Conservadorismo (LL); em anos eleitorais as Fechadas apresentam Conservadorismo (LL) maior. Na comparação com as Sociedades Privadas, tanto para a totalidade do período analisado quanto apenas dos anos eleitorais, vislumbra-se que as SEM apresentam: maior Suavização (LL/LO), menor Persistência (LL/LO) e menor conservadorismo (LL). Com esses resultados é possível concluir que o nível da qualidade da informação contábil das SEM sofre alterações em razão dos anos eleitorais, da ideologia politica e do tipo empresarial, porém sem ser possível identificar se a alteração é para um nível maior ou menor de qualidade; já em relação à comparação com as Sociedades Privadas, é possível afirmar que as SEM possuem um nível de qualidade da informação contábil inferior, considerando os constructos adotados na pesquisa. / The State-Owned Company (SOC) is a sui generis type of company that has not deserved special attention in studies, especially those related to Accounting Science. The particularity of having public and private aspects, economic and social function and being intimately tied to political and party aspects may suggest that these societies do not need to present levels of quality of accounting information compatible with other societal types, however, this fact cannot prosper, because the SOC are inserted within the Brazilian business context and should evidence accounting information with quality and transparency, in accordance with the best accounting practices. However, public influence cannot be dissociated from this societal type, especially because SOCs are considered as intermediates for the implementation of social policies that, implemented and / or enhanced in electoral periods, alter their results and the reflexes may not be properly evidenced to external users. In this context, the purpose of this thesis is to analyze whether the quality of the accounting information evidenced by the SOC is influenced by electoral periods, political-partisan ideologies and the way in which capital is constituted (open or closed), and what level comparison with Private Corporation. In order to achieve the objectives, 141 State-Owned Companies were evaluated during the period from 1995 to 2014 in three constructs of quality accounting information (smoothing of results, persistence of results and conditional conservatism) through panel data regressions (unbalanced ), cross-sectional regressions, and Pearson\'s Chi-Square test, with the purpose of evidencing the results of these constructs, under the focus of two profit concepts: Net Profit (NP) and Operational Profit (OP). The results indicate that the quality of the accounting information of the SOCs is altered in electoral years, presenting a reduction in the level of Persistence (NP and OP) and an increase in Conservatism (NP). In relation to the political-party ideology of the governmental governing body of SOC, the results show that the left has a higher level of Smoothing (NP) and the right has higher levels of Conservatism (NP) and Persistence (NP/OP); when only electoral years are analyzed, there is no difference between ideologies. In the analysis between the Open and Closed Capital SOCs, the closed have a greater Smoothing (NP), lower Persistence (OP) and lower Conservatism (NP); in electoral years the Closed present Conservatism (NP) major. In the comparison with the Private Companies, both for the entire analyzed period and only for the electoral years, it is possible to observe that the SOCs have: greater Smoothing (NP / OP), lower Persistence (NP / OP) and lower conservatism (NP). With these results it is possible to conclude that the level of the quality of the accounting information of the SOC change due to electoral years, political ideology and business type, but is not possible to identify if the change is to a higher or lower level of quality; already in relation to the comparison with the Private Companies, it is possible to affirm that the SOCs have a level of quality of the lower accounting information, considering the constructs adopted in the research.

Evolução do setor elétrico paulista / Evolution of electric sector in São Paulo

Roberto Antonio Iannone 13 December 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho procura retratar a trajetória do setor elétrico paulista e suas interações com o setor nacional, já que, como se depreenderá da leitura, impossível, em muitos momentos, serem dissociados, seja na vertente institucional ou na econômica. Não obstante, o cerne da questão abordada aponte para o modo como a reforma institucional de um setor estratégico e de serviço público essencial foi feita, a questão é consideravelmente mais complexa, já que o setor tem características e especificidades únicas. O modelo anterior sob o qual o setor havia se desenvolvido, a partir da década de 1960, estatal em sua quase totalidade, começou a ser desmontado inviabilizou-se. Como duas questões básicas, ainda não foram satisfatoriamente respondidas, ou seja, se havia, realmente, necessidade da privatização e se esta poderia ter sido realizada de forma distinta, intenta-se interpretar os motivos, inicialmente, das estatizações e, posteriormente, das privatizações ocorridas / The aim of this study was to evaluate the processed reforms in the electric sector of São Paulo and his interactions with the Brazilian sector. The major of the question has been the privatization and the way as the institutional reform of a strategic sector and of essential public service sector was made. The question is considered complex, since the sector has single characteristics and the electricity is a capital with very specific peculiarities. The previous model under which had been developed the electric Brazilian sector and, in particular, the native of São Paulo, from decade of 1960, state in it\'s almost totality, started to be demolished is not viable anymore. How, the two basic questions, occurred by the reframe for which had passed, they had not been satisfactorily answered yet, in other words, if really had necessity of the privatization and it could have been carried through of distinct form. Thus, the research aim to determine the reasons of the stabilizations and of the privatizations of the electric sector occurred

Identification and analysis of the factors that influence the development of female entrepreneurs in the informal sector

Sokabo, Nobenguni B January 2002 (has links)
There is a remarkable increase in the participation of females in business activities due to their involvement in the informal sector. These activities appear to be insignificant and not measurable because they are outside the regulatory framework, but they also absorb multitudes of the unemployable. Notwithstanding the challenges of low levels of education, lack of skills and finance as well as the need to balance reproductive and productive roles, females are under pressure to generate income through trading in small scale businesses that can hardly grow beyond subsistence level. With the meagre earnings from their activities, they ensure the survival of their families. If female entrepreneurs are developed and brought into the economic main stream, they will bring with them their unique survivalist techniques that will contribute towards economic development and growth in the country. This report examines the constraints that affect the development of female entrepreneurs in the informal sector.

An investigation of the effectiveness of government policy programmes for black women entrepreneurs in Tshwane

Chiloane-Tsoka, Germinah Evelyn 04 February 2014 (has links)
D.Comm. (Business Management) / The effectiveness of government policies and Programme for black women in Tshwane is investigated in this study. Five townships, Soshanguve, GaRankuwa, Mamelodi, Atteridgeville, Hammanskraal and Inner city were investigated by means of questionnaires. A sample of 241 black women entrepreneurs in Tshwane townships was investigated after which the results were reported. The primary objective of this study has been to investigate the extent to which black women entrepreneurs utilise government policies and Programme in Tshwane. Descriptive statistics indicated the following: 1. Information about government policies is not known by the majority of women entrepreneurs in Tshwane. 2. Local business centres are not assisting black women entrepreneurs by disseminating government policies. 3. SEDA is not effective in providing training for the SMMEs. 4. SAWEN is not effective in assisting women to start and grow their business…

Perspectives on the socioeconomic impact of privatization policy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Mukenge, Bulelwa January 2010 (has links)
Masters in Public Administration - MPA / This study investigates the challenges facing the management of public enterprises in the Democratic of Congo. The study is based on the hypothesis that poor performance by state-owned enterprises in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has been influenced by inadequate management which has led to the dissatisfaction of citizens. Due to this problem increasing attention is being paid by the DRC Government to encouraging private sector involvement in services such as water and electricity. This study investigates the arguments for and against privatization, especially in the water and electricity sectors. In pursuing this debate the study explores the following main research question: To what extent will the DRC Reform Law aimed at transforming the commercialisation of public enterprises enhance the effectiveness of basic services such as water and electricity services in the DRC? A case study of the city of Bukavu in the eastern DRC is used to explore this question. / South Africa

An exploration of entrepreneurship within established family businesses in Grahamstown

Lancaster, Talia Grace Palm January 2012 (has links)
Family businesses make up a large number of businesses in South Africa, although they are not often researched. Many of these family businesses are SME (Small and Medium Enterprises), however they contribute substantially to the local economy, as well as job creation. Despite their extensive presence there is a very poor success rate of family businesses. One of the reasons for their low success rate could be the seemingly increased conservative nature of family businesses over time. Thus, a look into entrepreneurial processes, which promote adaptation, innovation and learning, may give family businesses a competitive advantage. An Abbreviated Grounded Theory approach was used to explore the presence, if any, of entrepreneurial processes within established family businesses in Grahamstown. Two generations of family owners as well as a non-family employee across four local businesses were interviewed. The results show that all four business show signs of entrepreneurship within their business, these include: risk taking, creativity, active competition, opportunity grasping and change. Previous generations within the business also showed signs of learning new technology, in turn the new generations learnt from the experience that their parents have had in the businesses. The results show that family businesses are capable of change, adaptation and learning, thus it may enable consultants and future researchers to strengthen family businesses across generations.

Measures of success of small and medium-sized family and non-family-owned businesses in the Eastern Cape

Carelsen, Mispah January 2016 (has links)
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are recognised internationally and in South Africa as a critical component of the economic development of a country as a result of their contribution to job creation, alleviation of poverty, sustainability and innovation. Furthermore, the majority of SMEs are also family-owned and play an increasingly important role in the South African economy, making up approximately 84 per cent of businesses in the country. Despite the critical role that family and non-family SMEs play in economic development, they are still plagued with high failure rates and unique challenges that make it difficult for them to survive. These challenges include, amongst others, regulatory burdens, restrictive labour policies, a lack of access to finance, markets and technology, as well as an overwhelmingly constant emphasis on survival. As a result of the added dynamic of family relationships within family-owned SMEs, they face additional challenges such as conflict between family members and inadequate succession planning. Focus is often placed on the factors leading to failure, but little is known about success-aiding behaviours that could reduce the high failure rate and improve the success rate of these businesses. As a result, it is important to examine what determines success and how it is measured. Success can be defined as the attainment of goals, therefore the achievement of goals plays a critical role in the success of the business.

What challenges are being faced by women entrepreneurs in accessing micro finance services in Zimbabwe

Mushanguri, Mejury January 2011 (has links)
The research seeks to explore why women in Zimbabwe still face hindrances in accessing micro finance services and what can be done to meet their needs in a more holistic and effective way. Women play a crucial role in the economic development of their families and communities but are faced with certain obstacles that hinder them from performing their role effectively. Such hindrances as poverty, unemployment, low household income and societal discrimination. UNIFEM (1992) confirms that the majority of the world‟s poor have a predominantly female face and argues that women earn only 10 percent of world‟s income and own less than 10 percent of the world‟s property. African women have been characterised by the lack of empowerment caused by societal perceptions and negative cultural practice. In many cases of women rights violation it has been noted that this has been exacerbated by the over reliance on the male counterpart. Development practitioners have noted that micro finance as one of the strategies needed for women empowerment. Despite the concept having been practiced for at least 15 years now, women still face challenges in accessing micro finance services. There is need for Micro Finance Institutions to recognise the position of women in relation to men as actors in society.

The entrepreneurial orientation and performance of African immigrant-owned small businesses in the Eastern Cape

Akah Ndang, William January 2017 (has links)
Given the rapid inflow of African immigrant entrepreneurs into South Africa, as well as the lack of understanding and research attention given to African immigrant entrepreneurial orientation, the failure rate of their businesses in South Africa is very high. The purpose of this study is to contribute to more effective and robust African immigrant entrepreneurship in South Africa by investigating the impact of African immigrant entrepreneurial orientation on business performance. With this purpose in mind, the primary objective of this study is to establish the level of entrepreneurial orientation of African immigrant-owned small businesses in the Eastern Cape Province, and to determine the influence of this orientation on business performance. This study sets out to pull together previous findings and theories on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation, and business performance, to find support for the theories on the determinants of entrepreneurial orientation in the literature, and to combine these findings into a simple model. An overview of small businesses was first conducted, in which the nature of small businesses and African immigrant-owned small businesses was taken into consideration, as well as the role small businesses play within the economy and the different challenges small businesses face. The dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation were discussed. These included Innovativeness, Pro-activeness, Risk-taking, Competitive aggressiveness, and Autonomy. Business performance was discussed and was measured in terms of financial and non-financial measures. The resource based view was also discussed and human, social, and financial capitals were taken into consideration. A proposed theoretical framework was established to show the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and business performance of African immigrant-owned small businesses and this was later tested by developing a hypothesis. A structured questionnaire was developed and data was collected through these self-administered questionnaires. They were made available to the respondents by a means of the snowball technique and data was collected from 218 respondents. Each construct was defined and operationalised. This was done by using themes from previous studies, as well as self developed themes. Cronbach‟s alpha coefficients were used to confirm reliability and validity of the measuring instruments. Completed questionnaires were subject to different statistical tests. A descriptive analysis was carried out, as well as an exploratory factor analysis, multiple regression and an analysis of variance. The findings of this study showed that Innovativeness has a negative relationship to Business performance whilst Competitive aggressiveness, Proactiveness, Risk-taking, and Autonomy have a significant positive relationship to Business performance. Furthermore, the findings established that Financial capital has a significant relationship to Competitive aggressiveness, Innovativeness, and Proactiveness, whilst there is no relationship to Risk-taking and Autonomy. In addition, it was established that there is a significant relationship between Human capital and Competitive aggressiveness, Proactiveness, and Autonomy, whilst there is no relationship to Innovativeness and Risk-taking. Moreover, the study also showed that a relationship exists between some selected demographic variables of the African immigrant-owned small business and entrepreneurial orientation, as measured by Innovativeness (H1a), Pro-activeness (H1b), Risk-taking (H1c), Competitive aggressiveness (H1d) and Autonomy (H1e). An exception was the demographic variable, the Level of education, which was not found to be as stipulated in the hypothesis. In the context of this study, it was found that 62% of change in African immigrant-owned small business performance is affected by entrepreneurial orientation while other factors accounted for the remaining 38%. Management should revisit its entrepreneurial orientation capabilities and determine whether these are delivering values. This will require a review of policies and procedures in addition to benchmarking these activities to identify whether the business is committing an unwarranted and misplaced amount of resources to a given entrepreneurial orientation activity. Blind pursuit of the uniform implementation of an entrepreneurial dimension is not an effective way for African immigrant-owned small businesses to create an advantage.

Podniky se státní účastí a jejich role ve vytváření korupčního prostředí / State-owned enterprises and their role in creating opportunities for corruption

Sodomka, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with state-owned enterprises and their potential for corruption. In the first chapter is characterized corruption in the Czech Republic in the context of social, economic and political changes in the end of the twentieth century. This section also contains typology of corruption from Rasma Karklins, which is also the methodological basis of this work. The second part focuses on the characteristics of state-owned enterprises, and also on internal and external control mechanisms, which should reduce their potential for corruption. The third chapter presents in detail the processes and results of legislative changes in recent years, regarding the increase of external control mechanisms of state-owned enterprises.

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