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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Non-Precious Cathode Electrocatalytic Materials for Zinc-Air Battery

Kim, Baejung 13 December 2013 (has links)
In the past decade, rechargeable batteries attracted the attention from the researchers in search for renewable and sustainable energy sources. Up to date, lithium-ion battery is the most commercialized and has been supplying power to electronic devices and hybrid and electric vehicles. Lithium-ion battery, however, does not satisfy the expectations of ever-increasing energy and power density, which of their limits owes to its intercalation chemistry and the safety.1-2 Therefore, metal-air battery drew much attention as an alternative for its high energy density and a simple cell configuration.1 There are several different types of metal-air batteries that convey different viable reaction mechanisms depending on the anode metals; such as Li, Al, Ca, Cd, and Zn. Redox reactions take place in a metal-air cell regardless of the anode metal; oxidation reaction at the anode and reduction reaction at the air electrode. Between the two reaction, the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) at the air electrode is the relatively the limiting factor within the overall cell reactions. The sluggish ORR kinetics greatly affects the performance of the battery system in terms of power output, efficiency, and durability. Therefore, researchers have put tremendous efforts in developing highly efficient metal air batteries and fuel cells, especially for high capacity applications such as electric vehicles. Currently, the catalyst with platinum nanoparticles supported on carbon material (Pt-C) is considered to exhibit the best ORR activities. Despite of the admirable electrocatalytic performance, Pt-C suffers from its lack of practicality in commercialization due to their prohibitively high cost and scarcity as of being a precious metal. Thus, there is increasing demand for replacing Pt with more abundant metals due economic feasibility and sustainability of this noble metal.3-5 Two different attitudes are taken for solution. The first approach is by optimizing the platinum loading in the formulation, or the alternatively the platinum can be replaced with non-precious materials. The purpose of this work is to discover and synthesize alternative catalysts for metal-air battery applications through optimized method without addition of precious metals. Different non-precious metals are investigated as the replacement of the precious metal including transition metal alloys, transition metal or mixed metal oxides, and chalcogenides. These types of metals, alone, still exhibits unsatisfying, yet worse, kinetics in comparison to the precious metals. Nitrogen-doped carbon material is a recently well studied carbon based material that exhibits great potential towards the cathodic reaction.6 Nitrogen-doped carbon materials are found to exhibit higher catalytic activity compared to the mentioned types of metals for its improved conductivity. Benefits of the carbon based materials are in its abundance and minimal environmental footprints. However, the degradation of these materials has demonstrated loss of catalytic activity through destruction of active sites containing the transition metal centre, ultimately causing infeasible stability. To compensate for these drawbacks and other limits of the nitrogen-doped carbon based catalysts, nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes (NCNT) are also investigated in the series of study. The first investigation focuses on a development of a simple method to thermally synthesize a non-precious metal based nitrogen-doped graphene (NG) electrocatalyst using exfoliated graphene (Ex-G) and urea with varying amounts of iron (Fe) precursor. The morphology and structural features of the synthesized electrocatalyst (Fe-NG) were characterized by SEM and TEM, revealing the existence of graphitic nanoshells that potentially contribute to the ORR activity by providing a higher degree of edge plane exposure. The surface elemental composition of the catalyst was analyzed through XPS, which showed high content of a total N species (~8 at.%) indicative of the effective N-doping, present mostly in the form of pyridinic nitrogen groups. The oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) performance of the catalyst was evaluated by rotating disk electrode voltammetry in alkaline electrolyte and in a zinc-air battery cell. Fe-NG demonstrated high onset and half-wave potentials of -0.023 V (vs. SCE) and -0.110 V (vs. SCE), respectively. This excellent ORR activity is translated into practical zinc-air battery performance capabilities approaching that of commercial platinum based catalyst. Another approach was made in the carbon materials to further improve the cost of the electrode. Popular carbon allotropes, CNT and graphene, are combined as a composite (GC) and heteroatoms, nitrogen and sulfur, are introduced in order to improve the charge distribution of the graphitic network. Dopants were doped through two step processes; nitrogen dopant was introduced into the graphitic framework followed by the sulfur dopant. The coexistence of the two heteroatoms as dopants demonstrated outstanding ORR performance to those of reported as metal free catalysts. Furthermore, effects of temperature were investigated through comparing ORR performances of the catalysts synthesized in two different temperatures (500 ??? and 900 ???) during the N-doping process (consistent temperature was used for S-doping). Through XPS analysis of the surface chemistry of catalysts produced with high temperature during the N-doping step showed absence of N-species after the subsequent S-doping process (GC-NHS). Thus, the synergetic effects of the two heteroatoms were not revealed during the half-cell testing. Meanwhile, the two heteroatoms were verified in the catalyst synthesized though using low temperature during the N-doping process followed by the S-doping step (GC-NLS). Consequently, ORR activity of the resulting material demonstrated promising onset and half-wave potentials of -0.117 V (vs. SCE) and -0.193 V (vs. SCE). In combination of these investigations, this document introduces thorough study of novel materials and their performance in its application as ORR catalyst in metal air batteries. Moreover, this report provides detailed fundamental insights of carbon allotropes, and their properties as potential elecrocatalysts and essential concepts in electrochemistry that lies behind zinc-air batteries. The outstanding performances of carbon based electrocatalyst are reviewed and used as the guides for further direction in the development of metal-air batteries as a promising sustainable energy resource in the future.

Etude des réactions mettant en jeu l'oxygène dans un système électrochimique lithium-air aqueux rechargeable électriquement / Study of oxygen reactions in an aqueous lithium-air battery

Moureaux, Florian 16 November 2011 (has links)
Les systèmes électrochimiques lithium-air sont des concepts naissants mais exhibent des performances théoriques intéressantes qui laissent espérer une rupture technologique dans le domaine des batteries pour véhicule électrique. La possibilité d'atteindre une densité d'énergie supérieure à 500 Wh kg-1 est effectivement en ligne de mire. A contrario de la technologie lithium-air anhydre, les systèmes lithium-air aqueux n'ont, jusqu'à présent, fait l'objet d'aucune étude approfondie. Ce travail concerne donc le développement d'un système lithium-air aqueux, à trois électrodes, et vise également à améliorer nos connaissances fondamentales dans le domaine. La présente étude se focalise sur le compartiment positif de la cellule, dans lequel les réactions de l'oxygène sont mises en jeu. Dans un premier temps, une électrode spécifiquement dédiée à la réaction de dégagement d'oxygène a été élaborée à partir d'un acier 316L. L'étude de son comportement a révélé une bonne propension à catalyser la réaction de dégagement d'oxygène ainsi qu'une bonne stabilité sur 3 000 heures de fonctionnement. Néanmoins, d'importants problèmes de catalyse ont pu être observés et attribués à la présence des ions lithium dans l'électrolyte de la batterie. Les ions Li+ bloquent les transitions électrochimiques des sites actifs à l'origine des propriétés d'électrocatalyse. Le comportement d'une électrode à air, composée de carbone et d'oxydes de manganèse, a par la suite été caractérisé dans ce milieu. L'étude révèle deux phénomènes importants réduisant la performance de l'électrode et dont l'origine a également été attribuée aux ions lithium : un blocage des transitions (MnIII/MnIV), et une stabilisation des groupements oxygénés à la surface du carbone. Pour finir, il a été proposé d'optimiser le système électrolytique en limitant l'activité des ions Li+ en solution et ainsi d'améliorer le rendement en potentiel de charge/décharge de la batterie. / The electrochemical lithium-air devices are emerging concepts and their very high theoretical performances have attracted a lot of attention, especially for an application in the electrical vehicle. A target of at least 500 Wh kg-1 is aimed for. The aqueous lithium-air devices have not yet been studied in detail which is not the case for the anhydrous lithium-air technology. This thesis firstly deals with the development of an aqueous lithium-air cell based on a three electrodes setup, and secondly attempts to improve our theoretical knowledge of these systems. This study particularly focuses on the positive compartment of the cell in which oxygen reactions occur. The first section is dedicated to the development of an oxygen evolution electrode made of 316L stainless steel. The study shows its ability to catalyze the oxygen evolution reaction as well its good stability over 3 000 hours of operation. Nevertheless, major problems of catalysis were observed and assigned to the presence of lithium ions in the electrolyte. Li+ ions inhibit the electrochemical oxidation of the active sites, which are needed for the electrocatalytic properties. The behavior of an air cathode was characterized in the same medium. The results show two important phenomena which reduces the electrode performance and which are also attributed to lithium ions : a deactivation of the (MnIII/MnIV) transition and a stabilization of the oxygenated groups at the carbon surface. Finally, an optimization of the electrolytic system was proposed by limiting the Li+ ions activity in solution, which improves the charge/discharge potential efficiency of the battery.

Investigação do mecanismo cinético da reação de redução de oxigênio em solventes não aquosos / Investigation of the kinetic mechanism of the oxygen reduction reaction in non-aqueous solvents

Nelson Alexandre Galiote Silva 12 February 2016 (has links)
O aumento no consumo energético e a crescente preocupação ambiental frente à emissão de gases poluentes criam um apelo mundial favorável para pesquisas de novas tecnologias não poluentes de fontes de energia. Baterias recarregáveis de lítio-ar em solventes não aquosos possuem uma alta densidade de energia teórica (5200 Wh kg-1), o que as tornam promissoras para aplicação em dispositivos estacionários e em veículos elétricos. Entretanto, muitos problemas relacionados ao cátodo necessitam ser contornados para permitir a aplicação desta tecnologia, por exemplo, a baixa reversibilidade das reações, baixa potência e instabilidades dos materiais empregados nos eletrodos e dos solventes eletrolíticos. Assim, neste trabalho um modelo cinético foi empregado para os dados experimentais de espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica, para a obtenção das constantes cinéticas das etapas elementares do mecanismo da reação de redução de oxigênio (RRO), o que permitiu investigar a influência de parâmetros como o tipo e tamanho de partícula do eletrocatalisador, o papel do solvente utilizado na RRO e compreender melhor as reações ocorridas no cátodo dessa bateria. A investigação inicial se deu com a utilização de sistemas menos complexos como uma folha de platina ou eletrodo de carbono vítreo como eletrodos de trabalho em 1,2-dimetoxietano (DME)/perclorato de lítio (LiClO4). A seguir, sistemas complexos com a presença de nanopartículas de carbono favoreceu o processo de adsorção das moléculas de oxigênio e aumentou ligeiramente (uma ordem de magnitude) a etapa de formação de superóxido de lítio (etapa determinante de reação) quando comparada com os eletrodos de platina e carbono vítreo, atribuída à presença dos grupos laterais mediando à transferência eletrônica para as moléculas de oxigênio. No entanto, foi observada uma rápida passivação da superfície eletrocatalítica através da formação de filmes finos de Li2O2 e Li2CO3 aumentando o sobrepotencial da bateria durante a carga (diferença de potencial entre a carga e descarga > 1 V). Adicionalmente, a incorporação das nanopartículas de platina (Ptnp), ao invés da folha de platina, resultou no aumento da constante cinética da etapa determinante da reação em duas ordens de magnitude, o qual pode ser atribuído a uma mudança das propriedades eletrônicas na banda d metálica em função do tamanho nanométrico das partículas, e estas modificações contribuíram para uma melhor eficiência energética quando comparado ao sistema sem a presença de eletrocatalisador. Entretanto, as Ptnp se mostraram não específicas para a RRO, catalisando as reações de degradação do solvente eletrolítico e diminuindo rapidamente a eficiência energética do dispositivo prático, devido ao acúmulo de material no eletrodo. O emprego de líquido iônico como solvente eletrolítico, ao invés de DME, promoveu uma maior estabilização do intermediário superóxido formado na primeira etapa de transferência eletrônica, devido à interação com os cátions do líquido iônico em solução, o qual resultou em um valor de constante cinética da formação do superóxido de três ordens de magnitude maior que o obtido com o mesmo eletrodo de carbono vítreo em DME, além de diminuir as reações de degradação do solvente. Estes fatores podem contribuir para uma maior potência e ciclabilidade da bateria de lítio-ar operando com líquidos iônicos. / The increasing in energetic consumption and environmental concerning toward rising in the emission of pollutant gases create a favorable scenario to develop non-pollutant technologies and more efficient energy storages. Rechargeable non-aqueous lithium-air batteries possess high theoretical energy density (5200 Wh kg-1), characterizing as a promising system to stationary and electric vehicles applications. However, many issues on the cathode electrode should be addressed to enable this technology, for example, low reversibility of the reactions, low rate-capability and instabilities issues from cathode materials and electrolytic solvents. Here, a kinetic model was employed for modulate the experimental impedance data in order to obtain the rate constants of elementary steps from oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), which allows the investigation of the role of some parameters such as, type and grain size of electrocatalysts, and the solvent influence. The initial investigation were with less complexes systems of platinum bulk or glassy carbon as the working electrode in 1,2-dimethoxyethane (DME)/lithium perchlorate (LiClO4). Based on that, the role of carbon nanoparticles in the ORR was an increasing the oxygen adsorption process, and by slightly increasing (one order of magnitude) the superoxide formation (rate determining step) as when compared with platinum and glassy carbon electrodes due to the presence of side groups acting as mediators to the electron transfer. Nonetheless, a fast surface passivation was observed in function of Li2O2 and Li2CO3 thin films formations, and these films increase the battery overpotential during the charge process (potential difference between charge/discharge >1V). In addition, dispersed platinum nanoparticles (Ptnp) resulted in an increase of two orders of magnitude on the rate constant of the rate determining step when compared to platinum bulk. This can be explained due to changes in electronic properties of metallic d-bands in function of nanometric size. These changes contributed to enhance the energetic efficiency of the practical device when compared to the non-catalyzed system. However, the Ptnp were non-specific toward the ORR catalyzing the electrolyte degradation reactions, and decreasing the energy efficiency faster than the non-catalyzed system. The ionic liquid rather than DME promoted better stabilization process for intermediary superoxide due to interaction between cations present in solution, resulting in an outstanding enhancement of the rate constant for rate determining step (three orders of magnitude) when compared to the same working electrode in DME. In addition, decrease the electrolyte degradation reaction. These factors can improve a higher rate-capability and cycle life of the practical lithium-air batteries.

Estudo dos efeitos de contaminadores sobre o desempenho das células a combustível de membrana de eletrólito polimérico / Diagnosing the effects contaminants have over polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells

Thiago Lopes 25 May 2010 (has links)
Os componentes do conjunto membrana/eletrodos (MEA) das células a combustível de membrana de eletrólito polimérico/Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) são sensíveis a impurezas, as quais podem vir do ar, do gás combustível e/ou da degradação dos componentes do módulo. Amônia, sulfeto de hidrogênio e monóxido de carbono são juntos os três principais subprodutos cotaminadores nos processos de geração de hidrogênio por reforma de combustíveis. Estes contaminadores afetam negativamente o desempenho das PEMFCs, assim é importante o entendimento destes efeitos para mitigá-los e introduzir a tecnologia das PEMFCs no mercado consumidor. Desta forma experimentos foram realizados visando diagnosticar os efeitos da amônia e do sulfeto de hidrogênio sobre os componentes do MEA das PEMFCs. Para a contaminação por sulfeto de hidrogênio foi provado, utilizando-se da técnica de cromatografia gasosa e de stripping, que a contaminação ocorre através da interação química e eletroquímica do contaminador com a superfície do catalisador de platina, e que estas interações ocorrem via um processo dissociativo e um processo oxidativos respectivamente. Estes processos de interação geram enxofre adsorvido sobre a superfície da platina, a qual é bloqueada para posterior oxidação de hidrogênio, gerando sobrepotenciais que reduzem a diferença de potencial da célula. Utilizando-se da técnica de cromatografia gasosa e agora de voltametria cíclica foi mostrado na PEMFC, que durante o processo de remoção do enxofre adsorvido a platina dióxido de enxofre é gerado. Ainda na PEMFC, foi mostrado utilizando-se da técnica de \"air bleed\" que maiores tolerâncias ao sulfeto de hidrogênio podem ser alcançadas, apesar de ser insignificante. Para o caso da contaminação da PEMFC por amônia, indiretamente foi mostrado, utilizando-se técnicas eletroquímicas solução de ácido perclórico, que amônia pode afetar a reação de redução de oxigênio pela sua adsorção sobre a superfície do catalisador, ou pelo bloqueio da mesma para posterior adsorção/redução de oxigênio. Em estudos de absorção de água e condutividade de membranas de NafionTM, sob diferentes frações catiônicas (prótons/amônio), em contato com água na fase vapor sob diferentes atividades, foi mostrado que quanto maior a concentração de íons contaminadores no eletrólito menor a quantidade de água absorvida e menor a condutividade da membrana. Também foi mostrado que se tais membranas fossem usadas como eletrólito em PEMFCs, o desempenho da célula seria afetado drasticamente por perdas ôhmicas. Também foi mostrado que sob contaminação por amônia, PEMFCs sofrem aumentos em resistências ôhmicas devido a reduções na condutividade do eletrólito, contudo foi provado que esta representa menos de dez por cento do total de perdas observadas no desempenho da célula. Desde estudo foi concluído que amônia afeta o desempenho das PEMFCs principalmente pela redução na atividade dos prótons na camada catalítica catódica, que causa reduções no potencial misto de equilíbrio da reação de redução de oxigênio, e portanto na diferença de potencial da célula. Finalmente foi provado indiretamente que amônia deixa a célula através do equilíbrio de amônio com água, o qual deslocado gera amônia, a qual deixa a célula junto com o fluxo de gás cotódico. / The Membrane Electrode Assembly components of a PEMFC are sensitive to impurities, which can came with the air or hydrogen stream, or from the degradation of the stack components. Ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and carbon monoxide are together the main sub-products of fuel reforming processes for generating hydrogen. These contaminants negatively affect the PEMFC performance, so it is important to understand what those effects are in order to mitigate them and introduce PEMFC technology in the mass market. Therefore, experiments were carried out to diagnose the effects hydrogen sulfide and ammonia have on the MEA components of PEMFCs. For contamination by hydrogen sulfide it was proved utilizing EMS and stripping techniques that the poisoning process happens by chemical and electrochemical interactions of the contaminant with the Platinum catalyst surface, and that these interactions happen by a dissociative and oxidative process, respectively. Those processes generate sulfur adsorbed on the Platinum surface, which blocks it for further hydrogen oxidation, generating overpotentials, which reduce the cell potential. Utilizing the EMS and now the cyclic voltammetry technique it was shown that during the process of removing sulfur from the Platinum surface one generates sulfur dioxide. Using the Air Bleed technique it was shown that higher tolerances of the PEMFC against hydrogen sulfide can be reached, despite being insignificant. For contamination of the cell by ammonia it was indirectly proved utilizing electrochemical techniques in perchloric acid solutions that ammonia can affect the oxygen reduction reaction by adsorbing on the catalyst surface, or by blocking the surface for further oxygen adsorption/reduction. Studying water uptake and ionic conductivity of Nafion membranes under many different cation fractions (proton/ammonium) in contact with water vapor at different temperatures and water activities, it was proved that the more ammonium one has in the membrane the less will be the water uptake and ionic conductivity of it. It was also shown that if those membranes were used as electrolyte in PEMFC the cell performance would be severely affected by ohmic losses. It was also shown that under ammonia exposure PEMFCs suffer by ohmic resistance increases due to the lowering in the ionic conductivity of the electrolyte, however it was proved that it represent less than ten percent of the observed losses in the cell performance. From this study it was concluded that ammonia mainly affect the PEMFC performance by lowering the cathode catalyst layer proton activity, which lowers the oxygen reduction reaction equilibrium potential, and then the cell potential. Finally it was indirectly proved that ammonia leaves the cell by the equilibrium of ammonium and water, which dislocated generates ammonia that leaves the cell together with the cathode gas stream.

Estudo das propriedades eletrocatalíticas de óxidos de manganês puros ou modificados com cobre e bismuto para reação de redução de oxigênio em meio alcalino / Study of the electrocatalytic properties of pure manganese oxide or modified with copper and bismuth for oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline medium

Sara Walmsley Frejlich 13 March 2015 (has links)
Catalisadores catódicos para aplicação em células a combustível alcalinas (AFCs) baseados em dióxido de manganês, como alternativa aos tradicionais catalisadores baseados em platina foram estudados no presente trabalho. O principal objetivo foi avaliar a viabilidade do uso de α-MnO2 através do estudo da atividade eletrocatalítica frente à reação de redução de oxigênio (RRO) do referido óxido em comparação com a atividade eletrocatalítica do material de referência baseado em platina, visando minimizar os elevados custos desses catalisadores que tornam muito restrita a comercialização das células a combustível apesar das vantagens comprovadas desse tipo de tecnologia. O uso de α-MnO2 para completa substituição da platina se mostrou viável por apresentar atividade catalítica comparável à da platina, e com a vantagem adicional de ser um material de menor custo devido à sua abundância. Estudos prévios demonstraram que a RRO catalisada pelo dióxido de manganês ocorre preferencialmente por duas vias: redução direta via quatro elétrons, ou redução por dois elétrons com formação de peróxido de hidrogênio como produto final. A redução direta via quatro elétrons é o mecanismo mais comum, seguido na maioria das estruturas cristalográficas, e é o mecanismo de reação de interesse para aplicação em células a combustível, sendo, portanto, o peróxido de hidrogênio um produto indesejável para esse tipo de aplicação. Foram promovidas modificações do referido óxido de manganês (α-MnO2) pela incorporação de metais não nobres (Cu e Bi) para estudar o impacto dessas modificações nas propriedades físico-químicas desses óxidos. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a dopagem com Cu não promoveu alterações significativas nas propriedades desses óxidos. Em contrapartida, a dopagem com bismuto promoveu resultados significativos. A incorporação de Bi3+ na estrutura cristalina do α-MnO2 promoveu o aumento da condutividade eletrônica desse óxido, permitindo assim a eliminação do suporte de carbono, ocasionando desse modo, a eliminação quase que total da formação de peróxido de hidrogênio. Dessa maneira, os resultados mostraram que no caso específico desse material dopado, a RRO se dá predominantemente pela redução direta via quatro elétrons. Os resultados apresentados no presente trabalho, demonstraram que a dopagem do α-MnO2 com Bi3+ resulta em um material bastante promissor como catalisador catódico de AFCs. / Cathode catalysts for application in alkaline fuel cells (AFCs) based on manganese dioxide as alternative to traditional platinum-based catalysts were studied in this work. The main objective was to evaluate the feasibility of using α-MnO2 through the study of electrocatalytic activity toward the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) of said oxide compared to the electrocatalytic activity of platinum-based reference materials, aiming to cheapen the high costs of these catalysts that make very limited the marketing of fuel cells despite the proven benefits of such technology. The use of α-MnO2 as a complete substitution of platinum demonstrated to be viable due to its catalytic activity comparable with that of platinum, having the additional advantage of being a less costly material because of its abundance. Previous studies demonstrated that the ORR catalyzed by manganese dioxide takes place preferably in two ways: Direct reduction via four electrons or two electrons by reduction with formation of hydrogen peroxide as the final product. The direct reduction via four electrons is the most common mechanism, followed in most crystal structures, and the reaction mechanism is the one of interest for application in fuel cells. The production of hydrogen peroxide is undesirable for this type of application. Modifications of said manganese oxide (α-MnO2) by the incorporation of non-noble metals (Cu and Bi) were promoted to study the impact of these modifications on the physicochemical properties of these oxides. The results showed that doping with Cu did not cause significant changes in the properties of these oxides. By contrast, doping with bismuth promoted interesting and significant results. The incorporation of Bi3+ in a crystalline structure of α-MnO2 promoted the increase of the electronic conductivity of this oxide, thereby allowing the elimination of the carbon support, consequently causing the almost complete elimination of the formation of hydrogen peroxide. Thus, the results showed that in the specific case of this doped material, the ORR occurs predominantly by direct reduction via 4 electrons. The results presented in this study demonstrated that the α-MnO2 doped with Bi3+ showed a very promising cathode material for application in AFCs.

Estudo e desenvolvimento de catalisadores para células a combustível visando o aumento de escala e avaliação da distribuição de corrente / Study and development of catalysts for fuel cells in order to increase scale and evaluation of current distribution

Felipe Ibanhi Pires 03 February 2016 (has links)
O trabalho visa o desenvolvimento do sistema para medidas de distribuição de corrente e ampliação de escala (50 cm²) buscando aperfeiçoar as condições de preparação do conjunto eletrodo membrana (MEA) quanto às condições de operação da célula e avaliar a melhor geometria. Foram realizados estudos de síntese de catalisadores de Pt-M e avaliação do desempenho desses materias e das rotas de síntese utilizadas com objetivo de aplicar estes materias em sistemas de maior escala. A insuficiência do desempenho e estabilidade dos catalisadores são fatores que ainda inviabilizam o uso em larga escala das células a combustível de eletrólito polimérico sólido, destacando-se as perdas associadas ao desempenho do cátodo. Os catalisadores preparados foram nanopartículas bimetálicas PtM/C (M = Fe, Co e Ni) suportadas em carbono de elevada área superficial, por duas rotas sintéticas. Foram utilizadas as rotas: ácido fórmico e etilenoglicol modificado (EG). Em ambas as rotas se buscou catalisadores com alto grau de incorporação do segundo metal, tamanho de partícula pequeno e bom desempenho catalítico do cátodo. Observou-se que pela rota do ácido fórmico com modificações no processo de síntese é possível obter a incorporação nominal do segundo metal no catalisador, porém há desvantagem de o tamanho de partícula ser elevado. Pela rota do EG obteve-se catalisadores com pequeno tamanho de partícula, porém a incorporação do segundo metal mostrou-se ineficiente. Os estudos de ampliação de escala foram realizados em células de 50 cm2 variando-se as condições de operação; i) diferentes placas de distribuição de gás, e ii) diferentes valores de fluxo dos gases reagentes. Foi observado que a baixos fluxos de gases a quantidade de reagente é insuficiente para ser difundida por todo eletrodo, o que ocasiona reação apenas na região de entrada de gases no sistema, ocasionando uma rápida limitação em obter-se densidades de corrente alta. Pode-se observar que a diferença de desempenho entre as placas é pequena, porém a placa serpentina 6 apresentou melhor desempenho. O desempenho dos cátodos preparados com catalisadores comerciais e os sintetizados no laboratório nas células de 50 cm² mostrou sofrer bastante influência das condições de operação comparada com as células de 4,6 cm². / The work aims at the development of the system for current distribution measurements and scale (50 cm²) seeking to improve the conditions of preparation of the membrane electrode assembly (MEA) as the cell operating conditions and evaluate the best geometry. We were performed catalyst synthesis studies of Pt-M and performance evaluation of these materials and the synthetic routes used in order to apply these materials in larger-scale systems. The failure of the performance and stability of the catalysts are factors that make yet infeasible the scale up use for solid polymer electrolyte fuel cells, highlighting the losses associated with the performance of the cathode. The nanoparticles of bimetallic catalysts Pt-M/C (M = Fe, Co and Ni) supported on high surface area carbon were prepared by two different synthetic routes. The synthesis route utilized were formic acid and modified ethylene glycol (EG). In both route search catalysts with a high degree of incorporation of the second metal, small particle size and good catalytic performance. It was observed that the route of formic acid with modifications in the synthesis process it is possible to obtain the average incorporation of the second metal in the catalyst, but there is a disadvantage of the particle size is high. The route of EG modified was obtained catalysts with small particle size, but incorporation of the second metal was inefficient. The scale-up studies were performed in 50 cm2 cell varying operating conditions: i) different gas distribution plates and ii) different values of flow of reactant gases. It was observed that at low gas flows the amount of reagent is insufficient to be spread throughout the electrode, causing reaction only in the region of entry of gases in the system, causing a fast limitation in obtain high current densities. It can be observed that the performance difference between the plates is small, but the plate serpentine 6 showed the best performance. The performance of the cathodes prepared with commercial catalysts and synthesized in the laboratory in 50 cm² cells showed considerable influence the operating conditions compared to cells 4,6 cm².

Catalisadores à  base de metais não nobres formados por carbeto de tungstênio/carbono com estruturas FeNx e N/C para reação de redução do oxigênio / Catalysts based on non-noble metals formed by tungsten carbide/carbon with FeNx and N/C structures for oxygen reduction reaction

Ulisses Alves do Rêgo 13 July 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar eletrocatalisadores de baixo custo à base de carbeto de tungstênio, carbono e ferro submetidos a diferentes processos de nitretação quanto à atividade catalítica para reação de redução do oxigênio (RRO) nos eletrólitos ácido e alcalino. Os catalisadores foram divididos em três séries distintas, a primeira compreendendo aqueles onde houve variação da carga de carbeto de tungstênio em relação ao suporte de carbono, que foram impregnados com o complexo Fe2+(2,4,6-Tris(2-piridil)-1,3,5-Triazina)2, [Fe(TPTZ)2]2+ e tratados em duas temperaturas diferentes, 700 e 800 oC em atmosfera de nitrogênio. Na segunda série foi mantida constante a carga de carbeto de tungstênio (30% de W/C, m/m) sendo que esta mescla foi preparada usando carbonos dopados previamente com três fontes distintas de nitrogênio (HNO3, NH3 e HNO3/NH3); isto foi seguido pela incorporação do complexo Fe[TPTZ]2+ e pelos mesmos tratamentos térmicos acima mencionados. Na terceira série, os eletrocatalisadores foram preparados com três tipos de carbonos (Vulcan, Ketjenblack e Monarch), aos quais foi incorporado o complexo Fe[TPTZ]2+, seguido pelo tratamento térmico a 800 °C em atmosfera de nitrogênio e então por dopagem com amônia a 950 °C. As três séries de eletrocatalisadores sintetizados neste trabalho foram cuidadosamente caracterizadas por espectroscopia infra-vermelho e UV-Visível, difratometria de raio-x, microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, energia dispersiva de raios-x, espectroscipia Raman, espectroscopia fotoeletrônica de raios-x. As investigações eletroquímicas foram realizadas por voltametria cíclica (VC) e pelo levantamento de curvas de polarização de estado estacionário para a RRO, usando a técnica de eletrodo de disco/anel rotatório, com materiais catalíticos formando filmes finos depositados no eletrodo de disco. Nas três séries de catalisadores foram desenvolvidos materiais com bom desempenho para a RRO. Nos estudos da primeira série de catalisadores, notou-se que o material mais ativo foi aquele formado por WC-FeNx/C com 30 % de W/C e 5% de Fe pirolisado a 800 °C. Na segunda série foi observado que os desempenhos dos catalisadores variaram de acordo com o tipo de protocolo de nitretação, presença de ferro e temperatura de tratamento térmico. Em eletrólito alcalino, os eletrocatalisadores apresentaram maiores desempenhos, que resultaram bastante próximos em relação ao do catalisador de Pt dispersa em carbono usado como referência. Na terceira série de eletrocatalisadores investigados, verificou-se que o melhor desempenho obtido foi com o catalisador com carbono Monarch com amônia, cuja atividade catalítica resultou superior à dos demais, devido ao maior número de estruturas ativas FeNx e N/C formadas pelo tratamento com amônia. Os resultados nos meios ácido e alcalino para a primeira e segunda séries de eletrocatalisadores sugerem a ocorrência de um mecanismo indireto (2e- + 2e-), ou seja, em meio ácido (alcalino) primeiro o O2 reduz para H2O2 (HO2 ) e depois de H2O2 (HO2 ) para H2O. Os sítios predominantemente envolvidos na catálise da reação são WC e FeNx em meio ácido e WC e N/C em meio alcalino. Finalmente, para a terceira série de eletrocatalisadores o mecanismo reacional em meio ácido envolve um mecanismo direto de 4e-, com participação importante dos sítios ativos de Fe-N2. / This work aims to investigate low cost electrocatalysts based on tungsten carbide, carbon and iron submitted to different nitriding processes for the catalytic activity for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in acid and alkaline electrolytes. The catalysts were divided into three distinct series, the first one comprising those with different tungsten carbide loads with respect to the carbon support, which were impregnated with the Fe2+ (2,4,6-Tris (2-pyridyl) - 1,3,5-triazine)2, [Fe (TPTZ)]2+, complex and treated at two different temperatures, 700 and 800 oC in nitrogen atmosphere. In the second series, the tungsten carbide load (30% W/C, m/m) was kept constant but this mixture was prepared using previously doped carbons using three different sources of nitrogen (HNO3, NH3 and HNO3/NH3); this was followed by the incorporation of the Fe[TPTZ]2+ complex and by the same heat treatments as mentioned above. In the third series, the electrocatalysts were prepared with three carbon types (Vulcan, Ketjenblack and Monarch), to which the Fe[TPTZ]2+ complex was added, followed by heat treatment at 800 °C under nitrogen and then by nitriding using a flow of ammonia at 950 °C. The three series of electrocatalysts synthesized in this work were carefully characterized by infra-red and UV-Visible spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, x-ray energy dispersive, Raman spectroscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The electrochemical investigations were performed by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and by measurements of steady-state polarization curves for ORR using rotating ring-disc electrode technique, with catalytic materials forming thin films deposited on the disc. In the three catalyst series, materials with good performance for the ORR were developed. In the studies of the first series of catalysts, it was seen that the most active material was that formed by WC-FeNx/C with 30%W/C and 5% Fe pyrolyzed at 800 ° C. In the second series it was observed that the performances of the catalysts varied according to the type of nitriding protocol, presence of iron and temperature of heat treatment. The electrocatalysts showed higher performances in alkaline electrolyte, which were very close to that of a reference Pt/C catalyst. In the third series of electrocatalysts, the best performance was obtained with the Monarch carbon catalyst heat-treated with ammonia, whose catalytic activity was higher than all others, due to the greater number of FeNx and N/C active structures formed by the treatment with ammonia. The results in acidic and alkaline conditions for the first and second series of electrocatalysts suggest the occurrence of an indirect ORR mechanism (2e- + 2e-), that is, in acid (alkaline) media first O2 is reduced to H2O2 (HO2) followed by the reduction of H2O2 (HO2). The active sites predominantly involved in the reaction electrocatalysis are WC and FeNx in acid media and WC e N/C in alcaline media. Finally, for the third series of electrocatalysts, the acidic reaction involves a direct 4e- mechanism, having important participation of the Fe-N2 active sites.

Estudo da reação de redução de O2 em meio ácido em uma matriz de carbono Printex 6L modificado com ftalocianina de prata / Study of the reduction reaction of O2 in acidic environment on Printex 6L carbon modified with silver phthalocyanine

Gabriela Cabral Bremenkamp Ribeiro 18 August 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a atividade eletrocatalítica da matriz Printex 6L contendo o modificador organometálico ftalocianina de prata nos percentuais 0,5; 1,0; 3,0 e 5,0% m/m para a Reação de Redução de Oxigênio (RRO). Para isso, fezse a constatação da incorporação do modificador por Fluorescência de Raios - X (FRX), o estudo da estabilidade dos catalisadores pela técnica de voltametria cíclica, bem como a avaliação da eficiência de corrente para eletrogeração de H2O2 a partir dos dados coletados na voltametria de varredura linear utilizando um sistema de eletrodo de discoanel rotatório (RRDE). A análise dos 40 ciclos obtidos para a voltametria cíclica revelou que os materiais contendo 0,5; 1,0; 3,0 e 5,0% m/m de ftalocianina de prata suportados na matriz de carbono amorfo apresentaram picos correspondentes a reações redox atribuídos à presença de impurezas, os quais desapareceram logo nos primeiros ciclos. O estudo da eficiência de corrente e número de elétrons envolvidos na RRO para os catalisadores avaliados mostraram uma queda na eficiência de corrente em relação ao padrão 2 elétrons Printex 6L (H2O2% = 92% e nt = 2,1), para os catalisadores contendo 0,5% (H2O2% = 62%), 1,0% (H2O2% = 76%) e 5% (H2O2% = 69%) de ftalocianina de prata, bem como aumento no número de elétrons envolvidos na RRO (nt = 2,8, 2,4, 2,6, respectivamente). Para o material contendo 3,0% de ftalocianina de prata, obteve-se eficiência de corrente para peróxido de hidrogênio e número de elétrons envolvidos na reação semelhante aos do padrão 2 elétrons, Printex 6L (3% Ft-Ag: H2O2% = 89% e nt = 2,2) . Avaliando as curvas de Koutecký-Levich obtidas para os materiais modificados, observou-se a semelhança da inclinação das retas correspondentes ao Printex 6L e ao material 3% Ft-Ag, mostrando que estes possuem comportamento similar, o que também é observado nos resultados obtidos anteriormente. No entanto, os materiais estudados apresentaram rendimento para a RRO via 2 elétrons inferiores ao Printex não modificado, indicando que a modificação do Printex com a Ft-Ag não é interessante para a obtenção de H2O2. / The objective of this work was to study the electrocatalytic activity of the carbon black containing the organometallic modifier silver phthalocyanine in the percentages 0.5, 1.0, 3.0 and 5.0% m / m for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction (ORR). For this, I studied the incorporation of the modifier by X-Ray Fluorescence, the stability of the catalysts by the cyclic voltammetry technique, as well as the evaluation of the current efficiency for H2O2 electrogeneration from the data Collected in linear scanning voltammetry using a rotatory disc-ring electrode system (RRDE). The analysis of the 40 cycles obtained for cyclic voltammetry showed that carbon materials containing 0.5, 1.0, 3.0 and 5.0% w/w of silver phthalocyanine had peaks corresponding to redox reactions of impurities, which disappeared as early as the first cycles. The study of the current efficiency and number of electrons involved in the RRO for the catalysts evaluated showed a decrease in the current efficiency in relation to the 2 Printex 6L (H2O2% = 92% and nt = 2.1) electrons for the catalysts containing 0.5% (H2O2% = 62%), 1.0% (H2O2% = 76%) and 5% (H2O2% = 69%) of silver phthalocyanine, as well as increase in the number of electrons involved in RRO (nt = 2.8, 2.4, 2.6, respectively). For the material containing 3.0% silver phthalocyanine, it was obtained current efficiency for hydrogen peroxide and the number of electrons involved in the reaction similar to the standard 2 electrons, Printex 6L (3% Ft-Ag: H2O2% = 89% e nt = 2.2). By evaluating the Koutecký-Levich curves obtained for the modified materials, we observed the similarity of the inclination of the lines corresponding to Printex 6L and the material 3% Ft-Ag, showing that they have similar behavior, which is also observed in the obtained results previously. However, the materials studied presented yield for the RRO via 2 electrons lower than the unmodified Printex, indicating that the modification of the Printex with the Ft-Ag is not interesting to obtain H2O2.

Synthèse, caractérisation et évaluation électrocatalytique de catalyseurs plurimétalliques pour la cathode de la pile à combustible / Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of electrocatalytic multimetallics electrocacatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction at the cathode of the PEMFC

Lankiang, Styven Demilta 30 August 2016 (has links)
Ce travail a porté sur l'élaboration de matériaux plurimétalliques et l'étude de leurs propriétés électrocatalytiques. Les matériaux monométalliques (Pt/C, Pd/C, Au/C), bimétalliques à base de métaux nobles (PtxAu1 x/C, PtxPd1 x/C et PdxAu1 x/C) et non nobles (PtxNi1 x/C, PtxCo1 x/C et PtxCu1 x/C) ont été dans un premier temps synthétisés par la méthode microémulsion « water-in-oil ». Une attention particulière a été portée sur les caractérisations physicochimiques et électrochimiques des matériaux synthétisés afin d'accéder à leur microstructure, la taille moyenne de leurs particules, leur morphologie, leur taux de charge sur le support carboné ou encore la composition atomique de volume et de surface de leurs nanoparticules. Leurs propriétés électrocatalytiques et leur sélectivité pour la réaction de réduction du dioxygène ont été étudiées en milieu HClO4 0,1 M à l'aide d'une électrode à disque tournant. Il a été montré que l'ajout du palladium ou du l'or au platine conduit à une diminution progressive de l'activité catalytique à l'exception du catalyseur Pt90Au10/C. Les catalyseurs PdxAu1 x/C ont montré de faibles activités catalytiques avec l'ajout de l'or. En revanche, les catalyseurs bimétalliques PtxNi1 x/C et PtxCo1 x/C ont montré une amélioration de l'activité électrocatalytique par rapport au platine pur. L'addition du cuivre au platine (PtxCu1 x/C) a permis une légère améliorer l'activité électrocatalytique sur un intervalle de potentiel compris entre 1,05 et 0,93 V / ERH. Tous les catalyseurs ont montré une sélectivité pour la formation de l'eau à l'exception des catalyseurs PtxAu1 x/C et PdxAu1 x/C qui ont montré une sélectivité pour la formation du péroxyde d'hydrogène lorsque la teneur en or devient importante. A partir des résultats obtenus sur les catalyseurs bimétalliques, une formulation des matériaux trimétalliques (PtxMyAuz/C, M= Co, Cu, Ni, Pd) a été réalisée. Ensuite, les propriétés physicochimiques et électrochimiques de ces matériaux ont été étudiées. Les propriétés catalytiques de ces matériaux ont été étudiées. Il en ressort que le catalyseur Pt60Ni20Au20/C conduit à l'activité maximale. Tous ces catalyseurs ont montré une sélectivité pour la formation de l'eau. L'étude de stabilité par cyclage potentiométrique sur les catalyseurs trimétalliques a révélé que le catalyseur Pt60Cu20Au20/C présente une meilleure stabilité que le platine et les autres catalyseurs trimétalliques. Une ségrégation de l'or en surface a été observée sur les matériaux après cyclage potentiométrique. / This work has focused on the development of polymetallic catalysts and study of their electrocatalytic properties. The monometallics catalysts (Pt/C, Pd/C and Au/C) and the binary catalysts based on noble metals (PtxAu1 x/C, PtxPd1 x/C and PdxAu1 x/C) and non-noble metals (PtxNi1 x/C, PtxCo1 x/C and PtxCu1 x/C) have been synthesized using the « water-in-oil » microemulsion method. Investigation of the physicochemical and the electrochemical characterization of the synthesized materials has been conducted in details to findout their microstructure, their average particles sizes, their morphology, their metal loading on the carbon support or their bulk and the surface composition of their nanoparticles. The electrocatalytic properties and the selectivity toward the oxygen reduction reaction of these catalysts have been studied using a rotating disc electrode in 0.1 M aqueous HClO4 saturated with oxygen. The results demonstrate that the addition of palladium or gold to platinum (PtxAu1 x/C and PtxPd1 x/C) led to the constant decrease of the electroalalytic activity with an increase of Pd or Au ratio, except for the Pt90Au10/C. The PdxAu1-x /C catalysts showed low catalytic activity with the addition of gold. However, the bimetallic catalysts PtxNi1-x/C and PtxCo1-x/C showed improved electrocatalytic activities compare with pure platinum. The addition of copper to the platinum (PtxCu1-x/C) resulted in a slight increase of the electrocatalytic activity on a potential range between 1.05 and 0.93 V vs. RHE. All catalysts have shown selectivity for water formation except PtxAu1-x/C and PdxAu1-x/C catalysts, which showed selectivity for the formation of hydrogen peroxide by increasing of gold content. According to the results obtained from the binary catalysts, ternary catalysts (PtxMyAuz/C, M = Co, Cu, Ni, Pd) were made. The physicochemical and the electrochemical properties of these catalysts have been studied. The study of the catalytic activity of these catalysts showed that the best activity is obtained Pt60Ni20Au20/C. All of these catalysts have showed selectivity for water formation. The ageing tests have been carried out by conducting potentiometric cycling, showing that Pt60Cu20Au20/C catalyst has a better stability than the platinum and the other trimetallic catalysts. The gold segregation from the bulk to the surface of nanoparticles was observed on these catalysts, after potentiometric cycling.

Design of carbon based structures for electrochemical applications / Mise en forme de structures à base de carbone pour des applications électrochimique

Phuakkong, Oranit 07 December 2016 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous avons étudié la mise en forme de matériaux carbonés par des méthodes électrochimiques pour des applications dans les domaines des capteurs et de l’énergie. Dans la première partie, l’électrochimie bipolaire, qui permet de réaliser des réactions électrochimiques sur un objet conducteur présent dans une solution et soumise à un champ électrique, a été utilisée pour générer des objets de type Janus. Ces objets asymétriques ont été modifiés à une extrémité par du poly(N-isopropylacrylamide (pNIPAM), un hydrogel sensible à la température, et par une peinture électrophorétique à l’autre extrémité. En contrôlant l’intensité du champ électrique ainsi que son temps d’application il a été possible de varier la longueur ainsi que l’épaisseur de l’hydrogel. Ces objets sensibles à la température, émettant de la lumière, ont des applications potentielles dans le domaine des capteurs ou dans le milieu médical.Dans la seconde partie, la mise en forme de carbone poreux pour des applications électrochimiques a été étudiée. La carbonisation de polymères contenant du zinc a été utilisé pour synthétiser du carbone micro/mésoporeux possédant ainsi une grande surface spécifique. Les polymères contenant du zinc ont été préparés à partir de différents types de ligands d’acide dicarboxylique par une méthode solvothermique. Ils ont ensuite été carbonisés pour obtenir des matériaux poreux avec des caractéristiques et des propriétés particulières. Ils ont été utilisés comme matériaux d’électrode pour des supercondensateurs, montrant des capacités élevées. De plus ils possèdent également une activité électrocatalytique à la réaction de réduction de l’oxygène. / In this thesis, the design of advanced carbon materials via electrochemical techniques and for electrochemical applications have been studied. In the first part, the concept of bipolar electrochemistry, which allows carrying out electrochemical reactions on a free-standing conductive object in an electric field, was employed to generate Janus-type objects. These objects are modified with a thermoresponsive hydrogel of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (pNIPAM) on one side and an electrophoretic deposition paint (EDP) on the other side. The results show that the length and the thickness of the hydrogel can be controlled by varying the electric field and the time of the experiment. The concept can be further generalized to other micro- and nanometer-sized objects, thus opening up perspectives for various applications.In the second part, the design of porous carbon structures for electrochemical applications was studied. The direct carbonization of non-porous zinc containing polymers was used to synthesize micro/mesoporous carbons with high surface area, pore volume. Non-porous zinc containing polymers with various types of dicarboxylic acid ligands prepared by solvothermal method were used as templates and starting materials. After carbonization porous carbons with various characteristics and properties were obtained. The synthesized porous carbon samples showed good electrochemical performance with high capacitance values. In addition, the derived materials exhibit excellent electrocatalytic activity with respect to the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR).

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