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Role of a-Subunit VISIT-DG Sequence Residues Ile-346 and Ile-348 in the Catalytic Sites of Escherichia Coli ATP Synthase.Zhao, Chao 07 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
F1FO-ATP synthase is the primary source of cellular energy production in most living organisms. Malfunction of this enzyme is implicated in diseases. There are many functional motifs in and around the catalytic sites of this enzyme. One of them is the highly conserved α-subunit VISIT-DG sequence that is close to the Pi binding subdomain. The questions arise "Are they involved in Pi binding? Or are they there simply for the structural integrity of the catalytic sites?" Here, αIle-346and αIle-348, two important residues of the conserved VISIT-DG sequence, are discussed. Each residue was mutated to A/R/D/Q. Growth assays in limiting glucose media and on succinate plates suggests αIle-346 and αIle-348 are critical for the normal enzymatic function (oxidative phosphorylation). And the biochemical assays do suggest both αI-346 and αI-348 are required to maintain catalytic site, involved in Pi binding indirectly, but αI-348 plays more important role than αI-346.
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Diseño, implementación y validación de sistemas de adquisición de datos sísmicos basados en el microcontrolador CC3200Jornet Monteverde, Julio Antonio 03 February 2023 (has links)
Esta tesis consiste en tres trabajos enfocados al desarrollo de varios sistemas que sean capaces de registrar el movimiento sísmico de la tierra y grabarlo en ficheros para su posterior análisis. Partimos de la base de la creación de una serie de sensores para el registro del ruido sísmico, dispuestos en forma circular y así poder detectar las ondas sismológicas. La hipótesis con la que trabajamos es la de interconectar entre si los nodos sensoriales y de esta manera crear una red sensorial la cual reporte las muestras de ruido sísmico a un servidor y éste sea capaz de mostrar la forma de las señales en tiempo real. Este sistema nos facilitará el almacenamiento y tratamiento de los datos registrados por cada uno de los nodos con la posibilidad de análisis casi instantáneo. Como línea de partida, se ha implementado un sistema de comunicación sensorial a través de una red wifi en la cual se monitoriza en tiempo real un sistema de climatización y se optimiza el consumo de éste regulando distintos factores en función de los valores de los sensores distribuidos por toda el área afectada. Este trabajo ha generado el primer artículo de investigación publicado en la revista Sensors (doi:10.3390/s20133611). El código generado junto con la experiencia, las pruebas realizadas y los resultados obtenidos nos van a servir para los sensores sísmicos. En el segundo trabajo se ha diseñado, implementado y probado un sistema de zonificación mediante una red wireless de sensores triaxiales los cuales son capaces de registrar en tiempo real el movimiento sísmico de edificios y mostrar estas señales en un navegador cliente ubicado en Internet. Este trabajo ha generado el segundo artículo de investigación publicado en la revista Sensors (doi: 10.3390/s21113875). En el tercer y último trabajo se ha diseñado, implementado y probado un sistema de grabación del ruido sísmico en array por medio de una red de sensores wireless. El sistema es capaz de utilizar sensores verticales de 4,5Hz de bajo coste y también sensores triaxiales proporcionando una curva de dispersión cuasi idéntica a los sistemas comeciales actuales pero a un coste mucho menor. Este trabajo ha generado el tercer artículo de investigación publicado en la revista Sensors (doi: 10.3390/s22218103). Este trabajo a dado pie a una solicitud de patente (P202230702).
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Automatisering av datainsamling vid ett löpande bandKvist, Ylva January 2022 (has links)
Företaget Orbit One är kontraktstillverkare av elektronik och elektromekanik. Tillverkningen av kretskort sker i många olika steg och information om antal, genomloppstid och utnyttjandegrad är fördelaktigt att ha. Idag har har vissa maskiner utrustning som kan utvinna den nödvändiga datan, men långt ifrån alla. Datan som erhålls läggs in i Orbit Ones egentillverkade mjukvara där antal kretskort producerade, genomloppstid samt utnyttjandegrad räknas ut och presenteras. I detta arbetet ska en automatisering av datainsamling vid ett löpande band ske. Genom skannrar och Surface Mount Equipment Manufacturers Association (SMEMA) ska produktinformation och tidsstämpel skrivas in i vald fil och skickas till företagets nätverksserver för att därefter presenteras i Orbit Ones egentillverkade mjukvara. Arbetet har fokuserat på att skapa en helhetslösning där all hård- och mjukvara kan samarbeta, samt att den mänskliga faktorn minimeras. Genom kontrollerade experiment kunde alla parametrar av lösningen testas och därför också optimeras. Utifrån det underlag som tagits fram gjordes bedömningen att systemet kan nyttjas inom det valda arbetsområdet. Resultatet innebär att företaget kan automatisera datainsamlingen utan några större kostnader, eftersom att befintliga maskiner kan få det utvecklade systemet implementerat. / The company Orbit One is a contract manufacturer of electronics and electromechanics. The production of circuit boards takes place in many different stages and information about the quantity, lead time and degree of utilization is advantageous to have. Today, some machines have equipment that can extract the necessary data, but far from all. The data obtained is entered into Orbit One's self-manufactured software, where the number of circuit boards produced, throughput time and utilization rate are calculated and presented. In this work, an automation of data collection at an assembly line will take place. Through scanners and the Surface Mount Equipment Manufacturers Association (SMEMA), product information and timestamps must be entered in the selected file and sent to the company's network server to then be presented in Orbit One's self-manufactured software. The work has focused on creating a complete solution where all hardware and software can collaborate, and that the human factor is minimized. Through controlled experiments, all parameters of the solution could be tested and therefore also optimized. Based on the data produced, the assessment was made that the system can be used within the selected work area. The result means that the company can automate data collection without any major costs, as existing machines can have the developed system implemented.
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Updating existing Human-Machine Interface With The Ability Of Communicating With A Web ServerDalin-Volsing, Emil, Stranne, Viktor January 2022 (has links)
As technology advances and innovation becomes a keystone in every new product, some old gadgets and applications might experience difficulty keeping up. Theymight still be as functional as they were but the impression of them might not be ascreative as they were. At Tecnau, Ljungby, the user interface for their machines is noexception. Their GUI requires an update, aesthetic-wise and in terms of the softwarein which it is developed. Earlier their application was created in Tecanu’s programming language but this project will find a new, recently developed, framework andmethod of development for an HMI which will enable easier future development andredesigning of the user interface. To achieve this, a literature study has been donealongside experimenting with the framework that was found in this very study. Theresulting framework that was found was Django for the HMI in combination withApache to keep the application up to date. While finding the procedure of developing the HMI was most sufficient, the implementation ended up in minor piecesinstead of a complete application.
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Rapid Prototyping of Microgrid Controllers for Autonomous and Grid-Connected OperationHenriksson Larsson, Joel, Becedas Dahl, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Detta projekt har haft målet att designa en regulator som ska hålla en viss frekvens och spänning i ett microgrid under olika steg. Dessa var att koppla bort microgridet från huvudnätet, justera fasvinkeln så att den överensstämmer med huvudnätets och till sist återansluta näten. Fyra olika scenarier genomfördes. Första var utan regulatorn, två stycken skedde med olika last och den sista med förnybara energikällor. En PI-regulator implementerades i en Raspberry PI vilken var kopplad till microgridet. Resultaten visade att första scenariot ledde till instabilitet i microgridet. När regulatorn installerades kunde hela simulationen genomföras med undantag från en något hög översläng på spänningen i scenariot med förnybara energikällor. Förutom detta uppnåddes målet och regulatorn fungerade för det använda microgridet. För att få mindre översläng på spänningen med förnybara energikällor skulle PI-regulatorn behöva justeras något. / This project aimed to design a controller for a microgrid that would maintain a desired frequency and voltage throughout several steps. These were disconnecting the microgrid to islanded mode, shifting the phase angle with respect to the main grid and finally reconnecting the grids. Four different scenarios were executed. The first one without the controller, two with different loads and one with renewable energy. A PIregulator was implemented in a Raspberry PI which served as controller. The results showed that the first scenario without a controller ended up with instability. Once the PI-regulator was installed the full simulation could be completed properly, except slightly too high overshoot on the voltage with renewable energy sources installed. Consequently the goal was achieved and the controller performed the requested tasks. Regarding the scenario with renewable energy the controller would need some adjustments to regulate the voltage properly.
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Measurement Data Acquisition & Automation in ResearchKatzenburg, Stefan, Faller, Clemens 14 February 2024 (has links)
Researchers often work on experimental setups that are highly specialized and usually designed and
manufactured for a single or a few test series. The challenges for automation technology and measurement
data acquisition in the apparatus are as unique as these experimental setups.
In the following, Bochum University of Applied Sciences presents its approach to implementing different
measurement and automation tasks in a flexible but also standardized way. Existing microcontrollers
such as Raspberry Pi, Arduino or Controllino are used as the basis for the greatest possible
It is often not necessary to record high-precision measurement data. In this cases inexpensive development
boards can be used that already include peripherals for direct connection to Arduinos or
Raspberry Pi’s. Such development boards are often offered at very low cost and with short delivery
times for many different measurement tasks.
In this paper, the implementation of the requirements is discussed using a current project that deals
with thermal energy recovery using 'smart materials' (shape memory alloys) as an example.
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Analys av Accesspunkters placering : Utveckling av verktyg för mätning av signalstyrka med Heatmap funktion / Analyzing the Placement of Access Points : Development of a Signal Strength Measuring Tool with a Heatmap FunctionOprea, Alexander, Bäckrud, Joel January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Superiority of Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Brain Tissue for in vitro Assessment of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Tau Pathology With [18F]PI-2620Willroider, Marie, Roeber, Sigrun, Horn, Anja K. E., Arzberger, Thomas, Scheifele, Maximilian, Respondek, Gesine, Sabri, Osama, Barthel, Henryk, Patt, Marianne, Mishchenko, Olena, Schildan, Andreas, Mueller, André, Koglin, Norman, Stephens, Andrew, Levin, Johannes, Höglinger, Günther U., Bartenstein, Peter, Herms, Jochen, Brendel, Matthias, Beyer, Leonie 27 March 2023 (has links)
Objectives: Autoradiography on brain tissue is used to validate binding targets of
newly discovered radiotracers. The purpose of this study was to correlate quantification
of autoradiography signal using the novel next-generation tau positron emission
tomography (PET) radiotracer [18F]PI-2620 with immunohistochemically determined
tau-protein load in both formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) and frozen tissue
samples of patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Progressive Supranuclear
Palsy (PSP).
Methods: We applied [18F]PI-2620 autoradiography to postmortem cortical brain
samples of six patients with AD, five patients with PSP and five healthy controls,
respectively. Binding intensity was compared between both tissue types and different
disease entities. Autoradiography signal quantification (CWMR = cortex to white matter
ratio) was correlated with the immunohistochemically assessed tau load (AT8-staining,
%-area) for FFPE and frozen tissue samples in the different disease entities.
Results: In AD tissue, relative cortical tracer binding was higher in frozen samples
when compared to FFPE samples (CWMRfrozen vs. CWMRFFPE: 2.5-fold, p < 0.001),
whereas the opposite was observed in PSP tissue (CWMRfrozen vs. CWMRFFPE:
0.8-fold, p = 0.004). In FFPE samples, [18F]PI-2620 autoradiography tracer binding
and immunohistochemical tau load correlated significantly for both PSP (R = 0.641,
p < 0.001) and AD tissue (R = 0.435, p = 0.016), indicating a high agreement
of relative tracer binding with underlying pathology. In frozen tissue, the correlation
between autoradiography and immunohistochemistry was only present in AD (R = 0.417,
p = 0.014) but not in PSP tissue (R = −0.115, p = n.s.).
Conclusion: Our head-to-head comparison indicates that FFPE samples show
superiority over frozen samples for autoradiography assessment of PSP tau pathology
by [18F]PI-2620. The [18F]PI-2620 autoradiography signal in FFPE samples reflects AT8
positive tau in samples of both PSP and AD patients.
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The Role of Individual Differences and Personality Factors in Distracted and Aggressive Driving BehaviorsHolcomb, Alyssa M 01 January 2022 (has links)
Government reports indicate that, on average, more than 3000 people die due to distracted driving each year, accounting for nearly 10% of all fatal car crashes. Other reports claim that two-thirds of fatal car accidents result from aggressive driving. Previous research has been inconclusive regarding how personality impacts distracted and aggressive driving behaviors. Therefore, the goal of this current study is to fill the gap in the literature concerning the role that personality plays in distracted and aggressive driving behaviors. We also explored the role that distracted and aggressive driving behaviors played in accident involvement. A sample of (N=327) participants were recruited using social media and the UCF SONA System. They were asked to self-report their driving behaviors and personality traits by completing a series of online questionnaires (ADBQ, BFI, DBQ, DDQ, DEMO, and IPIP NEO PI-R). Using this data, bivariate correlations were run using the Pearson Correlation Coefficients to determine the role that personality (OCEAN) plays in distracted and aggressive driving behaviors. We used the DDQ and the IPIP NEO PI-R to evaluate the relationship between personality and distracted driving, and we found that personality traits: Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, and Neuroticism were all significant predictors of distracted driving. Openness was the only one of the five personality traits to have no significant correlation. We used the ADBQ and the IPIP NEO PI-R to assess the relationship between personality and aggressive driving, and we found the same four personality traits: Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, and Neuroticism were all significant predictors of aggressive driving. Openness was, again, the only one of the five personality traits to have no significant correlation. Backward regression analyses were performed to determine what caused these relationships. The regression analysis displayed trait subscales: Morality, Cooperation, Self Discipline, Activity Level, Excitement Seeking, Anger, Emotionality, and Liberalism, each significantly contributed to driver distraction. Another backward regression analysis reveals trait subscales: Morality, Self-Efficacy, Dutifulness, Self Discipline, Anger, and Artistic Interests, each significantly contributed to driver aggression.
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Control of Disclinations and Walls in New Types of Display DevicesZhang, Yanli 28 November 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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