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Local diagnostic reference levels for skeletal surveys in suspected physical child abuseMussmann, B., Hardy, Maryann L., Rajalingham, R., Peters, D., McFadden, S., Abdi, A.J. 17 June 2021 (has links)
No / The purpose was to determine if an age based, local diagnostic reference level for paediatric
skeletal surveys could be established using retrospective data.
Methods: All children below two years of age referred for a primary skeletal survey as a result of suspected physical abuse during 2017 or 2018 (n ¼ 45) were retrospectively included from a large Danish
university hospital. The skeletal survey protocol included a total of 33 images. Dose Area Product (DAP)
and acquisition parameters for all images were recorded from the Picture Archival and Communication
System (PACS) and effective dose was estimated. The 75th percentile for DAP was considered as the
diagnostic reference level (DRL).
Results: The 75th percentile for DAP was 314 mGy*cm2
, 520 mGy*cm2 and 779 mGy*cm2 for children <1
month, 1e11 months and 12 < 24 months of age respectively. However, only the age group 1e11 months
had a sufficient number of children (n ¼ 27) to establish a local DRL. Thus, for the other groups the DAP
result must be interpreted with caution. Effective dose was 0.19, 0.26 and 0.18 mSv for children <1, 1e11
months and 12 < 24 months of age respectively.
Conclusion: For children between 1 and 11 months of age, a local diagnostic reference level of
520 mGy*cm2 was determined. This may be used as an initial benchmark for primary skeletal surveys as
a result of suspected physical abuse for comparison and future discussion.
Implications for practice: While the data presented reflects the results of a single department, the suggested diagnostic reference level may be used as a benchmark for other departments when auditing
skeletal survey radiation dose.
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En Studie av Pi Patel’s Copingstrategier i Life of Pi : Religion och copingHendi, Haya January 2024 (has links)
This study examines how religion is portrayed in the movie Life of Pi (2012) and how the main character Pi Patel uses his faith to deal with and survive various challenges. People deal with challenges in different ways, and this study focuses on the combination of divine and human resources in the coping process. The aim is to explore Pi's use of religion through a content analysis of the movie, with particular focus on coping theory and the functional definition of religion as a theoretical framework. The analysis shows that Pi faces several difficulties on the lifeboat, such as an aggressive tiger, lack of food and water, as well as feelings of loneliness and hopelessness. To master these challenges, Pi combines emotional and practical coping strategies, where religion plays a central role. Religion gives him not only support and guidance but also motivation and companionship. The religion also contributes to his development as a person and causes him to embrace three religions. Through this study, we can better understand how religion can function as a coping mechanism and contribute to people's survival and development in extreme situations.
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Piano Hero : Interactive musical learningAhlzén, Anton, Holma, Ville, Segerberg, Adam, Varahram, Sam, Wiig, Marcus January 2024 (has links)
Learning to play the piano usually involves learning to read sheet music and many hours of prac- tice, which can be seen as a tough task for beginners. This project presents an innovative ap- proach to piano learning by integrating a Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and LED lights with a Casio CTK-550 keyboard. This system interprets MusicXML files and visually guides users by lighting up the keys they need to press in the correct order, providing a more intuitive and engaging learn- ing experience. Additionally, it has a playback mode that makes the piano play the chosen song while illuminating the keys played. This allows the user to hear the song being played correctly before using the interactive mode to play the entire song themselves. These modifications to the piano aim to simplify the learning process and ease in new piano players by removing the big initial barrier of understanding sheet music. The project practices sustainability by reusing components from old projects and also follows several UN Sustainable Development Goals. After a few iter- ations, there was a product able to fulfill the goals set in advance. Future improvements could include improved lighting precision, additional learning modes, and more user-friendly file transfer possibilities.
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Development of a Temperature Controlled Cell for Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for in situ Detection of GasesAppelblad, André January 2014 (has links)
This work describes a master’s thesis in engineering physics at Umeå University carried out during the spring semester of 2014. In the thesis the student has constructed and tested a temperature controlled cell for cooling/heating of surface-enhanced-Raman-spectroscopy (SERS) substrates for rapid detection of volatile substances. The thesis was carried out at the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) in Umeå, Sweden. A Linkam Scientific Instruments TS1500 cell was equipped with a Peltier element for cooling/heating and a thermistor temperature sensor. A control system was constructed, based on an Arduino Uno microcontroller board and a pulse-width-modulated (PWM) H-bridge motor driver to control the Peltier element using a proportional-integral (PI) control algorithm. The temperature controlled cell was able to regulate the temperature of a SERS substrate within -15 to +110 °C and maintain the temperature over prolonged periods at ±0.22 °C of the set point temperature. Gas phase of 2-chloro-2-(difluoromethoxy)-1,1,1-trifluoro-ethane (isoflurane) was flowed through the cell and SERS spectra were collected at different temperatures and concentrations. This test showed that the signal is increased when the substrate is cooled and reversibly decreased when the substrate was heated. Keywords: temperature control, Raman scattering, surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy SERS, SERS substrate, volatile substances, Peltier module, thermistor, PWM, H-bridge, PI(D) control. / Detta dokument beskriver ett examensarbete för civilingenjörsexamen i teknisk fysik vid Umeå Universitet som utförts under vårterminen 2014. I examensarbetet har en kyl-/värmecell för temperaturkontroll av substratytor för ytförstärkt ramanspektroskopi (SERS) för snabb detektion av farliga flyktiga ämnen konstruerats och testats. Arbetet utfördes vid Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI) i Umeå, Sverige. Utgångspunkten var ett Linkam Scientific Instruments TS1500 mikroskopsteg, vilket utrustades med ett Peltierelement för kylning/värmning och en termistor för temperaturövervakning. Ett styrsystem baserat på ett Arduino Uno mikrostyrenhetskort konstruerades med ett motordrivkort (H-brygga) vilket använder pulsbreddsmodulering (PWM) för att reglera spänningen till Peltierelementet utifrån en PI-regulator. Den färdiga cellen klarade att reglera temperaturen på ett SERS-substrat i ett temperaturspann på ungefär -15 till +110 °C med en temperaturstabilitet på ±0.22 °C av måltemperaturen. Cellen testades sedan på flyktiga ämnen för att visa dess funktion. Difluorometyl-2,2,2-trifluoro-1-kloroetyleter (isofluran) i gasfas, med instrumentluft som bärargas, flödades genom cellen och SERS-spektra erhölls vid olika koncentrationer och temperaturer. Vid samtliga koncentrationer visades att lägre temperatur ger ökad signalstyrka. När ytan sedan värmdes upp sjönk signalen reversibelt tillbaka till ursprungsvärdet. Nyckelord: temperaturkontroll, ytförstärkt ramanspektroskopi, SERS, flyktiga ämnen, Peltierelement, thermistor, PWM, H-brygga, PI(D)-regulator.
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Analysis of formal and informal systems of performance evaluation: the case of the Office of the Prime minister of Lithuania / Formalios ir neformalios veiklos vertinimo sistemos analizė: Lietuvos Ministro Pirmininko tarnybos atvejisKratavičiūtė-Ališauskienė, Aistė 16 June 2014 (has links)
System of performance evaluation is an essential part of performance management and a major source of organizational control. Discussion about motivational/demotivational power of the formal and informal systems of performance evaluation for different personality types of employees opens a new page in the studies of human resource management. The following research question reflects the core of this thesis “To what extent the informal system of performance evaluation exists beside the formal system of performance evaluation and how do they operate as work motivators/demotivators for civil servants of different psychological types?”. The formal and informal systems of performance evaluation in the Office of the Prime Minister of Lithuania (OPML) are analysed using the theoretical research framework based on three different perspectives: sociology of law, human resource management and psychology. An ethnographic research, supplemented by the psychometric instrument HEXACO PI-R, is conducted to unfold the informal system of performance evaluation and to investigate its motivational/demotivation impact on two different personality types of OPML advisers (ORGANIZED and FLEXIBLE). The formal system is found to be a motivator for the ORGANIZED civil servants and demotivator for the FLEXIBLE advisers, while the informal system served as demotivator for all of the advisers who admitted its existence. In-depth interpretations of the doctoral dissertation research results are provided... [to full text] / Veiklos vertinimo sistema yra neatskiriama veiklos valdymo dalis ir svarbus organizacinės kontrolės įrankis. Diskusijos apie formalios ir neformalios vertinimo sistemų motyvavimo / demotyvavimo galią skirtingų asmenybės tipų darbuotojams atveria naujas perspektyvas žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo tyrimuose. Šios disertacijos esmę atspindi tyrimo klausimas „Kiek neformali veiklos vertinimo sistema egzistuoja šalia formalios veiklos vertinimo sistemos, ir kaip jos, kaip darbo motyvatoriai / demotyvatoriai, veikia skirtingų asmenybės tipų viešojo sektoriaus darbuotojus?“. Formali ir neformali veiklos vertinimo sistemos Lietuvos Respublikos Ministro Pirmininko tarnyboje (MPT) analizuojamos pasitelkiant teorinį tyrimo pagrindą, kuris yra paremtas trimis skirtingomis perspektyvomis: teisės sociologija, žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymu ir psichologija. Etnografinis tyrimas, kurį papildo psichometrinis įrankis HEXACO PI-R, atliktas siekiant identifikuoti neformalią veiklos vertinimo sistemą ir ištirti jos motyvacinį / demotyvacinį poveikį dviejų skirtingų asmenybės tipų(ORGANIZUOTIESIEMS ir LANKSTIESIEMS) MPT patarėjams. Nustatyta, kad formali sistema veikia kaip motyvatorius ORGANIZUOTIESIEMS patarėjams ir kaip demotyvatorius LANKSTIESIEMS valstybės tarnautojams, o neformali sistema demotyvuoja visus patarėjus, kurie pripažino, kad tokia sistema egzistuoja. Darbe analizuojami atlikto tyrimo rezultatai ir pateikiamos išvados.
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Étude des résultats des traitements psychosociaux auprès de jeunes adultes présentant un premier épisode psychotique : influence des traits de personnalitéBeauchamp, Marie-Chantal 06 1900 (has links)
L'objectif général de cette thèse est d'examiner le lien entre les traits de personnalité évalués selon l'approche des cinq facteurs et les résultats des traitements psychosociaux auprès de jeunes adultes présentant un premier épisode psychotique. Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, 129 personnes ont été recrutées à participer à une étude expérimentale randomisée. Les participants ont été assignés soit à un groupe de thérapie cognitive-comportementale, soit à un groupe d'entraînement aux habiletés sociales visant la gestion des symptômes, soit à une liste d'attente. Les participants ont complété pré- et post-traitement le Questionnaire bref de personnalité NEO Révisé (Costa & McCrae, 1992), l'Échelle abrégée d'évaluation psychiatrique (Lukoff et al., 1986; Ventura et al., 1993) et l'Échelle d'adaptation cybernétique (Edwards & Baglioni, 1993).
Dans le premier article, les profils de personnalité et la stabilité temporelle des traits de personnalité des jeunes adultes présentant un premier épisode psychotique ont été étudiés. Les résultats révèlent différents profils de personnalité et une stabilité des traits de personnalité. Dans le second article, les profils de personnalité et la valeur prédictive des traits de personnalité ou des profils sur les résultats thérapeutiques ont été investigués. Les résultats révèlent aussi différents profils de personnalité, aucun spécifiquement lié aux symptômes. Aucun lien n'a pu être rapporté entre les traits de personnalité et l'amélioration symptomatologique. Toutefois, les traits de personnalité et les profils sont liés à l'amélioration des stratégies actives d'adaptation. Dans le dernier article, la valeur prédictive des traits de personnalité sur les résultats thérapeutiques selon le groupe de traitement spécifique a été étudiée. Les résultats démontrent un lien entre les traits de personnalité et l'amélioration symptomatologique et des stratégies d'adaptation selon le traitement. Les traits de personnalité sont particulièrement liés aux résultats thérapeutiques des stratégies actives d'adaptation.
Cette thèse contribue à l'avancement des connaissances en se penchant sur l'importance des traits de personnalité dans le traitement psychosocial des jeunes adultes présentant un premier épisode psychotique et en soulignant la nécessité d'étudier davantage les différences individuelles de la personnalité de cette clientèle. Les implications cliniques des résultats et les recommandations pour la recherche sont présentées. / The aim of this thesis was to elucidate the link between personality traits based on the Five Factor Model of personality and therapeutic outcomes of two group treatments for first episode psychosis: cognitive behavior therapy and skills training for symptom management. One hundred and twenty-nine individuals with first episode psychosis were recruited to participate in a randomized controlled trial. Participants were randomized to one of two group treatments or to a wait-list control group. Measures pre- and post-treatment included the shorter version of the Revised NEO personality Inventory (Costa & McCrae, 1992), measures of Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale-Expanded (Lukoff et al., 1986; Ventura et al., 1993) and the shorter version of the Cybernetic Coping Scale coping strategies (Edwards & Baglioni, 1993).
In the first article, personality profiles and stability over time of personality traits of individuals with a first episode of psychosis were investigated. Results showed that individuals with a first episode of psychosis present with different personality profiles. Moreover, personality traits of the first episodes showed stability over time. In the second article, personality profiles and predictive value of personality traits or profiles on therapeutic outcomes of treatments for first episode psychosis were investigated. Results revealed also different personality profiles, none specifically linked to psychotic symptoms. No links could be demonstrated between personality traits and symptom improvements but personality traits and profiles were linked to therapeutic improvements in active coping strategies. In the last article, predictive value of personality traits on therapeutic outcomes accordingly to specific group treatments for first episode psychosis was investigated. Results showed links between personality traits, symptoms and coping outcome measures, according to specific group treatments. Personality traits were particularly linked to therapeutic improvements in active coping strategies.
In sum, this thesis contributed to the field of personality traits in those with a first episode psychosis by investigating the pertinence of personality traits in the choice of psychosocial treatments and highlighting the need for further study considering individual differences in psychosis. Clinical implications are discussed and recommendations for clinical research offered.
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Padronização em sistema primário por coincidências 4πβ-γ e determinação das intensidades de emissão gama por decaimento dos radionuclídeos Cu-64 e Ho-166 / Primary standardization of 64Cu and 166Ho radionuclides in the 4πβ(PC)-γ coincidence system and determination of its gamma-ray emission probability per decayYamazaki, Ione Makiko 12 February 2019 (has links)
O Laboratório de Metrologia Nuclear (LMN) do Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN) realizou a padronização primária dos radionuclídeos 64Cu e 166Ho. Esses radioisótopos são utilizados na Medicina Nuclear em investigações diagnósticas e em radioterapia. A atividade absoluta foi determinada utilizando o método de coincidências 4πβ(PC)- γ associado à técnica de extrapolação de eficiência. Para isto, foram utilizados um contador proporcional em geometria 4π acoplado ao um contador de cintilação NaI (Tl). Para a padronização do 64Cu foram utilizados dois sistemas para registro de dados: sistema TAC e sistema SCS. No sistema TAC é utilizado o módulo Time to Amplitude Converter (TAC) associado a um analisador multicanal, sendo que a eficiência do detector 4πPC foi variada por meio de absorvedores externos e foi aplicado fator de correção para as eficiências beta denominado fator Kawada. No sistema SCS (Software Coincidence System) o registro dos eventos foi feito por meio da digitalização dos pulsos, a eficiência do detector 4πPC foi variada por discriminação eletrônica e a atividade foi obtida pela extrapolação biparamétrica. A padronização do 166Ho em sistema de coincidências 4πβ(PC)- γ foi realizada utilizando o sistema de aquisição de dados por software, SCS (Software Coincidence System). Para determinação das probabilidade de emissão gama dos radionuclídeos foi utilizado um espectrômetro gama HPGe calibrado com ampolas padrão de 152Eu, 60Co, 133Ba, 137Cs e 241Am, calibradas no sistema primário 4πβ(PC)- γ. A probabilidade de emissão gama por decaimento do fóton de 1345,7 keV do 64Cu obtida foi de 0,472 (10) % apresentando um bom acordo com os dados da literatura. A probabilidade de emissão gama por decaimento do fóton gama de 1379,45 keV do 166Ho foi de 0,936 (4) %. Por meio destas medidas foi possível também a determinação das intensidades relativas de outros fótons emitidos por este radionuclídeo. Os resultados obtidos foram concordantes com a literatura dentro da incerteza experimental. / The procedure followed by the Nuclear Metrology Laboratory (LMN) at the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN) for the primary standardization of 64Cu and 166Ho is described. These radionuclides are widely applied to Nuclear Medicine such as in diagnostic investigations and in radiotherapy. The absolute activity of both radionuclides were determined by the efficiency extrapolation method applied to 4πβ(PC)-γ coincidence counting system using a proportional counter in 4π geometry coupled with NaI(Tl) scintillation counter. The primary standardisation of 64Cu for the conventional coincidence counting, the events were registered using a Time to Amplitude Converter (TAC) system associated with a multi-channel analyzer and by a software coincidence counting system, SCS, a digital method for primary activity measurements that simplifies the setting of optimal coincidence parameters. For perfoming the standardization of 64Cu in the TAC system, the efficiency of the 4πβ(PC)-γ detector was varied using external absorbers and in order to correct the beta efficiency, the Kawada factor was applied. In the SCS counting, the events were registered by means of pulse digitalization and the efficiencies (εEC and εβ) were varied through eletronic discrimination. The biparametric method was used for determining the absolute activity and the result was in good agreement with the ones obtained with TAC system. The standardization of 166Ho in the primary system was performed using the software coincidence counting, SCS. The gamma-ray emission probability per decay of the main transitions of both radionuclides were determined using the results obtained from the primary method, the 4πβ(PC)-γ coincidence system, associated with a calibrated HPGe gamma-ray spectrometer with standard ampoules of 152Eu, 60Co, 133Ba, 137Cs e 241Am, previously standardized in the 4πβ(PC)-γ system. The gamma-ray emission probability per decay of the 1345,7 keV transition of 64Cu was 0,472 (10) %, in good agreement with the literature. The gamma-ray emission probability per decay of the 1379,45 keV transition of 166Ho was 0,936 (4) %. It were also determined the relative gamma ray emmission probability of other gamma rays for this nuclide . All the results obtained were in good agreement with the literature.
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Avaliação da performance dos biomarcadores e da bioquímica urinária no diagnóstico de injúria renal aguda em pacientes críticos: coorte prospectiva / Performance evaluation of biomarkers and urine biochemistry in the diagnosis of AKI in critically ill patients: prospective cohortCarmo, Lílian Pires de Freitas do 23 September 2016 (has links)
Introdução: Injúria Renal Aguda (IRA) é uma patologia grave e com elevada incidência em pacientes críticos. Apesar do avanço no conhecimento fisiopatológico ocorrido nas últimas décadas, pouco desse conhecimento foi traduzido em terapia para IRA já instalada. Medidas preventivas para evitar a progressão da IRA em momentos iniciais da injúria continuam a ser o principal foco na terapia da IRA. Nesse contexto, o diagnóstico e determinação precoce da gravidade da injúria renal são fundamentais para evitar a progressão para estágios mais graves e diminuir a morbidade e a mortalidade associadas à síndrome. Objetivos: O objetivo principal deste estudo, foi avaliar se o padrão de elevação dos biomarcadores permite a detecção precoce do diagnóstico de IRA. E os objetivos secundários foram avaliar se os biomarcadores podem auxiliar na predição da gravidade da IRA, na necessidade de diálise e óbito. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo, unicêntrico, entre janeiro de 2012 e janeiro de 2015. Foram avaliados e incluídos pacientes com critérios de alto risco para IRA nas Unidades de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) clínicas e cirúrgicas. Características clínicas e demográficas foram avaliadas no início da internação e a evolução laboratorial e hemodinâmica dos pacientes foram acompanhadas durante as primeiras 48 horas de internação na UTI. Os biomarcadores precoces de injuria renal aguda séricos e urinários, assim como a bioquímica e microscopia urinária, foram analisados a cada 12 horas durante este período. IRA foi definida pelo critério da creatinina do KDIGO. Episódios de IRA com resolução em 3 dias foram definidos como transitória (IRAt) e episódios com duração maior que 3 dias como persistente (IRAp). Resultados: Durante o período estudado foram avaliados 376 pacientes, dos quais 70 preencheram os critérios de inclusão e 32 (46%) evoluiram com IRA. Noventa porcento dos pacientes incluídos no estudo foram pacientes em pós-operatorio. Não houve diferença nas características basais entre os grupos com IRA e sem IRA. A fração de excreção de sódio (FENa) foi maior no grupo com IRAp à admissão, entretanto foi menor que 1% em todos os grupos. O gradiente transtubular de potássio (TTKG) foi significativamente maior no 4º e 5º momentos no grupo com IRAp quando comparado aos outros grupos. Os níveis de Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin (NGAL), tanto séricos como urinários foram significativamente maiores no grupo com IRAp em relação ao grupo IRAt e não IRA, assim como Liver-type Fatty Acid-Binding Protein (L-FABP) e o Kidney Injury Molecule-1 (KIM-1). Não se constatou diferença significativa entre os grupos em relação ao Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1), alfa e pi-Glutathione-transferase (alfa- GST e pi-GST). Entre os pacientes com diagnóstico de IRA pela creatinina sérica nos primeiros 2 dias de UTI, o emprego do NGAL sérico e/ou urinário possibilitaram o diagnóstico mais precoce da IRA em relação à creatinina em 59,3 % e 27,6% dos pacientes, respectivamente. O NGAL sérico e urinário foram preditores independentes de mortalidade e de necessidade de terapia de substituição renal à análise multivariada. Conclusão: Na IRA persistente a bioquímica urinária apresentou diferenças em relação à FENa e ao TTKG. A performance do NGAL sérico e urinário nesta população conseguiu antecipar o diagnóstico da IRA em relação ao critério da creatinina. O NGAL sérico e urinário foram preditores independentes de necessidade de terapia de substituição renal e mortalidade / Background: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a syndrome with high incidence in critical ill patients and associated with severe complications. Although important advances has been achieved in the understanding of its physiopathology, this knowledge have not resulted in improvements in therapy for AKI. Preventive measures to avoid AKI progress at the initial phases of injury are still the main goal of AKI therapy. Therefore, early diagnosis and assessment of disease severity are essential to prevent disease progression and to reduce morbidity and mortality. Objectives: The main goal of this study was to evaluate whether a panel of biomarkers would allow early detection of AKI. Secondary endpoints were to evaluate whether biomarkers can predict the severity of AKI, need for dialysis and mortality in high-risk critical ill patients. Methods: We performed a prospective study between January 2012 and 2015. We recruited patients admitted in intensive care unit (ICU) with high risk for AKI. Clinical and demographic characteristics were recorded. Urinary biomarkers and urine biochemistry were measured sequentially every 12 hours during the first two days of ICU stay. AKI was defined according to KDIGO creatinine criteria. Patients were classified as having transitory AKI (tAKI) or persistent AKI (pAKI). Results: Of the 376 patients initially evaluated, 70 met the inclusion criteria. Thirty-two patients (46 %) met KDIGO criteria for AKI. Ninety percent of the patients in this study were surgical. The baseline characteristics were similar among all groups. The fractional excretion of sodium (FENa) was higher in pAKI group, and it was < 1% in all groups. In patients who developed pAKI the transtubular potassium gradient (TTKG) was significantly higher at 36h and 48h. Plasma and urinary Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin (NGAL), Liver-type Fatty Acid-Binding Protein (L-FABP) and Kidney Injury Molecule-1 (KIM-1) were significantly higher in the pAKI group as compared to the t AKI and non AKI groups in different times of evaluation. There was no difference in levels of Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1), alfa and pi-Glutathione-transferase (alfa-GST and pi-GST) within the groups during the first 48 h of ICU admission. Based on the cutoff levels, plasma and urinary NGAL would determine earlier diagnosis in 59.3% and 27.6% patients in the first two days of ICU, respectively. In the multivariate analysis, plasma and urinary NGAL were independent predictors of need for dialysis and mortality. Conclusions: In this study population, persistent AKI have alterations in urinary physicochemical parameters such as FENa and TTKG. Plasma and urinary NGAL were early biomarkers for AKI diagnosis. Plasma and urinary NGAL were independent predictors of dialysis and mortality
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Música rap: narrativa dos jovens da periferia de Teresina / Rap music: young people narrative from the suburb of TeresinaSilva, Antonio Leandro da 17 August 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-08-17 / The present composition has as a center Rap Music analysis; it is understood as a young people narrative from the suburb of Teresina. The option for this subject it is directly tied with my experiences, as Franciscan religious, experiences that were lived in the suburb of this city, where I knew Hip Hop Movement. During six years, I could see, feel and hear daily realities lived by these citizens, and notice as Rap became the greater power element and valorization inside Hip-Hop Movement, besides it regains the word through rappers narratives.
A research, based on excellent theoretical issue about "memory" and "narrative", most in Benjamin s Theory, shows that Rap is the "new contemporary form of narrative". This is for two reasons: First, because being from an African matrix music, Rap rescues the "reminiscence", "saving" the word, i.e. the way to tell histories lived deeply in a collective way; Second, it brings back word "Redemption", because it rescues what it had been denied to us: the speech. In this, materializes the "authentic experience" (Erfahrung), therefore, breaking up "time continuous flow of "history continuum" - when we talk about oppressors history - the oppressed ones gain voice and they build a new history. Because of this, the tradition of the oppressed ones is necessarily intermittent.
Report here, it means to tell, to mention daily events of a community life from a group, a culture, a folk. Paraphrasing Benjamin, rappers start their narrative with a description of facts that will improvise (speak), attributing them their own experience of life.
The "work of ethnographic field" becomes a "way to produce knowledge" (Geertz, 1989), from an intense involvement with the researched groups. This was my adventure during the time of field research: to hear the old "plays nonspeaking part" (Dias, 1998) that hadn t nor voice, nor who listen to them. Thus, after analyzing socio-economics and geographic changes Teresina city had suffered in 80th and 90th decades, I rebuilt interviewed citizens past through its narratives, resource that assisted to open memory s windows.
Therefore I opted to verbal history of life as qualitative technique because it tries to restore, through the involved citizens vision, a period or historical event. Thus, by this technique, it had been collected data that are related to different moments toward which young people had passed through; at the same time, I tried to identify youthful sociability spaces, Hip-Hop movement consolidation and its implications in building ethnic identities of these young people / A presente Dissertação tem como centro a análise da Música Rap, entendida como narrativa dos jovens da periferia de Teresina. A opção por este tema está diretamente vinculada às minhas experiências, como religioso franciscano, vividas na periferia desta cidade, onde conheci o Movimento Hip Hop. Durante seis anos, pude ver, sentir e ouvir as realidades cotidianas vividas por estes sujeitos, e observar como o Rap se tornava o elemento de maior poder e valorização dentro do movimento, recuperando a palavra através das narrativas dos rappers.
A pesquisa, baseada em relevantes aportes teóricos sobre "memória" e "narrativa", sobretudo na teoria benjaminiana, mostra que o Rap é uma "nova forma de narrativa" contemporânea. Isto por duas razões: primeiro, porque sendo uma música de matriz africana, o Rap resgata a "rememoração", "salvando" a palavra, isto é, as formas de contar as histórias vivenciadas coletivamente; segundo, ele traz de volta a Redenção da palavra, porque resgata aquilo que nos havia sido negado: a fala. Nisto se concretiza a "experiência autêntica" (Erfahrung), pois, rompendo-se o "fluxo contínuo do tempo", do "continuum da história" - quando falamos da história dos opressores - os oprimidos ganham voz e constróem uma nova história. Por isso, a tradição dos oprimidos é necessariamente descontínua.
Narrar, aqui, significa contar, relatar, os acontecimentos do cotidiano da vida de uma comunidade, de um grupo, de uma cultura, de um povo. Parafraseando Benjamin, os rappers começam sua narrativa com uma descrição dos fatos que vão improvisar (falar), atribuindo-os à sua própria experiência de vida.
O trabalho de campo etnográfico torna-se uma forma de produzir conhecimento (Geertz, 1989), a partir de um intenso envolvimento com os grupos pesquisados. Esta foi minha aventura durante o tempo da pesquisa de campo: ouvir os antigos figurantes mudos (Dias, 1998) que não tinham nem voz e nem quem os escutasse. Assim, após analisar as mudanças socioeconômicas e geográficas por que sofreu a cidade de Teresina nas décadas 80/90, fiz a reconstrução do passado dos sujeitos entrevistados através das suas narrativas, recurso paradigmático que os auxiliou a abrir as janelas da memória.
Portanto, optei pela história oral de vida como técnica qualitativa porque ela procura reconstruir, através da visão dos sujeitos envolvidos, um período ou evento histórico. Assim, por meio desta técnica, foram coletados dados que se referiam aos diferentes momentos pelos quais passaram os jovens; ao mesmo tempo, busquei identificar os espaços de sociabilidade juvenil, a consolidação do movimento Hip Hop e as suas implicações na construção das identidades étnicas desses jovens
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Música rap: narrativa dos jovens da periferia de Teresina / Rap music: young people narrative from the suburb of TeresinaSilva, Antonio Leandro da 17 August 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-08-17 / The present composition has as a center Rap Music analysis; it is understood as a young people narrative from the suburb of Teresina. The option for this subject it is directly tied with my experiences, as Franciscan religious, experiences that were lived in the suburb of this city, where I knew Hip Hop Movement. During six years, I could see, feel and hear daily realities lived by these citizens, and notice as Rap became the greater power element and valorization inside Hip-Hop Movement, besides it regains the word through rappers narratives.
A research, based on excellent theoretical issue about "memory" and "narrative", most in Benjamin s Theory, shows that Rap is the "new contemporary form of narrative". This is for two reasons: First, because being from an African matrix music, Rap rescues the "reminiscence", "saving" the word, i.e. the way to tell histories lived deeply in a collective way; Second, it brings back word "Redemption", because it rescues what it had been denied to us: the speech. In this, materializes the "authentic experience" (Erfahrung), therefore, breaking up "time continuous flow of "history continuum" - when we talk about oppressors history - the oppressed ones gain voice and they build a new history. Because of this, the tradition of the oppressed ones is necessarily intermittent.
Report here, it means to tell, to mention daily events of a community life from a group, a culture, a folk. Paraphrasing Benjamin, rappers start their narrative with a description of facts that will improvise (speak), attributing them their own experience of life.
The "work of ethnographic field" becomes a "way to produce knowledge" (Geertz, 1989), from an intense involvement with the researched groups. This was my adventure during the time of field research: to hear the old "plays nonspeaking part" (Dias, 1998) that hadn t nor voice, nor who listen to them. Thus, after analyzing socio-economics and geographic changes Teresina city had suffered in 80th and 90th decades, I rebuilt interviewed citizens past through its narratives, resource that assisted to open memory s windows.
Therefore I opted to verbal history of life as qualitative technique because it tries to restore, through the involved citizens vision, a period or historical event. Thus, by this technique, it had been collected data that are related to different moments toward which young people had passed through; at the same time, I tried to identify youthful sociability spaces, Hip-Hop movement consolidation and its implications in building ethnic identities of these young people / A presente Dissertação tem como centro a análise da Música Rap, entendida como narrativa dos jovens da periferia de Teresina. A opção por este tema está diretamente vinculada às minhas experiências, como religioso franciscano, vividas na periferia desta cidade, onde conheci o Movimento Hip Hop. Durante seis anos, pude ver, sentir e ouvir as realidades cotidianas vividas por estes sujeitos, e observar como o Rap se tornava o elemento de maior poder e valorização dentro do movimento, recuperando a palavra através das narrativas dos rappers.
A pesquisa, baseada em relevantes aportes teóricos sobre "memória" e "narrativa", sobretudo na teoria benjaminiana, mostra que o Rap é uma "nova forma de narrativa" contemporânea. Isto por duas razões: primeiro, porque sendo uma música de matriz africana, o Rap resgata a "rememoração", "salvando" a palavra, isto é, as formas de contar as histórias vivenciadas coletivamente; segundo, ele traz de volta a Redenção da palavra, porque resgata aquilo que nos havia sido negado: a fala. Nisto se concretiza a "experiência autêntica" (Erfahrung), pois, rompendo-se o "fluxo contínuo do tempo", do "continuum da história" - quando falamos da história dos opressores - os oprimidos ganham voz e constróem uma nova história. Por isso, a tradição dos oprimidos é necessariamente descontínua.
Narrar, aqui, significa contar, relatar, os acontecimentos do cotidiano da vida de uma comunidade, de um grupo, de uma cultura, de um povo. Parafraseando Benjamin, os rappers começam sua narrativa com uma descrição dos fatos que vão improvisar (falar), atribuindo-os à sua própria experiência de vida.
O trabalho de campo etnográfico torna-se uma forma de produzir conhecimento (Geertz, 1989), a partir de um intenso envolvimento com os grupos pesquisados. Esta foi minha aventura durante o tempo da pesquisa de campo: ouvir os antigos figurantes mudos (Dias, 1998) que não tinham nem voz e nem quem os escutasse. Assim, após analisar as mudanças socioeconômicas e geográficas por que sofreu a cidade de Teresina nas décadas 80/90, fiz a reconstrução do passado dos sujeitos entrevistados através das suas narrativas, recurso paradigmático que os auxiliou a abrir as janelas da memória.
Portanto, optei pela história oral de vida como técnica qualitativa porque ela procura reconstruir, através da visão dos sujeitos envolvidos, um período ou evento histórico. Assim, por meio desta técnica, foram coletados dados que se referiam aos diferentes momentos pelos quais passaram os jovens; ao mesmo tempo, busquei identificar os espaços de sociabilidade juvenil, a consolidação do movimento Hip Hop e as suas implicações na construção das identidades étnicas desses jovens
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