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Passformsanalys av återanvändbara sanitetsbindor : en subjektiv upplevelse präglad av byxan / Fit analysis of reusable sanitary pads : a subjective experience characterized by trousersLee, Anna January 2022 (has links)
God passform är en subjektiv bedömning och definieras av varje enskild individ. Subjektiva upplevelser är präglade av individens egna känslor, erfarenhet och preferenser. I samarbete med en forskningsverksamhet ämnade den här studien till att identifiera olika faktorer som påverkar individens subjektiva passformsbedömning av återanvändbara mensskydd. I studien undersöktes passformen på syntetiska återanvändbara bindor i tre olika modeller anpassade efter kvinnors olika behov. I framtagningsprocessen av bindorna ingick olika marknadsanalyser som gav underlag till konstruktionsarbetet. Studien baserades på en kvalitativ marknadsundersökning där fem utvalda kvinnor i åldrarna 26 – 43 utförde avprovningar och förde logg om sina upplevelser av bindornas passform. Den empiriska undersökningen visar att en av de längre bindorna, ur passforms- och komfortsynpunkt, anses mer tillförlitlig än de andra två modellerna då bindan upplevdes mer följsam längsmed kroppen och troskanten utan att sticka ut och skava mot huden. En gemensam nämnare för samtliga bindor konstaterades vara ett kritiskt förhållningssätt till bindornas tjocklek. Subjektiva bedömningar av passform, som är uppdelade i mindre delmoment, är mätbara men eftersom denna studie är inriktad till en småskalig forskning kan inga slutsatser dras. Däremot kan studien tillhandahålla nya insikter och djupare förståelse för kvinnors tankegångar och preferenser gällande bindors passform. / A good fit is a subjective assessment and psychologically defined by each individual based on their own experiences, feelings, and preferences. With the support of a Borås-based research firm, this study aimed to identify various factors that influence the individual's subjective fit assessment of environmentally friendly, synthetic, and reusable menstrual pads. This study examined the fit of three different styles adapted to conform to a menstruating woman’s different needs. As a result of a pilot study and various market research, the conceptual design phase of the pads provided a reliable foundation for the design process. The study was based on a qualitative market study in which five women underwent various exploratory methods of evaluating their subjective experiences regarding the fit and comfort of the pads. The empirical study reveals one of the longer pads, from a fit and comfort point of view, to be more compliant than the other two styles as the longer and thin one was perceived to have higher conformity. A common denominator for all three of the menstrual pads appeared to be a critical approach towards the thickness of the products causing stiffness and skin irritation. Subjective assessments of fit, divided into multiple components, have proven to be measurable, but since this study is focused on small-scale research, conclusions cannot be drawn unless the quantity of collected data or the data itself is conducted in a different way. This study provided new insights and a deeper understanding of a small group of women's thoughts and preferences regarding the fit of the modern pad.
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Tribopairs in Wellbore Drilling: A Study of PCD Tilting Pad Bearings in an Electric Submersible PumpEllis, Cameron B 01 December 2017 (has links)
A polycrystalline diamond was tested as a bearing material for a tilting pad thrust bearing to be used in an electric submersible pump, which elevates process fluids from the bottom of well bores. The goal of this study was to compare the PCD to a current best of technology, which is stainless steel with an engineering polymer.This study found that PCD can handle larger loads than current technology but is limited in size due to diamond sintering and manufacturing constraints. The maximum size is Ø75mm.
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Tribopairs in Wellbore Drilling: A Study of PCD Tilting Pad Bearings in an Electric Submersible PumpEllis, Cameron B 01 December 2017 (has links)
A polycrystalline diamond was tested as a bearing material for a tilting pad thrust bearing to be used in an electric submersible pump, which elevates process fluids from the bottom of well bores. The goal of this study was to compare the PCD to a current best of technology, which is stainless steel with an engineering polymer.This study found that PCD can handle larger loads than current technology but is limited in size due to diamond sintering and manufacturing constraints. The maximum size is Ø75mm.
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Disease Severity and Disability in Persons with Peripheral Arterial DiseaseWidener, Jeanne Malcom 19 March 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Springback Calibration of Sheet Metal Components Using Impulse Forming MethodsWoodward, Steven T. 27 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Two-dimensional finite element analysis investigation of the heat partition ratio of a friction brakeQiu, L., Qi, Hong Sheng, Wood, Alastair S. 07 February 2018 (has links)
Yes / A 2D coupled temperature-displacement FE model is developed for a pad-disc brake system
based on a restricted rotational pad boundary condition. The evolution of pressure, heat
flux, and temperature along the contact interface during braking applications is analysed
with the FE model. Results indicate that different rotational pad boundary conditions
significantly impact the interface pressure distribution, which in turn affects interface
temperature and heat flux distributions, and suggest that a particular pad rotation condition
is most appropriate for accurately modelling friction braking processes. The importance of
the thermal contact conductance in the analysis of heat transfer in friction braking is established, and it is confirmed that the heat partition ratio is not uniformly distributed
along the interface under normal and high interface thermal conductance conditions.
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Beiträge zur biomechanischen Charakterisierung faseriger BindegewebeSichting, Freddy 20 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Im Mittelpunkt dieser kumulativ angefertigten Arbeit stehen fünf verschiedenartige biomechanische Untersuchungen faseriger Bindegewebe, welche in einer Gesamtschau zusammengeführt werden. Die einzelnen Beiträge setzen sich zusammen aus Untersuchungen zum Einfluss zellulärer Bestandteile auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften faseriger Bindegewebe und die Beeinflussung dieser Ergebnisse durch Messfehler, speziell am Beispiel des Materialschlupfs. Über diese beiden Beiträge wird eine Verbindung hergestellt zur rechnergestützten Simulation der Wirkung eines Beckenkompressionsgurts auf die Bänder des Beckenrings und dem Transmissionsverhalten faseriger Bindegewebe bei Zugbelastung. Im fünften Beitrag wird am Beispiel des Zusammenwirkens von Achillessehne, Fersenfettpolster und Plantarfaszie in vitro die Komplexität der Betrachtung faseriger Bindegewebe aufgezeigt. Die Zusammenführung der einzelnen Untersuchungen wird begleitet von der Frage, ob die bestehenden biomechanischen Untersuchungsansätze ausreichend sind, um ein umfassendes Verständnis zur funktionellen Bedeutung faseriger Bindegewebe aufbauen zu können.
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Analyse expérimentale et numérique des défaillances mécaniques locales induites dans les interconnexions par les tests paramétriques et les assemblages : optimisation des procédés et des architectures des plots de connexion / Experimental and numerical analyses of the local mechanical failures in the interconnections induced by parametric tests and assemblies : optimization of the processes and pad architecturesRoucou, Romuald 09 December 2010 (has links)
La diminution des dimensions critiques dans l’industrie du semi-conducteur requiert l’utilisation de nouveaux matériaux fragiles qui dégradent la résistance mécanique des puces. On s’intéresse plus particulièrement aux étapes précédant la mise en boîtier, à savoir les tests paramétriques qui permettent de vérifier la fonctionnalité électrique de la puce, et les assemblages tels la connexion filaire qui ont pour but d’établir les connexions avec le boîtier. Durant ces opérations, des défaillances mécaniques sont observées dans les interconnexions situées sous le pad. Des techniques expérimentales (par ex : FIB/MEB) sont mises en œuvre une fois les tests ou les assemblages avec des fils d’or et de cuivre réalisés afin de mieux comprendre les raisons d’apparition de ces défaillances ainsi que leur localisation. Des plans d’expériences sont mis en place pour évaluer l’influence des divers paramètres de tests et d’assemblage et également celle des architectures de pad. En parallèle, une nouvelle méthode d’analyse basée sur la nanoindentation est utilisée pour comparer la robustesse mécanique de divers plots de connexion. D’autre part, plusieurs modèles éléments finis complexes, prenant en compte la gestion du contact entre la pointe de test et le pad ainsi que les effets inertiels associés, sont développés dans le but de reproduire les conditions de chargement sur les pads. Finalement, un ensemble d’outils adaptés à l’étude et l’optimisation des architectures de pad, dans une optique industrielle, est présenté de même que des règles de dessin permettant d’accompagner le développement technologique. / The diminution of the critical dimensions in the semiconductor industry and the introduction of new brittle dielectric materials raise questions on the mechanical resistance of the die and the pad architectures. Nowadays, pad structures are prone to crack. More precisely, the electrical wafer sort (EWS), which allows checking the electrical functionality of the die, and the assemblies such as the wire bonding to achieve the electrical connections with the packaging, are performed at the wafer level and introduce high levels of local mechanical stresses. Indeed, during these operations, failures in the oxide layers of the interconnections are observed. Experimental techniques (e.g. profilometry, FIB/SEM) are developed after EWS and bonding with gold and copper wires to gain insight on the root causes and localization of the failures. Some designs of experiments are set up to evaluate the influence of the test and process parameters and also of the various pad designs on the mechanical robustness of the structures. In addition, a novel analysis procedure, based on nanoindentation technique, is employed to compare various pads, which are complex multilayer systems. Moreover, several finite element models, using both explicit and implicit schemes are developed to mimic the EWS test. Indeed, these models have shown their ability to reproduce the loading conditions, the contact between the testing needle tip and the pad, and some inertial effect during the test. Finally, a comprehensive set of tools to evaluate and optimize the pad architectures is presented. Guidelines for pad layouts are also given, providing integration insights in the frame of the technology development.
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Avaliação do uso glicerina em dietas para frangos de corte nas fases pré-inicial e final / Evaluation of the use glycerin in diets for broilers in the pre-starter and final phasesFreitas, Leonardo Willian de 01 February 2013 (has links)
Dois experimentos foram conduzidos com o objetivo de avaliar a utilização de dietas com níveis crescentes de glicerina de biodiesel apenas na fase pré-inicial (1 a 7 dias) e apenas na fase final (35 a 42 dias de idade) de frangos de corte, respectivamente. As variáveis analisadas incluíram o desempenho, o rendimento de carcaça e cortes, a retenção de umidade em pintos aos 7 dias, a umidade de cama, a incidência de pododermatite, os níveis plasmáticos de colesterol e triglicerídeos e o custo da ração referente ao ganho de peso. Os tratamentos consistiram de dietas formuladas com 0%, 5% ou 10% de glicerina, sendo isonutritivas e formuladas à base de milho, farelo de soja e óleo de milho. A glicerina usada continha 83,6% de glicerol, 11,2% de água, 1,83% de sódio e 397 mg/kg de metanol, com energia metabolizável estimada de 3258 kcal/kg. No Experimento I, as dietas com glicerina foram fornecidas apenas na fase pré-inicial ou durante todo o ciclo de criação com 1610 aves em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 5 tratamentos e 7 repetições. Na primeira semana, as dietas com glicerina promoveram melhora significativa no ganho de peso e na conversão alimentar, sem afetar o consumo de ração e viabilidade. Essa melhora não foi mantida após os 14 dias de idade. Não houve efeito de tratamentos sobre o ganho de peso, consumo de ração e conversão alimentar. Entretanto, houve redução significativa na viabilidade aos 35 dias de idade das aves com 10% de glicerina por todo ciclo, mas não aos 42 dias; ao final do experimento, o índice de eficiência produtiva desse tratamento sofreu redução significativa. A umidade da cama das aves do tratamento com 10% de glicerina por todo ciclo de criação foi mais alta que dos demais a partir dos 21 dias, entretanto a incidência de pododermatite foi mais severa tanto para 5% como para 10% de glicerina por todo ciclo. Os níveis e tempos de fornecimento de glicerina não afetaram o rendimento de carcaça e de cortes ou a gordura abdominal. No experimento II, as dietas experimentais foram fornecidas a 819 frangos apenas na semana final de criação em um experimento inteiramente casualizado com 3 tratamentos e 7 repetições. O desempenho e o custo de ração por kg de ganho de peso não foram afetados pelos tratamentos. Nos Experimentos I e II, as rações contendo glicerina durante todo o ciclo ou apenas na última semana não resultaram em alteração nas concentrações plasmáticas de triglicerídeos e colesterol dos frangos. Dietas contendo 5% ou 10% de glicerina na fase pré-inicial ou 5% de glicerina continuamente não afetam a produtividade de frangos de corte, enquanto o nível de 10% durante todo o ciclo foi prejudicial. Esse mesmo nível de glicerina pode ser usado na dieta dos 35 aos 42 dias de idade sem afetar as aves. / Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the use of diets with increasing levels of biodiesel glycerin only in pre-starter (1-7 days) and only in the final phase (35-42 days of age) of broilers, respectively. The variables analyzed included the performance, carcass and parts yield, moisture retention in chicks at 7 days, litter moisture, incidence of foot pad dermatitis, plasma levels of cholesterol and triglycerides and diet cost related to weight gain. Treatments were isonutritive diets based on corn, soybean meal and corn oil containing 0, 5 and 10% glycerin. The glycerin used contained 83.6% glycerol, 11.2% water, 1.83% sodium and 397 mg/kg methanol, with estimated metabolizable energy value of 3,258 kcal/kg. In the first experiment, diets with glycerin were provided only in the pre-starter or for the entire growth period with 1610 birds in a completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 7 replications. In the first week, diets with glycerin resulted in significant improvement in weight gain and feed conversion without affecting feed intake and viability. This improvement was not sustained after 14 days of age. There was no effect of treatments on weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion. However, there was a significant reduction in viability at 35 days of age for the birds with 10% glycerin throughout the cycle, but not at 42 days; at the end of the experiment, the productivity index of this treatment was significantly decreased. Litter moisture for the treatment with 10% glycerin throughout the cycle was higher than the for the others from the 21 days, however the incidence of foot pad dermatitis was more severe for both 5% and 10% glycerin treatments for the entire period. The levels and periods of glycerin feeding did not affect carcass and parts yield and abdominal fat. In experiment II, the experimental diets were provided to 819 chickens only in the final week of growth in a completely randomized design with 3 treatments and 7 replications. The performance and feed cost per kg of weight gain were not affected by treatments. In Experiments I and II, the diets containing glycerin throughout the cycle or just in the last week resulted in no change in plasma concentrations of triglycerides and cholesterol of chickens. Diets containing 5% or 10% glycerin in the pre-starter phase or 5% glycerin continually did not affect the productivity of broilers, while the 10% level throughout the cycle was detrimental. This same level of glycerin can be used in the diet from 35 to 42 days without affecting the birds.
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Estudo teórico-experimental de ligação viga-pilar com almofada de argamassa e chumbador para estruturas de concreto pré-moldado / Theoretical and experimental study of beam-to-column connection with pad of mortar and bolts for precast concrete structuresSawasaki, Fábio Yoshio 05 May 2010 (has links)
As ligações com chumbador e almofada, sem continuidade estrutural, são comumente empregadas em obras de concreto pré-moldado como galpões, edifícios de poucos pavimentos e no topo de pilares. Na análise estrutural, este tipo de ligação é caracterizado como articulado. Este trabalho teve como objetivo fazer um estudo com este tipo de ligação levando em conta que a transferência de momento fletor ocorrerá em função da rigidez proporcionada por uma almofada de compósito de argamassa e por chumbadores de aço. A idéia é considerar o benefício da redução das solicitações nos elementos de concreto pré-moldado, particularmente, na base dos pilares. A análise experimental foi feita com modelos em escala reduzida 1:2. Foram ensaiados quatro modelos da ligação que são: a) Modelo 1 - chumbadores de aço CA-25 e almofada de compósito de argamassa; b) Modelo 2 - chumbadores de aço CA-25 e almofada de policloropreno; c) Modelo 3 - chumbadores de aço CA-50 e almofada de compósito de argamassa e; d) Modelo 4 - chumbadores de aço CA-50 e pilar com largura igual a 50% maior que os casos anteriores e almofada de argamassa. Foi feita ainda a análise numérica tridimensional dos modelos da ligação utilizando o software Ansys e análises de pórtico plano para avaliar a distribuição de solicitações ao longo de estruturas representativas. Foi desenvolvido um modelo de projeto para prever o comportamento da ligação. Com as simulações de pórtico plano, onde foram consideradas as semirigidezes das ligações, obteve-se uma redução de até 48% do momento fletor na base dos pilares para um edifício de quatro pavimentos, cujas ligações viga-pilares apresentavam um consolo de 40 cm, e de 21,8% para um edifício de um pavimento do tipo galpão, cujas ligações continham quatro chumbadores, considerando apenas a carga de frenagem. A análise de deslocamentos nos pórticos planos também aponta o benefício da consideração da semirigidez nas ligações. Uma redução de deslocamento horizontal do topo do pórtico do tipo galpão de até 32,8% para o modelo com ligações com quatro chumbadores e somente força horizontal, e de até 71,9% para o edifício de quatro pavimentos considerando as ligações semirígidas com consolos de 40 cm. / Connections with bolts and pad, without structural continuity, are commonly used in construction of precast concrete as one-storey building, building with a few storeys and on top of columns. In structural analysis, this type of connection is characterized as pinned, that is, without restriction of the rotation on the connection. This work aims to make a study of this type of connection taking into account that the transfer of bending moment will occur due to the stiffness provided by a pad of mortar composite and the steel bolts. The idea is to consider the benefit of reducing the demands on the elements of precast concrete, particularly at the base of the columns. The experimental analysis was done with models scale 1:2. Four models of connection were tested: a) Model 1 - steel bolts CA-25 and pad of mortar composite, b) Model 2 - steel bolts CA-25 and chloroprene rubber pad, c) Model 3 - bolts of CA-50 steel and pad of mortar composite, and d) Model 4 - steel bolts CA-50 and column with a width of 50% larger that the others and mortar pad. It was still a three-dimensional numerical analysis of the lead models using Ansys software and frame plan analysis to evaluate the stress distribution along the representative structures. A model design to predict the behavior of the connection was developed. Based on the numerical simulations on precast concrete frames, semi-rigidity of connections was take in to account, it was obtained a reduction of up to 48% of the bending moment at the base of the columns of a four-storey building, which beam-to-column connections had a corbel 40 cm, and 21,8% for a one-storey building, which connections contained four bolts, considering only the horizontal load. The analysis of displacements in the plane frame also shows the benefit of considering the semi-rigidity connections. Reduction in horizontal displacement of the top of the one-storey building to 32,8% for the model with four bolts in the connections with only horizontal force, and 71,9% for the four-storey buildings with semi-rigid connections considering the corbels of 40 cm.
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