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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impacts géomorphiques de l'éruption du Samalas en 1257 le long du détroit d'Alas, Nusa Tenggara Ouest, Indonésie / Geomorphic impacts of the 1257 CE eruption of Samalas along the Alas strait, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

Mutaqin, Bachtiar Wahyu 11 December 2018 (has links)
En tant qu'événement parmi les plus puissants de l'histoire éruptive récente de Lombok, les matériaux volcaniques expulsés par le volcan Samalas en 1257 couvrent toute l'île de Lombok et sont largement répandus dans sa partie est. Près de 800 ans après l'éruption, l'impact géomorphologique de cette éruption sur l'île reste inconnu, alors que ses conséquences climatiques et sociétales globales sont désomais mieux comprises. Une combinaison des informations stratigraphiques, des topographies actuelles, des mesures géophysiques, des sources écrites locales, analyse de laboratoire et informatique ont été utilisées pour obtenir des informations détaillées sur les impacts géomorphologiques de l'éruption du volcan Samalas sur la zone côtière le long du détroit d' Alas, Nusa Tenggara Ouest, Indonésie. Cette étude fournit de nouvelles informations relatives à l'impact géomorphologique d'une éruption volcanique majeure dans des zones côtières, dans ce cas-ci, dans la partie est de Lombok, ainsi que sur la côte ouest de Sumbawa. En premier lieu, les résultats de l'étude montrent que le paysage de la partie est de Lombok est encore évolué jusqu'à présent. Le volume de matière volcanique de l'éruption des Samalas reste à environ 14% du volume initial. Deuxièmement, la découverte de Babad Suwung fournit une description supplémentaire de l'éruption des Samalas sur l'île de Sumbawa et pourraient être la plus ancienne observation visuelle de déferlantes pyroclastiques après celles de Pline Ie Jeune en 79 pour le Vésuve. Enfin, l'éruption du volcan Samalas en 1257 a prouvé avoir déclenché un tsunami mineur qui a frappé l'île de Belang, sur la côte ouest de Sumbawa. / As the most powerful event in Lombok’s recent eruptive history, volcanic materials thatwere expelled by the Samalas volcano in 1257 CE covered the entire of Lombok Islandand are widespread in its eastern part. Almost 800 years after the eruption, the geomorphological impact of this eruption on the island of Lombok remains unknown,whereas its overall climatic and societal consequences are now better understood. Acombination of stratigraphic information, present-day topography, geophysical measurement with two-dimensional resistivity profiling technique, local written sources,as well as laboratory and computational analysis, were used to obtain detailed information concerning geomorphic impacts of the 1257 CE eruption of Samalas volcano on the coastal area along the Alas Strait in West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. This study provides new information related to the geomorphic impact of amajor eruption volcanic in coastal areas, in this case, on the eastern part of Lombok and the western coast of Sumbawa. In the first place, the study result shows that since the 1257 CE eruption, the landscape on the eastern part of Lombok is still evolved untilthe present time. The volume of the 1257 CE volcanic material remains about 14% from the initial volume. Secondly, the discovery of Babad Suwung provides additional explanation of Samalas eruption and may become the oldest visual observation of pyroclastic surges and volcanic fallout, following those by Pliny the Younger in 79 CE. Finally, the 1257 CE eruption of Samalas volcano has proven triggered a minor tsunami that hit Belang Island, on the west coast of Sumbawa.

Géochimie des spéléothèmes du sud-ouest de l'Europe (chronologie U-Th et 14C, éléments traces, 87Sr/86Sr, 18O/16O, 13C/12C) appliquée aux reconstitutions climatiques et environnementales à l'Holocène / Geochemistry of speleothems from the south-east of Europe (U-Th and 14C chronology, trace elements, 87Sr/86Sr, 18O/16O, 13C/12C) for climatic and environmental reconstructions during the Holocene

Drugat, Laurine 17 December 2018 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est d’utiliser la géochimie des spéléothèmes à travers une étude multi-proxy afin de reconstituer des changements environnementaux et climatiques dans le Sud-Ouest de l’Europe au cours de l’Holocène. Ce travail basé sur trois sites répartis entre l’Espagne et la France couvre les 14 000 dernières années. Cette région du sud-ouest de l’Europe, située à la confluence des hautes et des basses latitudes en fait une région particulièrement sensible à la fois à l’influence climatique de la région Nord-Atlantique mais également des régions Méditerranéenne et subtropicales Africaines et Asiatiques. Ce contexte particulier permet d’étudier idéalement l’impact des différents mécanismes climatiques agissant sur les modifications de son environnement. La répartition des sites d’étude a pour but de comparer les sites sous influence majeure Atlantique (Candamo, Nord Espagne), Méditerranéenne (Salamandre, SE France) ou sous influence mixte (Nerjà, sud Espagne). La compréhension des comportements géochimiques d’éléments clés, a constitué la première partie de cette étude. Après avoir établi un cadre temporel bien contraint (14C, U/Th), la géochimie élémentaire (éléments traces et terres rares) a été couplée à l’étude isotopique (87Sr/86Sr, d18O, d13C). Le rapport 87Sr/86Sr traditionnellement utilisé comme traceur de sources du Sr a été couplé à l’étude des variations élémentaires des éléments alcalins (Li, Rb, Cs) afin de déterminer des changements de sources des éléments (roche-mère ou de sol) dans les spéléothèmes. Le comportement de ces alcalins s’est également révélé lié à des modes de transports différents (particulaire, dissous ou liés à des complexes organiques) et l’utilisation du d13C et des terres rares (fractionnement terres rares légères et terres rares lourdes et anomalie en cerium) a permis de confirmer ou non ces hypothèses. La deuxième partie de ce travail a été d’appliquer ces mécanismes géochimiques à la détermination des processus hydrologiques et environnementaux et de les replacer dans le cadre climatique propre à chaque site d’étude. Ainsi, les éléments alcalins (Li, Rb, Cs) se sont révélés de bons indicateurs de phénomènes d'altération pouvant être liés à des changements climatiques (comme la transition entre le Bölling-Alleröd et le Younger-Dryas dans le site de la Salamandre), et/ou environnementaux (période de déforestation ou de mise en place de végétation à l’Holocène moyen dans le cas du site de Nerjà ou de Candamo). Ces événements pouvant donc se dérouler en contexte très différents (climat sec, déforestation, apports détritiques en climat humide par lessivage), le couplage à d’autres proxis est alors nécessaire pour préciser les conditions d'enrichissement de ces éléments alcalins. / The purpose of this thesis is to use speleothem geochemistry through a multi-proxy study to reconstruct environmental and climatic variations in southwestern Europe during the Holocene. This work, based on three sites distributed between Spain and France, covers the last 14,000 years. Due to its location at the confluence of the high and low latitudes, this region of south-western Europe is especially sensitive to both the influence of the North Atlantic climate but also the Mediterranean and subtropical African and Asian climate. This particular context allows to study ideally the impact of the different climatic mechanisms driving the modifications of its environment. The choice of the study sites’ distribution aims to compare sites with main Atlantic influence (Candamo, N Spain), Mediterranean (Salamandre cave, SE France) and mixt one (Nerjà, S Spain). The understanding of geochemical behavior was the first part of this study. After the establishment of a chronological frame (14C, U/Th), elemental geochemistry (trace elements and rare earth elements) and isotopic (87Sr/86Sr, d18O, d13C) was coupled. The 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio, traditionally used as a source tracer for Sr, has been coupled to the study of elementary variations of alkali elements (Li, Rb, Cs) in order to determine changes in the contribution of bedrock and soil in speleothems. The behavior of these alkalis has also been shown to be related to different modes of transport (particulate dissolved or bound to organic complexes) and the use of d13C and rare earths (light rare earth and heavy rare earth fractionation and cerium anomaly) made it possible to confirm or not these hypotheses. The second part of this work was to apply these geochemical mechanisms to the determination of the hydrological and environmental processes and to place them in the specific climatic context of each study site. Thus, the alkali elements (Li, Rb, Cs) have proved to be good indicators of weathering phenomena that may be related to climate change (such as the transition between Bölling-Alleröd and Younger-Dryas in the Salamandre site), and/or environmental changes (period of deforestation or establishment of vegetation in the Middle Holocene in the case of the sites of Nerjà or Candamo). These events can thus take place in very different contexts (dry climate, deforestation, detrital inputs during wet climate by leaching) the coupling to other proxis is then necessary to specify the conditions of enrichment of these alkali elements.

Experimental assessment of proximal-lateral edge grinding on haft damage using replicated Clovis points

Werner, Angelia N. 26 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Les occupations du site Nebessis (BiEr-3) : une approche palethnographique

Vidal, Violette January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Géométrie et cinématique de l’avant-pays provençal : modélisation par coupes équilibrées dans une zone à tectonique polyphasée / Geometry and kinematic of the Provence foreland : Modeling by balanced cross section in a polyphase tectonic area

Bestani, Lucie 17 February 2015 (has links)
L’architecture structurale et l’évolution du bassin d’avant-pays Pyrénéo-Alpin de Provence sont contrôlées par des failles profondes héritées du rifting de Gondwana au cours du Permo-Trias, par des variations d’épaisseur de la pile sédimentaire mésozoïque et par l'alternance d’évènements tectoniques compressifs et extensifs qui ont affecté la zone depuis la fin du Paléozoïque. La construction de deux coupes équilibrées d’échelle régionale (~150 km) montre que le style tectonique de l’avant-pays provençal est dominé par une tectonique de socle en Provence orientale et par une tectonique de couverture en Provence occidentale, associé avec du diapirisme dans les deux domaines. Les deux domaines sont couplés à l’échelle crustale et séparés par une zone d'accommodation dans la couverture: la Faille de la Moyenne Durance, dont la partie profonde est héritée du Paléozoïque. La structure actuelle de l’avant-pays Pyrénéo-Alpin de Provence correspond essentiellement à la signature de la compression Pyrénéo-Provençale Crétacé supérieur-Eocène (>90%). La part de la déformation Alpine est minime (9%). La phase d'extension Oligocène entre ces deux périodes compressives a été quantifiée à 1.7%. Les données de traces de fission sur apatite suggèrent une exhumation régionale à ~80 Ma reliée à la compression Pyrénéenne. Les chevauchements pyrénéens principaux ont joué simultanément, comme l’indiquent l’âge et la répartition des séries sédimentaires syntectoniques. / The structural architecture and evolution of the Pyrenean-Alpine foreland of Provence are controlled by deep-seated basement faults inherited from Gondwana rifting during Permo-Triassic time, by variations in the Mesozoic sedimentary pile thickness and by alternating compressive and extensive tectonic events that affected the area since the late Paleozoic. The construction of two balanced cross sections at regional scale (~150 km) shows that the structural style of the Provence foreland is dominated by thick-skinned tectonic in eastern Provence and thin-skinned tectonic in western Provence, associated with diapirism in each domain. Both domains are coupled at crustal scale and separated by an accommodation zone in the cover: the Middle Durance Fault, whose deep-seated part is inherited from the Paleozoic. The current structure of the Pyrenean-Alpine foreland of Provence mainly corresponds to the Pyrenean-Provence compression signature during Late Cretaceous to Eocene (>90%). The Alpine deformation proportion is minor (9%). The Oligocene extension phase between these two compressive periods has been quantified at 1.7%. The apatite fission track data suggests an exhumation stage around 80 Ma related to the Pyrenean compression. The main Pyrenean thrusts were synchronous, as indicated by the age and distribution of syntectonic sedimentary series.

On the Quaternary history of African monsoon : sedimentological and geochemical records from the eastern Mediterranean sea / Évolution de la mousson africaine au cours du Quaternaire : approches sédimentologiques et géochimiques des sédiments terrigènes de la Méditerranée orientale

Zhao, Yulong 29 February 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à restituer l'histoire de la mousson africaine au cours du Quaternaire, et à en déterminer ses influences sur les variations des apports sédimentaires du Nil et des déserts d’Afrique du nord. Deux sites de la Méditerranée orientale ont alors été étudiés (la carotte MD90-964 dans la partie orientale du bassin Levantin et le Site ODP 964 dans la Mer ionienne). Sur la base des analyses de la minéralogie des argiles, de la granulomètrie, de la teneur en carbonate et Corg couplées à des analyses semi-quantitatives d’éléments majeurs et traces à très haute résolution temporelle par XRF Core Scanner, nous avons restitué l’histoire des apports sédimentaires du Nil, des changements de précipitation en l’Afrique du Nord, et des variations des paleo-crues du Nil au cours des 1,75 derniers millions d'années. Le premier enregistrement de Delta(18)O du foraminifère planctonique G. ruber (carotte MD90-964) de l’ensemble du Quaternaire a été obtenu à très haute résolution temporelle pour la Méditerranée orientale. Le site ODP 964 a permis de restituer la dynamique des apports de poussière saharienne à la mer ionienne durant les 1,5 derniers millions d'années. Les résultats indiquent que les changements dans les apports de sédiments transportés par le Nil et par les vents depuis les domaines sahariens sont fortement influencés par les variations de la mousson africaine. Les alternances glaciaires/interglaciaires et les variations climatiques de la transition climatique mi-Pléistocène (MPT), dans une moindre mesure, influencent également / This thesis is devoted to reconstruct the Quaternary history of African monsoon and its influences on suspended loads of the Nile River and dust production in Sahara. The materials used in this study come from two sites (MD90-964 in the eastern Levantine Basin and ODP Site 964 in the Ionian Sea) in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Based on clay mineralogy, grain sizes, carbonate and Corg contents, and XRF core scanning analyses of Core MD90-964, we have reconstructed history of the Nile suspended discharges, precipitation in North Africa, and Nile paleoflood events during the last 1.75 Ma. On the basis of the planktonic foraminiferal Delta(18)O record of Core MD90-964, we have established for the first time in the eastern Mediterranean Sea a high-resolution planktonic foraminiferal (G. ruber) Delta(18)O record that penetrates the Quaternary period. The ODP Site 964 allows us to establish the variations of Saharan dust inputs to the eastern Mediterranean Sea during the last 1.5 Ma. Our results indicate that both fluvial sediments from the Nile and Saharan eolian dust inputs to the eastern Mediterranean Sea are greatly influenced by the variability of African monsoon. The glacial/interglacial cycles and other orbital-scale climatic events, such as the “Mid-Pleistocene Transition”, can also affect climate changes in North Africa to a minor extent.

Etude tectonique et géomorphologique du système de failles de Longriba (Est Tibet, Chine)

Ansberque, Claire 11 April 2016 (has links)
Ce manuscrit concerne l'analyse tectonique et géomorphologique du système de failles de Longriba (LFS), localisé à l'Est du plateau tibétain à environ 200 km au Nord-ouest de la chaîne des Longmen Shan. Le LFS est constitué de deux zones de failles décrochantes dextres, parallèles et d'orientation N55°E : la faille de Longriqu, au Nord, et la faille de Maoergai, au Sud. Le rôle géodynamique de ce système est primordial puisqu'il accommode 5 ± 1 mm/an de la composante décrochante induite par la convergence oblique du bloc Aba, elle-même liée à la collision Inde-Asie. De plus, le LFS partitionne la déformation de la marge Est tibétaine; les structures des Longmen Shan étant essentiellement chevauchantes. Cependant l'histoire long-terme du LFS est mal contrainte. L'objectif de cette thèse est donc d'apporter des informations spatio-temporelles sur l'activité du système à l'échelle du Cénozoïque. Pour cela trois études ont été réalisées. La première a permis de mieux contraindre le comportement sismogénique des deux zones de failles à l'aide d'images satellites de basse (90m) et très haute résolution (50cm). L'analyse des déplacements cumulés le long de la faille de Maoergai a permis de proposer que celle-ci était active vers ~15Ma. La seconde étude a mis en évidence un contrôle du système sur la répartition des taux de dénudation au travers de la marge Est tibétaine à l'échelle de l'Holocène. Enfin, les données de thermochronologie basse température suggèrent que la faille de Maoergai a accommodé un mouvement vertical vers ~10Ma. Ce mouvement est probablement lié au rebond isostatique de la marge, découplé du mouvement décrochant qu'elle accommode à la même période. / This manuscript concerns the tectonic and geomorphic analysis of the Longriba fault system (LFS), located in the eastern Tibetan plateau at about 200 km north-west of the Longmen Shan. The LFS consists of two dextral strike-slip fault zones, parallel and N55 °-trending: the Longriqu fault to the north and the Maoergai fault the south. The geodynamic role of the system is essential as accommodates 5 ± 1 mm / year of the slip component induced by the oblique convergence of the Aba block, itself linked to the India-Asia collision. In addition, the LFS partitions the deformation of the east Tibetan margin; the structures of the Longmen Shan are mainly thrust faults. However the long-term history of LFS is poorly constrained. The objective of this thesis is to bring spatial and temporal information on system activity throughout the Cenozoic. To do so, three studies were performed. The first led to better constrain the seismogenic behavior of the two fault zones with low resolution (90m) and very high resolution satellite images (50cm). The analysis of cumulative displacements along the Maoergai fault allowed to propose that it was active at ~ 15 Ma. The second study showed that the system controls the distribution of the denudation rates over the EastTibetan margin throughout the Holocene. Finally, the low-temperature thermochronology data suggest that, in particular, the Maoergai fault has accommodated a vertical movement at ~ 10 Ma. This movement is probably related to the isostatic rebound of the margin, decoupled from the strike-slip movement it accommodates at the same period.

Les occupations du site Nebessis (BiEr-3) : une approche palethnographique

Vidal, Violette January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Ichnology, depositional dynamics and sequence stratigraphy of the Plio-Pleistocene Orinoco Delta: Mayaro and Morne L’Enfer formations, southern Trinidad

2015 November 1900 (has links)
During the Late Pliocene and early Pleistocene, when the paleo-Orinoco delta system transited over the Amacuro Shelf and reached the paleo-shelf-break along the southeastern shoreline of Trinidad. At this time onwards, the shelf-edge delta clinoforms developed further eastward. These deltaic clastic wedges serve as the unique analog in the geological record for an accommodation-driven inner-shelf and shelf-edge delta, developed at an oblique foreland tectonic setting situated at a tropical-equatorial paleogeographic setting. These deposits were influenced by strong Atlantic longshore current, tropical storms, and phytodetrital pulses, and with an exceptionally high sediment accumulation rates. These four aspects make the clastic wedges unique candidates for sedimentological, ichnological, and stratigraphic investigation. The primary objectives of this thesis are to: (a) collect, analyze, and integrate outcrop data on lithofacies, trace fossils, and discontinuity surfaces into a comprehensive depositional and ichnological model for the first growth-fault-guided shelf-marginal pulse of the paleo-Orinoco delta, as recorded in the Mayaro Formation outcrops in southeast Trinidad; and (b) deduce the dominant sedimentary processes during the across shelf transit and their impacts on the benthic infauna as preserved in the Morne L’Enfer Formation outcrops of southwest Trinidad, which are possibly slightly older than the Mayaro Formation. The basal interval of the Morne L’Enfer Formation has specifically been investigated for this purpose, where the deltaic clastic wedges are preserved directly above shelf deposits. The entire Mayaro Formation megasequence is categorized into deposits belonging to twelve different subenvironments based on lithofacies associations and ichnological characteristics. Ichnological evidence indicates that the shelf-edge deltas are one of the most extreme marine environments for benthic metazoans to colonize. However, the combinations and ranking of stress factors affecting the colonizing fauna are diverse and distinct in every individual subenvironment indicating the relative dominances of river-influence, waves, and/or sediment-gravity-flows vis-à-vis slope instability. Due to variations in stress factors, the megasequence also displays dual ichnologic and sedimentologic properties of both the shelf-edge delta lobe(s) and the outer shelf delta lobe(s). A minor transient tidal influence can only be observed in the architectural elements, e.g. elongated interbar embayment and interlobe prodeltaic depocentres, which control topography and enhance tidal effect. Discovery of an unusual monospecific Glossifungites Ichnofacies along an incision surface in the midst of the Mayaro Formation succession enabled a substantial overhaul of the earlier understanding of the formation in terms of its depositional model and stacking pattern. The surface has been re-identified as a canyon/gully cut at the shelf-edge, which possibly acted as a conduit for (a) the mass movements and for (b) the coarse clastic (mostly silt to medium-grained sand) sediment transfer to deep marine settings. The monospecific nature of the Glossifungites Ichnofacies suite indicates that the incision surface was under substantial ecological stresses for the colonizing infauna. The stresses might have arisen from slope instability of the steep canyon/gully walls, mass movements above the incision surface, elevated water turbulence, and lowered salinity from river influx. Five different facies tracts have been identified within the canyon/gully-fill, which crosscuts the shelf-edge delta-front. The facies tracts are dominated by different types of sediment-gravity flow deposits, which are systematically stacked and are almost devoid of trace fossils due to rapid sedimentation rates and slope instability. They are also strikingly different from the surrounding deltaic facies. A high-frequency sequence stratigraphic model involving the influence of growth-fault tectonics on the relative sea-level curve has been invoked to explain the incision of the canyon/gully and its sequential filling processes. On the other hand, the transition from the open shelf to inner-shelf deltaic condition as displayed by the basal members of the Morne L’Enfer Formation is strongly dominated by evidences of river influence with the transient background action of fair-weather waves and storm waves. A peculiar pattern of disappearance of trace fossils produced by irregular sea-urchins highlight that the river influence was quite strong not only at the sediment-water interface but also in the water-column, which affected invertebrate larvae. The initial progradation of the clastic wedge on the shelf was dominated by hyperpycnal flows and waves in contrast to tidal domination in the younger members of the formation.

Ponds, rivers and bison freezers : evaluating a behavioral ecological model of hunter-gatherer mobility on Idaho's Snake River Plain

Henrikson, Lael Suzann, 1959- 12 1900 (has links)
xviii, 326 p. : ill. (some col.), maps. A print copy of this title is available through the UO Libraries under the call number: KNIGHT GN799 .F6 H46 2002 / Archaeological evidence indicates that cold storage of bison meat was consistently practiced on the eastern Snake River Plain over the last 8000 years. Recent excavations in three cold lava tube caves have revealed a distinctive artifact assemblage of elk antler tines, broken handstones, and bison bone in association with frozen sagebrush features. Similar evidence has also been discovered in four other caves within the region. A patch choice model was utilized in this study to address how the long-term practice of caching bison meat in cold caves may have functioned in prehistoric subsistence patterns. Because the net return rate for bison was critical to the model, the hunting success of fur trappers occupying the eastern Snake River Plain during the early 1800s, as recorded in their daily journals, was examined and quantified. According to the model, the productivity of cold storage caves must be evaluated against the productivity of other patches on the eastern Snake River Plain, such as ephemeral ponds and linear river corridors from season to season and year to year. The model suggests that residential bases occurred only within river resource patches while ephemeral ponds and ice caves would contain sites indicative of seasonal base camps. The predictions of the model were tested against documented archaeological data from the Snake River Plain through the examination of Geographic Information Systems data provided by the Idaho Bureau of Land Management. The results of this analysis indicate that seasonal base camps are directly associated with both ephemeral and perennial water sources, providing strong support for the model's predictions. Likewise, the temporal distribution of sites within the study area indicates that climate change over the last 8000 years was not dramatic enough to alter long-term subsistence practices in the region. The long-term use of multiple resource patches across the region also confirms that, although the high return rates for bison made them very desirable prey, the over-all diet breadth for the eastern Snake River Plain was broad and included a variety of large and small game and plant foods. Bison and cold storage caves were a single component in a highly mobile seasonal round that persisted for some 8000 years, down to the time of written history in the 19th Century. / Committee in charge: Dr. C. Melvin Aikens, Chair; Dr. Lawrence Sugiyama ; Dr. Jon Erlandson ; Dr. Dennis Jenkins ; Dr. Cathy Whitlock ;

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