Spelling suggestions: "subject:"palynological""
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Studies on late Quaternary environmental dynamics (vegetation, biodiversity, climate, soils, fire and human impact) on Mt KilimanjaroSchüler, Lisa 05 December 2012 (has links)
Zur Rekonstruktion der jungquartären Landschaftsentwicklung am Kilimanjaro werden Sedimente aus Paläoböden am Mt Kilimanjaro untersucht, um die lokale und regionale Ökosystem-, Klima-, Feuerdynamik in einem größeren Rahmen zu verstehen. Desweiteren soll die Reaktion der Ökosysteme auf Umweltveränderungen erforscht werden, um die Beziehungen verschiedener Ökosysteme und ihre Rolle hinsichtlich der Entwicklung von „Biodiversity Hot Spots“ in Ostafrika aufzudecken. Die Ergebnisse tragen zu einem besseren Verständnis der heutigen und zukünftigen Dynamik von Ökosystemen bei. Sie sind außerdem eine wichtige Grundlage im Naturschutz, da sie bedeutende Informationen für die Aufrechterhaltung und das Management der hohen Biodiversität in den ostafrikanischen Hochländern liefern.
Die Durchführung von paläoökologischen Untersuchungen ist unerlässlich, da die Prozesse der Vergangenheit eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entwicklung der Ökosysteme und Biodiversität spielen. Die vorliegende Arbeit erforscht die spätquartäre Vegetation-, Klima- und Feuerdynamik am Kilimanjaro, um das Verständnis der dortigen Ökosystem zu vertiefen. Sowohl Pollen als auch weitere Klima-Proxies von zwei Sedimentkernen werden analysiert, um die Vegetationsdynamik vom frühen Spätglazial bis heute zu rekonstruieren und die jeweiligen Einflußfaktoren aufzudecken. Die Ergebnisse vom Maundi Krater, welcher auf 2780 m Höhe am südostlichen Hang des Kilimanjaros gelegen ist, stellen eines der längsten, terrestrischen Klimaarchive im tropischen Ostafrika dar, und ermöglichen den Einblick in fast 100 000 Jahre Vegetations- und Klimageschichte. Das WeruWeru Paläobodenprofil aus dem montanen Waldgürtel am Kilimanjaro ermöglicht die detaillierte Rekonstruktion der Reaktionsdynamik der Vegetation auf Veränderungen in der Umwelt. Die Ergebnisse beider Untersuchungen zeigen, dass Klimaveränderungen zu einer Verschiebung der montanen Vegetationsgürtel entlang des Höhengradienten des Mt Kilimanjaro geführt haben. Das Pollenarchiv des WeruWeru Profils dokumentiert starke Veränderungen in den höchsten Vegetationgürteln, dem Erikagürtel und dem oberen montanen Wald. Trotz markanter Klimaveränderungen scheint Mt Kilimanjaro aber auch als eiszeitliches Refugium für Waldarten gedient zu haben. Feuerereignissen spielten hinsichtlich der Ausbildung des Erikagürtels eine entscheidende Rolle. Hinweise auf verstärkte menschliche Aktivitäten können an keinem der beiden Untersuchungsstandorte festgestellt werden.
Die Pollenregen-Studie entlang des Höhengradienten am Kilimanjaro zeigt, dass es sehr entscheidend ist, die quantitative Beziehung zwischen Pollen-Niederschlag und moderner Vegetation zu untersuchen, um die Rekonstruktionen der Vergangenheit zu kalibrieren. Die Ergebnisse ermöglichen eine weitaus präzisere Interpretation der Vegetations- und Klimarekonstruktionen im tropischen Ostafrika.
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Reconstrução paleoambiental (vegetação e clima) no Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso - SP durante o Quaternário tardio / Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction in the parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso, São Paulo State during the late QuaternaryElaine Vidotto 30 June 2008 (has links)
Este estudo foi desenvolvido no Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso (PEIC) e no Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho (PECB), na região sudeste do Brasil. A área é caracterizada pela presença de vegetação nativa de Floresta Atlântica de Encosta e no caso do PEIC, também por Restinga e vegetação de manguezal. Foram coletadas amostras de solos a partir de trincheiras ou tradagens, e amostras em dois mangues, Sítio Grande e do rio Jacariu. Análises isotópicas (12C, 13C, 14C, 14N, 15N) e biológicas (palinologia, diatomologia) foram utilizadas nesse estudo para entender a história da paleovegetação da região durante do Pleistoceno tardio e o Holoceno, assim como suas relações com as mudanças climáticas. Os dados isotópicos (\'delta\'13C, 14C) da matéria orgânica dos solos (MOS) em dois pontos do PEIC mostraram valores de \'delta\'13C característicos de plantas C3 (aproximadamente -27,0%o), indicando a presença de vegetação de floresta nos últimos 10.800 anos AP. Em três pontos (CB1, CB2 e TURVI) do PECB os dados isotópicos (\'delta\'13C) da MOS indicaram a presença de plantas C3 em todo o perfil analisado. Nos pontos TOR e FAZ os valores de \'delta\'13C foram mais enriquecidos (entre -20,9%o e -23,5%o) nas camadas mais profundas, indicando a presença de uma vegetação menos densa que a atual, com uma provável presença de plantas C3 e C4, no período de aproximadamente 25.000 a 15.000 anos AP, sugerindo a presença de um clima mais seco. De aproximadamente 15.000 anos AP até o presente um empobrecimento isotópico (até -28,0%o) foi observado indicando a expansão da floresta, provavelmente associada à presença de um clima mais úmido que o período anterior. No mangue Sítio Grande os valores de \'delta\'13C foram mais empobrecidos (até -28,0%o) entre aproximadamente 40.000 e 19.000 anos AP. Os valores mais empobrecidos de \'delta\'13C associados com altos teores de carbono (até 40%) e da razão C/N (até 130) indicaram a presença de uma floresta na atual área do mangue e o abaixamento do nível relativo do mar. A presença de pólen de Ilex, Alchornea, Weinmannia, Rapanea, Symplocos, Drimys e Podocarpus sugerem a presença de uma floresta característica de clima mais frio e úmido que o atual entre 40.000 e 19.000 anos AP. Entre 19.000 e 2.200 anos AP observou-se um hiato sedimentar (provavelmente erosivo), atribuído a prováveis atividades neotectônicas ocorridas na região. Os valores mais enriquecidos de \'delta\'13C (aproximadamente -26,0%o e -24,0%o) associados com menores valores de COT (entre 0,3% e 6,0%) e razão C/N (entre 2 e 27), juntamente com a presença de diatomáceas marinhas, indicaram a presença do mangue e o retorno da linha de costa na posição atual na região desde pelo menos 2.200 anos AP. No mangue do rio Jacariu os resultados de \'delta\'13C apresentaram valores entre -24,0%o e -26,0%o. Os valores de COT e da razão C/N associados com os valores de \'delta\'13C indicaram uma mistura de plantas C3 e fitoplâncton na composição da matéria orgânica. As diatomáceas encontradas foram características de ambiente estuarino-lagunar e estiveram presentes aproximadamente nos últimos 1.500 anos AP / This study was developed in the Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso (PEIC) and Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho (PECB), in the southeastern region of Brazil. The area is characterized by the presence of native vegetation of Atlantic Forest and in the case of PEIC, also for Restinga and mangrove vegetation. Soil samples were collected from trenches and by drilling. Were collected two cores in the Sítio Grande and Jacariu mangroves. Isotope (12C, 13C, 14C, 14N, 15N) and biological (pollen and diatoms analysis) tools were used in the study to understand the paleovegetation history of the region during the late Pleistocene and Holocene and its relation to climatic changes. The soil isotope data (\'delta\'13C) of soil organic matter (SOM) at two locations in the PEIC area showed values characteristics of C3 plants (approximately -27,0%o), indicating the presence of forest vegetation during the last 10.800 years BP. In three locations (CB1, CB2 and TURVI) in the PECB area the isotope data (\'delta\'13C) of SOM indicated the presence of C3 plants in the whole profile. In the locations TOR and FAZ the values were more enriched (from -20,9%o e -23,5%o) in the deeper horizons, indicating the presence of a less dense vegetation than the present, with a probable mixture of \'delta\'13C, 14C plants, in the period of approximately 25.000 to 15.000 years BP, suggesting the presence of a drier climate. From 15.000 years BP to the present, a isotopic depletion (até -28,0%o) was observed and associated with the expansion of the forest, probably associated to the presence of a more humid climate than the previous period. In the Sítio Grande mangrove the \'delta\'13C values were more depleted (approximately -28,0%o) from 40.000 to 19.000 years BP. The higher values of total organic carbon (40%) and C/N ratios (130), associated with more depleted \'delta\'13C values observed during this period indicated the predominance of C3 land plants in the location at present occupied by the mangrove and the decrease of the relative sea level. The presence of pollen of Ilex, Alchornea, Weinmannia, Rapanea, Symplocos, Drimys and Podocarpus during the period of 40.000 to 19.000 years BP suggest the presence of a colder and humid climate than today. From 19.000 to 2.200 years BP a sedimentary hiatus (probably erosive) was observed, attributed to a neotectonic activity in the studied area. The presence of mangrove since at least 2.200 years BP in its present position and the return of the marine cost line is associated with the values of COT (from 0,3% to 6%) and C/N ratio (from 2 to 27), more enriched \'delta\'13C values (from approximately -26,0%o e -24,0%o) and the presence of marine diatoms. In the Jacariu mangrove the \'delta\'13C results associated with the smallest values of total organic and C/N ratios, probably indicated a mixture of marine phytoplankton and C3 land plants in the composition of the organic matter. The marine diatoms were present approximately in the last 1.500 years BP and they are characteristics the estuarine site
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Reconstitution of Atlantic Rainforest vegetation dynamics since the Late Pleistocene at southeastern (Espirito Santo state coast and Minas Gerais eastern) and northeastern (Bahia southern) Brazil / Reconstituição da dinâmica da vegetação de Mata Atlântica desde o Pleistoceno tardio nas regiões sudeste (costa norte do estado do Espírito Santo e leste de Minas Gerais) e nordeste (sul da Bahia) do BrasilMariah Izar Francisquini 06 October 2017 (has links)
This research is associated to the FAPESP 2011/0095-7 thematic project, \"Interdisciplinary palaeoenviromental studies at Espirito Santo coast\" and to the FAPESP Research Program about Climate Global Change (PFPMCG-FAPESP). The objectives were: (1) to characterize the late Pleistocene connection between Atlantic and Amazon rainforest and possible routes of interaction (coast, continent or both); (2) to identify environmental characteristics that indicates the Northeastern Espírito Santo and Southern Bahia as a stable forest since the late Pleistocene; (3) reconstitute the vegetation dynamics and infer climate fluctuations. Three sedimentary cores were collected: at northern Espirito Santo (ES) state, southern Bahia (BA) and eastern Minas Gerais (MG). Carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses and bioindicators in sediments/ soils, chronologically determined by radiocarbon dating, contributed to the local palaeoenvironmental reconstitution. At ES, from ~33,460 to ~13,740 cal yr BP the vegetation was composed of arboreal/ shrub cold adapted species and the organic matter recorded the dominance of C3 plants (?13C ~-28?), suggesting a cold and humid forest domain. From ~13,740 to ~9500 cal yr BP vegetation changes, with the increase of grasses and decrease of arboreal types. Between ~9500 and to ~4000 cal yr BP herbs were abundant with a probable mixture of C3 and C4 plants (?13C ~-24?) and algae, suggesting a higher seasonality between humid and dry season. From ~7300 cal yr BP until present the peat layer initiates its deposition, and the pollen records represents the current vegetation. At BA, radiocarbon dating in high-resolution, C and N isotopes and palynology each ~150 years from ~6400 to ~3400 cal yr BP showed detailed vegetational dynamics. From ~6400 to ~5620 cal yr BP the pollen record indicates abundance of trees and shrubs (up to 96%). From ~5620 to ~4850 cal yr BP occurred a slightly increase of herbs (28%) but the ?13C of ~-28% indicate C3 plants domain. From 4850 to ~3400 cal yr BP trees and shrubs abundance increases up to 94%, indicating the forest domain. The results confirm the forest stability and high local humidity, allowing to recognize the area as a probable refugee since 6500 cal yr BP. Vegetation, climate and the landscape has changed at MG since ~10,000 cal yr BP. From 10,600 to ~9500 cal yr BP, pollen was not preserved, C/N values (2 to 11) reveal the algal contribution, the ?13C (~-20?) indicate the mixture of C3 and C4 plants and radiocarbon date inversions indicate that the material was reworked. From 9,500 to 7,500 cal yr BP the vegetation was predominantly herbaceous with mixture of C3 and C4 plant sources (?13C ~-17?). From 7,500 to 7,000 cal yr BP C3 plants (?13C ~-30?) as trees/shrubs domains the polen record. From ~7,000 to ~6500 cal yr BP the pollen records the herbaceous abundance, dominated by C4 plants (?13C ~-12 to 18?). Peat deposition starts at ~6500 cal yr BP composed by C3 plants, mainly dominated by trees. Pollen records since at least early Holocene and the floristics of current vegetation did not show any disjunct specie with Amazon / Este projeto está associado ao temático FAPESP 2011/00995-7, \"Estudos paleoambientais interdisciplinares na costa do Espírito Santo\", e ao Programa FAPESP de Pesquisas sobre Mudanças Climáticas Globais (PFPMCG-FAPESP). Os objetivos foram: (1) caracterizar a conexão da Mata Atlântica e Floresta Amazônica e possíveis rotas de interação (litorânea, continental ou ambas); (2) identificar padrões que caracterizem a região da costa norte do Espírito Santo e sul da Bahia como refúgios florestais; (3) reconstituir a dinâmica da vegetação e inferir flutuações climáticas desde o Pleistoceno tardio. Três testemunhos sedimentares foram coletados: ao norte do Espírito Santo (ES), ao sul da Bahia (BA) e ao leste de Minas Gerais (MG). Análises isotópicas de carbono e nitrogênio e bioindicadores em sedimento/solos, cronologicamente determinados por datação 14C, contribuíram para a reconstituição paleoambiental nestas regiões. No ES, de ~33.460 a ~13.740 anos cal AP, a vegetação era composta por espécies de árvores/arbustos típicas de regiões frias com o domínio de plantas C3 (?13C ~-28?), sugerindo a presença de uma floresta fria e úmida. De ~13.740 a ~9500 anos cal AP ocorreu o aumento das herbáceas e diminuição dos tipos arbóreos. Entre ~9500 e ~4000 anos cal AP, as herbáceas tornaram-se abundantes com mistura de plantas C3 e C4 (?13C~-24?) e algas, sugerindo maior sazonalidade entre as estações seca e úmida. De ~7300 anos cal AP até o presente, iniciou-se a deposição da turfa e pólen da vegetação atual. Na BA, a alta resolução de datação C-14, isótopos de C e N e palinologia a cada ~150 anos entre ~6400 e ~3400 anos cal AP revelaram a dinâmica da vegetação. Entre 6400 e 5620 anos cal AP arbóreas/arbustivas (96%) são abundantes. De ~5620 até ~4850 anos cal AP ocorreu um pequeno aumento de herbáceas (28%), e os valores de ?13C ~-28% indicam o domínio de plantas C3. De 4850 a ~3400 anos cal AP, a abundância de arbóreas/arbustivas (94%), indica domínio florestal. Os resultados confirmam a estabilidade florestal e a umidade local, permitindo reconhecer esta área como um possível refúgio florestal desde pelo menos 6500 anos cal AP. Em MG, desde ~10.000 anos cal AP ao presente, a vegetação, o clima e a paisagem modificaram consideravelmente. De 10.600 a ~9500 anos cal AP não houve preservação de pólen, os valores de C/N (~2 e 11) revelam a contribuição algal, o ?13C (~-20?) indica mistura de plantas C3 e C4 e inversões nas datações indicam o retrabalhamento do material. De 9500 a 7500 anos cal AP a vegetação era predominantemente herbácea, com mistura de C3 e C4 (?13C ~-17?). De 7500 a 700 anos cal AP, plantas C3 (?13C ~-30?) arbustivo-arbóreas dominam o registro polínico. De ~7000 a 6500 anos cal AP as herbáceasC4 (?13C ~-12?) são abundantes. A deposição de turfa iniciou em ~6500 anos cal AP, composta por plantas C3 arbóreas. Registros palinológicos desde o Holoceno inferior e a avaliação florística atual não revelaram a presença de espécies de distribuição disjunta com a Amazônia
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Tectonique active de la région d'Oulan Bator, Mongolie : analyse morpho-tectonique et paléosismologique des failles actives de Sharkhai et Avdar / Active tectonic of the region of Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia : morpho-tectonic and paléosismological analysis of Sharkhai and Avdar active faultsAl Ashkar, Abeer 07 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la tectonique active et l’analyse de deux nouvelles failles : la faille de Sharkhai et la faille d’Avdar. Les deux failles ont été découvertes, en 2011, à partir des images satellitaires HR, à quelques dizaines de kilomètres de la capitale de la Mongolie, Oulan Bator. Une approche morpho-tectonique, géomorphologique et paléosismologique, à partir des images de haute résolution Pléiades et d’études de terrain, notamment de tranchées, a permis: 1) de cartographier les deux failles en détail; 2) de décrire leur géométrie et segmentation; 3) de contraindre leur cinématique; 4) de documenter leur activité récente et leur comportement sismique (décalages co-sismiques et cumulés, période de retour, taux de glissement). La faille de Sharkhai s’étend sur 46 km selon une direction comprise entre N42°E et N72°E en moyenne, avec un pendage de 66° à 72° vers le sud-est entre E106.31°/N47.352° et E106.53°/N47.485°, et sub-vertical entre E106.474°/N47.473° et E106.75°/N47.57°. Elle est caractérisée par une géométrie rectiligne et simple en surface. C’est une faille senestre avec une composante verticale normale. L’étude paléosismique met en évidence trois séismes : le séisme EQ3 s’est produit avant 3850±120 calBP, le séisme EQ2 entre 2400±70 calBP et 2030±40 calBP, et le séisme le plus récent (MRE) entre 1090±84 calBP et avant l’âge du sol récent. La période de retour minimum des forts séismes sur la faille de Sharkhai est 1195±157 ans, ce qui implique une vitesse de glissement maximum comprise entre 0.6±0.2 et 2.14±0.5 mm/an. Plusieurs scénarios de segmentation de la faille sont proposés indiquant que la faille est capable de produire des séismes de magnitude comprise entre 6 et 7. L’accélération maximale du sol (PGA au rocher) générée à Oulan Bator serait de 0.12 g, au nouvel aéroport de 0.28 g, et à la ville de Zuunmod de 0.17 g. Ces valeurs correspondent à une intensité (MMI) comprise entre VI et X. La faille d’Avdar s’étend sur 47 km selon une direction moyenne comprise entre N26°E et N88°E avec un pendage variant de 40° à 55°. La partie sud-ouest de la faille est caractérisé par une géométrie simple et linéaire. Par contre, l’architecture de la faille est complexe dans la partie nord-est. Les décalages mesurés indiquent que la faille est une faille senestre avec une composante normale. Les tranchées paléosismiques documentent son activité sismique pendant le quaternaire. La faille peut se diviser en plusieurs segments, suggérant des séismes de magnitude comprise entre 5.8 et 7. Les valeurs de PGA (au rocher) les plus importants seraient de 0.1 g pour Oulan Bator, 0.18 g pour le nouvel aéroport et 0.19 g pour la ville de Zuunmod. Ces valeurs indiquent une intensité de l’ordre de VI à X. Les investigations paléosismiques montrent que le dernier séisme est plus récent que 5665±85 calBP. Tous ces résultats doivent être pris en compte dans l’estimation de l’aléa sismique de la région de la capitale Oulan Bator, qui a elle seule comprend plus de la moitié de la population du pays. Située sur un bassin sédimentaire, elle est le centre commercial et industriel du pays et contient divers bâtiments vulnérables. Enfin, elle est en pleine croissance avec un nouvel aéroport en construction à proximité de la faille de Sharkhai, secteur où la ville va très rapidement s’étendre. / This thesis focuses on the active tectonic of two new faults: the Sharkhai fault and the Avdar faults. Both faults were discovered in 2011 from HR satellite images at tens kilometers from the capital of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar.Morpho-tectonic, geomorphological and paleoseismological approaches using high resolution Pleiades satellites images and field investigations allowed: 1) to map the both faults in details; 2) to describe their geometry and segmentation; 3) to identify their kinematic; 4) to document their recent activity and their seismic behavior (co-seismic and cumulated displacements, the time of the last earthquakes, slip rate). The Sharkhai fault extends 46 km with an average direction between N42°E and N72°E, and a dip between 72° and 66° either to south-east, between E106.31°/N47.352° and E106.53°/N47.485°, or sub-vertical between E106.474°/N47.473° and E106.75°/N47.57°. The fault is characterized by a linear and simple geometry. It is a left lateral strike slip with a normal vertical component. The paleoseismological investigations show evidences for three earthquakes: the EQ3 earthquake occurred before 3850±120 calBP, the EQ2 earthquake between 2400±70 calBP and 2030±40 calBP, and the most recent earthquake (MRE) between 1090±84 calBP and before the age of recent soil. The minimum return period of strong earthquakes on the fault Sharkhai is 1195 ± 157 years, which implies a maximum slip rate between 0.6±0.2 and 2.14±0.5 mm/year. Several segmentation scenarios of the fault where proposed indicating that the fault is capable to produce an earthquake of magnitude between 6 and 7. The maximum peak ground acceleration (PGA at rock) generated at Ulaanbaatar is 0.12 g, 0.28 g at the new airport, and 0.17 g at the city of Zuunmod. These values correspond to intensity between VI and X at rock sites. The Avdar fault, 47 km length, have an average orientation between N26°E and N88°E and a dip between 40° and 55°. The southwestern part of the fault is characterized by a simple and linear geometry while the architecture of the surface rupture is complex in the northeastern part. The measured offsets indicate that the fault is left lateral with a normal component. The paleoseismic trenches attest its seismic activity during the Quaternary. The fault can be divided into several segments suggesting earthquakes of a magnitude ranging from 5.8 to 7. The most important values of PGA (at rock site) would be 0.1 g at Ulaanbaatar, 0.18 g for the new airport and 0.19 g for Zuunmod city. These values indicate an intensity between VI and X. Paleoseismic trench shows that the last earthquake occurred on the fault since 5665± 85calBP. All these results should be considered in estimating the seismic hazard in the region of the capital Ulaanbaatar especially as, alone, it contains more than the half of the country population. Situated in a sedimentary basin, it is the commercial and industrial center of Mongolia and contains many vulnerable buildings. Also, the city is growing with a new airport construction near the fault Sharkhai area where the city will extend very quickly.
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Vegetation history and human-environment interactions through the late Holocene in Konar Sandal, Kerman, SE IranGurjazkaite, Karolina January 2017 (has links)
The Jiroft valley, in southeastern Iran, was an important agricultural centre since the Early Bronze Age (3rd millennium BCE). The valley is characterized by harsh environmental settings: hot climate with poor rainfall. However, more optimal conditions may have prevailed earlier that supported ancient settlements. A 250-cm sediment core was retrieved from a peat-land at Konar Sandal, a major archaeological find attributed to Jiroft culture. The palynological data from this core was combined with geochemical and sedimentological proxies aimed at establishing the human-environment interactions in the area. The study focus was directed at vegetation history and landscape evolution, hydroclimatic changes and past human activities, that started just after the projected collapse of the Jiroft (4 ka) and extended all the way from the late Bronze Age to the Mongol invasion (0.6 ka). The results indicate that the valley was dominated by Saharo-Sindian open pseudo-savannah vegetation for the last 4000 years. However, due to anthropogenic clearance and intensified agro-pastoral activities, and also climatic factors, the land cover shifted from open xeric scrubland forests to more open, degraded landscapes. The principal human practice in these early settlements was cereal cultivation. But it is likely that during the more arid periods, communities retreated and abandoned agriculture, facilitating successional processes. Such droughts occurred in 4-3.8 ka and 3.4-2.8 ka and were supported by palynological data, C/N and Fe2O3 content. Peat formation was characteristic to the wetland during these arid periods. These droughts corresponded to drought phases detected in other studies, and were attributed to changes in Siberian Anticyclones. Dynamics of Artemisia and desert shrubs indicate milder climate around 3.8-3.4 ka and 2.8-0.6 ka. In the latter episode, during the rule of Persian Empire (ca. 550 BCE-650 CE) and Islamic epoch, the highest vegetation degradation state and most intensive human activities were observed. Some inconspicuous human practices, such as date cultivation, may have occurred on site as an adaptation to extreme environmental conditions. / High-resolution paleolimnological records from Lake Jazmurian: Climate-culture evolution at Jiroft in southeast Iran during the Holocene
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Mémoire des lacs et mémoire des sociétés du Moyen Âge à nos jours : approche palynologique et historique de la moyenne montagne jurassienne et alpine (lac de Remoray, Doubs ; glissement de Mont Granier, Savoie) / Memory of lakes and memory of societies from the middle ages to our days : palynological and historical approach of the jura and alpine middle mountain area (lake Remoray, Doubs ; Mont Granier's landslide, Savoy)Murgia, Laurie 19 January 2016 (has links)
L’objectif principal de cette thèse a été d’établir une histoire précise des interactions sociétés-environnement durant le dernier millénaire dans deux zones de moyenne montagne, territoires particulièrement sensibles aux aléas naturels ainsi qu’aux évènements politiques, économiques et sociaux à travers un jeu de données multiples issues de différentes disciplines. L’étude de deux séquences sédimentaires lacustres de sites jurassien et alpin, grâce à l’outil palynologique - grains de pollen, spores et microfossiles non-polliniques -, particulièrement développé ici avec la haute-résolution, croisé avec l’étude des données historiques et archivistiques nous a permis, en plus de fournir un corpus complémentaire, de tester une approche comparative (données polliniques vs données cadastrales). Au lac de Remoray (Doubs, massif jurassien, 850 m d’altitude), l’étude a précisé le schéma du processus d’occupation de cette partie de la haute vallée du Doubs. Les données du haut Moyen Âge illustrent une fois de plus que l’idée qu’un désert forestier précédant l’arrivée des moines défricheurs est à nuancer. L’installation des communautés religieuses durant les XIème-XIIIème siècles, et l’influence des pouvoirs seigneuriaux sur cette zone stratégique, semblent toutefois l’étape clef dans la mise en place d’un peuplement durable. Les activités économiques se diversifient et prennent leur essor durant les siècles suivants bien que certaines périodes soient marquées de crises socio-politiques et traversées par les effets, plus ou moins ressentis, du Petit Âge Glaciaire. Il faudra attendre la transition XIXème-XXème siècle pour que les paysages sylvo-pastoraux que nous connaissons actuellement se mettent en place. Situé un peu plus au sud (Savoie, massif de la Chartreuse), notre second site d’étude trouve son origine dans ce qui donne à la montagne une autre identité : les risques naturels. Le site est le témoignage d’une zone dévastée en 1248 de notre ère par un immense glissement de terrain suite à la chute d’une partie du Mont Granier (1933 m d’altitude). Cet évènement, privant une partie de la vallée de cinq paroisses et d’un millier d’habitants, a engendré rapidement un nouveau territoire, aussi bien topographique, végétal que socio-économique. L’observation particulière des sédiments du lac Saint-André formé post-éboulement a offert l’occasion de suivre pas à pas cette reconquête végétale et humaine, appuyé par les approches géologiques, géographiques, archéologiques et historiques qui animent la recherche de façon récurrente. Les résultats obtenus témoignent d’une période de recolonisation végétale suivie d’une reconquête agro-pastorale relativement rapide, avec comme particularité la mise en place d’un territoire viticole. L’enregistrement sédimentaire particulier de ce lac a permis de suivre, en plus des indices d’une agriculture vivrière variée jusqu’au début du XXème siècle, le témoignage pollinique particulier de la vigne qui deviendra petit à petit une monoculture. / The main objective of this thesis was to establish a precise story of the interaction between societies and environment during the last millennium, in two zones of middle mountain area, which are particularly sensitive to the natural hazards as well as to the political, economic and social events, through a set of multiple data. The high-resolution study of two lacustrine sediment cores in two Jura and alpine sites, thanks to the palynological tool - pollen grains, spores and non-pollen palynomorphs - and the study of the historical and archival data allowed us, besides supplying a complementary corpus, to test a comparative approach (pollen vs cadastral data). At Lake Remoray (Doubs, Jura massif, 850 m asl.), the study specified the settlement process. The data of the Early Middle Ages, illustrate one more time that the idea that a forest desert preceding the arrival of the monks land-clearers is to be revised. The installation of religious communities during the XI-XIIIth centuries and the influence of the seigniorial powers in this strategic zone seem however the key stage in the implementation of a sustainable settlement. Economic activities diversify and take their development during the next centuries although certain periods are marked with sociopolitical crises and cross effects, more or less felt, of Little Ice Age. It will be necessary to wait for the XIX-XXth century transition to see the development of the recent silvo-pastoral landscape. Our second site of study finds its origin in what gives to the mountain another identity: the natural risks. The site is the testimony of a zone destroyed in 1248 AD by an immense landslide further to the fall of a part of the Mount Granier (Savoy, massif of the Chartreuse ; 1933 m asl.). This event, depriving the valley of five parishes and a thousand inhabitants quickly engendered a new territory, in terms of topographic, vegetal as well as socioeconomic aspect. The particular observation Lake Saint André lacustrine sequence, formed post-collapse, offered the opportunity to follow step by step this vegetal and human recovery, supported by the geological, geographical, archaeological and historic approaches which liven up the research in a recurring way. The results show of a period of vegetal recolonisation followed by a relatively fast agro-pastoral recovery with, as peculiarity, the implementation of a wine-making territory. The sedimentary recording of this lake allowed following, besides the indications of a varied food-producing farming till the beginning of the XXth century, the particular pollen testimony of the vineyard which will gradually become a monoculture.
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<p>The Geologic <i>TimeScale Creator </i>(TSCreator) project has compiled a range of paleo-environmental and bio-diversity data which provides the opportunity to explore origination, speciation and extinction events. My PhD research has four major interconnected themes which include the visualization methods of evolutionary tree and the impacts of climate change on the evolution of life in longer and shorter timeframes: <b>(1) </b>Evolutionary range data of planktonic foraminifera and nannofossils over the Cenozoic era have been updated with our latest geological timescale. These evolutionary ranges can be visualized in the form of interactive, extensible evolutionary trees and can be compared with other geologic data columns. <b>(2) </b>A novel approach of integrating morphospecies and lineage trees is proposed to expand the scope of exploration of the evolutionary history of microfossils. It is now possible to visualize morphological changes and ancestor-descendant lineage relationships on TSCreator charts which helps mutual learning of these species based on genetic and bio-stratigraphic studies. <b>(3) </b>These evolutionary datasets have been used to analyze semi-periodic cycles in the past bio-diversity and characteristic rates of turnover. Well-known Milankovitch cycles have been found as the drivers of fluctuations in the speciation and extinction processes. <b>(4) </b>Within a shorter 2000-year time period, global cooling events might have been a factor of human civilization turnover. Using our regional and global cultural turnover time series data, the effect of climate change on human culture has been proposed. The enhancement of the evolutionary visualization system accomplished by this research will hopefully allow academic and non-academic users across the world to research and easily explore Earth history data through publicly available TSCreator program and websites. </p>
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La néolithisation dans la région de Montréal depuis le Sylvicole moyen tardif : apport archéopalynologiqueLandry, Daniel 11 1900 (has links)
Des preuves archéopalynologiques directes appuient maintenant l’hypothèse d’une lente
adaptation horticole durant la néolithisation amérindienne de la région de Montréal. Les sites archéologiques Hector-Trudel (BhFl-1a) de Pointe-du-Buisson et Séminaire de Saint-Sulpice (BjFj-18) dans le Vieux-Montréal ont été retenus pour élaborer une méthodologie
archéopalynologique d’étude des sols archéologiques. Cela a permis de caractériser l’impact de la présence humaine sur l'environnement végétal des sites et d’identifier des indices de culture et de gestion de plantes allogènes et indigènes.
Un complexe horticole de production à petite échelle de maïs (Zea mays), de tournesol
(Helianthus annuus) et de petit tabac (Nicotiana rustica) et une forme de gestion des arbustes à petits fruits sont identifiés au site Hector-Trudel durant le Sylvicole moyen tardif (500 à 1000 A.D.). Ces cultigènes sont aussi identifiés au site du Séminaire pour la fin du Sylvicole supérieur ancien (1200 à 1300 A.D.), dans des proportions toutefois plus importantes, et une activité de gestion forestière au profit des arbres à noix et du tilleul d’Amérique (Tilia americana), reflet des pratiques d’entretien des champs cultivés, témoignent d’une évolution dans les comportements / Direct archaeopalynological proof now supports the hypothesis of a slow horticultural
adaptation during the Native American neolithisation of the Montreal area. Archaeological
sites Hector-Trudel (BhF1-la) of Pointe-du-Buisson and Séminaire de Saint-Sulpice (BjFj-18) in Old Montreal were retained to elaborate an archaeopalynological methodology of
archaeological soil study. This has allowed to characterize the impact of human presence of a vegetal environment on the sites and to identify signs of cultivation and management of alien and indigenous plants.
A horticultural complex producing corn (Zea mays), sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and native tobacco (Nicotina rustica) on a small scale and a form of fruit-bearing shrubs management are identified at the Hector-Trudel site during the Late Middle Woodland (A.D. 500 to 1000). These cultigens are also identified at the Séminaire site for the end of the Early Late Woodland (A.D. 1200 to 1300), though in bigger proportions, and a woodland management activity benefiting nut trees and the American basswood (Tilia americana), reflecting cultivated field maintenance practices, are evidence of an evolution in behaviors.
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Casting no shadow : overlapping soilscapes of European-Indigenous interaction in northern SwedenGreen, Heather F. January 2012 (has links)
The Sámi’s past activities have been documented historically from a European perspective, and more recently from an anthropological viewpoint, giving a generalised observation of the Sámi, during the study period of AD200-AD1800, as semi-nomadic hunter gatherers, with several theories suggesting that interaction with Europeans, through trade, led to the adoption of European activities by certain groups of the Sámi (Eiermann, 1923; Paine, 1957; Manker and Vorren, 1962; Bratrein, 1981; Mathiesen et al, 1981; Meriot, 1984). However, there is almost no information on the impact the Sámi had on the landscape, either before or after any adoption of European activities, and none investigating what cultural footprint or indicators would remain from Sámi or European occupation and/or activity within the typically podzolic soils of Northern Sweden. Consequently the thesis aims to contribute to the gap in knowledge through the formation of a podzol model identifying the links between anthropogenic activity and the alteration of podzol soils, and through the creation of soils based models which identify the cultural indicators associated with both Sámi and European activity; formed from the identification of cultural indicators retained within known Sámi and European sites. The methods used to obtain the information needed to achieve this were the pH and magnetic susceptibility from bulk soil samples and micromorphological and chemical analysis of thin section slides through the use of standard microscopy and X-ray fluorescence from a scanning electron microscope. The analysis revealed that the Sámi had an extremely low impact on the landscape, leaving hard to detect cultural indicators related to reindeer herding in the form of reindeer faecal material with corresponding phosphorous peaks in the thin section slides. The European footprint however, was markedly different and very visible even within the acidic soil environment. The European indicators were cultivation based and included phosphorous and aluminium peaks as well as a deepened, highly homogenised plaggen style anthropogenic topsoil rich in ‘added’ materials. An abandoned European site which visibly and chemically shows the formation of a secondary albic horizon within the anthropogenic topsoil also provides an insight into the delicate balance of cultivated soil in northern Sweden, whilst reinforcing the outputs identified in the podzol model. Due to the almost invisible Sámi footprint on the landscape, areas of overlap were impossible to identify however, there was no evidence of the adoption of European cultivation activities at any of the Sámi sites investigated. The only known area of interaction between the two cultures was an official market place which had been a Sámi winter settlement prior to its use as a market site. This site showed none of the reindeer based Sámi indicators or the cultivation based European indicators, but did contain pottery fragments which could be linked to trade or occupation. Overall, the thesis reinforces the low impact expected of the semi-nomadic Sámi and sheds light on the underlying podzolic processes influencing the anthropogenically modified soils of Northern Sweden. The podzol model is reinforced by several findings throughout the thesis and the soils based cultural indicator models for both Sámi and European activity have been successfully tested against independent entomological and palynological data and therefore provide reliable reference material for future studies.
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Sea level change and archaeological site locations on the Dundas Island Archipelago of north coastal British ColumbiaMcLaren, Duncan 01 May 2008 (has links)
Coastal archaeological sites dating to the late Pleistocene and early Holocene are rare on the northwest coast of North America, as they are in many regions of the world, due to changing environmental factors, in particular glacial isostasy and eustasy, resulting in low visibility and survival of archaeological deposits. This dissertation outlines methods and results used to locate late Pleistocene and early Holocene archaeological sites on the Dundas Island Archipelago on the Northwest Coast culture area of British Columbia, Coast Tsimshian Territory, where archaeological sites older than 5,000 years BP are not known. Part of the reason for this is that masses of glacial ice accumulated on the Cordilleran Mountains of North America during the last glacial maximum, which depressed mainland coastal regions isostatically in relation to sea levels. As a result of lateral displacement of subcrustal material, areas to the west of the Cordillera bulged and landforms were raised relative to the sea. With deglaciation, the depressed crust began to rebound and the forebulge subsided resulting in rapidly dropping sea levels along the mainland to the east and rapidly rising sea levels along outer coastal islands to the west. These processes occurred in concert with sea levels that began rising eustatically following the last glacial maximum. Between the inner and outer coasts lies the Dundas Island Archipelago. This research project hypothesized that the study area was close to a sea level hinge lying between these two regions with very different sea level histories. With less significant shoreline movement, it was further anticipated that shoreline situated archaeological sites dating to the late Pleistocene and early Holocene might be found in close proximity, although slightly higher than the present day shoreline. This dissertation addresses the following question: Where are late Pleistocene and early Holocene archaeological sites situated on the Dundas Island Archipelago? To address this question, this dissertation details the methods and results used to determine a sea-level and vegetation history for the Dundas Island Archipelago and the archaeological prospection that was undertaken along relict shorelines.
Pollen analysis of sediments from a lake core identified a sequence of six vegetation zones beginning before 12,385 BP. Based on diatom identification of cores from four lake basins, combined with supporting indicators, a sea level curve for the Dundas Islands was constructed showing a slow regression of shorelines from 13 m above the barnacle line to present day elevations over the last 12,000 years BP.
Drawing upon these palaeo-environmental data, areas were selected for archaeological survey and prospection. Field testing of these selected areas resulted in the identification of five archaeological sites dating to the early Holocene. These are the first archaeological sites dating older than 5,000 years BP that have been found and dated in Coast Tsimshian Territory. The elevations and radiocarbon dates on all archaeological deposits are consistent with the sea level curve based on palaeo-environmental data points.
Overall, this dissertation draws upon palaeo-environmental methods and results for the purpose of identifying and interpreting archaeological sites situated on raised marine landforms.
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