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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dinoflagellate cysts across the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary in the North Pacific; biostratigraphy, diversity, and paleoenvironmental reconstructions

McLachlan, Sandy Melvin Stuart 31 August 2021 (has links)
The central objective of this study is to understand phytoplankton community response following the global mass extinction event at the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary. The objective is approached through analysis of dinoflagellate cyst assemblages across the boundary interval in the North Pacific. Dinoflagellate cysts are powerful tools for deep time paleoenvironmental reconstructions and this group of microfossils has been vastly underutilized in this region of the world. On this premise, comprehensive marine palynological surveys were undertaken for the Oyster Bay Formation of eastern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada and Shatsky Rise in the northwest Pacific. The Oyster Bay Formation work resulted in the discovery of the first K/Pg boundary succession west of the Rocky Mountains based on biostratigraphic controls and refined taxonomy for the genus Cannosphaeropsis found within these strata. Three new taxa are described: Cannosphaeropsis franciscana subsp. vacuoseptata subsp. nov., Cannosphaeropsis franciscana subsp. vesiculata subsp. nov. and Phelodinium fensomei sp. nov. The cyst assemblages reveal endemic associations and signals of transition between offshore coastal to estuarine settings in keeping with global eustatic trends. Oyster Bay Formation results and interpretations are compared to analyses of core samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 577 at Shatsky Rise. Contrast is seen between a diverse, highly productive coastal to estuarine environment in the Oyster Bay Formation as represented by organic-walled taxa and an oligotrophic bathyal environment at Shatsky Rise during the same interval as represented by a small number of calcareous taxa. These two regions form the basis for comparison between differing assemblages in order to ascertain the extent to which phytoplankton communities were affected by changes in sea-surface and water mass conditions in conjunction with the K/Pg event. The findings reveal measurable impacts of climate and paleoenvironmental change reflected by shifts in assemblage composition and cyst morphology. A lack of extinction among many forms is consistent with studies from around the globe as presented in an exhaustive review of the literature. The dinoflagellates were marginally impacted with the most specialized taxa presenting a record of sea-surface temperature fluctuation, nutrient supply and opportunistic niche exploitation. / Graduate / 2022-08-20

Dating the Cenozoic incision history of the Tennessee and Shenandoah Rivers with cosmogenic nuclides and 40Ar/39Ar in manganese oxides

William E Odom III (9673769) 15 December 2020 (has links)
The post-orogenic history of the Appalachian Mountains, particularly the persistence of rough topography and the degree of river incision throughout the region, has been a longstanding focus of geomorphology studies. Numerous models have been developed to explain the evolution of this landscape, variously invoking episodic or continuous processes of uplift and erosion to drive the generation or reduction of topographic relief. Recently, late Cenozoic uplift has found favor as a mechanism for rejuvenating the topography of the southern and central Appalachians. This hypothesis has drawn on longitudinal river profiles, seismic tomography, and offshore sediment records as evidence of Neogene uplift.<div><br></div><div>Radiometric dating of surficial deposits provides a means to directly test models of episodic and continuous landscape evolution, as well as the Neogene uplift hypothesis. The research described in this thesis dates surficial sediments (river terraces, alluvial fans, and a filled sinkhole) and supergene manganese oxides using 26Al/10Be burial dating and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, respectively. Our cosmogenic 26Al/10Be dating provides detailed histories of aggradation and incision along the Shenandoah and Tennessee Rivers since the early Pliocene. 40Ar/39Ar dating of manganese oxides permits estimates of surface preservation and denudation in the Shenandoah Valley and nearby watersheds throughout the Cenozoic.<br></div><div><br></div><div>The results of our work in the Shenandoah Valley, Tennessee River basin, and intervening areas indicate that the Appalachians experienced no significant pulse of uplift during the Cenozoic. Long-term preservation of supergene manganese oxides dates as far back as the Eocene, demonstrating minimal denudation and discontinuous formation that lend evidence to episodic landscape evolution models. Cosmogenic26Al/10Be burial ages along the Shenandoah and Tennessee Rivers reveal Pliocene aggradation, with enhanced deposition in the Shenandoah Valley during the mid-Piacenzian Warm Period. Both rivers likely experienced incision during the Pleistocene, likely due to climatic fluctuations. These results demonstrate that while the Appalachian landscape has remained largely unchanged for tens of millions of years, rapid Pleistocene changes in base level recently triggered significant incision of major drainages.<br></div>

Vegetation, climate and fire dynamics of Upper Montane Forest and Campos de Altitude during the Holocene in southeastern Brazil

Guarinello de Oliveira Portes, Maria Carolina 23 September 2019 (has links)
O bioma Mata Atlântica é mundialmente reconhecido como uma das regiões de maior diversidade biológica do planeta, abrigando elevada riqueza de espécies e um elevado número de espécies endêmicas, se estendendo por cerca de 1.300.000 km2 ao longo da costa brasileira, entre as latitudes 3º e 33º S e longitudes 35º e 57º L. Como resultado do incremento das atividades humanas de uso da terra e, consequentemente, de ampla modificação da paisagem ao longo dos séculos, cerca de apenas 10-15% do bioma Mata Atlântica ainda se encontra em estado natural ou próximo ao natural, sendo considerados áreas prioritárias para conservação. Devido à grande variedade climática e geomorfológica, o bioma Mata Atlântica é um complexo mosaico de diferentes ecossistemas. Dentre estes, a floresta com Araucária (Floresta Ombrófila Mista), a floresta nebular (Floresta Ombrófila Densa Altomontana) e os campos de altitude ocupam as médias e altas altitudes da Serra do Mar, que se estende por cerca de 1000 km paralela à costa, do sul ao sudeste brasileiro. A distribuição da floresta com Araucária está relacionada ao clima úmido e relativamente frio, entre 400 e 1400 m s.n.m. no sul do Brasil e em fragmentos menores entre as altitudes de 1400 a 1800 m s.n.m. no Sudeste. Atualmente, está reduzida a não mais do que 7% da sua distribuição original. A floresta nebular se estende nas encostas do alto da Serra do mar, normalmente acima de 1100 m s.n.m. no Sul e acima de 1500 m s.n.m. no sudeste do Brasil, nos pequenos vales e sítios protegidos. Os campos de altitude são uma vegetação tipicamente herbácea, restrita aos cumes e picos da serra e aos platôs mais elevados. Estudos paleoecológicos demonstraram que, apesar deste mosaico de ecossistemas ter persistido durante o Holoceno, a perpetuação dos campos de altitude é muito frágil. Como a vegetação campestre se expande em condições climáticas mais frias e secas e parece ser adaptada ao fogo, sugere-se que a presente área de campos de altitude é maior do que esperada sobre as condições climáticas atuais, especialmente em locais mais quentes em altitudes mais baixas. Além disso, estudos de mudanças climáticas preveem um clima mais quente e úmido durante o século 21, que provavelmente irá intensificar a migração da floresta atlântica para maiores altitudes, em detrimento da vegetação campestre. Nesta pesquisa, as relações passadas e presentes do mosaico de campos de altitude e florestas altomontanas (floresta com Araucária e floresta Atlântica nebular) são exploradas por meio de análises palinológicas. Inicialmente, foi investigada a correlação atual entre cobertura vegetal e produção de pólen. Observou-se que os taxa arbóreos são superestimados no conjunto de pólen de campos de altitude, constituindo uma área muito maior de captação de pólen do que no conjunto de pólen arbóreos. Sendo assim, o conjunto de pólen que caracteriza a vegetação de campos de altitude apresenta uma grande proporção de taxa de vegetação arbórea. Posteriormente, um sedimento de quase 10.000 anos foi analisado, demonstrando que, apesar dos taxa representantes da floresta altomontana estarem presentes na região de estudo durante todo o Holoceno, a vegetação florestal expandiu majoritariamente durante o Holoceno Tardio. Até cerca de 1350 cal a AP, a vegetação de campos de altitude ocupava áreas mais extensas. Em geral, os resultados demonstraram que o aumento de temperatura e precipitação ao longo do Holoceno favoreceram a migração da floresta para altitudes mais elevadas. Além disso, a pesquisa indicou que o fogo já estava presente na região antes da chegada dos primeiros humanos no Sudeste do Brasil, implicando na adaptação da vegetação campestre ao fogo. Por último analisou-se a dinâmica da vegetação nos últimos sete séculos. Os resultados indicaram que interferências antropogênicas como fogo, pastoreio e exploração madeireira desempenharam um importante papel na relação campos-floresta na Serra do Mar do Sudeste do Brasil. Com base nestes estudos, sugere-se que a manutenção do mosaico de campos de altitude e floresta no clima presente e futuro depende tanto de um manejo ativo quanto da mudança de foco da conservação de ambientes florestais para ambientes campestres.

Using palynological modern analogues to locate a buried dikeland soil in a recovering Bay of Fundy salt marsh

Graf, Maria-Theresia January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Continuous Presence : A Historical Ecology of Ängesviken, Jämtland / Kontinuerlig Närvaro : Historisk Ekologi av Ängesviken, Jämtland

Larsson, Petter I. January 2021 (has links)
A case study of a prehistoric site named Ängesviken, in eastern Jämtland, is presented in this thesis. Ängesviken is situated in a region that traditionally has been understood as peripheral and without a significant history prior to the Late Iron Age or even the mediaeval period. The site appears to have a continuous presence of human activities through a period of 3000 years, manifested through a horizontal stratigraphy. In order to study this site of abstruse character a multidisciplinary approach is used, where archaeology, paleoecology, and spatiality are combined. The conceptual framework of the study is that landscapes are the result of socio-ecological processes over time. To frame the data provided by chosen methods, theoretical frameworks of cultural niche construction theory and landscape patchiness applied, which provide insight of the socio-ecological systems present at Ängesviken during the last 3000 years. During the Iron Age, the site was used for pastoralism, combined with hunting. The archaeological and geographical context of Ängesviken indicate that the site might have been connected with other regions through networks of trade during this period. During the mediaeval period there is a reorganisation of the outlands, leading to a phase of regrowth, but the site could possibly still have been utilised as hunting grounds as there are mediaeval villages in the region. In the early modern period and modern period, the site is once again used for pastoralism. Today, the utilisation of the site has changed towards modern forestry and occasional hunting of elk. The continuous presence at Ängesviken could be explained by the resources the outlands provided. This case study indicates that the far-reaching networks of trade during the Iron Age led to a process of local modification of the ecosystem driven by an external market. This study shows that the anthropogenic modification of the boreal forest's ecosystem has a longer history in eastern Jämtland than traditionally has been thought. The investigation of Ängesviken highlights the importance of researching abstruse and previously uncertain sites from a multidisciplinary approach, as the different datatypes complement each other and results in a deeper knowledge of the site and the socio-ecological systems in a long-term perspective. / Uppsatsen består av en fallstudie av en arkeolgosik lokal vid namn Ängesviken i östra Jämtland. Platsen ligger i ett område som vid första anblick ter sig perifeiellt placerat i utmarkerna till medeltida byar och tidigmoderna fäbodar. Tidigare har en vikingatida byggnad sam en intilligande grav undersökts arkeologiskt. Arkeologiska undersökningar har visat att människor tycks ha använt platsen under en 3000-års period, men hur platsen använts eller påverkats av denna användning har arkeologin inte kunnat påvisa. För att undersöka mänskliga aktiviteter vid Ängesviken under de senaste 3000 åren, samt hur dessa aktiviteter påverkat landskapet, undersöks platsen från ett tvärvetenskapligt perspektiv. Arkeologi kombineras med paleoekologi och rumslig analys. Det konceptuella ramverket för undersökningen bygger på historisk ekologi där kulturell nische konstruktion kombineras med "landscape patchiness". "Landscape patchiness" har sitt ursprung ur ekologin och lägger fokus på lakala vegetationsstrukturer. De äldsta praktikerna på platsen är ännu inte fullt ut klargjorda men platsens läge i landskapet ter sig som en trolig orsak till de första aktiviteterna. Pollenanalysen visar att området används för djurhållning under järnåldern, en aktivitet som kom att förändra landskapets struktur och platsens ekologi. Järnålderns kulturella nische ter sig multifunktionell där djurhållning har kombinerats med andra nyttjanden av utmarksresurser. Pollenanalysen visar att platsen verkar överges under medeltid för att sedan åter brukas för djurhållning under tidigmodern och modern tid. Undersökningen visar på vikten av tvärvetenskapliga undersökningar av otydliga och tidigare svårtolkade arkeologiska lokaler och sammanhang inom det Skandinaviska inlandet.

Neogene Palynology of the Gray Fossil Site, Tennessee, USA: Floristic Implications.

Ochoa-Lozano, Diana 01 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In order to understand Mio-Pliocene floristic characteristics of the southern Appalachian Mountains, 47 palynological samples from six different testing-pits across the Gray Fossil Site (GFS) were analyzed. The site exhibits a low pollen yield resulting from basic pH levels, drought, and fire events occurring during deposition. The palynofloral assemblage has a low to moderate diversity, and it is largely dominated by Quercus-Carya-Pinus (~90% of the palynoflora). The reported presence of Pterocarya grains supports a Late Neogene age for the lacustrine sediments. Comparison with modern pollen-based floras suggests that: (1) the Mio-Pliocene Oak-Hickory-Pine association varied in structure between a woodland to woodland/savanna, depending on the intensity and frequency of drought, fire events and herbivory, (2) pits show different structure of the co-dominant genera, which indicate alternating composition of the vegetation, and (3) in term of modern vegetation, the GFS flora corresponds well with the Mesophytic Forest region.

Environmental Drivers of Holocene Forest Development in the Middle Atlas, Morocco

Campbell, Jennifer F. E., Fletcher, William J., Joannin, Sebastien, Hughes, Philip D., Rhanem, Mustapha, Zielhofer, Christoph 04 April 2023 (has links)
In semi-arid regions subject to rising temperatures and drought, palaeoecological insights into past vegetation dynamics under a range of boundary conditions are needed to develop our understanding of environmental responses to climatic changes. Here, we present a new high-resolution record of vegetation history and fire activity spanning the last 12,000 years from Lake Sidi Ali in the southern Middle Atlas Mountains, Morocco. The record is underpinned by a robust AMS radiocarbon and 210Pb/137Cs chronology and multi-proxy approach allowing direct comparison of vegetation, hydroclimate, and catchment tracers. The record reveals the persistence of steppic landscapes until 10,340 cal yr BP, prevailing sclerophyll woodland with evergreen Quercus until 6,300 cal yr BP, predominance of montane conifers (Cedrus and Cupressaceae) until 1,300 cal yr BP with matorralization and increased fire activity from 4,320 cal yr BP, and major reduction of forest cover after 1,300 cal yr BP. Detailed comparisons between the pollen record of Lake Sidi Ali (2,080m a.s.l.) and previously published data from nearby Tigalmamine (1,626m a.s.l.) highlight common patterns of vegetation change in response to Holocene climatic and anthropogenic drivers, as well as local differences relating to elevation and bioclimate contrasts between the sites. Variability in evergreen Quercus and Cedrus at both sites supports a Holocene summer temperature maximum between 9,000 and 7,000 cal yr BP in contrast with previous large-scale pollen-based climate reconstructions, and furthermore indicates pervasive millennial temperature variability. Millennial-scale cooling episodes are inferred from Cedrus expansion around 10,200, 8,200, 6,100, 4,500, 3,000, and 1,700 cal yr BP, and during the Little Ice Age (400 cal yr BP). A two-part trajectory of Late Holocene forest decline is evident, with gradual decline from 4,320 cal yr BP linked to synergism between pastoralism, increased fire and low winter rainfall, and a marked reduction from 1,300 cal yr BP, attributed to intensification of human activity around the Early Muslim conquest of Morocco. This trajectory, however, does not mask vegetation responses to millennial climate variability. The findings reveal the sensitive response ofMiddle Atlas forests to rapid climate changes and underscore the exposure of the montane forest ecosystems to future warming.

Classification de pollens par réseau neuronal : application en reconstructions paléo-environnementales de populations marginales

Durand, Médéric 04 1900 (has links)
La hausse actuelle du climat pousse les espèces d’arbres tempérés à migrer vers le nord. En vue de comprendre comment certaines espèces réagiront face à cette migration, nous pouvons porter notre regard vers les populations marginales. Les études paléoécologiques de ces populations – situées au-delà de l’aire de répartition continue de l’espèce – peuvent nous informer quant aux conditions écologiques nécessaires à leur migration. Ce mémoire analyse un peuplement d’érables à sucre (Acer saccharum Marsh.) situé à la limite nordique de la répartition de l’espèce, dans la forêt tempérée mixte québécoise. L’objectif de la recherche est d’identifier quand et sous quelles conditions écologiques A. saccharum s’est établi en situation marginale. À ces fins, cette étude propose l’analyse des fossiles extraits des sédiments lacustres d’un lac situé à proximité de l’érablière. Un modèle d’apprentissage-machine est entraîné à l’aide d’images de pollens et permet la classification des pollens extraits des sédiments lacustres – le premier de la sorte. Notre méthode proposée emploi un protocole d’extraction fossile accéléré et des réseaux de neurone convolutifs permettant de classifier les pollens des espèces les plus retrouvées dans les sédiments quaternaires du nord-est de l’Amérique. Bien qu’encore incapable de classifier précisément toutes les espèces présentes dans une telle séquence fossile, notre modèle est une preuve de concept envers l’automatisation de la paléo-palynologie. Les résultats produits par le modèle combinés à l’analyse des charbons fossiles permettent la reconstruction de la végétation et des feux des 10,000 dernières années. L’établissement régional d’A. saccharum est daté à 4,800 cal. BP, durant une période de refroidissement climatique et de feux fréquents mais de faible sévérité. Sa présence locale est prudemment établie à 1,200 cal. BP. Les résultats de ce mémoire soulignent le potentiel de la paléo-palynologie automatique ainsi que la complexité de l’écologie d’A. saccharum. / The current global climate warming is pushing temperate tree species to migrate northwards. To understand how certain species will undergo this migration, we can look at marginal populations. The paleoecological studies of such populations, located beyond the species’ core distribution range, can inform us of the conditions needed for a successful migration. This research thesis analyses a sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) stand located at the northern boundary of the species’ limit, in Québec’s mixed-temperate forest. The objective of this research is to identify when and under which ecological conditions did A. saccharum establish itself as the stand’s dominant species. To that end, this study analyses the fossil record found in a neighbouring lake’s organic sediments. A machine learning-powered model is trained using pollen images to classify the lacustrine sediment’s pollen record. The first of its kind, our proposed method employs an accelerated fossil pollen extraction protocol and convolutional neural networks and can classify the species most commonly found in Northeastern American Quaternary fossil records. Although not yet capable of accurately classifying a complete fossil pollen sequence, our model serves as a proof of concept towards automation in paleo-palynology. Using results generated by our model combined with the analysis of the fossil charcoal record, the past 10,000 years of vegetation and fire history is reconstructed. The regional establishment of A. saccharum is conservatively dated at 4,800 cal. BP, during a period of climate cooling and frequent, although non-severe, forest fires. Its local presence can only be attested to since 1,200 cal. BP. This thesis’ results highlight both the potential of automated paleo-palynology and the complexity of A. saccharum’s ecological requirements.

The ethnobotany and phenology of plants in and adjacent to two riparian habitats in southeastern Arizona.

Adams, Karen Rogers. January 1988 (has links)
Two riparian habitats in southeastern Arizona provide the setting for a study of 127 plants useful to human foragers. A view of plant part availability is based on annual phenological profiles, and on historic and prehistoric records of plant use. Food choice is limited in March and April, but high August through November. Riparian plants also offer numerous non-food resources. Trees and shrubs serve more needs in relation to number of available species than do perennial herbs (including grasses) and annuals. Southwestern ethnographic literature hints that certain native taxa (Panicum, Physalis, Populus, Salix, Typha and Vitis) might receive special care. Inherent qualities of parts, coupled with ethnographic records of preparation and use, provide a basis for speculation on which parts might survive in an ancient record. Most are expected to disintegrate in open sites. Parts sought for different needs can enter a dwelling via diverse routes that produce confusingly similar archaeological debris. Modern experiments to wash pollen from 14 separate harvests permit evaluation of plant fruit and leaves as pollen traps, to help interpret pollen recovered from ancient dwellings. High amounts of Berberis, Rumex and Ribes pollen, sometimes in clumps or as tetrads, travel on harvested fruit. Arctostaphylos, Monarda, Oxalis, Rhus, Rhamnus, Vitis and Juniperus parts carry lower amounts. Quercus and Gramineae pollen grains travel on parts of other taxa, as well as on their own fruit. The phenological profiles offer insight into group life-form activities in response to local temperature and precipitation trends. Rising and maximum temperatures coincide with intense vegetative and reproductive activity for trees, shrubs, herbaceous perennials, and annuals. Increased levels of precipitation coincide with maximum flowering and fruiting of herbaceous perennials and fall annuals. Limited data on six taxa from Utah generally agrees with observations in this study, suggesting strong genetic control in the phenology of some riparian taxa.

Postglacial vegetation history of mountainous landscapes on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

Mazzucchi, David 03 May 2010 (has links)
Five lake and one soil sediment record from six mountainous sites on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, were examined for changes in pollen, macrofossils, charcoal, and mineral clasts to reconstruct late Quaternary history of vegetation, fire and climate. The results provide insights into the history and dynamics of the Mountain Hemlock biogeoclimatic zone and highlight the role of several species and species groups not previously recognized. During the early Holocene, Alnus crispa expanded throughout the region following deglaciation, playing a more important role in these ecosystems than today. Abies lasiocarpa was the dominant Abies species at these sites during the late glacial and early Holocene until it was replaced by A. amabilis between about 10,500 and 7300 calBP, perhaps due to changes in regional atmospheric circulation and greater seasonal variability in insolation than we experience today. A. amabilis increased during the mid Holocene and was later replaced at the sites by increased abundance of T. mertensiana while T. heterophylla became much more abundant at nearby low elevations. Ericaceous-heath communities were established soon after deglaciation at the moister sites but not until about 7000 calBP at drier sites. These drier sites show more variation in vegetation throughout their records than the wetter sites. High charcoal and clast concentrations coincident with rapid vegetation shifts during the early Holocene suggest that these changes were probably the result of large stand-clearing fires that exposed mineral soils. A peak in charcoal at several of the sites occurs at ca. 4000 calBP suggesting more frequent fire at that time. During the late glacial and very early Holocene, P. contorta was an important seral species until A. crispa became well established. In the mid to late Holocene when Ericaceous-heath became established, A. crispa was unable to predominate, possibly because of reduced fire activity or because the heath communities hindered the exposure of fresh mineral soil surfaces. As a consequence, conifer-dominated stands were favoured. Basal sediments from these sites are not as old as they are at lower elevations, suggesting that deglaciation may have happened later at higher elevations.

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