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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation de la végétation holocène du Nord-Ouest de la France : reconstruction de la chronologie et de l’évolution du couvert végétal du Bassin parisien et du Massif armoricain / Holocene vegetation cover of the North-Western France : reconstrution of the chronology and evolution of the vegetation cover from the Paris Basin and the Armorican Massif

David, Rémi 04 April 2014 (has links)
Comprendre la complexité des relations entre nature et sociétés a toujours constitué un défi pour les recherches dans le domaine de l'environnement. A l'ère de la compilation de données dans de nombreuses disciplines, la modélisation constitue l'une des options les plus attractives pour comprendre et traduire les évolutions du milieu naturel. Les objectifs principaux de ce travail de recherche sont 1) de restituer la structure du couvert végétal régional et d'en retracer les évolutions au cours de l'Holocène au sein de deux régions du nord-ouest de la France, le Bassin parisien et le Massif armoricain, et 2) de les interpréter en termes de relations entre les sociétés pré- et protohistoriques et leur milieu naturel. Pour cela, nous avons mis en place une démarche méthodologique visant à 1) redéfinir le cadre chronologique des séquences polliniques rassemblées pour les deux régions, 2) tester, adapter puis appliquer un modèle de reconstitution quantitative du couvert végétal, 3) définir une histoire de la végétation estimée relative à chaque aire géographique modélisée, 4) comparer ces histoires régionales et 5) les confronter aux informations disponibles en matière de densités de sites archéologiques et de proximité de ces sites aux points de sondages polliniques. Des cadres structurant l'évolution du couvert végétal pour chacune des deux régions étudiées ressortent les grandes étapes de la mise en place des paysages au cours de l'Holocène. Des spécificités régionales ont cependant pu être identifiées, tant en matière de chronologie de l'évolution de la végétation estimée qu'en matière de proportions relatives des taxons présents. Une certaine singularité doit donc être reconnue à l'évolution des paysages holocènes de chacune de ces deux parties du nord-ouest de la France. On remarque notamment des dynamiques et des niveaux d'anthropisation tout à fait distincts entre Bassin parisien et Massif armoricain de la fin du Mésolithique à celle du Néolithique. A l'inverse, on retrouve de part et d'autre une certaine similarité entre les proportions estimées des taxons marqueurs d'anthropisation entre la fin du Néolithique et celle de l'âge du Bronze. Des liens évidents entre les variations de l'impact anthropique enregistré et celles de la densité des occupations reconnues ont par ailleurs pu être observés. / Understanding the complex relationship between nature and societies has always been a challenge for environmental sciences. With the growing impact of databases in many disciplines, the modelling appears as one of the most attractive methods for understanding and describing environmental changes. The main objectives of this research work are 1) to reconstruct the structure of the regional vegetation cover and to determine its trends during the Holocene in two regions of north-western France, the Paris Basin and the Armorican Massif, and 2) to interpret them in terms of relationships between the pre- and proto-historic societies and their environment. Thus, we set up a methodological approach aimed at 1) redefining the chronological framework of pollen sequences collected for both regions, 2) testing, adapting and then applying a model in order to produce quantitative estimates of vegetation cover, 3) defining a history of the estimated vegetation for each area modelled, 4) comparing these regional results and 5) confronting them to the available informations in terms of densities of archaeological sites and proximity of these sites to the pollen samples locations. From the general framework structuring the vegetation cover changes for both study areas stand out the major steps of the development of natural landscapes during the Holocene. Nevertheless, regional distinctive features were identified; both in terms of chronology of the vegetation cover changes, than in terms of relative proportions of taxa in the vegetation estimates. Some singularity must be recognized in the Holocene landscape evolution for each of these two parts of north-western France. We noticed distinct rates and rhythms, concerning the anthropogenic impact on the Paris Basin and the Armorican Massif estimated vegetation covers, from the late Mesolithic to the late Neolithic. On the other hand, we found similarities between both areas concerning the estimated proportions for anthropogenic markers taxa between the late Neolithic and the late Bronze Age. Clear links between changes observed in human impact on the vegetation cover estimates and those recorded in the density of archaeological sites were also noticed.

Végétation et climat de la Patagonie chilienne au cours des derniers 20 000 ans d’après les données polliniques marines / Vegetation and climate of chilean Patagonia during the last 20, 000 years from marine pollen data

Montade, Vincent 12 December 2011 (has links)
Dans le contexte du réchauffement climatique, les enregistrements paléoclimatiques à différentes échelles temporelles et spatiales apparaissent essentiels pour comprendre les mécanismes du climat. La Patagonie Chilienne (41°S à 56°S) parcourue du Nord au Sud par les Andes représente une contrainte topographique majeure sur les circulations atmosphériques et océaniques. Cette région est la seule qui intercepte la totalité de la ceinture des vents d'ouest austraux et constitue donc une zone clé pour étudier les changements paléoenvironnementaux et comprendre les mécanismes océan-atmosphère et leurs interactions aux moyennes et hautes latitudes de l'hémisphère sud. Dans ce contexte, les objectifs de cette thèse sont : (1) de tester l’analyse pollinique dans les sédiments marins de cette région, (2) d’étudier les modifications des paléoenvironnements continentaux au cours des 20 000 dernières années à partir de deux carottes océaniques de la campagne "PACHIDERME" (MD07-3088 et MD07-3104) et (3) de déterminer leurs liens avec l’activité des vents d’ouest et avec l’influence de ces vents dans l’hémisphère sud et donc sur le climat à l’échelle globale. Les analyses polliniques dans les sédiments marins de surface à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur des fjords de la Patagonie reflètent fidèlement la végétation actuelle développée sur le continent le plus proche, ce qui prouve la validité de la palynologie marine dans cette région. Au niveau de la péninsule de Taitao (46°S), l’expansion des forêts nord patagoniennes après 17.6 ka marque le début de la déglaciation. Cette dernière est interrompue par un évènement froid et humide, l’Antarctic Cold Reversal (ACR) qui s’exprime ici par le développement des tourbières de Magellan et est lié à l’intensification des vents d’ouest. Le développement de taxons héliophiles à ~11 ka illustre le début de l’Holocène sous des conditions plus chaudes et plus sèches qui sont également enregistrées autour du Fjord de Reloncavi (41°S). Ces conditions persistent jusqu’à ~8-7 ka, puis les changements de végétation aux cours de l’Holocène montrent une variabilité climatique plus importante évoluant vers un climat plus froid et plus humide qui se renforce au nord de la Patagonie après ~6-5 ka puis pendant l’Holocène supérieur. La comparaison de nos résultats avec les données paléoclimatiques de la région souligne les déplacements de la ceinture des vents d’ouest. Après une descente rapide vers le sud au début de la déglaciation, cette ceinture des vents d’ouest remonte vers le nord pendant l’ACR avant de redescendre à nouveau vers le sud à l’Holocène proche de sa position actuelle. Ce phénomène appuie l’hypothèse d’un lien entre les variations du CO2 atmosphérique et la ceinture des vents d’ouest jusqu’au début de l’Holocène. A partir de l’Holocène moyen et supérieur, la ceinture des vents d’ouest s’élargit avec un léger retour vers le nord probablement lié à la mise en place d’El Niño au niveau de l’océan Pacifique tropical. / In the context of global warming, paleoclimate records at different time and spatial scales appear critical to understand climate mechanisms. Chilean Patagonia (41°S to 56°S), crossed by the Andes from north to south, represents a major topographic constraint on ocean and atmospheric circulation. It is the only region that intercepts the entire southern westerly wind belt. Thus it represents a key-area for the study of paleoenvironmental changes in the southern hemisphere and the understanding of ocean-atmosphere mechanisms and their interactions from the mid- to high-latitudes of the southern hemisphere. In this context, the purposes are: (1) to test the pollen analysis on marine surface sediments in this region, (2) to study the continental changes of paleoenvironments during the last 20,000 years from two oceanic cores of the "PACHIDERME" campaign (MD07-3088 and MD07-3104) and (3) to evaluate their links with southern westerly wind belt activity and with the influence of these winds on the southern hemisphere and with the climate at a global scale. The pollen analyses of marine surface sediments in fjords or offshore from Chilean Patagonia reflect the present-day vegetation from the nearby continental area. At the Peninsula of Taitao (46°S), the North Patagonian forest expansion after 17.6 kyr shows the beginning of the deglaciation. This last (period) is interrupted by a wet and cool event, the Antarctic Cold Reversal (ACR), that was expressed here by development of the Magellanic moorland linked to the southern westerly wind intensification. The expansion of heliophytic taxa at ~11 kyr illustrates the beginning of the Holocene under warmer and drier conditions that are also recorded around the fjord of Reloncavi (41°S). These conditions persisted until ~8-7 kyr, and then the vegetation changes during the Holocene show a larger climate variability toward a cooler and wetter climate that enhances in northern Patagonia later ~6-5 kyr during the Late Holocene. Our results compared with the regional paleoclimatic data highlight the shifts of the southern westerly wind belt. After a rapid southward shift at the beginning of the deglaciation, the southern westerly wind belt returns northward during the ACR before reaching southern latitudes near to their present-day position. This scheme strengthens the inference of the link between atmospheric CO2 variability and the southern westerly wind belt up to the Early Holocene. From the mid and late Holocene, the southern westerly wind belt was displaced northward with a slight return probably linked to the beginning of El Niño recorded in tropical Pacific Ocean.

Reconstitution of Atlantic Rainforest vegetation dynamics since the Late Pleistocene at southeastern (Espirito Santo state coast and Minas Gerais eastern) and northeastern (Bahia southern) Brazil / Reconstituição da dinâmica da vegetação de Mata Atlântica desde o Pleistoceno tardio nas regiões sudeste (costa norte do estado do Espírito Santo e leste de Minas Gerais) e nordeste (sul da Bahia) do Brasil

Francisquini, Mariah Izar 06 October 2017 (has links)
This research is associated to the FAPESP 2011/0095-7 thematic project, \"Interdisciplinary palaeoenviromental studies at Espirito Santo coast\" and to the FAPESP Research Program about Climate Global Change (PFPMCG-FAPESP). The objectives were: (1) to characterize the late Pleistocene connection between Atlantic and Amazon rainforest and possible routes of interaction (coast, continent or both); (2) to identify environmental characteristics that indicates the Northeastern Espírito Santo and Southern Bahia as a stable forest since the late Pleistocene; (3) reconstitute the vegetation dynamics and infer climate fluctuations. Three sedimentary cores were collected: at northern Espirito Santo (ES) state, southern Bahia (BA) and eastern Minas Gerais (MG). Carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses and bioindicators in sediments/ soils, chronologically determined by radiocarbon dating, contributed to the local palaeoenvironmental reconstitution. At ES, from ~33,460 to ~13,740 cal yr BP the vegetation was composed of arboreal/ shrub cold adapted species and the organic matter recorded the dominance of C3 plants (?13C ~-28?), suggesting a cold and humid forest domain. From ~13,740 to ~9500 cal yr BP vegetation changes, with the increase of grasses and decrease of arboreal types. Between ~9500 and to ~4000 cal yr BP herbs were abundant with a probable mixture of C3 and C4 plants (?13C ~-24?) and algae, suggesting a higher seasonality between humid and dry season. From ~7300 cal yr BP until present the peat layer initiates its deposition, and the pollen records represents the current vegetation. At BA, radiocarbon dating in high-resolution, C and N isotopes and palynology each ~150 years from ~6400 to ~3400 cal yr BP showed detailed vegetational dynamics. From ~6400 to ~5620 cal yr BP the pollen record indicates abundance of trees and shrubs (up to 96%). From ~5620 to ~4850 cal yr BP occurred a slightly increase of herbs (28%) but the ?13C of ~-28% indicate C3 plants domain. From 4850 to ~3400 cal yr BP trees and shrubs abundance increases up to 94%, indicating the forest domain. The results confirm the forest stability and high local humidity, allowing to recognize the area as a probable refugee since 6500 cal yr BP. Vegetation, climate and the landscape has changed at MG since ~10,000 cal yr BP. From 10,600 to ~9500 cal yr BP, pollen was not preserved, C/N values (2 to 11) reveal the algal contribution, the ?13C (~-20?) indicate the mixture of C3 and C4 plants and radiocarbon date inversions indicate that the material was reworked. From 9,500 to 7,500 cal yr BP the vegetation was predominantly herbaceous with mixture of C3 and C4 plant sources (?13C ~-17?). From 7,500 to 7,000 cal yr BP C3 plants (?13C ~-30?) as trees/shrubs domains the polen record. From ~7,000 to ~6500 cal yr BP the pollen records the herbaceous abundance, dominated by C4 plants (?13C ~-12 to 18?). Peat deposition starts at ~6500 cal yr BP composed by C3 plants, mainly dominated by trees. Pollen records since at least early Holocene and the floristics of current vegetation did not show any disjunct specie with Amazon / Este projeto está associado ao temático FAPESP 2011/00995-7, \"Estudos paleoambientais interdisciplinares na costa do Espírito Santo\", e ao Programa FAPESP de Pesquisas sobre Mudanças Climáticas Globais (PFPMCG-FAPESP). Os objetivos foram: (1) caracterizar a conexão da Mata Atlântica e Floresta Amazônica e possíveis rotas de interação (litorânea, continental ou ambas); (2) identificar padrões que caracterizem a região da costa norte do Espírito Santo e sul da Bahia como refúgios florestais; (3) reconstituir a dinâmica da vegetação e inferir flutuações climáticas desde o Pleistoceno tardio. Três testemunhos sedimentares foram coletados: ao norte do Espírito Santo (ES), ao sul da Bahia (BA) e ao leste de Minas Gerais (MG). Análises isotópicas de carbono e nitrogênio e bioindicadores em sedimento/solos, cronologicamente determinados por datação 14C, contribuíram para a reconstituição paleoambiental nestas regiões. No ES, de ~33.460 a ~13.740 anos cal AP, a vegetação era composta por espécies de árvores/arbustos típicas de regiões frias com o domínio de plantas C3 (?13C ~-28?), sugerindo a presença de uma floresta fria e úmida. De ~13.740 a ~9500 anos cal AP ocorreu o aumento das herbáceas e diminuição dos tipos arbóreos. Entre ~9500 e ~4000 anos cal AP, as herbáceas tornaram-se abundantes com mistura de plantas C3 e C4 (?13C~-24?) e algas, sugerindo maior sazonalidade entre as estações seca e úmida. De ~7300 anos cal AP até o presente, iniciou-se a deposição da turfa e pólen da vegetação atual. Na BA, a alta resolução de datação C-14, isótopos de C e N e palinologia a cada ~150 anos entre ~6400 e ~3400 anos cal AP revelaram a dinâmica da vegetação. Entre 6400 e 5620 anos cal AP arbóreas/arbustivas (96%) são abundantes. De ~5620 até ~4850 anos cal AP ocorreu um pequeno aumento de herbáceas (28%), e os valores de ?13C ~-28% indicam o domínio de plantas C3. De 4850 a ~3400 anos cal AP, a abundância de arbóreas/arbustivas (94%), indica domínio florestal. Os resultados confirmam a estabilidade florestal e a umidade local, permitindo reconhecer esta área como um possível refúgio florestal desde pelo menos 6500 anos cal AP. Em MG, desde ~10.000 anos cal AP ao presente, a vegetação, o clima e a paisagem modificaram consideravelmente. De 10.600 a ~9500 anos cal AP não houve preservação de pólen, os valores de C/N (~2 e 11) revelam a contribuição algal, o ?13C (~-20?) indica mistura de plantas C3 e C4 e inversões nas datações indicam o retrabalhamento do material. De 9500 a 7500 anos cal AP a vegetação era predominantemente herbácea, com mistura de C3 e C4 (?13C ~-17?). De 7500 a 700 anos cal AP, plantas C3 (?13C ~-30?) arbustivo-arbóreas dominam o registro polínico. De ~7000 a 6500 anos cal AP as herbáceasC4 (?13C ~-12?) são abundantes. A deposição de turfa iniciou em ~6500 anos cal AP, composta por plantas C3 arbóreas. Registros palinológicos desde o Holoceno inferior e a avaliação florística atual não revelaram a presença de espécies de distribuição disjunta com a Amazônia

Reconstrução paleoambiental (vegetação e clima) no Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso - SP durante o Quaternário tardio / Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction in the parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso, São Paulo State during the late Quaternary

Vidotto, Elaine 30 June 2008 (has links)
Este estudo foi desenvolvido no Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso (PEIC) e no Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho (PECB), na região sudeste do Brasil. A área é caracterizada pela presença de vegetação nativa de Floresta Atlântica de Encosta e no caso do PEIC, também por Restinga e vegetação de manguezal. Foram coletadas amostras de solos a partir de trincheiras ou tradagens, e amostras em dois mangues, Sítio Grande e do rio Jacariu. Análises isotópicas (12C, 13C, 14C, 14N, 15N) e biológicas (palinologia, diatomologia) foram utilizadas nesse estudo para entender a história da paleovegetação da região durante do Pleistoceno tardio e o Holoceno, assim como suas relações com as mudanças climáticas. Os dados isotópicos (\'delta\'13C, 14C) da matéria orgânica dos solos (MOS) em dois pontos do PEIC mostraram valores de \'delta\'13C característicos de plantas C3 (aproximadamente -27,0%o), indicando a presença de vegetação de floresta nos últimos 10.800 anos AP. Em três pontos (CB1, CB2 e TURVI) do PECB os dados isotópicos (\'delta\'13C) da MOS indicaram a presença de plantas C3 em todo o perfil analisado. Nos pontos TOR e FAZ os valores de \'delta\'13C foram mais enriquecidos (entre -20,9%o e -23,5%o) nas camadas mais profundas, indicando a presença de uma vegetação menos densa que a atual, com uma provável presença de plantas C3 e C4, no período de aproximadamente 25.000 a 15.000 anos AP, sugerindo a presença de um clima mais seco. De aproximadamente 15.000 anos AP até o presente um empobrecimento isotópico (até -28,0%o) foi observado indicando a expansão da floresta, provavelmente associada à presença de um clima mais úmido que o período anterior. No mangue Sítio Grande os valores de \'delta\'13C foram mais empobrecidos (até -28,0%o) entre aproximadamente 40.000 e 19.000 anos AP. Os valores mais empobrecidos de \'delta\'13C associados com altos teores de carbono (até 40%) e da razão C/N (até 130) indicaram a presença de uma floresta na atual área do mangue e o abaixamento do nível relativo do mar. A presença de pólen de Ilex, Alchornea, Weinmannia, Rapanea, Symplocos, Drimys e Podocarpus sugerem a presença de uma floresta característica de clima mais frio e úmido que o atual entre 40.000 e 19.000 anos AP. Entre 19.000 e 2.200 anos AP observou-se um hiato sedimentar (provavelmente erosivo), atribuído a prováveis atividades neotectônicas ocorridas na região. Os valores mais enriquecidos de \'delta\'13C (aproximadamente -26,0%o e -24,0%o) associados com menores valores de COT (entre 0,3% e 6,0%) e razão C/N (entre 2 e 27), juntamente com a presença de diatomáceas marinhas, indicaram a presença do mangue e o retorno da linha de costa na posição atual na região desde pelo menos 2.200 anos AP. No mangue do rio Jacariu os resultados de \'delta\'13C apresentaram valores entre -24,0%o e -26,0%o. Os valores de COT e da razão C/N associados com os valores de \'delta\'13C indicaram uma mistura de plantas C3 e fitoplâncton na composição da matéria orgânica. As diatomáceas encontradas foram características de ambiente estuarino-lagunar e estiveram presentes aproximadamente nos últimos 1.500 anos AP / This study was developed in the Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso (PEIC) and Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho (PECB), in the southeastern region of Brazil. The area is characterized by the presence of native vegetation of Atlantic Forest and in the case of PEIC, also for Restinga and mangrove vegetation. Soil samples were collected from trenches and by drilling. Were collected two cores in the Sítio Grande and Jacariu mangroves. Isotope (12C, 13C, 14C, 14N, 15N) and biological (pollen and diatoms analysis) tools were used in the study to understand the paleovegetation history of the region during the late Pleistocene and Holocene and its relation to climatic changes. The soil isotope data (\'delta\'13C) of soil organic matter (SOM) at two locations in the PEIC area showed values characteristics of C3 plants (approximately -27,0%o), indicating the presence of forest vegetation during the last 10.800 years BP. In three locations (CB1, CB2 and TURVI) in the PECB area the isotope data (\'delta\'13C) of SOM indicated the presence of C3 plants in the whole profile. In the locations TOR and FAZ the values were more enriched (from -20,9%o e -23,5%o) in the deeper horizons, indicating the presence of a less dense vegetation than the present, with a probable mixture of \'delta\'13C, 14C plants, in the period of approximately 25.000 to 15.000 years BP, suggesting the presence of a drier climate. From 15.000 years BP to the present, a isotopic depletion (até -28,0%o) was observed and associated with the expansion of the forest, probably associated to the presence of a more humid climate than the previous period. In the Sítio Grande mangrove the \'delta\'13C values were more depleted (approximately -28,0%o) from 40.000 to 19.000 years BP. The higher values of total organic carbon (40%) and C/N ratios (130), associated with more depleted \'delta\'13C values observed during this period indicated the predominance of C3 land plants in the location at present occupied by the mangrove and the decrease of the relative sea level. The presence of pollen of Ilex, Alchornea, Weinmannia, Rapanea, Symplocos, Drimys and Podocarpus during the period of 40.000 to 19.000 years BP suggest the presence of a colder and humid climate than today. From 19.000 to 2.200 years BP a sedimentary hiatus (probably erosive) was observed, attributed to a neotectonic activity in the studied area. The presence of mangrove since at least 2.200 years BP in its present position and the return of the marine cost line is associated with the values of COT (from 0,3% to 6%) and C/N ratio (from 2 to 27), more enriched \'delta\'13C values (from approximately -26,0%o e -24,0%o) and the presence of marine diatoms. In the Jacariu mangrove the \'delta\'13C results associated with the smallest values of total organic and C/N ratios, probably indicated a mixture of marine phytoplankton and C3 land plants in the composition of the organic matter. The marine diatoms were present approximately in the last 1.500 years BP and they are characteristics the estuarine site

DNA Barcoding på Växter : Hur kan man använda genetisk barcoding i olika biologiska fält och i den gymnasiala undervisningen? / DNA Barcoding on Plants : How to conduct DNA barcoding in different biological fields and in high school settings

Ibrahimovic, Ida January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med litteraturstudien är att sammanfatta vilken gensekvens som används vid genetisk barcoding av växter och hur väl metoden i fråga tillämpas i tre biologiska yrkesområden: dietanalyser i ekologin, analys av pollensporer i forensisk biologi samt analys av uråldrigt DNA (ancient DNA) i paleontologin. Vidare var det även av intresse att se hur genetisk barcoding kan användas i den gymnasiala undervisningen och hur väl den passar in med de svenska styrdokumenten för skolan. Hur elever har gynnats av den valda metoden samt vilka begränsningar som har uppstått har också berörts. Litteraturstudien baseras på vetenskapliga artiklar som har sökts fram med de nedan listade nyckelorden. Resultaten visar att en kombination av gensekvenser, däribland rbcL, matK, trnH-psbA och ITS, fungerar bäst vid identifiering av växter. I dagsläget är genetisk barcoding fortfarande i utvecklingsfasen, där metoden begränsas av antalet referenssekvenser i databaserna, vilket gör det svårt att utesluta morfologiska identifieringsmetoder i de tre yrkesområdena. Vid användning av barcoding i den gymnasiala undervisningen visar det sig att det stämmer väl överens med de svenska styrdokumenten och ökar elevers intresse för de naturvetenskapliga ämnena, då de kan bidra med värdefull forskning genom tillägg av referenssekvenser i databaserna. De största begränsningarna är att det blir ett stort arbetslass för läraren, att läraren i fråga måste vara bekväm med de olika laboratiska momenten och att skolan ska ha tillgång till nödvändig apparatur. / The purpose of the literature study is to conclude which gene sequences are being used in DNA barcoding on plants and how the method in question is being used in three different biological occupations: diet analysis in ecology, analysis of pollen in forensics and analysis of ancient DNA (aDNA) in paleontology. Further it was also of interest to study how DNA barcoding can be used in high school settings and how the method correlates with the Swedish curriculum. How pupils have benefited from the chosen method and what limitations have arisen have also been touched upon. This literature study is based on scientific articles that have been sought with the keywords listed below. The results show that a combination of gene sequences, including rbcL, matK, trnH-psbA and ITS, works best in plant identification. At present, genetic barcoding is still in the developmental phase, where the method is limited by the number of reference sequences in the databases, which makes it difficult to exclude morphological-based methods in the three occupational fields. When using barcoding in upper secondary education it turns out that it’s in good agreement with the Swedish curriculum and increases the students' interest in the scientific subjects, since they can contribute with genuine research when adding reference sequences in the databases. The main limitations are the workload for the teacher, the teacher in question must be comfortable with the different laboratory steps and that the school must have access to necessary equipment.

Advancing the application of analytical techniques in the biological chemistry of sporopollenin : towards novel plant physiological tracers in Quaternary palynology

Bell, Benjamin January 2018 (has links)
Palynology, the study of organic microfossils, is an important tool for improving our understanding of past environments and landscapes. Palynology provides a wealth of information from which climatic and environmental conditions can be inferred. However, inferred climatic and environmental conditions are often open to interpretation. Assumptions made about past climate conditions from pollen assemblages often rely on qualitative understanding of modern-day vegetation distributions, rather than empirical relationships. Historic anthropogenic impact on the environment must also be inferred, and assessments made as to whether vegetation changes are a result of climate change or human impact. This study seeks to address some of the questions that arise through the interpretation of pollen assemblages, by establishing empirical relationships between the geochemistry of modern pollen and climate or environmental controls. It focuses on the pollen of the climatically sensitive montane conifer Cedrus atlantica, which is distributed across the mountains of Morocco and Algeria. The study investigates aspects of modern pollen geochemistry and morphology and finds a strong relationship between the stable carbon isotope composition of modern pollen and mean annual precipitation (r2 = 0.54, p <0.001) and summer precipitation (r2 = 0.63, p <0.0001). Furthermore, a stronger relationship exists with aridity measured using the self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index (r2 = 0.86, p <0.0001), suggesting that the stable carbon isotope composition of Cedrus atlantica pollen is influenced by environmental moisture availability. The study also finds there is an increased abundance of ultraviolet absorbing compounds (UACs) in modern Cedrus atlantica pollen with increasing summer UV-B flux. This relationship was evident with samples growing in their native range (r2 = 0.84, p <0.0001), but not with samples from outside this range (r2 = 0.00, p = 0.99), suggesting a possible genetic influence. Lastly, the study finds that grain size of Cedrus atlantica pollen is highly variable within and between samples, and we rule out climatic control on pollen grain size. These results suggest that quantitative relationships can be established between the geochemistry of Cedrus atlantica pollen and environmental and climatic influences. Stable carbon isotope analysis of fossil pollen could be used as a proxy for reconstruction of summer moisture availability, while analysis of UACs in fossil pollen could be used as a proxy for the reconstruction of summer UV-B flux. These proxies will enhance our understanding of climatic and environmental change in Northwest Africa and will complement existing palynological techniques for environmental and climate reconstruction. Palynology, the study of organic microfossils, is an important tool for improving our understanding of past environments and landscapes. Palynology provides a wealth of information from which climatic and environmental conditions can be inferred. However, inferred climatic and environmental conditions are often open to interpretation. Assumptions made about past climate conditions from pollen assemblages often rely on qualitative understanding of modern-day vegetation distributions, rather than empirical relationships. Historic anthropogenic impact on the environment must also be inferred, and assessments made as to whether vegetation changes are a result of climate change or human impact. This study seeks to address some of the questions that arise through the interpretation of pollen assemblages, by establishing empirical relationships between the geochemistry of modern pollen and climate or environmental controls. It focuses on the pollen of the climatically sensitive montane conifer Cedrus atlantica, which is distributed across the mountains of Morocco and Algeria. The study investigates aspects of modern pollen geochemistry and morphology and finds a strong relationship between the stable carbon isotope composition of modern pollen and mean annual precipitation (r2 = 0.54, p <0.001) and summer precipitation (r2 = 0.63, p <0.0001). Furthermore, a stronger relationship exists with aridity measured using the self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index (r2 = 0.86, p <0.0001), suggesting that the stable carbon isotope composition of Cedrus atlantica pollen is influenced by environmental moisture availability. The study also finds there is an increased abundance of ultraviolet absorbing compounds (UACs) in modern Cedrus atlantica pollen with increasing summer UV-B flux. This relationship was evident with samples growing in their native range (r2 = 0.84, p <0.0001), but not with samples from outside this range (r2 = 0.00, p = 0.99), suggesting a possible genetic influence. Lastly, the study finds that grain size of Cedrus atlantica pollen is highly variable within and between samples, and we rule out climatic control on pollen grain size. These results suggest that quantitative relationships can be established between the geochemistry of Cedrus atlantica pollen and environmental and climatic influences. Stable carbon isotope analysis of fossil pollen could be used as a proxy for reconstruction of summer moisture availability, while analysis of UACs in fossil pollen could be used as a proxy for the reconstruction of summer UV-B flux. These proxies will enhance our understanding of climatic and environmental change in Northwest Africa and will complement existing palynological techniques for environmental and climate reconstruction.

Vegetationsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen in der westlichen Prignitz, dem östlichen Hannoverschen Wendland und der nördlichen Altmark / Studies on the vegetation history in the western Prignitz, eastern Hannoverschen Wendland and northern Altmark

Christiansen, Jörg 30 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Late Quaternary landscape dynamics in the Podocarpus National Park region in the southeastern Andes of Ecuador / Spätquartäre Landschaftsdynamik in der Region des Podocarpus National Parks in den südlichen Ostanden Ecuadors

Brunschön, Corinna 09 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Late Quaternary Vegetation History And Climate Change In The Gobi Desert, South Mongolia / Spätquartäre Vegetationsgeschichte und Klimaveränderungen in der Wüste Gobi, südliche Mongolei

Murad, Waheed 28 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Late quaternary palaeoenvironments of the Mfabeni Peatland, Northern KwaZulu-Natal.

Finch, Jemma M. January 2005 (has links)
To assist in developing a more precise understanding of past climatic changes in southern Africa, further pollen analytical research is required. In the past, pollen sites in the subregion have been restricted to swampy areas such as permanent springs and peat deposits. While such sites are often rare as a consequence of the aridity of the country, rich polliniferous deposits can be found in the peatlands surrounding coastal lakes in the Maputaland Coastal Plain. The Mfabeni peatland, situated on the eastern shores of St. Lucia, contains relatively old sediments dating back to >45000 years bp at a depth of 7.80m. A multi-proxy approach, comprising radiocarbon, stable carbon isotope (513C) and palynological analysis, was applied in the investigation of Late Quaternary climatic conditions and vegetation changes along the Maputaland Coastal Plain. A single 10 m sediment core, dating back to >45000 years bp, was extracted from the Mfabeni Peatland. A detailed fossil pollen analysis of Mfabeni sediments indicated the existence of extensive Podocarpus-abundant coastal forests before ca. 44500 years bp. The onset of wetter local conditions after this time is inferred from forest retreat and the development of swampy conditions, which prevailed until ca. 25000 Cal years BP. Conditions during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; 18000 years BP) are inferred to have been generally colder and drier, as evidenced by forest retreat and replacement of swampy reed/sedge communities by dry grassland. A significant depletion in 813C values at ca. 18200 Cal years BP indicates the dominance of C3 vegetation during the LGM, reflecting considerably colder conditions. This is in agreement with palaeoenvironmental indications from elsewhere in the Transvaalian Ecozone, although conditions at Mfabeni were more moderated in their manifestation, which can be attributed to the proximity of this site to the ocean. Cool, relatively moist conditions are inferred for the Holocene Altithermal (ca. 8000-6000 years BP), as evidenced by forest growth and expansion during this time. Warm, dry conditions are inferred for the Late Holocene, with the establishment of grassland/savanna type vegetation in the area after ca. 2000 Cal years BP. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.

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