Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pancreatic.""
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Studies into sulfur amino acid and bile salt metabolism in pancreatic and liver diseases. Profiles of sulfur amino acids and glutathione in acute pancreatitis; method development for total and oxidized glutathione by liquid chromatography; bile salt profiles in liver disease by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.Srinivasan, Asha R. January 2010 (has links)
Sulfur amino acids have critical function as intracellular redox buffers and maintain
homeostasis in the external milieu by combating oxidative stress. Synthesis of
glutathione (GSH) is regulated at a substrate level by cysteine, which is synthesized by
homocysteine via the transsulfuration pathway. Oxidative stress and diminished
glutathione pools play a sustained role in the pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis.
One of the aims of this study was to experimentally address the temporal relationship
between plasma sulfur amino acid levels in patients suffering from acute pancreatitis.
The data indicated low concentration of cysteine initially, at levels similar to those of
healthy controls. Glutathione was found reduced whilst cysteinyl-glycine and ¿-
glutamyl transpeptidase activity were increased in both mild and severe attacks. As the
disease progressed, glutathione and cysteinyl-glycine were further increased in mild
attacks and cysteine levels correlated with homocysteine and ¿-glutamyl transpeptidase
activity. The progress of severe attacks was associated with glutathione depletion,
reduced ¿-glutamyl transpeptidase activity and increased cysteinyl-glycine, that
correlated with glutathione depletion. The corollary that ample supply of cysteine and
cysteinly-glycine does not contribute towards glutathione synthesis in acute pancreatitis
poses an important issue that merits resolution. Heightened oxidative stress and
depletion of glutathione rationalized the progression of disease in severe attacks.
An upsurge that reactive oxygen species can shift redox state of cells is determined by
the ratio of the abundant redox couples reduced and oxidized glutathione (GSH: GSSG)
in cell. The study reported a novel methodology for quantification of total oxidized
glutathione (tGSSG) and total glutathione (tGSH) in whole blood using reverse phase
high performance liquid chromatography. The novelty of the method is ascertained by
the use of a mercaptan scavenger 1, methyl-2-vinyl-pyridinium trifluromethanesulfonate
for the total oxidized glutathione determination. The results reported permit quantitation
of tGSSG and tGSH and was applied to a control group.
Finally, the study was also focussed in developing a liquid chromatography-mass
spectrometric method to evaluate free and conjugated bile acids in patients suffering
from various degrees of cholestatic-hepatobiliary disorders. The study reported low
levels of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) and slightly high levels of lithocholic acid
(LCA). All the primary bile acids seem to be conjugated with glycine and taurine amino
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Molekulare Mechanismen von PankreaserkrankungenOckenga, Johann 17 July 2003 (has links)
Die Ätiologie von entzündlichen Pankreaserkrankungen, insbesondere bei den idiopathischen Pankreatitiden, ist weitgehend noch nicht verstanden. In der folgenden Arbeit sollen immunologische und molekularbiologische Aspekte zu Pankreaserkrankungen unter Berücksichtigung eigener Untersuchungen dargestellt werden. Zu Beginn unserer Arbeit haben wir untersucht inwieweit immunologische Veränderungen an der Entstehung einer chronischen Pankreatitis beteiligt sind. Wir fanden eine systemische Aktivierung des zellulären Immunsystems, ohne dass sich Unterschiede zwischen idiopathischer und alkoholtoxischer Pankreatitis ergaben. Im folgenden haben wir uns mit dem molekularbiologischen Hintergrund von entzündlichen und malignen Pankreaserkrankungen beschäftigt. Eine genetische Modellerkrankung ist die hereditäre Pankreatitis, deren genetische Ursache 1996 mit der Entdeckung zweier Mutationen im kationischen Trypsinogen entschlüsselt wurde. Mit der Identifizierung einer neuen Mutation im kationischen Trypsinogen und deren funktionellen Charakterisierung konnten wir hier zum weiteren Verständnis dieser Erkrankung beitragen. Weitere Untersuchungen beschäftigten sich mit dem genetischen Hintergrund bei Patienten mit idiopathischer Pankreatitis. Bei etwa 30% dieser Patienten fanden wir ein abnormales Allel im Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) Gen und bei einzelnen Patienten einen Polymorphismus im Serine Proteasen Inhibitor (SPINK1) Gen. Das zunehmende Wissen um genetische Veränderungen und deren Folgen setzt auch eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit ethischen und rechtlichen Fragen voraus. Daher wurden während einer internationalen Konsensus Konferenz Richtlinien zum Umgang mit diesen Fragen erarbeitet. Die Assoziation von UGT1A7*3 Polymorphismus, welches ein Phase II Protein mit niedriger katalytischer Entgiftungsaktivität im Xenobiotika Stoffwechsel kodiert, mit dem Auftreten von Pankreaserkrankungen war Gegenstand weiterer Untersuchungen. Hierzu untersuchten wir Patienten mit alkoholischer chronischer Pankreatitis, Patienten mit einer SPINK1 Mutation und gesunde Kontrollen. Darüberhinaus betrachteten wir ein Kollektiv von Patienten mit einem Pankreaskarzinom. Unsere Ergebnisse belegen einen synergistischen negativen Effekt von exogenen Risikofaktoren (Alkohol, Nikotin) und genetischer Prädisposition. Die Rolle des oxidativen Stresses in der Genese von Pankreaserkrankungen wird damit untermauert. Erste therapeutische Ansätze aus den gewonnenen Erkenntnisses haben wir in einer prospektiven Studie mit einer immunmodulierenden und antioxidativ wirksamen Glutaminsubstitution bei Patienten mit akuter Pankreatitis gezeigt. Die Glutaminsubstitution führte zu einem besseren Krankheitsverlauf. / The etiology of inflammatory and malignat pancreatic disease are poorly understood. This thesis will discuss our results of immunological and genetic investigations in patients with inflammatory and malignat pancreatic diseases. Especially the background of idiopathic pancreatitis will be discussed. We started our investigations with immunological investigations and demonstrated an evidence for a systemic activated cellular immune system in patients with chronic pancreatitis irrespectively of the aetiology of pancreatitis. Further studies deal with the genetic background of pancreatitis. The discovery of the association between a mutation of the cationic trypsinogen gene and the hereditary pancreatitis was a milestone in the modern pancreatology. We contribute to the understanding of this disease by detecting a new mutation (D22G). We were able to functional characterise this mutation. Mutation of the activation peptides (D22G, K23R) are related to an increased release of trypsin in hydrolisation studies in vitro. In addition, our further investigations confirmed and extended the knowledge of the role of mutation in the CFTR gene and the SPINK 1 gene in patients with 'idiopathic' pancreatitis. Cognisant of the ethical and clinical responsibilities guidelines for the genetic testing and managing of patients with genetic diseases of the pancreas were developed. The low detoxification activity UGT1A7*3 polymorphism has been identified as a novel risk factor of pancreatic inflammatory and malignant diseases defining the interaction of genetic predisposition and environmentally induced oxidative injury. Based on this data we conducted a prospective, randomised clinical trial on the supplementation with glutamine in patients with acute pancreatitis shedulded for total parenteral nutrition. The administration of glutamine, which has been shown to have an immune-modulating and antioxidative capacity, was associated with a favourable clinical course of the patiens receiving glutamine.
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Homeodynamic space (HDS) shrinks as vulnerability increases with aging and repeated damage to the cells. HDS is lost in alcoholic pancreatitis patients due to overconsumption of alcohol, smoking, and high fat diets. Etiologically relevant animal models for study of chronic pancreatitis (CP) are needed. In order to begin filling this gap a central purpose of this dissertation research was to examine relationships between the alcohol and high fat diet (AHF) and pancreatitis with attention to hypersensitivity and anxiety-like behaviors. The AHF diet induced pancreatitis described here etiologically mimics human risk factors of AHF consumption for advancement to alcoholic CP.
In this study one group of mice was fed long term with a diet of high fat and alcohol for comparison with a group fed normal chow. Mice consumed a liquid diet containing 6% alcohol and a high fat supplement ad libitum over a period of five months. Each group was evaluated for heat and mechanical hypersensitivity, and histology indicative of CP.
The association of pancreatitis pathology with anxiety has been understudied. Anxiety, like pain, is useful as a transient state but when anxiety is prolonged it is termed a disorder. Anxiety is often comorbid with pain and depression. Therefore, it is important to determine anxiety in mice with CP histology.
This model was characterized for the interaction of pancreatitis histology, as well as persisting pain-, anxiety-, and fear-like behaviors. The AHF diet mice developed hypersensitivity, demonstrated anxiety-like behaviors, and showed concurrent histology consistent with CP. Nontransgenic mouse models where pancreatitis is induced only by a combination of ad libitum liquid food with added alcohol and lard supplementation do not currently exist, nor has an in-depth study of anxiety-like behaviors been conducted in this mouse model. This dissertation research addresses this knowledge gap.
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Алгоритам примене лапароскопске холецистектомије и ендоскопске ретроградне холангиопанкреатографије са папилотомијом у третману умерене форме билијарног панкреатитиса / Algoritam primene laparoskopske holecistektomije i endoskopske retrogradne holangiopankreatografije sa papilotomijom u tretmanu umerene forme bilijarnog pankreatitisa / Algorithm application of laparoscopic cholecystectomy and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with papillotomy in the treatment of moderate biliary pancreatitisGluhović Aleksandar 23 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Акутни панкреатитис је ензиматско инфламаторно оболење панкреаса, са инциденцијом око 17/100000 становника. Најчешћи етиолошки чиниоци који се везују за ово стање су билијарна калкулоза (45%) и конзумација алкохолних пића (35%). Ређи узроци су одређени лекови, хипертриглицеридемија, хиперкалијемија, траума, урођени чиниоци, и идиопатски панкреатитис (20%). По међународној Атланској (Atlanta) класификацији, акутни панкреатитис се може манифестовати у умереној, умерено тешкој и тешкој форми. Умерене форме панкреатитиса се јављају у 80%, карактеришу се едемом органа и имају благ и краткотрајан клинички ток, са стопом морталитета од 1%. Основни циљ лечења болесника са акутним панкреатитисом у прва 24 сата хоспитализације јесте олакшавање тегоба, утврђивање узрока панкреатитиса и процена тежине обољења. Акутни панкреатитис билијарне етиологије узрокован је калкулозом жучне кесе и/ или жучних путева. Препоручени третман билијарне калкулозе, у циљу превенције поновног атака умерене форме билијарног панкреатитиса , подразумева уклањање жучне кесе лапароскопском холецистектомијом са интраоперативном холангиографијом. Уколико се дијагностикује калкулоза жучних канала ради се ендоскопска ретроградна холангиопанкреатографија (ЕРЦП) са ендоскопском папилотомијом (ЕПТ) и уклањем__ калкулуса и детритуса уз жучних водова, са циљем обезбеђивања нормалног протока жучи у дванаестопалачно црево. Циљ овог истраживања је оптимализација редоследа примене ЛХ и ЕРЦП са ЕПТ, идентификацијом предикционих показатеља холедохолитијазе, ради скраћења дужине хоспитализације болесника са умереном формом акутног билијарног панкреатитиса. У спроведеној проспективној анамнестичкој студији, учествовало је 100 болесника лечених од умерене форме акутног билијарног панкреатитиса, у Ургентном центру Клиничког центра Војводине, од 2011. до 2015.године, од којих је код 80 урађена само ЛХ, а код 20 ЛХ и ЕРЦП са ЕПТ. Анализом клиничких, ултразвучних и лабораторијских налаза, идентификовано је 5 статистички значајних предиктора холедохолитијазе; директни и укупни билирубин, алкална фосфатаза (АФ), гама глутирил транспепдидаза (гама ГТ) и це реактивни протеин (ЦРП), на основу којих је омогућено креирање математичког модела за предикцију холедохолитијазе, коришћењем теорије потпорних вектора (СВМ). Установљено је да патолошки налази ових параметара значајно указују на холедохолитијазу, те да је ЛХ препоручена као метода првог избора, код болесника код којих налази предиктора холедохолитијазе нису патолошки. Овако лечени болесници су имали значајно краће време хоспитализације. Поред тога, уколико се интраоперативном холангиографијом (ИОХ) при ЛХ установи холедохолитијаза, ЕРЦП са ЕПТ се може урадити без одлагања.</p> / <p>Akutni pankreatitis je enzimatsko inflamatorno obolenje pankreasa, sa incidencijom oko 17/100000 stanovnika. Najčešći etiološki činioci koji se vezuju za ovo stanje su bilijarna kalkuloza (45%) i konzumacija alkoholnih pića (35%). Ređi uzroci su određeni lekovi, hipertrigliceridemija, hiperkalijemija, trauma, urođeni činioci, i idiopatski pankreatitis (20%). Po međunarodnoj Atlanskoj (Atlanta) klasifikaciji, akutni pankreatitis se može manifestovati u umerenoj, umereno teškoj i teškoj formi. Umerene forme pankreatitisa se javljaju u 80%, karakterišu se edemom organa i imaju blag i kratkotrajan klinički tok, sa stopom mortaliteta od 1%. Osnovni cilj lečenja bolesnika sa akutnim pankreatitisom u prva 24 sata hospitalizacije jeste olakšavanje tegoba, utvrđivanje uzroka pankreatitisa i procena težine oboljenja. Akutni pankreatitis bilijarne etiologije uzrokovan je kalkulozom žučne kese i/ ili žučnih puteva. Preporučeni tretman bilijarne kalkuloze, u cilju prevencije ponovnog ataka umerene forme bilijarnog pankreatitisa , podrazumeva uklanjanje žučne kese laparoskopskom holecistektomijom sa intraoperativnom holangiografijom. Ukoliko se dijagnostikuje kalkuloza žučnih kanala radi se endoskopska retrogradna holangiopankreatografija (ERCP) sa endoskopskom papilotomijom (EPT) i uklanjem__ kalkulusa i detritusa uz žučnih vodova, sa ciljem obezbeđivanja normalnog protoka žuči u dvanaestopalačno crevo. Cilj ovog istraživanja je optimalizacija redosleda primene LH i ERCP sa EPT, identifikacijom predikcionih pokazatelja holedoholitijaze, radi skraćenja dužine hospitalizacije bolesnika sa umerenom formom akutnog bilijarnog pankreatitisa. U sprovedenoj prospektivnoj anamnestičkoj studiji, učestvovalo je 100 bolesnika lečenih od umerene forme akutnog bilijarnog pankreatitisa, u Urgentnom centru Kliničkog centra Vojvodine, od 2011. do 2015.godine, od kojih je kod 80 urađena samo LH, a kod 20 LH i ERCP sa EPT. Analizom kliničkih, ultrazvučnih i laboratorijskih nalaza, identifikovano je 5 statistički značajnih prediktora holedoholitijaze; direktni i ukupni bilirubin, alkalna fosfataza (AF), gama glutiril transpepdidaza (gama GT) i ce reaktivni protein (CRP), na osnovu kojih je omogućeno kreiranje matematičkog modela za predikciju holedoholitijaze, korišćenjem teorije potpornih vektora (SVM). Ustanovljeno je da patološki nalazi ovih parametara značajno ukazuju na holedoholitijazu, te da je LH preporučena kao metoda prvog izbora, kod bolesnika kod kojih nalazi prediktora holedoholitijaze nisu patološki. Ovako lečeni bolesnici su imali značajno kraće vreme hospitalizacije. Pored toga, ukoliko se intraoperativnom holangiografijom (IOH) pri LH ustanovi holedoholitijaza, ERCP sa EPT se može uraditi bez odlaganja.</p> / <p>Acute pancreatitis is an enzymatic inflammatory disease of the pancreas, with an incidence of around 17/100000 inhabitants. The most common etiological factors that are associated with this condition are biliary calculi (45%) and consumption of alcoholic beverages (35%). Less common causes include certain medications, hypertriglyceridemia, hyperkalemia, trauma, congenital factors and idiopathic pancreatitis (20%). According to the Atlanta International classification, acute pancreatitis can be manifested in a moderate, moderately severe and severe forms. Moderate forms of pancreatitis occur in 80%, characterized by pancreatic edema and have mild and short clinical course, with a mortality rate of 1%. The main goal of treatment of patients with acute pancreatitis in the first 24 hours of hospitalization is to facilitate complaints, determining the cause of pancreatitis and assessment of severity of the disease. Acute biliary pancreatitis is caused by calculosis of the gallbladder and / or bile ducts. The recommended treatment of biliary calculi, in order to prevent repeated attacks of moderate biliary pancreatitis, involves the removal of the gallbladder thru laparoscopic cholecystectomy with intraoperative cholangiography. If presence of bile duct calculi is established, an endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) with endoscopic papillotomy (EPT) and removes stones and detritus along the bile ducts is indicated, with the aim of ensuring the normal flow of bile into the duodenum. The aim of this study is the optimization of the order of application LH and ERCP with EPT, the identification of predictable indicators of choledocholithiasis, in order to shorten the length of hospitalization of patients with a moderate form of acute biliary pancreatitis. We conducted prospective case control study, with 100 patients involved, treated for moderate forms of acute biliary pancreatitis in the Emergency Center of the Clinical Center of Vojvodina, from 2011 to 2015, of which 80 made only with LH and 20 with LH at and ERCP with EPT . The analysis of clinical, ultrasound and laboratory findings identified 5 significant predictors of choledocholithiasis; direct and total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase (AF), gamma glutiril transpepdidase (gamma GT) and C reactive protein (CRP), under which enabled the creation of a mathematical model for predicting choledocholithiasis, using the Support vector machines (SVM). It was found that pathological findings of these parameters indicate a significant choledocholithiasis, and LH is recommended as the first choice in patients in whom there are not present pathological predictors of choledocholithiasis. Thus treated patients had a significantly shorter hospital stay. In addition, if the intraoperative cholangiography (IOH) during LH show choledocholithiasis, ERCP with the EPT can be done without delay.</p>
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Identification de biomarqueurs de risque à la pancréatite aigüe récurrente dans l’hyperchylomicronémie familialeDubois-Bouchard, Camélia 12 1900 (has links)
L’hyperchylomicronémie familiale est un trait monogénique caractérisé par un taux de triglycérides plasmatiques à jeun supérieur à 10 mmol/L (la normale étant de 1,7 mmol/L). L’hyperchylomicronémie familiale est le plus souvent causée par une déficience dans le gène LPL (pour lipoprotéine lipase). La déficience en lipoprotéine lipase (LPLD) est aussi associée à un risque élevé de pancréatite. La pancréatite en soi est reconnue comme un trait complexe génétique dont plusieurs gènes sont associés à sa susceptibilité. Étant donné l’expression variable de la pancréatite chez les patients LPLD, les résultats de ce mémoire présentent certains facteurs génétiques pouvant être responsables du risque de l’expression de la pancréatite aigüe récurrente chez les sujets LPLD.
L’analyse par séquençage des régions codantes et promotrices des gènes CTRC (pour « Chymotrypsin C ») et SPINK1 (pour « Serine protease inhibitor Kazal type 1 ») a été effectuée chez 38 patients LPLD et 100 témoins. Ces deux gènes codent pour des protéines impliquées dans le métabolisme des protéases au niveau du pancréas et ont déjà été associés avec la pancréatite dans la littérature. Notre étude a permis d’identifier une combinaison de deux polymorphismes (CTRC-rs545634 et SPINK1-rs11319) associée significativement avec la récidive d’hospitalisations pour douleur abdominale sévère ou pour pancréatite aigüe récurrente chez les patients LPLD (p<0,001).
Ces résultats suggèrent que le risque de récidive de pancréatite chez les patients LPLD peut être influencé par des variants dans des gènes de susceptibilité à la pancréatite. L’identification de biomarqueurs génétiques améliore la compréhension des mécanismes physiopathologiques de la pancréatite chez les patients LPLD ce qui, par conséquent, permet de mieux évaluer et caractériser les risques de pancréatite afin d'adapter un plan d'intervention préventif pour ces patients. / Familial hyperchylomicronemia is a monogenic trait characterized by an increased fasting plasma triglyceride levels ≥ 10 mmol/L (normal is 1.7 mmol/L). Familial hyperchylomicronemia is most often caused by a deficiency in the LPL gene. Lipoprotein lipase deficiency (LPLD) is also associated with an increased risk of pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is recognized as a complex genetic trait and several genes are associated with its susceptibility. Considering the variable expression of pancreatitis in LPLD patients, results of this manuscript demonstrate that genetic factors may be responsible of the increased risk of recurrent acute pancreatitis episodes in LPLD subjects.
The sequencing analysis of the coding and promoters regions of CTRC gene (for Chymotrypsin C) and SPINK1 gene (for Serine protease inhibitor Kazal type 1) was performed. These two genes encode proteins involved in the metabolism of the pancreas proteases and have been associated with pancreatitis in literature. A combination of two polymorphisms (CTRC-rs545634 and SPINK1-rs11319) have been identified and associated with recurrent hospitalizations for severe abdominal pain or recurrent acute pancreatitis in LPLD patients (p <0.001).
These results suggest that the risk of recurrent episodes of pancreatitis in LPLD patients may be influenced by variants in susceptibility genes. The identification of genetic biomarkers improves the understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms of pancreatitis in LPLD patients which therefore helps to assess and characterize the risk of pancreatitis to adapt preventive intervention plan for these patients.
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Optimalizace postupů pro kvantifikaci miRNA z tenkojehlových bioptických vzorků karcinomu pankreatu. / Optimization of miRNA analysis in fine-needle biopsy samples of pancreatic cancer tissue.Čuperková, Romana January 2014 (has links)
Pancreatic cancer (PC) is extremely severe malignant disease with a five-year survival of less than 5%. Currently there is no reliable tool for the diagnosis of PC in its early stages. At the time of clinical symptoms most patients are in an advanced stage of the disease and the treatment does not usually have a significant effect. For these reasons emphasis is gradually shifting to the search for the suitable molecular markers for improvement of the diagnosis and assessment of the survival prognosis with respect to a possibility of surgical treatment. MiRNA represent one of the most promising markers, although, their examination in pancreatic tissue is a complicated process. One of the reasons is the very small amount of the source material coming from a fine needle biopsy. A second cause of problems is the subtle character of the pancreatic tissue resulting in significantly lower yields of molecular genetic analysis when compared to other epithelial tissues. An additional negative factor is heterogeneity of the tissue resulting in disproportionate representation of tumor cells within the sample. A suitable choice of procedures for isolation of nucleic acids (NA) and subsequent analysis including quantification of tumor cells is critical for accurate evaluation of the miRNA levels. This work is...
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Efeito da administração parenteral de glutamina sobre a modulação da resposta inflamatória sistêmica, morbidade e mortalidade de ratos submetidos à pancreatite aguda / Effect of previous parenteral glutamine infusion on inflammatory mediators, morbidity and mortality of rats submitted to acute pancreatitisGarib, Ricardo Alexandre 05 November 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Relatos conflitantes têm dificultado para se estabelecer o potencial benefício da glutamina (GLN) no tratamento de condições inflamatórias agudas. Nós avaliamos o efeito da infusão parenteral de GLN, prévia à pancreatite aguda (PA) experimental, nos mediadores inflamatórios, morbidade e mortalidade. MÉTODOS: Ratos Lewis (n = 131) receberam glutamina parenteral (grupo GG), solução salina (grupo SS ou controle), ou permaneceram sem infusão parenteral (grupo Sham) por 48h. Após este período, foi induzida PA por meio da injecção retrógrada de taurocolato de sódio no ducto pancreático. Sangue, amostras de pulmão, fígado, pâncreas e líquido ascítico foram colhidos a partir de 2, 12 e 24 horas após PA para avaliação das variáveis propostas (citocinas, hsp, histologia, amilase). Sessenta animais permaneceram vivos após PA para a análise da mortalidade em sete dias. RESULTADOS: A análise entre grupos não mostrou diferenças significativas nos níveis de citocinas (p > 0,05). Análise cinética dentro de cada grupo ao longo do tempo mostrou maior INF-y no grupo Sham e SS às 2h do que em 12h e 24h, maior IL-2 e inferior IL-10 no Sham, às 24h do que em 2h e 12h, e menor IL-10 no SS e GG em 24 h do que no tempo de 2h (p <= 0.05). O grupo GG exibiu maior expressão de HSP 90 no pulmão e no fígado do que no grupo Sham nos tempos de 2h e 12h, respectivamente; e maior expressão no fígado de HSP90 e HSP70 no grupo SS no tempo 12 horas (p < 0,01). O grupo Sham apresentou maior expressão de HSP 70 no pulmão e HSP 90 no fígado do que os outros grupos no tempo de 24h. Não ocorreram alterações na taxa de mortalidade. CONCLUSÕES: Em modelo de PA experimental induzida por taurocolato de sódio, o pré-tratamento com GLN parenteral melhorou o perfil dos mediadores inflamatórios, sem afetar a mortalidade / INTRODUCTION: Conflicting reports have hindered establish the potential glutamine (GLN) benefit in treating acute inflammatory conditions. We evaluated the effect of parenteral GLN infusion before experimental acute pancreatitis (AP), as systemic inflammation-reproducing model, on inflammatory mediators and mortality. METHODS: Lewis rats (n=131) received parenteral glutamine (GG group), saline (SS or Control group), or remained without parenteral infusion ( Sham group) for 48h. Thereafter, AP was induced by retrograde injection of sodium taurocholate into pancreatic duct. Blood, lung, liver and pancreas samples were collected from 2, 12 and 24h post-AP to assess serum cytokines levels, tissue HSP expression, histology and amylase. Sixty animals remained alive post-PA for seven-day mortality analysis. RESULTS: Punctual between-groups analysis did not show differences in cytokine levels (p > 0.05). Intragroup analysis over time showed higher INF-y in Sham and SS at 2h than at 12h and 24h, higher IL-2 and lower IL-10 in Sham at 24h than at 2h and 12h, and lower IL-10 in SS and GG at 24h than at 2h timepoint (p <= 0.05). GG group exhibited higher lung and liver HSP90 than Sham at 2h and 12h timepoints, respectively; and higher liver HSP90 and HSP70 than SS at 12h timepoint (p < 0.01). Sham group presented higher lung HSP70 and liver HSP90 than the others at 24h timepoint (p < 0.02). No changes occurred on mortality rate. CONCLUSIONS: In sodium taurocholate-induced PA model, pretreatment with parenteral GLN improved inflammatory mediator\'s profile, without affecting mortality
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Avaliação nutricional de pacientes etilistas crônicos com ou sem doença pancreática / Nutritional assessment of chronic alcoholic patients with and without pancreatic diseaseOliveira, Maria Beatriz Sobral de 25 October 2010 (has links)
A pancreatite crônica alcoólica (PCA) tem o álcool como seu principal fator etiológico, a relação entre ingestão de álcool e estado nutricional é complexa e as características nutricionais dos portadores de PCA são pouco conhecidas. Neste trabalho, foram avaliados três grupos de pacientes do sexo masculino, o primeiro (A) com 20 pacientes com PCA, o segundo (B) com 12 etlistas crônicos não pancreatopatas e não hepatopatas e o terceiro (C) com 16 indivíduos não etlistas, não pancreatopatas e não hepatopatas. Para analisar os três grupos utilizaram-se a avaliação antropométrica, a quantificação da ingestão alcoólica, quando existente, o inquérito dietético obtido por Recordatório de 24 horas, a composição corpórea, obtida por bioimpedância elétrica, exames séricos relacionados à avaliação hepática e pancreática, dosagem de vitaminas e de sais minerais, além de marcadores inflamatórios, como proteína C reativa, seroamiloide A e leptina, além de exames de imagem, como ultrassonografia abdominal e/ou tomografia computadorizada de abdômen. A PCA (Grupo A) não se associou à queda da ingestão dietética, porém houve redução da massa magra, evidenciando desnutrição protéica; os etilistas sem pancreatite (Grupo B) apresentaram menor massa magra em relação aos pacientes do grupo C e foi possível demonstrar que a composição corpórea e o perfil inflamatório são distintos e relevantes, não apenas na PCA (Grupo A), mas também nos etilistas sem lesão pancreática (Grupo B), que também devem ser melhor estudados e acompanhados ao longo do seu curso clínico. Em síntese, encontraram-se evidências de subnutrição e aberrações metabólicas tanto nos casos de alcoolismo com lesão pancreática quanto nos etilistas aparentemente sem lesão pancreática ou hepática. Achado até o momento não relatado pela literatura / Alcoholic pancreatitis has alcohol as the primary etiologic factor. The relationship between alcohol intake and nutritional status is complex and the nutritional characteristics of patients with this disease are unknown. In this study, we evaluated three groups of male patients, one (A) with 20 patients with alcoholic pancreatitis, another (B) with 12 alcoholics without pancreatic or liver disease and the last (C) with 16 non - alcoholics , free from any systemic disease or organ insufficiency. To analyze the three groups, we used anthropometric assessment, quantification of alcohol intake, dietary recall, body composition estimated by bioimpedance analysis, biochemical tests related to liver and pancreatic function, dosage of vitamins and minerals, inflammatory markers namely C-reactive protein, leptin and serum amyloid A, in addition to imaging studies such as abdominal ultrasonography and computed tomography of the abdomen whenever required. Group A was not associated with decrease in food intake, but there was a reduction in lean body mass, indicating undernutrition. Alcoholics without pancreatitis (group B) also showed lower lean mass compared to patients in group C, demonstring that changes in body composition and inflammatory status are distinct and relevant also in alcoholics without pancreatic injury (Group B). They should be better studied and monitored throughout their clinical course. In synthesis evidence of undernutrition and metabolic aberrations were demonstrated in both alcoholism with pancreatic damage and in nominally healthy alcoholics, a finding not hitherto reported in the literature
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Efeito da inibição da produção de TNF-alfa por meio da administração de pentoxifilina na pancreatite aguda experimental / Effect of inhibition of TNF-alpha production by pentoxifylline administration in experimental acute pancreatitisMatheus, André Siqueira 20 September 2006 (has links)
Pancreatite aguda é uma das principais causas de síndrome da resposta inflamatória sistêmica (SRIS). Complicações sistêmicas são os principais fatores responsáveis pela ocorrência de falência de múltiplos órgãos e sistemas e morte durante a primeira etapa da doença. Os níveis de mediadores inflamatórios possuem uma relação com a gravidade da pancreatite. O TNF-alfa tem sido descrito como o agente iniciador da resposta inflamatória da pancreatite aguda. Estudos prévios usando a pentoxifilina para bloquear a produção de TNF-alfa têm demonstrado efeitos benéficos quando usada em modelos experimentais de sepse ou choque. A infecção pancreática é a mais grave complicação da pancreatite aguda com índices de mortalidade que podem chegar a 80%. Os mecanismos que determinam a ocorrência da infecção pancreática não são bem esclarecidos. Objetivo: Determinar o efeito da inibição da produção de TNF-alfa na pancreatite aguda com a administração de pentoxifilina. Métodos: Foi utilizado um modelo experimental de pancreatite aguda grave através da injeção intraductal de taurocolato de sódio a 2,5%. Cento e vinte e quatro ratos Wistar machos foram divididos em três grupos: Controle (animais submetidos ao procedimento cirúrgico sem a administração de taurocolato de sódio), Pancreatite (animais submetidos à indução da pancreatite aguda) e Pentoxifilina (animais submetidos à indução da pancreatite aguda seguida da administração intraperitoneal de 25 mg/Kg de pentoxifilina). Foi realizada a dosagem sérica das interleucinas 6 e 10 e TNF-alfa duas horas após a indução da pancreatite. Foram analisadas a ocorrência de translocação bacteriana e a incidência de infecção pancreática, através de culturas realizadas 24 horas após a indução da pancreatite aguda e a mortalidade global. A ocorrência de infecção pancreática foi considerada como positiva quando a concentração de bactérias expressa em UFC/g foi maior que 105. Resultados: Quando comparado ao grupo Pancreatite, o grupo Pentoxifilina apresentou redução significativa da lesão histológica pancreática, dos níveis de IL-6, IL-10 e TNF-alfa e da ocorrência de infecção pancreática (p < 0,05), tais alterações se associam a redução significativa da mortalidade no grupo Pentoxifilina. Conclusão: A inibição da produção de TNF-alfa através da administração de pentoxifilina foi capaz de reduzir o processo inflamatório local e sistêmico, reduzir a translocação bacteriana e infecção pancreática e melhorar a sobrevida com redução dos índices de mortalidade desta grave doença / Acute pancreatitis (AP) is considered one of the typical conditions causing systemic inflammatory response (SIRS). Systemic complications are the most important contributors to multiple organ failure and death during the first stages of severe acute pancreatitis. Levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines increase during the course of AP, and these levels appear to be correlated with the severity of pancreatic inflammation. TNF-alfa may be an initiator of inflammatory process in AP. Previous studies using pentoxifylline to block TNF-alfa production have showed beneficial effects in experimental models of sepsis and shock. The gut is a target organ of the SIRS causing gut barrier dysfunction allowing bacteria and toxin translocation. Bacterial translocation has been implicated in the development of multiple organ failure and is one of the major causes of pancreatic infection in patients with pancreatic necrosis. Aim: To determinate the effects of inhibition of TNF-? on the pancreatic and systemic inflammatory response, pancreatic infection, and mortality rate in necrotizing acute pancreatitis in rats. Methods: An experimental model of severe AP by injection of 0.5ml of 2.5% sodium taurocholate into the pancreatic duct was utilized. A hundred and twenty four male Wistar rats were divided in 3 groups: Sham (surgical procedure without AP induction), Pancreatitis (AP Induction), and Pentoxifylline (AP induction plus administration of 25 mg/kg pentoxifylline). Pancreatic inflammatory response was measured by histological studies and systemic inflammatory response was analyzed measuring the production of inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-10, and TNF-alfa). Pancreatic infection was evaluated with bacterial cultures performed 24 h after the AP induction. The numbers of organisms were expressed as colony forming units (CFU) per gram. The occurrence of pancreatic infection was also analyzed and considered positive when the CFU/g was > 105. A parallel survival study was also performed. Results: Inhibition of TNF-alfa by pentoxifylline shows beneficial effects in this experimental model. The Pentoxifylline group had a statistically significant reduction of histological damage in the pancreas, inflammatory cytokines levels (IL-6, IL-10, and TNF-?), and occurrence of pancreatic infection (p < 0.05). These changes were associated with a significant reduction of mortality rate. Conclusions: Inhibition of TNF-alfa reduced local and systemic inflammatory response, reduced systemic complication as pancreatic infection, and decrease mortality rate in this model. Pentoxifylline may provide a useful therapy in the treatment of acute pancreatitis
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Magnetnorezonantna dijagnostika akutnog pankreatitisa / Magnetoresonant diagnosis of pancreatitis acutaGvozdenović Katarina 25 October 2017 (has links)
<p>Akutni pankreatitis predstavlja zbirni pojam dinamičkih, lokalnih i sistemskih patofizioloških procesa nastalih iznenadnim prodorom aktivnih litičkih pankreasnih enzima u žlezdani parenhim. Cilj istraživanja je da se Utvrditi senzitivnost difuzione sekvence magnetne rezonance (DWI) radi utvrđivanja morfoloških promena parenhima kod akutnog pankreatitisa. Poređenje difuzione mape i difuzionog koeficijenta kod pacijenata sa akutnim pankreatitisom i kod pacijenata sa morfološki urednim parenhimom pankreasa na magnetnoj rezonanci. Utvrditi da li postoje statistički značajne razlike difuzionog koeficijenta kod pacijenata sa akutnim pankreatitisom u odnosu na pol. Utvrditi da li postoje statistički značajne razlike difuzionog koeficijenta kod pacijenata sa akutnim pankreatitisom u odnosu na godine. Odrediti prelomnu tačku difuzionog koeficijenta kod pacijenata sa akutnim pankreatitisom. Studija je bila prospektivnog karaktera i obuhvatilo je 30 ispitanika sa morfološki urednim parenhimom pankreasa i 30 sa dijagnozom akutnog pankreatitisa unutar 72 sata od početka simptoma. Svi pacijenti su pregledani magnetnom rezonancom u Centru za radiologiju, Kliničkog Centra Vojvodine. Rezultati ukazuju da postoje razlike difuzionog koeficijenta kod pacijenata sa akutnim pankreatitisom i kontrolne grupe. Takođe smo dokazali da difuzioni koeficijent zavisi od pola i starosti i utvrdili smo prelomnu tačku difuzije za rano dijagnostikovanje akutnog pankreatitisa.</p> / <p>Acute pancreatitis is defined as cumulative term of dynamic local and general pathophysiological processes caused by sudden penetration of active lithic pancreatic enzymes in the glandular parenchyma. Goal of this research is to note the changes (sensitivity) in values of diffusion weighted images (DWI) in acute pancreatitis and to determine morphological changes in glandular parenchyma of pancreas. Comparation of DWI between patients with acute pancreatitis and patients with normal pancreatic parenchyma based on magnetic resonance (MRI). We also want to determine whether there were statistically significant differences of DWI in patients with acute pancreatitis in relation to sex and age. One of our goals also was to determine breakpoint of DWI as a sure sign of acute pancreatitis. This was prospective study and included 30 patients with morphologically healthy parenchyma of the pancreas (control group) and 30 with the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis – in first 72 hours of the onset of symptoms. All patients were examined on MRI in department of Radiology of Clinical Center of Vojvodina. Our results indicate that was a big difference of DWI between patients with acute pancreatitis and control group. We prove that DWI depends on the sex and age. 1,77x10-6mm/s2 was breakpoint which indicates acute pancreatitis.</p>
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